These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War. BATTLE OF SEVEN PINES ALSO CALLED FAIR OAKS May 31 and June 1, 1862 (End of the Peninsular Campaign) North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 11, 1862 Includes: Casualties 23rd Regiment, Captain Blacknell’s Company Casualties 16th Regiment-two lists Casualties Company E, 4th Regiment Casualties 4th Regiment Officers killed 5th Regiment (See also separate document “List of Wounded North Carolinians at the Hospital on Main Street, Richmond, many were from this battle.) The following brief account of the battle near Richmond has been furnished by a friend. The battle before Richmond was opened on Saturday at noon by General Garland’s brigade (Hill’s Division) which was in advance on the Williamsburg Road—the brigade consisting of the 4th, 5th, and 23rd North Carolina, the 24th and 38th Virginia and the 2nd Florida and 2nd Mississippi. At a given signal, the brigade advanced on the enemy and encountered a strong force posted in a thick woods within one half mile of our position. The engagement was begun by the 23rd N.C. and the 38th Va.; the 2nd Mississippi being deployed as skirmishers, first encountered the enemy pickets and drove them in. We advanced steadily under a galling and deadly fire, driving the enemy before us for a mile through the woods when we emerged into an opining where the trees had been fallen and where we discovered redoubts and batteries. Here the fight became desperate beyond description—the enemy’s guns, 8 pounders, pouring a death dealing fire into our ranks, decimating them with grape, canister, and shell together with heavy volleys of musketry which had now become at short range as we had continued to advance regardless of the raging storm and the heavy odds against us. Our loss was fearful. Every field and mounted officer in the brigade, perhaps with one or two exceptions, fell either killed or wounded. The 23rd and 4th N.C., Col. Christie and Col. Anderson, particularly distinguished themselves by their gallant charge upon the batteries. The officers and men all acted splendidly but three companies eminently distinguished themselves and received the admiration and complements of every officer who witnessed their noble conduct under the severest fire as they were on the right and most exposed. The companies alluded to are Capt. C.C. Blacknell’s Company from Granville; Captain W.H. Johnson and Capt. S.A. Shuford’s from Lincoln County. We went into the fight with seven officers and 152 men. Every officer was wounded and Captain Shuford was killed and we lost 78 men killed and wounded; but we never turned back or quailed under this terrible ordeal until the enemy redoubts and batteries were in our possession. We were reinforce by General Rhodes and then General Featherston’s brigades (Hill’s Division) and later (about 4:00) General Longstreet came up with his command and the fight was continued until night. List of Casualties in Captain C.C. Blacknell’s Company, 23rd Regiment: Captain C.C. Blacknell, slightly wounded three times in the leg and once in the shoulder and had his horse killed from under him. Lt. T.J. Crocker, slightly in shoulder Lt. W.P. Gill, slightly in shoulder and arm Sgt. W.F. Overton, slightly in shoulder Sgt. M.V. Holmes, severely in side Corp. W.T. Dickerson, severely in side Privates: J.L. Floyd, killed by shell in the body J.T. Lloyd, killed by a minie ball in the head N. Adams, severely in face William Dement, severely in leg George A. Dement, severely in leg George C. Robinson, severely in leg William H. Hunt, severely in leg Allen Glascoe, severely in hand J.T. Stone, severely in head Joseph N. Orrill, severely in hand Lewis Robinson, finger shot off Samuel Dickerson, James Johnston, Samuel Hicks and Alex Morton, stunned by shells, slightly hurt S.S. Hicks, slightly on forehead William H. Cheatham, slightly in leg E.G. Wright, severely in right arm but still fought bravely until shot in the other Surgeon J.F. Shaffner, 83rd N.C. Regiment and Assistant Surgeon Barham of the 28th were captured by the enemy during the battle near Hanover Court House while nobly administering to our men. Casualties 16th Regiment Transcriber’s Note: See also second list for this regiment immediately below this one. Colonel Champ T.N. Davis, killed and left on the field (Transcriber’s note: see military obituaries also) Company A Killed: Private James Brooks Wounded: Private Sylvanus Brooks and Robert T. Conely left on the field (supposed dead), Lts. James R. Love and A.W. Bryson, Corporals D.M. Raby and A.J. Patton, and Privates N. Childers, F.M. Brown, J.L. Davis, W.E. Parris and N.H.H.Burns, slightly Company B Wounded: Thomas Gregory, arm broken, Wilson Webb, slightly in shoulder Missing: S.H. Keith Company C Wounded: Lt. R.B. Johnson, slightly, Ptes. W.J. Edney, slightly, Jacob Robinson, seriously in side, S.T. Wilson, hand shot off, Henry Allen, seriously in side, J.M. Hall, Logan Thomas, Mack McCurry, slightly Missing: William Hawkins, J.B. Carpenter Company D Killed: Jas. T. Womach Wounded: Orderly Sgt. George Koon, supposed mortally, left on the field, Privates J.L. Floyd, arm broken, J.P. Burgiss, slightly in breast, W.M. Wall, seriously in the side, Pink Martin, seriously in head, J.C. Webb, slightly in shoulder, R.C. Blanton, slightly in shoulder, W.H. Cooper, slightly in hip, Riley Bailey, extent of wound not known Missing and supposed killed: Privates Burton Downey, Elbert Davis, and P.L. Mintz Company E Killed—Sgt. W.W. Gibbs Wounded: George Whistnant, dangerously and left on the field, W.G. Jarrett, slightly in hand, W.H. Butler, seriously in shoulder Company F Wounded: F.F. Dover, slightly, Thomas Dover, slightly in arm, W.H. Ray, slightly in head, Lewis Parris, slightly in head Missing: Pte. B.K. Lewis Company G Killed: Pte. H.F. Dornbush Wounded: Lt. John Y. McIntyre, slightly in head, Orderly Sgt. J.S. Sloan, very slightly in head, Corp. J.C. Alexander, in the side, Ptes. J.H. Bradley, severely in hip and foot, Jerry Atkinson on the head, W.P. Blanton severely in the side, Z.C. Hardin dangerously in loins and thigh, Thomas Howser severely in thigh, leg and mouth, Jas. Hoyle slightly in leg, Elijah Turner, slightly in arm, E.B. Freeman, slightly in head Company H Wounded: Captain Robinson slightly in arm, Lt. Bell slightly in the heel, Ptes. W.C. Allman, J.B. Conelly and J.S. Moore, slightly Missing: G.W. Smith, A.M. Watkins Company J Wounded: Lt. L.A. Ward, slightly, Orderly Sgt. J.P. Johnson, slightly, Sgt. D.L. Miller, dangerously, Ptes. G.W. Bell, seriously, J.H. Bryson, N. Barrett, M.D. Burnett, J.G. Cochrane, J.E. Cox, J.H. Fletcher, T.C. Hollingsworth, G.J. Condry, W.H. Jones, B. Laughten, J.P. Lowry, W.P. Reese, M. Sitton and J.C. Erwin, slightly. M.L. Henesley, arm broken Company K Wounded: Lt. R.H. Mills, slightly, Ptes. W.C. (or O.?) Calvert, slightly, Thomas Toney, severely, Robert Dalton, slightly, Jno. Allison, slightly Company L Killed: Pte. F. M. Moore Wounded: Ptes. M.A. Kirkpatrick and J.R. Mull, dangerously, G.M. Clark, W.H. Brown, G.L. Cunningham and R.N. Grant, slightly Company M Wounded: Capt. L.W. Stowe in shoulder, Orderly Sgt. H.F. White, slightly in leg, Ptes. J.S. Smith, slightly in arm, James Kizer, slightly in side, J.W. Manney, slightly in head, George Anthony, Thomas Elwood, right shoulder, D.R. Roper slightly in breast. Missing and supposed to have been killed: John Sahms, J.F. Conner, Patrick Scidmore Attached Company Killed-Drummer Jas. G. Price and Pte. A.K. Lynch Wounded: Captain Kirkpatrick, dangerously in thigh and missing; Ptes. John Canite, slightly in shoulder, John Huntsinger, seriously in hip and foot, George Horton, slightly, John Melton, slightly in elbow, George Price slightly in arm and side, Riley Wall, slightly in breast, S.B. Bolton, slightly in head, George Spoke, slightly in back, John Gross, slightly Missing: William M. Brooks, Henry Sorrells and Craton Padgett Casualties, 16th Regiment (Second printed listing, see other immediately above this one) Colonel Champ Davis, killed Lt. Colonel McElroy, slightly wounded Company A, Captain Coleman’s Company 1st Lt. J.R. Low, wounded left arm, seriously in the joint, Pte. J.L. Davis, wounded badly in the neck, W.A. Burns, leg, N. Childers, hand and shoulder, A.J. Patton, flesh wound in thigh, 2nd Lt. A.W. Bryson, slightly in shoulder, Orderly Sgt. Y.G. Enloe, probably killed Captain Kilpatrick, killed Captain Stowe, wounded in shoulder Capt. J.L. Robinson, wounded in hand Casualties 22nd Regiment Company A Killed: Captain T.D. Jones, Ptes. Samuel Estes, J.M. Powell, G.W. Justice, Jacob Tredd, D.A. Mull Wounded: Lt. J.W. Sudderth, seriously wounded, Sgt. L.H. Oxford, Corp. E.P. Miller, Ptes. M. Crager, M. Deal, R. Deal, Monroe Kaler, J.B. Cloyed, W.A. Todd, Sidney Coffee, S.F. Harper, S.G. Powell, Joseph Hartley, Pickens Barlow, E.L. Anderson, John McMillan, J.H. Stallings, John C. Simmons, A.M. Single, M. Hilan(?), Jacob Hilton, M.G. Bryan, Sgt. W.S. Sudderith Company B Killed: 1st Lt. S.H. Adams, 3rd Lt. A.L. Finley, supposed killed, Corp. W.L. Bird, Ptes. G.W. Stokes, Martin Swafford Wounded: Sgt. J.P. Tate, Ptes. W.A. Holyfield, W.A. Buckhannon, W.F. Gibbs, Jno. Martin, John Givin, J.G. Poget, Martin Curtis, P.F. Sigley, Thomas Oder, Alfred Clayton Missing: Hamton Comer, J.J. --------- Company E Killed: Pte. J.P. Maxwell Wounded: Lt. J.A. Hooper, Ptes. Henry Long, J.A. May, V.G. Oliver, J.P. Stark, L.W. Word (or Ward) Company F Killed: Ptes. E. Anderson, A.J. Candill, L.A. Stomper, A.T. Holloway Wounded: Ptes. John Balderson, N. Reynolds, James Crane(?), H.D. Mains, John Mains, Calvin Conier, S.B. Dennis, R. Hutchinson, D.A. Fox, C.M. Crouse, Alex Toliver, H.G. Stomper Missing: Sgts. David Edwards, M.S. Alexander, Ptes. H.R. Wagoner, M.W. Yates, E.J. Ham, Levi Collins Company G Wounded: Sgt. C.H. Stokes, Ptes. J.A. Elliott, Joseph Loveless, A.J. Smith, Thomas E. Robinson, W.F. Saunders, Henry Snow Company H Wounded: Lt. Zilker, mortally wounded, Sgt. Mitchell and Pte. Samuel Doleson Missing: Corp. Henderson Martin and Ptes. Forester and John Carter Company I Killed: Ptes. E.J. Hemphill, H.H. Reins, W.A. Craven Wounded: William McSmith, Robert Lonnidus, W.A. Todd, Robert Thompson, Jonathan Hiebig, Sidney Alford, John Latham Missing: Ptes. D. Faulkner, Kelly Latham, William Rowlin, Steadman Williams, R.F. Redding, A.F. Hollis, William Mitchell Company K Wounded: Sgt. W.G. Birly, S.J. Linden, Ptes. S.W.L. Brady, R.J. Bird, S.J. Scott (formerly of Company E), J.T. Hooper (probably not hurt), J.P. Greenleaf Missing: W.G. Curtis, A. Bayley Company L Killed: Pte. A. Wilborn Wounded: Capt. J.F. Stow, Ptes. J.B. Russell, Dobson Burrow, Jno. E. Thornborough, B.B. Brady, H. Steed, Henry Lassiter Missing: Sgt. M.D. Bishop, Pte. George Patterson Company M Killed: Pte. Emsley Alread Wounded: Lt. M.B. Kivet, Sgt. J.W. Lawrence, Ptes. H.E. Smith, David York, A.A. Steel, L.F. Holden, J.W. Race Missing: Lt. L.F. McMasters, Ptes. H.C. Sugler, Alpheus Pugh, L.C. York In addition I add the loss of Colonel C.E. Lightfoot and Lt. Colonel J.O. Long, killed and Major T.S. Calloway, wounded P.E. Charles, Adjutant Richmond, Virginia, June 4, 1862 at the residence of G.S. Palmer, Franklin Street Sir: I enclose for you to publish the following official list of casualties in my Company E, 4th Regiment N.C.T. The company went into action on the 31st May, numbering fifty five including two non commissioned officers and privates, forty five of these were killed or wounded in the fight. This simple record is all the eulogy the company needs at the hands of its captain. Transcriber’s Note: See also another list on the 4th Regiment, below Killed: 1st Lt. Thomas L. Perry, Adjutant of the Regiment; 2nd Lt. E.D. Redding, 1st Corp. Thomas R. Murray, Ptes. Seth Brinn, Jacob O. Mury, Bryan Campbell and Lewis H. Leggett Wounded: Captain D.M. Carter severe in right shoulder, 2nd Lt. D.P. Latham, flesh wound, Sgt. M.F. Williamson slightly, Sgt. H.C. Carter slightly, Corp. J.W. Leggett dangerously, Corp. T.R. Tetterson slightly, Ptes. James Brady seriously, Jesse Brown seriously, James H. Williams, severely, James Syles severely, John L. Harris, Mordecai Ward severely, W.T. Haggard slightly, John W. Latham slightly, William A. Cutter severely, R.H. Baynor severely, John Rivers severely, David Boyner dangerously, Jas. H. Brickell severely, Isaac J. Moekins slightly, I.S. Swindell slightly, Appleton Squires slightly, D. Bailey slightly, G.W. Mayres severely, Henry Cutter dangerously, S.B. Whitley slightly, J.W. Silverthorn slightly, Langley Powell slightly, Thomas H. Merry slightly, Jas. E. Hodges severely, W.W. Mollison severely, Moses Wallard severely, George D. Jefferson severely, James M. Patrick slightly, Goerge D. Whitacre severely, Redding L. Leggett severely, Hants Hodges severely Very Respectfully D. M. Carter Captain, Company E 4th N.C. Regiment State Troops From W.P. Gill, Acting Adjutant, 23rd N.C.T. The Great Richmond Battle The battle of Saturday, 31st May took place this side of Laurel Grove between the York River Railroad and the Williamsburg Stage Road about seven miles from Richmond. General Hill’s division began the attack about 11:00 in the forenoon. The enemy in large force had entrenched themselves behind consecutive batteries and felled trees crosswise in front of them so the approach of our troops was the more difficult. As soon as the enemy position was reached, General Hill prepared for a vigorous attack. Featherstone’s brigade let the attack. It was commanded on the occasion by Colonel Anderson, the general being ill in the city. Garland’s brigade began the attack on the left and in a few minutes the engagement became general. After musketry and a cannon skirmish during the continuance of which our brave boys withstood the full fire of the battle, a charge was made by General Hill, the 2nd Florida, the 6th Virginia, and 5th N.C. leading the charge up to the very muzzles of the guns under a terrible fire of grape, canister, round shot and shell that cut them down by scores. Mounting over the first battery they took possession of it at the point of bayonet. The Yankees fled to the next position in the rear which, in turn, opened its fire and, in turn, was taken, large numbers of Yankees being killed and taken prisoner. Observing the strength of the enemy line in our front, our commander ordered the 4th N.C. up, who, advancing in force broke through the 2nd Mississippi battalion, in their hurried progress and dividing the latter corps in such a manner that subsequently their whole force could not be again collected. Brilliant in conception and execution, the finely drilled N.C. flanked the enemy defense line of skirmishers and did such havoc by their flanking fire that the enemy fell back upon their unfinished breast works in and commanding the entrance to the extensive grounds of the Barker’s farm. Having arrived in open ground, our forces began to howl in a fearful manner, terrifying the enemy with their indescribably sounds. The 4th N.C., regardless of the consequences, shut their eyes to the chances and attacked the works in gallant style, being supported by other regiments to the right and left. They gained their objective but it is said were unable to retain it, for the enemy’s large brass howitzers dealt destruction among them and it is reported they fell back in admirable order until fresh troops could be brought to bear upon the hordes of Pennsylvanians who, in thousands, were pouring volleys upon them. Captain Barnes of Company F, 4th N.C. State Troops was killed in action on Saturday. We are informed that but one captain of this regiment escaped uninjured the list of killed and wounded. Only 213 men of the 4th N.C. Regiment answered the roll call yesterday morning and the regiment took over 700 into the fight. Captain Bacon of the 26th Georgia while acting as an aide to Colonel Anderson was killed. In the last charge on the retreating Federals, beyond their camp, Colonel D.B. Smith of the 27th Georgia was wounded in the thigh. After and obstinate fight of two hours, the enemy fell back, leaving 16 pieces of artillery, composing three batteries, in the possession of our troops. Our loss was heavy, including several officers. The Yankees’ loss was not learned but it is supposed to have been equally heavy. The behavior of our troops was splendid. One company of the N.C. Regiment alone took 165 prisoners and brought them to the rear. The enemy force was estimated at 30,000 and reinforced constantly. Later in the day, General Longstreet’s division came up and rushed eagerly into the battle. About 4:00 our artillery came into play and did excessive service as has already been said. Although heavily reinforced, Longstreet’s and Hill’s men charged the enemy and drove them off the field, taking possession of their camp and fortifications. The Yankees very closely contested the ground as they fell back while our forces steadily pushed upon their lines. After the cessation of firing on our right, the enemy attempted a demonstration across the Chickahominy on our left wing north of Mechanicsville on the Nine Mile Road. The plan of battle was this: General Hill and Long were to attack in front and when the enemy were repulsed, General Whiting was to march down the Nine Mile Road and make an attack upon their flank. The force was started down this road but came unexpectedly upon a large body of the enemy who had crossed the Chickahominy and entrenched themselves. This was on the left of the railroad and east of New Bridge or Nine Mile Road as it is known in the country parlance. Whiting’s division, formerly Major General Smith’s, consisted of his own brigade commanded by Colonel Pender (the famous “3rd brigade” which Bee led at Manassas), Hood’s brigade or Texans, Pettigrew’s brigade and Colonel Hampton’s brigade and numbered about 14,000 men. Colonel Jenkins, commanding a brigade, composed of the 5th S.C. Regiment, Col. Giles; 6th S.C. Regiment, Col. Bratton; and the Palmetto Sharpshooters, Lt. Col. Walker. The former commander, Brigadier General R.H. Anderson, commanded a division in the fight. He has not resigned; the General Anderson who resigned is from Tennessee and his place as commander of the Tennessee brigade was assigned to Brigadier General Robert Halton who was killed. While proceeding down the New Bridge Road, trying to get to the rear of the enemy who were falling back before General Longstreet, General Whiting’s Division was attacked by the enemy on the left flank in overwhelming numbers causing him to change front and for two hours engage in a contest which, considering the short span of time, was perhaps the severest of the war. Some idea of the character may be formed from the fact that Hampton’s legion lost in killed and wounded a slight fraction of over one half of its members. The other regiments did not suffer so severely but all showed a long list of casualties. Night found the two combatants in the same position where the fight had begun two hours before, neither side having yielded an inch. The enemy fought with great bravery. Our loss on the left was not so heavy as on the right wing of the army; but among the killed we have to lament several gallant officers. On the left wing General Pettigrew of North Carolina, a name that became illustrious in this rivalry. He fell and died on the field. General Halton of the Tennessee brigade was shot from his horse and died in the arms of an aide, Colonel Hampton, who was wounded slightly in the foot but remained at his post. His horse was shot twice. Colonel Giles of the 5th S.C. was killed; also Colonel Lightfoot of the 22nd N.C. We append the following list of killed and wounded North Carolinians as we find them 4th N.C. Regiment Killed: Captain Barnes and Lt. Thompson, Company F; Lt. E.Q. Redding, Company E; Captain Simonton, Iredell Blues; Lt. McRorey, Iredell Blues, Lt. White, Company C; Adjutant T.S. Perry, Color Sergeant Barnes, Jacob O. Maney, Company E; Thomas Draton, Henry Hart, Company H. It is stated that 67 members of this regiment were buried at the redoubt taken by the regiment. Captain Carter, Company E and Captain Kelley are among the wounded. Transcriber’s Note: See other list for Company E, 4th Regiment, above 23rd Regiment Colonel D.H. Christie had his horse shot from under him and was painfully but not seriously wounded in the fall Lt. Colonel R.D. Johnston was severely wounded in the head and had his horse shot out from under him. Major E.J. Christian was severely wounded in the body and arm, supposed to be morally and had his horse shot out from under him. Captain C.C. Blacknell slightly wounded four times and had his horse shot out from under him (having a sprained ankle he had to go into battle on horseback.) Captain S.A. Shuford, killed Captain J.H. Miller, severely wounded in body Captain W.P. Hill, severely wounded shoulder and leg Captain W.H. Johnston, severely wounded in leg and hand Captain A.D. Peace, slightly wounded in face Lt. T.J. Crocker, Company G, slightly wounded in shoulder Lt. W.P. Gill (Acting Adjutant), slightly in shoulder and arm Lt. Nicholson, Company C(?), severely in hand Lt. Coggin, Company C(?), severely in foot Lt. Hill, Company H, severely in arm Lt. A.M. Luria(?), Company I, severely in head, supposed mortal Lt. G.W. Hunter, Company K, severely in arm Lt. W. Torrence, Company K, severely in side List of casualties among the non commissioned officers and privates were very heavy and not now fully ascertained—supposed to be 80 killed, 120 wounded. The officers and men displayed the greatest gallantry, advancing steadily under the most galling fire and driving the enemy back to his entrenchments a distance of one mile from the place of attack. In charging the redoubt, all of the field officers fell and many of the companies were left without commanders which caused the regiment to get much scattered but the men fought on with much bravery displayed and many personal acts of bravery. A full report will be made as soon as possible, when the casualties are known. W.P. Gill, Acting Adjutant, 23rd N.C. Regiment P.S. Captain G.T. Baskerville, Company I, a brave and competent officer is not in command of the regiment. North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 18, 1862 Casualties 4th Regiment N.C.S.T. Battle near Richmond May 31st (Transcriber’s note, this was extremely faded and hard to read, mistakes may occur in trying to decipher the names) Company A, of Iredell Killed: Captain A.K. Simonton, Color Bearer J.N. Barnes, T.C. Deaton, H.C. Hart, M.W. Hooper, S. H.(?) Kilgrove(?), John Lofton, J.L. Brown Wounded: Lt. W.F. McR- - e, slight, A.S. Fraley, slight, W.L. Shuford, slight, E.M. McNeeley, dangerously, W.L. Allen, slight, H.A. Brawley, three fingers of right hand, R.M. Brawley, slight, J.A. Ingram, serious, C. Middleton, slight, J.B. Morgan, leg broke, E.(?) A. Morrison, serious, B. Pyle, slight, F.(?) W. Plyer, face, slight, P.A. Shaver, thigh broken, M.W. Sides, hand, serious, F.A. Cort—r, right hand shattered, W.S. Honeycutt, hand, slight, (first initial illegible) F. Wallace, foot, slight, T.A. White, right arm shattered and amputated, A.T. Kerr, shoulder, severe, P.W. Brawley, bruised by falling limb cut off a tree from a cannon ball Missing: W.C. Hobbs(?) Company B, Iredell and (illegible word) Killed: M.S. McKensie(?), C.G. Hix, William H.(?) Burkherd(?) Burkhand(?), Thomas Jordan, Alexander C - - ker, Frank Niblach(?) Niblock(?), Thomas Pinkston, N.J.J. Shoop(?), W.A. Webb Wounded: W.D. Biggers, hip, serious, Hugh Baxter, arm broken and wounded in the breast, Jno. Beaver, unknown, M.M. Beaver, flesh wound in thigh, William Chunn(?), mortal, J.F. Cowan, arm and thigh, severe, N.V.(?) Cowan, shoulder, slight, Wiley Cox, thigh broken, J.C. Graham, serious, J.W. Kistler, slight, J. Leazer, unknown, B.A. Mills, unknown, F. Plummer, arm, flesh wound, M.W. Stikeleather, arm, flesh wound, J.M. Turner, slight, J.W. Wilhelm, flesh wound in arm, Capt. J.H. Wood, hip, severe, Lt. J.F. Stancil, head, slight, Lt. T.C. Watson, serious wound in head, Wiley G. Geuse, knee, slight, Jas. Hillard, serious Company C of Iredell Killed: Lt. J.C. White, H.L. Bustle, R.S. Lellar(?), G.N. Mills, John Scroggs, T.B. Summers, J.T. Taze Wounded: A.J. Anderson, flesh wound in hip, J.A. Feimster, flesh wound in arm, J.A. Waddell, flesh wound in thigh, N.W. Carpenter, leg broke, J.A. Holmes, head, severe, J. T. Goodman, leg broke, C.B. Arms, one arm and leg broke besides two severe wounds in breast, W.S. Beard, slight, M.A. Bowles, mortal, D.S. Bustle, thigh badly mangled but not broken, Wm. Brady, neck and left shoulder, severe, bruised by shell fragment, J.N. Brotherton, slight, A.F. Campbell, unknown, J.H. Campbell, ball through hand, S.A. Claywell, hand, slight, J.R. Eadson(?) Endson(?), shoulder, severe, A.B. Eavin(?), slight, J.A. Flemming, flesh wound in arm, J.A. Garrison, slight, A.F. Goodman, arm and head, severe, A.H. Goodin(?) Gordon(?), head slight, R.A. Hall, right leg shattered and amputated above the knee, a buck shot passed through the fleshy part of his left thigh, he is lively and says he thinks he has an everlasting furlough, J.C. Hoover, abdomen, serious, R.(?) O. Hair, slight, S.A. Hoover, three or four severe wounds on his body, J.A. Houpe, breast I fear mortal, J.F. Holmes, flesh wound in thigh, W.C. Holmes, arm, severe, M. Honitshouser(?), serious, C.L. Johnson, slight, H.T. Johnson, slight, P.M. Jones, slight, C. Kerr, slight, R.T. Kerr, severe, J.A. McKoy, slight, P.T. Miller(?), severe in foot, M.W. Moore, severe flesh wound in thigh and arm, J.P. Morton, leg broke, J.A. Reid(?), severe in foot and thigh, J.C. R - - ner, severe, J.M. Rickbert, leg, severe, J.T. Robb, head, slight, J.B. Sherrill, severe in head and slight in knee, F.A. Shuford, flesh wound in arm, T. Summers, leg, severe, A.M. White, severe, George Brady, flesh wound in arm Company D, Goldsboro Killed: J.W. Harrison, J.P. Powell, Henry Bartlett, George L. Whitley Wounded: Lt. M.C. Hazell (?), slight, J.H. Pearsall, J. Anderson, severe, J. Beard(?), thigh broken, William Burn- - - - (Burnshun?), slight, Ira Combs, serious, George W. Casey, serious, William Dinkins, serious, J. Daniel, slight, T.R. Lee(?), slight, J.B. Lane(?), Love(?), Lowe(?), severe in arm, Elisha Myers, severe, Jas. Norris, slight, D.C. Pate, serious, E.A. Robbins, mortal, B.W. S - - - - r (Sasser?), Jas. Sanderson(?), arm broken, J. Tundall, dangerous, Jno. Williams, dangerous, B.F. Whitley, slight, Jno. Whitley, severe, R. Underwood, thought mortal, E. Cream, slight, C. Parker, slight Company E, Beaufort Killed: Thomas R. Murray, S. Brin, J. O.(?) Merry, B. Campbell, L.H. Legget Wounded: Capt. D. McCarter, serious, T.J. Perry, thought mortal, Lt. D.Q. Redding, thought mortal, Lt. D.P. Lathan, very serious, M. F. Williamson, H.C. Carter, slight, J.W. Leggeth, serious, T.B. Tetterton, badly, Jas. Bradley, slight, J.C. Williams, badly, J.E. Sy – les(?) Sykes(?), severe, John Harris, serious, W. T. Haggard(?) Hoggard(?), serious, M. Ward(?), badly, John Latham, badly, W.A. Cutler, mortal, J.N. Hawkins, slight, A. Johnston, serious, R.H. Boyner, head, perhaps fatal, John Rivers, serious, David Bayner, breast, serious, J.H. Burkall(?), very severe, I.J. Meckins, J.S. Swindell, serious, H. Cutler, serious, A. S - - yers, serious, D. B - - dey, slight, G.W. M - - s, slight, S.B. Whitley, serious, J.W. Silverthorn, slight, L. Powell, slight, T.H. Merry, slight, W.W. Mollison, both knees, severe, W. Woolard, slight, G.D. Jefferson, badly, L. Leggett, slight, J.M. Patrick, slight, G.D. Whitacre, serious, H. Hodges(?), badly Company F, Wilson Killed: Capt. J.S. Barnett, W.T. Lewis, R. Franklin, D. Marlow, J. Minor, J. Barnes, W. Todd, L. - - inger (Ottinger?), D. Renfrew, W. Todd, W.R. Grafton Wounded: Lt. J.W. Dunham, thigh, dangerous, Lt. Thompson, horrible wound in face, W. R. H - - elf, serious, R.R. Lancaster, slight, W.V. Stevens, T.B. Smith, serious, H.M. Warren, T. Atkinson, B. Barnes, G.(?) B. Battle(?), serious, W. Farmer, arm shattered, J.C. Farmer, fatal, W.L. Meeks, jaw smashed, P. Marlow, arm, A.J. Robertson, slight, A.M. Sharpe, perhaps mortal, S.(?) H. Scott, slight, V.M. Stewart, arm, B. Stokes, side, perhaps mortal, J. Taylor, slight, A. Thomas, badly, B.L. Milliford(?), arm broken, J.W. Watson, serious, G. Watson, slight, W.P. Wooten, arm, D. Vick, perhaps fatal, J.D. Farmer, leg broken, D.B. Rhodes(?), slight, J.S. Benton, mortal Besides these, four are missing, two of whom viz., J. G. Valentine and A. Watson are supposed killed in the last desperate charge as since then they have not been heard of. Company G, of Davie Killed: R.R. D - - - - kes, J.A. Bartow, A.H. Cain, A.W. Challin(?), Jas. Cook, James Dowdy, Jonathan Jordan, I.F. Swarington, R.W. Wagner Wounded: Lt. S.A. Kelly, slight, Lt. D.J. Cain, shoulder, severe, L.S. Mullican, head and arm, serious, William Austin, thigh, serious, Thomas J. Baker, slight, W.H. Beck, leg broken, Jas. W. Beauchamp, slight, J.O. Bowden, slight, W.C. Cain, jaw broken, J.N. Douthit(?), slight, J.W. Gadsey, head, serious, Davidson Hagle, breast, perhaps mortal, H.H. Hanse, slight, W.A. Hendrik, arm and side, serious, H.H. Ijams, serious, J.A. Jones, thigh broken, W.A. Lane(?), side, serious, Wilson Leach, side, dangerous, W.A. McCrakin, slight, W.M. Sheets, slight, John Taylor, slight, Edmund Turner, severe, M. Walls, wrist broken, R. Williams, slight, Thomas F. Whitlock, leg amputated Three Missing Company H, Iredell Killed: M.B. Duffie(?), M. Morgan, J. Farr, J.W. Friesland, J.R. Kinder, B. Rash, T.P. Whitaker, C.(?) R. Reunegar, J.L. Walker, L.G. Moorefield, David Far Wounded: Capt. E.A. Osborn, hip, severe, Lt. J.Z. Dalton, foot, severe, L.G. Morris, mortal, L.L. Goforth, mortal, R.M. Lazenby, thought mortal, B. Tharpe, mortal, J.F. Chamblin, mortal, S.H. Bobbit, arm badly mangled, J.H. Thomas, shot through wrist, Henry L. Milton(?), flesh wound in leg, Jesse A. Wesson, arm, severe, S.P. Edwards, flesh wound in leg, D.A . Harmon, flesh wound in wrist, Jas. C. Pagit, hip, severe, R.R. Morgan, slight, Robert W. Kesbit, thigh, slight, Francis M. Current, head, severe, Cornelius Joyner, right arm amputated below elbow, Ben Carter, knee, slight, Jno. W. Robinson, arm, severe, side, slight, Jno. C. Barnard, side, severe, J.N. Goforth, arm and hand, severe, Enos Campbell, right hand and thumb and one finger shot off, J.B. Boles, through right hand, Noah Tomlin, leg, severe, B.A. Campbell, arm, slight, A. Campbell, slight, Jas. Bolin, leg, slight. Company I, Beaufort Killed: Francis Jones, S. Asprey, David S. Roe, J.H. Foreman, J.B. Simpson, J.A. Norman, A.B. Hudnell, W. Pitt Wounded: Lt. L.B. Creekmor, thought fatal, L.R. Carawan, thought mortal, Willis Calloway, mortal, Thomas R. Crawford, slight, Jno. W. Boyd, slight, George R. Roe, serious, Thomas N. Swindell, slight, Ed Tripp, slight, Ed White, serious, W.R. Norman, mortal, Charles Dowty, mortal, George Daw, slight, Noah Phillpot, head, slight, J.N. roes(?) Rees(?), thigh, flesh wound, W.J. Letchworth, thigh shattered, S.F. Swindell, arm, flesh wound, Z. Brantly, breast, slight Company K, Rowan Killed: Jas. B. Bowers, R.G. Kyle, J.A.E. Idleman or J.A. E – ldleman, J. A. Loramen (of Catawba), L.M. Pendleman, S. (Sam?) Strayhorn, G.S. Winters, D.C. Johnson(?) Wounded: Lt. W. Coughenour, slight, Lt. M. Huflim(?), severe, Lt. Ham(?) Long, leg, flesh wound, R. Williams, hand, severe, S.A. Brown, foot and shoulder, severe, J.S. Crowel, breast, perhaps mortal, J.E. Casper, slight, W.W. Cummings, mortal, N.N. Church, slight, J.C.(?) Deaton, serious, N.A. Ella, arm, flesh wound, A. Freidhime(?), head, severe, S.L. Gardner, side, serious, M.N. Holdhouser, slight, L. Holdhouser, breast, severe, P.A. Heiling(?), leg, severe flesh wound, J. Kentner, foot, slight, W.A. Lillycrop, hand, slight, Calvin Miller, head, slight, A.M. McQueen, severe flesh wound in the thigh, W.F. Mills, unknown, Daniel Mozer, thigh shattered and serious wound in the head, J. Mahlin(?) Maldin(?), thigh broken, James W. Neely, badly wounded in the face, W.H. Page, shoulder, severe, E. Patterson, slight, J.W. Roberts, shoulder, slight, George D. Suggs, arm, slight, H.(?) C. Severs, leg, severe, W. Smith- - - - , hand, severe, Levi Turner, thigh, severe, M.J. Weant, arm, slight, Henry Wise, badly wounded in leg 5th N.C. Regiment, Casualties on May 31, Battle of Seven Pines Company A: Lt. G.T. Parker, Corp. Jno. S. Lindsey, Pte. Aretus Jones, wounded Company B: Ptes. Wm. A. Riddick and Benjamin Smith, wounded Company C: Ptes. Burley Deans, T.H. Lassiter, W.G. Lassiter, J.T. Adams (since dead), K. Howell, wounded Company D: Pte. H.C. Lockhart, wounded Company E: Sgt. J. M. Miller, Corp. Benj. Rollins, Pte. L.T. Eringhart, J.G. Barrett, J. Lamer, wounded Company F: Ptes. William Brogden, E. Minten, wounded Company G: Ptes. John H. Perry, A. Holleman, J.L. Lamb, M.L. Franklin, wounded Company H: Lt. J.A. Jones, E. Piland, wounded Company I: Pte. J.R. Foster, killed Company K: Ptes. Fink and Eller, wounded The regiment carried into action only nine officers and about 180 men. The statement that the 5th N.C. was re-formed and led into action by Col. Moore or Col. Smith is false. The 5th opened the battle. It had the first man wounded, fired the first volley and though only 180 in number, drove the enemy a mile from where they were first attacked and only retired when completely broken down and reinforcements had arrived. Very Respectfully, Major P.J. Sinclair, Commanding, 5th N.C.T. 6th N.C. Regiment Notes by the Chaplain of the Regiment, Major Webb commanding, in the fight of the 31st May near Richmond: In the action of the 31st May, every regiment of the Third Brigade then under the command of General Pender who is now in charge of General Pettigrew’s brigade, established the fact that our infantry cannot be met in the field by that of the invader and that our men are beginning to realize the value of artillery when contrasted with the infantry in such a country as ours. It seems to be certain by the good Providence of God that the enemy will never reach Richmond. In every action on the field we whip them with inferior numbers. At Williamsburg, At Barhamsville, and on the Chickahominy swamps we drove them before us, back to their works and took some of them. But it is my present purpose to commend the conduct of the 6th N.C. Regiment, not as better, but as being like that of others whom I saw and worthy of soldiers and free men. They stormed the enemy’s lines through an open field and exposed to a rapid fire from the works where they were posted. They charged and drove them from their camps—they ran them for a mile—they then twice charged their masked works, wading through swamps up to the waist and that under a destructive fire until the approach of night and the absence of artillery, combined with the numbers of the enemy and strength of the works satisfied every one that nothing more could be done. They slept upon the ground of the enemy and have daily since then advanced and asked him to come out and fight them. We are today lying in sight of the enemy and trying to provoke a fight. The men have endured fatigue and discomfort but they speak of it not to complain but to boast how much they can endure. The complainers are those who are seldom in camps and never in action; you will find them feeding in the city of Richmond—or as dandy soldiers hanging about the hotels. Today I sat upon the ground and shared some dry bread and bacon with my major. A storm is now coming up and our men have neither blankets, cooking utensils nor camps. On last evening, General Pender had the men arranged in a hollow square around him and complimented their conduct. When he had ceased, I requested all those who recognized the hand of Divine Providence in their escape from the enemy’s works to kneel down and offer up their thanks to their deliverer. The whole command knelt down upon the ground. It would be well for the people of North Carolina to send and ask that hereafter the names of all their men who absent themselves during an action be sent to them for publication; and may we not hope that those who have fought so well and bravely will have the prayers and esteem of all good men? June 3, 1862 Transcriber’s Note: The below casualties of the 6th N.C.T. under Colonel Pender do not indicate either a date of action where the casualties were incurred or the name of the battle. But given the above article appeared on the same page of the newspaper and refers to them being in action on the 31st May, I have included them under the Battle of Seven Pines. The officer who furnished the subjoined report says in a note to the editor: “The regiment was in advance and drove the enemy before them for a mile and a half, capturing their camps with large supplies and valuable property when they were met by large bodies of Federals entrenched with masked batteries. It was in charging these batteries twice that the chief losses were sustained.” Company A Killed: None Wounded: Lt. Smith, contusion, Ptes. King, severely, William Gibson, severely, H. Demsey, slight, J.R. Blakley, slight, J.W. Coltrim, slight Missing: Ptes. J. Lehey, B. Croker Company B Wounded: Sgt. Leathers, slight, Ptes. John W. McFarland, severely, William G. Ray, slight, W.C. Roberts, slight, William Latta(?), slight, Jas. J. Moore, severe, left on the field. Missing: Ptes. H.S. Harris, William Glenn Company C Wounded: Capt. W.J. Freeland, severe and missing; Corp. W. Woods(?), mortal and left on the field, Ptes. S. Hulshens, severe and left on the field, W.T. Gresham, slight, W.J. Laycock, slight, E.N. Blalock, mortal, J.F. Hall, severe, H. Vickers, slight Missing: Sgt. A.J. Carroll, Ptes. M.V. Blaylong, W.J. Halloway Company D Killed: Pte. J.A. Hook Wounded: Lt. Ray, slight, Sgt. Connor, slight, Ptes. J.M. Baker, R.A. Coon, severe, J.F. Dennis, arm, M. Keller, arm, Allen Martin, dangerously, P. Quigley, mouth Missing: P. Bailey Company E Killed: Pte. H. Willis Wounded: Sgt. Donnevant, shoulder, Corp. Cox, slight, Ptes. J.W. Coffee, severe, C.L. Coffee, slight, J.P. Davis, C.H. English, slight, J.D. Howell, W.J. Loving, J.A. McGee, severe, J.M. McKenney, severe, K.B. Singleton, slight, J.T. Sparks, dangerously, D.R. Silvers, J.H. Smallwood, H.W. Houston, Jas. (or Jos.) Boon, slight, Jas. Stevenson, severe Company F Killed: Pte. Jos. B. Thompson Wounded: John Trollinger, D.M. Keck, since dead, H.Herring, Thomas Fowler, John W. Gibson, J.J. Bradshaw, Jacob Shepherd, William Pender, John W. Buson(?), William Sikes, slight Company G Killed: Sgt. Barringer, Ptes. A.W. Blackwelder, William Porter Wounded: Corp. Wesley W. Miller, severe, Ptes. William Cobbs, Jas. A. Holt, W.H. Smith, W. Corriner, G.M. Starritt, severe, J.L. Rendleman, P.J. Thompson, slight Missing: Sgt. W.R. Owens, Pte. John Heiligh, W.S. Shinn Company H Killed; W.T. Walker, Thomas Taylor Wounded: Sgt. Covington, Corp. Hester, Ptes. J.W. Martin, dangerously, T.L. Evans, D.A. Walker, T.H. Cape, W.W. Donovant, L.A. Smith, A. Moore, J.H. Walker, slight Missing: A. Simpson Company I Killed: G.W. Perry Wounded: Lt. Ra – bees, slight, Sgt. French, Corp. Clemente, Ptes. A.A. Lewis, W.H. Dillard, Jas. (or Jos.) Norris, seriously, S. Gates, W.H. Kelley, slight Missing: Corp. Ausley, Pte. Stephen Wilson Company K Killed: Sgt. Barnwell, L. Thomas Wounded: Capt. W.J. Lee, hand, Pte. Hester, H.C. King, J.S. Barton, M. Williams, J. Horn, W.G. Garrison, slight Missing: S. Hatchell B.R. Smith, Adjutant, 6th N.C.T. Fayetteville Observer, June 2, 1862 Transcriber’s note: See another, briefer list for the 23rd above Casualties in the 23rd N.C. Regiment The following is a list of the casualties in the 23rd Regiment, General Garland’s Brigade, in the engagement on Saturday: Col. D.H. Christie had his horse shot under him and was wounded in the fall, painfully but not seriously. Lt. Col. (initials and name illegible), wounded in the head severely—had his horse shot under him. Major E.J. Christian, wounded by a Minnie ball through the body, supposed to be mortally, had his horse shot under him. Capt. C.C. Blacknall, wounded slightly in four places; had his horse shot under him. Capt. S.A. Shuford, killed. Capt. J.H. Miller, seriously wounded in body. Capt. W.P. Hill, seriously wounded in shoulder and leg. Capt. W.H. Johnston, seriously wounded in leg and hand. Capt. A.D. Peace, slightly in face. Lt. T.J. Crocker, slightly in shoulder Lt. W.P. Gill (Acting Adjutant), Company G, slightly in arm and shoulder. Lt. Nicholson, Company C, severely in head. Lt. Coggin, Company C, severely in foot. Lt. Hill, Company H, severely in arm. Lt. A.M. Luria, severely in head, supposed mortally. Lt. G.W. Hunter, Company K, severely in arm. Lt. Wm. Torrence, Company K, severely in the side. The list of casualties among the non commissioned officers and privates is very heavy, not now fully ascertained but are supposed to be 30 killed and 129 wounded. The officers and men displayed the greatest gallantry—advancing steadily under the fire: In charging the redoubt, all field officers fell and many of the companies were left without commanders, which caused the regiment to get much scattered, but the men fought on with great bravery, displaying many personal acts of courage. A full report will be made as soon as all casualties are known. W.P. Gill, Acting Adjutant, 23rd N.C.R. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 9, 1862 Headquarters, 5th N.C. Regiment, June 4, 1862 To the Editor of the Whig: Please publish the following list of casualties of the 5th N.C. Regiment in the action of May 31st Company A Lt. G.T. Parker, Corp. Jno. S. Lindsay and Private Aretus Jones, wounded Company B Privates Wm. A. Riddick, and Benjamin Smith, wounded Company C Privates Burty Deans, T.H. Lasser, J.T. Adams (since dead), W.G. Lassiter and K. Howell, wounded Company D Private H.C. Lockhart, wounded Company E Sgt. J. Miller, Corp. Benjamin Rollins, Private L.T. Eringhart, J.G. Barrett and J. Lanier, wounded Company F Privates Wm. Brogden and Ed Minton, wounded Company G Privates Jno. H. Perry, A. Holloman, J.L. Lamb, and M.L. Franklin, wounded Company H Lt. J.A. Jones and E. Piland, wounded Company I Private J.R. Foster, killed Company K Privates Fink and Eller, wounded The Regiment carried into action only nine officers and about 180 men. The statement that the 5th N.C. was reformed and led into action by Col. Moore or Col. Smith, is false. The 5th opened the battle, had the first men wounded, fired the first volley and, though only 180 men in number, drove the enemy fully a mile from where they were first attacked, and only retired when completely broken down and reinforcements had arrived. Yours very respectfully P.J. Sinclair, Major, Commanding 5th N.C. (Editor—this statement contradicted by Maj. Sinclair was made—of course—in the Examiner’s account of the battle under the name of the 5th South Carolina, that paper recorded the magnificent fighting of Col. McRae’s regiment, only finding gut the real name of the regiment in time to couple it with a slander.) Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 16, 1862 Headquarters, 22nd Regiment, N.C.T., Near Chickahominy River, Va., June 6, 1862 Messrs Editors: As there has been no notice whatsoever of the action of our regiment in the fierce conflict of Saturday last, I propose to make a few statements in regard to it, through the medium of your columns. Our Brigade, being a portion of the “Reserve Corps”, was not brought into the fight until late in the afternoon. Generals Longstreet and Hill commenced the engagement on the right about noon and succeeded in cutting the Yankee line. Our Brigade was in reserve on the left of General Hill’s line and we were ordered forward to prevent the enemy from flanking him. We advanced through a thick wood, and came suddenly upon a masked battery, which opened upon us a terrible fire. This battery was supported by a very large force of infantry, who were firing upon us from rifle its, thereby having a very great advantage over us. We were exposed to this terrible fire (I speak now of our Regiment) for nearly, or I might safely say, one hour. Other brigades were ordered to the charge, but not one of any brigade passed before the 22nd Regiment during the whole fight. I say this advisedly. No men could possible behave better than ours did on that occasion. Our brave and lamented Colonel, Charles E. Lightfoot, is missing and supposed to be killed or wounded in the hands of the enemy. So, also with our Lt. Col. John Long(?), who acted bravely and coolly during the fight. Eight commissioned officers of our regiment were killed and wounded. 140 men killed, wounded and missing. List of Casualties in Capt. S.G. Worth’s Company I, 22nd Regiment Troops Missing, supposed to be killed: Eli Hemphill, Wm. Rowlin, Harmon A. Kearns Wounded: Sidney Alford, slightly; Wm. A. Craven, badly; David Faulkner, severely; Jonathan Heilig, in the arm; John Latham, slightly in the side; Wm. McSmith, arm amputated; Robert Thompson, in the leg; Wm. A. Todd, in the arm; Robert Sanders, in the leg; B.F. Redding, missing Casualties in Captain R.H. Gray’s Company L, 22nd Regiment N.C.T. Killed: Private A. Wilhorne Wounded: Corp. James Stout, Privates J. Bibb Russell, Dabson Barrow, John E. Thornbrough, B.B. Brady, H. Steed, Henry Lassiter Missing: Sgt. M.D. Bishop, Private George Patterson Casualties in Capt. Laban Odell’s Company M, 22nd Regiment N.C.T. Killed: Private Emsley Alred Wounded: Lt. W.B. Kivett, Sgt. J.M. Lawrence, Privates H.E. Smith, David York, A.A. Steele, L.F. Holder, J.W. Reece Missing: Lt. L.F. McMasters, Privates Alpheus Pugh, L.C. York I would write more at length but time nor circumstances will allow me to do so. Soldier [We annex the adjutant’s report of casualties in the other companies of this regiment] Company A Captain T.D. Jones, killed; Lt. J.W. Sudderth, seriously wounded; Privates Samuel Enta(?), J.M. Powell, G.W. Justice, Jacob Tridd, D.A. Mult(?), killed; Sgt. L.H. Oxford, Corp. E.P. Miller, Privates M. Crager, M. Deal, Monroe Kaler, J.G. Cloyed, W.A. Todd, Sidney Coffee, S.F. Harper, S.G. Powell, Joseph Hartley, John McMillon, Pickens Barlow, E.L. Anderson, M. Hillen(?), J.H. Stallings, John G. Simmons, A.M. Single, Jacob Hilton, M.P. Bryan and Sgt. W.S. Sudderth, R. Deal, wounded Company B 1st Lt. S.H. Adams, killed; 3rd Lt. A.L. Finley, supposed killed; Corp. W.L. Bird, Privates G.W. Stokes, Martin Sevaford, killed; Sgt. J.P. Tate, Privates W.A. Holyfield, W.A. Buchannon, W.F. Gibbs, Jno. Martin, John Gwin, J.C.(?) Poget, Martin Curtis, P.F. Sigley, Thomas Odear, Alfred Clayton, wounded; Hamten(?) Comer, J.J. --------, missing Company E Lt. J.A. Hooper, wounded; Private J.P. Maxwell, killed; Privates Henry Long, J.A. May, W.C.(?) May, V.G. Oliver, J.P. Stark, L.W. Ward, wounded Company F Privates E. Anderson, A.J. Candill, L.A. Stompet, A.T. Holiway, killed; Privates John Baldwin, N. Reynolds, James Crance, H.D. Mains, John Mains, Calvin Conler, S.B. Dendis, R. Huchinson, D.A. Fox, C.M. Crouse, H.G. Stomper, Alexander Toliver, wounded; Sgts. David Edwards, M.S. Alexander and Privates H.R. Wagoner, M.W. Yates, E.J. Ham, Levi Collins, missing Company G Sgt. C.H. Stokes and Privates J.A. Elliott, Jos. Lovelace, A.J. Smith, Thomas E. Robinson, Henry Snow, W.F. Saunders, wounded Company H Lt. Zinkler, mortally wounded; Sgt. Mitchell and Privates Samuel Doteson, wounded; Corp. Henderson Martin and Privates Forester and John Carter, missing Company K Sgt. W.G. Hirly (or Birly), S.J. Linden, and Privates S.W.L. Brady, E.J. Bird, S.J. Scott (formerly of Company E), T.J. Hooper (probably not hurt), J.P. Greenlief, wounded; Privates W.G. Curtiss, A. Bayley, missing Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 30, 1862 Drury’s Bluff, Va., June 15, 1862 Camp 46th N.C.T. Messrs. E.J. Hale & Sons: Time will not allow me to give a full detail of what we have seen since we left Goldsboro on the morning of the 31st May at 8:00. We arrived on the battle field or just in the rear the next day about sun down. I was very anxious to get there in time to take part in the fight on the 1st of June. We came through on the same train, not changing cars the whole way. I am in hopes that we will soon have another opportunity of doing good service to our country. About 2:00 we arrived at the depot in Richmond and after a few moments of refreshing, took up our march for the battlefield. After marching through several cross streets we came into Main Street. There the scene was awful to behold. The street was filled with wagons hauling the wounded; the sidewalk was almost impassable, the wounded standing and lying in every direction. From the windows, the ladies could be seen bathed in tears as they gazed upon the dying and the wounded. We could also see the Hessians in every direction as they were conducted from the battlefield and from the way they marching into the city you could see plainly they did not like Mc’s forward movement. From the wagons could be heard as we moved along “what regiment is that?” Answer, “46th N.C.” The reply would be “Go on and give it to them.” Although torn to pieces they are not dead; thank God they can yet speak and although they cannot fight yet they will encourage. That night we slept in front of our breastworks, in an old cornfield; the next day we took a West Point steamer and came to Drury’s Bluff. We stayed several nights with a single tent, sleeping on the naked ground, the rain falling upon us nearly every night. For three days the most of us lived on cold bread and water; no one has suffered though our fare was rough. The enemy’s gunboats are down the river 15 miles below this, moving up. My opinion is if they come up and attack we will capture them. All reports say there are fifteen in all. North Carolina is well represented here, and her boys are in good spirits. J.S.D., Jr. |