The Seven Days Battle

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    June 25, 1862 to July 1, 1862
    Which included:
    Skirmish—Battle of Oak Grove (June 25)
    Battle of Beaver Dam Creek or Mechanicsville(June 26)
    Battle of Gaines’ Mill (June 27)
    Skirmish-Battle of Garnett’s & Golding’s Farm (June 27-28)
    Battle of Savage’s Station (June 29)
    Battle of White Oak Swamp (June 30)
    Battle of Glendale (June 30)
    Battle of Malvern Hill (July 1)
    Transcriber’s Note:  So many of the printed articles in the newspaper simply referred to the 
    “battle near Richmond” or the “late battle on the Chickahominy”, the above dates may help to 
    determine what action your ancestor was in if you find him in the casualty lists below.
    This document contains the following:
    1.	General description of the Seven Days
    2.	General description of the Seven Days with some casualties
    3.	General Ransom’s Brigade
    4.	24th   Regiment during the Seven Days (25th June)
    5.	24th Regiment (another account) 25th, 27th, 28th June & 1st July, w/list casualties
    6.	38th Regiment during the Seven Days (26th-29th June)
    7.	38th Regiment casualties June 26 & 27
    8.	26th  Regiment during the Seven Days incorporating a list of casualties
    9.	List of Casualties 1st N.C. in the Battles of the 26th, 28th June and 1st July
    10.	Casualties in the 3rd Regiment N.C.T. June 26 & 27
    11.	Casualties 4th N.C. Regiment June 27th 
    12.	Casualties Company I, 1st N.C.R. (no date given)
    13.	Casualties Raleigh Rifles (14th Reg’t.) & Oak City Guards, no date 
    14.	Casualties 15th N.C.T., July 1
    15.	Casualties 20th N.C.T. Battle Coal Harbor
    16.	Casualties 3rd Regiment July 1 at Frazier’s Farm
    17.	1st N.C. Cavalry Movements 6-28 & 29
    18.	Colonel Vance and his regiment at the Seven Days
    19.	Casualties Colonel Riddick’s Regiment (no date or battle given)
    20.	Casualties 6th N.C.R. 27th June
    21.	Casualties 22nd Reg’t. N.C.T. June 26, 27 and 30th 
    22.	26th Regiment—letter
    23.	48th N.C.R.—letter describing actions of Lt. Henry M. Miller
    24.	Charge of the 1st Regiment, N.C.T. June 27—letter
    North Carolina Standard
    July 16, 1862
    The Chickahominy is a stream rather above the dig of a creek and not full up to that of a river, 
    which meanders through the tide water district of the James River at a mean distance of ten 
    or twelve miles from that river until it leaves the lower end of Charles City County, when it 
    abruptly turns south and empties into the James.  It is the north boundary of both Henrico 
    and Charles City.  It is skirted gently by wide low lands and in some parts, swamps.  
    McClellan’s Army had a part of it across to the south side of the Chickahominy and were 
    fortified on the Williamsburg Road and adjacent to it to within seven miles of Richmond—
    the point where the Battle of Seven Pines occurred.  The enemy was also strongly posted 
    for many miles on the north bank, the heights of which were fortified with great energy and 
    skill from Meadow Bridge, his extreme right, to some two miles below Bottom’s Bridge, a 
    distance of about twenty miles.
    Meadow Bridge is six and three quarters miles from and north of the city and at that point the 
    Central Railroad crosses the Chickahominy.  The enemy were posted on the heights beyond.  
    The York River Railroad crosses the Chickahominy about ten miles from Richmond and about 
    that distance below Meadow Bridge.  Mechanicsville is a mile beyond the Chickahominy, six 
    miles from Richmond and some two or three miles below Meadow Bridge.  Other points which 
    have become famous in the battles are in this order:  Elyson’s Mill, Beaver Dam, Powhite or 
    Hogan’s Farm, and Coal Harbor—all on the north bank and covering a distance some twelve 
    On the south side and south of the York River Railroad are the following roads so often referred 
    to in the narrative given now as well as in the last battle of Seven Pines.  The Williamsburg 
    Road connects with the New Bridge and Nine Mile Roads at and near Seven Pines, crossing 
    the Chickahominy at Bottom’s Bridge.  The New Bridge crosses the Chickahominy about 
    eight miles from the city.  Meadow Bridge is north and the route of our victories being from 
    thence down the southeast line pursued on the Chickahominy, is brought up at Bottom’s 
    Bridge and east of the city.
    On Tuesday at 3:00 Major General Jackson took up the line of march from Ashland and 
    proceeding down the country between the Chickahominy and Pamunky rivers he uncovered 
    the front of Brigadier General Branch by driving off the enemy collected on the north bank of 
    the Chickahominy, at the point where it is crossed by the Brook Turnpike; General Branch, 
    who was on the south bank then crossed the river and wheeled to the right down its north 
    bank.  Proceeding in that direction, General Branch in like manner uncovered at the Meadow 
    Bridge the front of Major General A.P. Hill who immediately crossed.  The three columns 
    now proceeded en echelon—General Jackson in advance and on the extreme left; General 
    Branch in the center and General A.P. Hill on the right immediately on the river.  Jackson, 
    bearing away from the Chickahominy so as to gain ground towards the Pamunkey, marched 
    to the left of Mechanicsville while General Hill approached the village of Mechanicsville and 
    engaged the enemy there.  Driven from the immediate locality of Mechanicsville, the enemy 
    retreated during the night to Powhite Swamp and night closed the operations of Thursday.
    As soon as General Hill cleared the road in Mechanicsville, General Longstreet’s corps, 
    consisting of his veteran division and General D.H. Hill’s division, came out of the woods on 
    the south side of the Chickahominy and crossed that river at Mechanicsville.  The position of 
    our army on Friday night may be described as follows:  With the Chickahominy an acute 
    angle; our left still in advance under General Jackson laying towards the Pamunkey, General 
    Hill occupying Mechanicsville and the center and General Longstreet with General D.H. Hill 
    on our right lying immediately on the Chickahominy.
    Friday morning the general advance en echelon began; General Jackson in advance and far 
    to the left gradually converging to the Chickahominy again; General A.P. Hill in the center 
    and bearing towards Coal Harbor; General Longstreet and General D.H. Hill coming down the 
    Chickahominy to New Bridge.  Arrived at Hogan’s house near New Bridge, General Lee 
    awaited the consummation of his strategy.  As soon as Jackson arrived at Coal Harbor, 
    General Lee and General Longstreet, accompanied by their respective staffs, rode by Gaines 
    Mills and halted at New Coal Harbor—where they joined General A.P. Hill.  Soon the welcome 
    sounds of Jackson’s guns announced his arrival and that the battle had begun.
    The enemy now occupied a singular position; one portion of his army on the south side of the 
    Chickahominy which fronted Richmond and was confronted by General Magruder—the other 
    portion on the north side had turned their backs on Richmond and fronted destruction in the 
    persons of Lee, Longstreet and Jackson.
    These last were therefore, advancing on Richmond with their backs to the city; such was the 
    position into which General Lee had forced McClellan.  The position which the latter occupied 
    was, however, one of great strength.
    Jackson having begged the contest, it was taken up by General A.P. Hill in the center and by 
    General D.H. Hill on the left; Longstreet in reserve supported immediately the center under 
    General A.P. Hill.  From the beginning of the conflict General Jackson pressed up and D.H. 
    Hill down the Chickahominy.  Our wings were thus approaching each other while our center 
    was driving the enemy back upon the river.  From 4:00 to 8:00 the battle raged with a display 
    of the utmost daring and intrepidity on the part of the Confederate Army.  The enemy lines 
    were finally broken and his strong positions all carried and night covered the retreat.  
    McClellan’s broken and routed columns went to the south side of the Chickahominy.  This 
    retreat to the Richmond side of the river was continued during Friday night and the morning 
    of Saturday.  Closely watched and pressed by our army, he held his fortified camp on the 
    Chickahominy during Saturday but evacuated it during the night and resumed his retreat.
    On Saturday, Jackson commanded Bottom’s Bridge and though unable to cross it because it 
    was under the range of enemy guns, prevented its use by the enemy.  The retreat which began 
    on the north side of on Friday night yesterday changed into a flight.
    There were various rumors yesterday and the day before that McClellan had received large 
    reinforcements on his retreat which might assist in accounting for his spirit displayed in the 
    furious battles of Monday and Tuesday.  We are unable to ascertain what truth there may be 
    in these rumors but are inclined to believe from such information as we have that McClellan 
    was heavily reinforced before the engagements on the Chickahominy began from the Federal 
    forces in other parts of Virginia and that the reinforcements reported to be on the river are from 
    the same resources.
    The battle of Tuesday was perhaps the fiercest of the series of bloody encounters during the 
    last seven days.  Early on Tuesday morning the enemy, from the position to which he had been 
    driven the night before, continued his retreat in a southeast direction towards the gunboats on 
    the James River.  At 8:00 General Magruder re-commenced the pursuit, advancing cautiously 
    but steadily and shelling the forests and swamps in front as he progressed.  This method of 
    advancement was kept up throughout the morning and until 1:00 without coming up with the 
    enemy.  But between 4:00 and 5:00 our troops left a large open field on the Carter farm.  The 
    enemy were discovered strongly entrenched in a dense forest on the other side of this field.  
    Their artillery numbered fifty pieces and could be plainly seen over their freshly dug earthworks.  
    At 4:50 General Magruder order his men to charge across this field and drive the enemy from 
    their positions.
    Gallantly they sprang to the encounter, rushing into the field at a full run.  Instantly from the line 
    of the enemy breastworks a murderous storm of grape and canister was hurled into their ranks 
    with terrible effect.  Officers and men went down by the hundreds.  The carnage was dreadful.  
    Our line wavered a moment and fell back to the corner of the woods.  Two times the effort to 
    carry the position was renewed but each time with the same result.  Night at length rendered 
    further attempts futile and the fight until 10:00 at night was kept up by the artillery of both 
    sides.  To add to the horrors the enemy boats from their positions at Curl’s Neck, two and a 
    half miles distant, poured on the field continuous broadsides from their immense rifle guns.  
    The monster shells tore shrieking through the forests and exploded with a concussion which 
    seemed to shake the earth itself.
    At 10:00 the last gun was fired.  Each side held the position occupied when the fight began 
    and during the remainder of the night each was busily engaged removing their wounded. At 
    10:00 Wednesday morning they were still busy and discontinued their labors not because 
    their wounded had all been removed but for fear of our advance.  Our wounded were carried 
    from the fields directly to the farm houses in the neighborhoods where after their wounds had 
    been dressed and examined they were brought to this city.
    During the morning the enemy evacuated his position and retreated still bearing in a south east 
    North Carolina Standard
    July 2, 1862 
    For some weeks, all eyes have been turned to Richmond and the coming off of the great battle 
    there as the event of the war, if not to settle the destiny of the Confederacy.  The opposing force 
    was perhaps the largest and best equipped force ever assembled on the continent.  Everybody 
    knew that the Confederate force was large but smaller than the enemy—more poorly clad, 
    provisioned and armed than the enemy.  Yet our army has been confident of success and the 
    people of the South have been assured of victory.
    The long looked for event began on Thursday last.  The ball was set in motion upon McClellen’s 
    left wing by a North Carolina brigade led by General Branch.  Some other troops of General A.P. 
    Hill joined in and drove back the foe.
    The troops of General D.H. Hill’s and General Longstreet’s divisions followed suit, carrying the 
    strongest redoubt of the enemy at Mechanicsville at the point of the bayonet.  Our brave troops 
    pressed, driving the enemy before them, capturing redoubt after redoubt until the enemy had 
    fallen back several miles.  The cost of the killed and wounded to us was severe, causing many 
    a bleeding heart in our good old state and the South would be wrung in anguish but our arms 
    have been triumphant up to the period of this writing.
    Of the battles of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but little idea can be formed as the accounts 
    have been meager which have come to our hearing and the dispatches and rumors vary.  It is, 
    however, certain that wherever our troops have come into contact with the enemy he has been 
    forced to retreat and our victories have been signal.  Yet, so far as we can see, there had been 
    no route of McClellan’s forced up to the last actions.  He had retreated before our troops, it is 
    said, orderly, burning and destroying his stores and in some cases carrying his dead and 
    The following are among the officers reported killed and wounded from this state:  Major T.L. 
    Skinner of Perquimans(?); col. R.P. Campbell of Iredell; Capt. Jas. A. Wright of Wilmington; 
    Lt. Duncan Haywood of Raleigh; Lt. Grandy (Grundy?) of Oxford; and Lt. Miller, are among the 
    killed.  General Pender, Col. Stokes, Col. Reddick, Lt. Col. McDowell, Maj. Hammerskold, 
    Maj. Savage, Capt. W.A. Blount (aide to General Branch) and Adjutant Reddick are named 
    among the wounded.
    Later:  Petersburg, June 30, 1862
    The agent of the Associated Press in Richmond says that all accounts agree that McClellan, 
    having been cut off from Pamunkey, is with the remnant of the army in full retreat for the James 
    River where he hopes to escape under the protection of his gun boats.  Jackson is certainly in 
    his rear on the east side of the Chickahominy, cutting off his supplies of every kind.
    North Carolina had (illegible number) regiments in the battle, besides two companies of artillery. 
    The 7th, 3rd, 4th, and 14th are said to have suffered severely.  We learn that Lt. Thompson, 
    commanding the Oak City Guards of this city, son of George W. Thompson, Esq., was killed.  
    Captains Hoke, Avery, Corner, and Iverson were wounded.  We also learn that Capt. York of 
    this county was slightly wounded.  The Ellis Light Artillery, Capt. Manly, though in the action, 
    had not lost a man.  Col. Campbell of the 7th N.C.T. was killed in the Battle of Gaines Mills 
    on Tuesday; Major Blount was wounded.  Five companies out of eight of the regiment were 
    placed hors de combat.  Two hundred of the regiment are missing.  Major Edward Savage, 
    Major P.J. Sinclair are reported severely wounded. It is rumored that the enemy entrapped the 
    1st N.C. Cavalry, Col. Baker on Sunday morning and we regret to learn that Major Crumpler 
    and thirty privates were captured.  We hope it is not so.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 9, 1862
    The Battle of the 25th June
    Camp in the Woods, June 28, 1862
    It is remarkable that in all the accounts of the heavy skirmishes that occurred on Wednesday 
    last on the Williamsburg Road where the Battle of 7 Pines occurred on the 31st of May, no 
    mention has been made of the noble brigade commanded by Brig. Gen’l. Robert Ransom, Jr., of 
    N.C.  I trust you will permit the world to know a portion of the history of that battle.
    General Wright began the fight and was aided by General Mahone and the troops they had in the
     field behaved gallantly; and it must be understood that what I write is not to detract in the least 
    from their just fame; but General Ransom was in it also and although the Yankees have found it 
    out to their sorrow, our own people at home have not learned of it.  
    On Tuesday, General Ransom began moving from Petersburg and his brigade being one of the 
    largest in the service, it was not until daylight Wednesday morning that it reached Richmond.  
    The 25th Regiment under the command of Col. Rutledge was the last to arrive and they did not 
    march out of Richmond until after breakfast on Wednesday morning.  They were just ahead of 
    the general and his staff who followed on as soon as the general could call by General Huger’s 
    headquarters and report and receive orders.  Barely had General Ransom reached the ground 
    where two of his regiments (24th, 25th) were encamped when he heard firing in front and spurring
    forward found that three of his regiments, 48th (?) Col. Holt(?), 49th Col. Ramseur, 25th Col. 
    Rutledge, were with the two brigades previously mentioned, engaging the enemy in a desperate 
    They had reached the ground fatigued and jaded but like heroic men they “sailed in” and fought 
    like veterans.  The 48th had no less than five regiments opposed to it and had to stand a cross 
    fire but they bore it like heroes and finally drove the whole brigade of Yankee scoundrels from 
    the field.
    The loss of this regiment was very heavy and several officers were among the killed. The 49th 
    was on the extreme left and though more fortified than the 48th, the losses it sustained pressed 
    on the foe and poured heavy and continuous fire upon them until they finally drove them back.
    The 25th did not stop marching from the time they left Richmond until they stopped 
    immediately in front of the line of battle to throw off their knapsacks and commence firing.  
    They went in with a perfect vim and behaved gallantly throughout the day.  Their loss was not 
    very heavy and the majority of the wounded are but slightly so.
    The fight continued through the day and part of the night and in the afternoon the 24th, Col. 
    Clarke, 26th, Col Vance, and 35th, Col. Ransom were ordered down, General Ransom 
    having in the field directed their movements in person.
    Through the whole afternoon the musketry was terrific and the minie balls came whistling by 
    us constantly while now and then a shell would explode within a hundred yards of the position 
    held by the general.
    The Yankees had their sharp shooters up in trees to pick off the officers and the scoundrels 
    were plainly seen in the rear of their lines and they fired constantly but aimed badly.  Our 
    men were much more exposed than the Yankees but the dead they left on the field show 
    very plainly that our men, though fewer in number, were cooler and more fatal shots.
    Our forces, notwithstanding that they were opposed by an overwhelming force, did not yield 
    “but held their ground through the day and through the night also.”  The general and staff 
    slept in the open air upon the field.
    The three regiments last named, the 24th, 26th, and 35th, were ordered up to the front lines 
    about sunset and as soon as it became dark the Yankees in large force attacked them, 
    shouting and yelling like Indians.  But many of them will never yell again; and the whole of 
    them were twice driven back (for they repeated the experiment) and dared not make a third 
    attempt.  These latter demonstrations were made against the 26th, Col. Vance, 35th, Col. 
    Ransom.  They threw shells and grape, however, repeatedly through the night and grape 
    shot was found the next morning within a few feet of where the general and his staff had 
    slept during the night.
    About day break on Thursday morning, the enemy opened fire again and this time all along 
    the line of the two regiments named above, and the 24th, Col. Clarke.  But they could not 
    stand the return our men gave them having learned to much the day before about their 
    expertness in the use of fire arms and the unflinching manner in which they stood up to their 
    works and therefore retired.
    A large number of prisoners were taken and the Yankee scoundrels not only left their dead 
    but their wounded also upon the field and even committed the dastardly act of firing on our 
    men in the afternoon while they were giving them water.  It is an undisputed fact that the 
    adjutant of the 48th Regiment was stooping down to give water to one of their wounded men 
    when the black hearted vandals fired on him and forced him to leave his canteen but the 
    wounded man, more honorable than his comrades, sent it back to him afterwards by another 
    wounded man who was brought off, he himself refusing to be taken away saying that he knew 
    he had to die and his own friends did not move him.  He was not willing to trouble us and would 
    lay there and die.
    This brigade, general and all, have been on constant duty since it arrived, sleeping in the open 
    air and having skirmishes two or three times day and night all the time.  The last occurred late 
    this afternoon when the Yankees took out, leaving their dead scattered over the whole field not 
    burying a single man from the first day to this time.  The woods in advance is a dense mass of 
    smoke and there is no doubt they have burned everything and put out “for the other sided of the 
    Rip Van Winkle
    North Carolina Standard
    July 9, 1862
    Camp 24th Regiment N.C.T. (near Richmond) June 27, 1862
    As it might interest a portion of your readers to learn from the 24th Regiment, I propose to give 
    you an account of what we have been doing the past three days.  On the night of the 24th we 
    arrived within the Richmond lines, much fatigued, our clothes well saturated having passed 
    through heavy showers of rain and having left our tents in Petersburg we bivouacked for the 
    At about 8:00 the following morning, the long roll invited us to “fall in” which was soon 
    completed.  The regiment was then put in motion and after having gone two miles were 
    halted to await further orders.  We were then ordered forward to support a Louisiana battalion 
    which was slowly being driven back by a superior force. Our line was soon under fire and 
    our advance was made difficult by companies commencing on the right.  Steadily each 
    company moved forward through an open field until a scope of woods was gained on each 
    side of which was a barren field, the Louisiana men having been driven from these woods.  
    In this advance a few men fell from the well directed minie balls from the Yankee sharp 
    shooters, a portion of Sickles’ brigade.
    The first two companies having been deployed as skirmishers under the immediate 
    supervision of the colonel—the remainder of the regiment gained the outer skirt of the 
    woods and were for the first time in a position to fire with effect.  Lying flat on our faces and 
    occasionally firing whenever the enemy could be seen which was very seldom, we received 
    a brisk shower of bullets—taking but little effect, however, has they passed over us.
    From the time we began advancing, a battery of two guns, with rifle cannon balls playing 
    upon us passing over with their deadly shrieks, doing no damage—but if ever ground was 
    hugged by men it was done so that day.
    About 4:00 in the afternoon, the colonel was ordered to charge the battery which had 
    advanced so near that we could hear the officers giving commands to load and fire; we could 
    also hear them running.  The battery would have to be charged through an open field under 
    the fire of at least two brigades.
    The colonel now passed down the line very calmly cheering his men—knowing that as he did
    that, a very few would ever survive the charge but confident he would take it.
    But at this juncture of affairs two of our field pieces came up taking a position on our left and 
    by six or so shots from our guns silenced the Yankee battery and had them running.  Our 
    battery fired with much more accuracy than the Yankees and its report was much more 
    pleasing to us.  The order to charge was then countermanded as the Yankees had withdrawn.  
    However, not the slightest doubt but that the battery could have been taken but the loss of life 
    would have made it a dear purchase.
    The engagement lasted from 11:00 until dark.  Our loss is two killed and seven wounded.  
    Though our list of casualties is small in ratio to the other regiments engaged with us, yet 
    we gained the position we were sent to take, held it and now hold it.
    This is the first time, though in service over twelve months that the traveling, peaceful, gallant, 
    dashing and bloody 24th has ever smelt gunpowder.  What was affected by our fire is not 
    known.  Two field officers were seen to fall and it is generally believed the enemy’s loss was 
    It was felt by some that Col. Clarke would be too daring and impetuous on the battle field but 
    the cool and determined manner in which he maneuvered his regiment under fire won the 
    admiration and entire confidence of all of us.  This in my opinion accounts for our small loss.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 30, 1862
    24th Regiment
    The day and night of the 26th were spent quietly in camp which was bivouacked in a pine 
    grove on the Williamsburg Road near the field of battle known as the Seven Pines where 
    our soldiers have often proved themselves by their valor worthy of the freedom for which 
    they are struggling.  But this is no time for rest and we were soon reminded by an order 
    to march that we had not been brought here to waste hours in idleness.  The signal for 
    “roast beef” (bacon and crackers) was soon followed by the order to “fall in” and in a few 
    minutes we were en route to relieve three regiments who had been on picket duty since the
    evening of the 26th.
    The left of our line rested on the Williamsburg Road and the right occupied a rifle pit which 
    had that morning been taken from the enemy by Col. Vance’s regiment.  As the colonel was 
    retiring to give place for us and had withdrawn from the shelter of the pits the enemy opened 
    fire upon him from the dense woods in front and wounded three of his men.  The gallant 
    colonel at once resumed his position, and incensed at the cowardly attack, stepped out in 
    front of the lines and waving his cap, called upon the sneaking scoundrels to come on, that 
    he was ready for them.  The invitation was not accepted and a few minutes afterwards his 
    regiment retired and ours occupied the rifle pits with orders to hold them at all hazards.  The 
    line we were called to defend extended nearly a mile through deep swamps and dense thickets.
    Colonel Clarke and Major Love were on the left while the right was under the immediate 
    command of Lt. Col. Harris.  During the night two sharp attacks along our entire front with 
    musketry and howitzers were made by the enemy.  Our brave fellows repulsed both with slight 
    loss but we afterwards learned, inflicted a severe punishment upon the enemy.
    Early the next morning, the order came to advance upon the foe and ascertain his position 
    and strength.  The night had been sleepless—but the men seemed eager to see the enemy 
    whom thus far they had only felt and heard.  Stepping out of the rifle pits the line was quickly 
    formed and throwing out scouts in advance we moved steadily on in open order and as rapidly 
    as the dense undergrowth would permit.
    Our approach was soon discovered and a rapid and heavy fire in musketry was opened on us, 
    aided almost immediately by shells from the battery which had annoyed us so much the night 
    before, throwing all their shells into our midst, fortunately, however, doing no harm.  Stepping 
    forward from tree to tree our brave fellows kept on driving the enemy before them and forced 
    them back to their trenches which were too strong and too numerously defended for our small 
    force to attack.
    Having accomplished the object of our movement, we fell back in good order, bringing many 
    trophies and three prisoners, the enemy prudently staying in their works.  In a few hours, we 
    were relieved and they made the enemy beat a hasty retreat, leaving the ground strewn with 
    their arms and knapsacks.
    As soon as this retrograde movement was discovered, our entire force was ordered forward in 
    pursuit, which was conducted as rapidly as the obstructions thrown in our way by the retreating 
    soldiers would permit.  By almost noon on the 1st July, we came up within striking distance 
    of McClellan’s Army, whom we found engaged by Longstreet’s and Magruder’s divisions.  
    Our whole brigade (Ransom’s) was immediately formed in the woods, on the left, to repel an 
    expected attack in that quarter.
    We could distinctly hear the rattle of small arms which showed that the battle was raging on 
    our right while the shells which constantly fell near us indicated that the enemy were aware 
    of or suspected our position.
    Armistead’s brigade was on our right, similarly situated for the same purpose.  In an hour or 
    two, it moved off to take part in the battle and the shouts of the men and more furious 
    discharges of musketry soon told us that they were in the thickest part of the fight. It was our 
    turn next, and not long after the 24th being on the right of the brigade, was marched up to the 
    edge of a deep ravine into which the enemy shells were falling thick and fast and laying down, 
    awaited further orders.  In front of this position, distant about a mile, lay the enemy in strong 
    force behind heavy batteries.  The intervening space was an open, undulating country without 
    shelters of any kind—and across this our troops advanced for hours, charging in the face of a 
    superior force of infantry and the best of McClellan’s batteries, aided by the heavy guns of the 
    Monitor, which was lying in the James River within range of the field.
    The enemy fought desperately, well knowing that upon the result of that days fight depended the 
    salvation of his army.  Obedience to the stern order “that battery must be taken” coming directly 
    from General Lee himself, Col. Clarke commanded us to advance without waiting for the rest of 
    the brigade which, having further to march, had not yet arrived.
    Promptly and eagerly every man sprang to his feet and advanced a few paces into the open 
    field, halted and dressed.  In line of battle, the gallant fellows, led by the colonel who by 
    general order was dismounted, dashed at a double quick across the field, already covered 
    with the dead and dying and regardless of the danger and the fearful evidence of it around; 
    each man seemed to be mindful only of the honor of the “Old North State”.  At two thirds of the 
    distance, the colonel halted his regiment to breathe, for the race, the heat, and the speed were 
    exhausting—and ordered them to lie down.
    At this point we were joined by the rest of the brigade and advancing within 75 yards of the 
    enemy positions delivered a fire which prisoners taken by our regiment declare to have been 
    terribly destructive.
    We then charged, led by the colonel and shouting “North Carolina”, “North Carolina”, till we 
    were so near the battery that it seemed about to fall into our hands—when a fire of musketry 
    and grape was hurled upon us before which humanity could not stand.  The command was 
    given to retire and our regiment fell back in perfect order about one hundred yards.  We were 
    not beaten but repulsed and were eager to continue the fight.  But it was now quite dark and 
    any other movements such as was necessary to carry so strong a position was not possible.
    All that could be done was to bring off the command in safety, an undertaking of no little 
    difficulty but one which our colonel accomplished with so much success that next morning 
    all answered to their names except one who had fallen upon the field or had been taken by 
    the enemy while charging with his friends.
    Our proximity to the enemy and the length of time we remained on the field may be judged by 
    the fact that we carried off with us two of the enemy’s pickets whom he had thrown out after 
    the battle was over.
    Captain William R. Gulley was killed while leading his men and his last words as he fell were
    “Boys I am killed—but stand by your company”.  Lts. John T. Townsend and Cornelius Page 
    were also killed and while in their death we mourn the loss of three more gallant soldiers we 
    cannot but rejoice that our list of casualties is so small.
    Report of Casualties of the 24th Regiment, NCT (Colonel W. J. Clarke) on the 25th, 27th, 28th 
    June and 1st July, 1862
    June 25 at the Seven Pines
    Killed:  Corp. James B. Adams, Co. C; Pte. William Scott, Co. K
    Wounded:  Ptes. Rufus Bowen, slight, John Wren, slight, Co. A; Pte. Leonard Edge, severe, 
    Co. F; Corp. H.H.W. McDougald, severe, Pte. Joseph A. Campbell, mortal, since died, Co. G; 
    Pte. J.J. Humphries, slight, Co. H; Pte. J.W. Shearin, severe, Co. D
    June 27 and 28 near Seven Pines
    Wounded:  Ptes. Benjamin F. Parker, severe, David R. Foster, severe, Co. B; John A. DeVane, 
    slight, Malcolm J. Morrison, slight, Co. G; Joseph J. Humphries, slight, Co. H(?); Haywood 
    Reeves, William Austin, Timothy Wheeler, slight, Co. I; 2nd Lt. Richard S. Baker, severe, Co. K
    July 1 at Crew’s Farm
    Killed:  Capt. William B. Gulley, Co. C; Lt.(?) John Townsend, Co. H; 1st Sgt. Lawrence Sledge, 
    Co. D; Ptes. Parham(?) O’Bryant, Presley Jenkins, Co. A; Ptes. Harris Vaughn, John H. Stewart, 
    Co. H
    Wounded:  Corp. William Wilkerson, mortal, since died, Co. H; Capt. James C. Bailey, severe, 
    Co. H; Ptes. Bartlett Y. Allen, T.R. Blalock, Thomas H. Bumpass, George H. Chandler, Stephen 
    Drake, William Eastwood, severe, John Ford, severe, John T. Hamlett, slight, Reuben Long, 
    slight, William M. Neighbors, slight, Joseph F. Finger, slight, Henderson L. Wilkerson, slight, 
    Ben C. Wade, slight, A.J. Humphries, slight, Co. H; Sgt. Josiah Stephens, slight, Ptes. 
    William Lane, slight, Benjamin F. Hill, slight, Co. E; Ptes. Owen Tatum, severe, Henry Barfield, 
    John A. DeVane, Co. G; 1st Lt. Monroe D.C. Bumpass, Corp. Willie P. Lotts, Pte. Marmaduke 
    D. Davis, John H. Burton, Co. A; Ptes. Samuel J. Thomas, Willie R. Harding, Co. K; Corp. 
    Jesse J. Reid, mortal, Ptes. Samuel Brown, William Pitman, slight, Co. D; Sgts. William R. 
    Richardson, Anderson D. Earp; Ptes. Harris Hogg, Bertie D. Chamblee, severe, John R. Barnes, 
    Gaston Price, Sgt. Edmund H. Wilson, Co. C; Corp. Jarman J. Morgan, Pte. Haywood Barber, 
    James Wallace, James N. Allen, Haywood Norris, Co. I; Sgt. Major D. Baird, slight, Co.---
    Missing:  2nd Lt. Cornelius Page, Co. I; 1st Sgt. Samuel C. Barnett; Pte. C.W. Pearce, Co. 
    A; Pte. R.A. Pearce, Co. C; Pte. John E. Anderson, Co. D; Pte. Daniel J. Chandler, Co. H; 
    Pte. Joseph Farling, Co. K
    The missing except Lt. Page were taken prisoner either wounded or attending on their wounded 
    friends and were not known to be left as it was dark when the regiment left the field.
    Adjutant, 24th Regiment
    North Carolina Standard
    July 16, 1862
    38th Regiment
    A word in your paper from a soldier who was in the late great battles may be interesting to 
    some especially to those who have friends and relatives in the 38th.
    On the 25th June our regiment and a large portion of our army before Richmond took up its 
    march for the grand scene of action; on in silent procession it went until 10:00 when blankets 
    were spread and repose taken until dawn of Thursday aroused us.
    About 2:00 on that day, 26th June, our march commenced.  We passed the Chickahominy 
    on the Meadow Bridge which is a little east of north from Richmond; now the Yankee pickets 
    began fleeing for their lives, leaving behind them oil cloths, knapsacks, haversacks, portfolios, 
    books and every Yankee notion and trick imaginable.
    But soon the boom of the cannons announced that the foe was going to meet us in deadly 
    conflict.  Our numerous regiments were thrown out in line of battle attacking their extreme 
    right.  Now in good earnest the Yankee shells began falling and bursting in every direction 
    around us; on our brave columns advanced towards their thundering batteries; soon our batteries 
    opened upon them and such awful cannonading, many of us never heard before.
    Onward our troops moved baring their breasts to the storm of the shells until the command 
    was made “charge that battery”.  Then the regiment charged that battery and that regiment 
    charged another one, etc.
    Then volley after volley of musketry was poured into our brave ranks in rapid succession with 
    frightful effect.  Now we learned the horrors of war.  The roar of thousands of muskets added 
    to the terrific thunder of belching cannons and bursting shells made the scene more awful and 
    wild than any ever witnessed by man or our brave boys.  But onward was our motto.
    As it is only my purposed to say a word about our regiment for the interest of those who are 
    connected with it, I must be pardoned for not mentioning others and the part they noble acted.  
    Then our regiment under Col. W.J. Hoke rushed forward according to orders to charge a battery.  
    As we swept onward on the double quick a perfect hail storm of lead fell around us from the 
    Yankee entrenchments, made for the protection of their battery.  Before we reached the battery 
    our colonel saw that it was impossible to take it; a creek was between us and it and in front of 
    their ditches they had cut down a host of large pines in every direction so that it was impossible 
    almost to crawl among them much less charge through them.  In addition to that, there was at 
    least four Yankees in their ditches shooting directly at us.
    So our brave colonel, seeing the murderous fire pouring into our ranks and the impossibility of 
    capturing the battery, immediately ordered a retreat which was executed with as good order 
    as circumstances would allow, our regiment only falling back out of range of their guns.
    In this charge our regiment had lost about 146 killed and wounded out of less than 400 who 
    entered the action—another regiment charged upon the same battery and shared the same 
    fate as ours not even being able to get to their entrenchments for the obstructions thrown in 
    their way.  But our troops swept other parts of the field and by flank movements we would 
    have driven the last foe from the field if the mantle of night had not closed the scene.  We all 
    slept upon the field the dead and wounded around us.
    From our repose on the 27th the dawn aroused us and again the line of battle was formed 
    and our whole brigade (Pender’s) now charged upon the same battery, throwing ourselves 
    under the protection of our batteries and it was amusing to see them skipping from their 
    fortifications and fleeing to the bushes and ravines for shelter from the keen eyes of our boys.
    Though our loss was heavy, a general shout of victory went up from every heart as we stood 
    victors upon the field.  
    The Yankees you will recollect were in camp all down the north side of the Chickahominy for 
    miles, their batteries and fortifications fronting Richmond.  Instead of crossing the river in front 
    of these fortifications as they expected we began our attack on their extreme right; and having 
    put them to flight in the first fight we commenced our march down the north side of the river 
    after them, passing through camp after camp finding commissary, quartermaster’s and sutler’s 
    stores in great abundance and all kinds of equipment.
    On we marched for hours without modesty, passing through this Yankee city of camps until 
    about 3:00 when their rear guard resisted with great bravery in order to give the main body of 
    McClellan’s army time to form itself with the greatest advantage.  When the Young Napoleon 
    was ready, the bloody tragedy was opened and the collision was awful.  
    All seemed busy in this awful scene; thousands were hurling the missiles of death; it seemed 
    as though Heaven was hurling the missiles of death; it seemed as though Heaven was raining 
    bullets and balls; hundreds were engaged in carrying the wounded to the rear and scores of 
    ambulances were running, conveying them away to the hospitals.  Thus there was the 
    co-mingling roar of cannon and musketry blending with the groans of the mangled and wounded 
    until near dusk when all the horrible scene of misery and death died away to be followed by the 
    thrilling notes of praise and loud shouts of victory that rang through hill and dale from many 
    thousands of hearts made wild with the joy of victory.
    Again we slept victorious upon a hard won field while the enemy sought repose and safety, no 
    doubt, at a considerable distance away.
    Sunday was spent in burying the dead both ours and the Yankees.  Early Sabbath morning we 
    took up our line of march for the south side of the Chickahominy, all the enemy having 
    crossed—all now on the south side of the river between it and the James.
    About 10:00 pm Sabbath evening we spread our blankets under dripping skies to catch a few 
    moments repose after a tiresome march through a continual cloud of dust during the day.
    The gilding of the western hilltops by Monday’s rising sun bid us pack up and pursue our 
    Yankee chase which had been our daily business since the Thursday before.  Our columns 
    moved off down the Chickahominy.  About 3:00 pm our brigade was filed out in columns by 
    regiments in the woods near the road and immediately the incessant peel of thunder from an 
    angry sky.  The enemy’s artillery opened upon us from a hill just in our front, the howling 
    shells flew thick among us, so terrible was their cannonading that it was a long time before 
    our artillery could get in position; in fact it accomplished very little in this fight.  The only 
    change being left to us was to drive them with the cold steel.  So our brave boys spread out 
    in line of battle and poured volley upon volley of musketry into them; charged upon them and 
    drove them from the field, taking all their artillery.  Again we reposed upon the field of victory 
    while the enemy was fleeing form our presence.
    The enemy being so hard pressed, he found it necessary to his partial safety to make a 
    stand the next day (Tuesday), not far from the same place.  So Tuesday’s sun fell upon the 
    most bloody and desperately contested conflict of the war.
    It was an awful scene to pass over the field of carnage and see the mangled dead laying so 
    thick over so vast a space.  The enemy had much the advantage of us in position and fought 
    with great valor.
    Night closed the cruel drama, our troops again sleeping upon the field of action.  The dawn on 
    Wednesday, however, found the foe in full retreat for a refuge more safe to them.  Gunboats 
    were their only hope.  So leaving their dead and part of their wounded in our care, they fled in 
    great haste felling trees and blocking our way.
    Today finds us here near the enemy with a good prospect for a fight.  What the issue of the 
    next will be I cannot tell; but one thing is certain, we have driven them gloriously from every 
    position they have taken until now when they are 25 miles instead of 5 miles from Richmond.
    Our colonel being wounded in the first battle and the lieutenant colonel being sick, our 
    regiment has been under the command of our Major L.D. Andrews of Randolph County.  
    He has had his hands full in this great series of struggles but he still holds up though much 
    wearied and worn out with the vast amount of toil and responsibility weighing upon him.
    A Member of the 38th Regiment, N.C.T., July 8, 1862
    North Carolina Standard
    July 7, 1862
    Casualties 38th Regiment June 26 and 27, 1862
    Colonel W.J. Hoke, wounded
    Adjutant Cowles, wounded
    Company A, Lt. Armstrong commanding
    Not in Action
    Company B, Capt. Cook commanding
    Killed:  Corp. G.W. Wheeling, Ptes. Jas. Stokes, Sr., Jno. Crezart, J. Blackman
    Wounded:  Sgt. H.B. Brown, J.A. Boon, G.C. Poplin, A. Grose, J.M. Atwood, G.D. Halcombe, 
    W.M. Carter, A.S. Hair, W. Cook, J.E. Hutchins, A.R. Reese, R.D. Russell, D.T. Talley, 
    W.H. Felts, L.J. Wells, W.R. Hains, John H. Grose, C.F. Armstrong
    Company C, Capt. Wilson commanding
    Killed:  Ptes. L. Gurley, O.M. Warwick, J.S. Britt
    Wounded:  Sgts. J.W. Walker, G.L. Dougherty, Corpls. W.T. Sutton, W.A. Andrews, Ptes. 
    R.R. Jackson, R.R. Cobb, W. McLamb, J.B. Cotton, R.B. Stith, W. Brewer, S.W. Sutton, 
    J.S. Sanderson, M. Vaughn, W.B. Harlington, W.H. Pope, J.H. Warwick
    Company D, Capt. Ashford commanding
    Killed:  Lt. Jas. W. Darden
    Wounded:  Sgt. O.B. Morrisey, Ptes. Jas. Persithe, Robert Shipp, M. Lockany, W.E. Brewer, 
    W.H. Stevens
    Company E, Capt. McRae commanding
    Killed:  Lt. M.T. Covington, Ptes. Jas. T. Bostick, M.V.B. Covington
    Wounded:  Sgt. A.G. Dawkins, Ptes. H.H. McCaskill, E. Kelly, J. Bennist, N.T. Baldwin, 
    K.M. Covington, C. Crouch, W.C. Mitchell
    Company F, Capt. Yount commanding
    Wounded:  Lts. D.F. Roseman, J. Yount, A. Deal, Corp. N.E. Ligman, Ptes. A. Arwood(?), 
    John D. Hoke, John Herrick, Jacob Huffman (since dead)
    Company G, Capt. Flowers commanding
    Killed:  R.A. Hines, J.S. McLain
    Wounded:  Sgt. Heartness, J.W. Heartness, J.W. Linney, Corp. C.J. Deal, T.F. Murdock, 
    D.E. Campbell, M.M. Clary, W.L.W. Ellis, J.Q. Elder, J. Gamt(?), S.N. Hines, J.W. Lackey, 
    J. Wesley Lackey, J.C. Lackey, B.C. Lackey, W.L. Lackey, D.M. Mathicon, A.V. Turner, 
    D.A. Wilson, J.R. Murdock, Capt. Flowers, Lt. Harrington
    Company H, Capt. Thornburgh commanding
    Killed:  N.H. Crawford, A.M. Dorset, D.N. Miller
    Wounded:  Sgt. J.L. Andrews, Sgt. T.L. Russell, Corp. E.T. Kearns, A.C. Steed, T.W. Bell, 
    A.M. Bell, P.W. Carter, H.H. Hopkins, James Howell, E.E. Luck, William N. Newly, A.W. 
    Sanders, Jesse Scarlett, H.M. Tomlinson
    Company I, Capt. Magness commanding
    Killed:  D.D. Hamrick
    Wounded:  J. Childers (since dead), R.D. Hughes, E. McSwain, Lt. Bean, Corp. D.W. 
    Powell, Corp. T.H. Bean, P. Green, W.C. Hamrick, M. Haines, G.C. Kitchen, C.B. 
    Powell, J.C. Williams, A.G. Wickins, Color Sgt. John Waters
    Company K, Capt. McLaughlin
    No Report
    North Carolina Standard
    July 16, 1862
    Camp of the 26th Regiment, N.C.T., Cruise’s Field, July 3, 1862
    Supposing that our friends in the Old North State would like to know of our where abouts 
    since our arrival in the Old Dominion, I concluded I would give you a sketch of what we 
    have seen and done since we left our camps above Kinston.
    On the evening of the 19th June, Col. Vance announced to the regiment that the next day 
    we would leave for Richmond to take part in the struggles.
    We left the next day and arrived in Petersburg on the 24th June and were marched to the 
    large market house where we stopped for the night; were marched out the next morning one 
    mile from the city and pitched our tents with General Ransom’s brigade.  We remained there 
    until Tuesday evening when we left for Richmond, arrived there about midnight and were 
    marched to the capitol and slept on the beautiful grounds.
    Here we received many attentions from the citizens of Richmond and especially from 
    Governor Letcher who threw open his doors to us.
    Next morning we left for the “Seven Pines”, the noted battlefield of the 30th and 31st May.  
    Arriving within one mile of the battlefield we stopped to refresh ourselves a little and then 
    marched down to where a spirited engagement was going on between our forces and the 
    Our regiment was soon thrown into the line of battle and has been so ever since, until now, 
    except when marching through mud and water under going all sorts of hardships. Being 
    without tents and a good deal of the time drenched with rain—all of which was have endured 
    as good soldiers, ready and willing to do and suffer all things for the good of the country.
    At Seven Pines we had several severe skirmish fights with the Yankees, always driving them 
    back and advancing our lines of pickets until Sunday morning when we took possession of 
    their entire camps and breast works.
    Our engagement at this place deserves special mention.  Our regiment had advanced about 
    one mile to where the enemy were throwing up entrenchments. We drove them out, took 
    possession of the same and captured all their spades and pick axes and a number of guns.  
    We occupied these trenches all day or until about sunset when the 24th N.C. Regiment was 
    sent to relieve us.  About the time it arrived and we were leaving the entrenchments the 
    Yankees poured in a heavy volume of musketry upon us but without doing much harm.
    No sooner was this done than Colonel Vance called to his men to rally again in the 
    entrenchments which was obeyed promptly.  The colonel displayed great bravery in this fight 
    as he has in every one in which his regiment has been engaged, seldom if ever surpassed by 
    any officer, waling up and down the line of battle, encouraging his men.  We all love him and 
    will die around him if need be.
    The Yankees in their stampede at the Seven Pines destroyed a great amount of commissary 
    stores burning up all they could not carry away.
    We started about 12:00 Sunday in pursuit of them and got within one mile of them and opened 
    fire upon them with our artillery which was kept up till late at night when the firing ceased on 
    both sides.  Morning came and the Yankees had left---leaving behind thousands of dollars 
    worth of clothing, guns and tools.  Our boys were eager to gather the rifles.
    We pressed on and passed by the battlefield of Monday; the ground was covered with dead 
    and wounded Yankees as well as numbers of our own poor fellows.
    On Tuesday evening the battle at this place (Cruise’s Field) commenced, which according to 
    the numbers engaged was the hardest of the fighting attended with as much slaughter.  Our 
    brigade was brought into action late in the evening and marched into the field in the face of 
    heavy cannonading.  The 26th went into action yelling at the top of their voices and the field 
    of battle showed the next morning what part we had taken in the conflict when several of her 
    boys were found dead within fifty paces of the Yankee battery.  
    The firing ceased about midnight leaving the Confederates in possession of the field.  The 
    Yankees left by daylight the next morning and our forces are still in pursuit. 
    To those who are not accustomed to look upon the field of battle the scene is awful and I long 
    to see a termination of these hostilities and peace restored to our country once more.
    It affords me much pleasure to report that all our field officers, as well as the commander 
    behaved with marked bravery.  The following is a list of the killed and wounded and missing 
    of the 26th Regiment:
    Company A
    Killed:  Pte. John Price and T.J. Persons
    Wounded:  Shads(?) Harlis, wounded mortally, Jno. R. Taylor and Granville Osborne
    Company B
    Killed:  Washington Cook and Charles Deese
    Wounded:  Sgt. J.E. Gay and Privates Alexander Osborne, William Broome, F. Holmes
    Company C
    Wounded:  John Ray, W.M. Curtis, B.A. Nance
    Missing:  T.A. Davis, J.C. Bell(?)
    Company D
    Wounded:  Capt. Adams, in hip, Pte. Moses Howden in shoulder
    Missing:  Isham Temple
    Company E
    Killed:  O. (or C.?) H. Jones, John Ray, Henry Brewer
    Wounded:  C.(?) H. Hanner, Henry Bridges, W.J. Welch, James McMath, Green Smith, John 
    W. Calder
    Company F
    Wounded:  Weightstill Phillips, Jas. B. Bradford, Washington Halloway, William Estes, Jas. 
    White, William Kirby, Mat Crump
    Company G
    Wounded:  F.A. Mathews, W.G. Carter, Hiram Johnson, Alson Lincheny, John Vincen, Henry 
    Missing:  Nathan Nelson, Andrew Burle, Richard Buckler
    Company H
    Wounded:  Sgt. L.A. Curry, John A. Jackson, John B. Kelly, Aaron Malone, D.C. Ferguson
    Company I
    Killed:  Pte. Jas West
    Wounded:  Capt. J.T. Jones, slight wound in side, J.C.C. Barlow, Joseph Sudderth, Uriah 
    Stallings, John Talbert, Milas Taylor, James Simms, William Wilson
    Missing:  William Collins, Robert Lancy
    Company K
    Killed:  George Bowman
    Wounded:  Capt. McLaughlin, slight in head, Pleasant McGudgen, William Dobbs, James 
    Henly, Hiram Williby, John Winfield, Peter Gothing
    Missing:  Elijah Hidrith(?), John Atkinson
    List of Casualties 1st N.C. in the Battles of the 26th and 28th June and 1st July
    Field and Staff
    Killed;  Major T.L. Skinner
    Wounded:  Col. M.S. Stokes, Lt. Col. A. McDowell, Adj. J.S.A. Miller
    Company A
    Killed:  Robert Sexton, Jas. Hankins(?), James Moody
    Wounded:  Capt. J.A. Benbury, Lt. W. Bond, Sgt. T.L. Johnson, Sgt. A.K. Stam(?), Corp. 
    J.M. Higgins, Corp. Jno. Morgan, L. Smith, Jas. Smith, A. Elliott, Alfred Bass, Joshua Harvey
    Missing:  J.N. Gilbert, James Pugh
    Company B
    Killed:  Corp. Webb, Thomas Hartley, A. Welsh
    Wounded:  Capt. H.A. Brown, slight, Sgt. N.G. Martin, Sgt. D.M. Carlton, Corpls. W.A. 
    Wetherspoon, T.C. Land, A.J. Curtis, Ptes. Jas. Walker, William Porter, Jno. Pennel, H.T. 
    Venney, T.P. Myers, S. Wetherspoon, David Cockerham, Jas. Jennings, L. Gilreath(?), J.R. 
    Blalock, Robert Chatham, Jno Estes, C. Eller, R.L. Johnston, S.W. Johnston, J. Johnston, 
    William Moony, J.H. Taylor, C. Shores, G.W. Spicer, L. Wetherspoon, A.W. Wilbar, J.T. 
    Alexander, R. Brock, L. Helphill
    Company C
    Killed:  Sgt. J.M. Walker, Jas. C. (or O.?) Quinn, R.B. Robitzsch, W.F. Bradhsaw, J.W. White
    Wounded:  1st Lt. Hanly Fennell, Sgt. R.F. Robitzsch, Color Sgt. C.(?) R. Scott, J.E. Robitzsch, 
    J.H. Bressan, T.E. Herron, T.H. Williams, J.M. Robinson, H.S. Keith, Jas. Carr, J.W. Moore, 
    Jas. Powell, Jno. Smith, Corp. J.C. Jones, I.(?) McCauley, S.J. Williamson, J.W. Rivenbark, 
    J.W. Walker, M.F. Keith, S.J. Stanly
    Missing:  J.C. Brinson, M.R. Penney
    Company D
    Killed:  2nd Lt. P.H. Grandy, Sgt. Thomas Adams, Daniel Brown, Martin Cole, John Minton, 
    Alan Stowe(?), Winn(?) Riley, Stephen Carroll, Simpson Vaughan, Capt. E.M. Scott, slight, 
    2nd lt. D.E. Stokes, severe, Ashmod(?) Mimms(?) Minus(?), E. Shires, R.H. Purdue, William 
    F. Wise, George Williams, John Stamey, Jno. W. Johnston, William Calhoun, Charles 
    Hauser, Jas. Blake, Thomas C. Cates, Jno. Crabtree, Thomas Crabtree
    Company E
    Killed:  Capt. Jas. A. Wright, John Roulk, C. Blank, Jno. Atkinson, R. Deal
    Wounded:  1st Lt. Jno. I. Wooster, Sgt. W.H. Williams, Corp. J.H. Brantly, Corp. Abe 
    Williamson, W.H. Lewis, P. Ryan, J.A. Dudley, Thomas Dunn, A. Garriss, H. Robinson, 
    J.W. Brady, J. Allen, James H. Bell
    Missing:  P. Carriss, W.P. Montgomery, E. Ricks, L.A. Askew, A. Bristow, P.P. Kill(?) 
    Kitt(?), W.J. Dunning
    Company F
    Killed:  Corp. P.H. Jenkins, Jas. S. Ricks, P. Vaughan, Benjamin Whitley, Wiley Hunter, 
    J.S. Melson
    Wounded:  2nd Lt. C.F. Lyon, S.G. Boon, Jno. Jenkins, E.D. Johnson, F. Mulder, Thomas 
    Baggett, A. Lasiter, N. Hasty(?), E.R. Vick, Jas. Taylor
    Company G
    Killed:  Thomas Ludford, W.R. Barnes, Samuel Sexton, Lewis Sawyer, W.T. Cooper
    Wounded:  R.E. Conway, H.J. Williams, William Moore, J. Phelps, Jas. Hoard, S. 
    Skittelthorpe, B.B. Pledger, Jos. Mariner, S.R. Davenport, G.W. Brickhouse, C. Hassell, 
    E.R. Latham, Sgt. J.B. Augley, S.T. Leedford
    Missing:  Sgt. H.D. Dwane, R. Crowder
    Company H
    Killed:  Capt. R.W. Rivers, Corp. R. Tricker, Corp. Spencer Gardner, J.H. Osborne, R. Leary
    Wounded:  2nd Lt. J.H. Kerr, Sgt. J. Taylor, Sgt. H.W. Holiday(?), Sgt. L.R. Harrison, Sgt. 
    Jasper Leary, William Simpson, B. Craddock, William Brown, William Robinson, William 
    Tweedy, Allen Askew, H.H. Tweedy, Metice(?) Taylor, Seth Williams, J.B. Leggatt, George 
    W. Freeman, H. Roebuck
    Company I
    Killed:  Orderly Sgt. J.W. Hartsfield, Ptes. Oscar L. Mitchell, Jno. S. Smith
    Wounded:  2nd Lt. J.J. Terrell, severely, Sgt. N. F. Scarborough, E. Belvin, A.H. Jones, 
    James W. Powell, W.H. Pace, Jim Foley, H. Pierce, Calvin Pierce, Wesley Jones, Wesley 
    Young, Jas. Rowland, William Buffalow, William Jones, A. Williams, Perry Lloyd, William T. 
    Massingale, J. Ellis, A. Hicks, H.C. Modge(?) Mudge(?), Henry Perry, L. Browning, G. 
    Sandford, B. Clifton(?), W. Redford, M.E. Pearce, E. Carver, John Allgood, Jas. Belvin
    Company K
    Killed:  T.P. Jones, George Hall, William Collins, Jas. Hudson
    Wounded:  Orderly Sgt. Jno Winn, Sgt. A. Shaw, Sgt. M. Johnson, Charles Gr - - - - 
    (Griffis?), J. Griffis, R. Griffis, E.G. Everett, Jno. King, C. Strickland, (first name not given) 
    Floyd, John Turner, Robert Snipes, Jno. Shaw, Samuel Francis, A. Francis, H. Dickens, 
    Henry Dickens, Jno. Brown, Thomas Brown, A. Dickens, B. Medford, William Powell, A. 
    Stansbury, S. Warmack, Robert Winters
    Missing:  A. Howell, S. Shaw
    G.L. Dudley
    Captain, A.Q.M.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 9, 1862
    Casualties in the 3rd Regiment N.C.T
    Headquarters, June 30, 1862
    “Camp on the Chickahominy”
    Casualties from the 26th and 27th June on the north side of the Chickahominy
    Field and Staff
    Major Edward Savage was slightly wounded in the hand
    Company A, Capt. Best commanding
    Killed:  Sgt. Benjamin F. Spivey, Pte. John R.P. Jones
    Wounded:  Ptes. Burton Davis, William M. Bryant, John R. Best, Reuben Hill, Winburn West
    Company B, Capt. Thurston commanding
    Killed:  Corp. William H. Horvell
    Wounded:  Sgt. William H. Picket, Ptes. Daniel Smith, William D. Bradshaw, Amos Edwards, 
    Alfred E. Frederick, Milton H. Johnson, L.S. Register
    Company C, 1st Lt. Horne commanding
    Wounded:  Sgt. Thomas D. Humphrey, Ptes. Jas. A. Hall, Henry Bishop
    Company D, Capt. Edward J. Meares commanding
    Wounded:  Ptes. Hiram P. Beasley, Owen McCumber
    Company E, Capt. Ennet commanding
    Wounded:  Ptes. Charney Sparkman, William N. Hobbs, Edward J. Hobbs, Lorenzo Melton, 
    Bryant Thompson (since died), Lott Tippett, James H. Edens, George W. Patrick
    Company F, Capt. Parsley commanding
    Killed:  Pte. John J. Montgomery
    Wounded:  Sgt. Ed I. Garrison, Corp. John H. Pugh, Ptes. Hiram Jarrell, George H. Bishop, 
    Acey Ormsby
    Company G, Capt. Rhodes commanding
    Killed:  Ptes. William B. Smith, Thomas J. Wells
    Wounded:  Ptes. Jas Taylor, Henry Mashburn, Isaac Morton, George Aman, Benjamin 
    Reece, Nathaniel F. Owens, William F. Covill, Bazzol Riggs, Nicholas J. Conway, missing
    Company H, 1st Lt. Duncan E. McNair commanding
    Killed:  Ptes. John Mears, David W. Miller
    Wounded:  Ptes. Z. Gallahorn, H.P. Blizzard
    Company I, 2nd Lt. Gaillard commanding
    Wounded:  Sgt. William McDervitt, Corp. William E. Shallington, Ptes. Horatio N. 
    Richardson, John T. Allen, James E. Hosler, Jno. W. Hodgers, Samuel Daniels, William 
    Company K, Captain David Williams commanding
    Killed:  Pte. Robert S. Ormsby(?)
    Wounded:  Pte. Isaac Rochelle
    4th N.C. Regiment State Troops
    Killed and Wounded on June 27th 
    Colonel Bryan Grimes Commanding
    Company A
    Wounded:  Pte. R.S. Layenly, R.M. Osborne, M.L. Hall, Charles S. Harris
    Company B
    Killed:  Pte. David C. Brandon
    Wounded:  Ptes. Charles Anderson, George W. Meniss, Adam Beaver, C.A. Wesler
    Company C
    Killed:  Ptes. Robert M. Holmes, Robert O. Hair
    Wounded:  Capt. J.B. Andrews, Ptes. J.R.A. Haul, T.L. Stephenson, W.D. Raymer, L.A. 
    Rasels, E. Barkley, E. May, J.N. Bretherton, J.C. Turner, H.T. Johnson
    Company D
    Killed:  Pte. William Boyett
    Wounded:  Ptes. H.W. Thompson, J.B. Lan, W.J. Roberts, R.W. Hughes
    Company F
    Wounded:  Lt. Simms, Sgt. Fitzgerald
    Company G
    Killed:  W.H. Owen
    Wounded:  Sgt. S.L. Sharke, Ptes. Jacob Wagner, S.P. Rose, Henry Turner, J.H. Whitlock
    Company H
    Killed:  Corp. J.P. Madiea(?) Madien(?), Ptes. G.W. Burton, J.M. Maze
    Wounded:  Corp. J.O. Smith, Ptes. D.N. Ball, B.C. Dilon, M.F. Walker, J.G. Powell, A.N. 
    Steel, J. York, L. Lamberts
    Company K
    Killed:  Ptes. Paul Burger, George Couble, James Solomon
    Wounded:  Ptes. Alfred C. Carter, William Morris, J.F. Thompson
    List of Killed and Wounded, Company I, 1st N.C. Regiment, Captain Foote
    (Note, no date was given in the paper)
    Killed:  Ord. Sgt. J.W. Hartsfield, Ptes. Oscar I. Mitchell, Isham W. Mitchell, John Smith
    Wounded:  Elijah Belvin, mortally, Sgt. M.F. Scarborough, severely, Atlas H. Jones, serious, 
    James W. Powell, James H. Grady, W.H. Pace, Jas. Belvin, John Pulley, Baldy Pierce, 
    Calvin Pierce, Wesley Young, Wesley Jones, Joseph Rowland, W. Buffalow, William A. 
    Jones, Anderson Williams, Perry Lloyd, William T. Massingale, Jackson Ellis, Augustus 
    Hicks, H.C. Hodge, Henry Perry, Lewis Browning, Green Sanderford, Lt. J.Z. Terrell, severe 
    in the ankle, Young B. Clifton, Jacob Frazier, Marcellus Pearce
    North Carolina Standard
    July 9, 1862
    Casualties Raleigh Rifles & Oak City Guards, 14th N.C.R.
    No Date Given for Action
    Raleigh Rifles, 20 in action
    Killed:  Marion Smith
    Wounded:  M.M. Wagstaff, mortally, Wiley Sauls, severe and a prisoner, Jno. Powell, slight, 
    John Cooper, slight, Elbert Johnson, slight, John Perkinson, severe, Howard (no other name), 
    slight, George A. Hood, slight
    Oak City Guards, 25 in action
    Killed:  Lt. Marcelius Thompson, George Jones, John Penny and John R. Utley
    Wounded:  J.L. Carson, slight, William Shaw, shot himself accidentally in the bowels, James 
    Wood, slight
    We have no returns for other companies.  We learn that the 14th took 250 men into the fight 
    and lost 115 killed and wounded
    Casualties 15th Regiment N.C.T., July 1
    Field and Staff
    Col. H.A. Dowd, serious but not dangerous wound, Adjt. W.H. Ballard wounded in right arm
    Company A
    Killed:  Capt. J.B. Randolph, Pte. W.H. Reese
    Wounded:  1st Sgt. J.T. Spring, severe, Ptes. A. Lassiter, B.E. Pirle(?) Pule(?), M. Deloatch.    
    Slightly wounded:  Lt. W.H. Parker, Sgt. R.D. Murfee, Sgt. P.H. Stinnson, Corp. W.D. 
    Woodruff, Pte. J.E. Grant, H.T. Britton
    Company B
    Killed: Not known
    Wounded:  18
    Company C
    Killed:  Ptes. H.S. Jelly, D.R. Wilson
    Wounded:  Ptes. Zinnathon Blanton, thigh, R. Ellis, hand, E.A. Hardin, thigh, J.Y. Hoard, in 
    head, W.G. Wylie in thigh and back, R.H. Wylie, shoulder, Sgt. R.M.S. Hopper, hand, Corp.
    A.M. Putnam, foot
    Company D
    Killed:  1st Sgt. C.M. Froneberger, Pte. J.W. McFarland
    Wounded:  Corp. J.E. Glenn, arm, Ptes. A.B. Jarrell, leg, A. Williams, hand, Sgt. R. Shields, 
    arm, Pte. N.H. Dellinger, arm
    Company E
    Killed:  Pte. Sylvester Thorrington
    Wounded:  Capt. Willie Perry, arm, Corp. S.H. Moore, hand, Ptes. J.G. Huff, neck, J.B. Duke, 
    head, G.K. Parham, arm
    Company F
    Wounded:  Capt. M. McDougald, serious, Lt. D.E. Green, slight, 1st Sgt. D.J. Johnson, mortal, 
    2nd Sgt. P.H. Grady, serious, Ptes. R.D. Byrd, severe, F. M. Jordan, A.D. Holland, J.R. Hobbs, 
    and F. Morrison, slight
    Company G
    Wounded:  Ptes. J.J. Foster, J.M. Leonard, J.H. Longmire, severe, William Curtis, Henry King, 
    Missing:  Ptes. G.W. Colvard, J.G. Murphy, Jesse Wester
    Company H
    Wounded:  Sgt. M. Sharp, severe, Ptes. C.C. Cheek, Willis Coble, Anderson Sharp, severe, 
    Sgt. Webb, slight, Ptes. William Roberts, Jas. Summer, slight
    Company I
    Killed:  Sgt. George L. Gordon, Corp. Job Cobb, Pte. J.H. Lammon
    Wounded:  Lt. S. M. Pinder, slight, 1st Sgt. N.M. Lawrence, arm broken, Ptes. Calvin Bass, 
    leg, G.W. Cherry, slight in breast, J.E. Allen, slight in leg, Caffield Fountain, arm, J.M. Johnson, 
    in brain
    Missing:  R.F. Cobb, Allen Taylor
    Company K
    Killed:  Fred Walker, W.F. Womble
    Wounded:  Lt. J.P. Cross in foot, Ptes. B. Griffin, in foot, J. Mears, leg, G.H. Jordan, head, H. 
    Mears, thigh broke, J.H. Jackson, in bowels
    Company L
    Killed:  Ptes. T. Walton Davis, and W. H. Nicholson
    Wounded:  1st Sgt. D.G. Corn(?) Gorn(?), wounded four times, severe, 2nd Sgt. J.H. Howard, 
    severe, Pte. A.C. Holt, severe, Sgt. J.W. Whitless, P.H. Winston, very slight, Ptes. John 
    Wallson, E.G. Conyers, C.E. Brodie, very slight
    Company M
    Killed:  1st Lt. L.J. Merritt, Ptes. W.J. Baker, J.M. Sanders, J.R. Stedman, 1st Sgt. J.T. 
    Wounded:  Capt. W.L. London, slight, Lt. W.H. Tyson, very slight, Lt. W.H. Rogers in foot, 
    Corp. Tysor, very slight, Ptes. Neal Berry, in head and side, T.L. Clarke, very slight, J.D. 
    Gregg, very slight in arm, Joseph Gilmer, slight, J.M. Edwards, Benjamin Gunter, slight, W.G. 
    Johnson, slight, A. Gough, slight, G. Guynour, slight, C.(?) H. Womble, slight, A.J. Lloyd, very 
    A.C.M., July 3, 1862 
    North Carolina Standard
    July 16, 1862
    Casualties in the 20th Reg’t. N.C.T Battle Coal Harbor Friday evening
    Col. Alfred Iverson commanding
    Col. Iverson, wounded
    Lt. Col. Franklin, J. Faison, killed
    Sgt. Major D.J. Broadhurst, wounded
    Company A
    Killed:  Daniel File, John Russell, Warren Newell, Kish Harris
    Wounded:  Daniel Goodman, William Saunders, Charles Patterson
    Company B
    Captain Jas. B. Atwell, wounded in neck
    Killed:  Ptes. Rowan Tucker, Jas. McAnulty, Henry Richis, B. Warner, William A. Campbell, 
    W.E. Deaton, George W. Woodley, John Carter, David Barker, Barr Woodington, J.M. Petts 
    Wounded:  Ptes. David Fender, John Lender, William Farnhue(?), Andrew Niel, Spain Grey, 
    John McVeity(?), ------- Phemner, N.W. Morgan, George Cross, Paul Bost, William Bost, mortal, 
    since died, Crusoe Wynacall(?), Henderson Wyancoff, Manlius S. Spears, C. Kinnelay, Jones 
    Lellars, ------- Moose, Robert Carter, Jas. Foster, George W. Ury, Frank Barnhardt, Lawson 
    Barnhardt, C.L. Frazer, W.L. Mulsh, Frank Smith, Daniel Wilkem
    Company C
    Killed:  Captain William H. Smith, 1st Lt. Arthur Jones, Sgts. Calvin Meares and M.D. Foyer(?), 
    Ptes. Thomas Watson, Alfred Watson, John Lamb, Jas. Johnson, Stephen Jones
    Wounded:  Ptes. Robert Dardon, Coles Worley, M.R. Phillips, George W. Stepps(?), Henry 
    Williamson, John Bullard, Turner Griffith, James Griffin, William Bullard, Charles King, W.A. 
    Adams, Cory Bullock
    Company D
    Killed:  Ptes. Noah Strickland, W.A. Dycon, Jordan Neiley, W.B. Collins, Henson Wright, John 
    Wounded:  Capt. W. Jasper Stanley, wounded severely, Ptes. D.D. Duncan, Benjamin Copeland, 
    William Joiner, Joshua Long, W.W. Womble, C.W. White, Bryant White, J. Ward, W.H. Ward, 
    C.M. Spivey
    Company E, Capt. L.T. Hicks commanding
    Killed:  M. Flowers, Sandie Parker, Thomas McIntire, Stafford Grant, James Winders
    Wounded:  Color Bearer John D. Shine, Corp. Thomas Wright, Benjamin Carr, Archibald Dale, 
    Jas. Killett, Bryant Southerland, W.D. Cherry, T. Falson(?) Faison(?), C. Rogers, J. Kornegay, 
    F. Livinson,  P. Davis, J. Burnam, Henry Lambert, John Cogdell, R. Burnett, W. Benton, H. 
    Company F
    Killed:  Osborne Tow
    Wounded:  Capt. Jas. W. Wright, Sgt. Levi Faircloth, M.W. Lewis, M.W. Revenbark, J.B. 
    Herring, Quincey A. Holland, M.S. King, W.S. Bedso(?), Owen W. Williams, Josiah Carter, 
    D.J.M. Arthur, J. Patterson, William R. Royall, Benjamin Crumpler, Julius Benton, W. Fisher, 
    Rayford Grice, W.H. Jones, D.B. Jones, Nathan Hall
    Company G
    Killed:  Ptes. Joel Little, Calvin Little, Josiah Rush, Michael Gore, W.J. Gore, S.J. Simmons, 
    Isaac White, B.H. Reynolds, Henry Shipper, J.W. McNatham, George Rivers, G.W. Evans
    Wounded:  Capt. S.J. Brooks, severe, Capt. A. Gore, Sgt. J. Leonard, Ptes. William Stanley, 
    M. Rayborn(?), Robert Kerney, M. Raymon, John White, Samuel Evans, Moses Evans, C.C. 
    Little, Isaac Murril, W. Whitehead, Jas. Benson, S.J. Summersell, William Carson, F. Dale, 
    A.J. Mills, Samuel Reynolds
    Company H, W.W. Cox commanding
    Killed:  Ptes. Edmund Murril, Alexander Luckmorn, ------- Journegan, H. Jackson, T.R. Tail, 
    J.W. Westbrook, U.J. Tart, M.W. Warren
    Wounded:  Ptes. Noel West, Lloyd West, Dennis Journegan, J.R. Goodwin, J.C. J.T. Taylor, 
    J.C. D - - - john, J.T. Taylor, Gary Weeks, Owen Hargrove, D.R. Stafford, J.M. Jackson, G.W. 
    McKenney, H.C. Lee, L. Lee, M. Wise, Edmund Jackson, J. Dinning, Jarred Hudson, J. 
    McKinsay, T.J. Murphey, N.B. Warren, Joshua Warren, W.D. Harvey, William West
    Company I, Capt. D.J. Derane commanding
    Killed:  Ptes. J.D. Odham, C. Hollingsworth, Arthur (Auther?) Tripp, W.B. Warren, J.B. Strickland
    Wounded:  Ptes. Jas Faun, Owen Faun, Jas. Lutter, Morris Gore, J.C. Bright, R. Royall, R. 
    Mathis, H. Turner, D.M. Powell, J.E. Clair, Alexander Revis(?), B. Daughetry, R. Hall, W.S. 
    Hall, ------ McRoyall, William Lellars, J.D. Ratley, O.T. Williamson, 2nd Lt. R. Robins
    Missing:  Lt. R. Jackson
    Company K, Capt. Thomas Toon commanding
    Killed:  Ptes. M. Shaw, John Shaw, J.A. Cook, H.D. Bullard, N.D. Stephens, S. Babston, 
    D. Powers
    Wounded:  Ptes. A.C. Lowery, E. Butler, M.W. Cook, B. Womble, M.J. Tew, D.J. Fields, 
    Rayford Pulley, D.J. Singletary, D.F. Wiggins, W.D. Ward, A.E. Norris, W. Lyden, L. Coleman, 
    E.F. Camp, J.A. Powers, C. Fish, A. Fish, W.W. Howell, T.B. Ward, S. Shaw, T. Ballard, A. 
    Bullant(?), M. Green, Jas. Best, J.P. Cook, W.H. Harrison, C. Hubbard, L. Batston, B.F. 
    Dycon, S.W. Gowan, John Yates, D.E. Yates, J. Field, J. Winston, J.P. Bright, John Wayne
    The regiment went into the fight at Coal Harbor with (illegible number, maybe six) guns and 
    charged alone and unsupported upon the battery on the extreme right of the enemy lines 
    supported by the 12th and 14th U.S. Regulars and a regiment of volunteers.  The infantry were 
    driven in and the battery carried.  The colonel was shot down before reaching it.  The Lt. Col. 
    Was killed sitting on one of the guns.  At this moment either the enemy or some dastard gave 
    the order to retreat which the Lt. Col., hearing, repeated and the regiment fell back losing 
    heavily in their retreat.  Both officers and men agree that they could have held the battery
    but for the order to retreat.  The distance charged over was (illegible) yards across an open 
    field, up hill.  When other troops afterwards charged and carried the battery the regiment joined 
    Since the fight, the regiment has been engaged again in battle on Tuesday evening suffering 
    severe losses but they are not yet reported
    R.P. James, Adj., 20th N.C.T.
    Casualties 3rd Regiment N.C.T. in the Battle at Frazier’s Farm, July 1, 1862
    Field and Staff
    Killed:  Col. Gaston Meares
    Company A
    Killed:  Josiah Heath, Charles Oxley, Jacob Ruble
    Wounded:  Lt. J.D. Albritton, Ptes. Jno. F. Jones, Arthur Moore, Jno. R. Heath, W.H. Hay, 
    (first name illegible) West
    Company B
    Killed:  Ptes. R.A. Parker, Cooper Sutherland
    Wounded:  Lt. John Badger Brown, Sgt. Jacob Williams, Ptes. Thomas Brinson, William 
    Davis, M. H.(or P.?) Johnson, L. Nethercutt, S.W. Stallings, B. Thigpen, J.W. Tucker, L.M. 
    Wiley, William B. Williams
    Company C
    Killed:  T. Blanchard, R.M. Parker, E. Hollingsworth, W.P. Moore
    Wounded:  Lt. C.P. Mallet, Lt. G.B. Walker, Sgt. J.M. Watkins, Corp. J.B. Arnett, Ptes. A. 
    Barbour, Daniel Butler, W.W. Dawkins, W.G. Davis, G.C. Emery, Thomas Flowers, Henry 
    Jones, Lemuel Knowell, A. Porter, Daniel Robinson, J.W. Rouse, F.(?) Newell, Thomas 
    Springs, Joshua Jackson, Daniel Montgomery
    Company D
    Wounded:  Sgt. Isaac W. King, Ptes. Jas. Gilmore, John Casteen, William K. Hutchinson, 
    Jas. Garvey
    Company E
    Killed:  Pte. Sheperd Saunders
    Wounded:  Sgt. J.R. Jenkins, Ptes. J.R. Canaday, J.A. Edens, E.T. Hardison(?), L.R. Jenkins, 
    since dead, G.W. Patrick, J.H. Rogers, L.H. Sebeil(?) Selleil(?) SeBell(?) Sellell(?), Jesse 
    Walton, B. Williams, W. Williams
    Company F
    Wounded:  Captain William M. Parsley, Pte. J.D. Orrell, G.W. Williams, Pat Gilday, Jno. M. 
    Company G
    Killed:  Pte. E.H. Hardison, Edw. Morton, Henry Phillips, Bizel Smith, W.F. Wood
    Wounded:  Corp. J.J. Sammonds, Pte. M.L. Barbour, E.H. Conway, J.M. Eubanks, W.E. 
    Kellum, J.T. Pool, J.B. Riggs, J.N. Riggs, B.M. Riggs, E.B. Robinson, C.W. Sewell, William 
    Screws, J.E. Winberry, Josiah Tates
    Company H
    Killed:  Pte. D.O. Barnhill, J.O. Hargrove
    Wounded:  Ptes. H. McKinzie, Duncan Baker, J.R. Bedsoles, H.P. Blizzard, Jno. Gaff, J.H. 
    Loudermilk, C.C. Meshaw, J.M. Meshaw, T.L. Porter, W.E. Ross(?) Russ(?), W. Lemmonds
    (?), A.R. Sellars, H.B. Everett, D.J. Bale, Lt. Swift Galloway, severe
    Company I
    Wounded:  Sgt. Jas. F. Clark, Ptes. J.H. Davis, Jesse Sawyer, D.B. Wilkinson, J.W. Ireland, 
    William S. Flynn, John Stewart, Lemuel Neal, J. Neal
    Company K
    Killed:  Sgt. J.C. Lee, Ptes. E.J. Mills, R.H. Rochelle, Joseph Kinen, W.W. Richardson
    Wounded:  Sgt. R.T. Saunders, Corp. W.B. Player, Ptes. R.H. Piner, J.L. Pigford, W.L. 
    Rivenbark, Jno. Rainer, R.O. Cowan, S.G. Blake, A.M. Smiley, L.D. Evans, Adam Ross, 
    W. Shepard, Archibald Giddeons
    The above list does not include all those who, though wounded, have remained with the 
    regiment and will be able to resume their usual duties within a few days.
    Armond L. Derosset
    2nd Lt., Acting Adjt. 3rd N.C.T.
    Camp 1st N.C. Cavalry, near Richmond, July 5, 1862
    Mr. Editor:
    From a paragraph in your paper this week it would appear that the 1st N.C. Cavalry had 
    been entrapped by the enemy which was not the case.  I give you, therefore, a true 
    statement of the circumstances.  
    General Lee desired information in regard to the strength and movements of the enemy on 
    our route.  Col. Baker received orders June 28 to make a reconnaissance of the enemy’s left 
    wing moving in the direction of the Chickahominy and was ordered to find out and report the 
    position and strength of the enemy in that quarter.  
    Accordingly, on the morning of the 29th June we drove in their pickets at Willis’ Church and 
    encountered one hundred of their cavalry which we charged upon and drove into their camp. 
    The charge was most gallantly led by Colonel Baker.  The men without a single exception 
    behaved with bravery and coolness under a heavy fire of cannon and musketry for more than 
    one half mile and then retreated in good order.
    It was a bold and daring thing but it was not reckless.  The orders were positive.  Every 
    possible precaution had been taken and the course pursued was necessary.  I give you a 
    list of the killed and missing.  Major Crumpler was severely wounded and fell from his horse 
    near one of the batteries but has been retaken and the surgeon hopes for his recovery.
    Company C
    Missing:  Lt. W.B. Fields, Ptes. J.N. Vanpelt, J.C. Taylor and J.M. Lewis
    Company D
    Missing:  Sgts. B.C. McBride and Elisha Green, Ptes. G.M. Ballew, John Franklin, A.J. 
    Graham, Thomas Davis, W.W. Cragg, J. Moretz, J.A. Woodring
    Company F
    Missing:  Pte. Marshall White
    Company H
    Missing:  Capt. Thomas Ruffin, 1st Sgt. H.B. Lane, Ptes. S. Stanley, F. Osgood, G.A. 
    Jackson, F. Coley, John Flowers, Charles Angel, John Powell, W.H. Brogden, John E. Smith
    Company I
    Killed:  Ptes. J.S. Grant, W.J. Watson
    Missing:  1st Sgt. James W. Merritt, Sgt. Z. Smith, Ptes. Alexander Barrier, W.H. Batts, 
    B. Batchelor, W. Grady, Jesse Horne, A.J. Hardy, Isham Misenhelmer, K.H. Murray, J.R. 
    Miller, H. Page, W.H. Stetson, J.W. Stokes, Seth Smith, Jacob Smith, A.F. Williams, Jere 
    Williams, Ed Williams
    Band:  Wm. Brown, Co. G, Philip Riley, Co. H, Wm. A Purviance, Co. F
    Captain Houston’s “I” and Captain Ruffins “H” companies suffered most severely, being in the 
    North Carolina Standard
    July 9, 1862
    As many of our readers feel a deep concern for Colonel Vance and his regiment we will state 
    what we know of his movements and situation since he left Richmond.  The Colonel arrived at 
    Richmond on the 26th, his regiment forming a part of General Ransom’s brigade.  He rested 
    an hour or two in the public square and then proceeded under orders to the neighborhood of 
    Seven Pines where he had a sharp skirmish with the enemy.  
    He took part with his regiment in the terrible struggle on Tuesday below Richmond.  We have 
    seen no account of the killed and wounded of his regiment in that battle but we learn that the 
    brigade to which Col. Vance was attached charged for one and a quarter mile under fire of 32 
    pieces of artillery with shells weighing 800 pounds falling on the field from the enemy gun boats.  
    Col. Vance’s regiment behaved nobly.  They never faltered but went forward shouting “for old 
    North Carolina” and “old Zeb”.  The colonel was in front.  Four of his gallant dead were found 
    the next morning within forty feet of the cannon’s mouth, ahead of every other southern 
    regiment for no other dead were found so near the guns. 
    Captain John Jones of Caldwell, getting separated from his regiment in the darkness and 
    confusion, passed straight on towards the flashing guns until he was stopped and turned 
    back by General Ransom.  It was a glorious affair for all arms and among the bravest of the 
    brave on that occasion were Vance and his regiment.  
    We learn that General Ransom’s brigade to which Col. Vance belonged has been transferred 
    from General Huger’s to General Longstreet’s division and that the latter division is near the 
    enemy on the James River.
    List of Killed and Wounded in Colonel Riddick’s Regiment
    (No date or battle was given in the newspaper)
    Wounded:  Colonel R. H. Riddick, Lt. Col. C.J. Hammerskold, Adj. J. W. Riddick
    Company A
    Killed:  Pte. Green Andrews
    Company B
    Killed:  Drury Haull(?)
    Wounded:  Ptes. William Wright, Adolphus Withro(?), Wallman(?) Brooks, F.M. Green, A.H. 
    Davis, Amos Hemrick(?)
    Company C
    Killed:  Ptes. A.G. Wallace, G.E. Kenter(?) Keeter(?), B. Tanner, W.H. Muler(?)
    Wounded:  L.N. Meliryer(?), L.A. Davis, H. Lammer(?), W.G. Connor, C.M. Crow, R.M. Harrill, 
    A. O. Lynch, J.W. Wilson
    Company D
    Killed:  Pte. J.R. McNeeley
    Wounded:  Capt. W.L.J. Lawrence, Sgt. T.J. Atkinson, Ptes. Wm. Harvell, E. Freeze, F.M. 
    Miller, R.A. Overcash, Joel Corriber, S.A. Martin, B.M. Atwell, Wilson Overcash, David Pickler, 
    J.B. Parker, J.T. Withford(?), J.K. McNeeley
    Company E
    Killed:  Lt. David Rhodes, Ptes. J.H. Hill, Dan Wise, Dan Perkins, Joab Moore, Cephus 
    Wounded:  M.L. Heavener, Joshua Queen, Pink Edmond, Charles Shull, George Hedgpelt(?), 
    David Read, Alex Helms, Thomas Abernathy, Daniel Gilbert, Petry(?) Perry(?) Carpenter, Jno. 
    H. Eaker
    Company F
    Killed:  Capt. A.G. Waters, Ptes. William Clay, A.G. Edam, R.H. Shields(?), W.L. Harden, 
    B.K. Harden, J.A. Bryant, Samuel(?) Akin, John White, D.A. Wilson, Solomon Carpenter, 
    J.E. Beam
    Wounded:  Lt. D.R. Hoyle, Ptes. Cyrus Sparrow, A.H. Gantt, B.M. Hoyle, Solomon Newton, 
    Newton Wright, A.C. Irvin, Jas. Blanton, D.M. Stroup, Henry Hoyle, Presley Norman, Jacob 
    Earls, John Newton, G.(?) or C.(?) Felmot(?), H.S. Moss, D.D. Price
    Company G
    Killed:  Ptes. Charles Anderson, J.D.D. Alexander, J.K.P. Means, J.A. Todd
    Wounded:  Lt. G. M. Norment, Lt. Robert D. Reid, Ptes. W. Clerx, J.J. Phillips, J.J. Bain, 
    Scot Lawing
    Company K
    Killed:  Ptes. Luther Roberts, Leroy Putnam, A.P. Good, John Howell, William Brown, Martin 
    Company I
    Killed:  S. Cargell, G.C. Kenaday
    Wounded:  J. Steadman, William Martin, Phillip Suttle, Jack Robbins, Joab Hunthry, W.L. 
    Jones, M. Kimble
    Company K
    Killed:  C.(or O.?) D. Harlie, P.G. Green, H.C. Hamilton
    E.S. McLaughlin
    List of Casualties in the 6th N.C.R. on Friday, 27th June
    Company A
    Wounded:  Lt. Col. Avery, flesh wound in thigh, Sgts. Dickson and Swafford, Ptes. J.S. 
    Brown, R.L. Elliott, J.T. Elliott, Thomas Keenan
    Company B
    Wounded:  Capt. Parrish, Ptes. N. Parker, Green(?) Roberts, J.G. Lansford
    Company C
    Wounded:  Ptes. S.H. Garrand, N.G. Leigh, Jas. Huskie, W.D. Pool, Evans Turner, Corp. L. 
    Turner, Ptes. R. Brasfield, J. Kilgrock.
    Company D
    Wounded:  Ptes. J.M. Thompson, H. McNeeley
    Company E
    Killed:  Pte. C.H. English
    Wounded:  Corp. Cox, Ptes. J.O. Sikes, J. Hunsinger, Wm. Branch, J.W. Lewis, Wm. Howell
    Company F
    Wounded:  Corp. Durham, Ptes. M.(?) Bevins, John Pettigrew, H. Stanford, A.H. Cheek, J. Bevins
    Company G
    Killed:  Ptes. Redwind, M.L. Morgan
    Wounded:  Ptes. D.A. Sloop, W.J. Smith
    Company H
    Killed:  Pte. J.A. Burk
    Wounded:  Ptes. A. Coleman, A. Tucker, F.A. Page(?), G. Stadler
    Company I
    Wounded:  Capt. R.W. York, Ptes. L. Pickard, T.C. Barbee
    Company K
    Wounded:  Pte. G.S. Holt
    North Carolina Standard
    July 16, 1862
    Report of Killed and Wounded 22nd Reg’t. N.C.T., June 26, 27 and 30th 
    The 22nd Reg’t. N.C.T. is in General Pender’s Brigade and Major General A.P. Hill’s Division.  
    The 22nd was commanded by James Conner, Colonel; R.H. Gray, Lt. Col.; and C.C. Cole, Major.
    The following is a list of casualties on the 26th:
    Colonel Connor, leg broken by minie ball late in the evening.
    Company A
    Wounded:  John Hogler in thigh and head; S.L. Nelson, slight in leg; Thomas Knight, serious 
    in leg; Hosea Clark, serious in foot; John Badger, in the hand
    Company B
    Killed:  Pte. James Englund
    Wounded:  William Elliott, in arm and hip, E.P. Reed, slight in head, William McGullard(?), in 
    the hand, Neil(?) Laughran, in hand, Daniel Queen, slight in hand
    Company E
    Wounded:  Corp. J.W. Yates, mortally, Calvin McQueen, Harmon S. Wade, serious, M.D. 
    Medearis(?), cut on the head by piece of shell but rejoined his company the next morning, 
    R.H. Crouch, slight in hand by piece of shell but continued with the company, Robert W. 
    Cole, flesh wound in shoulder, Harper Poe
    Company F
    Killed:  John Pollard
    Wounded:  George W. Collins, in both legs and thigh, Franklin Whitaker in hip by spent ball, 
    Martin Waggoner, spent ball
    Company G
    Killed:  Lt. J.L. King, Sgt. J.L. Hubbard, Corp. W.S. Page
    Wounded:  Corp. C.(?) S. Kersey, wrist broken, Corp. William L. Page, Pte. Milton Sparks, 
    Ellis Sartin(?), seriously in side, L.J. Perkins, William Sanders
    Missing:  J.H. Bates
    Company H
    Killed:  J.J. Young, William Brown
    Wounded:  Sgt. H. Williams, Sgt. R.R. Martin, James Jackson, Richard Vernon, J.W. 
    Hutchings, J.W. Shafer, C.C. Sands
    Company I
    Wounded:  Lt. G.B. lamb, R.W. Winburn, J.R. Wheeler, F. Holder, Edw. Surtz(?), D.G. 
    Lamb, M. Reynolds
    Company K
    Wounded:  George W. Lockey, leg broke, A.B. Copeland, thigh broken, Franklin Condrey, in 
    chin and head slight, Robert C. Wright, shoulder
    Company L
    Wounded:  Lt. J.A.C. Brown (commanding company), hand, Sgt. R.W. Robbins, arm, B.F. 
    Williams, lost one finger, D.P. Allison, arm, W.A. Lednam, thigh, A.B. O’Bryan, hip, J. 
    Heirnes, bruised by shell
    Company M
    Wounded:  J.R. Sumner, mortally, Corp. J.T. Turner, serious in arm, Calvin Gray, arm, 
    Thomas Turner, thigh, J.M. Cox, leg, Samuel Trodger, face, severe, Clarkson York, neck, 
    severe, Christian Foust, side, W.F. Alred, neck
    Battle of the 27th:
    Company A
    Killed:  James Thornton
    Wounded:  Alfred Story, breast and arm, C.A. Green, hand, Relias Dula, arm, 
    Company B
    Wounded:  Capt. J.M. Neal, back
    Company E
    Killed:  John Dodd, Nathaniel Martin
    Wounded:  S.G. Andrew, severe, Henry Long, leg broke, Color Sgt. S.N. McClenick, thigh, 
    J. A. May, M.A. Holt, slight
    Company F
    Wounded:  Hiram Edwards, leg, William Taifen, leg broke, E.T. Landreth, in back with a 
    spent ball, Sgt. Fleming Hampton, abdomen, Center Fender, back
    Missing:  F. Holloway
    Company H.
    Wounded:  W.A. Reid, H. C. Hollinsworth
    Company I
    Sgt. A.H. Worth
    Company K
    Killed:  Corp. W.S. Gurgin, George W. Burgin
    Wounded:  R.R. McCoy, thigh, Richard McFarlin, arm and leg
    Company L
    Wounded:  C.M. Vestal, arm, O.(?) G.(?) M. Pike, left side, ball lodged near back bone; 
    W.L. Miller, right hip, A. Limbery, ankle
    Company M
    Killed:  Pte. J.W. Kwitt, Sr.
    Battle of the 30th:
    Company A
    Killed:  W. Abernathy(?)
    Wounded:  Cage Simmons in shoulder, S.M. Clark in shoulder, H. Sides, arm, severe, 
    Colsay(?) Clark, mortal in bowels, Ale(?) Bissinger, leg shot off, Henry Kolter, thigh, H.C. 
    Fisher, J.C. Sherill, Nathan Ligue
    Missing:  Wm. Sherrill
    Company B
    Wounded:  Daniel Johnson, leg, John Sisk, bruised by piece of shell
    Company E
    Killed:  Lt. Harper E. Charles, commanding company, Pendleton Jones, John Gerringer, H.P. 
    Cook, J.Y. Briggs
    Wounded:  George W. Wiley, severe in mouth, A.R. Wilson, arm, N.W. Wyrick(?) in foot,
    A.L. Gordon, arm, J.W. Pegram, both thighs broken, J.W. Stock, leg, F.U. Hooper, shot 
    through both legs, James Laughlin, shoulder, Jesse Jester(?), neck, D.W. Busick, leg
    Company F
    Wounded:  Sgt. E.T. Sander, Jackson Elliott, foot, W.J. Walker, thigh, G.F.C. Powell
    Company H
    Killed:  Captain E.B. Bouldin
    Wounded:  L.W. Alley, W.H. Hall(?), A. Manual(?), Corp. J.C. Carn, H.J. Rhodes, A.C. 
    Rhodes(?), Desalb(?) Smith, A.R. Heath
    Company I
    Wounded:  W. Alred
    Company K
    Killed:  Dave Lavender
    Robert Duncan, L.A. Morris
    Wounded;  John Wood (of Guilford)
    Missing:  Stephen McKinnie
    Company L
    Killed:  Color Sgt. E. Talbert, Corp. L.T. Fruit, T.G. McMasters
    Wounded:  3rd Lt. J.P. Bush, A. Huton
    Company M
    Killed:  Calvin Alred
    Wounded:  Braxton York, mortal, Lt. C.F. Siler(?) Sider(?), severe, Sgt. W.P. Willie, W.F. 
    Hays, E.P. Burgess
    North Carolina Standard
    July 23, 1862
    26th Regiment
    Drury’s Bluff, July 11, 1862
    Mr. Editor:
    Your numerous readers will be pleased to hear from the 26th Regiment, N.C.T.  Since the 
    20th ult., when we left Mosely Hall, we have seen what is called active service.  And though 
    we have been more than once in the carnage of battle, when all around was darkness lit by 
    the musket flash and the cannon’s glare, it has been our fortune to suffer but a slight loss. 
    Those who have fallen, however, were endeared to us by many noble qualities having, with 
    unshrinking courage, always stood among the foremost in the hour of danger.
    Several of our sick have been removed from the Richmond hospital to Lynchburg, Petersburg 
    and other places where their wants may be better provided for.
    In the recent “battles of Richmond” while all our troops fought with light hearts and the most 
    determined courage, still it is well known to all that the highest praise is eminently due to the 
    troops from North Carolina and Georgia.  These two states among the jewels of the Confederacy, 
    shone brightest when batteries would be charged or breast works stormed.  The blood of their 
    sons has been freely shed—not a swamp nor a hill below Richmond but has drunk deeply of the 
    life tide of their free men.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 23, 1862
    A correspondent of the Charlotte Democrat, writing from Petersburg, gives an account of the 
    part taken by the 48th N.C. Regiment in the fight of the 26th June near Richmond, thus alludes
    to Lt. Henry M. Miller of this city.  He is the son of Henry W. Miller, Esq., of this city:
    “It would be unjust to omit in this description of the fight the name of the intrepid and gallant 
    H.M. Miller of Raleigh.  He had been acting as adjutant for some time in this regiment where 
    he was a universal favorite but had gone home and returned only a day or two before the battle.  
    He did not belong to the regiment but acted as lieutenant in one of the companies as both of the 
    officers were sick.  When some confusion and hesitation was exhibited by the color bearer in 
    advancing with the colors, and the Lt. Colonel was about to bear them forward himself, Lt. H.M. 
    Miller asked permission to carry the colors, which was granted and he bore them heroically in 
    front up to the very lines of the enemy and upon the order of Colonel Hill and to induce the enemy 
    to come out of cover, he planted them some ten paces in front of our lines and told the colonel 
    that if he wished it he would stand by the colors himself.  When the fight was closing, Mr. Miller 
    heard a wounded Yankee just before him crying out for water and ran forward and gave him his 
    canteen he was fired upon by some Yankee and came near being killed. The regiment fells 
    justly proud of him and the country and his parents should know of his gallantry.”
    Richmond, Va., July 15
    Mr. Editor:
    There was no braver charge in the great battles before Richmond then that made by the 1st 
    N.C.R. on the evening of Thursday, June 27.  In obedience to a reckless and inconsiderate 
    order from their Brigadier General, they rushed upon a battery located in the strongest possible 
    position, supported by long lines of rifle pits and which could only be approached by marching 
    down a steep hill and then through a marshy ravine made almost impassable by abattis, deep 
    ditches and every obstacle that military genius could suggest.  Undaunted by the terrific fire to 
    which they were exposed, and regardless of the obstructions which rendered success 
    impossible, they marched steadily on to their appointed work and only retired when the 
    hopelessness of the task was made apparent by the falling back of all other regiments and 
    ordered to retreat from the officer in command.  In this desperate charge all the field officers 
    were wounded—the colonel and major mortally—while the loss of life among the company 
    officers and privates was most fearful; and yet not a man faltered or dreamed of retreating 
    until compelled to retire by the officer in charge.  The 3rd Regiment was also engaged under 
    the gallant and lamented Meares and covered itself with glory.
    North Carolina Standard
    August 27, 1862
    30th N.C.R.
    August 12
    The casualties of Company D in the battles before Richmond embracing the 26th June and 
    ending the 1st July are as follows:
    Killed on the field:  Ptes. J.F. Jones, Jas. Whelans, A.M. White, J.A. Davis, Jos. Mason
    Wounded:  Sgt. Y.D. Ray, slight, Corp. Jas Ferrell, slight, Ptes. W.N. Bowlin, J.T. Davis, W.Y. 
    Piper, Elijah Wilkins, J.W. Whelons, James White, severe, J.T. Gardner, John L. Joyner, C.T. 
    Mangum, W.H.C. Pollard, J.T. Pearce, George W. Pearce, John Vaughn, S.S.D. Williams, slight.
    Missing:  Corp. J.D. Allen
    On Saturday previous to the commencement of the battle on Tuesday, Captain Eugene 
    Grissom was severely wounded in a skirmish with the enemy pickets by a minie ball passing 
    through the right shoulder.  Consequently the company was commanded by 1st Lt. C.N. 
    Allen, who led his men through the thickest of the fighting like a gallant hero.  Our captain 
    who is very much missed by his company, is mending and I am in hopes will soon be able 
    to renew his service to his country by assuming command again.
    John T. Nichols, Ord. Sgt., Company D
    30th Regiment N.C.T.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 2, 1862
    The Wounded of Col. McRae’s Regiment:
    The Richmond Whig is indebted to a “paroled prisoner who has just reached this city, for the 
    following list of wounded in the 5th N.C. at the battle of Williamsburg, who are now at the 
    Fortress Monroe Hospital and who are all doing well.  Other wounded prisoners are known to 
    be at Mill Creek, Chesapeake and Baltimore hospitals.
    Lt. W.T. Anderson, wounded in head
    Jas. H. Marshall, Charles O’Neil, -------- Pitway, Wm. Rape, C. (or O.) T. Pierce, H.F. Stone, 
    Plygan Sykes, James Womack, Wm. B. Lead, B. Jones, E. Green, Wm. Fornay, Wm. H. 
    Hare, Calvin Hays, Cullen Wiggins.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 30, 1862
    When the full returns are received, thousands of dwellings will be filled with anguish of spirit for 
    the “loved and lost.”  Into tens of thousands of souls will the iron enter.  God pity and support 
    the bereaved!  So far we have only accounts of a few officers killed and wounded.  Among them 
    the only general officers are the gallant North Carolinian General Pender who was slightly 
    wounded in the hand and Gen. Elty.  Of other North Carolinians, the killed reported are Col. 
    Campbell of Iredell, of the 7th; Capt. Jas. A. Wright of Wilmington, of the 1st, an accomplished 
    gentleman and gallant officer, whom we mourn as a friend; Maj. Skinner of Chowan, we believe, 
    of the 1st; Lt. Grandy; Lt. Duncan C. Haywood of Raleigh, son of the late Senator Haywood, of 
    the 7th.  Of wounded, we have Major Benjamin R. Huske of this town of the 48th, struck by a 
    ball in the foot, on Wednesday.  Lt. John H. Anderson, also of this town, and of the same 
    regiment, in the fleshy part of the leg, same day.  Col. J.H. Lane, of the 28th, formerly of the 
    Bethel Regiment, severely and will probably lose an arm.  Capt. Benjamin R. Moore of Salisbury, 
    adjutant of the 16th Regiment, painfully but not dangerously in the thigh.  Col. Stokes of Wilkes, 
    of the 1st, badly wounded in the leg.  Lt. Col. John A. McDowell of Bladen, also of the 1st, 
    badly wounded in the shoulder.  Col. Riddick of Gates, of the 34th, in the leg.  Adjutant Riddick, 
    also of the 34th, severely.  Major Hammerskold, contusion.  Capt. W.A. Blount, aide to 
    General Branch, shot through the arm.
    Fayetteville Observer, July 7, 1862
    Casualties of Company F, Scotch Boys, 18th Regiment N.C.T
    The following are the casualties of Company F, 18th Regiment in the battle of Tuesday last, 
    and were received here last night.
    Richmond, July 2:  Capt. D. Murdoch, McLaurin, wounded in thigh; John Pate, ditto; James 
    Wright, wounded in ankle; Alex Buchanan, wounded in head severely; A. H. McNeill, Duncan 
    McLaughlin and A.P. McKay, wounded slightly.  Rest all safe. J.B.B.
    Wilmington Journal
    Besides the officers enumerated in our last and in other parts of this paper, we regret to learn 
    this morning that Lt. Wm. A. Wooster of Wilmington is among the killed. He was a young 
    gentleman of high character, a graduate with first distinction of our University in the class of 
    1860.  Col. Iverson is wounded; Lt. Robert T. Murphy of Sampson, reported killed.  Lt. William 
    J. Kerr of Charlotte, 7th Regiment, severely wounded.  Lt. F.J. Moore, slightly.  Capt. Jas. 
    Reeves, died of wounds.  Lt. Stokes, mortally wounded.  Major P.J. Sinclair’s wound is a painful 
    one in the thigh.  He was taken to the American Hotel, Richmond, and his wound dressed by 
    Dr. Coffin.  He has, however, just arrived here in this morning’s boat from Wilmington.  Lt. John 
    H. Anderson is expected today in another boat.
    Casualties in the Confederate Greys, Company E, 20th Regiment
    Killed:  Privates Marshal Flowers, A.S. Parker, Thomas T. McIntire, D.J. Winders and Stafford 
    Grant (supposed to be dead)
    Wounded:  Lt. Frank Ireland, slightly in hip; Corps. T.B. Wright, severely in right arm; W.D. 
    Cherry, in several places; J.C. Killett, thigh; Privates J.D. Shine, dangerously in hip and side; 
    B.B. Southerland, T.W. Broadhurst, Ivy R. Baker, Thomas M. Faison, B.B. Carr, A.B. Dail or 
    Dall, and David Broadhurst, all severely wounded, besides several slightly wounded.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 14, 1862
    Casualties in the 2nd Regiment N.C.T.
    Skirmish of June 21, near Seven Pines
    Killed:  Capt. H. C. Gorrell, E; Private jas. Barnes, B
    Wounded;  Privates Ruffin Flowers, Richard Odoth(?), severely; Eatman Flowers, slightly
    Company C
    Private Robert Brook, arm amputated
    Company E
    Private Samuel Gray, severely
    Company I
    Wounded and Prisoner:  Private Aaron Pitts
    Company F
    Wounded and Missing:  Private R. Somers
    Engagement of June 26 near Mechanicsville
    Company B
    Wounded:  Private John Flora, severely
    Company G
    Private D.F. Andrews, slightly
    Company H
    John G. Croom, slightly
    Company K
    Capt. George C. Lewis, slightly
    Engagement of June 27, near Cold Harbor
    Company E
    Killed:  Sgt. Jas. M. McLane, Corp. Robert Ryan, Private Armistead Ellington
    Company H
    Killed:  Private Jas. M. Hogg
    Company C
    Wounded:  Privates N.G.B. Jennett, H.J. Winders, severely; Jno S. Beanet, Jno. C. King, slightly
    Company D
    Sgt. Levi Edwards, severely; Private B.H. Pope, slightly
    Company E
    Privates N. Stanly, mortally; Alvis Pope, slightly
    Company F
    Private W.T. Hawkins
    Company G
    Privates C. Kinley, mortally; Everett Sheifer, severely; F.M. Jordan, slightly
    Company H
    Private John L. Tindall, mortally
    Company K
    Private H.H. Murphy, slightly
    Engagement of July 1, Malvern Hill
    Company B
    Killed:  Sgt. John T. Williford, Corp. G.L.F. Flowers, Private John Robinson
    Company E
    Killed:  Privates A. Taylor, H. Robinson
    Company F
    Killed:  Privates H. Woods, B. Shute
    Company G
    Killed:  Sgt. B.F. Fernandez, Privates N.J. Lockie, J.B. Jones
    Company H
    Killed:  Sgt. R.J. Goodwin, Privates L. H. Grady, N.R. Pike
    Company I
    Killed:  private P.W. Heritage
    Company K
    Killed:  Privates G.C. Phillips, D. Lee
    Company B
    Wounded:  Lt. W. Howard, severely; Lt. Robert Calder, Sgt. B.S. Barnes, Privates Wm. Ferrate, 
    Jno. Eatman, N. Davis, M. Owens, J. Skinner, slightly
    Company C
    Wounded:  Corp. T.C. Overman, severely; Privates A. Rogers, Joel Price, Revel Jones, slightly
    Company D
    Wounded:  Privates S. Felton, L. Pope, slightly; A.B. Moore, severely
    Company E
    Wounded:  Privates W. Core, severely; Jno. Thompson, L.R. Colley, Peter Reynolds, slightly
    Company F
    Wounded:  Sgt. B.F. May, slightly; Privates Jas. Powers, mortally; W.H. Riggs, L.G. Taylor, 
    severely; J.E. May, Jas. Brinkley, R. Daugherty, slightly
    Company G
    Wounded:  Capt. H. Sawyer, leg amputate; Lt. W.J. Dickinson, slightly; Corp. L.W.H. Pollock, 
    Privates Jno. P. Koonce, D.S. Greene, L.F. Gooding, Lewis King, S. Bratcher, severely; Jas. 
    Barnes, T.H. Cumbe(?) Cumbo(?), B. Andrews, slightly
    Company H
    Wounded:  Capt. J.P. Cobb, Lt. J.W. Gulick, severely; Corps. J.W. Daly, T.D. Carroway, 
    slightly; Privates E. Casey, J.W. Deems, G. Williams, J. Casey, severely; N. Grady, C. Lelks, 
    L. Grady, slightly
    Company I
    Wounded:  Privates Jas. Pitts, Jas. W. Locke, slightly
    Company K
    Wounded:  Lt. W. Calder, Sgt. Maj. J.J. Brown, slightly; Privates W. A. Johnson, W. West, J. 
    Vicars, G. Cowling, I. Merritt, severely; Daniel Strat, J. Martin, J. Smithwick, J. Simpson, J. 
    Brinson, C.F. Hargett, Henry Hughes, B. O’Neal, A. lee, Jno. Lewis, J. Searles, L. Sleeper, H. 
    Nutt, slightly
    Wounded and Missing:
    Company B:  Private H. Evans
    Company F:  Privates Wm. Shute, Wm. Jackson
    Company G:  Private Wm. M. Waters
    Company H:  W. Hines, Bryant Parker
    Company I:  Jas. T. Bryan
    Company B:  Private Jos. Jefferson
    Company E:  Privates C. Copeland, Wm. Fitzgerald
    Company F:  Privates R. Brinkley, Abel Taylor
    Company G:  Privates Jno. Barnes, W.G. Higgins
    Company I:  Private Jos. Mellin
    Company K:  Private E.R. Robinson
    Among the wounded arrived here from the recent battle fields, we notice Col. A. Iverson, the 
    commander of the 20th.  Col. Iverson is painfully, but not dangerously wounded.  Also, Lt. Col.
    John A. McDowell, of the 1st Regiment, very severely injured by a piece of shell striking him 
    on the breast.  He goes up to Bladen today on the steamer, where we trust he will soon be 
    restored.  Also, Capt. D. Murdock McLaurin, of the Scotch Boys.
    Wilmington Journal, 7th 
    Fayetteville Observer, July, 1862
    7th Regiment N.C.T.
    Killed:  Col. R.P. Campbell
    Wounded:  Lt. Col. E.G. Haywood
    Company A
    Killed:  Privates R.R. Guy, N.F. Stine, T. Dagerheard
    Wounded:  Sgt. J.P. Marshall, Privates D. Matherson, R.A. Morrison, N.C. Baker, S. 
    Dagerheart, D.(?) Paine, H.H. Miller, D.B. Brown, W.R. Summers, J.F. Moore, A.F. Morrison, 
    J.M. Cruise.
    Company B
    Killed:  Privates J.L. Wilhelm, W.H. Walker, F. Alnton(?)
    Wounded:  Sgt. W.W. Harris, Privates J.H. Blalock, J. Blockwelder, N. Basba, J. Bost, J.E. 
    Bost, P.E. Bost, E. Cassie, J.S. Harris, C. Hartzell, J.M. Hartzell, S. Tinker, J. McGraw, J. 
    Murph, P.J. Nash, W. Rineheart, J. Vanderburg, D.N. Wenicock
    Company C
    Killed:  Sgt. D.P. Lang, J. Vindrick
    Wounded:  Capt. R.B. McRae, Corp. S. Peavey, Privates T. Bullard, R. Bass, S. Bass, A. 
    Carter, R. Holder, J. Howell, B.T. McMullin, F. Spivey, I. Strickland, N.G. Smith, I.M. Hay, 
    (no first name or initials) Hussey, G.S. Jackson, R. Kelley, A.M. Ward, K. Dougherty, J. Godwin
    Missing:  Privates R. Cannon, J. Jackson
    Company D
    Killed:  Privates A.D. Ayres, D.P. Jones, R.M. Nevil
    Wounded:  Lts. W.J. Kerr, B.H. Davidson, Sgt. T.J. Cahill, Privates J. Gallagher, J. Howell, 
    D.W. Hicks, E. Jahn, R.J. Jamison, P.J. Kirby, W. McGarar, J. Rogers, A.B. Sprout, G.W. 
    Saunders, R. Whalom, J. Maguire, D. Howell
    Company E
    Killed:  Lts. D.C. Haywood, W.A. Close, Privates R.S. Rellonburg, E. Amos, J. Perry, A.J. Perry
    Wounded:  Corps. J.G. Kemp, C.B. French, H. Barnes, Privates T. Critman, O. Critman, 
    M.A. Brantley, D. Deans, J. Deans, W. Tiles, K. Tiles, N.T. Stoll, N. Williams, J.F. Esmond, 
    N.W. Hendrick, J. Murray, J.J. Taylor, H. Medlin
    Missing:  Privates E.H. Euse, J.J. Taylor
    Company F
    Killed:  Private J.H. Myers
    Wounded:  Lt. E.G. Blackmer, Sgt. W.C. Fesperman, S.W. Robinson, Corps. J.F. Newsom, 
    H.T. Fight, W. Crawford, Privates J. Morris, J.W.R. Cannon, W.W. price, D.M. Cauble, J. C. 
    Toftin(?), G.D. Redwine, C.H. Reed, W.S. Turner
    Missing:  Privates G.S. Owen, A.W. Watson, E. Williams
    Company G
    Killed:  Private W.W. Lad
    Wounded:  Sgt. W.H. Weatherspoon, Corp. P.A. McGee, Privates W.T. Herndon, W.M. Barber, 
    S.M. Crlton, J. Satterfield, W.G. Marshall, N.C. Marshall, W.W. Ferrill
    Missing:  Private A. Chapell
    Company H
    Killed:  Private G.A. Yerton
    Wounded:  Lt. J.M. Alexander, Sgt. T.M. Ervin, Corps. W.W. Smith, M.E. Mariss, M.W. 
    Kirkpatrick, Privates W.H. Gibson, W. Nicholson, J.N. Shaw, J.C. Welch, D.E. McEachern, 
    S.W. White, J.B. McClellan, J.G. Martin, S.D. Morrison, J.P. Query, E.S. Stansill, W.W. Kizer
    Company I
    Killed:  Privates J.C. Cashron, J.J.C. Atwell
    Wounded:  Capt. J.K. McAuley, Lt. W.N. Dickeey, Sgts. J.H. Johnston, E.M. Correll, Corp. 
    J.A. Harris, J.S. Tipe, Privates J. Atwell, J.N. Beaty, E.E. Ball or Boll, S.J. Brown, A. Chever, 
    G. Clodfelter, A.H. Cook, J.C. Creswell, J.W. Freeman, J.C. Galliger, J.M. Henry, D.W. 
    Honeycut, E.N. Johnson, J.G. Knox, J.W. McVeely, H.W. Robbins, G.A. Shinn, J.A. 
    Templeton, F.M. Wilson, J.S. Wilson, J.M. Wilson, J.E. Tipe, G.L. Rankin, J.W. Baxter, 
    L.C. Perry
    Company K
    Killed:   Lt. J.C. Miller, Sgt. R.A. King, Corp. J.L. Icenhower, Private W.S. Baker
    Wounded:  Capt. H.H. Peebles, Sgts. J.T. Asbury, R.H. Tenzere, A.M. Walker, Corps. O.(?) 
    Burges, J.A. White, Privates S.T. Brooks, W.D. Barnery, J.G. Brooksher, W.C. Goodnight, 
    F.W. Querry, H. Lamberth, D.E. Myers, F.A. Fincanon, H.W. Thomas, J.W. Pool, W.R. White, 
    A. Heartness, L.H. Kisler, J. Pope, J.H. Overcash, W.L. Hollar, D.T. Warren, N.B. Smith, 
    J.W. Reid
    28th Regiment N.C.T.
    Wounded:  Col. James H. Lane, face, slightly
    Company A
    Killed:  Sgt. C. Cain, Privates W.H. Cockersham, F. Shouse, W.A. McGullin
    Wounded:  Corp. J.H. Brinkley, Privates R. Adkins, E.B. Alberty, B. Jones, C.T. bray, A. Marion, 
    Jno. Marsh, F.M. Nixon, W.B. Holyfield, R.L. Nance
    Missing:  Corp. S. Blackwood, Private S. Wood
    Company B
    Wounded:  Lt. T.T. Smith, Sgts. S.W. Love, J.E. White, H.A. Torrence, Corp. A. Beatty, 
    Privates J.H. Ratchford, W.F. Lewis, W.A. Miller, D. Cloninger, L.M. Bell, C. Kizer, M. Willis, 
    J.F. Murphy
    Company C
    Killed:  private J.P. Seabeck
    Wounded:  Sgt. M.M. Thorneburg, Privates M.L. Houston, J.F. Huffman, J. Huffman, J.M. Dunn, 
    L.M. Yount, J.P. Spencer, J.L. Turbyfill, A. Belch, A.L. Campbell, C.M. Killian, James Goodson, 
    J.P. Little, L.A. Yount, Hiram Miller
    Company D
    Killed:  Privates J. Seiles(?), D.D. Crowell, J.F. Clayton, I. Frick, A. Blackwilder
    Wounded:  Capt. D.A.  Parker, Sgts. J.S. Kirk, M.J. Endy, Corp. J.A. Parker, Privates G.A. 
    Parker, C. Epps, A. Morris, C. Lifler, J. Sides, L. Coley, A, McLester, A. Barbee, J. Howell, 
    C.W. Rowlan, W.C. Yow, M. Fink, Thomas Noble, U. Crayton, M. Ritchie, J. Hopkins, John 
    Wallis (mortally), W.W. Safley
    Missing:  Privates C. Carpenter, A. Carpenter, J.W. Burlison, Jas. Turner, J.H. Lierly
    Company E
    Killed:  Privates C.P. Andrews, L.N. Chancey
    Wounded:  Lt. N. Clark, Sgt. J.R. Smith, Privates M.A. Chancey, G.H. Smart, W. Collins, 
    M.H. Sutt, R.H. Bird, J. Ussery, J. Matheson, R. Wibbs, J.D. Hurlin, N.L. Cook, L. Harris 
    (since dead), T.F. Teal (since dead)
    Missing:  Private J.L. Mason
    Company F
    Killed:  Privates T.R. Hicks, G.M. Daniel
    Wounded:  Lt. J.T. Conrad, J.G. Trulove, Sgt. J.C. Brown, L.M. Cornelius, Corp. S.D. Carson, 
    J.H. Poindexter, Privates H.C. Baker, A. Brown, R. Chaplin, R.H. Hutchins, A.E. Head, J.T. 
    Sprinkle, J.W. Tacket, A.M. Womack
    Missing:  Sgt. Chaplin, Private E. Kittle
    Company G
    Killed:  Corp. J. Straughan
    Wounded:  Corp. T. Snipes, Privates J. Cole, R. Cate, N. Poe, S. Thompson, John Brockwell, R. 
    McCauley, H. Edwards, J. Weaver
    Company H
    Wounded:  Lts. G.G. Holland, L.D. Webb, Sgt. S.A. Simmons, Privates T.J. Holland, R.E. 
    McSwain, J.H. Padgett, J.J. Rollins, J.W. Hamrick, B.B. McSwain, M.M. Jolles, J.M. Alison, 
    J.M. Champion, D.C. Rollins
    Missing:  Private J.C. Holland
    Company I
    Killed:  Sgt. W.D. Farris, Corp. G.W. Atwood, Private A.N. Dull
    Wounded:  Private L.M. Swain, J.H. Fairies, Isaac Moore, S.W. Young, P.H. Beatty, L. Halcomb, 
    D.H. Jennings, W. Nicholas, R.W. Brown, B.T. McRaughan, L.W. Shores, D.B. McBryde
    Missing:  Private L. Dobbins
    Company K
    Killed:  Private J. Morton
    Wounded:  Sgts. D. A. Allman, E. Aarin, Corp. J.D. Smith, Privates T. Furr, C. Furr, E. Morton, 
    G. Altman or Alllman, D.A. Rathcock, A.C. Burris, G. Hathcock
    Missing:  privates D.D.(?) Smith, H. Allman or Altman, W. H. Russell, E. Richie, W. Harrison, 
    G.L. Smith, A.C. Marbree, W.A. Bost, H.C. Swanniger, C.M. White, J.T. Howell, N. Cooper, 
    E.R. Smith
    37th Regiment N.C.T
    Killed:  Col. C.C. Lee
    Wounded:  Lt. Col. W.M. Barber, Major C.N. Hickerson
    Company A
    Wounded:  Lt. Q.C. Hartzog, Privates W. Boyl, C. Yates, J. Blackburn, H.A. Wood, S. Severt, 
    E. Owens, E. Marlow, E. Severt, A.M. Swain, J.A. McNeill, H. Perry, B.F. Walters, P.C. 
    Goodman, H. Tomlinson
    Missing:  Private S. Johnston
    Company B
    Killed:  Privates T. Hodgers, V. Greer, C. Triplett
    Wounded:  lt. J. Cook, C. Carlton, A.J. Critcher, Sgts. J.M. Brown, J.W. Green, Privates A.B. 
    Boyd, C.H. Davis, S.K. Holder, M. Hodges, D.W. Campbell, Thomas(?) Dain, W.L. Robbins, 
    J.R. Norris, W. Hays, T. Handrix, W. Green, J. Miller, J. Brown, J.E. Fairchild, J. Holeman, 
    M. Randles, F.E. Hartley, N. Greer, G.W. Miller
    Missing:  Privates L.M. Bishop, T.R. Carlton
    Company C
    Killed:  private J.M. Beard
    Wounded:  privates H.W. Brown, T.A. Gibson, J.M. Hendrix, E.M. Pucket, A. Worsham, 
    R.R. Worsham, H.H.L.W. Torrence
    Missing:  Privates J.W. Barret, R.A. Montrith, J. Wyley
    Company D
    Corp. G.M. Rushing
    Wounded:  Sgt. J.E. Griffin, Privates J.L. Austin, J.Q. Adams, C. Collins, H.T. Green, G. 
    Medlin, L.G. Parker, A. Honicut, J.T. Griffin, H.N. Rape, T.S. Trull, B. Williams
    Missing:  Private J.W. Parker
    Company E
    Killed:  Sgt. J. Green
    Wounded:  Sgt. J. Ward, Privates E. Prisnell, J.A. Pritchard, R.H. Farthing, Y. Swift, W. 
    Strickland, G. Younce, M. Clark
    Company F
    Killed:  Sgt. J.F. Hendrix
    Wounded:  Capt. D.L. Clary, Lt. W.W. Beard, Privates J.R. Hartin, W.H. McDaniel, W.P. 
    Shaw, A. Parker, R. Coleman, J. Thomas
    Company G
    Killed:  Privates E. Fortner, A.C. McDonald
    Wounded:  Lt. J.H. Brown, Sgts. Campbell, Coclran, Crouch, Corp. Blackwilder, Privates S. 
    Austin (mortal), G.W. Pool, M. Hatton, P.C. Wike, G.M. Bumgarner, G.W. Tritt
    Missing:  Corp. D.L. Bumgarner, Privates A.J. Lewis, A.J. Wike, J.P. Watts, L.F. Smith
    Company H
    Killed:  Private C. Whiteside
    Wounded:  Privates G. Gullick, G. McKee, L. Clummer or Clumner, N.A. Rankin, E. Friday
    Missing:  Private H. Elmore
    Company I
    Wounded:  Privates J.W. Manning, E. Patterson, J.H. Patterson, J.J. Wilson, J.H. Bistler, 
    R.A. Sharp, W. Cross, J. Orr, Jas. Orr, J.L. Orr, D.L. Robinson, C. Mallin
    Missing:  C. Flow, G. Kissiah
    Company K
    Wounded:  Privates J.O.(?) Hensley, E. Brown, W. Ross, R.F. Williams
    33rd Regiment N.C.T. Casualties
    Company A
    Wounded:  (one name illegible), D. Mahoney, J. Corsten, J.H. Plyler, C. Dunz
    Missing:  Private W.W. Marshall
    Company B
    Killed:  Privates W.R. Nelson, J.R. Davis
    Wounded:  Privates J.R. Nelson, J.W. Johnson, W.F. Hoard, H.Q.T. Harrell, W. Harrell, B. 
    Jay, J.W. Peel, T. Brown, John Ruffin, J.F. Grimes
    Company C
    Wounded:  Privates S.A. Burnes, J. Goodman, T.A. Winsell, J. Pimon, J.M. Louder
    Missing:  Private C. Bryant
    Company D
    Killed:  Sgt. M.L. Darrell, Privates H. Stokes, H. Brown
    Wounded:  Privates W. Duncan, W. Brown, B.F. Stiller, Jas. Childers, Thomas Brooks
    Company E
    Wounded:  Sgts. J.C.C. Cooper, W. Brinkley, Privates W. Corbitt, J.B. Benton, G.R. Earl, 
    F.H. Wright, S.J. Baker, Charles Peel
    Missing:  Private J. Harrell
    Company F
    Killed:  Private W.H. Daniel
    Wounded:  Privates J.S. Gibbs, L. Hambleton, D. Linton
    Missing:  Private Reuben Rose
    Company G
    Killed:  Sgt. J.J. Phillips
    Wounded:  Privates L. Hall, D.B. Phillips, J. Atkinson
    Missing:  Private Carroll Pool
    Company H
    Killed:  Lt. J.W. Williams
    Wounded:  Privates J.M. Jarvis, R. Faskin, Z Bunner, J. Saddler, Lewis Swindle
    Company I
    Wounded:  Lt. Goslin, Sgt. J.D. Pitts, Privates J. Stults, G. Dawson, B. Conrad
    Missing:  Corp. J. Roney, Privates N. Kitner, W. Brinkley, M. Brinkley, C. Conrad, W. Kitnon, 
    A. Walls
    Company K
    Privates Thomas Jackson, A. Lassiter, S. Best
    Missing:  Privates R. Heath, P. Kade
    18th Regiment N.C.T. Casualties
    Wounded:  Col. R.H. Cowan, Lt. S.B. Waters, Adjutant
    Killed:  Sgt. Major A.D. Moore
    Company A
    Wounded:  Lts. A.M. Newbury, S.B. Andrews, Privates Henry Rogers, D.S. Bullard, R.W. 
    Tatom, ---------- Brahmer
    Company B
    Killed:  Privates J.A. Thompson, L. Tyson
    Wounded:  Lt. McGill, Sgts. Weggins, Edwards, Munn, Privates J.W. Blackwell, Charles Ward, 
    M. Graves, Calvin Ward, M. Callilhan
    Company C
    Killed:  Private G. Jacobs
    Wounded:  Capt. W.K. Fore, Lt. H. Long, Privates S.G. Bellamy, W. Hudson, E. Cannady, G. 
    Company D
    Wounded:  Privates Biggs, McNeill, Williams, Davis
    Company E
    Killed:  Private J. White
    Wounded:  Capt. Thomson, Lt. Corbett, Sgt. Croom, Privates T. Simpson, O.J. Eakins, T. 
    Brown, W.H. Barnhill, E. Register, L.N. Pridyen, R. Reaves, Futch, Garganus
    Missing:  Sgt. Costin
    Company F
    Wounded:  Capt. McLaurin, Privates Buchanan, McLauchlin, McKay, H. McNeill, J. Pate, Wright
    Company G
    Wounded:  Lt. F.J. Moore, Corp. R. Lloyd, Privates M.G. Chadwick, W.W. Castan, W.T. Eilers, 
    W.L. Hall, H. McRimmon, E.J. Moore, T.A. Shepherd, J.N. Sedbury
    Company H
    Killed:  Corp. S. Baldsin, Privates E. Deal, W.H. Rockwell, A. Sellers
    Wounded:  Capt. M.A. Byme, Sgts. J.A. Baldwin, Elkins, L. Freen, L. McKay, Corp.  Hegh, 
    Privates J. Baldwin, C.M. Baldwin, J.J.M. Penny, S. Smith, S. Sibbett, Jasper
    Company I
    Killed:  Lt. W.A. Wooster, Sgt. Burnett, Privates Walker, Harrison
    Wounded:  Capt. J.D. Barry, Lt. J.P. Bridger, Sgt. Holliday, Privates Quinn, McIntire, Heath, 
    Company K
    Killed:  M.F. King
    Wounded:  Lt. A.H. Tolar, Privates T.S. Whitted, W.C. Singletary, J.W. Davis, B.F. Rinalde, J.D. 
    Currie, J.S. Dunham
    Fayetteville Observer, July, 1862
    List Casualties 2nd Brigade N.C.T. Brigade Genl. Ransolm, at Curl’s Neck, July 1, 1862
    24th Regiment, Col. W.J. Clarke
    Killed:  Capt. Wm. B. Gully, Company D; 2nd Lt. Jno. T. Townsend, E; Sgt. Lawrence H. Sledge, 
    D; Corp. Wm. H. Wilkins, E; Privates P. Obricent, C; Presley Jenkins, D; Harris Vaughn, Jno. 
    Stewart, B; Amos Sessoms, F
    Wounded:  Lt. M.C. Bumpass, A; Capt. Jas. C. Bailee, H; Sgt. Samuel S. Moore, A; Corp. 
    Willie C. Lettie, A; Sgt. Wm. W. Richerson, C; Sgt. Addison D. Earp, C; Sgt. Edmond H. 
    Wilson, I; Corp. Jasmond J. Morgan, I; Corp. Jesse J. Reed, mortally; Sgt. Josiah Stephens, 
    E; Privates Marmaduke Davis, Jno. H. Burton, A; Harrison Hoag, Burtie Chasubler, Jno. R. 
    Barnes, C; Sam Brown, Wm. Pitman, D; Benjamin Hicks, Wm. Pane, E; Owen Satun, Jno. 
    A. Devane, H.M. Darfield, G; Bart S. Allen, Thomas R. Blalock, Thomas H. Dumpass, G.H. 
    Chandler, Steph Drake, Wm. Estwood, Jno. D. Ford, J.T. Hamteil, Reub Long, Wm. N. Neighbor, 
    Jno. B. Singer, Benjamin J. Wade, Henderson L. Wilkins, A.J. Humphries, H. Haywood Barber, 
    Jas. Wallace, P.N. Allen, Haywood Harris, I; Sam J. Thomas, Willie R. Hurin, K
    25th Regiment
    Col. Rutledge, slightly wounded, Major Thomas Francis, severely wounded
    Company A
    Wounded:  Capt. Love, slightly; Privates Thomas J. Euxon, severely; Jac. M. Solups, Elias 
    A. Drake, Francis Owsley, Sam Whaling, Curris J. Pain, Cal. J. Featherton, Anderson C. 
    Heacle, Hampton Sutton
    Company B
    Killed:  Privates W.V. Norten, J.B. Queen, A.J. Crawford
    Wounded:  Sgt. W.B. Allen, severe, J.W. Cogden, D.H. Hooper, D.B. Woods; Privates P.C. 
    Long, D.M. Keener, J.J. Meas, H.N. Parker, J.A. Collins, J.W. Cowin, D.L. Cowin, S.M. Bryson, 
    Benton, Watson, Alf Paris, J.H. Frizzle, J.H. Moody, W.R. Sheely, J.T. Allen, S.S. Parker, R.S. 
    Hempshell, Fuller Martin
    Company C
    Killed:  Private L.A. Buchanan
    Wounded:  John Lee, H.D. Fry, Jery Green, W.B. Smother, W.R. Nailcard, W.D. Griffith
    Company D
    Wounded:  Sgt. Robt (last name illegible), two additional names illegible, Jas. Athridge, W.W. 
    Company E
    Killed:  Corp. Thomas J.  McGahn; Privates Levi Anderson, W.S. Hayshead
    Wounded:  Sgt. Jas. W. Thomas, severely; Privates Eliah G. Case, severely, Leonard Coyle, 
    David H. Quaiglard, H.H. Fowler, W.C. Ehey, C.C. Kains, David W. Searcy
    Missing:  John C. Wilson
    Company F
    Killed:  Private Jos. Anderson, D.M. Brooks, J.D. Gobe(?), S.W. Goward, J.E. Price, T.H. Sellers
    Wounded:  Sgt. H.C. Long; Privates G.M. Neatherland, W.C. Lockeby, H.O. Areel, G.W. Beven, 
    G.W. Kelly, Thomas Shirley, G.W. Smith, T.C. Talbert, J.S. Cork, J.G. Pester, J. Blankman, J.L. 
    Company H
    Killed:  E.C. Cowan, L.J. Holden, S.B. Bushmer, J.W. Taylor, B.R. Seagram
    Wounded:  Capt. Cunningham, severely; Lt. Thomas J. Long, slightly; Corps. J.R.  Clemens, 
    B.R. Rush; Privates D.J. Allen, John Barnwell, W. Gowen, Day Gowen, J.S. Greager, Isaac 
    Allison, Joes Leefram, Allen Kirkendall, H.C. Millen, S.M. Lowe, J.M.V. Camelion
    Missing:  J.H. Todson, C.T. Johnson
    Company I
    Wounded:  Sgt. W.R. Cuthroe, Corps. C. Barnett, J.H. Cortney; Privates D.A. Boyd, H. Holden, 
    Wm. M. Joice, Day Brooks, W.D. Pearson
    Missing:  Wm. M. Long, T.M. Knight
    Company K
    Killed:  Privates Alf Ingle, G.W. Andrews, L.D. Williams
    Wounded:  A.M. Keemsay, Henry Alman, J.B. Whitmore, George Whitmore, Newton Carson, H. 
    Bunks, Sam Edwards, Sam Hyatt, C.O. Bryant, Wm. Justice, A. M. Penland, M.M. Ridelle, 
    Erwin Ingle, Daniel Carter  
    35th Regiment
    Killed:  Lt. Col. Petteway
    Wounded:  Col. Matt W. Ransom
    Company A
    Killed:  Privates Turrel Lerut, Lanmer O.(?) Smith
    Wounded:  1st Sgt. T.M. Caston, severely; Privates N.S. Stalptin, W.T. Cox, J.H. Henderson, 
    J.L.K. Lundley, J.B. Sanderg, Acting Sgt. Major W.H. Henderson, W. Hansett, J.H. Littletettor, 
    Seward Martin, Eli Whaley, P. Phelps
    Company B
    Killed:  Private Suth H. Shack
    Wounded:  Capt. W.P. Holyfield, severely; Privates Alfred Haney; Sgt. W. Sackey, W.W. 
    Robinson, Elliott Whisinghurt, James Pyatt, A.J. Smith, D. Cowan
    Missing:  Sgt. S. Richards, Privates Sydney Sikes, J.W. Moore, R.S. Turner
    Company C
    Killed:  Andrew Gowlus, D.C. Smith
    Wounded:  Sgt. Malcolm Ray; Privates A.T. Cameron, M.P.D. Blue, W.W. Cox, T.L. Currier, 
    W.M. Ferguson, S.W. Humber, D.P. Jackson, W.A. Jackson, John M. Tunis, Sgt. J.R. Jenkins; 
    Privates S.L. Cameson, John McLeod, M. Ray, Sr.; E. Rose, Timothy Goodman  
    Company D
    Killed:  Capt. H.J. Lassiter, Privates W.S. Boone, R.J. Pendergrass
    Wounded:  W. Farrow, R.G. Crutchfield, B. Braginton, A.G. Gunter, Lt. R.E. Petty, Sgt. Lassiter, 
    Corp. A.E. Poe, Privates Jas. P. Farrow, W. Straughan, T.G. Hatch, E. Boling
    Missing:  J.M. Gunter, J.M. Johnson
    Company E
    Wounded:  Privates John Newbere(?) Newbero(?), C.A. Tuck, S. Wienstean, A.V. Cayton, R. 
    Harris, Sgt. A. Larborough
    Missing:  Wm. Evans
    Company F
    Killed:  Private Jno. Selwell
    Wounded:  W.T. Byrdam, J. Sendell, Corp. Sundle, T.A. Fowler, J.M. Fowler, P.C. Kezeack
    Missing:  R. Theier, M.L. Davis, R. Blythe, L. Thompson, H. Holmes, T.D. Shelby
    Company G
    Killed:  1st Sgt. W. Howard
    Wounded:  Corp. John Leverett, Private P.M. Taylor
    Missing:  A.J. Baine
    Company H
    Killed:  Sgt. Cochran, Privates L.L. Delton, S.C. Morrison
    Wounded:  Privates R.W. Sarrison, Sgt. Jno. Decton, Corp. M.A. Wilson, W.A. Beques, 
    Privates F.M. Harris, D.M. McCall, J.J. McLaughlin, C.S. Rankin, W.S. Hood, G.C. Erwin
    Missing:  W.H. Davis, T.P. Pharr
    Company I
    Killed:  Private Alex Vincent
    Wounded:  Sgt. J. Olliver, D. Forchan, T.R. Fatton, Privates Elijah Dinkins, Erwin Coines, Sgt. 
    Pest, Privates M.M. Deans, R.R. Langsa
    Missing:  E. Pate, D. Lancaster
    Company K
    Killed:  Lt. J.E. Leak, Private J.A. Arkine
    Wounded:  J.T. Johnston, W.A. Sides, J.C. Huntley, D.P. Glass, A.R. Hines, J. Stafford, L.B. 
    Abemostly, L.H. Erwin, C. Lail, R.L. Baily 
    49th Regiment
    Wounded:  Col. S.D. Ramseur
    Company A
    Killed:  Corp. R. Finley
    Wounded:  Private T.A. Jones, A. Loury, J. Lewis, J. Hurst, T. Davis, G. Watkins, T. Early
    Missing:  J. Lawny
    Company B
    Killed:  Wm. Anderson
    Wounded:  Sgt. Riggsbie, A.J. Seadnam, Corp. S.L. Haincore, Privates W.B. Bennett, E.M. 
    Hackney, A. Riggsbie, W.L. Kerkley, J.E. Hackney, J.M. Riggsbie, J.M. Cole
    Company C
    Sgt. Noah, Private F.T. Watson (transcriber’s note, does not say, but I presume they were killed)
    Wounded:  Capt. Chamers, J.G. Williams, W.B. Dowell, J.C. Bunn, G.M. Cane, E. Wise, C. Bone
    Company D
    Wounded:  Privates M. Black, J.A. Copeland, B. Jones, A. Johnson
    Company E
    Wounded:  1st Sgt. T.L. Bell, Private W.P. Sharp
    Missing:  L. Shensel, W.M. Byers
    Company F
    Killed:  1st Lt. J.W. Burnett, Private J.C. Peord, J.A. Cander
    Wounded: Sgt. Elliott, Corp. Manson, Private D. Burnett, J.M. Marwick, E. Phifer, W. 
    Stephenson, W. Nowell, J.N. Thompson, J.B. Watson, S. Neil, W. Reed, D.G. Kenane
    Company G
    Wounded:  Private P.H. Walton, I.A. Lackey, I.B. Reed
    Missing:  D. Davis, A.C. Hufflecker, J.C. Waters, M.S. Weer
    Company H
    Killed:  Sgt. Bryson, J.A. Lawrence, W.M. Lawrence
    Wounded:  Private E.W. Adams, J.C. Bryson, C. Baldever, J. Blackwood, S.O. Crawford, S.E. 
    Loy, S.A. Lines, J.J. Pearson, T.M. Passon, S.L. Paine, L.L. Runkin, J.L. thome, E.J. Westman
    Missing:  Corp. Davis, Privates R.S. Boyd, J.H. Huffsteller, W.J. Lay, A. Leper, a. Passan
    Company I
    Killed:  Private H. Segman
    Wounded:  S.O. Hager, S. Drums, J. Whycoff, R. Fisher, J. Styles, N.C. Lawrence, M. Bungarme, 
    P. Selyer, H. Lollins, N. Srafferstort, J.C. Aill, G. Well
    Company K
    Private:  Private A. Wilson
    Wounded:  1st Sgt. A.M. Grigg, Privates W.B. Devane, N.C. Hartman, L. Fisher, Wm. Rabb
    Missing:  Privates C.W. Shell, G.W. Lowry, W. Wart, W.S. Hager
     From the Wilmington Journal:
    30th Regiment N.C.T.
    Camp Near Richmond, July 13, 1862
    In a skirmish on the 22nd June, Capt. Eugene Grissom, Company D, was dangerously wounded 
    in the right shoulder.  Private A.A. Lewis, Company A, also wounded in arm.
    At Mechanicsville, on the 26th June, Private R.B. Pegram, Company B, slightly wounded
    In the engagement at Coal Harbor, on the 27th, Lt. Col. J.T. Kell, was wounded in the hand, and 
    severely injured by a fragment of a shell striking him in the side and paralyzing one leg.
    Company A, Capt. J.C. Holmes
    Killed:  Privates Jas. T. Goodrick, Blackman Tew
    Wounded:  Sgt. R.M. Crumpler, flesh would, thigh
    Color Sgt. H.S. Royal, slightly
    Private Nevil Royal, slightly
    Company B, Lt. W.E. Davis
    Killed:  Private Richard R. Sheavin
    Wounded:  Privates J.B. Pegram, W.S. Bell, B. Bobbitt, all seriously
    Company C, Lt. E. Greer
    Wounded:  Lt. L.B. Cain, slightly in shoulder; Corp. G.W. Howard; Privates S. Russ, S. Stanly, 
    D. Danford, latter severely
    Company D, Lt. C.N. Allen
    Wounded:  Privates J.T. Davis, seriously; J.S. Joyner, S.S. Williams and Sgt. Z.D. Ray, slightly
    Company E, Capt. J.C. McMillan
    Killed:  Jas. T. Boney, Morriss Blanton
    Wounded:  Privates W.W. Strickland, mortally, since died; Harzell Dickson, Jos Rivenbark, Jno. 
    H. Wells, Carlton Malpass, W.W. Norriss, Thomas Wallace Teachey Rivenbark, Jno. R. Bowen, 
    Jas. C. Johnson, W.W. Mobley, Corp. A.G. Fussell
    Company F, Capt. W.M.D. Moore
    Killed:  Privates Wm. Everett, Jno. W. Roberson
    Wounded:  Wm. Dew, mortally, since died; Jno. Bryan, mortally; Montgomery Edwards, Jas. 
    Forbes, Reddin E. Pittman, severely; Thomas J. Moore, Martin W. Wiggins and Lt. L.D. Eagles, 
    Company G
    Killed:  Private M. Parrish
    Wounded:  Corp. J.B. Hunt, seriously, since died; Privates P.B. Frazier, W.P. Sizemore, J.D. 
    Badgett, two last severely,
    Company H, Capt. Jesse J. Wicker
    Killed: Private Wm. M. Wicker
    Wounded:  Privates David Buie, Eli Brafford, Jas. P. Denton, W.O. Cox, J.W. Lawrence, J.B. 
    Graham, Alford Black, Jas. Brown, Benj. Knight
    Missing:  Wm. M. Buchanan, Dennis Carr
    Company I, Capt. Wm. T. Arrington
    Wounded:  R.H. Bass, severely
    Company K, Capt. J.G. Witherspoon
    Killed:  Sgt. Sidney Tedder, Privates G.W. Davis, A.B. Hood
    Wounded:  Sgt. A.F. Steel, mortally, since died; Privates F.L. Thomason, J.H. McMullen, J.N. 
    Wolfe, slightly
    In the engagement on the 1st July at Malvern Hill Maj. W.W. Sellers received a severe flesh 
    would in the leg.
    Company A, 1st Lt. G.F. Williams
    Killed:  Corp. Lewis H. Pipkin, Private Jas. W. Baggett
    Wounded:  Sgt. W.H. Johnson, severely, Corp. Sherman Royal, dangerously in head; Privates 
    R.G. Cox, severely in head, Thomas M. Howard, severely in head, Alex Pope, George E. Brown, 
    E.M. Register, slightly; Privates Nicholas Boon missing, supposed to be wounded and taken 
    Company B, Lt. Davis
    Wounded:  Privates J.J. White, mortally; G.J. Duke, John Loughlin, D.H. Neal, severely; P.P. 
    Gill, B.P. Davis, J.G. Newsom, J.A. Harris, one name illegible
    Missing:  Sgt. Jas. J. Loughlin, Private N.L. Shearin
    Company C, Lt. Green
    Killed:  Private J.W. McCall, also a soldier found straggling and pressed into the regiment, name 
    not known
    Wounded:  Lt. Green and taken prisoner; Sgts. J.L. Thorp, B.L. - - - tler; Corps. S.B. Leonard, 
    R.S. Larkins, Privates Wm. Hewitt, G.W. Harris, L.W. Wescott, H.G. Potter, severely; D.C. 
    Den, R. Hickman, P.S. McCall, Jno. Noll(?), W.H. Tharp, J. Milliken
    Company D, Lt. Allen
    Killed:  Privates J.F. Jones, Jas. Wheelons, J.A. Davis, Alman white, mortally; Jos. Mason, 
    severely; W.Y. Piper, C.T. Mangum, G.W. Pierce, J.T. Pierce; Corp. J. Ferrell
    Missing:  Corp. J.P. Allen
    Company E, Lt. Ira J. Johnson
    Killed:  Privates Wm. Rivenbark, Obed E. Cavenaugh
    Wounded:  Corp. Jacob W. Cavenaugh, Privates J.D. Cavenaugh, Jesse R. Henderson, Aden 
    Company F, Capt Moore
    Killed:  Sgt. Sam T. Williford, Privates Jas. Walson, Hardy Webb, Jno O’Neal
    Wounded:  Corp. Richard Felton, Privates Wm. Boyce, Spencer Cherry, Eson Crisp, Levi 
    Denton, Henry Hathaway, Jno. J. Moore, David Harrell, Wm. Vick, severely
    Missing:  D.J. Phillips
    Company G, Lt. Crews
    Killed:  Private B.T. Chalkley
    Wounded:  Lt. R.F. Gilbourne, slightly; Privates A.N. Traylor, mortally, since died; Jno. Blackwell, 
    R.F. Hammey, G.P. Barnett, severely; W.A. Cheatham, W.H. Kittrell, J.M. Hobgood, slightly
    Missing:  Private A.S. Frazier, Private J.A. Hunt, after going nobly through the battles of 27th 
    June and 1st July, suddenly expired on the morning of the 2nd, where the Regiment had 
    bivouacked the previous night
    Company H, Capt. Wicker
    Killed:  Corp. George C. Cole
    Wounded:  Privates Horace Morrison, Wm. McCulloch, Laughlin McNeill, G.W. Riddle, K.W. 
    Wicker, T.A. Yancey, J.R. Hunter, C.A. Hunter
    Missing:  Privates J.L. Cox, J.D. Mashburn, Wm. McAulty, Alex McFatter, J.D. Sinclair
    Company I, Capt. Arrington
    Killed:  Capt. Wm. T. Arrington
    Wounded:  Privates Singleton Langley, mortally, since died; H.H. Eatchelor, Arnold Lewis, 
    Edwin Sherwood, George A. Sherwood, Henry Williams, R.F. Winbourne, M.T. Williams, all 
    seriously; John S. Bass, J.H. Bryan, J.L. Price, Redmond Brantly, G.H. Winstead, J.E. 
    Woodard, slightly
    Missing:  Private Berryman Walker
    Company K, Capt. Witherspoon
    Killed:  Private J.R. Robinson
    Wounded:  Lt. J.T. Downs, Privates G.W. Jennings, seriously, in right leg, since amputated;
    J.H. Black, M.W. H. Bently, J.A. Younts
    Lt. W.E. Davis, Acting Adjutant
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 21, 1862
    Camp near Drury’s Bluff, Va., July 12, 1862
    As I have no doubt there are many anxious to hear from the Cumberland Plow boys since the 
    fight before Richmond, I will give you a list of all the casualties in the Company:  Private Leonard 
    Edge of Bladen Co., wounded in the left arm, amputation was necessary.  Private Amos 
    Sessoms fell on the field in the battle of the 1st inst.  In his death the company has lost one 
    of its best members, and Cumberland one of her best soldiers.  No other casualties in the 
    company.  The company is in tolerably good health, has had a hard time for a few weeks but 
    all hope for better times soon.  It is no more than justice to say that Col. Clarke has the entire 
    confidence of the regiment and has endeared himself to all of us in the late battles before 
    Your Obedient Servant
    Battle Ground Near Richmond, July 4, 1862
    We left our encampment on the 26th, about sundown, the Yankees shelling us. We were 
    transferred to General Pender’s Brigade, in A.P. Hill’s Division.  We crossed the Chickahominy 
    Thursday afternoon and attacked the Yankees about 4:00.  The 38th, under Col. Hoke, were 
    ordered to take a strong battery, at Ellyson’s Mills.  The enemy poured a galling fire into us for 
    more than half a mile, but the 38th led on by Adjutant Cowles, pressed forward.  The ground 
    had not been reconnoitered and before we were aware of it, we had to descend a steep hillside 
    in front of the battery.  At this time a perfect hail storm of cannon balls, grape shot, canister 
    and small arms were poured into us, Col Hoke and Adjutant Cowles were wounded in the thigh,
    Lt. M.F. Covington, Privates N.B. Covington and James Bostick of the Richmond Boys, were 
    killed and 13 wounded.  We lost nearly half the regiment in killed and wounded.  I thought that 
    I had seen hard fighting in Mexico, but this action was the most furious that I had ever witnessed.  
    The 1st N.C. Regiment under Col. Stokes was ordered up and met the same fate of the 38th.  
    The regiment suffered badly.  The 44th  Georgia and the 1st S.C. were ordered up and met the 
    same fate; many were killed and wounded.  I remained on the field during the night, and gave 
    the wounded water, and assisted them the best I could.  The scene was horrible.  We were 
    ordered into line of battle about the break of day, when the roar of the cannon and the cracking 
    of small arms were again heard.  We fought until about 8:00 when the enemy gave way from 
    their entrenchments.  We were under a cross fire from the right and left and also from the front, 
    and a great deal of timber was felled towards us so as to make it almost impossible to get 
    through.  Had our forces had their position, we would have laughed and bid the storm of war 
    blow on.  The enemy fell back, and in the evening we attacked them again, Gen. Jackson in 
    the meantime having joined our forces.  Maj. R. C. Wheat, a brave and gallant officer and my 
    3rd Lt. in the Mexican War was killed leading the charge.  His last words were “bury me on the 
    field of battle.”  Our loss it is true was heavy but the ground was literally covered with dead 
    Yankees.  We did not find a great many of their wounded.  We slept on our arms that night.  
    The next day we crossed the Chickahominy and attacked the enemy about 4:00 Monday 
    evening.  The fight was desperate.  General Pender displayed great gallantry and cosiness on 
    the occasion.  We took a considerable number of cannon and small arms and captured General 
    McCall.  Our loss was heavy, but nothing to compare with the enemy.  We fought again on 
    Tuesday and cut the enemy to pieces.
    Casualties in the 14th N.C. Regiment
    During the recent engagements before Richmond
    Company A
    Killed:  1st Lt. Wm. T. Kearney, Private Isaac F. House
    Wounded:  Privates Wm. E. Brown, severely; Jos. J. Shearing, mortally, since died; S.E. 
    Bobbin, slightly; R.T. Jenkins, slightly; Jas. T. Johnston, contusion; J.W. Day, contusion, 
    R.J. Lewis, severely; M. Tucker, contusion, Jas. N. Morris, contusion; Corp. C.W. Peterson, 
    hand shattered
    Missing:  2nd Lt. J.J. Cherry and Private Augustus Carlena
    Company B
    Killed:  Privates Jas. Hancock, F.J. Britt, D.M. Lambeth
    Wounded:  Privates B. Lockabill, slightly; A. Tysinger, severely, arm amputated; H. Strayhow, 
    severely; Henry Wrenn, contusion; A.W. Shaw, contusion; H.F. Guire, severely
    Company C
    Killed:  Corp. D.C. McRay and Private J.F. McLendon
    Wounded:  Privates J.B .Sibley, at first supposed to be mortally, but still alive and doing well; 
    T.D. Simons, mortally, since died; J.A. Brower, J.C. Dumas, M. McKay, W.H. Saunders, 
    slightly; W.A. Smith, W.L. Threadgill, severely; W.H. Morton, severely, arm amputated; 
    G.D. Morton, contusion; 3rd Lt. Meacham, contusion
    Company D
    Killed:  Privates C.V. Hambright, P.G. Patterson, Wm. Blanchard, and J.B. Hughes
    Wounded:  2nd Lt. A.F. Weir, slightly; 2nd Lt. J.F. Gamble, slightly; Sgt. D. Harmon, severely, 
    taken prisoner; Corp. J.R. Randall, slightly; Privates J.S. Strickland, severely, arm amputated; 
    B.F. Dixon, slightly; Wm. Ellwood, slightly; G.C. Falls, severely; A.K. Gardner, severely; Jas. 
    Horton, severely; J.A. Sims, slightly; -------- Parker, severely and taken prisoner; J.T. Spacks, 
    severely, foot amputated; V.M. Waterson, severely; J.S. Wilson, severely
    Company E
    Killed:  1st Lt. W.M. Thompson, Privates George Jones, Calvin D. penny
    Wounded:  Privates J.F. Carson, J.M. Wovas, and J.N. Hubbard, contusions
    Missing:  J.R. Usley, J.T. Rogers and E.D. Smith, were known to be wounded and are 
    supposed to have been taken prisoners; J.M. Boykin, not accounted for
    Company F
    Killed:  Private W.G. Young
    Wounded: Sgt. B.W. Merrell, mortally, since died; Privates J.C. Whitaker, F. Jones, J.H. Wise, 
    W.W. Weaver, mortally; S.E. Penland, slightly; 1st Lt. F.M. Harney, contusion; 2nd Lt. Thomas 
    D. Johnston, severely, three places; Privates D.M. Gudger, severely; M.F. Stevens, contusion; 
    D.M. Phetts, scull fractured; Thomas W. Sween, W.B. Smith, severely; H.W. Cauble, slightly
    Missing:  J.P. Gaston, Alf rice, known to have been wounded and supposed to have been taken 
    Company G
    Killed:  Private Jas. W. Smith
    Wounded:  Sgt. J.R. Smith, Privates J.R. Scarlett, Jas. Hudson, slightly
    Company H
    Killed:  Privates P.G. Palmer, D.M. Palmer, W.W. Singleton
    Wounded:  Lt. W.H. Heame, severely; Corp. E.(?) P. Smith, slightly; Privates J.H. Avett, J.F. 
    Carter, Frank Lutler, severely; Nat Burleyron, E.F. Avett, slightly; C.C. Fry, severely, arm 
    shattered; Atlas Melton, contusion
    Company I
    Wounded:  Sgt. B.S. Strange, severely; Corp. M. Billings, arm shattered; A.E. Rush, contusion; 
    T.D. Beck, severely in two places; J.L. Beck, severely; N. Gattis, slightly; H. Gibbons, contusion; 
    G.W. Goes, severely; B. Mire, severely; D. Lechrist, severely; G.W. Swicegova, contusion; P.L. 
    Weaver, severely; J.H. Wilson, severely; George N. Young, slightly; Jas. A. Young, contusion
    Company K
    Killed:  Sgt. M. Smith
    Wounded:  Privates E.M. Wagstaff, mortally, since died; Jas. Powell, slightly; John L. Cooper, 
    slightly; Sgt. Jno. D. Thompson, slightly; E.A. Johnson, slightly; W.H. Howard, slightly; Jno. B. 
    Perkinson, slightly; George A. Hand, slightly, J.C. Scarboro, contusion; Wiley Sauls, severely 
    and taken prisoner
    The regiment may be said to have been actively engaged in but two of the battles—at Gaines’ 
    Farm on Friday, 27th June and at Malvern Hill on the 1st.  Its heaviest losses were on the last 
    named day.  The Brigade to which it belongs, General G.B. Anderson’s, General D.H. Hill’s 
    Division, is said to have been the first of five that were thrown forward to charge the battery on 
    Malvern Hill.  The battery was too much for them and they were ordered to fall back.  Owing to 
    extensive sickness in the regiment, contracted on the line of the Warwick during the Spring, it 
    was not able to take into action more than 230 men.  And in the recent fights it was commanded 
    by Capt. Johnson of Company A, Col. Roberts, since died, Lt. Col. Bennett and Major Dixon, 
    since died, being sick in Richmond with typhoid fever.  Richmond Whig
    List of killed and wounded in Moore Co. Rifles, 30th Regiment, N.C.T., in the late fights near 
    Richmond, Va.
    In the fight on Friday, June 27:
    Killed:  Wm. M. Wicker
    Wounded:   Sgt. J.P. Deaton, slightly in hand; Privates Daniel Bule and Eli Brafford, severely; 
    Jas. Brown, W.O. Cox, J.W. Lawrence, J.B. Graham, A. Black, B. Knight, slightly
    In the fight on Tuesday, July 1
    Killed:  Corp. G.C. Cole
    Wounded:  Lt. L.H. McLeod and Corp. H. Morrison, slightly; Wm. McCulloch, mortally; L. 
    McNeill, G.W. Riddle, K.M. Wicker, T.A. Yancy, J.D. Mashburn, J.R. Hunter, C.A. Hunter
    Missing:  J.L. Cox, Alex McFatter, Wm. McAulay
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 14, 1862
    Camp near Richmond, July 8
    Messrs Editors:
    I give you a list of the killed and wounded in Company K, 34th Regiment, N.C.T.
    Killed:  Lt. A.H. Hurley, Orderly Sgt. O.L. Hurley, Harris C. Hamilton, Pleasant G. Green, 
    Nathan Hurley
    Wounded:  Lt. Thomas C. Halton in the leg; Sgt. Wm. B. Coggin, Sgt. Burrel T. Cotton, Corps. 
    W.R. Macon, E.W. Saunders, Privates Martin Callicott, Martin Rush, Jonathan Pool, Freeman 
    Hurley, Wm. C. Dennis, David Munn, L.B. Hicks, A.M. McInnis, John Borough, Nathan Smith, 
    Elijah Russell
    J.A. Sanders, 1st Lt.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer June 2007 & January 2008

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