Confederate Dead

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    The Raleigh News and Observer
    Friday, May 20, 1881
    Removal of Confederate Dead
    Correspondent of the News and Observer
    Kinston, May 18, 1881
    Yesterday the authorities of Kinston began the task of removing the remains of the Confederate 
    dead from one part of the cemetery to another, where they could be better cared for.  More than 
    100 soldiers were buried here.  All that is mortal of them will be taken to two lots—large mound 
    raised, with appropriate monument.
    Only two names have been found, cut with pocket knives, on decaying head boards of pine.  
    One, J.M. Rowe, the other D.A. Phillips, of the 6th North Carolina Cavalry.  Several crania have
    bullet holes in them---in the front every time.  Nothing can be found except bones, with here and 
    there a bit of gray blanket and a brass button.  One grave contained all the bones, except one 
    forearm, perhaps a victim of the hospital.  In one was found a cutta percha ring, half made, with a
    file close by.  On a fleshless finger bone was found a gold ring.
    It is sad to look upon these remains and remember that these brave men died in vain, and that 
    they lie unknown and unnamed far from home and friends.  And the deeds that they performed 
    are fast passing from memory, with no one to write them on the pages of history.  Will some kind 
    survivor of the fights around Kinston place on record an account of these battles?  It was here that
     Lt. J.J. Reid, of Raleigh, fell, bravely leading Mallett’s battalion.  Dr. James McKee was an officer 
    in that same battle.  Can he not write out his experiences in this neighborhood?  We have heard 
    him give a graphic account of his famous retreat to Goldsboro, a daring and successful exploit.
    The Raleigh News and Observer
    July 13, 1883
    The Petersburg Index
    The Appeal tells the following strange story:  Truly, there are more things in heaven and earth than 
    are dreamt of in our philosophy.  In the early part of 1864, a short but spirited fight occurred at a 
    place in East Tennessee called Dandridge, between a part of Longstreet’s corps and a considerable
     force of Federal cavalry.  Many were killed on both sides.  Among the Confederate dead was a man 
    named Seaford, from North Carolina, who had been a professor of mathematics in one of the colleges 
    of that state, and who was one of the finest looking men we ever saw.  He was a private in Washington 
    Light Infantry from Charleston, S.C., and would not accept a commission, though he was tendered one 
    several times.  He was buried on the spot where he was killed, and his comrades returned to their 
    quarters several miles away.  About two weeks after the fight, a letter came to his address. The 
    captain of the company opened it and it proved to be from a young lady to whom Seaford was engaged 
    to be married. It was written on the very day the fight occurred at Dandridge and related a dream the 
    writer had just had, in which she saw Seaford lying dead on a battlefield, shot through his left breast—
    describing the death wound exactly as it was, and even the topography of the field, though she had 
    never seen it, and in all probability knew nothing of the battle.  She begged him to send her back a 
    lock of his hair as a sacred memento should anything happen to him.  This request was complied with 
    by a detail of men who visited the grave, exhumed the body and sent her a lock of his hair.
    The Raleigh News and Observer
    October 4, 1883
    Our Dead at Arlington
    Correspondent of the News and Observer
    Washington, D.C.
    Owing to the energy and ability of the president of the Raleigh Ladies’ Memorial Association, every 
    detail of our program for the removal of the North Carolina soldiers at Arlington will be speedily and 
    creditably carried out.  It was intimated at Arlington on Saturday that it would be agreeable to the 
    superintendent at Arlington and advantageous to us financially to secure the services of Wheatley, 
    the Alexandria undertaker, instead of Mr. Veitch.  This was promptly and amicably arranged and Mr. 
    Wheatley went to work this morning.
    Every arrangement is made and the affair promises to reflect credit on the state and the efficient 
    memorial association of Raleigh.
    About a half dozen ex-Confederate soldiers will accompany the bodies to Raleigh, joining the guard 
    of honor at Weldon or whatever point Mrs. Robert H. Jones may designate.  Every courtesy has 
    been extended by Col. Batchelder and Mr. Washburn, of the War Department and Superintendent 
    Kauffman, of the national cemetery.
    In the church yard of Alexandria, I find the names of the following North Carolinians who were moved 
    from the National Cemetery at Alexandria by the Ladies Confederate Association of that city.  They 
    are buried with comrades from almost every state in one grave, marked by a pedestal bearing their 
    names and command.  The pedestal is surmounted by a funeral urn.  It is very chaste and beautiful.  
    George Washington and Robert E. Lee had pews in this old church.  But to return to the names, 
    which are:
    Sgt. Wm. T. White, 3rd N.C. Cavalry
    Gabriel Cox, 1st N.C.
    Wesley W. Skipper, 30th N.C.
    Anderson Brown, 3rd N.C.
    Lemuel Cheeney, 44th N.C.
    Below is the list of the North Carolina dead now being disinterred at Arlington, furnished me by the War 
    Department and is therefore strictly correct and authentic, number of regiment and name of company 
    when known.
    Levi Reinhart, 23rd
    Charles Center, 30th
    Elvis A. Adcock, 12th
    Robert Boyd, 28th
    T.G. Brown, 32nd
    Corp. G.W. Stepps, 20th
    Thomas Armstrong, 12th
    Jas. A. Bullard, 46th
    Wm. Dixon, 14th
    J.E. Hill, 18th
    Samuel F. Reeves, 20th
    A.G. Stirewalt, 5th
    Wm. Almond, 5th
    W.F. Copage, 8th
    Martin Stevens, 7th
    W.C. Morris, 4th
    Wm. Edison, 5th
    M.C. Abernathy, 37th
    W.L. Smith, 5th
    George T. Porter, 43rd
    Sgt. A.R. Bridgers, 2nd
    Asa Hamrick, 28th
    James D. Horsing, 49th
    I.S. Smith, 20th
    J. Morris (or Marsh), 7th
    Franklin Dow, C, 34th
    James T. Moore, G, 45th
    Wm. Suits, F, 45th
    W.H. Davis, A, 38th
    James Gillespie, H, 2nd
    Thomas M. Jones, H, 45th
    J.L. McFaddin, C, 24th
    W. Stranson, C, 43rd
    Noan Benson, C, 45th
    Richard L. Lee, I, 43rd
    F.M. Drake, D, 33rd
    Captain S.S. Brown, D, 43rd
    J.D. Frazier, B, 38th
    T.B. Lowthrop, F, 43rd
    Capt. N. Brady, K, 5th
    George Hughes, A, 8th
    Lt. R.M. Martin, A, 45th
    Wm. L. Clark, 25th
    Edward Bailey, A, 45th
    Captain S. Keys, 2nd
    John Burge, F, 18th
    Harrison Hall, E, 53rd
    Hiram Hagler, H, 30th
    J.A. Harrell, I, 53rd
    W. Holland, I, 6th
    J.A. Hiatle, K, 15th
    Anamas Brigman, I, 53rd
    Fra’s. M. Hardy, B, 30th
    F. Hadley, D, 28th
    Bright Pagge, I, 51st
    H. Pointer, A, 24th
    C.P. Griffin, D, 6th
    Richard Chapman, A, 6th
    J.C. German, D, 1st Cavalry
    James Davis, A, 18th
    M.F.(or E.) Whitaker, H, 21st
    L.L. Eure, B, 5th
    Corp. R. Fallin, D, 53rd
    Calvin C. Taber, G, 5th
    Joseph Lloyd, B, 47th
    G.F. Adams, D, 1st Cavalry
    W.E. Crawford, I, 5th
    John W. Dixon, I, 24th
    M.A. Crews, F, 2nd
    Unknown, H, 48th
    W.T. Forshee, I, 14th
    Jas. W. Smith, 48th
    R. Pendergrast, D, 43rd
    Jas. Miller, C, 57th
    J.P. Castor, 25th
    Eli Mitchell, G, 44th
    T.W. Singletary, 18th
    Z.H. Griffin, E, 45th
    Joseph Hicks, D, 56th
    Moses Westbrook, 20th(?) 29th(?)
    H.W. Davis, K, 56th
    Jas. H. Sailor, K, 4th
    G.S. Troxler, A, 53rd
    Wm. F. Sisk, 54th
    Wm. Peoples, 44th
    J.W. Ballentine, 30th
    S.J. Rogers, 15th
    Wm. Horton, 5th
    James Nipper, 47th
    J. Shephard, 3rd
    Samuel Greenway, 30th
    R. Lindsey, 30th
    C. Cannons, 14th
    Wm. Johnson, F, 16th
    Allen M. Davis, 22nd
    T.D. Cook, 1st Battery
    James Hildreth, I, 43rd
    Loftin Heitherout, B, 3rd
    Ammon Jenkins, I, 53rd
    Lemuel Carpenter, I, 43rd
    O.M. Brown, 66th
    John Irby, I, 5th
    Wm. Beck, F, 15th
    M.W. Ballard, E, 28th
    John Faust, E, 10th Artillery
    Wm. E. Brugwyn, C, 11th
    Sidney Horne, C, 53rd
    Colonel Bachelder tells me that 3,000 North Carolinians are buried in a trench near Elmira 
    Prison in New York,  They died in prison and nothing marks their resting place.  Something 
    must be done for these; either they must be brought back home or a monument with their 
    names must mark the spot.
    The Raleigh News and Observer
    July 14, 1888
    North Carolina’s Confederate Dead
    Correspondent of the News and Observer
    Oxford, N.C., July 12
    The proposition to supply headstones for North Carolina’s heroes in the beautiful cemetery 
    of Richmond, Virginia, ought and no doubt will meet the hearty approval of Confederates 
    spared to contribute to any good perpetuating the memory of their departed brothers.  Gladly 
    would I aid in erecting a monument on our capitol square in Raleigh and consecrated grounds 
    that contain the dust of North Carolina’s brave sons (if it were in the power of a woman) with a 
    suitable inscription indelibly engraved to their memory.
    The reading of this proposition and generous response from two of North Carolina’s most 
    prominent men brought fresh from memory’s store the unmarked grave of fifty soldiers on 
    private property.
    During a visit to Kittrells a few years ago, I entered a store to make some purchases, and from 
    the door noticed a beautiful circle of cedars.  Remarking upon the perfect uniformity of the 
    evergreen circle as if arranged by the hand of man, the merchant looked surprised, saying:  
    “Madam do you not recognize your own work.  Like a flash of electricity, the poor soldiers who 
    died at Kittrell Springs rushed to  my memory and how, unaided by any but paid laborers, I had 
    planted the cedar circle around their graves, placing at the head of each one I had raised and 
    tufted, a simple board with their name traced by a rough painter’s brush.  This we got from 
    generous people at the springs.  
    Subsequently I made an appeal to the Ladies Memorial Association of Raleigh for their removal 
    to the Soldier’s Cemetery in Raleigh.  The railroad officials promised the free transportation for 
    the boxes, but no other aid was given and no further steps were taken for the removal.  
    Knowing that these soldiers are buried on private property which may be cultivated for gain, the 
    woodman’s axe will not spare the evergreen enclosure, if the plough is to level the mound and 
    scatter the turf I had so carefully placed over the raised graves.  I cannot refrain from drawing the 
    attention of Confederate soldiers to their comrades sleeping in private grounds liable to be disturbed 
    in after years.
    If considered unadvisable to remove the sacred dust cannot some interested officer attend to the 
    purchase of the circle and have a deed of property registered for the preservation of their quiet 
    resting place.  The name of each soldier and his regiment was carefully preserved by the physician 
    in charge of the “Kittrell Hospital”, Dr. Fairfield Butt, of Portsmouth, Virginia and no doubt his record 
    would give some poor mother the fate of her son as it did a few years ago to one that I met, who had 
    never known where her brave boy’s bones were buried.  Hoping that this is not trespassing upon the 
    duties of any Confederate Association, and if no steps are taken for a removal, a deed may be secured.
    I am, 
    Mrs. S.A. Elliott
    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, September 2008

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