Civilian Marriages & Obituaries July & August 1863

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    July 1, 1863
    Married, in Wake County, on the 25th inst., by Nathan Ivey, Esq., Simion Emory to 
    Frances O’Neal.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, near Nashville, N.C. on the morning of 
    the 21st inst., by Thomas Benton Deans, Esq., William Barks (or Barns?) to Miss 
    Bettie, eldest daughter of Francis Rockley, Esq.
    Married, on Thursday, June 18, at the house of Lewis Chamberlain of Goldsborough, 
    Benjamin Owen to Annie Layman (of Layham) of Washington County.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 8, 1863
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Chapel Hill, Thursday evening, 25th ult., 
    by Jas. B. McDade, Esq., Corp. C.M. Lewter (Lawter?) of Company A, Camp Guard, 
    Camp Holmes, to Miss Tulah Holmes, eldest daughter of Rufus and Bettie Cheek, all 
    of Orange County.
    Married, in this city on the 29th ult., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by M.H. 
    Brown, Esq., Rueben Morris(?) Moses(?) to Miss Eleline H. Winpark(?).
    Died, at his father’s residence in Rutherford County on June 18, of diphtheria, Elijah M. 
    Livingston, son of Elder Cornelius and Nancy Livingston, in the 17th year of his age.  
    He was a pious and beloved member of the Primitive Baptist Church, an obedient son 
    and a tender brother.  We have reason to believe he is with his Savior in Heaven. “And 
    the gates of it shall not be shut by day; for there shall be no night there”.
    Died, at Chatham County, N.C. on the 19th ult., John A. Smith, in his 67th year with an 
    affliction of the lungs.  He leaves a kind, affectionate wife with many relatives and friends 
    to mourn their loss.  He died without leaving one enemy behind him as he was kind to 
    all and we have good reason to believe he has gone to rest.  Peace be to his ashes.
    Died, in Halifax County, N.C. on the morning of the 28th (?) inst., Mrs. Bettie Perkins, 
    consort of Dr. W.M. Perkins, in the 25th year of her age.  A few short years ago she 
    was led to the altar in blooming health with bright prospects of a long and happy and 
    useful life; but alas! The cold and icy hand of death hath consigned her mortal remains 
    to the dust and her spirit to the peaceful abode of celestial bliss.  As a wife she was 
    kind and affectionate, ever making home to her husband the sweetest place on earth; 
    as a mother she was attentive and loving and as a friend she was constant and sincere.  
    She leaves two sweet little children as pledges of love and affection to her now grief 
    stricken and sorrowing husband.  W.C.F.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 15, 1863
    Married, on the 10th inst., by Rev. William E. Pell, at the residence of J. G. Bromwell, 
    Esq., James Duffey to Miss Mary A. Pope.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on Sunday afternoon, 28th ult., by Elias 
    Briant, Esq., William Mims to Miss Martha J., eldest daughter of Elisha Gunter all of 
    Chatham County.
    Died, at Wake County on the 16th April, Mrs. Nancy K. Booth, wife of Joseph Booth, 
    born June 20, 1787, daughter of Rev. John Whitfield, deceased of Granville County.  
    The deceased had been for sixty years a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church 
    and had lived with her husband 48 years. She was a faithful and affectionate wife and 
    has gone, we trust, to her rest in Heaven.
    Died, of putrid sore throat, in Moore County, on the 13th ult., William Deaton.  He 
    leaves a widowed mother, three sisters and a brother in the army to mourn their loss.  
    May God bless them in their affliction.
    Married, on the 2nd inst., by elder M.G. Todd, Elder William C. Nowell to Miss Susan 
    W. Williams both of Wake County.
    Married, at St. James Church, Wilmington, N.C. on the evening of the 1st inst., by Right 
    Rev. Thomas Atkinson, Dr. Lillington Corbin (Cardin?) to Miss Margaret; also at the same 
    time and place T.S. Whitaker and Miss Susan F., daughters of R. Morris.
    Died, in this city on Sunday, 5th inst., Miss Emma E. Hunter, daughter of the late Capt. 
    Theophilus Hunter of Wake County, aged about forty years.
    Died, in Wake County on the 21st ult., of dropsy, Miss Mary Varders, in the 85th year 
    of her age.  She was a native of Virginia and probably she has some relatives there.  
    She has been living in North Carolina for upwards of forty years.
    “Friend after friend departs
    Who has not lost a friend?”
    Died, in this city on the morning of the 6th July, Thomas Jackson, infant son of William 
    T. and Susan Womble, aged 12 months and 2 days.  How consoling to the parents of 
    this little innocent deceased sufferer should be the thought that Jesus has taken him 
    to the “heavenly mansions” where they will be forever free from all exposure to sin, 
    temptation, trouble or sorrow.
    “He died to sin; he died to care
    But for a moment felt the rod
    This, rising in the viewless air
    Spread his light wings and soared to God”
    J.W., Jr.
    Died, in Richmond County, on the 27th June, Stephen Pankey, Sr., aged one hundred 
    years. For many years, he was a devoted Christian, faithful in the discharge of his duties, 
    an affectionate husband, and a kind neighbor.  He was born in Virginia under the British 
    government. Passing through the Revolution in his boyhood, he enjoyed the blessings of
    peace and prosperity and lived to see the close of that government and died amidst the 
    exciting scenes of the present revolution, leaving about one hundred of his lined 
    descendents in active service in the war.
    S.M. Ingram
    North Carolina Standard
    July 22, 1863
    Married, on Haymount, at Fayetteville, on Thursday evening last by Rev. J.W. Tucker, Dr. 
    W.L. Lunbatter(?) of Anson County to Anne Leak(?) Lilly, eldest daughter of E.J. Lilly, 
    Esq., of that place.
    Died, at Greenville Hospital, Pitt County, on the 18th March, Marshall D. Moffitt, son of 
    W.C. and Abitha Moffitt of the County of Randolph, aged 24 years, 5 months and 8 days.  
    He entered the service in March of 1862 in the 44th N.C. Regiment.  He was an obedient 
    son and an affectionate brother.  Though not a member of any church, he gave evidence 
    he was prepared to die.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 29, 1863
    Died, at the residence of Thomas E. Gaskins, Wake County, Monday, 20th inst., Isaac 
    Brysan Cox, aged 73.
    Died, at Graham, Alamance County, July 23, Henry S. Blackwell, late of Newbern, in the 
    29th year of his age.
    Died, on Wednesday, July 22, at the town of Graham, N.C. Samuel Chapman, son of 
    Mary F. and R.T. Berry, aged 8 months 3 days.
    Married, at the Presbyterian Church at Chapel Hill on the 29th June by Rev. James 
    Phillips, D.D., Rev. R.E. Cooper of Sumter District, S.C. to Annie E., only daughter of 
    Dr. J.E. and E.A. Davis of Chapel Hill.
    Married at Orange County on the 16th inst., at the residence of William Lloyd, by J.W. 
    Strowd, Esq., William Andrews to Celina(?) Lloyd.
    North Carolina Standard
    August 5, 1863
    Died, at Kinston on July 27, Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn, wife of Lt. Walter Dunn, Jr. and 
    daughter of the late Daniel Miller, aged 43(?) years and six months.
    The state has lost a very valuable citizen in the death of Francis Fries, which occurred 
    at his residence in Salem on Saturday last, 1st inst.  His age was 50 years, 9 months, 
    15 days.  He had been for many years one of the most enterprising citizens and 
    merchants of this state, having erected factories, gas works, etc., in Salem and 
    managed them all with such energy and skill as to make them useful to the community 
    and profitable to himself.  When in the state legislature for the first and only time, his 
    financial abilities wee so highly appreciated that he was placed at the head of the joint 
    finance committee and performed the laborious and difficult duties of preparing a tax bill 
    at that session.  We believe that he contracted at that session the throat disease which 
    finally terminated his life.  Fayetteville Observer
    Died, at Iredell, N.C. on the 17th June, Mary Etta, infant daughter of B.J.R. and Mary A. 
    Summers, aged 2 months, 7 days.  Little Etta’s mother died one month and seven days 
    previous to her death.  She is gone to her dear Savior’s arms where He said “suffer little 
    children to come and hinder them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” 
    Died, in Randolph County on the 26th (?) July, in the 18th year of his age, John William 
    Patterson, son of John H. Hill, Esq.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 23rd inst., by Rev. B.F. Marable, 
    Rev. J.D. Hufman of Raleigh to Mary A., daughter of Col. Thomas I. Faison of Sampson
    North Carolina Standard
    August 12, 1863
    Died, in the city of Raleigh, on Saturday, 1st Aug., John P.H. Ross, infant son of Col. 
    Jno. P.H. and J.A. Ross, 15 months.
    North Carolina Standard
    August 19, 1863
    Died, in Chatham County, N.C. on July 9, Mrs. Rachel Record, leaving a husband, 
    several children, and many friends to mourn their great loss.  The deceased was a 
    worthy member of the Baptist Church for many years; her life was one becoming a 
    true Christian, seeming always to have the end in view.  She was a loving wife, kind 
    mother and charitable neighbor.  None but those who knew her best could appreciate 
    her many virtues.  “Blessed are those who die in the Lord for they shall rest from their 
    labors and their works do follow them”.
    Died, on the 24th July, Mrs. Caroline Edmunson, wife of Rufus W. Edmunson, and 
    daughter of  the late Hillary and Esther Wildos(?), of Wake County, aged 37(?) years.  
    She was a “good” wife in every sense of the word for 18 years, a kind and affectionate 
    mother, a true and faithful friend.  She embraced religion in 1850, lived in the enjoyment 
    of its life and powers, and felt death would be “sweeter than life and stronger than death”.  
    A calm and holy resignation pervaded the mind of this good woman during the 
    protracted weeks of her illness and oft times intense agony and on three occasions 
    when it seemed her frail struggle was tested beyond the endurance, she would ask for 
    Divine aid, reminding herself of how much more her Savior bore for her.  Never did a 
    murmur escape her lips. Yet as fond mother and affectionate wife, she felt some regret 
    at the thought of leaving those she loved behind.  Amid all the endearments of life, this 
    good woman’s spirit fled away, unheeding the din of strife, took its flight to a more 
    congenial clime.  Immediately previous to her departure and last breath, which was 
    soft and easy, she arranged her pillows with her own hands, saying to her husband “
    Jesus can make a dying bed feel soft as downy pillows”.  She then gently laid down 
    and in a few minutes made soft by the presence of Jesus breathed her life out sweetly.
    Scenes seraphic high and glorious,
    Now forbid her angel stay
    She here rises o’er death victorious
    Angels beckon her away
    Died, at the residence of her father near Rolesville, Wake Co., N.C. on the 24th July, of 
    typhoid fever, Miss Sarah H. Scarsborough, 31 years, 1 month, 1 day.  The deceased 
    had been a member of the Baptist Church for 12 years.  She bore her sufferings with 
    Christian fortitude and told her mother not to weep for her, that if it was the Lord’s will 
    to take her, she hoped He would be with her. She leaves many relatives and friends to
    mourn their loss but they mourn, not as those who have no hope for their loss is her 
    eternal gain.
    Dearest sister thou has left us
    Here thy loss we deeply feel
    But ‘tis God that has bereft us
    He can all our sorrows heal
    Died, at his residence in Wake County, on the 10th Aug., William Holloway, aged 96.  
    The deceased was an excellent man in all the relations of his life.  He was respected 
    by his neighbors as a model in honesty, integrity, and benevolence of disposition.  He 
    lingered long among us and his sun went down gently and calmly with no cloud upon it.  
    “He rests from his labors” and his reward is no doubt with the just and pure in heart in 
    My Mother Sarah Kimsey
    The subject of this brief memoir was born in Macon County, N.C. 25th November, 1804 
    and married my father James Kimsey Nov. 18, 1823.  She died at her residence at Fort 
    Hembren, Clay County, on a beautiful Sabbath morning, July 12, aged 58 years, 8 
    months, 18 days.  Early in life she joined herself to the United Baptist Church of which 
    she was ever after a consistent and holy member.  For many years the afflicted hand of 
    God rested heavily upon her but her uncomplaining humility marked her course amid all 
    her troubles and now at last, although disease has overcome her mortal frame, the 
    ransomed spirit far beyond the reach of human misery shall bask in the sunlight of the 
    Eternal Kingdom.  She bade her children meet her in Heaven and her parting words 
    encouraged her husband onward in the work of God’s holy ministry.  May we soon 
    meet thee, mother, in those pure realms of bliss eternal.
    J.A. Kimsey, 1st Lt.
    Company I, Thomas’ Legion
    North Carolina Standard
    August 26, 1863
    Married, in this county near Brassfield, on the 12th inst., by Rev.(?) W.P. Hayes, 
    Joseph Marshall, Pte in the (illegible number) Regiment N.C.T. to Nancy Helen(?) 
    daughter John W. Scott, Esq., all of Wake County
    Died, in Greene County, N.C. on the 14th July, in the 78th year of his age, Edward 
    Coward.  The deceased lived to a ripe old age and had been heard to remark on several 
    occasions within the past two years that he had lived too long from the fact that he had 
    seen his country in its greatest prosperity but regretted he had lived long enough to see 
    it on the verge of ruin and destruction.  He leaves two sons and one daughter and a large 
    circle of friends and relatives to mourn their loss.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Israel A. Johnston, Esq., on Thursday, 
    13th inst., Nicholas L. Stikeleather to Miss Jane E. Cline, both of Iredell County.
    Died, at his residence in Chatham County on the 23rd June, Chesley Ledmettre(?), in the 
    63rd year of his age.
    North Carolina Standard
    September 2, 1863
    Married, in Franklinsville, Randolph County, N.C. on Thursday, 20th ult., by Hugh Parks, 
    Esq., Nathan Hornaday to Miss Lizzie Hunter, only daughter of Pleasant and Rhoda Hunter.
    Died, of diphtheria in Onslow County, on the morning of the 14th August, Jasper, only 
    son of James and Eliza Jones, aged 6 years, 9 months, 19 days.  This little boy was a 
    deaf mute and his winning ways had gained him the affection of all his companions.
    Died, at the same place and of the same parents, on the evening of the 16th, Eleanor, 
    oldest daughter, 7 years, 10 months, 22 days.  The flower has been transplanted to a 
    fairer clime.
    Died, on the morning of the 18th, Jeanette, daughter of the same bereaved parents.  
    Three beautiful children have thus died together—united in life, in death they were not 
    divided.  The grieved father and mother can only say:  “God’s will be done”.
    North Carolina Standard
    September 9, 1863
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in the vicinity of Eagle Rock, Wake County, 
    by William H. Hood, Esq., Mr. W.M. Ri - - - es (partially illegible) to Miss Elmira Bradwell.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on September 2, by Rev. N.H.D. Wilson, Lt. 
    B.G. Graham and Miss Callie, eldest daughter of David McKnight.
    Married, at Wilson, N.C. on Thursday, 27th ult., at 2:30 pm by Rev. Israel Harding, 
    S.T.W. Jones of the 1st Virginia Battery, formerly of Norfolk city, to Miss J.A. Ponds of 
    Turboro(?) N.C. 
    Married, at Hookerton, Greene County, on the 5th August, by Rev. Alfred Moore, Rev. 
    Camden Stil - - y (partially illegible) of - - - fort (partially illegible), N.C. to Miss Susan 
    Carenne Hunicutt, only daughter of Rev. James Hunicutt of Fredericksburg, Va.
    Died, at Raleigh on the night of the 23rd August, Eleanor Haywood, infant daughter of 
    John and Eliza T. Williams of Tallahassee, Florida.
    Died, at Lincoln County, N.C. on the 28th August, in the 82nd year of her age, Miss 
    Martha E. Norwood, daughter of William A. and Amelia P. Norwood.  She left a large 
    circle of friends and relative to mourn their loss.  J.S.N.
    Died, at Rowan County on the 28th June last, of flux, Mary, only child of Thomas F. 
    and Eliza Hall, aged 1 year, 5 months and 3 days.
    Died, at Rowan County on the 1st July last, David R. Bradshaw, 52(?) years, 3(?) months 
    and 25 days.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 13, 1863
    Died, in this town on Monday morning last, Neil, infant son of Neill and 
    Martha McPherson, aged 5 months and 26 days.  Suffer the little children 
    to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of Heaven.
    Died, of putrid sore throat, in Moore Co., 13th ult., William Deaton.  He 
    leaves a widowed mother, three sisters and a brother in the army to mourn 
    their loss.  May God bless them in their affliction.
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 6th inst., in the 41st year of her age, Mrs. 
    Catherine Anne, wife of Jas. McCallum, and daughter of the late Rev. 
    Daniel Smith.
    Died, in Robeson Co., 9th May, Mrs. Catharine McNair, consort of John 
    McNair, deceased. She was about 78 years of age.  She has been a 
    consistent member of the Presbyterian Church for a number of years.
    Died, in this county, July 2nd, Lizzie, daughter of J.M. and Elizabeth McNeil 
    Carver, aged 8 years, 4 months and 6 days.
    Died, in Johnston Co., N.C., June 19, Mrs. Louisa Sanders, relict of the late 
    Major Ashley Sanders, in the 60th year of her age.
    Married, in Haymount, on Thursday evening last, by Rev. J.W. tucker, Dr. W.L.
    Ledbetter of Anson Co., to Miss Anna Leak Lilly, eldest daughter of E.J. Lilly, 
    Esq., of this place.
    Married, at Beaver Creek Village, on the 28th, by D.B. Gillis, Esq., Wm. R. 
    Jackson to Miss Martha A. Guins.
    Died, very suddenly in this town on the 11th inst., Miss Joanna F. Watts, 
    daughter of the late Rev. A.L. Watts of Mecklenburg Co., aged 18.
    Died, in Columbus Co., July 1, Mrs. Hannah Stevens, consort of  Col. John H. 
    Stevens.  She was a lady highly esteemed by the whole circle of her acquaintance, 
    and her loss is felt by her surviving husband.  Also, Mrs. Elizabeth Pierce, wife of 
    T.J. Pierce, on the 2nd inst.
    Died, in Wilmington on Friday last, Virginia Champ, infant daughter of the late Col. 
    Champ Davis, aged 2 years, 3 months, 26 days.
    Died, on the 8th inst., at her residence in New Hanover Co., Sarah Ann, relict of 
    the late Hon. William S. Ashe, aged 48
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 20, 1863
    Married, in Robeson Co., on the 5th inst., by S.B. Rozier, Esq., Lewis Muselwhite, 
    a soldier of Capt. McEachern’s Company, 51st Regiment N.C.T. to Mary Barker, 
    daughter of Jas. Barker, deceased.
    Departed this life at her residence in Richmond co., N.C., July 2, Mary Sutherland, 
    relict Alexander Sutherland, aged 79 years, and 5 months.
    Died, at Floral College, June 29, after a protracted illness, Miss Maggie, eldest 
    daughter of Rev. Daniel Johnson, aged 18 years, 3 months.
    Died at his residence near Cheraw, S.C., on the 8th June, Dr. Murdoch McLean, 
    aged 74, a native of Robeson Co., a graduate of the University of N.C., formerly 
    a resident of Fayetteville.
    Died, at Mangum, Richmond Co., of typhoid fever, on the 12th June, Mary 
    Charlotte, daughter of Col. James D. Pemberton, in the 17th year of her age.  
    She had just completed her third year at Greensboro Female College, and had 
    returned home to spend her vacation amid the pleasures of home, and in sweet 
    communion of the society of her relatives and friends generally.  But, alas her 
    stay was short.  She was stricken down in the bloom of her youth—in the first 
    blush of womanhood.  She prepared for the change and made an open profession 
    of religion, several years previous to her death.  On her death bed, though 
    suffering intensely with bodily pains—yet in her lucid moments her mind seemed 
    calm and resigned, exclaiming among her last words “I am going to my mother”.  
    Agreeable in person, amiable in manner and sprightly in intellect, she was beloved 
    by all who knew her.
    Died, near Ansonville, March 9, 1863, Horace Rosewell, son of J.J. and M.F. Colson, 
    aged 7 weeks.  Also on the 18th March, Charlotte Corinna, eldest daughter of John 
    J. and Melvina F. Colson, aged 8 years, 6 months.  Also, on the 23rd March, Mildred
     Helena, daughter of John J. and Melvina F. Colson, aged 1 years, 8 (or 3) months.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 27, 1863
    Married, in Moore Co., on the 12th inst., by Archibald McCollum, Esq., George S. 
    Harper, to Miss Josephine Hancock, youngest daughter of Jno. Hancock.
    Married, on Wednesday evening, 1st inst., at the residence of Rev. J.W. Wheeler, 
    Capt. John H.(?) Coppedge of Anson Co., to Miss R.J. Christian, of Montgomery Co., 
    Married, in Richmond Co., N.C., on the 15th inst., by Rev. Mr. Gibbons, Capt. W.J. 
    Everett to Miss Fanny LeGrand.
    Died, in Richmond Co., March 21, Martin Archibald, only son of Archibald and Mary 
    Patterson, aged 3 months, 21 days.
    Died, in Moore Co., Josiah Tyson, aged 82.  He was an affectionate husband and 
    father, and an excellent neighbor and citizen and a member of the legislature for 
    Moore for 18 years.
    Died, in Moore Co., Dr. Thomas Lewis, aged 77, formerly of Hillsboro’, Orange Co.
    Married, in Robeson Co., 23rd July, by S.B. Rosier, Esq., Christopher C. Mercer, a 
    soldier of Capt. McBryde’s Company, 26th Regiment N.C.T., to Margaret Muselwhite, 
    daughter of Hugh Muselwhite.
    Died, of diphtheria, in this vicinity, on Friday, 24th inst., Louisa, daughter of N. and 
    W.J. Cowan, aged 2 years, 3 months and 10 days.  The Lord giveth and the Lord 
    taketh away; blessed is the name of the Lord.
    Died, in Chatham Co., 20th inst., Julia, infant child of Donald and Julia McRae, 
    aged 7 months.
    Died, Louisa Minor, daughter of John L. and Mary S. Minor of Fayetteville.  She 
    was born May 7, 1848 and died June 17, 1863.  It is said death loves a shining 
    mark.  Certainly in this case he has borne hence a trophy of inestimable worth.  
    While she possessed social qualities which could not fail to attract attention, and 
    draw closely to her those who knew her well, her cheerful obedience to parental 
    authority and delight in ministering to the poor commend her to all as a model 
    worthy of imitation.  Although her religious impressions were immature—for she 
    retained until death the artless simplicity of childhood—yet her devotions were 
    marked with earnestness and fervor.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Aug. 3, 1863
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the morning of the 23rd, by 
    Rev. B.F. Marable, Rev. J.D. Hufham of Raleigh to Mary A., daughter of Col. 
    Thomas I. Faison of Sampson.
    Died, in Montgomery Co., 14th July, Wm. McRae, aged about 40, leaving a wife 
    and four children to mourn his loss.
    Died, in Richmond Co., June 23, John McFadyen, in his 62nd year, a native of 
    Isley Island, Scotland.
    Died, at Halibrun, near Pittsborough, Wednesday evening, 22nd inst., Sallie 
    Katherine Hill, third daughter of Thomas and Eliza Hill, in the 22nd year of her 
    age.  She fell a victim (in fact) to her devotion to the comfort of her dependents; 
    amongst whom, a most malignant form of typhoid fever prevailed extensively 
    and fatally.
    Died, in this place on Saturday morning last, Mrs. Elizabeth Williams of Wilmington, 
    in the 69th year of her age.  How appropriate the text selected for her funeral sermon 
    by Rev. James McDaniel.  “This woman was full of good works and alms-deeds 
    which she did.  And it came to pass in those days that she was sick and died”.  
    Acts 9, Chapter part of the 36th and 37th Verses.  Christian sister, ministering 
    angel to the temporal and spiritual needs of the sick and afflicted, thou art gone 
    “where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.”
    Died, at his residence in Randolph on the 5th June, Benjamin Brookshire, in the 
    70th year of his age.  Mr. Brookshire was one of the most energetic, substantial 
    men in the community.  A kind friend and neighbor and a most indulgent and devoted 
    father.  He leaves a wife, eight children and numerous grandchildren to mourn his loss.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 17, 1863
    Died, in this town on Monday night last, Mrs. Catherine Houston, wife of Owen 
    Houston, aged about 62.
    The Rev. J.C. Brent of the North Carolina Conference, in charge of Whiteville Circuit, 
    departed this life on the morning of the 8th inst., at 1:30, of typhoid fever.  A good and 
    useful man is gone.  He was not only highly esteemed by his own denomination, for 
    none knew him but to love him.  He was a worthy member of the Masonic order and 
    Sons of Temperance and did all the good that he could in every walk of life.  He died 
    in the flower of life.
    Died, in Sampson Co., May 15, Luetta, only child of Lt. Hinton J. and Mary C. 
    Hudson, aged 13 months and 10 days.
    Died in Sampson Co., June 26, John Hudson of fever contracted while with his son 
    in the hospital at Richmond, aged 60 years.  He was a good neighbor, indulgent father
    and lenient husband.  (Transcriber’s note, see military deaths, this same issue re 
    the son.)
    Died, at Bogue, Columbus Co., N.C., on the 28th ult., of diphtheria, Nancy S.W., 
    daughter of Louisa V. and Samuel S.B. Thompson, aged 7 years, 9 months, and 18 
    days.  None knew her but to love her, on account of her admirable disposition and 
    Married, in Harnett Co., at “The Hill” on Sunday morning the 9th inst., by R.C. 
    Belden, Esq., Lt. G.W. Burmann, 3rd N.C. Cavalry, to Miss Isabella, daughter 
    of the late Malcolm Buie.
    Married, in this county on Wednesday evening last, Mr. A.C. McDougald to 
    Miss Emeline Webster.
    Died, in Montgomery Co., 22nd June, W.T. Yarbrough, aged 24 years.  On the 
    day before Willie died, he became sensible that the time of his departure was 
    near at hand, and having disposed of his earthly effects, he endeavored to hold 
    himself in readiness, and go when his Lord should call him, and when the hour 
    came, almost without a struggle, he fell asleep in Jesus.  He has left a loving 
    father and mother and sisters and brothers and many other relatives and friends 
    to mourn their loss, but their loss is his gain.  G.D.  Fort Caswell, N.C.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 24, 1863
    Married, in Jacksonville, on the 2nd inst., by H.H. Sandlin, Esq., R.F. Pelletier
    to Miss Joanna Hines, all of Onslow Co., N.C.
    Died, at Pleasant Exchange, Bladen Co., Tuesday, 18th inst., David Sikes, Esq., 
    a good man and worthy citizen.
    Died, at the residence of her father, in Chatham Co., N.C., Martha Carolina, daughter 
    of Thomas B. and Nancy S. Harris, aged 12 years, 7 months, and 23 days.  She was 
    a most loving and interesting girl, possessing in an eminent degree those qualities of 
    mind and heart which mark a character of unusual promise.
    Died, near Blockersville on the 15th inst., Miss A.J., daughter of W.H. and M.A. Melvin, 
    aged 16 years, 7 months and 14 days, in the full hope of a blessed immortality.  (See 
    also August 31 deaths for the death of her sister.)
    Died, in Wilmington, on the 18th inst., Thomas Murphy, pastor and founder of St. 
    Thomas’ Church, in Wilmington.
    Died, on the 16th inst. Leroy Springs, formerly a merchant of Charlotte.
    Died, in Brunswick Co., on the 15th August, with a severe case of putrid sore throat, 
    Wellington, son of J.A. and M.A. Evans, aged 3 years, 2 months and 16 days.
    Died, on the 23rd July, near Harrison’s Creek, in Cumberland Co., Miss Margaret Ann 
    Bedsole, with disease in the throat, leaving a father in service, and a mother at home, 
    and three brothers and one sister and friends to mourn her loss, but in hope that their 
    loss will be her gain in the kingdom of Heaven.
    Died, of sore throat on the 9th inst., in Montgomery Co., Sarah A., daughter of Randolph 
    S. and Mary B. Williams, aged 2 years, 5 months.
    Died, in Moore Co., on Sunday, 9th Aug., after suffering form 13 weeks, William Duncan, 
    eldest son of John and Margaret Riddle, aged 10 years, 8 months and 2 days.  He was 
    a dutiful son and an affectionate brother, he was remarkably steady; never was known 
    to utter an oath; would always shun rude company; he was thoughtful beyond his years; 
    took great delight in books; being of a timid disposition he was little known beyond the
    family circle, but there the many virtues of his brief but beautiful life will ever be 
    remembered and serve as a beacon to direct the footsteps of those left behind. 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 31, 1863
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, 23rd inst., by Archibald Thompson, 
    Esq., Lt. A. Atkinson, Company B, 60th (?) 50th (?) Regiment, to Miss Mary F., 
    daughter of S.W. and Charity Ashley, all of Robeson.
    Died, near Blockersville, Cumberland Co., 20th inst., M.E., daughter of W.H. 
    and M.A. Melvin, in her 11th year.  Thus has passed away from the embrace of 
    fond parents two lovely daughters, only five days between their deaths, but they 
    sorrow not as those who have no hope.  (See above deaths from Aug. 24 for the 
    death of her sister.)
    Died, at the residence of her son, A.J. Troy, in Columbus Co., on the 18th inst., 
    Mrs. Francis Eleanor Troy, in the 70th year of her age.
    Married, in Moore Co., 18th inst., by John B. Black, Esq., William Whitlock, to 
    Miss Mary Ann, 2nd daughter of N.R. and Margaret A. McDonald, all of Moore.
    Died, in Fayetteville, on the 31st July, in the 43rd year of her age, Miss Nancy 
    P. Stoner.
    Died, in Wilmington on the night of the 27th inst., Mrs. Caroline A. Brown, wife of
    R.F. Brown of that place and daughter of the late Duncan MacRae of Fayetteville.
    Died, in Columbus Co., N.C., at the residence of her grandfather, W.W. Brown, 
    Esq., on the 17th inst., of diphtheria, Missouri Magnolia, infant daughter of A.M. 
    and E.P. Baker, of Robeson Co., N.C., aged 5 years, 10 months and 2 days.  
    Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the 
    kingdom of Heaven.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, May-November 2007 & March 2008

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