Civilian Marriages & Obituaries May & June 1862

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    May 14, 1862
    Married, in Johnston County, N.C. on the 1st inst., by Rev. J.R. Brooks, 
    Aden Dougherty to Emily Strickland, all of Johnston County.
    Died, in this city on the evening of the 11th inst., John B. Jones, Esq., 
    aged about 65 years.
    Died, on Saturday night last, 10th inst., Miss Sarah Louisa Hill eldest 
    daughter of Dr. William G. Hill of this city.
    Died, at Newbern, Alabama of scarlet fever, Robert A., in his (illegible) year, 
    Mary M. H., in her third year, and John F., in his second year, all children of 
    Charles H. and Sarah Mansfield.  Mr. Mansfield is a native of Person County, N.C.
    Departed this life at Salem on the 3rd inst., Mrs. Maria Louisa Patterson, 
    daughter of Honorable John M. and Ann Eliza Morehead and wife of R.L. 
    Patterson, Esq.  About eight years ago she connected herself to the 
    Presbyterian Church.  She was an affectionate daughter, a faithful wife, a 
    tender mother, a kind and sympathetic friend, a benefactress of the poor 
    and she gained by her gentle and winning ways the love and esteem not 
    only of a large circle of friends and relatives but of all who had the pleasure 
    of becoming acquainted with her, for to know her was to love and esteem 
    her.  To all appearances she had scarcely ever enjoyed better health than 
    this spring when she was suddenly attacked with erysipelas of so malignant 
    a character that in spite of every care and attention bestowed upon her by 
    experienced physicians and anxious friends and relatives, the conviction was 
    soon forced upon all that she could not possibly recover.  She herself spoke 
    of her approaching dissolution with great calm and certainty, to all 
    appearances, free from all care and approbation.  With a mother’s care she 
    endeavored to make provisions for her bereaved little ones and then seemed 
    to cast all her cares upon Him who careth so well for His own.  She appeared 
    to be aware that her disease would produce much pain and suffering and this 
    proved to be true.  Her natural strength resisted vigorously the attack of the 
    disease and her friends and relatives were deeply and painfully moved when 
    they witnessed the fearful struggle of which they, however, trusted the beloved 
    sufferer was not fully conscious of.  At 7:30 on the morning of the 3rd, she was 
    released from all pain and suffering and received permission to go to her 
    Savior’s presence where she now experiences that all sufferings of the 
    present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be 
    revealed to the children of God.  Affectionate parents, brothers and sisters, a 
    deeply afflicted husband, four little children—and a large circle of friends and 
    relatives weep and mourn for the departed but they cannot sorrow like those 
    who have no hope for they know that their own loss is her everlasting gain.  
    Her age was 31 years, 11 months and 1 day.
    Now rest at peace!
    When dying, Thee attended
    And Thou has ended.
    Thy mortal life and now, through grace
    Beholdest Jesus face to face
    The holy angels did convey
    Thy soul to realms of endless days
    There bless thee God the Father and the Son
    And Holy Ghost—Jehovah three in one
    With the saints adore the Lamb
    That sitteth on the throne.
    A Friend
    North Carolina Standard
    May 21, 1862
    Died, near this city on the 15th (?) inst., W.T. Martin in the 38th (?) year of 
    his age.  He leaves a wife and four children in a helpless condition.
    North Carolina Standard
    May 28, 1862
    Married, on Sunday, 14th May, at Chatham County, N.C. by H.A. Durham, 
    Esq., James Thomas to Caltherine Dixon, daughter of John Dixon of Alamance Co.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on the morning of the 14th inst., 
    by A.M. Vestry, Esq., Samuel P. Washington to Lucy A. Nance of Granville 
    Co., N.C.
    Married, in Chowan Co., on the 10th April, by Rev. Mr. Snowden, Dr. R.H. 
    Winborns(?) and Annie F. Parker(?) Parkes(?).
    Died, near Turboro at the residence of Mrs. Powell on the 20th inst., James F. 
    Clark, Esq., a respectable citizen of Beaufort Co.
    Died, in Smithfield on the morning of the 16th inst., Nathaniel Cobb, son of 
    Mrs. Nancy Cobb, in his 15th year.  Deceased was much esteemed for his 
    virtue, morality and industry.  His disposition was mild and gentle.  
    Notwithstanding his feeble constitution, he labored cheerfully in support of an 
    aging, infirm and widowed mother and kind and affectionate sisters.  His 
    death has left an aching void and bleeding hearts around the family hearth stone.  
    But let us not mourn it is the will of Him who doeth all things well.
    Died, of diphtheria on the 14th April in the (age illegible) year of her age, 
    Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Tobias and Ellen Goodman.  Also, of diphtheria 
    on the 24th April, Margaret Ellen, sister of the above, in the 14th year of her age.  
    Kind and lovely children we can hardly believe that ye are gone; but a few days 
    ago we saw you sporting in all the bloom of vigorous youth.  But ye are gone—
    gone, we believe, to that land where sickness and death never come—where 
    parting from friends shall be no more.  
    Hope works beyond the bounds of time
    When what we now deplorer
    Shall rise in full immortal prime
    And bloom to fade no more.
    Rowan, N.C., May 17, 1862
    North Carolina Standard
    June 4, 1862
    Married, at Franklinsville on the 28th ult., by Rev. Mr. Kearns, Lt. R. Gray, 
    Company I, 22nd Regiment, N.C.V. to Kate B. Weisinger(?) of Fayetteville, N.C.
    Died, in this city on the 25th ult., of typhoid fever, C.C.(?) Young, in the 24th 
    year of his age.  Mr. Young was a model of morality, a consistent friend and 
    above all a Christian gentleman.  He was thus stricken down in the prime of 
    life and in the midst of his career of usefulness.
    North Carolina Standard
    June 11, 1862
    Married, in this city on the 29th ult., by L.C. Manly, Esq., George S. Wilson 
    to Miss Sarah E. Powell, daughter of Cabot Powell, Esq., of this county.
    Died, in this city on Saturday morning, 7th inst., George Fisher, aged about 55(?).
    North Carolina Standard
    June 25, 1862
    Married, in this city on the morning of the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride’s 
    father, by Rev. Thomas E. Skinner, Rev. J.K. Howell, Chaplain of the 1st Regiment 
    N.C.T., to Miss Virginia C. Royster.
    Died, at his late residence in the town of Halifax, N.C. on Saturday night, 14th inst., 
    Michael Ferrell, in the 59th year of his age.  The deceased was a native of County 
    Longford, Ireland.  About the year 1826 he arrived in Halifax, an utter stranger with no 
    other reliance then his own exertions.  He had received an education which well fitted 
    him for the practical duties of life and he formed an engagement as clerk with Irving and 
    Dunn, merchants.  Upon the dissolution of this firm by the death of one of the partners, 
    he continued in the same capacity with Dunn, McIlwain & Co., who removed to Petersburg, 
    Va., leaving to the subject of this notice the management of their affairs in Halifax.  
    That no man ever more faithfully acted in the interests of his employer is partly evidenced 
    by the fact that in nine years he paid them upwards of $70,000 net profits.  At the end of 
    this time, he bought out the concern, giving his note for $18,000 renewable quarterly.  
    He discharged the encumbrance and labored so industriously in his vocation that from the 
    day he commenced business to the day of his death, he never allowed his paper to be 
    dishonored nor his contract to remain unfulfilled.
    He was, indeed, a model business man—he loved labor—he abhorred idleness nor would 
    he tolerate it in any of his subordinates.  His industry never slacked—he rigidly fulfilled all 
    his engagements with others and required others to fulfill their engagements with him.  
    Perhaps it is not going too far to say that the state of North Carolina cannot produce a 
    business more admirable, in all respects than those in which he left the record of his 
    mercantile life.  By these qualities he was able to bear up under every financial pressure 
    and was to leave for his children a handsome estate.
    He married Miss Mary Eppes, a most worthy lady of Halifax, by whom he had six children, 
    only two survive him.  The beloved partner of his struggles, as well as his successes, 
    preceded him six years ago to the tomb.  In his family he was most liberal, supplying 
    every want and extending to his children all the facilities and acquiring an education the 
    best money could purchase.  Unsuspected by the world, he was very charitable—the 
    Orphan Asylums of Baltimore, Charlotte, and Charleston and other places witness his 
    munificence.  His house was the Priest’s house.  The clergymen of his faith no matter 
    from what quarter of the world they came, always found there a cordial welcome.  Nor 
    did those in straightened circumstances, and there were many such, seeking in a 
    strange land their distant missions, ever leave his door without a blessing for the 
    cheerful giver who extended to them his general hospitality and never failed to supply
    their wants.
    For several years previous to his death, he was afflicted with rheumatism and for three 
    years was confined to his room.  At times he suffered great agony but no man can say 
    that he ever heard him murmur or appear otherwise then resigned.
    With all these traits of character it would be surprising if he had not found devoted friends 
    who stood by him through life.  And it would be equally a matter of surprise if he had not 
    made some enemies—but he never was diverted from his purpose by the fear of any 
    man’s wrath or by his dread of what his enemies might say—conscious that no man 
    could point to a dishonest act he had ever committed or to a single stain upon his name.
    Some will say that this sketch is overcharged and indulges in the language of partial 
    friendship.  But the writer feels he has endeavored truthfully to present the prominent 
    traits of the deceased.  Had fortune thrown him into a public line of life he would have 
    carved for himself an enduring record and no notice wound now indeed be necessary to 
    make known the character of Michael Ferrell.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 5, 1862
    Married, in Harnett Co., on the 17th ult., by R.C. Belden, Esq., Hugh McL. 
    Cameron, and Rachel, eldest daughter of Angus B. Cameron.
    Married, on the 23rd ult., by Rev. A. McQueen, Mr. Duncan C. Carmichael of 
    Marion District, S.C., and Miss Sallie E., daughter of A.E. McKinnon, Esq., 
    of Richmond Co.
    Died, in this town on the 29th ult., Duncan A. Cameron, in the 30th year of his 
    Died, in Robeson, Jan. 10, in the 67th year of her age, Mrs. Catharine, wife of Col. 
    Donald McQueen and daughter of the late Col. James McQueen.
    Died, of diphtheria in the neighborhood of Galatia Church, on the 8th April, Mrs. 
    Nancy Rae in the 56th year of her age.
    Died, in this county, on the 11th April, Mrs. Hepsey J. Perry, aged 36 years, 1 
    months and 4 days, and on the 15th, Frances A. Perry, aged 7 years, 9 months 
    and 1 day, the wife and daughter of John A.C. Perry.
    Died, in Bladen Co., on the 9th inst., Joshua Jessup in his 76th year.
    Married, on the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, John H. Blake to 
    Miss Susan McArthur, all of Cumberland.
    Married, on the 5th inst., John Wilson of Johnston Co., a Private in Company A, 
    24th Regiment N.C.V., to Mozila Askew of Hartford Co.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 12, 1862
    Died, at Salem on the 3rd inst., of erysipelas, Mrs. Marie Louise Patterson, 
    daughter of Hon. John M. and Ann Eliza Morehead and wife of R.L. Patterson, 
    Esq., aged 31 years, 11 months and 1 day.  Affectionate parents, brothers and 
    sisters, a deeply afflicted husband, four little children—and a large circle of 
    relatives and friends, weep and mourn for the departed; but they cannot sorrow like 
    those who have no hope; for they know that their own loss was her everlasting gain.  
    She had been a member of the Presbyterian Church for eight years past.
    Died, in Duplin Co., the 30th ult., at the residence of his son-in-law, Wm. Usher, 
    Esq., William J. Love, aged 75 years, 8 months, a native resident of the town of 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 19, 1862
    Married, in this town last evening, by A.J. O’Hanlon, Esq., George M. Toner, formerly 
    of Baltimore, to Miss Laura, daughter of Joseph Ottarburg of this town.
    Died, near Laurel Hill, Richmond Co., N.C., May 1, Hector McMillan, in the 47th year 
    of his age.  Mr. McMillan was a valuable member of the church, a good husband, a 
    kind father and an agreeable neighbor.
    Died, at the residence of her grandfather, Daniel McKinnon, in Richmond Co., April 
    26, Fannie A., second daughter of the late Dr. Archibald M. and Margaret A. 
    McKinnon, aged four years and two months.
    Married, in Wilmington, on the 11th inst., by Rev. Thomas Murphy, Lt. Ancrum B. 
    Burr to Mrs. Jane Johnson.
    Married, in Johnston Co., on the 14th inst., by Julius C. Eason, Esq., James Breece 
    of Cumberland to Miss Johnnie C. Blackman, youngest daughter of Powel Blackman, 
    Esq., of Johnston.
    Married, in Moore Co., at the bride’s father’s, by Rev. Wm. Phillips, Wm. Goldston, 
    of Randolph Co., to Miss Mary a. Campbell, daughter of Matthew G. Campbell.
    Married, at the residence of Wm. Bramble, in this county, on the 10th inst., by A.A. 
    McCaskill, Esq., Dr. Mechack Hales to Miss Talitha Maclemore.
    Died, in this town, on the 18th inst., of consumption, Mrs. Susan J. Bruff, wife of 
    John K. Bruff, aged 28.
    Died, in Carthage, April 17, Mary Jenkins, in the 80th year of her age.  In early life, 
    she professed religion and joined the M.E. Church, South, exemplifying through a 
    holy and benevolent course of life the religion she professed and in her last illness, 
    realizing its blessings and consolations.  From the commencement of the war she 
    manifested great concern for the soldiers and our country’s cause, sparing no 
    pains to make the soldiers comfortable and fervently praying to God in his behalf.  
    We should “rejoice for a sister deceased”, knowing that our loss is her eternal gain.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 26, 1862
    Died, at Beaver Creek, 21st inst., Nathan Holder, aged 21 years, and 6 months.  He 
    leaves a father, mother and two sisters to mourn his loss.
    Died, in this county on Saturday last, Angus McGill, a worthy man.
    Died, in Wadesboro’, on the 8th inst., James Plunkett, a highly esteemed and useful 
    Died, in Ashley Co., Arkansas, Oct. 10, 1861, Benjamin Williams, a native of 
    Fayetteville, N.C., and for many years a citizen of Greene Co.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 2, 1862
    Died, at Little Rockfish, on Thursday, May 15, after a short illness, George Benton, 
    infant son of John A. and Emeline Williams, aged 2 years, 2 months and 12 days.
    Died, in Duplin Co., on the 14th inst., John Kennedy, aged 85 years, 3 months.
    Died, in this county on the 20th inst., Mrs. Mary McDonald, relict of Angus Mcdonald, 
    at an advanced age.
    Died, at Meltonsville, Anson Co., 19th April, Mrs. Mary Chambers, wife of Wilson 
    Chambers, aged 48.
    Married, in the Presbyterian Church, yesterday morning, by Rev. J.M. Sherwood, 
    Henry S. Frizell to Mrs. Margaret M. Wiley.
    Married, in this county, on Thursday last, the 29th ult., by Robert Register, Esq., 
    Wm. Calder to Mrs. Betsy Ann Arnett, all of this county.
    Married, on the 14th ult., by Rev. H. McAlpin, Mr. W.A. Melvin of Bladen Co., to 
    Miss Catherine J., daughter of Mr. John C. Devane of New Hanover.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 9, 1862
    Died, in Columbus Co., on the 15th ult., of typhoid fever, Mrs. J.A.R. Sessions, wife 
    of R.D. Sessions, Esq., in the 23rd year of her age.  
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 16, 1862
    Died, in this town on the 14th inst., Jefferson Davis, son of Thomas and Marselene 
    Waddill, aged 1 years, 8 days.
    Died, suddenly, near Clinton, Sampson Co., on the 5th (?) inst. Wm. T. Kirby, in the 
    60th year of his age.
    Died, at his residence in Robeson Co., on the 12th ult., James E. Burns, in the 40th 
    year of his age.  He was a native of Chatham Co., where his remains were interred.
    Died, in Richmond Co., on the morning of June 2, Angus P. Leach, after several months’ 
    illness which he bore very patiently.
    Died, on the 24th May, Archibald Campbell, only son of D.C. and E.J. McLean, aged 
    8(?) years, 7 months and 4 days.
    Died, in Robeson, on the 29th May, Peter Livingston.
    Died, in Robeson, on the 3rd May, at the residence of Archibald Campbell, her
    brother-in-law, Miss Mary McNeill.
    Died, at Mt. Airy, Surry Co., on the 29th April, after a protracted illness, Gen. S. 
    Graves.  He served the state in both branches of the legislature; he was one of the 
    oldest trustees of the University of the State, and was Clerk and Master of Surry for
    32 years.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 23, 1862
    Died, on Haymount, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Flora McLeod, Wednesday, 
    at 3:00 a.m., 18th inst., Mrs. Ann McGilvary, relict of the late Donald McGilvary, in the 
    21st year of her age.  Born in the Isle of Mull, Ayreshire, Scotland, she emigrated to 
    this county in 1791.  Possessing a strong physical and acute sensitive nature, she 
    served her day and generation as well as her God with a conscientious regard of the 
    responsibilities due to parent, neighbor and Christian.
    Died, yesterday morning, at his residence on Maiden Lane, Herrin Sewell, aged 70.  
    The deceased was an affectionate husband, a kind father, a good neighbor and a 
    worthy citizen.  
    Died, in Lumberton, on the 11th inst., Susan Elizabeth, daughter of A.W. and Eliza 
    Fuller, aged 13 months and 20 days.
    Died, in Salem, on the 11th inst., after an illness of two weeks, Ann L. Zevely, 
    second daughter of Dr. A.T. and L.P. Zevely, aged 17 years, 8 months and 6 days.
    Married, on the 21st May, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. D. Culbreth, 
    Mr. I. McF. Baker, of Moore to Miss Laura Corbett of New Hanover.
    Married, at Aiken, S.C., on the 17th inst., by the Rev. M. Cornish, Louis H. Derosset, 
    of Wilmington, N.C., and Maria Trapier, only daughter of the late Col. J.E.B. Finley 
    of Charleston, S.C.
    Married, in Moore Co., on the 18th inst., at the residence of Stephen Scoggins, by 
    Aaron A.F. Seawell, Esq., James Scoggin of Moore Co., to Miss Caroline Morris 
    of Cumberland.
    Died, at his residence in Randolph Co., on the 28th ult., Thomas Marley, aged 67 
    years, 10 months and 7 days.  Truly a good man is gone!  
    Died, in Johnston Co., on the 8th inst., John Lawhon, aged 86 years, 5 months and 8 
    (?) days.  He was always a pious, good man and a member of the Baptist Church.  
    We hope the loss is his eternal gain.
    Died, at his residence in Kember Co., Mississippi, A.G. Nicholson, Esq., aged about
    55, formerly from Richmond Co., N.C., from a long attack of typhoid fever.  (see also 
    military deaths for this same issue.)
    Died, at the residence of Jos. C. Hooper, near Lake City, Florida, on the 16th (?) inst., 
    John Eccles, Esq., a native of this town, aged about 41.  A friend, who was present at 
    his death, writes to his relatives here that without a groan or struggle he departed 
    quietly.  He had been very much wasted away, but was cheerful with the full 
    possession of all his faculties and certainly expecting and awaiting death.  He died 
    cheerfully and with the earnest hope of a happy immortality.
    Died, in Moore Co., June 18, Angus McDonald, aged 95.
    Died, in Robeson co., June 7, Catherine McMillan, in the 39th year of her age.
    Died, in the neighborhood of Galatia(?) Church, in this county, on the 28th May, Donald 
    G. Morrison, aged about 76.
    Died, in Richmond Co., on the 7th May, Miss Jennet Carmichael, in the 63rd year of 
    his age.
    Died, in Montgomery Co., N.C., after an illness of three weeks from typhoid fever, Miss 
    Ann Eliza Christian, in the 20th year of her age, eldest daughter of Col. Samuel H. and 
    Eliza Christian.  She was a gentle, amiable and lovely girl an ornament to the household 
    and the society in which she moved.  We miss her!  Oh!  We shall miss her sadly; the 
    vacancy cannot be filled, but ‘twas God who did it and let us not murmur but say, Thy 
    Will Be Done.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 30, 1862
    Married, on the 24th inst., by Rev. David Frierson, Mr. Wm. Cade, of this vicinity, 
    and Miss Mary E. Cunningham, daughter of Joseph Cunningham of Marion District, S.C.
    Died, in this town on the 27th inst., Elbert Francis, infant son of G.(?) F. Webster.
    Also, on the 28th inst., William Henry, son of Wm. P. and Mary Wemyss, aged 1 year, 
    2 months and 15 days.
    Died, in Wilmington, on the 21st inst., Owen L. Fillyaw, in the 51st year of his age.
    Died, in Sampson co., N.C., after a lingering illness of 26 months, Mrs. Rebecca Melvin, 
    consort of Daniel Melvin, in the 65th year of her age.  She was a consistent member of
    the M.E. Church for 35 years.
    Died, at Mountain Island, Gaston Co., on the 6th of the present months, John Webster 
    Tate, second son of T.R. Tate, Esq., in the 24th year of his age.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer May & June 2007 & February 2008

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