Civilian Marriages & Obituaries May & June 1863

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    May 6, 1863
    Died, on April 18, 1863 of scarlet fever, near Mt. Egergy(?) Energy(?), Granville County, N.C., 
    Jimmy H., only son of (1st initial illegible) H. and William E. Bullock, aged two years.
    Married, in South Lowell on the 16th inst., by Rev. A.W. Mangum, Col. James Turner to Mary 
    H. MaMannen, both of Orange County
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother on the morning of the 19th by Prof. W.M. 
    Wingate, Prof. W.T. Brooks to Delanie Ray, all of Wake County.
    Died, at Fayetteville, on the 23rd April, Miss Lizzie Brainard, second daughter of Gordon and 
    Elizabeth B. Deming, aged 36(?)
    Died, at Fayetteville on the 28th March, G.W.J. Goldston, Esq., in the 33rd year of his age.
    Died, at Chapel Hill at the house of her brother-in-law, Prof. Smith, Thursday, April 9, Miss 
    Ellen Hoke, 22, youngest daughter of the late Michael Hoke, Esq., of Lincolnton.
    Married on May 5 at the residence of the bride’s father, in Chester(?) District, S.C., by Rev. L. 
    McDonald, Lt. Thomas Lilly, Company K, 26th Reg’t. N.C. Troops, to Miss Bell McMillan, only 
    daughter of W. and J. McMillan.
    Died, of dropsy, Sampson County on May 13th (?) 19th (?), at the residence of her daughter 
    Mrs. Kitty Daughtry, Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, in the 74th year of her age.  Mrs. Williams was 
    a strong, athletic woman and even down to old age in answer to her prayers, was not rendered 
    helpless but ate a hearty breakfast, walked outdoors, and died the same day at 1:00 sitting in 
    a chair.  Thus ends the earthly career of one whose life has been an ornament to society and 
    especially to the Primitive Baptist Church of which she had been a worthy member for about 
    34 years, ever adorning the doctrine of her Savior by a godly walk and conversation and in the 
    evening of her life a few months before her death she expressed her willingness to die if it was 
    the Lord’s will to call her home.  She is gone, leaving a numerous posterity who if they would 
    follow the example of the mother, grandmother and great grandmother, might ere long strike 
    hands on the banks of eternal deliverance.  So must it be.
    Left, on the 2nd inst., on the wings of an angel, for his home of peace in heaven, James 
    Kenall(?), son of Professor J.L. and C.K. Wright, of Trinity College, N.C., aged 5 years, 8 
    months.  A while before his departure, he sang his favorite little hymn, beginning:
    I want to be an angel
    And walk the angel stand
    A crown upon my forehead
    A harp within my hand
    North Carolina Standard
    May 20, 1863
    Married, on the 23rd ult., Edgecomb County, N.C., by Rev. J.G. Barkley, Rev. G. Lewis of 
    Franklin County, to Mrs. Harriett W. Bryan of Edgecomb.
    Married, on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, Montgomery County, N.C., by 
    Rev. J.W. Wheeler, Lt. J.W. Ewing to Mary E. Wooley, eldest daughter of Calvin Wooley, Esq.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the evening of the 12th inst., by Rev. J. Henry 
    Smith, Capt. A.G. B - - nizer (middle two letters illegible), to Fannie, daughter of Hon. John A. 
    Gilmer of Greensborough.
    Died, at the residence of his mother in this city, on May 3, Dr. John C. Marriott, aged 30(?), 
    Died, in this city on the 12th (?) inst., at 2:00, Julia Taylor, infant daughter of T.H.M. and E.E. 
    Died, at Goldsboro on Saturday, 9th inst., Miss Mollie F. Foscom(?), in the 16th year of her 
    age.  Her attack was sudden and severe.  Timid, meek and quiet in her life, she sweetly leaned 
    on Christ as she passed into the spirit land.  We knew her when a child and we are not 
    surprised that God has taken one as guileless, as fearful of doing wrong, to Himself just in the 
    bloom of womanhood before the rocky waves of this tempestuous life had rolled over her.  Her 
    Married, in this city, on the 29th ult., by Harwood Griffice(?), Esq., Wesley(?) A. Smith(?) to 
    Eugenia Smith(?).
    Married, on the 10th inst., by the same, James A. Hocut(?) to Adaline H.(?) Pool(?), all of this 
    Married, in Haywood, Chatham County, N.C., on the 14th inst., by Rev. C.K. Caldwell, Rev. 
    Neill McKay of Harnett Co., to Miss Annie B.S. Pettigrew of Washington County.
    Married, on the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Elder M.G. Todd, Dr. J.B. 
    Robertson to Miss Julia, daughter of Elder John Ellington, all of the county of Johnston.
    North Carolina Standard
    May 27, 1863
    Married, in Rutherfordton, in the Presbyterian Church on the evening of the 14th inst., by Rev. 
    N. Shotwell, Captain L.P. Erwin to Miss M.E. Carrier.
    Married, in Lincoln County on the 26th April, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Robert 
    Nixon, Esq., Harvey J. lay to Sallie Ballard, all of Lincoln County.
    Married, in Chatham County, by H.O. Durham, Esq., on the 10th inst., Capt. T.P. Henderson of 
    Chatham County, to Miss Malvina Stout of Alamance County.
    Died, suddenly at his residence near this city on Wednesday morning last, John Kane, long 
    and favorably known to nearly every man who has visited Raleigh.
    Died, of diphtheria, in Montgomery County on the 9th March, 1863, Della E. Hunt, daughter of 
    Robert L. Hunt, Esq., of Oxford, N.C. aged 8 years, 8 months and 4 days.  During her sickness 
    she received all the attention that kind friends and skillful physicians could render.  Each winter, 
    Della spent with Mrs. A.W. Chambers, her adopted momma who loved her dearly, cared for her 
    and weeps for her as only a mother can weep.  Under the care of Mrs. Chambers, she had 
    made rapid advances in her studies and for one of her age had few equals.  She was so 
    amiable, kind and clever that none knew her but to love her.  But Della has gone!  God took 
    her!  The beautiful rose has been transplanted from earth to Paradise above to bloom in 
    immortal vigor and youth.  N.T.B.
    Died, in this city on Tuesday, 19th inst., William Dobbin.
    Died, in Hilleborough, N.C. on the 7th inst., Eugene Berrien, youngest son of Hon. William A. 
    and Susan Graham, aged 4 years, 5 months.
    Died, in Union County, N.C. on the 11th inst., of typhoid pneumonia, John Ashcraft, in the 58th 
    (?) year of his age.
    Died, on the 3rd inst., Sarah Ann Ashcraft, in the 24th year of her age, daughter of John 
    Ashcraft, deceased.
    North Carolina Standard
    June 3, 1863
    Died, at his residence in Wake County, on the 19th inst., of cancer of the tongue, Capt. 
    Stephen Stephenson, in the 87th year of his age.  He was beloved and respected by all who 
    knew him and was an influential and useful citizen.
    Died, in the city of Raleigh of consumption on the night of (date illegible) May, Miss Amanda 
    E. Rogers, eldest daughter of James W. and Mary Adaline Rogers, aged 18 years, 3(?) months 
    and 27 days.  She departed from earth to Heaven as gently as a child closes its eyes in sleep 
    upon a mother’s breast.  She bore her protracted illness with a patient and gentle spirit and her 
    deportment was unusually composed and cheerful during the whole period of the disease which 
    bore her so gently and gradually to the tomb.
    It is most sad to watch the fall
    Of Autumn leaves! But worst of all
    It is to watch the flower of spring
    Fade away in its fresh blossoming.
    “She died ere the spring time had closed in its beauty”
    “As parts the odor from the rose, As fades the sky at twilight’s close—she passed away”
    ------“Her own mild smile
    Parted her placed lips in death”
    A gentle lamb of the Savior’s fold
    She “breathed her life out sweetly” in His arms
    She was remarkably artless in her disposition and childishly sweet in her strong attachment to 
    those who were dear to her.  Not quite two years ago, she with several of her youthful female 
    companions, professed faith in Christ during a series of meetings held by rev. Mr. Broaddus of 
    Virginia in the Baptist Church at Raleigh.  Shortly afterwards, she, in company with her young 
    friends, was baptized by Rev. Thomas E. Skinner, the pastor of that church and received into 
    its communion.  Her confinement to her sick room was cheered by the frequent presence and 
    the many kind and unwearied sentiments of her relatives, pastor, friends and acquaintances.  
    She sleeps in Jesus!
    J.W., Jr.
    Married, on Tuesday, 12th ult., at South Lowell, by A.W. Mangum, Est., James A. Henderson 
    to Jennie Maynard, daughter of Rev. R.C. Maynard, Franklinton.
    Married, at Sussex County, Va., on the 20th inst., by Rev. Mr. Gibson, of Petersburg, Col. Sol. 
    Williams, 2nd N.C. Cavalry, to Miss Margaret B. Pegram, daughter of Capt. R.B. Pegram, 
    Died, at Wake County on the 12th inst., William H. Yates, in the 71st year of his age.  The 
    subject of this brief obituary notice was a member of the Baptist Church and his death is a 
    great loss to the neighborhood in which he lived.  He had a kind word for everyone.  He had no 
    enemies.  This kind neighbor exhibited his religion more in his life than in his word.  The earthly 
    pilgrimage of our dear friend has ended but his spirit is enjoying in the presence of God a 
    blissful immortality.  W.
    Died, near Graham, on the 16th ult., Dixie Nannie Rebecca, daughter of J.M. and N. F(?) or 
    P.(?) Simpson, aged one year, five months.  She was a lovely child.
    Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade
    Death came with kindly care
    The opening bud to Heaven conveyed
    And bade it blossom there
    Married, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, in this city, on the 2nd inst. By Rev. Mr. Long, 
    Gibson(?) Alston of Warren to Ann Eliza Fort of Raleigh.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in this city, on the morning of the 3rd inst., by 
    Rev. A.A. Benton, Lt. Harvey E. Benton, C.S.A. of Cumberland County, to Miss Emeline 
    Murphy, second daughter of Wesley Whitaker, Jr., Esq.
    Died, in Iredell County, N.C. on the 10th May, Mrs. Mary A. Summers, wife of B.J.E. Summers 
    and daughter of Andrew and Mary Rickert, aged 36(?) years, 5(?) months and 5 days. She 
    leaves a kind husband, six children and an infant son one month old to mourn their loss.  She 
    suffered great pain for six months before her death with a cancerous tumor on her breast but 
    was not heard to murmur once during her suffering.  She died with a full hope of meeting her 
    Savior in peace.  She was a member of the Presbyterian Church for several years before her 
    death and she had been a consistent member of the M.E. Church from her youth up to the time 
    she joined the church she died a member of.
    Drowned, in the Catawba River on the first day of this month, while on a fishing excursion, Col. 
    Joseph A. Davidson of the 7th Regiment N.C. Militia.  Also, his brother, Augustus Davidson, 
    major of the same regiment.  Col. Davidson was about to drown and his brother attempted to 
    save him and they both drowned.  The leave young wives to mourn their untimely departure.  
    These two good and worthy citizens in Iredell lived about three and a half miles from Sisterville 
    and will be missed a great deal by the community.  A Friend
    North Carolina Standard
    June 17, 1863
    Married, in Warrenton, N.C. Tuesday, 9th inst., by Rev. Henry Petty, John N. McDowell of 
    Edenton to Miss Martha P. Washing---- (last part of name illegible)
    Died, in this county suddenly on the morning of 5th June, Emma G., eldest child of G.W. and 
    Sallie Crockett, in the 7th year of her age.  Weep not, she is happy in the arms of Him who 
    said “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of 
    Died, at the residence of W.A. Falson(?), Esq., Sampson County, 22nd March, after a long and 
    painful illness, Joseph T. Rhodes, aged about 60. Possessed of an intellect and social qualities 
    of high order improved by study and trial, he has endeared himself to a large circle of friends 
    and needs no other monument or elegy than that which his virtues have prepared for him in their 
    North Carolina Standard
    June 24, 1863
    Married, on the 11th inst., by William P. McDaniel, Esq., Jacob W. Andrews to Miss Nancy 
    Marshall(?), both of Alamance County.
    Died, on the 24th ult., at the residence of his daughter, after a confinement of four months with 
    a paralytic affliction, John Dunbar, in the 70th year of his age.  He was a member and for 
    several years an elder in the Back Crerek Monthly Meeting of Friends of Randolph County, 
    N.C.  “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”
    Died, at his residence on the 31st ult., after a lingering illness of seven months, Aaron Hills, 
    Sr., in the 78th(?) year of his age.  His bereaved widow and children have the comforting 
    evidence that his end was peaceful and that he has entered into the life of mansions of rest 
    prepared only for the righteous.  He was a member and for years an elder of the Back Creek 
    Monthly Meeting of Friends of Randolph County, N.C.
    Died, of diphtheria on Monday, 18th inst., in the town of Wilson, Frank Alexander, 13 years, 
    son of John A. and Sarah Stanly of Beaufort County.  The deceased was a boy of fine promise, 
    of amiable disposition and a great favorite with all his associates.
    Died, on the evening of the 8th May at her residence in Iredell County, Margaret B. Feimster, 
    relict of the late John Feimster, aged about 74 years.  The deceased was a consistent member 
    of the M.E. Church for many years.
    Died, at Hillsborough on the 15th inst., Mary Mitchell, daughter of H.B. and Josephine Hardy, 
    aged 14 years, 4 months.  The deceased was just blooming into womanhood and possessed 
    a high degree of all those qualities of person, mind and heart which promised to make her one 
    of the loveliest of her sex.  Beautiful, intelligent, and moral, she won the admiration of all who 
    knew her.  She was indeed
    “ A blooming bud of grace
    And thoughts conceived within her heart
    Were born upon her face.”
    Heaven the home of the pure and good has claimed her as its own and her face of angel 
    brightness now shines with celestial beauty
    We learn with regret that Josiah Collins, Sr., Esq. died very suddenly in Hillsborough on 
    Wednesday morning last.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 4, 1863
    Married, on the 16th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, near Laurinburg, by 
    Rev. Daniel Johnson, Malcolm Calhoun, Esq., to Miss Kate Blue, daughter of John 
    Blue, Esq.
    Died, very suddenly, near his residence in Robeson Co., April 9, Dr. Neill McNair, 
    in the 49th year of his age. Dr. McNair was full of health and vigor up to the moment 
    of his departure.  Either by a sudden stroke of paralysis or by some affection of the 
    heart, he fell and instantly passed away.  Regular in his habits and temperate in all 
    things, no man had fairer prospects of a long life and a green and happy old age.  
    Died, in Lumberton, 12th April, Charles M. Daffron, in the 27th year of life.  He was 
    the son of George W. and Pheniz Daffron, and was born in Chatham County.  How 
    sad that one so full of promise should die.  For months he had been suffering of 
    pulmonary disease which at times flattered him with restoration to his wonted state 
    of health, and then blighting every rising hope of recovery.  
    Died, in Laurinburg, Richmond Co., April 25, after a short illness, Miss Lucy A. 
    Robeson, daughter of W.B. and A.C. Robeson, of Brunswick Co., aged 15 years 
    and 3 months.
    Died, in this place on the 9th inst., Edward Evelyn, aged 35, leaving a wife and 
    six children.
    Near Silver Hill, Davidson Co., on the 18th inst., Elizabeth, widow of William Lane.
    Died, at Caledonia, on the 20th ult., Mary Ann Burns, wife of Enoch S. Burns and 
    daughter of F. Munroe, aged 25 years and 10 months.
    Died, at Chapel Hill, at the house of her brother-in-law, Professor Smith, on the 9th 
    ult., Miss Ellen Hoke, aged 22 years, the youngest daughter of the late Michael Hoke, 
    Esq., of Lincolnton.
    Departed this life, on the 22nd April, 1863, Mrs. Catharine A. McKay, in the 87th year 
    of her age, wife of John A. McKay, Esq., of Bladen County.  None knew her but to love 
    her.  She was truly a woman of kindness.  Who will forget that friendly shake of the 
    hand.  Hers was pure friendship, and many in Bladen will miss her.
    Married, in Horry(?) District, S.C., on Thursday, 25th Dec., 1862, by J.W. Mishoe, Esq., 
    John H.F. Reilly of Baltimore City to Miss Susan H. Roberts of Wayne Co., N.C.
    Married, in Hillsboro, on the 28th ult., Lt. R.W. Anderson of Raleigh to Miss Rebecca 
    Bennehan, eldest daughter of Paul C. Cameron, Esq.
    Died, in this town on the 3rd inst., Jesse Oliphant, in the 83rd year of his age.  He had 
    been a devoted member of the M.E. Church for the last 18 years.
    Died, at the residence of Thomas S. Pickett, in Cumberland Co., Mrs. Celia Newton, 
    formerly of New Hanover Co., in the 74th year of her age.  She lived a consistent 
    member of the M.E. Church and died in the full hope of a blessed immortality.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 11, 1863
    Married, in Mocksville, on the 7th inst., by Rev. George B. Wetmore, Rector of St. 
    Luke’s Church, Lincolnton, to Miss Mary, second daughter of L. Bingham, Esq.
    Married, on the 5th last, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. J.P McPherson, 
    Captain Hugh McGregor of Richmond County to Miss Lyssianiey V. McLean of Robeson 
    Died, at his father’s residence in the lower end of Richmond Co., on the 19th April last, 
    after a short and painful illness, John Walter, son of John and Sally McIntyre, in the 
    17th year of his age.  He was a young man of promise, a dutiful son, an affectionate 
    brother and much esteemed by all his associates.
    Died, at Mangum, Richmond Co., N.C., on Tuesday, 28th ult., Mrs. Caroline Patterson, 
    wife of D.N. Patterson.
    Died, in this town, on Friday evening last, Anna Moore, daughter of William H. and 
    Mary Jane Burgess, in the 2nd year of her age.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 18, 1863
    Married, on the 8th inst., by Rev. J.E. Morrison, at the residence of the bride, Major P. 
    Richardson to Mrs. Julia B. Leak, all of Anson.
    Married, in Greensborough, on the 12th inst., by Rev. J. Henry Smith, Captain A.G. 
    Brenizer and Miss Fannie, daughter of Hon. John A. Gilmer.
    Married, on the 5th May, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Chester District, S.C., 
    by Rev. L. McDonald, Lt. Thomas Lilly, Company K, 26th Regiment N.C.T. to Miss 
    Bell McMillan, only daughter of W. and J. McMillan.
    Died, on the 11th  inst., David King, of Robeson Co., aged 63, a consistent member 
    of the M.E. Church.
    Died, in Randolph co., near Moffitt’s Mills, on the 10th inst., in the 46th year of her age, 
    of typhoid fever, Mrs. Elizabeth McCoy, consort of Paschal McCoy, Esq.  Mrs. McCoy 
    was for many years a devoted member of the M.E. Church. She leaves a husband, two 
    sons and two daughters to mourn her untimely death.
    Died, in Hillsboro’, on the 7th inst., Eugene Berrien, youngest son of Hon. William A. 
    and Susan Graham, aged 4 years, 5 months.
    Died, in Chatham Co., on the morning of May 12, Eliza William, only child of A.J. and 
    Kate A. Goldsten, aged 1 year, 10 months.
    Fayetteville Observer, May 20, 1863
    Mr. John Kane, a native of Ireland, but for many years a resident of this place, died 
    suddenly of heart disease, at his residence four miles distant from Raleigh, on 
    Wednesday last.  Mr. Kane, we suppose was between 60 and 70 years of age.  He 
    has left behind him many friends to deplore the loss of an honest, kind hearted man.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 25, 1863
    Married, in Sampson County, on the 14th inst., by Rev. T.C. Alexander, Wm. J. 
    Cromartie, of Bladen Co., to Mary Douglas Sloan  Also, on the 14th inst., by the 
    same, Dr. James G. Dickson of Duplin Co., to Sallie J. Sloan.
    Married, in Haywood, Chatham Co., on the 14th inst., by Rev. C.K. Caldwell, Rev. 
    Neill McKay of Harnett Co., to Annie B.S. Pettigrew, of Washington County
    Married, on the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Elder M.G. Todd, 
    Dr. J.B. Robertson to Julia, daughter of Elder John Ellington, all of the county of 
    Died in Fayetteville, on the 16th May, Sarah Crowther, daughter of John C. and 
    Caroline C. Haigh, aged 9 years, 4 months.
    Died, in Sampson Co., on the 2nd May, John A. Beaman, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
    Arthur Beaman, in the 38th year of his age.  The deceased had been a regular and 
    worthy member of the Baptist Church for the last eight years.  He left many friends 
    and relatives to mourn their loss.
    Died, at his residence in Robeson Co., N.C., John Drake, in the 77th year of his age.  
    His end was peace, and he has changed the toils of the earth for a better place.  He 
    has left a family of children and a large circle of friends who mourn his loss.
    Died, in Sampson Co., on the 11th April, Mrs. Catharine Hollingsworth, aged 59 years, 
    3 months and 7 days.
    Died, in Anson Co., on the 6th inst., after a long illness, William D. bird, aged 54.  
    This good and estimable citizen—kind, liberal, benevolent friend and neighbor—indulgent 
    and affectionate father and husband—has passed away, leaving a void never to be filled.  
    May his slumber be as peaceful as his memory will be ever cherished and respected by 
    all who knew him.
    Died, in Bladen Co., April 14, after a long illness, Mrs. Lucy Ann Savage, wife of W.A. 
    Savage, in the 36th year of her age.  She has left a faithful husband and eight children 
    to mourn their loss. She died as a Christian always dies—peaceful and happy.  She 
    was a member of the M.E. Church for many years previous to her death and always 
    adorned her profession by her acts and conversation.
    Died, in Salem on the 10th inst., Rev. Van N. Zevely, a highly respectable citizen, aged 
    82(?) years and 6 months.
    Married, on the 12th inst., by Rev. C.N. Morrow, Hugh L. Brown and Martha W. Brower, 
    all of Randolph, N.C.
    Married, in Edgecombe Co., on the 13th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, near 
    Tarboro’, by Elder Jno. H. Daniel, Capt. Charles H. Blocker to Sally Ann Cromwell, 
    daughter of Col. Elisha Cromwell.
    Fayetteville Observer, Wednesday, May 27, 1862
    Died, in the city of Raleigh of consumption, on the night of the 25th May, Miss Amanda 
    E. Rogers, eldest daughter of James W. & Mary Adaline Rogers, aged 18 years, 3 
    months, 27 days.   Not quite two years ago, she, with several of her youthful female 
    companions, professed faith in Christ during a series of meetings held by Rev. Mr. 
    Broadus of Virginia in the Baptist Church at Raleigh.  Shortly afterwards, she, in 
    company with her young friends, was baptized by Rev. Thomas E. Skinner, the pastor 
    of that church, and received into its communion.  Her confinement to her sick room was 
    cheered by the frequent presence and the many kind and unwearied attentions of her 
    relatives, pastor, friends and acquaintances.  She sleeps in Jesus, blessed sleep!
    J.W., Jr.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Clinton, N.C., 20th inst., by Rev. H. 
    McAlpin, I.B. Davis of Fayetteville to Martha J., only daughter of Lewis Johnson of 
    Died, in this town on the 22nd inst., Mary E., only daughter of G.S. and Sarah E. 
    Gibson, aged 4 years and 7 months.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 1, 1863
    Married, in Sussex Co., Va., on the 20th ult., by Rev. Mr. Gibson of Petersburg, Col. 
    Sol. Williams, 2nd N.C. Cavalry to Margaret B. Pegram, daughter of Capt. R.B. Pegram, 
    C.S.N.  (See also military deaths, June 17, 1863 issue)
    Married, on the 28th ult., in Brunswick Co., by the Right Rev. Bishop Atkinson, William 
    E. Boudinot to Mrs. Leonora Waters
    Married, in Lumberton, 19th March, by R.M. Norment, Esq., E.W. Batten of Columbus 
    Co., to Sarah E. Bryan of Lumberton, eldest daughter of Wm. R. and C.S. Bryan.
    Married, in Lumberton, on the 23rd inst., by Col. Sincliar, Lt. J.B. Ellington of Clingman’s 
    Brigade, to Mollie, daughter of Rev. Robert Bibb of Lumberton.
    Fayetteville Observer, Wednesday, June 3, 1863
    Died, in Wake Co., on the 12th inst., Wm. H. Yate, in the 71st year of his age.  The 
    subject of this brief obituary notice was a member of the Baptist Church.  Great is the 
    loss of the neighborhood in which he lived.  He had a kind word for every one.  He had 
    no enemies.  This kind neighbor exhibited his religion more in his life than in his word.  
    The earthly pilgrimage of our dear friend has ended but his spirit is enjoying, in the 
    presence of God, a blissful immortality.
    Died, at the residence of her husband near Shocco, in Warren Co., Drusilla, the beloved 
    wife of W.L. Brodie, Esq., and daughter of Thomas E and Ann Green of the same county.  
    Her gentle spirit departed, after a painful illness, borne with exemplary patience, on the 
    19th inst., wanting three days of the tenth anniversary of her marriage and fifteen days 
    of completing her 34th year.  She has left two children, one of six years, and the other 
    a babe only a few weeks old, both happily, at present, unconscious of their irreparable 
    loss.  She has passed away in the full bloom of matronly beauty, leaving many aching 
    hearts in a large circle of sorrowing relatives and fondly attached friends.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 8, 1863
    Died, in this town on Thursday last, of pulmonary consumption, Jonathan Atkinson, in 
    the 36th year of his age.  He was a devoted member of the Baptist Church, a kind 
    neighbor and true friend.  When death came he was found with his lamp burning, ready 
    to “depart and be with Christ.”  His remains were interred by the Masons, with the usual 
    formalities of the order.
    Died, in Sampson Co., 16th May, David A. Sizzell, aged 51, a member of the last 
    legislature of N.C.
    Married, in Raleigh, on the 3rd June, by Rev. Angelo A. Benton, Lt. Henry Benton, of 
    Fayetteville, to Emeline Whitaker, daughter of Wesley Whitaker, Esq.
    Died, in Chesterfield District, S.C., May 31, Mrs. Nancy McLaurin, aged 87.
    Fayetteville Observer, Wednesday, June 10, 1863
    Died, in Elizabeth City, N.C., on Sunday morning, May 24, after an illness of 21 days, 
    James Murray, aged 3 years, 3 months and 12 days, son of Wm. H. and E.J. Clark
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 15, 1863
    Died, in Pittsboro’ County, on the 2nd inst., Levin Lane, Esq., of New Hanover Co., aged 
    70.  Thus after having accomplished his three score years and ten, has passed a true 
    friend, a devoted husband, an affectionate and generous father.  He was a consistent 
    member of the Protestant Episcopal Church and died as he had lived, a true Christian.  
    Of the strictest honesty, and of great independence of character, it may be truly said of 
    Mr. lane that he was without fear and without reproach.   His most striking characteristic, 
    however, was his sincerity—being always what he seemed to be, and although unobtrusive 
    in the expression of his opinions yet he always uttered his real sentiments.
    Died, at his residence in Anson Co., N.C., May 18, Duncan Niven, in the 76th year of his 
    age, a native of Scotland.
     Fayetteville Observer, Wednesday, June 17, 1863
    Married, on the 14th inst., at the residence of Mrs. Martha Lassiter, by Joseph Yeargin, 
    Esq., Mr. John W. Woodfore(?) to Miss Malissa(?) Wall, all of Wake Co.
    Died, in this city on Friday, May 30, of dysentery, Thomas Leftwich, only child of A.M. 
    and S. Fannie McPheeters, aged 17 months and 23 days.  “Is it well with the child?  And 
    she answered, It is well.”
    Died, in Johnston Co., N.C., June 10, in the 67th year of her age, Mrs. Esther Raiford, 
    wife of James H. Raiford.  She was an affectionate wife of James H. Raiford, a benevolent 
    neighbor and for many years a consistent member of the Baptist Church.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 22, 1863
    Married, in Lumberton, Robeson Co., N.C., on the 18th inst., by George W. Daffron, Esq., 
    James S. Rieves of the 61st Regiment N.C.T. to Miss Caroline Jones, daughter of 
    Ebeneezer Jones.
    Married, in Lumberton, Robeson Co., N.C., on the 2nd inst., by Rev. James Sinclair, James 
    Knowles, 61st Regiment N.C.T. to Mary J. Daffron, daughter of George W. Daffron, Esq.
    Died, in this place, yesterday, Miss Louisa Minor, daughter of John and Mary Minor.  The 
    funeral will take place at 4:00 from the Baptist Church.
    Died, in this town on the evening of the 16th inst., John Eccles, infant son of Lt. Thomas 
    C. and Caroline D. Eccles, aged 6 months and 14 days.  His mortal has put on immortality.
    Died, at the residence of W.A. Faison, Esq., in Sampson Co., on the 22nd March, after a 
    long and painful illness, Joseph T. Rhodes, aged about 60.  Possessed of an intellect and 
    social qualities of a high order, improved by study and travel, he had endeared himself to a 
    large circle of friends, and he needs no other monument or eulogy than that which his 
    virtues have prepared for him in their hearts.
    Died, at Mangum, Richmond Co., on the 14th May, Franklin Wall, infant child of Oliver H. 
    and Sallie J. Dockery, aged 2 months and 6 days.  Frankie was a smart child, a tender 
    bud that has bloomed in Heaven.
    Died, near Buffalo Church, Moore Co., on the 8th inst., Angus Martin, son of Alexander and 
    Mary N. McIver, aged 8 months and 20 days.
    Died, in Gainesville, Fla., on Friday the 5th, very suddenly, Mrs. Mary McRae, wife of Jas. 
    W. McRae, aged 43 years, 26 days.
    Married, in Johnston Co., on the 9th inst., by James Goddin, Esq., Lt. H.M. Johnson to 
    Miss E.N. Allen, daughter of Mrs. Alfred Allen.
    Married, in Robeson Co., on the 14th inst., by Rev. Hector McLean, Henry H. Hodgin, Esq., 
    and Sarah M., daughter of Col. Daniel McPhaul.
    Died, in this vicinity on the morning of the 19th inst., Mary Catherine, daughter of James and 
    Hannah McGilvary, aged 4 years, 6 months, 11 days.
    Died, in this county near Rockfish, on the 1st inst., in the 70th year of her age, Mrs. Flora 
    Campbell, wife of Alexander Campbell, She was a member of the Presbyterian Church 46 
    years.  She lived in the fear of God and died in the triumph of faith.
    Died, in Harnett, on the 2nd June, little Kenneth Hill, youngest son of K. and M.E. Murchison, 
    aged 1 year, 8 months and 12 days.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 29, 1863
    Died, in this town on Friday, 19th inst, Capt. Benjamin Rush, Sr., in the 66th year of his age.  
    He was born in New Jersey but had resided in this place for the last 40 years.  Modest and 
    unassuming in his deportment he was much respected by all who knew him.  
    Died at her father’s residence , John Q. McPherson, Esq., Mrs. Mary A. Williams, wife of 
    Wilson Williams, in her 30th year.
    Died, in Hillsboro’, on the 17th inst., of disease of the heart, Josiah Collins of Lake 
    Scuppernong, Washington Co., aged 56.
    Died, in Salisbury on the 18th inst., at 2:00, Frank, the adopted son of J.J. and Elizabeth 
    Weisiger, aged 7 years, 3 months and 24 days.
    Died in Wilson, 15th inst., of diphtheria, Frank Alexander, aged 13, son of John A. and 
    Sarah Stanly of Beaufort Co.
    Died, in Cumberland co., on the 22nd June, Mrs. Isabella McGill, wife of Archibald McGill, 
    a native of Argyleshire, Island of Jura, in the 78th year of her age.
    Died, in this town on the 19th inst. Laura Jane, daughter of J.W. and Elizabeth Holt, aged 1 
    year and 1 day.  The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.
    Died, in this town on the 11th inst., Mrs. Isabella Reeves.  She leaves four children, and a 
    husband now in the Confederate Army, to mourn their loss.
    Died, in this town, yesterday, Mrs. Crews, aged 87.  She was a native of Wilmington, where 
    she resided until last year, and had been for many years a consistent member of the Baptist 
    Died, near Mossneck Depot, on the 223rd inst., Gainor Artamesia, infant daughter of Ann 
    Eliza and M.E.(?) McNeill, aged 2 months, 19 days.
    Died, near Moffitt’s Mill, Randolph Co., on the 14th isn’t., of typhoid fever, Mary E., daughter 
    of Paschall McCoy, Esq., in the 17th year of her age.  Mary was kind and affectionate to all, 
    and possessed the friendship of all with whom she was acquainted.
    Died, in Chatham Co., N.C., on the 12th isn’t., John A. Smith, in his 67th year, with an 
    affection of the lungs, leaving a kind, affectionate wife with many relatives and friends to 
    mourn their loss.  He died without leaving one enemy behind him, as he was kind to all, and 
    we have good reason to believe he has gone to rest.  Peace be to his ashes.
    Transcribed by Christine Spencer April 2007 & March 2008

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