These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War. Fayetteville Observer, May 23, 1864 Died, in this town on the 14th inst., Miss Virginia D. daughter of Joseph and C.F. Hollingsworth. She leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. Died, in this town on the morning of the 30th ult., in the 19th year of her age, after a long and painful illness which she bore with Christian fortitude, Martha Ann rush, wife of Lt. B. Rush, of Starr’s Battery, and daughter of Peter P. Johnson, a consistent member of the Methodist E. Church. Died, on the 12th inst., near Beaver Creek Village, Mrs. Jennet Ray, wife of Archibald Ray, deceased, aged 66 years, 6 months, 1 day. In early life she joined the Presbyterian Church and exemplified her faith by a humble reliance on the sovereignty of God’s providence. She is gone from among us, but her example of faith, hope and charity will live green in the memories of those who knew her in life. Married, in Harnett Co., on the 24th inst., by Rev. D.D. McBryde, Col. Thomas J. Morisey of Lumberton to Miss Mary L., elder daughter of John C. Williams. Died, at her residence in Harnett Co., on the 18th inst., Mrs. Isabella McKay, relict of the late Dr. John McKay, aged 84 years and 4 months. North Carolina Standard Raleigh May 25, 1864 Married, at the residence of the bride’s father in Fayetteville on Tuesday morning, 17th inst., by Rev. Mr. Hardwick, Henry E. Colton to Sophia McDaniel, daughter of Rev. James McDaniel. Fayetteville Observer, June 6, 1864 Died, in this vicinity, yesterday, Lizzie Gray, infant daughter of Major Jonathan and Mrs. Douglas Evans. Died, in Cedar Creek District, Cumberland County, 3rd March, Mrs. Margaret Wheeler, leaving four children. North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 8, 1864 Married, on the 22nd inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by A.R. Perry, Esq., John Morgan to M. Hall, both of Wake County. Married, in this city on the 1st June, by Elder W.N. Brugg(?), P.A. Robertson, of the 23rd (?) Regiment, Granville, to Ellen Smith of this county. North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 15, 1864 Died, in this city on the 7th inst., Mrs. Martha S. Weddon, in the 35th year of her age, consort of T.J. Weddon and daughter of the late Calvin Jordan. She was perfectly resigned to her death and is no doubt with the redeemed in Heaven. She leaves an affectionate husband and three small children. Died, of consumption after a brief sickness near Springfield, Guilford Co., 22nd March, Monocas(?) Milo Mendenhall, aged 23 years, 3(?) months and 28 days. North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 29, 1864 Married, at the Oaks, Amelia Co., Va., on the 8th inst., by A.B. Tissaid, Major William A. Graham, Jr., Assistant Adjutant of N.C., to Julia E., eldest daughter of John W. Lane. Married, in Salem on Tuesday evening by Right Rev. G.F. Hahnson(?), R.L. Patterson, Esq., of Caldwell Co., to Mary E. Frisa(?) of Salem. Married, on the 7th inst., by Rev. H.C. Parsons(?), Col. W.L. Steele, Rockingham, Richmond Co., to Mary Jane, daughter of Thomas S. Lettle of Anson Died, in this city on Saturday morning last, John F. Burgwyn, Esq., in the 63rd year of his age. Died in this city on Saturday evening last, of consumption, L.T. Clayton, 45. The deceased was buried with Masonic honors, the funeral services conducted by Dr. Craven of the M.E. Church. Died, in this city on the 13th (?) 18th (?) inst., of cholera infantum, John Vance, son of J.T. and S. A. High, aged 16 months. Died, very suddenly at her residence near Green Level in Wake Co., Tuesday morning last, Mrs. Frances Sears, wife of R.(?)or B.(?) G. Sears, Esq. She had been sick for nearly a week previous and was thought to be improving but upon that morning she was found dead in her bed. She was a good mother and a good wife and good neighbor, good Christian and a sincere member of the Baptist Church. B.G.S. Died, of typhoid fever on the 1st June, Mrs. Margaret J. Guthrie, wife of Col. H.B. Guthrie, of Chapel Hill, in the 47th year of her age. For more than 25 years Mr. Guthrie was a professor of religion and a consistent member of the Christian Church. Her funeral was preached on the day following her death in the Presbyterian Church at Chapel Hill by Rev. Dr. Deams, who took for his text “And His servants which serve Him, and they shall see His face”, rev. 22:3-4. The death of her mother gave her guardianship when but a child of two younger brothers; so that her girlhood was spent in watchfulness, as her mature years were in the training of her children. For several days preceding her death she was unconscious but we believe she has entered upon the enjoyment of a glorious inheritance. The light of her beautiful Christian character shines brightly still and all her footprints lead to the beautiful world. S.P. To record the death of a friend and neighbor with whom we have been associated for almost a lifetime by the strongest bonds of friendship is a task that makes the hand and heart tremble with sorrowful emotions. Every word we pen reminds us that we are paying the last tribute of respect to one whose hand we shall never grasp again, whose voice we shall never hear and on earth shall see no more. Such are our feelings as we pen the death of Harrison Parker, Esq., which occurred at his residence in Orange County on Sunday, 31st May at noon. For three weeks previous to his death, he suffered greatly with a complication of diseases that forbade his taking any amount of nourishment. His manly form wasted away to a shadow and when the final messenger came he seemed not to die but only cease to live. The lamp of light went out in the bosom of his family to be relit at the throne above. He was in the 72nd year of his age. He was a good citizen and as a neighbor obliging and as a friend was most firm when most needed and an affectionate and indulgent parent. To the poor he was ever open to their call. He possessed a warm heart and a forgiving disposition and ever sought to cultivate the best feelings among his neighbors. He was ever attentive on the ministry and a firm supporter of the church. J.A. McM. Died, at Lenoir County, on Sunday morning, 11th June, Nannie B. Pittman, daughter of Joseph and Louise Pittman, aged one year, nine months. No more shall we see those beautiful eyes, nor hear that innocent voice—Nannie is gone but the sunbeam of hope shines ever through our tears and points to Heaven. Her cousin Died, in this city on Sunday, 19th inst., Mrs. Priscilla Woods, 80; during 35 years of which she was a consistent and faithful member of the M.E. Church. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 6, 1864 Died, near Joyner’s Depot, Wilson Co., on the 17th June, David Sharp, 31, leaving a wife and two young children. Died, near New Hill, Wake County, on the 24th June, at the residence of Mrs. Olive, Martha Johnson, infant daughter of Mary E. and C.J. Bright, one year, four months and twenty seven days. She leaves a brother, sister, mother and father who is a prisoner in the hands of the enemy, to mourn her death. Died, suddenly, in this city on the 23rd inst., Hugh B - - kendite, aged 55(?) years and two days. Died, in Orange Co., on Thursday, 16th inst., after a painful illness in which her sufferings were intense, Miss Margaret Cain, in the 65th year of her age. She had been a member of the M.E. Church for a number of years and was a consistent Christian and died with the respect and confidence of all who knew her. J.A. McM. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 13, 1864 Died, at the residence of Dr. E. Benbow in East Bend on the 25th (?) ult., Ann, wife of Thomas Benbow, in the 63rd year of her age. The deceased leaves an aged husband and many relatives and friends to mourn her loss. She had been an esteemed member of the Society of Friends for many years and for the last twenty years of her life she was an elder in this society. Being eminent for her piety, no doubts are entertained of her happiness in Heaven. N.E.L., Yadkin Co., N.C., July 3, 1864 North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 20, 1864 Died, on Friday morning, 15th inst., in this city, John Harvey, infant son of John and Virginia Nichols. Died, at Springfield, Franklin Co., on the evening of the 13th inst., Edward W. and Lewis T., twin children of P.H. and M.E. Winston, two weeks and one day. W. Died, at Greensboro on the 9th inst., at the residence of his brother James A. Long, Esq., in the 55th year of his age, Dr. Osmond F. Long of Orange Co. The whole community in which he lived mourns this loss. He as an active and consistent Christian, a kind and attentive physician, a good neighbor, and a never tiring friend of the poor and distressed. For twenty years he was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church and him it may be truly said his faith may be seen in his works. Dr. Long contracted the disease which terminated his valuable life while waiting upon his son, a brave and noble boy who had fallen wounded in battle. Hillsboro Recorder North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 3, 1864 Died, in Wake County on Saturday, 17th inst., at 9:00 pm, John Wesley, son of V.A.T. and W.W. Pace, in the 3rd year of his age. Suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the kingdom of Heaven. Weep not ye loving parents Your child has gone to rest He has gone to that celestial place Prepared for the blessed W.W. Pace Died, of typhoid fever, at his residence near Jackson, Miss., in the 54th year of his age, Jno. Williams Bonnig(?). He was born in the county of Nash and on attaining his manhood he removed to Mississippi where he engaged as a planter which he constantly pursued until his death. He was devoted to rural living. He gave much time to reading solid and choice works and was one of the most skillful, scientific and successful farmers in the South. Though leading the life of a backwoodsman, his home for the years past has been cheered by the presence of his kindred. Surrounded by every kindness which an affectionate brother and his devoted family could administer, he went down without pain to wearied nature long last and lies buried in the cemetery at Jackson. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 10, 1864 Died, in this city on the 1st inst., of consumption, Wiley W. Johnson, in the 58th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Wayne Co., but had resided some 37 years in Wake. He was an intelligent and worthy citizen. He gave the most satisfactory evidence of his preparation for death. He was buried with Masonic honors. Died, at York Inst., on the 27th July, of typhoid fever, Mary Tula, infant daughter of J.E. Rheim, Esq., one year, two months and fourteen days. Married, on the 28th July last, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. Jno. J. Eckels, Scott Lane to Betty Patchard(?), all of Randolph Co. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 17, 1864 Died, at Fayetteville, of typhoid fever, on the 2nd August, C.A. Harper, a native of Chatham County, aged 34 years, 7 days. He rests from his labors and is now out of the miseries of this sin stricken world. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 31, 1864 Married, on the 11th inst., at the residence of J.F. Dennis, the bride’s uncle, by Jonas Jones, Esq., Joseph Haygram, member of Company G, 7th Georgia Cavalry, to Christian Holt, of Onslow Co., N.C. Died, of typhoid fever, in Raleigh on Saturday, 29th (?) Aug., Mrs. Lucy Williams, wife of W.T. Williams and daughter of Sterling Spikes, deceased, in the 27th year of her age. Early in life she devoted herself to the cause of Christ and united with the Methodist Church of which she remained an exemplary member up to the time of her death. Died, at the residence of E.F. Moore, Esq., in the vicinity of Fayetteville, on the 20th inst., Major John T. Grasors(?), aged about 65. He had represented the county of Bladen in the House of Commons of this state and was a senator from the counties of Cumberland and Harnett in the session of 1858. He was a man of decided talents, and affable manners. Observer North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 7, 1864 Departed this life on the 28th June, Altha Sormunia(?), daughter of Captain J.M. and Sarah R. Ray, aged 13 years, 8 months and 6 days, leaving a father and mother, brothers and sisters to mourn their loss. Died, in this city on the 19th August, Dorcas, infant daughter of B.H. and S.C. Norris, aged two years one month. A light is from our household gone A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant at our hearth Which never can be filled North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 14, 1864 Married, in Wake County, on the 6th inst., by Rev. T.G. Whitaker, Dr. E.A. Smith to Annie V. Williams, daughter of Col. Simeon(?) Williams North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 28, 1864 Died, in this city on the morning of the 21st September, Mrs. Adelaide V. Hill, wife of Dr. William G. Hill and daughter of the late Theophilus H. Hunter of this vicinity. Died, at Black River in New Hanover County, on the 27th August, Miss Mary J. Barlow, daughter of Lewis N. and A.H. Barlow, aged 17 years, one month and 12 days. L.W. Fayetteville Observer, November, 1864 Married, in Moore County, on the 27th inst., by D.B. Melver, Esq., B.F. Wicker and Elizabeth Holder. Married, in Raleigh, on Tuesday, 25th inst., by Col. J.P.H. Russ, Mr. Bold Robin Hood and Mrs. Catharine Overby, all of that city. (Transcriber’s note—transcribed as printed) Died, in this town on the 29th inst., of erysipelas, Mary A. Wilson, infant daughter of Noel and Martha A. Wilson. Died, in Moore County, on the 9th October, James Worthy, in the 79th (second number not clear) year of his age, leaving surviving him an aged wife, eight children, a number of grandchildren and many relatives and friends. He had been afflicted seriously for the last 25 years. He had never stood on his feet without help in that time, yet he bore his sufferings without a murmur. Frequently has the writer of this notice heard him say that it was good for me that I have been afflicted for before I was afflicted I went astray. His place will not be filled soon in this community. His hands were ever open to the relief of the worthy distressed. He was a kind husband, a tender father and left undoubted evidence that our loss was his gain. Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord, for their works do follow them. S.E.J. Died, near Rockingham, Richmond County, July 2, Matthew Thrower, in the 72nd year of his age. He leaves a wife and ten children to mourn their loss. Three of his sons are in the service. He was a soldier of 1812. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 4, 1864 Died, in Granville Co., on the 27th Feb., Mrs. Virginia Hester, daughter of Henry Hobgood, and wife of E.P. Hester, aged 20 years. Died, in Randolph County, near Trinity College on the 8th Feb., Mrs. Martha Branson, aged 53 years. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 11, 1864 Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 30th ult., by Rev. B.G. Covington, Lt. W. R. Covington of Co. E, 38th N.C.T. to Miss D.J. Bennett, all of Richmond co. Married, at Taylorville, Hanover Co., Va., by Rev. Mr. Nowell, Stephen A. Muse, Drum Major of the 6th N.C.T. to Sallie F., youngest daughter of Wm. Lambert, Esq., of Hanover Co., Va. Died, on the 21st inst., Mrs. Delany Fields of Columbus Co., N.C., aged 86 years. She was a humble and quiet Christian, counseled with the Baptist Church at Cross Roads more than thirty years. Died, on the 22nd March, 1864, at his residence in the county of Randolph, John B. Troy, Esq. in the 73rd year of his age. He was highly esteemed for his many noble virtues and had the entire confidence of the community in which he lived; was long chairman of the court and had represented the county in the legislature. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Church, an affectionate husband, an indulgent parent and a benevolent neighbor. He bore his long and painful illness with true Christian fortitude; retaining his mental faculties to the last, he calmly set his house in order and patiently awaited the summons of his Lord and Master. He leaves a wife, three daughters and six sons (three of whom are in the Confederate army) to mourn his loss. Died, on the 10th March, little Bessie, aged three months and eighteen days; also on the 3rd April, Jessie, aged two years and nine months, children of R.P. and C.A. Matthis Dear little children ye have left us, And our loss we deeply feel, But ‘tis god that hath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal Died, at Mt. Croghan, Chesterfield District, S.C., on the 29th March, Mrs. Mary A.B. Baker, aged 47 years, 4 months and 20 days. She was truly a devoted Christian, an affectionate wife and mother. She leaves a husband, three children and many friends to mourn their loss. Departed this life, in the county of Moore, Charlie Chalmers, youngest son of Duncan and Elizabeth Keith, aged 8 years, 10 months and 10 days. Little Charlie had been taken sick in December last; to all appearance he was in a fair way to recovery, when he was suddenly seized with pneumonia. Being of weak constitution, his powers failed rapidly and it was soon evident that his time here on earth was drawing to a close. On the evening of the 10th Feb., his gently spirit passed away as we humbly trust, to a brighter scene. Oh! How our lacerated hearts will miss that little form: his ever pleasant chat and cheerful smile. His last sickness was of but short duration; his sufferings were great, he withstood the storm but 34 hours. Farewell, little Charlie, no more pain, nor sickness, shall befall you. Married, in Tarboro’, by the Rev. Mr. Owen, Lt. Col. W.M. Gaston Lewis of the 43rd Regiment N.C.T., to Miss Mitte Pender, daughter of J.J. B. Pender, Esq. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 18, 1864 Died, in this town, on the 11th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth B. Battley, relict of Thomas Battley, deceased. Died, near Fayetteville on the 19th March, Benjamin Franklin Guy, son of James and Eliza Guy, aged ten months and eighteen days. He was a most lovely, innocent and interesting child. My brother is dead—his loss I mourn, And sorrow fills my breast. His body fills and early tomb— I know his soul is at rest Weep not, sisters, weep no more Your brother’s warfare now is o’er Weep not brothers, weep no more His slumber shall be disturbed no more M.J.G. Died, at his residence near Springfield, Richmond Co., N.C. on the 23rd March, after a short attack of pleurisy, John McLaurin, in the 74th year of his age. In all his unobtrusive relations in life he was much esteemed—as a son, brother, husband, father, citizen, neighbor and friend. From his early boyhood up to his death he had an undoubting confidence in the Providence of God and was seldom or never disappointed. Died, at her father’s residence in the prime of life and usefulness, Miss Catherine Douglas, sister of the above John Douglas (transcriber’s note, see Military Deaths for this same time frame, same issue), on the 18th March. She was an amiable and beloved young lady, but that fell destroyer, consumption, put an end to all the hopes of an aged father and of relatives. Died, at his residence in Bladen County, March 18, Peter Cromartie, in the 77th year of his age. Died, at Moore County, Jan. 27, of consumption, Mrs. Nancy McIver, consort of Donald McIver, a native of Fayetteville, aged 77 years, 2 months and 24 days. She was a member of the M.E. Church. Died, at his residence in Montgomery County, on the 22nd ult., John McAulay, aged 86 years. Married, in the village of Owensville, Sampson Co., N.C., on the night of the 29th March, by Joel Jackson, Esq., Sgt. Ely Dudley, of Company K, (51st or 61st) Regiment N.C.T. to Mrs. Caroline N. Underwood, all of Sampson Co. Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, in Montgomery, Alabama on the 30th ult., Lt. Col. F.A. Reynolds of the 39th N.C.T. to Miss Macon Bale. Died, at her residence in Cumberland County, on the 10th inst., Mrs. Matilda Denning, aged 49 years, 5 months and 10 days. Departed this life on the 5th March, Mrs. Sarah J. Cooper, wife of Stephen T. Cooper, and daughter of R.T. Long of Richmond County. Mrs. Cooper was s devoted wife and mother, an affectionate sister, an obedient daughter and a sincere follower of the meek and lowly Jesus. She was a consistent member of the M.E. Church. Such was her meekness and fortitude during her last illness, which was long and painful, that those who witnessed her Christian resignation and the happy frame of mind with which she met her fate, which she saw was coming, that they were constrained to say, that if they could meet their death thus they would not fear to die. May the mantle of her piety fall on her surviving friends. H.H. Gibbons Died, in Chatham Co., on the 16th ult., Caroline Headen, daughter of William J. and Mary D. Headen, aged 2 years, 18 days. Carrie was a beautiful and interesting little girl, possessed of more than ordinary intelligence. But she is gone—transplanted to a celestial garden where flowers bloom and fade not and where doting parents and admiring relatives may meet her again. Died, in Newburn on the 11th ult., Edward Ennis Graham, Esq., aged about 72 years. This simple announcement in the general reader will excite no feeling and occasion no reflection beyond the natural one that, in a good old age, a fellow being has passed to his long home. To those who knew him how eloquent it speaks. He was a most remarkable man. He seemed adapted to every phase of life. Every one worthy of such distinction, however varied in mind, in habit or in disposition, found in him a friend, a companion. Of very delicate constitution, he was, during his whole life, a martyr to disease; often painfully severe, frequently threatening fatal results. But his hopeful, buoyant nature, satisfied him through all; occasionally perhaps, for a moment clouded, but always finally triumphant. Possessed of ample means, his fortune was ever freely responsive to every charitable appeal. May the sods rest lightly on his placid bosom. A truer, nobler, trustier heart More loving, or more loyal, never beat Within a human breast. J.N.W. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 25, 1864 Married, in this town, on the 21st inst., by Rev. Mr. Huske, Mr. S.C. Erambert of Virginia to Miss Sue. T., second daughter of Jas. Dodd, Esq., of Fayetteville, N.C. Married, in Anson Co., on the 14th inst., by Rev. Mr. Puett, Dr. Wm. H. Battle, Surgeon of the 31st N.C.T. to Sophia A., only daughter of the late Jas. B. Lindsey, Esq., Died, on the 20th May, 1863, in Moore County, of diphtheria, and putrid sore throat, Rebecca Louisa Hancock, daughter of John L. and Lydia Hancock. She was about four years old. Her father was a soldier and in the army at the time of her death. Died, in Clinton, N.C., on the 1st inst., little William Hubbard, infant son of William H. and Mary A. Moore, aged four days. Beautiful, lovely He was but given A fair bud to earth To blossom in heaven Sister Died, in Anson Co., recently, Nehemiah T. Liles, aged 41. He was a good and useful citizen, admired and esteemed by all who knew him; the high character he bore, as well as his genial and kindly disposition endeared him to family and friends. He held the office of Confederate Tax Collector at the time of his death. Died, on the 4th inst., in Greensboro’, Mrs. Agnes A. Long, wife of Jas. A. Long, Esq. Died, at his residence in Cheraw, on the 19th of January, Dr. Archibald Malloy, aged 51. He was born in Cumberland Co., N.C. Died, in Pittsboro’, March 31, Virginia E., eldest child of Lewis and Lucy Brower, aged 17 years, 2 months and 26 days. Married, at Cedar Falls, on the 17th inst., by Jno. M. Odell, Esq., James M. Green of Guilford Co., to Flora A.M. Sinclair of Cedar Falls, N.C. Married, on the 21st April, by Rev. S.D. Adams, Corp. W.S. Vaceness, 2nd Regiment, N.C. Cavalry, and Dicey Ann Jackson all of Moore Co. Died, in Moore Co., on the 24th ult., at the residence of her father, John M. Black, of typhoid pneumonia, after an illness of nearly three weeks, Mrs. Catharine Ragland, aged about 28 years, widow of the late Thomas Ragland, Esq., of Chatham Co. Blessed are the Dead who Die in the Lord In Memoriam One of our most useful citizens is no more. Hampton R. West, of Stanly Co., died at his residence of typhoid pneumonia on Sunday evening, 3rd April in the 53rd year of his age. The deceased was born in Anson Co., N.C. on the 25th December, 1811. On the 2nd May, 1842 he was married to Elizabeth A. Meachum of Anson, who died on the 30th Sept., 1860 in the 38th year of her age. Mr. West has left three children and many relatives to mourn his death, but I trust that our loss will be his eternal gain. Three of his children died in their infancy, and are now numbered, according to our Savior’s promise, with the Angels of heaven. I was with the deceased in his last hours, and was deeply impressed with the spirit of Christian resignation with which he bore his sufferings. The night before he died he called to his family to his bed side and taking each one by the hand, gave them his dying charge. He spoke of death as calmly as if he were giving directions about the cultivation of his farm. A very short time before he died, I asked him how he felt. He replied “all is well”. These words were often repeated by his before his death. Mr. West had been residing in this county about 12 years (being formerly a citizen of Anson) during which time he had made many friends and won the esteem of all who knew him. A.J.G. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 2, 1864 Married, by J.M. Stout, Esq., Wm. Pike to Maria Teague all of Chatham Co. (no date shown.) Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 2, 1864 Died, in this county, on Sunday, 24th April, at her late residence on the Chicken Road, Mrs. Isabella Baker, wife of Miles Baker, Esq., about 50 years of age, and, for the last 30 years, a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. Died, in Richmond County, March 21, Angus Gairly, in the 84th year of his age. Died, of scarlet fever, in Moore Co., on the 14th March, Johnny, infant son of Powel P. Kennedy and on the 17th, Powel P. Kennedy, aged 26. In his death the community has lost a worthy, honest and industrious citizen. Died, in Chatham Co. on the 18th ult., very suddenly of disease of the heart, Isaac C. Brooks, in the 49ty year of his age. Martha Jane died 25th Oct., 1863 of flux, aged 7 years and 20 days; William Robert died 27th Oct., 1863 of the same disease, aged 4 years, 11 days—children of E. and M.J. O’Brien. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 9, 1864 Married on Haymount, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Jas. McDaniel, Lt. M.N. Monroe of this county, to Miss Mary Agnes Minor, daughter of Mr. J. Minor of this place. Married, at laurel Hill, N.C., April 2, by Rev. J.P. McPherson, Major D.K. Monroe, and Miss Elda(?) V. McPherson. Died, in Fayetteville, April 27, in the 37th year of her age, Mrs. Ann Campbell, wife of Dr. D. Campbell, leaving a husband and four children to mourn their loss. Died, at the residence of her son, near Carthage, Moore Co., Catharine, relict of Daniel Kelly, deceased, on the 13th ult., in the (age illegible, might have been 86) year of her age. Died, in Richmond Co., April 14(?), Dugald McLaurin, aged (illegible, could have been 70 or 76). Died, near Laurel Hill, N.C., April 2, Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Dr. A. Patterson, aged 37 years, 8 days. Died, in Robeson Co., April 26, Archibald McEachern, Jr., in the 46th year of his age. Died, at her father’s residence in Moore Co., on the 24th March, of typhoid pneumonia, Mrs. Catharine Ragland, relict of Thomas Ragland, deceased, in the 28th year of her age. The subject of this brief notice connected herself some eight years ago with the Presbyterian Church. The character of this venerated and estimable lady approximated perfection as nearly as could be expected in the present state of trial and affliction. She leaves a kind father, brothers and sisters and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. While she has left behind her the evidence that consoles her friends in the hour of sorrow and mourning, she has joined the sacramental hosts beyond the chilling floods of death and is singing the songs of the redeemed in a world of heavenly glories. Died, in Chatham Co., 9th April, of putrid sore throat, Nannie E., daughter of Lois E. and J. Womble, aged 3 years, 1 months, and 21 days. Married, in Parson Co., N.C., 28th April, by Wm. H. Royster, Esq., John D. Cates to Miss Palatiah O’Briant, daughter of S. O’Briant. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Rockingham Co., N.C., April 13, J.E. Carrigan of the 2nd Regiment to Miss Cora J., daughter of Samuel Moore. Died, in Moore Co., 10th April, James Bridges, in the 67th year of his age. Died, in Chatham Co., on the 29th Feb., Mrs. Arabella Jane Brooks, in her 43rd year. She had been a member of a Baptist Church for 26(?) years. Died, in Randolph Co., on the 5th December, 1863, Mrs. L.M. Lane, wife of John R. Lane, in her 25th year. A consistent member of a Baptist Church for upwards of 8 years, death had no terrors for her. Died, on the 19th (?) ult., at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr. A.W. Bethen(?) Bethea(?), in the Marion District, S.C., Triste(?) M. Bethen(?), Esq., of Robeson Co., S.C., in the 70th year of his age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 16, 1864 Married, at Trinity Church, Asheville, N.C., April 27, by Rev. J. Buxton, Lt. Wm. E. Huger, 1st Louisiana Regulars, to Lilly Devereaux, daughter of Lt. General Leonidas Polk, C.S.A., all of New Orleans, La. Died, on the 8th March, in Robeson Co., Harriett B., daughter of G.W. and Mary Ann McPhatter, aged 17. Died, in Moore Co., May 1, Norman Ferguson of rheumatism and palpitation of the heart in the 74th year of his age. Died, in Robeson Co., March 28, Mrs. Catharine Chisholm relict of Jas. Chisholm, deceased in the 80th year of her age. Died, in this county on Sunday, 8th inst., Archibald McGill, aged 48. He was a native of the Island of Jura, Argyleshire, Scotland. He removed to this country in 1820. Died, in Lincoln Co., on the 27th ult., Mrs. Morrison, wife of Rev. R.H. Morrison. Died, in this county on 22nd April, Donald Lewis, eldest son of George W. and Effie Davis, aged 12 years. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 23, 1864 Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in this vicinity, on Tuesday morning last, by Rev. Mr. Hardwick, Mr. Henry R. Colton, to Sophia McDaniel, daughter of Rev. James McDaniel. Died, in this town on Tuesday morning last, Duncan McNeill, one of our oldest and most respected citizens. Died, near Laurinburg, Richmond County, April 5, John Blue, aged 68 years. Died, near McKenzie’s Bridge, Moore Co., 24 March, Simon Luther, aged 13 years, 11 months and 6 days; also on the 1st April, Malcolm Calvin, aged 16 years, 3 months and 27 days; also on the 9th April, Alexander Samuel, aged 9(?) years and 2 days—all children of Alexander McKenzie. Died, in Robeson Co., after a short illness, 8th March, Miss Harriett D., daughter of G.W. and Mary McPhatter, in the 16th year of her age. Died, in this town, on the 14th inst., Virginia D., daughter of Joseph and C.F. Hollingsworth. She leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. Died, in this town on the morning of the 30th ult., in the 19th year of her age, after a long and painful illness which she bore with Christian resignation, Martha Ann Rush, wife of Lt. B. Rush of Starr’s Battery, and daughter of Peter P. Johnson, a consistent member of the Methodist E. Church. Died, on the 12th inst., near Beaver Creek Village, Mrs. Jennet Ray, wife of Archibald Ray, deceased, aged 66 years, 6 months and 1 day. In early life she joined the Presbyterian Church and exemplified her faith by a humble reliance on the sovereignty of God’s providence. Her painful illness was no disturber of her hope in the mercies which had ever been shown in the past and promised in the future: for her life was faith—the retrospect had been one of toil but the future was one of peace, joy and rest. She has gone from among us, but her example of faith, hope and charity will live green in the memories of those who knew her in life. S. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 30, 1864 Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, on the 11th ult., by Rev. J.B. Martin, Obadiah Farrar to Miss Annie E. Clegg all of Chatham. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Thursday evening, May 12, by Rev. T.B. Haughton, Chaplain of the 50th Regiment N.C.T., 1st Lt. Samuel B.. Johnston, Company H, 17th Regiment N.C.T. to Mary B. Downing, all of Washington Co., N.C. Died, in this town on Saturday last, Janet Douglas, infant daughter of Hon. Thomas C. and Caroline D. Fuller. Died, in this town on the 29th inst., Mr. Benjamin S. Valentine, aged 21. The funeral will take place this afternoon in the Methodist Church at 4:00. The public is invited to attend. Died, at the residence of her father, at the Arsenal, Mrs. Euphemia W. Ahearn, in the 26th year of her age. She leaves behind a husband, three small children, her parents, brothers and sisters, to mourn her loss. Died, of stricture of the throat, in the Marion district of S.C., on 8th Dec., 1863, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of W.H. Hays and eldest daughter of Major Jesse Ford. She had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for many years, and though her disease was painful in the extreme she bore it with Christian fortitude, conscious of her dissolution to her last moments. She left a sore distressed husband, and two little sons, but one of them very soon followed after. She also left an aged mother and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss but we mourn not as those who have no hope. She was in the 47th (?) year of her age. Died, at the same residence, on March 3, 1864, very suddenly, supposedly of brain fever, Walter F., infant son of W.H. and Elizabeth Hays, aged 3 years, 10 months and 8 days. So fades a lovely blooming flower Frail smiling solace of an hour Died, near Springfield, Richmond Co., N.C., on the 16th May, Mrs. Mary Gibson, wife of Samuel J. Gibson, Esq., in her 45th year. She was for many years a consistent, honored and beloved member of the Methodist Church. She leaves a husband and four children and many relatives and friends to mourn their earthly bereavement. Died, in Harnett Co., on the 26th April, Mrs. Catherine Holder, wife of Ithra Holder, Co. H, 50th N.C.T. For many years, this excellent woman was a consistent member of the Methodist E. Church. She leaves a dear husband and two children to mourn her loss. Sad will be this announcement when it reaches her dear husband. Oh! Weep not for her; your loss is her eternal gain! Weep not fore her but prepare to meet thy God; let the vacant seat in Spring Hill Church admonish the living that they too must die. Died, in Moore Co., at the residence of General W.D. Dowd, on the 4th May, of consumption, Josiah T. Phillips, aged about 45 years, one of the worthiest and most respected citizens, whose memory will long and affectionately be cherished by his friends and relatives. Truly may it be said of him, that he was one of the noblest works of God, an honest man. Died, in Moore Co., on the 16th inst., Colin McFadyen, in the 64th year of his age. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, a kind father and affectionate husband and was loved by all who knew him. Weep not, kind friends, for he has gone to rest Friend Died, at his residence in Chatham Co., on the 10th May, Wm. M. burns, in the 70th year of his age. By this sad dispensation of Divine Providence, an affectionate wife, three little children, many relatives, a large circle of friends and the whole community have been called to mourn the departure of one, whose many manly and noble qualities have bound him to them by cords of the strongest love and affection. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 6, 1864 Married, at the Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, May 25(?), by Rev. F.W. Hilliard, Lt. Thomas M. Argo to Mattie Henshaw Hubbard, daughter of Rev. Hubbard of the University. Died, in Raleigh on the 22nd ult., Virginia, infant daughter of Rev. W.E. and Mrs. V.C. Pell, aged 12 months, 5 days. Died, in the county of Richmond at the residence of Dr. John Malloy, of protracted illness on the 19th May, Mrs. Henrietta M. Malloy, relict of Dr. A. Malloy of Cheraw, S.C., and eldest daughter of Rev. J.C. Coit, deceased, in the (age illegible, starts with a ‘3’) year of her age. The subject of this notice was a very intelligent and highly accomplished lady—above all she was a Christian and for many years an exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church. She left seven fatherless, now motherless, children, many relatives and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. Died, in Robeston Co., May 6, Duncan Malloy, in the 69th year of his age. He was a native of Cantire, Scotland, and came to this country in 1804. He was for many years a member of the Presbyterian Church at St. Paul’s. His family devotions indicated his strong desire to be prepared for death; and God gave him a calm and clear mind to the last. Full of hope of immortality he fell asleep in Jesus. N.M.D. Married, on Sunday, 29th ult., by Joseph C. Hooker, Esq., at the residence of the bride’s sister, John Rains to Martha Oldham, all of Chatham Co. Married, in this town at the residence of W.W. McKenzie, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. Mr. Hudson, Daniel E. Simms of Company H, 51st Regiment N.C.T. to Lucy A. Cole all of Cumberland Died, in Lake City, Florida on the 2nd May, Mrs. Ann Sophia, wife of Davis Floyd, in the 29th year of her age. Also at the same place, on the 14th May, Miss Sallie A. Johnson (sister of the above) in the 19th year of her age. Died, in Charlotte, on the 22nd May, Mrs. A.L. Tate, consort of Thomas R. Tate of Gaston Co., aged 46. Died, on the 22nd July, 1863, at his residence in Chatham Co., Louis Jones, in the 77th year of his age. He has left a greatly bereaved wife and seven children. He was a professor to know Jesus in the forgiveness of his sins. Died, on the 2nd July, 1861 (transcriber’s note, 1861) at his residence in Chatham, John W. Jones, in the 32nd year of his age. The deceased has left a wife and one child. He was a strict member of the Baptist Church during the last 14 years of his life. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 13, 1864 Married, at the Oaks, Amelia Co., Va., on the 8th inst., by Rev. A.B. Tizzard, Major William A. Graham, Jr., Assistant Adjutant General of N.C., to Julia R., eldest daughter of John W. Lane. Died, in Charleston on Thursday last, Edward Winslow Died, at the residence of Peter C. Smith, Esq., in Guilford Co., N.C., on the 29th May, after a severe illness of two weeks, Martha A. Smith, wife of Peter C. Smith and daughter of Louis Lueterloh(?), Esq., aged 41 years, 9 months and 16 days. She is gone from us to try the realities of that blessed world, where peace and happiness are forever enjoyed. As a wife and mother, she was kind and affectionate and dutiful; as a friend her heart was always warm, ever sympathizing with all and especially the needy—she has left a kind and affectionate family being the mother of twelve children, of whom a husband and eight children are left behind with many friends to mourn her loss; but she told them she left them in the hands of God. She calmly remarked: grieve not for me. I am ready for death. Then calling up her little children, she looked upon them with those dim eyes, which indicated death was not far distant, and asked God to take them and bless them. She then directed her kind husband to the bright realms of mercy; she then looked upon her old grey headed father for the last time with that lovely look which a daughter possesses, and told him his troubles were great but not to grieve for her. She then advised her relations and friends to prepare to meet their God on high. After thanking her friends for their neighborly kindness during health and sickness she uttered but few more words, though lived several hours. She died with those calm features which seem to speak peace to her wearied soul. Grieve not, grieve not for me But from this scene a warning take For soon pale death for thee Will at thy own door shake. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 20, 1864 Married, on the 7th inst., by Rev. H.C. Parsons, Col. Walter L. Steele of Rockingham, Richmond Co., to Mary Jane, daughter of Thomas S. Little of Anson. Died, on Friday morning last, d’Lagnel, infant son of Major Matthew P. Taylor, of the Ordnance Corps. Died, near Laurel Hill, Richmond Co., June 5, Miss Henrietta McMillan, aged 21 years. Died, near Johsonville, Hornett Co., May 23, Mrs. Katharine Cameron, aged 62 years, relict of the late Angus Cameron. She leaves a family and large circle of friends to mourn her loss. Our loss is her gain. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. She died in the full hope of an immortal crown of glory. Death had no terror for her. She often talked with us of her death and of the Savior. Her disease was long and painful but she murmured not. Married, in this town, on Wednesday last, by Rev. James McDaniel, Mr. C.F. Webster to Mary A. Shepard, all of this town. Married, on the 16th inst., by Rev. Neill McDonald, James C. McEachin of Richmond Co., to Sallie C. McDonald, daughter of John McDonald, Big Rockfish, Cumberland Co. Died, in Chapel Hill, N.C. of typhoid fever, on the morning of the 1st inst., Mrs. Margaret Guthrie, wife of Col. Hugh B. Guthrie. The subject of this obituary needs no eulogy. Bland in her manner, cheerful in her disposition, and forgiving in her temper, the radiance of her memory will long linger in the hearts of those who knew her. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 27, 1864 Married, in Robeson Co., near Lumber Bridge, on the 2nd inst., Malcolm P. Currie to Mary C. Currie, all of Robeson. Married, in Salem on the evening of June 14, by Right Rev. George F. Bahnson, Rufus L. Patterson to Mary E., second daughter of the late Francis Fries, Esq. Died, at his residence in Richmond co., June 12, after a protracted and painful illness, Daniel Patterson, in the 82nd year of his age. The deceased was a native of North Knapdale, Argyleshire, Scotland and emigrated to America in 1803. he was one of our best and most worthy citizens. Few man have lived to his advanced age, with a character as faultless and unblemished as his—few have gone down to the grave more esteemed and honored than he. His sufferings were very severe and protracted but he endured them patiently and without a murmur. If a uniformly upright life is any indication of a pure and righteous heart, then assuredly, his is the righteous man’s reward. C. Died, in Bladen Co., on the 1st inst., at the residence of Charles T. Davis, Bannerman Washington, eldest son of David B. and Ann J. Melvin, aged 19 years, 3 months and 25 days. The deceased was a consistent and moral youth. None knew him but to love him. Died, in Kinston, N.C., on the 13th isn’t., Mrs. Mary Frances Woodley, aged 36 years, 3 months, leaving one child, a devoted mother, and many friends to mourn her absence. Farewell, beloved cousin! We have been companions from early childhood; how sad and lonely you have left me, but God has seen fit to part us for the present and I must say, Thy will be done! Again, farewell. George Died, near Springfield, Richmond Co., N.C., of protracted illness, on the morning of the 20th inst., John Easterling, in the 78th year of his age. Died, in Rockingham, Richmond Co., on the 13th inst., Mrs. Jane W. Leak, wife of James P. Leak, Esq., in the 53rd year of her age. To a disposition of great gentleness and amiability were united the graces of Christianity, which shone with steady luster in every vicissitude of life. Long will her memory be cherished by her sorrowing friends. But they sorrow not as those who have no hope, being fully assured that their loss is her eternal gain. Died, in Chatham Co., N.C., on the 14th inst., after a short but painful illness, at his residence, Francis Dorsett, in the 65th year of his age. He leaves a wife and five children, and 17 grandchildren with many friends to mourn his loss. Died, in Robeson Co., on the 8th June, Mrs. Charity McDonald, aged 56 years and 2 months. For upwards of thirty years, Mrs. McDonald was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and bore a long and painful illness with Christian patience, fortitude and resignation to the Divine will. She died in the triumph of that precious faith which she had lived, leaving a husband, a large family of children and many friends to mourn her loss. Died, in Lumberton on the 20th inst., Mary Augusta, infant daughter of A.W. Fuller, aged 1 year, 10 months. Thou has left us, little angel Thou art gone to be at rest, Where, with all the joys of Heaven Thou wilt be forever blest. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 4, 1864 Married, in Pittsboro’ at St. Bartholomew’s Church, on Thursday evening, June 23, by Rev. Mr. Sutton, Miss Cartie E., daughter of Capt. S.H. McRea of Plymouth Co., to Dr. W.F. Harllee, P.A.C.S. Died, in this town yesterday, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. A.E. Valentine, consort of the late Wm. R. Valentine, in the 52nd year of her age. Died, in this town yesterday, Charles Lee, son of W.P. and Mary Wemyss, aged 13 months. Married, at Lockwood’s Folly, in Brunswick County, N.C., on Saturday, 25th ult., by R.W. Woodside, Esq., Kinion Powell of Bladen Co., to Ann Maria Brown, daughter of Capt. Alfred Brown on Brunswick County. Died, in Richmond Co., N.C., May 8, near Pleasant Hill Church, Mrs. Frances Surginer, relict of William Surginer, deceased, in the 79th year of her age. She was a consistent member of the M.E. Church for 35 or 40 years. She leaves one daughter and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Died, in Chatham Co., on the 27th ult., of congestion of the brain, little Johnnie May, only son of J.G. and A.J. Foushee, aged 11 months and 7 days. Died, in Fayetteville, June 26, Mrs. Augustus Erambert, of Wilmington, N.C., aged 52 years. Departed this life, at his residence near Raymond, Miss., May 26, after a protracted and painful illness, James H. Jones, in the 35th year of his age, formerly of Richmond Co. Died, at his residence near Red Bluff, Marlborough Dist., S.C., Duncan Douglas, aged 83(?) years. Mr. Douglas was a remarkable sufferer, both mentally and physically. He brought up a large family of children to be grown, and then saw them all but two, with their mother, pass in quick succession by the hand of death to the grave, while he suffered physically the most excruciating pain from a distressing disease under which he labored for several years. And although possessed of a remarkably strong and vigorous constitution naturally, it finally gave way under the heavy burden of personal and relative affliction, and calmly and peacefully “he gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age and was gathered to his people.” Mr. Douglas had long been a member of the Presbyterian Church, and bore his multiple afflictions with Christian patience and entire resignation to the Divine will. And we trust, as silver tried in the furnace of the earth, he was purified and made fully meet for the inheritance among the saints in light. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 11, 1864 Died, in this vicinity on Wednesday evening, 6th inst., James C., infant son of Rev. Duncan J. and M.A. McLemore, aged 1 year, 2 months and 20 days. Died, in Robeson Co., June 26, Miss Anne, daughter of Peter Smith and sister of the late Rev. Archibald Smith. Died, in Bladen Co., Friday, 27th May, Mrs. Annie Dunham, wife of Jos. S. Dunham, in the 58th (?) year of her age. For years she had lingered in the confines of the grave, suffering much from a painful malady, and welcome, indeed, to her was the summons that bade her enter into that “rest which remains for the people of God.” Died, in Bladen Co., June 16(?), Helen Antoinette, daughter of Dr. John S. and Eliza Richardson, aged 3(?) months. But Jesus called unto him and said “suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of God.” Died in Richmond Co., about the middle of June, at an advanced age, Daniel McRae, Esq. He had been called a short time since to mourn the loss of his son, Adjutant Stokes McRae, who died in battle among other brave and true martyrs who have fallen in the service of their country. Married, on the 15th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. C.T. Bland, David C. Tillman to Martha E., daughter of S.S. and Elizabeth Arnold, all of Anson Co., N.C. Died, in Carbonton, on the evening of the 6th inst., by Rev. Mr. Adams, R.A. Stuart to Rachel Adaline, daughter of Thomas Rogers, Esq., of Chatham Co. Married, at the residence of Mrs. E.A. Stephens, in Sampson Co., on the 10th inst., by F. Cooper, Esq., James White, Jr., to Susan Royall, daughter of the late John Royall, all of Sampson. Died, near Wytheville, Va., on the 12th inst., in the 70th year of her age, Mrs. Jane Kyle, daughter of David Kyle of Rockingham Co., Va., and wife of James Kyle of this town. The announcement of the death of Mrs. Kyle will be received with sincere sadness and regret by the many friends since she has resided here for the last ten(?) years. Having been blessed by the good Providence of God with ample means, her life has been marked by a singular zealous attention to the wants of the poor. She was for many years a member of the Episcopal Church, enjoying the respect and affection of her fellow members in the body of Christ, and gave always to her pastor in his work among the poor support and valuable assistance, the loss of which is now deeply deplored. Died, in this vicinity on the 13th inst., Thomas, infant son of James Ahearn, aged 3 months and 4 days. Died, in the vicinity of Lake City, Florida, on Saturday, June 11, Edward Joseph, infant son of J.C. and M.J. Hooper, aged 2 months and 24 days They are going, ever going, Leaving many a lonely spot But ‘tis Jesus who has called them Suffer and forbid them not Died, in Wadesboro’ May 18, Mrs. Catherine Lilly, widow of the late Edmund F. Lilly, aged 58 years. Died, on the 24th June, at the residence of his uncle, W.A. Faison, Esq., in Sampson Co., David Baily Murphy, son of P. Murphy, Esq., aged 12 years. Died, in Cheraw, 6th April, at the residence of her son-in-law, D.B. McArn, Mrs. Charlotte C. Hunter, wife of Captain Nathaniel P. Hunter of Florida. Died, in Cheraw on the 3rd July, Charlotte Greenup, infant daughter of Daniel B. and Nannie McArn, aged 4 months and 7 days. Died, at his residence in Mangum, in the upper part of Richmond Co., Daniel McRae, Esq., aged about 90 years. Borne down by the burden of many summers, with attenuated muscle, and with tottering steps, the brittle thread of life gave way, on the afternoon of June(?) 4, 1864. He breathed his last peacefully, calmly and emphatically without a struggle. As a flitting candle sends forth its light with its light and less brilliancy to illume the objects around, so it was with the aged father, whose death we announce. In his earlier years, he was endowed with an indomitable spirit and great energy, but at last his body and mind gave way slowly but surely to time. Each effort too truthfully told that the next would be less energetic than the one just previous, until life ceased to be. In his death, another chord, which bound the present generation and previous struggle for independence, with the far past, the first revolution, when brave men did mighty deeds for freedom’s cause, is severed. Mr. McRae voted at each presidential election from the foundation of the old government except for the “father of his country”, down to the one which caused the disruption of 1860, but was not permitted to see the independence of his beloved South, which he often expressed so much concern about and in whose cause he lost his only son, yet never saw cause to desert. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss, but not without hope. He joined the M.E. Church, in the fall of 1863 and often expressed a hope and belief that all would be well with him. He is gathered to his fathers. Died, in Charlotte, on the 10th inst., Hon. Green W. Caldwell, formerly member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and for many years Superintendent of the Branch Mint at Charlotte. Died, in Moore County, on the 4th day of May last, Mrs. Mary Smith, in her 70th year. The deceased was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for many years. Blessed are they that die in the Lord. Died, in Bladen County, N.C., on the 7th July, Sarah Lee, daughter of T.M. and R.M. Smith, aged 15 months and 21 days. Married, in Washington, N.C., on the 7th inst., by James Grist, Esq., James Parker of Starr’s Light Battery to Sarah Cherry of Beaufort Co. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 18, 1864 Died, in Clinton, Tuesday, 5th (?) inst., Sallie Riche, aged 2 months and 16(?) days, daughter of Dr. Thomas R. and Rowena M. Micks. Died, in Moore Co., on the 8th ult., Jeremiah Williams, in the 80th year of his age. Died, at Greensborough, on the 8th inst., at the residence of his brother, James A. Long, Esq., in the 55th year of his age, Dr. Osmond F. Long, of Orange Co. Died, at Tarboro’ June 9, Mrs. Cornelia W. Carmer, aged 36 years, wife of James W. Carmer, Esq., of Columbia, S.C. The deceased was a native of Northampton, Mass., and for many years after her marriage a resident of Newbern in this state. Of a very kind and social disposition and engaging manners, she gained the confidence and warm affection of a large circle of friends by whom the loss of her is sincerely mourned. In all the relations of friendship and neighborhood, and the more domestic ones of wife, her life was exemplary and worthy of all commendation. She early attached herself to the Presbyterian Church, of which she was a faithful and consistent member to the last, and at the last, as well as through her life, was well sustained by the hopes and consolations of religion. A most pleasant memory of her will be long retained by those who knew her. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 25, 1864 Died, at her father’s residence in this county, of measles and pneumonia, on the 29th ult., Amelia C., daughter of George Wilder, aged 18 years, 1 months and 14 days. For a number of years she had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church and to her last breath had strong faith in her blessed Redeemer. Died, in Moore Co., Feb. 25, Nathan Fry, from the effects of a cancer on the thigh, in the 64th year of his age. He had been a member of the Baptist Church for some time before his death and lived in such a manner as to adorn his profession. The deceased leaves a wife, five daughters, two sons and a large circle of relatives to mourn their loss. A day or two before his death, he called his family to his bedside and told them he had done all he could; he hoped they would do well; bade them farewell; said he must die and was willing to die, and had a great desire for the future prosperity of his distressed family—for surely their cup of grief was then full to overflowing, when the husband and father, then at the point of death, passed away. He was the third person in the family that had died in the past 18 months: in the Spring of 1862 two of his sons volunteered in defense of their country; in a short time the news reached the family that they were both sick in the hospital; in a few days the sad news reached the family that one was dead—the corpse was brought home to lay in the family burying ground; the other was left in the hospital, the father went to see him and hoped he could bring him home alive, but alas, he too was brought home a lifeless corpse; one other, a son-in-law, remained in the army and a few weeks before the death of the subject of this notice, he fell mortally wounded in the battle of Bristow Station. A Relative Died, at the Pim Hospital, Griffin, Ga., on the 13th (?) inst., J.L. Neal, of Company C, 20th N.C.T. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 25, 1864 Married, in Greensboro’, N.C., 14th inst., Col. John A. Gilmer, 27th N.C.T. to Sallie L., daughter of Jesse H. Lindsay, Esq. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Chatham Co., evening of the 14th inst., by C.C. Tally, Esq., Noah R. Smith, Company E, 26th N.C.T. to Emily J. Shields, daughter of Robert Shields, Esq. Married, in Moore Co., 21st inst., by Elias Maness, Esq., Robarts Hussey, to Mary, daughter of Capt. John Ritter Died, yesterday, Sunday morning, Florence, daughter of J.C. and Margaret J. Poe, aged one year and seven months. Died, in Randolph Co., 12th July, General Alexander Gray, in the 96th year of his age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 1, 1864 Died, in this vicinity on the 10th inst., Adam Gilchrist, youngest child of Jos. And Amanda Utley, aged eight months. Died, in Harnett Co., on the 26th June, aged 83 years, Mrs. Effy Clark, relict of Jno. Clark. Died, suddenly near Alfordsville in Robeson Co., on the 7th inst., of disease of the heart, Mrs. Mary McCallum, wife of John McCallum, in the 61st year of her age. Died, on the 19th inst., in the vicinity of Mt. Gilead, Montgomery Co., Mrs. Martha, wife of Pleasant Frazer, aged about 40 years. Died, in Robeson Co., 18th June last, after a brief illness of 12 days, Joseph, only son of A.C. and A. Ray, aged 6 years, 9 months, and 4 days. The wail for thee, oh Joseph!, was deep, deep, for thou was dearly beloved, but the declaration of the meek and lowly Jesus: “suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of Heaven”, will calm thy bereft parents with the hope—the conviction—that thy pure spirit has winged its way to the chambers of beatitude, where, when our weary pilgrimage is over, we all hope to join with the choir of Heaven and sing through endless time the praises of Jehovah and his son. Died, in Richmond Co., July 7, Mrs. Elizabeth Sneed, in the 75th (?) year of her age. Died, in Moore Co., on the 24th July, Elisha Siler, aged (illegible, two numbers, the second is a ‘6’). Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 8, 1864 Died, near Wadesboro’, Anson Co., 24th July, Jas. Cameron, in the 54th year of his age. Mr. Cameron was a highly respectable citizen of Wilmington, from which place he removed his family in 1861 as at the time it was feared that the place would be overrun by Yankees, thinking they would be safe from the abuses and insults of a heartless foe. He was a good citizen with an unblemished character, a kind and affectionate husband and an indulgent parents. He has left an affectionate wife and eight dependent children to mourn an irreparable loss. His disease was dropsy of the heart. Died, in this town, on Aug. 5, Mary Langdon, wife of Lt. C.H. Cook and daughter of the late Doyle and Margaret O’Hanlon. Died, on Hay Mount, yesterday, Miss Marion Jones Sandford, only child of the late Thomas Sandford and Mrs. Agnes Sandford, in the 21st year of her age. One of the loveliest and most beloved of our community is thus snatched away from earth and all its attractions—not prematurely, indeed, for we may well believe that she had that “reasonable, religious and holy hope” which consoles the dying moments of those who early unite themselves to the Church of Christ and adorn their profession by a blameless life. Died, at his residence in this county, on the 13th June, after a long and painful illness, in the 72nd year of his age, Robert McKinnon. He was for many years a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. Died, at the residence of Richard H. Cain, in Binden County, on Sunday evening , 31st July, Mrs. Prudence Cain, in the 82nd year of her age. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Died, on the 18th April, 1864, in the 35th year of her age, Mrs. Catharine M. Patterson, wife of William Patterson, of Robeson Co. Mrs. Patterson was a devoted and affectionate wife, a kind and obedient daughter, as a friend she was obliging and generous, her unassuming social disposition joined with a frank and generous heart and made her a welcome visitor at every house. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church of Smyrna. She left an affectionate husband and many relatives and friends to mourn her death, but I trust our loss is her eternal gain. May the mantle of her piety follow her surviving husband and friends. Blest are the sufferers who partake Of pain and shame for Jesus’ sake; Their souls shall triumph in the Lord; Glory and joy are their reward. Her friend Anna Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 15, 1864 Died, in this town of typhoid fever, 2nd August, C.A. Harper, a native of Chatham Co., aged 34 years and 7 days. He rests from his labors and is now out of the miseries of this sin filled world. Died, in Rockford, N.C., 20th July, 1864, Major M.A. York, in the 39th year of his life, leaving a widow, three children, many relatives and an entire community mourning their irreparable loss. Major York was one of our very best citizens. Having been born and raised among us, and having been governed through life by the most correct steady habits of morality; and having held many positions of responsibility, he had endeared himself to the whole community. In November of 1863, Surry County Court made him County Commissioner to procure supplies for soldiers’ families. Soon, too soon, his constitution gave way under his arduous duties and he died as much a martyr to his country as if he had died on the battlefield. But our loss is his eternal gain. Several years ago, Major York attached himself to the Baptist Church and adorned the profession by an exemplary and holy life. The grim monster Death was stripped of all his terrors and our friend died as none but Christians can die. May God bless the widow and little children. Y. Married, on the 10th inst., by A. McIntyre, Esq., G.W. McCullough of S.C., to Miss P.A. Malone, youngest daughter of William and Elizabeth Malone of Chatham Co., N.C. Died, at Carthage, N.C., July 26, suddenly, of apoplexy, William Cole, in the 67th year of his age. His health had been feeble for some months past, but on the morning of the day of his death he was in his usual health; spent the forenoon at his ordinary avocation, ate his dinner, walked to the post office and without a moment’s warning, expired. Fortunately for him, however, he had in early life attended to his spiritual interest. For 37 years he had been a consistent member of the M.E. Church, South, and for the most of that time acted in an official capacity. His end came unexpectedly to his family and friends but he was ready, with his house in order. He has left behind a deeply afflicted wife, seven children (one son now held by the enemy as a prisoner of war) and a large number of relations and friends, but they enjoy the consolation of believing he is now resting from his labors. Alva Died, at his residence in Chatham Co., 7th inst., John T. Smith, in the 69th year of his age, leaving two sons and three daughters, together with a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his loss. A humble Christian, a kind neighbor, an affectionate father, he maintained a reputation for kindness and integrity in the various walks of life. Died, in Clinton, July 29, Jerry Bryan, aged 2 months and 17 days, only child of T.F. and Sarah E. Morris. Died, in Baltimore on the 24th June, Rev. Wm. Edward Wyatt, D.D., for more than fifty years rector of the influential parish of St. Paul’s, in that city, in the 75th year of his age. He had been a most distinguished Divine, for many years president of the lower house of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, President of the Diocesan Convention of Maryland, and of its standing committee; and on several occasions was nominated for bishop—“a Christian gentleman, a ripe scholar, a faithful, self sacrificing minister of Christ.” Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 22, 1864 Died, in this town, on the 13th inst., Daniel C. Brady, aged 15 years. Died, in Cumberland Co., on the 13th Aug., Duncan McGill, aged 46 years. He was a native of Scotland, left a wife and four children to mourn his loss. Died, at Laurinburg, Richmond Co., Aug. 13, Samuel J. Berry, of typhoid fever, aged 39 years and 6(?) months. Died, Mrs. Mary B. Watson, wife of W.B. Watson and daughter of Carney and Margaret Bynum. She was born June 19, 1835 and died July 10, 1864. The subject of this notice was early taught by her godly parents to love and fear the Lord. When but ten years old she made a public profession of religion and connected herself with the M.E. Church South at Mt. Pleasant on the Haw River Circuit. For several years before our sister’s death, she was the subject of severe bodily afflictions, which she bore with Christian patience. She passed from earth’s sorrows to heaven’s joys in great triumph. May her husband and two little boys meet her in Heaven. W.H. Bobbit Married, at Oak Grove, Bladen Co., 18th inst., by Rev. N. McDonald, Capt. O.H. Blocker to Sue M. Robeson, daughter of the late Capt. Jas. Robeson. Died, at the residence of E.F. Moore, Esq., in this vicinity on the 20th inst., Major John T. Gilmore, aged about 63 years. In 1828, Major Gilmore represented the county of Bladen in the House of Commons of the Legislature of this state. He was a senator from the Counties of Cumberland and Harnett at the session of 1858-59. He was a man of decided talent, of affable manners, and possessed kind and social feelings. Died, in this town on the 8th inst., Johnny B.V. Cashwell, youngest son of J.B. and Florence Cashwell, aged 1 years and 5 days. Died, in this town on the 20th inst., Susan, infant daughter of Robert and Susan Mitchell, aged 1 month and 13 days. A bud too fair to bloom on earth has been taken by God to decorate the courts of Heaven. Died, in Bladen Co., Tuesday, 16th inst., of typhoid fever, Lucy, wife of Dr. Jas. S. Robinson, aged 21 years. How sad that one so young, so pure and so lovely should be cut off in the morning of her days. Possessed of an amiable and affectionate disposition, and always of buoyant and cheerful spirits, it was natural that she should be the charm of her family circle. Above all, she was a meek and humble Christian, a sincere follower of Him who said: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Died, at Rocky River Springs, July 6, of typhoid fever, Dr. A.J. Green. He had been for several years engaged in the duties of his profession, in which he was very successful. He was a young man of fine talents and possessed a generous open-hearted temper. He was very attentive to the families of soldiers. He was taken sick, but he still continued to practice as long as he was able to ride; untiring devotion to his duties as a physician was the cause of his death. Of him it may be truly said that he died at his post. His heart was naturally delicate; his practice large and increasing, and riding day and night through all kinds of weather he gradually sank under the arduous duties of his profession. He was a devoted son, an affectionate brother and a generous, sincere friend. His bereaved family and friends will mourn his death as an irreparable loss. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 29, 1864 Married, in Montgomery Co., at the residence of Thomas Williams, Esq., on the 21st inst. By P.W. Wooley, Esq., James H.(?) Robinson, Esq., of Richmond Co., to Augusta E. Boyd, eldest daughter of David A. Boyd. Died, on the 22nd inst., Charles Sampson, youngest son of L.C. and Francina C. Jones, aged 1 year, 4 days. Died, in Rockingham, Richmond Co., on the 4th June, at the residence of R.T. Long, John Thomas, infant son of S. Thomas cooper. The Lord hath said Transient and vain is every hope A rising race can give; In endless honors and delight My children all shall live Died, of fever, in Wadesboro’ on the 17th inst., Ellen J. Crawford, wife of H.A. Crawford and daughter of Wilson Chambers, Esq., in the 43rd year of her age. Died, in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., N.C., on the 25th July, after a long and painful illness, General Wm. F. Jones, aged about 57 years. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 5, 1864 Married, at the residence of John Yelverton, by John Coley, Esq., Nestus H. Gurley to Julia M. Sasser, all of Wayne Co. Died, in Chatham Co., on Aug. 26, John W. Ellis, son of John W. and Rebecca J. Ellis, aged 2 years and 3(?) months. Little Johnny was taken with the croup on the 24th and died on the 26th. He was a favorite of all who knew him. He told his mother to hush, that he was going to sleep and said, “mother, ain’t you sleepy too?” he called for his clean clothes and said he was going home. He leaves a father, mother, and many relatives to mourn their loss. His Pa being absent from his dear little son, Johnny said the night before he was taken sick that he wished that his Pa was at home. But now little Johnny is gone, no more on earth, he cannot return. But may we all prepare to meet dear little Johnny in Heaven, where parting is no more. Aunt R.J.E. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 12, 1864 Married, on the 16th (?) Aug., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Charles Phillips, R.H. Skeen to Miss L. Augusta Craven, daughter of John A. Craven, Esq., of Randolph. Married, by elder R.H. Marsh, on the 25th Aug., James E. Yancey of the C.S. Army to Rosa F. Tapp of Person Co. Died, in Harnett Co., Aug. 25, Mrs. Harriett, consort of James Stewart. The subject of this brief notice was a devoted wife, and an affectionate mother. She leaves a bereaved husband, an only son and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Though not a professor of religion, we have reason to hope she has left this world of woar and bloodshed for a world of happiness and peace with God. A Friend Died, in Chatham Co., on the 4th inst., Johnnie, only son of T.L. and Kitty Colville, of Wilmington. Married, at the residence of Mrs. Frances Pemberton, Montgomery Co., N.C. by Rev. W.H. Bobbitt, Major L.D. Andrews to Martha A. Pemberton Died, in this town on the 8th inst., John Richard, son of Richard and Harriett E. Brooks. Lizzie Swan, infant daughter of Dr. D.S. and Mrs. M.E. Williams of Arkadelphia, Ark., died on the 31st May, 1864, aged 17 months All that’s bright must fade— The brightest still the fleetest. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, September 19, 1864 Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Harriett E. Sondley(?), near Asheville, N.C., on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Wood, Major D.T. Millard of Sampson Co., N.C., to Miss Josephine E. Ray, of Buncombe Co., N.C. Died, in this vicinity, at 2:00 on the morning of the 17th inst., Fanny M., daughter of J.D. and L.J. Williams, aged 19. Died, in this town on Saturday last, Neill Clark. Died, at Charlotte, N.C., on the 14th inst., John Campbell, infant son of Rev. A. and M. Laura Sinclair, after a short but violent illness, aged eleven months. Mrs. Nancy Taylor Evans, consort of Oran S. Evans, deceased, died at her residence in Chatham Co. on Sunday evening, August 7. For some this announcement would perhaps do, but one who has filled so nobly all the requisitions that have been made upon her in life, I deem it but property add something. It may stimulate others living to emulate her many, yes many, virtues, now that she has gone from among us forever. For years she as been the heir of an affliction and disease and would long since have been in her grave had it not been for the kind nursing she has received from her family, but more especially an elder daughter, who has been her constant attendant for a great length of time. Some two years since her only boy, the joy of her heart, was brought to her from the battlefield near Richmond. On the 4th April last, the partner of all her pleasures on earth was taken from her. All this together was too much for her shattered constitution, and on the day above named she obeyed the summons of her god to come up higher. When she became aware that her spirit was about to take its flight, she called her children around her, embraced them and asked them to meet her in Heaven, then sent the same request to an absent sick daughter and lastly called for a faithful servant telling her to meet her above. T.B.L. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on Haymount, this morning, Williamson Whitehead to Miss Morton, daughter of Mr. William Bell. Married, on the morning of the 7th inst., by Rev. S.H. Sietrunk, at the residence of Henry Toomer of Houston Co., Georgia, Wm. M. Haslam to Mary A., daughter of the late Hon. Warren Winslow of N.C. Died, at Lumberton, on Wednesday, 17th inst., Mary E., youngest daughter of Saran N. and W.A. Dick, aged 1 year, 4 months and 17 days. Died, in Magnolia on the 12th inst., Charles Kelly, infant son of P.C. and Kate C. Cates (or Oates). Died, at Charlotte on the 7th inst., Mrs. Delia S. Williams, wife of col. Lewis S. Williams, and daughter of Wm. E. White, Esq. Died, in Randolph co., N.C., 29th Aug., Ann McCain, wife of Hugh McCain, Sr., in her 64th year. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 26, 1864 Married, in this vicinity, on the 15th inst., by Rev. J. McDaniel, N.J. Plummer to Caroline Newberry. Died, on Hay Mount, in this vicinity, this morning, Eliza Walker, youngest child of Captain C.P. Bolles, aged 22 months. Of such are the Kingdom of Heaven. Died, at her residence in Robeson County, July 21, Jane Smith, aged 72 years. Died, on the 14th inst., at Rose Dew Island, near Savannah, Ga., after a short illness, from congestive fever, Wm. Hawley Evans, aged 10 years, only son of Thomas A.E. and Mrs. Kate Hawley Evans, formerly of this place. Died, at the residence of his grandfather, W.J. Bingham, Aug. 27, James Worth, only child of Della W. and Capt. Rob.(?) Bingham, aged 22 months. He was a peculiarly lovely and interesting child, and the Most High “because he had a favor unto him” took him out of the arms of doting friends and laid him in the bosom of the Good Shepherd. Died, near Edinboro’, Montgomery County, 17th inst., Osborne Williams, aged about 80 years. Died, in Chatham Co., on the morning of the 18th inst., Eddie Lee, infant son of E.L. and Julia A. Tysor, aged three months and twenty days. Dear Parents: Your little Ed lies on the bier; Earliest flowers of the year Gather to shed their fragrance there! Your little Ed lies in the tomb; Low voices answer from the gloom, “Within the grave there is yet room” Your little Ed lives in the sky, Where worlds in ceaseless beauty lie— And you shall see him by and by. Dora Asa A. Brown, Esq., a most estimable citizen, and formerly connected with the press in this town as editor and proprietor of the Wilmington Chronicle, died yesterday morning about 4:00. Mr. Brown, although not a native of this town, was thoroughly identified with the community, of which he had been so long a resident. For some years past his health had been very feeble, but although laboring under the pressure of a fatal disease, he bore up manfully to the last, attending to his duties even up to the time, during the last week, when he was daily stricken down, never to rise again in this world, closing an honorable life at the age of 62 years. He was a true Southern man in his feelings and to the last took a deep interest in the struggle now gong on. Wilmington Journal Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Haymount, on the evening of the 23rd(?), by Rev. J.M. Sherwood, Duncan McRae O’Hanlon, to Miss Miriam C., eldest daughter of Jos. A. Worth, Esq., of Fayetteville. Married, on the evening of the 22nd inst., in this vicinity, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Jas. McDaniel, Lt. Alonzo Garrison of Wilmington to Della L., eldest daughter of Rev. J.M. Beasley. Married, in this town, on the 22nd inst., by G.W. Lawrence, Esq., Daniel A. Morrison of Harnett Co., to Margaret Powers of Fayetteville. Died, in this town, last evening, John Fort aged 69 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 from his late residence, foot of Haymount. |