These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War. NOTE: Below marriages and deaths are a mixture—some from the Fayetteville Observer and some from the N. Carolina Standard (Raleigh), check for paper and date. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 3, 1862 Married, in this town on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. J.W. Tucker, William T. Frizell to Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell. Married, at the M.E. Church in Fayetteville, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. J.W. Tucker, W.H. Sholar of Wilmington and Harriett Kershaw of this place. Died, in Wilmington of yellow fever, John Stephens, aged 12 years. On the 18th inst., William Cookman, a native of Enniscarthy, County Wexford, Ireland, aged 50 years. On the 20th inst., Agnes Houston, only child of the late William and Maria Cookman, aged 13 years. On the 25th inst., of yellow fever, George Jaques, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y., aged 13 years. On the 25th inst., of yellow fever, Joseph W. Clemmons. On the 24th inst., of yellow fever, Thomas Cahoon, aged 32 years. On the 3rd inst., Mrs. Mary Johnson, aged 36 years. On Oct. 23, Mrs. Mary Ashe McRee, aged 64(?) years, wife of Dr. James F. McRee of Wilmington. Died, at Manchester on the 21st inst., of hepatitis(?), Sarah Lee, youngest child of David and Elizabeth K---- (last name illegible except for first letter), aged 3 years, 5 months and 8 days. Died, in Lexington on the 16th inst., in the 10th (?) year of her age, Louisa Hogan, youngest daughter of D.R. and Louisa A. H------ (last name illegible except for first letter, but was not ‘Hogan’). Died, of typhoid fever at Jones’ Springs, on the 20th(?) inst., Ann Carter Lee, daughter of General Robert E. Lee, Commander of the Potomac Army. Died, at her residence in this county on Friday the 31st ult., Mrs. Catherine Williams, wife of Joel Williams, Esq., in the 62nd year of her age. Her death was sudden and unlooked for by her family, produced by a violent paralytic attack, which in a few hours brought an active and useful life to a distressing close. She was employed but a few moments previous to being stricken down in efforts to relieve the sufferers in the army and to provide for a large family of servants whose comfort and well being were never overlooked. The bright light of her domestic circle is now gone. Husband, daughters, sons, grandchildren, will weep o’er this loss—but she, though dead, yet speaketh, and bids them to follow on to that rest which is eternal and remaineth for the people of God. Her life was full of benevolence and humble piety. Among those who make up the congregations of Sardis and the Bluff, she will be remembered with affection. Died, in Washington City, D.C., at the residence of Mrs. Ann E. Bell, Miss Mildred Elizabeth Treadaway, aged 65 years, formerly a citizen of this place. Thus has passed from earth the loved, the pure, the good, whose life was spent in useful devotion to the interest of those around her. But though dead, she will live in the memory and affection of those on whom kind Providence bestowed such a devoted aunt and friend. The time and particulars of her death we were not able to learn. Died, in Wilmington on the 21st ult., of the prevailing disease, Mrs. Caroline Smith, widow of the late David Smith, Jr. On the 21st ult., of the prevailing sickness, Miss Rebecca Wilburn. On the 29th inst., James Romanzo, fourth son of Capt. H.B. and R.A. Willis, aged 2 years. Died, near Moffitt’s Mills, Randolph County, on the 11th inst., of diphtheria, Thomas B. Moffitt, only son Dr. S.J. and Mary A. Moffitt, aged 4 years, 2 months and 17 days. Died, in Moore County, W.W. Campbell, Sept. 29, 1862. Five years ago Jennet Campbell, the mother of the deceased, died Sept. 30, 1857. Ten years ago, Catherine Campbell, the niece of W.W. Campbell, died Sept. 30, 1852. In his last hours, he sought Jesus Christ, the sinner’s friend, the light of life, to be his light, when the sun and moon and stars decay and all their glory perish. With his dying words he said “The Savior is a good Savior to all who do right.” Died, on Moore’s Creek, N.C., on the 19th Oct., of typhoid fever, Adelaide, daughter of Dr. W.H. and Lucaty Moore, aged 11 years, 6 months and 8 days. Weep not for me, parents, brother and sister dear; only remember where Addie is gone and try to meet her there. Died, on the 22nd Oct., of typhoid fever, in the 43rd year of his age, Dr. W.H. Moore, of Moore’s Creek, N.C. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and a man of high standing as a Christian gentleman and physician. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 10, 1862 Died, in Cumberland Co., on 31st Oct., Mrs. Elizabeth Brown. She was 76 years old and had been a member of the Presbyterian Church for thirty years. Died, in Bladen Co., on the 1st inst., at her brother’s J.H. Clark, Esq., Mrs. Catherine A. Wood, aged 21 years, 5 months. Died, of diphtheria in Wadesboro’, Oct. 24, H.M. Doty, aged 2 years; Oct. 27, Ernest Arnold, aged 3 years; Oct. 30, Fanny Arnold, aged 6 years. This dreadful disease has been on the increase in our community (Wadesborough). Died, in Robeson Co., on the 15th inst., William Burder Humphrey, aged 20 years, 7 months and 11 days. Died, in Wilmington on the 2nd inst., of yellow fever, John Miller, aged 23. On the 2nd inst., of yellow fever, John Neimyer, aged 9 years and 10 months. On the 3rd inst., Sarah Catherine, daughter of Capt. John Watson, aged 12 years and 8 months. On the 31st ult., of yellow fever, Mrs. Mary Baker, relict of the late Henry Baker, aged 47 years. On the 28th ult., of yellow fever, Henry, only son of the late Henry Baker, aged 14 years, 9 months. On the 3rd inst., of yellow fever, Wm. E. Mitchell, Superintendent of the Gas Works, aged 28 years and 6 months. On the 1st inst., one of the oldest natives of Wilmington. North Carolina Standard Raleigh November 6, 1862 Married, on the 22nd Oct., by Rev. John S. Long of Raleigh, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Lt. R.K. Williams of Camp H - - - es, N.C., to Pauline S. Jeffreys of Wilkes Co. Married, at Chapel Hill on the 15th October, by Rev. Mr. Jenkins, Felix Tankersly(?), Esq., of Livingston, Alabama to Frances Adele, daughter of S.M. Barbee, Esq., of Chapel Hill. Married, at Lexington, N.C., on the 28th October, Fannie (last name illegible, starts with a B??— Bun - - - ?) of Virginia to Charles Beardoley of Washington, D.C. Died, at the residence of Rev. P.W. Dowd in this city, in the 28th (?) Oct., Julia Shurley(?), infant daughter of H.(?)A. and Laura E. Dowd, 21 months. Died, in this city on the 26th Oct., William H. Putney in the (illegible number) year of his age. He was a useful and enterprising citizen, leaving a wife and 8 children to mourn their loss. His devotion and kindness to his family and friends greatly endeared him to them all. Their consolation now is that his patient submission to the Divine will under a long and painful affliction and his peaceful end gave assurance that their loss is his eternal gain. Died, in Yadkin Co., N.C., on the 19th Oct., Maggie, infant daughter of Thomas and Mary Settle(?), aged 5 months, 5 days. Blessed departed one, Whose all of life a rosy ray Blushed into dawn and passed away. Yes! Thou art fled ere guilt had power To stain the cherub’s soul and form Closed is the soft, ephemeral flower That never felt a storm. The sunbeam’s smile, the zephyr’s breath All that it knew from birth to death Died, recently, at his residence in Beaufort County near Washington, N.C., Frederick Grist, Esq. He formerly represented Beaufort in the senate of the state. He was amiable and respected in all walks of life. He had suffered great loss at the hands of the enemy and his troubles most probably shortened his life. Died, of diphtheria in Germanton on the 24th ult., Fannie Moore, daughter of Silas and Mary E. Westmoreland, 5 years, 3 months and 9 days. The little sufferer was taken from earth at a tender and interesting age. The idol of her parents, her affectionate nature engaged also the love of all who knew her. In the light and beauty of childhood, she has passed away but to a sphere gladdened by eternal sunshine where the little bud, nipped on earth, will expand into a lovely flower untouched by the frosts and chills of this life. The little Fannie will be missed in more than one home. No more will her little golden head gleam across our threshold like a beam of sunshine but she has gone to the bosom of Him who when on earth took little children into his arms and blessed them. Be comforted my friends who may see and know your Fannie never again, she has gone where sickness, sorrow and death can never come. Earth! From thy bonds undying hope springs free We have but lent our beautiful child to thee But thou, oh God! Keep, keep what thou has taken And with our treasure keep our thoughts in Heaven. J.S.R. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 10, 1862 Married, at Cedar Falls, Randolph Co., on the 4th inst., William H. Newbeury of this town to Emily M. Lum Married, on the 7th inst., by A.A. McCas---, Esq., Wm. R. Warick to Zilpha J. Register. Died, on the 6th inst., Neill G. McNeill, Esq. The large concourse of citizens attending the funeral attests to the high estimation in which he was held in the neighborhood of Cumberland Co. He was buried with Masonic honors. Died, near Montrose in this county, on the 2nd inst., Murdock Campbell. Died, on the 18th Oct., with putrid sore throat, Cyrus P. Newlin, son of John and Miranda Newlin, aged 7 years, 7 months and 7 days. But Jesus said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Died, in Wilmington on the 4th Nov., of yellow fever, Griffith John McRee, aged 15. On the 12th Oct., Mrs. Flora J. Kelly, aged 40. On the 5th inst., of yellow fever, Sarah Ann, daughter of Mrs. Mary J. Briggs, in the 18th year of her age. On the 6th inst., of yellow fever, John Whitledge, a native of Onslow Co., aged about 70(?) 76(?). On the 5th inst., of yellow fever, James Campbell, a native of Scotland, aged 37. Of yellow fever, Wentworth Pierce, 2nd son of Augustus T. Frost, aged 6. Died, in Moore Co., near Carbonton, on the 3rd inst., Mrs. Mary Ann Gilliam wife of John W. Gilliam in the 29th year of her age. She leaves a husband and two small children to mourn her loss. North Carolina Standard Raleigh November 12, 1862 Married, on the 28th October at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. R.H. Moody, Henry N. Coffee of Caldwell Co., to Louisa Jane Cackson of Catawba County. Married, on the 24th ult., by Hardy Doughtrey, Esq., James A. Warwick to Betsey C., daughter of William R. Wilson, all of Sampson County. Died, of the “sequel” of diphtheria in Wilkesborough on Sunday evening, 19th October, Samuel Duvall Cowles, son of C.J. and M.T. Cowles in the 4th year of his age. His was the morning hour And he hath pursued in beauty from the day A bud, not yet a flower Torn in sweetness from the parent spray The death wind swept him to his soft repose As frost, in spring time, blights the early rose. Died, near Salem Church, Randolph Co., on the 31st Oct., Harriett L., infant daughter of Willis and Rebecca Carter, aged about two years. Bereaved parents, grieve not for your dead Hattie. Although she is lost to you on earth, God has taken her to enjoy his blessed presence. For he hath said of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Although you will miss her prattling voice Pain now with her is o’er And if you will only faithful be You will meet where parting is no more. S.E.B. Died, on the 31st Oct., near Elevation, Johnston Co., Mrs. Laney Dixon, wife of Patrick Dixon, in the 40th year of her age. Died, in Kinston on the 31st Oct., of consumption, Harriett A., wife of Dr. William C. Brown. She was a kind neighbor and a fond and loving wife and mother. Died, in this city on Sunday, 2nd inst., of diphtheria, Ewing, eldest child of the late General George B. Anderson, aged 18(?) months and 17 days. Died, suddenly in this city on the 1st inst., James, only child of Captain C.T. and Mary Iredell, aged 17 months and 14 days. Died, in Alamance Co., on the 18th August, Cyrus P. Newlin, son of John and Miranda Newlin, aged 7 years, 7 months and 7 days. “Suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven”. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 17, 1862 Married, at Camp Winder Chapel, near Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Mr. Williamson, on Thursday evening, the 18th inst., Private John L. Smith of Co. K, 21st Mississippi Regiment of Volunteers to Rebecca Jane, eldest daughter of Elias Jones, of Fayetteville, N.C. Died, at Beaver Creek, Saturday morning, 15th inst., Archibald Ray. He was a native of Scotland, and had been a resident of this country since 1817, aged 70 years and 3 months. Died, in Harnett Co., on the 12th inst., William Alexander, son of Foster M. and Mary M. Bolton, aged two years, six months. Died, in Wilmington on the 11th inst., of yellow fever, Patrick Quigley, a native of the county of Monaghan, Ireland, aged 33. On the 11th inst., of yellow fever, A.E. Mindel, aged 16, son of Mr. A. Mindel. On the 12th inst., of yellow fever, David J. Southerland, aged about 45. On the 13th inst., of yellow fever, Rev. J.L. Pritchard, a native of Camden Co., N.C., aged 51. Also, of yellow fever, on the same day, John Barnes, Sr., in the 60th year of his age. Also of yellow fever, Mrs. Sarah Smith, widow of the late Peter Smith, at an advanced age. Of yellow fever, on the 19th Oct., John D. Fergus, aged 27. Of yellow fever, 14th inst., Mrs. Mary Wood, wife of Mr. J.H. Wood. North Carolina Standard Raleigh November 19, 1862 The town of Wilmington, our sister town’s history for the last months is indeed a melancholy one. Death has made fearful inroads among its enterprising citizens. The editors of the Journal attest to the march of death remarking: Sometimes whole families appear to have been swept away. Two doors west of our office stands the handsome brick dwelling of B. Baxter, Esq. Within two weeks the whole family, consisting of himself and his niece Mrs. Ann Powers, were called away and that home was closed and desolate. Just round the corner on 2nd Street, below Princess, within fifty yards of where we now sit, was the residence of Dr. McRee. That is, indeed, a house of mourning. Our venerable and respected fellow citizen, the doctor, has lost his life partner. C.J. McRee has lost a revered mother, a beloved wife, a daughter just blooming into womanhood and a son, a noble, intelligent and manly youth. Married at the residence of Colonel W.W. Butts on the 9th inst., by W.W. Butts, Esq., Daniel Baker to Martha Walston, all of Wilson Co. Married, on Wednesday, 15th Oct., by Prof. W.M. Wingate of Wake Forest, in the Baptist Church at Oxford, Col. Charles R. Eaton of Granville Co., to Martha Ann Landis of Oxford. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 24, 1862 Died, in this town on Sunday morning, 23rd inst., of diphtheria, Willie, only son of Joseph and Sarah McNeill, aged four years. Died, at his residence in Brunswick Co., N.C., on the morning of Nov. 2, Samuel Prink, Sr., aged 76 years, 2 months and 1 day. In him, his afflicted children have lost the kindest, the tenderest of parents; the community mourns for a citizen most useful in his day and generation; and the widow and orphan cry aloud for the friend whose benefits descended on them as quietly and as unostentatiously as fall the dews of night. He showed his “faith by his works.” Died, in Montgomery Co., Nov. 10, of diphtheria, Wm. Edward, only child of C.J. and Morning S. Bruton, aged 6 years, 8 months and 24 days; leaving bereaved parents and many relatives and friends to mourn the loss of a loving child. Died, in Wilmington of yellow fever: on the 10th inst., A.B. Broughton, in the 19th year of his age; 11th inst., Talcot W.F. Broughton, in the 3rd year of his age, on the same day John S.W. Broughton, in the 6th year of his age; on the 17th inst., Mrs. Mary W. M. Broughton, aged 41 years. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 1, 1862 Married, on the 2nd inst., by T. Bostick, Esq., C.C. Hicks, of the 38th N.C.T., to Nancy J. Webb, eldest daughter of Richmond and Mary Webb, all of Richmond Co. Married, At Grace Church, Morganton, on the 22nd ult., by Rev. S.C. Roberts, Capt. Thomas W. Brown, of Wilmington, to Miss Lucy Empie, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Adam Empie of Wilmington. Married, on the 25th ult., in Asheboro, Randolph, N.C., by Rev. C.N. Morrow, Benjamin Moffitt to Martitia E. Baldwin Died, in this vicinity on Saturday morning last, after a brief illness, Mrs. Eliza W. Bolles, wife of Capt. Charles P. Bolles of the Army, and eldest daughter of the late Major John Walker of Wilmington, in the 32nd year of her age, leaving a husband, three children (one of them but three days old) and a large family and circle of friends to mourn the loss of one who was eminently lovely as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. She had been a communicated member of the Episcopal Church for twelve years, and had so lived that her surviving friends have “a reasonable, religion and holy hope” that she has exchanged a transitory life for one of eternal duration and blessedness—an angel of earth gone home to rest Calm on the bosom of thy god Fair spirit! Rest thee now! E’en while with ours the footsteps trod, His seal was on thy brow. Dust to its narrow house beneath; Soul, to its place on high; They that have seen thy look in death, No more may fear to die. Died, at Branchville, S.C., on the 24th ult., Duncan William Cameron, and experienced and accomplished telegraph operator, and a kindly and exemplary Christian gentleman, formerly of this town. Died, in Moore Co., on the 2nd ult., of diphtheria, Malinda Alice, youngest daughter of Neil R. and Margaret A. McDonald, in the 7th year of her age. Died, in Moore Co., N.C. on the 13th inst., Miss Saran A. Deaton, 20 years, 8 months and 13 days. The deceased was ill but a short time, having been taken violently with the putrid sore throat, lived but seven days; but in her dying moments she expressed her willingness to die. She had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for the last eight years, and died in good standing. She leaves a mother, brothers and sisters to mourn their loss. Died, in this county on Nov. 16, Miss Flora Buie, aged 62 years, and on Nov. 21st, Miss Mary Buie, aged 64 years, sister. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 8, 1862 Married, in Hillsboro, 27th Nov., at St. Matthew’s Church, by Rev. M.A. Curtis, assisted by Rev. Mr. Patterson, Alice London, youngest daughter of Dr. A.J. DeRosset, to Major Graham Daves, of Newbern, N.C. Married, at Cedar Falls, Randolph Co., Nov. 24, by Elder Wm. Lineberry, Elder Enoch Crutchfield to Eliza J. Boyels. Died, in this county on the 20th inst., Flora Catherine, eldest daughter of Henry R. and Flora Elizabeth King, aged 16 years, 1 months and 24 days. Died, in Bladen Co., on the 10th Nov., after an illness of seven days of bilious fever, Washington Bush, aged 25. He leaves a wife and two little children, many friends and relatives to mourn their loss. Died, on Nov. 20, Remalia B. Cromartie, daughter of Luther and Julia Cromartie. Died, at Bam--- Grove, Bladen Co., on the 16th (?) Nov., of diphtheria, Corinna Eugenia, infant daughter of J.W. and John(?) S. Cromartie, aged one year, ten months and thirteen days. Died, in Halifax Co., N.C. on the 20th ult., of typhoid fever, in the 24th year of her age, Mrs. Sallie Hawkins Long, the wife of Capt. N.M. Long, Jr., and daughter of General Samuel A. Williams of Warren Co. Died, of hypertrophy, 25th Nov., Dr. Samuel Hoyden, at his residence on Gold Hill, in the 40th year of his age. Married, in Chatham Co., Oct. 9 by A.Z. Boroughs, Esq., Sgt. J.W. Ellis to L.J. Welch. Married, at Melver’s Depot, Dec. 4, by Rev. Stephen Gilmore, J.G. Foushee and Mrs. Ann J. Foushee, all of Chatham. Married, in Chatham Co., on the 25th Nov., by Z.A. Boroughs, Esq., Dr. C. Phillips to Sarah A. McManus. Married, in Pittsylvania Co., Va., on the 25th Nov., at the residence of the bride’s father, Roger P. Atkinson of Richmond Co., N.C., to Eliza T. Coles daughter of Jacob T. Coles, Esq. Died, at Pittsborough at the residence of Frederick Davis on Monday last, Caroline D. Winslow, second daughter of the late Hon. Warren Winslow. Her remains were brought to this place for interment in Fayetteville cemetery. Died, in this county on the 28th Oct., last, of diphtheria, Martha Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth A. McKethan, aged 13 years, 11 months and 20 days. She leaves a father, mother, brothers and sisters to mourn her untimely death, but their loss is her everlasting gain. She was a kind and loving child and truly sensible of her approaching dissolution for several days previous, and spoke of it with calmness and composure, and retained her mental faculties fully up to her last breath. She spoke of Heaven and her enjoyments with God and the angels and she would meet her brother and sister there to praise God forevermore, and her last breath was in praise of God as well as could be heard. She often repeated these words: “Here, Lord, I give myself away, that’s all that I can do. She is gone, the one we so dearly loved, To sing and shine with the angels bright; She will not on earth to us return, But we hope with her to meet in Heaven. Died, in this vicinity on Saturday last, Frank Addison, son of Jas. R. and Mary McDuffie, aged 6 years, 3 months. Died, at Wilmington on Friday last, Edward P. Hall, Esq., aged 76 years. Died, in this county on the 1st inst., Nathan Wheeler, aged 78 years, 7 months and 14 days. He leaves a wife and 8 children and many friends and relatives to mourn his loss. He died in the full triumph of the Christian faith, having been a member of the Baptist Church about 34 years. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 15, 1862 Married, on the 4th inst., by D.J. McAlister, Esq., Joel Matthews to Mary C. Williams, daughter of Thomas Williams, Esq., of this county. Died, in this county 26th Oct., Mrs. Mary Ray, consort of Duncan Ray, aged 70. Also on Oct. 12, James Whitfield, son of J.C. and M.J. McLean, aged 4 years, 6 months and 9 days. Died, in Randolph Co., Nov. 4, Calvin C. Hin, in the 25th year of his age, a worthy citizen and good neighbor. Also on the 23rd of diphtheria, Queen Elizabeth Spencer, in the 14th year of her age, daughter of Nathan and Sarah Spencer. Died, in Richmond Co., on the 28th Oct., Peter A. McEachin, in the 32nd year of his age. Manly in his nature, generous in his impulses, ardent and sincere in his affections, energetic in his pursuits, honorable in all his transactions, together with a mind of superior intellectual endowments and varied attainments, it was but natural that the community in which he lived should look to him as one destined to fill places of honor and distinction. But alas! Ere the elements of his nature were fully developed, the cold hand of death was laid upon him and he was numbered with the dead! By this dispensation of Providence, a wife and two small children are plunged in sorrow and grief. May He who tempers the wind to the shorn lambs, shield them from the rude blasts and tempests of this world. The subject of this notice bore his last illness with Christian meekness and resignation and expressed an abiding confidence in the hope of eternal happiness beyond the grave. Died, in Richmond Co., Oct. 13 of diphtheria, Mary Phebe, aged 8 years. On the 20th, Ann Elizabeth, aged 6 years. On the 7th November, Joseph William, all children of Daniel and Keziah Parsons. “Of such is the kingdom of God.” To the Parents Weep not, fond parents, dry thy tears That glisten in thine eyes And learn, with fortitude to bear The loss of three dear ties. Those little ones that loved so well Within thy arms to rest, Have left this world of woe to dwell Within the Savior’s breast, They grew, while here, as blooming roses, Within this earthly bower, But God, in His wisdom, chose, To take the lovely flowers. Then give them up, and weep no more For vain are all thy sighs, High up in Heaven thy children soar, With angels in the skies, In paradise (home of the blest), Where all is bright and fair, Fond parents, do thy children rest, Beneath the Savior’s care. Oh! Parents, may such bliss be thine, May you reach Canaan’s shore; And there within thine arms entwine The children forevermore. Married, at the residence of Mrs. Drusilla Moore, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 3 by Jesse Muse, Esq., Jos. Brewer, a paroled prisoner of company A, 5th Regiment N.C.S.T. to Jane Hilliard of Chatham Co., N.C. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 22, 1862 Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, near Carthage, on the 2nd Dec., by the Rev. G. Russell, Capt. James D. McIver to Mary A. Kelly, daughter of Alex Kelly, Esq., all of Moore Co. Died, in this town on the 17th inst., of diphtheria, Anna Branch, only daughter of Lt. R.F. and Sue A. Eppes, aged 8 years, 15 days. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, near Springfield, on the 18th Dec., by Rev. Thomas Gibson, Gilbert M. Patterson, attorney at law to Mary Jane Gibson, daughter of Samuel J. Gibson, Esq., all of Richmond Co. Married, on the 25th Nov., at the residence of the bride’s father, in Pittsylvania Co., Va., Roger P. Atkinson of Richmond Co., N.C. to Eliza T., daughter of Jacob T. Coles, Esq. Married, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J.P. McPherson, Neil Buie of Cumberland to Sallie McEachern, daughter of Col. A. McEachern of Robeson. North Carolina Standard Raleigh December 19, 1862 Died, at his residence in Person Co., Tuesday, (date illegible) of typhoid fever, Griffin Jones, in the (illegible number) year of his age. Truly a good man has departed from this life. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church and gave every evidence through life especially in his last illness of his entire preparation to meet his God in peace. He was a kind and gently man in manner and disposition. His family indeed have met with great personal loss but should not mourn as those who have no comfort for he is indeed a good man and has only exchanged a life of tribulation and trouble for one of eternal bliss. Died, on the (date illegible) October, Orpheus T., infant son of Jas and Emily Skeen(?), of Randolph Co., aged 4 years, 10 months and 10(?) days. Orpheus was an interesting child and the pride of his family. But how soon did the innocent spirit take flight. Died, at his residence near Louisberg on the evening of the 22nd October, Dr. Wood T. Johnson in the (illegible number 67??) year of his age. Married on the 11th inst., at the residence of Robert Trawick, Esq., by Rev. W.T. Walters, W.M. Jewell to Sallie T. Trawick, all of Wake County. Married, on the 10th inst., by Rev. Salomon Lea at the residence of Hon. Calvin Graves, Lt. Charles Graves of the C.S. Navy to Maggie R. Lea, only daughter of Wm. Lea, Jr., deceased. Died, in this city on the 11th inst., of scarlet fever, Altona Gales, only child of John W. Cameron, aged 2 years, 6 months. Died, in this city on Wednesday morning last, Joseph C., son of J.R.(or H.?) and Anna J. Franklin, aged 3 years, 9 months, 12 days. Died, in this city on Friday night last, of scarlet fever, James Walter, son of Rev. E. and Mrs. Virginia C. Pell, aged 3 years, 7 months, 24 days. Died, at his residence in Allegheny County on the 8th (?) inst., Allen Gentry, Esq., aged about (illegible). The deceased has represented Ashe County in the legislature and was among the most useful and respected citizens in Allegheny. His death creates a void that will be difficult to fill. North Carolina Standard Raleigh November 16, 1862 Died, near Springhope, Nash County, Sunday morning, November 9(?), of typhoid fever, Hiram Bowden, Esq., at a ripe old age. He was a consistent member of the Primitive Baptist Church, a kind and affectionate husband and father, a good citizen and an estimable neighbor. He leaves an aged wife and two sons and one daughter and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. The pains of death are past, Labor and sorrow cease And life’s long warfare is closed at last His soul has found its peace. Soldier of Christ, well done! Praise be thy new employ And while eternal ages run Rest in thy Savior’s joy. Died, in this city at the residence of J.G. Bromwell, on the 20th (?) inst., Mrs. Eve C. Roland of Stanly County, in the 27th year of her age. Her death was caused by injury received in the collision which occurred on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad on the 27th of last month. She had the advantage of the best medical skill and the sympathy and kindness of the ladies of this city who visited her during her sickness; but alas, all proved unavailing and after weeks of suffering which she bore with patience she calmly and peacefully yielded to the claim of death—exchanged time for eternity—the sorrows and sufferings of this world for Heaven. Mrs. Roland was a member of the Lutheran Church. J.G.B. Died, at Oxford, Granville County on Wednesday morning, 22nd inst., in the 14th year of his age, Thomas Gale, son of Thomas W. and Sally Poole. This youth was remarkable for the sensitivity of his conscience. The writer of this was struck with this in one instance that comes to mind. He regarded with affection any one who had instructed him in the principles of uprightness even if it came in the way of a rebuke for sets of impropriety. He was the idol of his parents—held in high esteem by his teachers and was much beloved by his associates. He was kind, gentle, amiable and good. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 24, 1862 Died, in this town on the 12th inst., Joab Temple of Chatham Co., in the 40th year of his age. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind, loving and indulgent husband and father. May He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb comfort and sustain them in this their hour of affliction. Died, in this place on the 8th inst., of sore throat, Willis T., son of Thomas J. and Lizzie E. Lousellen, aged 3 years and 9 days. Died, at his residence near Cheraw, S.C., on Oct. 9th, Malcolm Buchanan, in his 67th (? Or 57th) year. He was born near Laurel Hill, Richmond Co., N.C. and came to Cheraw in 1836. In 1851 he removed to Enfanta(?), Ala., and five years after returned to Cheraw where he resided until his decease Died, in Richmond Co., on the 20th Oct., from the effects of whooping couth, Mary, daughter of Jas. S. and M.L. McQueen, aged 8 months and 18 days. Died, in Robeson, 25th ult., in the 82nd year of her age, Mrs. Dorotha, widow of the late Archibald McPhatter. Died, in Cumberland Co., on the 8th November, Margaret Ann Ferguson, daughter of John L. and Catharine Ferguson, aged 28 years. Died, in Raleigh on the 11th inst., of scarlet fever, Altona Gales, only child of Maj. John W. Cameron, aged 2 years and 6 months. Died, of the sequel of diphtheria, in Lumberton, on the 25th Oct., Laura Josephine, second daughter of W.S. and L.J. Fowlkes, aged 4 years, 29 days. She was an affectionate and obedient child. Too pure for this world, God saw it and called her away. Nature binds her to us, but we resign ourselves to His will. We shall, by the grace of God, meet her in Heaven. Died, in Bladen Co., 26th Oct., Mrs. Mary West, consort of John West, in the 71st year of her age. Died, in Raleigh, on Friday night last, of scarlet fever, James Walter, son of Rev. Wm. E. and Mrs. Virginia C. Pell, aged 3 years, 7 months and 24 days. Died, in Mt. Olive, N.C., on the 29th Sept., of bilious fever, Miss Caroline Howard, aged 22. Married, in this town on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. J.W. Tucker, Thomas B. Newbeury to Sallie A. Oliphant. Married, in this county, on the 20th inst., by Rev. J.S. Sinclair, Alexander Leach to Sarah, eldest daughter of John McGregor, all of this county. North Carolina Standard Raleigh November 26, 1862 Died, in this city on Tuesday evening, 18th inst., of scarlet fever, Mary Bernard, daughter of John G. and Miriam(?) C. Williams, aged six years. What is your life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a time and then vanishes away. Died, of diphtheria, at the residence of David Shelton, Esq., in Mecklenburg Co., Va., on Sunday, 19th Oct., Cora(?) Williams, youngest child of Rufus K. and Elizabeth M. S - - ed of Elizabeth City, N.C., aged six years, one month and one day. North Carolina Standard Raleigh December 3, 1862 Married, at Edgecombe County by Rev. Dr. Duns(?) on the evening of the 25th November, Rev. James P. Simpson to Mrs. Nancy Williams, of Pitt Co. Died, at his residence in this city on Friday night, 28th ult., of bronchial consumption, John C. Moore, Esq., in the 59th (?) 69th (?) year of his age. Died, of diphtheria on the 3rd November, at the residence of William Blackwell, Granville Co., his adopted daughter, Sallie Virginia, daughter of Dr. Joseph H. Cook of Mississippi, aged 5 years, 1 month and 5 days. Died, in Franklin Co., N.C., on the night of the 20th November, Henry F. Battitt. He was afflicted with the fatal disease of consumption but bore his sufferings with patient resignation and died with a hope of eternal life beyond the grave. Died, of diphtheria on the 25th (?) October, Mary Stuart, second daughter of Thomas and Sarah Telfair of Washington, N.C. She was nearly eight years of age. Died, near Elevation, Johnston Co., N.C., Mary Dixon, wife of Haywood Dixon, who is now a soldier in Virginia, aged about 23 years and leaves three small children, one an infant, to mourn her loss. Died, at the residence of N.M. Long, Esq., Halifax Co., N.C., Thursday, 2nd inst., of typhoid fever, in the 24th year of her age, Mrs. Sallie Hawkins Long, wife of Captain N.M. Long, Jr., and daughter of General Samuel A. Williams of Warren Co. Married, at Grace Church, Morganton, on Sunday afternoon, 22nd inst., by Rev. S.C. Roberts, Captain Thomas W. Brown of Wilmington, N.C. to Lucy E., daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Adam Kimple(?) of Wilmington. Married, at Kinston, by R.W. King, Esq., on the 9th inst., Dr. William H. Hughes of the C.S.A. to Julia A. Fields of Lenoir County. Died, at Alamance Co., 21st inst., Miss Isabell Clendenning, 16. Died, at Chapel Hill on Thursday last after an illness of five days, Mrs. Caroline M. Walker, relict of the late Carleton Walker, in the 75th year of her age. She had just returned from a visit to her children in Alabama to spend the remainder of her days among her children in North Carolina. That remainder has been brief, indeed but it has been illuminated by evidence of her preparation for either life or death, as God might ordain. She had been a member of the Episcopal Church for about 55 years. If she was so tired at the end of life’s long pilgrimage her friends have good hope that she has now entered into that rest promised to the people of God. Her mortal remains were interred in the family burial place in Fayetteville. Fayetteville Observer Died, in Onslow County on the 28th Oct., of typhoid fever, Mary Ellen, youngest daughter of Isaac N. Sanders, four years, 8 months, 28 days. Her mother died when she was an infant. North Carolina Standard Raleigh December 10, 1862 Married, near Madison, N.C. on the 2nd inst., by Rev. (illegible), Capt. Henry G. McGenes(?) to Mollie E. W - - ter. Died, at his residence in Randolph Co., N.C., on the 3rd November, James(?) Jesse(?) Crabb, in his 87th year. He was a soldier during the War of 1812 and was in the service of many years at Charleston and Savannah—was honorably discharged at Smithville, N.C. He lived out four score years and six and a half wanting one day, a humble, unobtrusive citizen without an enemy—a member of the M.E. Church for many years and was ready for the summons. North Carolina Standard Raleigh December 17, 1862 Died, at Marion, Alabama on the 15th November, after a painful and protracted illness, Mrs. Virginia M. Speed, wife of Major Joseph H. Speed, formerly of North Carolina. She was much beloved for her kindness and good virtues. Died, at his residence, Dancy, in Bayou Teche, Louisiana, on the 21st October last, aged about 75 years, General Wyatt Moge(?) Maye(?), formerly a resident of Edgecombe County, N.C. He was a representative in the General Assembly several years since. Died, on the 5th November of diphtheria, Sidney A. Stone, in the 8th year of his age. Sidney was a lovely boy. Jesus bade suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Bereaved ones, be consoled. Think of your darling as an angel in Heaven and prepare to meet him there. Rest, sweet Sidney, rest Thy earthly cares are over, Leaning on thy Savior’s breast, Thou will weep and sigh no more. G.E.M. Died, in this city on Sunday morning last, Pattie Young, daughter of Rev. William E. and Virginia C. Pell, in the 7th year of her age. Pattie was a dutiful, intelligent and good child. A short time before she died she raised out her hand to her mother and said “Goodbye ma, I am going home”. Her mother replied “Where are you going, Pattie?” She said, “I am going to Heaven—we will meet there.” Fayetteville Observer, December 22, 1862 Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, near Springfield, on the 18th Dec., by the Rev. Thomas Gibson, Gilbert M. Patterson, attorney-at-law, to Mary Jane Gibson, daughter of Samuel J. Gibson, Esq., all of Richmond Co. Married, on the 25th November, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Pittsylvania Co., Va., Roger P. Atkinson, of Richmond Co., N.C., to Eliza T., daughter of Jacob T. Coles, Esq. Married, on the 18th inst., by Rev. J.P. McPherson, Neill Buie of Cumberland to Salle McEachern, daughter of Col. A. McEachern of Robeson. Died, in this county on the 18th inst., Sophia, aged 12 years, daughter of Goodman and Mary Arnett. Died in Arkadelphia City, Arkansas, on the 10th Oct., of diarrhea, Rev. Jesse Sowell (formerly of Moore Co., N.C.), aged about 80 years. Died, near Wilmington on the 16th inst., Mr. William A. Langdon, aged 43. Died, at the residence of Rev. George M. Gibbs, near Clinton, on Saturday, 6th inst., after a short illness, Irving Empie, only child of Adam E. and Josephine A. Gibbs, aged 3 years and 20 days. Died, in Moore Co., on the 12th inst., after an illness of 36 hours, of hemorrhage of the bowels, Leonidas J., son of J.D. and Nannie C. Henly, aged 7 months and 22 days. Died, in Richmond Co., N.C., on the 3rd inst., Harvey Snead, in the 42nd year of his age. North Carolina Standard Raleigh December 24, 1862 Married, at the residence of Mrs. Drucilla Moore, Wednesday evening, Dec. 3 by Jesse Muse, Esq., Joseph Brewer(?) a paroled prisoner, Company A, 54th Regiment to Jane Hilliard, of Chatham Co. Died, in this city on Friday, Dec. 12, Mrs. Nancy Hutchins, wife of John Hutchins, Esq., in the (age illegible, two numbers, the second is a ‘7’) year of her age. She had been a member of the Baptist Church for upwards of thirty years. She was a good neighbor and excelled in the management of her household affairs. She was an affectionate wife and mother. Her death is deplored by her family and will occasion regret among her many friends. Died, at her late residence near Raleigh, Mrs. Eliza Ann wife of Andrew Miller, Esq., in the 64th year of her age. Intelligent, affectionate, kind and pious, she adorned the female character in every department upon which she was called to enter. Died, in Johnston County, where he was born, William H. Watson on the 9th December in the 59th year of his age. He was a graduate of Chapel Hill, had been clerk of the county of Johnston and a member of the Senate and House of Commons from that county. He was a man of uncommon abilities, a ripe scholar and a true friend. He possessed that extraordinary courage, was a man of decided nerve and gave ample proof during his useful life of having those qualities which endeared him to his friends. Died, in this city on the 18th December, Ellen Berry(?), wife of Col. Daniel G. Fowle and daughter of Chief Justice Pearson, aged 23 years, 10 months. To the bereaved mourners who in the solitude of a desolate heart grieves over the loss of the object of his tenderest love, it is a consolation to be assured that others appreciate the calamity and sympathize in his sorrow. Though no woman was ever more modest or unobtrusive, few have been more beloved and admired by all who had the happiness of knowing her. The daughter of Chief Justice Pearson, she grew up before him, the light of his eyes, and an example to her younger sisters of every filial grace. Her husband’s military career for a time had closed. He had entered on a civil office which required his presence at home. They returned to their own house from which for a year they had been exiled. She had just become the mother of a noble boy to replace the one her Father in Heaven had claimed before. At such an hour, it pleased God by a sudden visitation to make manifest that her days were numbered. She is dead but she is blessed for she died in the Lord. Died, at the residence of her father in Alamance County, of diphtheria, on Saturday evening at 8:00 on the 12th inst., Huldah Hill Watson, youngest daughter of Dr. E.F. Watson. Married, in Wake County, on the 17th inst., by Rev. Alex Smith, James Bartlett Johnson of Johnston County to Betsy Jane Smith, daughter of S. Smith of Wake Co. Married, in Chatham Co., on the 9th inst., by Rev. W. Atwater, W.J. Baldwin to Mollie J., daughter of John S. Stroud, Esq., all of that county. North Carolina Standard Raleigh December 31, 1862 Married, near New Hill, N.C., on the 21st inst., by H.M. Brown, Esq., Alexander Powell to Roseanna M. Gatiss, eldest daughter of William Gatiss. Died, at her residence in Halifax County, on the 5th December, Mrs. Rebecca J. Heaver at an advanced age. The deceased had been a long time confined to her bed by disease and all saw that she must fall a victim to its ravages. She had been a consistent member of the M.E. Church for many years. She has gone forth from this world but her example yet liveth and her soul is praising God on high. Died, near Holly Springs, Wake Co., on the morning of the 29th November, William H., son of John A. and Ally C. Peddy of cold or croup, one year, eight months, two days. Also, Richard A. Peddy died on the evening of 9th December of the same parents and same disease, aged three years, nine months and three days. Died, in this city on the 22nd inst., Mrs. Mary F., wife of H.A. Depkin, in the 29th year of her age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 5, 1863 Married, in Robeson Co., on the 18th inst., by Rev. A. McQueen, Daniel P. McKinnon to Sallie Ann, daughter of Robert Graham, Esq. Married, in Clinton on the 18th inst., by Rev. George M. Gibbs, Dr. Thomas S. Micks, C.S.A., and Rowena M., daughter of Thomas M. Lee, Esq. Died, In Robeson on the 10th inst., in the 74th year of her age, Mrs. Effie, wife of Mr. Duncan McNeill, and daughter of the late Archibald Murphy. Died, in Montgomery Co., Nov. 28, of putrid sore throat, Anna Eliza, eldest daughter of James C. and Perlina Bruton, aged 7 years, 5 days. Also on the 6th Dec., Robert A., son of Alexander and Selina H. Bruton, aged 2 years, 11 months. Also, on the 16th, of putrid sore throat, Tabitha Jane, daughter of Joshua and Sarah Pool, aged 3 years, 4 months. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 12, 1862 Married, at the residence of William Adcock, near Little Rockfish Village, on the 1st inst., by D.E. Morgan, Esq., Wesley H. Adcock to Pheby E. Lowning(?-first letter unclear), formerly of Bladen Co. Married, in the immediate vicinity of Rockingham, Richmond Co., on the evening of Dec. 25, Major John Smith to Mrs. Sallie Smith. Married, on the 14th ult., at Greenwood Church, by Dr. Daniel Johnson, Esq., Archibald Brown of the 26th Regiment, N.C.T. to Sallie A. Medlin, all of Moore Co., N.C. Also, on the 28th ult., by Dr. Daniel Johnson, Esq., John McBryde to Lydia Mashburn, all of Moore Co. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 12, 1863 Married, in Richmond Co., on the 31st ult., by Rev. William M. Bostick, A. McD. Martin to Sallie E., daughter of Solomon Townsend, Esq. Married, at the residence of Mrs. Spann, near Franklin, in Henry Co., Ala., on the evening of the 23rd of December, by Rev. E. McNair, Angus McAlister, Jr. and Miss C.E. Spann Died, in the vicinity of this place, on the 5th inst., Mrs. Nancy Gay, in the 71st year of her age. Died, in this county, on the 8th inst., of diphtheria, Ellius, daughter of George Wheeler, Esq., aged 9 years, 8 months, 22 days. About an hour before she died, she knelt by the side of her mother and prayed the Lord to receive her soul. She then shook hands with all the family and begged them to meet her in Heaven, for she was going there, and she wanted everybody to go there too. Died, in Chatham Co., 24th November, Hiram Phillips, 44 years, and 3 months; and leaves a bereaved wife and three sons with many relatives and friends to mourn his loss, though we do not mourn as if we had no hope; he seemed fully resigned to death; he had been a strict member of the Baptist Church for the past four years. Died, in Robeson Co., near Alfordsville, on the 3rd inst., Mrs. Effy McLean, aged 88, relict of Archibald McLean, deceased, who emigrated from Scotland in 1803. She was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for the past 52 years. Died, at his residence in Randolph Co., N.C. on the 20th December, Green Hill, Esq., formerly of Raleigh, aged 81 years, 6 months. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 19, 1863 Married, in this town on the 15th inst., at the Baptist Church, by Rev. Jas. McDaniel, Mr. John Sholar of Wilmington to Jane Jessup of Fayetteville. Married, in Rockingham, Richmond Co., on the 3rd inst., by James P. Leak, Esq., Benjamin F. Newton to Caroline Clark, all of Richmond Co. Married, in Hillsboro’, 12th inst., by Rev. M.A. Curtis, D.D., Dr. Thomas Davis Warren to Elizabeth Alethia Collins, both of Edenton. Married, at the Episcopal Church, Chapel Hill on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J.H. Wingfield, D.D., James M. Mason of Winchester, Va., to Eliza, daughter of the late Dr. John Hill of Wilmington, N.C. Married, at Trinity Church, Scotland Neck, Jan. 6, by Rev. J.B. Cheshire, Capt. Benjamin G. Smith to Miss L.C. youngest daughter of W.J. Hill, Esq., all of Scotland Neck. Died, in this town yesterday morning, 18th inst., William McLaurin, 41. Died, in Guilford Co., 12th inst., Mary Stanard, infant daughter of Jesse R. and Emma J. McLean, of Fayetteville, aged 1 year, 2 months and 22 days. Married, in this county on the 14th inst., of diphtheria, John Archibald, son of Joseph and Sarah Cade, aged 9 years, 6 months and 10 days. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 26, 1863 Married, in Moore Co., 4th inst., by James Lett, Esq., John A. Wicker, Esq., to Salley N. Wicker, daughter of Louis Wicker, Esq., all of Monroe. Married, in Wilmington on the 15th inst., by the Rev. R.E. Terry, Rector of St. John’s Church, the Rev. T.J. Knapp, Chaplain of the Post of Wilmington and Nannie, youngest daughter of Capt. C.D. Ellis. Married, in Wilmington on the 14th inst., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Atkinson, Major John W. Cameron, C.S.A., to Amoret G., eldest daughter of Richard Bradley. Married, in Wilmington on the 15th inst., by Rev. M. McQueen, Rory McNair, Esq., of Robeson, to Sallie N. Blanks of Wilmington. Died, in this town on Jan. 6 of dropsy, Mrs. Nancy Blizard, wife of D.P. Blizard, Her husband and two sons—all her family, are in the army. Died, of diphtheria, on Sunday, 11th inst., Missouri Victoria, youngest child of William and Caroline Bruton, aged 15 months and 22 days. Another baby gone to Heaven. Died, in this town on the 19th inst., Andrew T., youngest son of Jos. And Caroline F. Hollingsworth, in the 6th year of his age. Died, in Wadesborough, after a few days illness, of congestive bilious fever, Robert Wilson Bivens, son of John Bivens, in the 18th year of his age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 2, 1863 Married, in this town on the 21st inst., by Rev. Jas. McDaniel, Mr. J.L. Watson to Mary A, daughter of Isaac Hollingsworth. Married, at Leesville, Robeson Co., on the 22nd inst., by Archibald Thompson, Esq., Dr. J.B. Brown to Martha V., daughter of Richard G. Ashley, Esq. Died, on the 21st inst., at Laurinburgh, N.C. after a protracted and painful illness, Catherine C. Middleton, daughter of James Middleton, Esq., in the 32nd year of her age. The deceased, in the relations of daughter, sister, friend and member of the church of Christ, was considered faithful and consistent, and by her great kindness of heart, had endeared herself to all who knew her. Died, in Chapel Hill on Jan. 16, Sidney Whitted, in the 61st year of his age. Died, at the residence of her husband in Montgomery Co., Mrs. Rachel, wife of Mr. Jas. Skinner. The deceased was baptized some eight or ten years ago by Elder Blackwood, into the fellowship of the Baptist Church of which she lived a consistent member until the day of her death. Died, in Bladen Co., on the 22nd ult., George Ballentine, in the 76th year of his age. The deceased was for a number of years a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. He died in the faith. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 9, 1863 Married, in Savannah, Ga., 25th Jan., by Rev. Mr. Wynn, Capt. Morgan C. Lee of Robeson Co., N.C. to Miss Josie A., daughter of the late Payne Lovell, of Savannah. Died, in this town on Sunday night, Alexander, son of Alexander and Mary A. McPherson, aged one month. Died, near Owenville, 27th ult., of vaccination, Owen Owen, Sr., aged 66 years. The deceased was a brave soldier at Ft. Johnston in the War of 1812; he served in his father’s place who was drafted, though not of age himself. As a husband, none excelled him. He leaves a wife and two daughters and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Died, in Kenansville, N.C., on the 27th Jan., after a painful and lingering illness, Mrs. Catharine Kelly, wife of Isaac B. Kelly, Esq. Died, in Kenansville, N.C., on the 27th Jan., of scarlet fever, Latene Iverson, aged six months. Died, on the 28th Jan., Eugene Percy, aged 5 years, 11 months, 13 days. Died, on the 29th Jan., Herbert Alphonza, aged 7 years, 7 months and 6 days. Children of Mr. J. and Mrs. Mary E. Chestnut. Died, in Richmond Co., Jan. 26, Dugald Patterson, son of Daniel and Nancy Patterson, aged 33 years, 3 months. Died, in Troy, Montgomery Co., Dec. 6, Flora Catharine, youngest daughter of Neill and Flora McInnis, aged 12 years, 2 months and 3 days. Married, at Haymount, at the lady’s home, by Rev. J.M. Sherwood, at 5:00 in the afternoon, of the 6th inst., Benjamin Robinson of the C.S.A., to Celia U. Myrover. Married, near Houston, Tx., on the 19th Nov., William A. Evans formerly of this county to Ann Eliza Conger. Died, on Thursday morning of small pox, James McIntyre, in the 37th year of his age. As son, brother and friend, he was dutiful, affectionate, and true. Died, in Cumberland Co., on Friday, Jan. 30, Catharine Jane, daughter of John D. and Fannie J. McArthur, aged 8 years, 6 months and 1 day. Died, in this town on Thursday, Feb. 5, William Starr, son of Alex and Fannie A. Johnson, aged 9 months and 12 days. Died, in Warrenton on the 2nd inst., Dr. Charles Skinner, in the 49th year of his age, a useful and highly respectable citizen. Died, in Moore Co., Jan. 10 after an illness of 36 hours, David Evander Dalrymple, aged 11 years, 9 months. Died, at his residence in Richmond Co., on the 3rd Jan., Edwin Wade, in his 77th year. He was a member of the M.E. Church for many years and died in full hope of a triumphant bliss. His last words were “meet me in Heaven.” His sons all being in the army and absent, two in the west and the other in service in Virginia, he said, “tell them to meet me in Heaven.” He leaves a widow and seven children and a number of grandchildren to mourn his loss. We trust he is gone to the realms above. His daughter Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 16, 1863 Married, at Fort Fisher on the 1st ult., by Rev. B. S. Jessup, Alexander Thous, a native of France, to Narcissa Craig, of New Hanover Co., N.C. Married, Jan. 5, in Louisa Co., Va., at Cherry Grove, the residence of the lady’s father, by Rev. Mr. Turner, W.C. Elan, of the Ashland Artillery to Miss D.A., eldest daughter of Charles Travis Poindexter, Esq. Married, in Montgomery Co., 27th ult., by N. McInnis, Esq., J.C. Chancy to Mary Hogan, daughter of James and Charity Hogan, all of Montgomery Co. Married, in Wilmington on the 10th inst., by Rev. Mr. McQueen, Col. Wm. J. martin of Hillsboro’ to Letitia, daughter of Miles Costin of Wilmington Died, in Laurinburg on the 6th inst., in the 70th year of her age, Mrs. Nancy Middleton, consort of James Middleton, Esq. The deceased had been a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church for 43 years. This estimable lady was distinguished for her kindness, hospitality and for that charity which “suffereth long and is kind”. Pastor Died, in Chatham Co., suddenly, supposed to be of disease of the heart, on the 26th ult., Jahaza Atwater in the 52nd year of his age. Died, in Columbus Co., Feb. 7, Mrs. Mary Mears, at the advance age of 87 years. Married, on the 22nd Jan., in Bladen Co., by Rev. R.M. Sessoms, David J. Melvin of Cumberland to Mag C., daughter of John and Jane M. Monroe. Married, in Randolph Co., at the residence of Alfred Smith, on the 5th inst., by Joseph L. Reece, Esq., Dr. W.S. McLean of Chatham to Eliza A., daughter of the late Dr. Adams of Alamance. Died, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Sunday the 8th inst., by Rev. Isaac Coe, Capt. H.R. McKinney of Co. A, 46th Regiment N.C.T. and Lucina Martitia, daughter of Lemuel Linsberry, of Randolph Co., N.C. Died, on the 13th inst., at 3:00, col. Thomas Waddill, in the 58th year of his age. He leaves a wife, children and large circle of relatives to mourn his loss. Died, at Cheraw, S.C., 6th inst., Rev. John C. Colt(?) Coit(?), in the 63rd year of his age. Died, near Harrison Creek, on the 11th inst., Charles Hall, Esq., aged about 63 years. The deceased fell a victim to the prevailing epidemic, small pox, leaving a large family to mourn his loss. Died, near Owensville, Sampson Co., N.C., Jan. 1, of small pox, Luke Hall. The deceased was a consistent member of the Baptist Church and died in the full triumph of the Christian faith. He leaves a companion and five small children and many friends to mourn their loss. Died, at Carbouten, Saturday morning, Feb. 7, Isabella Davis, youngest daughter of R.A. and Catherine Stuart, aged 2 years, 7 months, 27 days. Died, on the 27th ult., of scarlet fever, Pattie, infant daughter of J.L. and S.J. Arrington of Halifax, aged one year, five months and fourteen days. “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the name of the Lord.” Fayetteville Observer, Monday, February 23, 1863 Married, in Rockfish District, on the 17th inst., by Wm. R. Love, Esq., Warren Carver to Mrs. Mary E. Jessup, all of this county. Married, on the 15th inst., by S. McMasters, Esq., John Dunning of the 52nd Regiment N.C.T. to Rachel Trogden, all of Randolph Co. Died, at Elmdale, his father’s plantation, in Marlboro’ District, S.C., on the evening of the 15th Jan., little Bertie, aged one year, six days and at their residence in the vicinity of Rockingham, N.C., on the morning of the 22nd Jan., little Lillie, aged two years and six months, son and daughter of Benjamin H. and Mary A. Covington. Died, on the morning of the 14th inst., after a brief illness, in Richmond Co., N.C. Eliza Catharine, daughter of James Patterson, Sr., 28 years, and 3 months. She was an amiable, meek, quiet and consistent follower of Christ and died in peace. Married, at Ashwood, Bladen Co., on the 17th inst., by Rev. Neill McDonald, Hamilton McMillan of Cumberland Co., to Lizzie G, daughter of John A. Robeson, Esq., of Bladen Co. Died, in Greensboro’, Alabama on Sunday, 8th inst., after a brief illness of pneumonia, Col. Isaac Croom, 69. Col. Croom was a native of Lenoir Co., N.C. In early life, after graduating from the University, he studied and practiced law for a short period and then was a member of our state legislature. His taste for agricultural pursuits soon led him to abandon the legal profession and first in this state and then in Alabama he became conspicuous for his liberal and successful career as a planter, devoting his time and his talents not alone to his own plantations but to the enlightenment of others by his writings and addresses, and his influence as president of the state agricultural society of Alabama. He was a gentleman of genial temper as well as of learning, ability and industry and what is more than all, a sincere Christian. He had for many years been a communicant of the Episcopal Church, and was a subscriber to the liberal amount of $25,000 to the Southern University of the Church. His wife (a sister of Chief Justice Pearson) survives him. Fayetteville Observer, March 2, 1863 Married, in Harnett Co., on the 22nd inst., by Rev. D.D. McBryde, Duncan Darroch to Isabella Ochiltree. Married, in Robeson Co., on the 5th inst., by R.D. McNeill, Esq., Peter Monroe to Fereby Currie, all of that county. Died, in Bladen Co., from vaccination, Theophilus Tatom, aged 65, leaving a wife and ten children. Died, on the 26th December, of small pox, Amos M. Staek, of Union co. Thirteen members of his family have since had the disease, but all have recovered. Died, on the 14th inst., after a brief illness in Richmond Co., Eliza Catharine, daughter of James Patterson, aged 28. Died, in Richmond Co., on the 1st Feb., of typhoid pneumonia, William O. Gibson, 68. Died, in Richmond Co., on the 22nd ult., after a painful illness of eight days, Lillie, daughter of Homer and Rebecca Legrand, aged 9 years, 5 months. Died, of diphtheria, at the residence of her father in Chatham Co., Eliza Ruth, youngest child of T.B. and Nancy S. Harris, aged 5 years, 5 months. Died, suddenly, of disease of the heart, in Chatham Co., N.C. on the 26th July last, Jabaza Atwater, 53. Brother Atwater was for many years a class leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church which position he filled with honor to himself and great usefulness to the church; and in his death the church has lost one of its most useful, devoted and pious members. Agreeable in manners, frank and genial, he was always a welcome companion. To those who have visited his house, and seen him surrounded with all the endearing charities of domestic life, and who have partaken of his hospitality so freely bestowed, nothing need be said to his domestic virtues. Brother Atwater leaves two promising sons and a lovely daughter, and mourning friends to mourn his irreparable loss. Brother, the pains of death are past, Labor and sorrow cease; And, life’s long warfare closed at last, Thy soul is found in peace. Married, in this town on the 25th ult., Mr. J.R. Wilson of Fayetteville to Margaret E. McMillan of Bladen Co. (no minister shown.) Married, on Thursday evening, Jan. 29, near Laurel Hill, Richmond Co., by Rev. John Monroe, Jas. A. Patterson and Annie McNeill, all of said county. Married, on Goshen, Duplin Co., on Tuesday, 24th inst., by Rev. John N. Stallings, David D. McIntire, Adjutant 38th N.C. Troops to Annie T., daughter of Jesse Swinson, Esq. Married, on Tuesday, 10th ult., by Rev. Mr. Griffith, at Glenwood, N.C., Joseph Williams and Miss M. Lou Glen, all of Yadkin Co. Married, on the 11th Feb., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. E.D. Wilson, Thomas W. Jordan to Juliette C. Faison, youngest daughter of Col. H. Faison, all of Northampton, N.C. Departed this life on the evening of the 19th Feb., in Wadesborough at the residence of her husband, Augustine Shepherd, Mrs. Effie Shepherd, aged about 73. Mrs. Shepherd was the daughter of Duncan McLaurin, late of Richmond Co. She was born in Argyleshire, Scotland, but was brought to this state in her infancy and resided in Fayetteville until her marriage in the year 1819 when she with her husband removed to Anson County, near Wadesboro’. She had been at the time of her death, for some years a member of the Episcopal Church and was the first and for some time the only member of that church in Wadesborough. In 1820 when the place was first visited by a missionary of the church, she welcomed his coming with gladness and by her earnest, quiet, and Godly conversation aided him in establishing here the church of her love. “Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praiseth her.” Died, at Caledonia, Moore Co., 12th ult., Jerome G. Burns, eldest son of Enoch S. and Mary Ann Burns, aged a little over four years. “Suffer the lithe children to come unto me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven”. Died, suddenly, at his residence near Burgaw Depot, New Hanover Co., on the 23rd ult., E.E. Pierce, Sr., aged 64 years, 11 months, and 6 days. Died, in Raleigh, on the 24th ult., at the residence of her son, B.H. Norris, Mrs. Dorcus Norris, in the 82nd year of her age. The deceased was born in Pitt Co., N.C., on the 10th Feb., 1782 but at the time of her death was a citizen of Harnett Co. She leaves behind three children and twenty-six grandchildren to mourn their loss. She had been a consistent member of the Primitive Baptist Church for many years. Died, in Wake Co., N.C., on the 13th Feb., Rosabell, an only and lovely daughter of Dr. G.M. and Mary J. Cooley, aged five years, six months and five days. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 9, 1863 Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Anson Co., Feb. 18, by Rev .J.E. Morrison, Capt. J.C. McLauchlin of the 26th Regiment, Co. K, to Mary E. Caraway. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Sampson Co., on the 26th Feb., by the Rev. J.N. Stallings, John J. Beard of the 30th Regiment to Mary C., daughter of Allen Johnson, Esq., Married, in Harnett Co., at the residence of Mrs. C. Small on the 23rd ult., by Rev. D. Fairly, Lt. D.A. Patterson of the 8th Regiment to Miss Annie Small. Married, in Chatham Co., on the 22nd ult., by Z.A. Boroughs, Esq., James Mashburn of Co. E, 44th Regiment to Nancy Tally. Died, in Cumberland Co., 27th Feb., Roderic McCrummen in the 63rd year of his age. He was an affectionate husband, an indulgent parent, and a good and obliging neighbor, completely free from censuring or slandering his fellow being and even charitable to a fault. Died, suddenly, on Feb. 19, in Troy, Montgomery Co., Martha Florence, youngest child of Jesse S. and Henrietta L. Spencer, aged two years and five months. This lovely bud, so young, so fair, Called hence by early doom; To show to us how sweet a flower, In Paradise could bloom. A Friend Died, on the 25th Feb., Mary A. McHargue, wife of James McHargue, of Robeson Co., aged 35. Died, near Carthage on the 26th Feb., Mrs. Lovina Ritter, wife of Lewis H. Ritter, in the 41st year of her age. Died, at the residence of General Robinson, near Benton, Lowndes Co., Alabama, on the 27th Jan., Col. Francis T. Leak, of Tippah Co., Mississippi in the 61st year of his age. He was a native of Rockingham, Richmond Co., N.C., where he resided until 1834 when upon the opening of the Chickasaw section on north Mississippi, he removed and settled near Salem. At this place he remained in the quiet pursuit of agriculture, enjoying the comforts of his own happy fireside, surrounded by numerous family and a large circle of friends, until the approach of the Abolition army made it unsafe for a man of his known devotion to the interests of the South to remain any longer. Banished from his home, he sought a place of refuge from the enemies of his country and temporarily stopping with a friend of his youth and a relative, he was seized with a fever which terminated his earthly existence. His disease was the result of exposure, coupled with anxiety in regard to a loved one, a beloved son, a prisoner among the enemy who fell, severely wounded, at Perryville, Kentucky in October last. Col. Leak was no ordinary man. Quiet and unobtrusive, he was content to discharge his duties to his country and to his fellow men without ostentation. Possessed of an ample fortune—acquired chiefly by his own industry—he dispensed his charities with a liberal hand. Gentle and loving, a sincere and devoted friend, he was the idol of a large circle in which he moved and his death has cast a shadow over many a heart. An ardent friend of the Confederate states, he was among the first to show his devotion to its cause by tendering the government pecuniary aid for its defense, for which he received a vote of thanks from the Provisional Congress at Montgomery, Alabama. In 1825 and 1826 when quite a young man, he represented his native county in the senate of the state. Withdrawing from public life, ill suited to its tastes, he often declined to re-enter it, both in this and his adopted state, although warmly urged to do so. Fayetteville observer, Monday, March 16, 1863 Died, in this place on Tuesday, 10th inst., in the 65th year of her age, Mrs. Frances Pollock Hooper, consort of Rev. William Hooper and daughter of the late Edward Jones, for many years Solicitor General of the state. Died, in Lower Fayetteville, on the 9th inst., of diphtheria, John McS., son of John L. and Francis Perry, aged three years, three months and twenty seven days. Died, in the vicinity of Fayetteville, on the 10th inst., Mary, daughter of Taylor Johnson, aged 22 years and 10 months. Died, near Owensville on the 12th inst., Mrs. Jane Owen, widow of the late Owen Owen, aged 65 years. Mrs. Owen was a kind hearted lady and much esteemed by all who knew her. Died, in Richmond Co., on the evening of the 3rd inst., Mrs. Jennette Gillis, in the 81st year of her age. Died, at camp in Moore Co., on the 6th inst., Joel A. Elkins, of Chatham Co., aged about 45 years. He leaves a wife and nine children to mourn their loss. Died, at his residence in Harnett Co., 27th Feb., James Cameron, Sr. He was born in Argyleshire, Scotland in the year 1786 and came to America when quite young, has been a communicant at the Church of Christ about half a century, and about two thirds of that time served as a ruling elder; first in the congregation of Barbeque, the in that of Tirza; in the communion and service of the latter church he lived and died. By the death of Mr. Cameron, the last link that bound the present generation of officers in these churches, to those of the past, has been severed. Every one of the original co-pastors preceded him to the spirit land, the last by several years. He alone remained with us as if designed by the Head of the Church, to give to his junior associates in office a living representation of the character of that class of men who ruled and administered in these congregations to the generation just passing away. Mr. Cameron was one of the few men that we now meet with, who seemed to understand and appreciate the duties and responsibilities of the ruling elder, not merely as a ruler, but as a pastor. He regarded it both a duty and a privilege to visit the flock around him, as opportunity offered and occasion required, to instruct, to admonish, to counsel and to pray with them. The friend and associate of our fathers, in reference to no one could we more fully appreciate the divine injunction “Thine own friend and thy father’s friend forsake not”. He was in truth the friend of all and an enemy of none. Died, in Rockingham County, N.C., of pneumonia and pleurisy, on the 26th ult., one of the most industrious, patriotic and pious citizens of Richmond County, Henry Webb, aged about 42. Though he never married, his character from the cradle to the grave was irreproachable. Since the death of his pious father, some eight or ten years ago, Henry has looked, with the kindest and affection of a father, to the welfare of his widowed mother and fatherless brothers and sisters, and in his death sickness, only desired restoration to health for their benefit. He suffered severely about six weeks, but was patient and perfectly resigned to the will of his Heavenly Father, often saying he felt that it was good for him to be afflicted—the Apostles suffered and so ought he. Follow after, he cries, as he mounts the skies; Follow after your friend to the blessed enjoyments that shall never end. H.H. Crowson, Rockingham, Feb. 4, 1863 Married, in Magnolia on Tuesday evening, March 3, by the Rev. D.B. Nicholson, Andrew J. Flanner to Fannie M. Kirkpatrick, both of Wilmington. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 23, 1863 Married, on the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, in Fayetteville, by Rev. J.W. Tucker, Mr. Jesse W. Fuller to Julia E. Steel, all of Cumberland Co. Married, on the 13th inst., near Blockersville, by S.R. Hawley, Esq., Richard W. Cashwell of Bladen Co., to Elizabeth A. Bryant of Cumberland. Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, near Silver Run in this county, by Elder Reuben Fisher, William Hall of Bladen to Mary E. Hall of this county. Married, in this county on the 4th inst., by C.D. Nixon, Esq., Thomas Kornbow to Sally Ann Shirley. Died, at her residence in Harnett Co., on Saturday the 14th inst., Mrs. Esther Lanier, in the 85th year of her age. She was a person of great energy and success in life, and was much respected. For many years she had been a strict and consistent member of the Baptist Church. Married, in this town on Thursday morning, 19th inst., by Rev. J.W. Tucker, Daniel F. Sinclair of Robeson Co., to Mary C., eldest daughter of the late Charles Miller, formerly of this place. Married, in Southampton, Va., on the 16th inst., by Rev. Robert Rawls, John D. Buie of the N.C. Conference to Hattie R. Rawls, daughter of Nathaniel Rawls, Esq. Married, on the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J.F. Keerans, Dr. Wm. A. Woolen to Mary L. Walker, all of Randolph Co. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 30, 1863 Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on the 17th of March, by Rev. Hector McNeill, the Rev. John H. Coble and Fannie, second daughter of Malcolm Powell, Esq., all of Robeson Co. Married at the residence of Dr. H.B. Marley in Chatham Co., N.C., on the 17th inst., by Rev. Enoch Crutchfield, J. Wesley McPherson of Alamance Co., to Eugenia H. Watson of Chatham. Died, in Raleigh on the 23rd inst., Henry Lilly, son of Rev. Wm. E. and Mrs. V.C. Pell, in the 6th year of his age. Died, very suddenly, at his residence in the western part of Guilford Co., on the 1st inst., Jas. Horney, at the advanced age of 70 years, 4 months. He was one of the oldest in the neighborhood, loved by all, and leaves no enemies. He leaves a companion and six children, together with the whole community to mourn his loss. Died, in Sampson Co., on the 16th inst., of dropsy in the chest, Daniel Williams, in the 81st year of his age. The deceased had for many years been a worthy and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. His death was a grievous and sore affliction to his family and knowing as they did his Christian virtues they can well realize his remark to his wife when attending him, “grieve no for me when I am gone, for I am prepared to die.” A.W. North Carolina Standard Raleigh April 1, 1863 Married, in Davidson, N.C., on the 24th inst., by Samuel Cecil, Esq., Rev. Samuel A. Cecil to Nancy Kennedy, at the house of Charles L. Cecil. Also, on the same day by Samuel Cecil, Esq., Thomas S. Cecil to Nancy M. Conner at the house of Olive Newton. Died, at the residence of H.A. Badham, Esq., in this city on Friday last, of congestive chill, William Badham, Sr., in the 61st year of his age. We leave it to some other person to do justice to the character of the deceased. Died, in this city on Saturday last, of scarlet fever, Mrs. Margaret Strange, relict of the late Judge Strange. Died, at Granville Co., on the 13th inst., Nannie A. Rogers, infant daughter of Thomas J. Rogers, 3 months. She was a sweet child but the Savior has transplanted her to bloom forever in the garden in the skies. Sleep on sweet Nannie, in thy lone bed of rest No pain can now reach thee nor sorrows molest. Pollie Died, in Rockingham Co. on the 10th (?) Feb., Joseph W. Neal, Esq., in the 53rd year of his age. Although sickness was protracted and painful, he bore it with fortitude and resignation. He was sustained and comforted amid all his sufferings by the precious truth of the gospel of Christ. His life was of a moral and upright man. He was a kind husband, a devoted father and an affectionate brother. For a number of years he filled the office of Justice of the Peace and on two or more occasions he represented the county in the state legislature. In both capacities he discharged his duties with intelligence and fidelity. He died in the communion of the M.E. Church and his end was peace. Oh! Fro the death of those Who slumber in the Lord. Oh! Be like theirs, my last repose Like theirs my last reward! Married, on the 17th inst., by Rev. Thomas E. Skinner, H.J. Hamill, of Baltimore, to Louisa C. Ellen of this city. Married, at the residence of Dr. H.B. Marley, Chatham Co., N.C., on the 17th inst., by Rev. Enoch Crutchfield, J. Wesley McPherson of Alamance Co., to Eugenia H. Watson of Chatham. Married, at the residence of Mr. R. Green in Person Co., on the 10th inst., by Elder L.C. Roland, , James L. Ragan to Eveline Gravet(?) Granet(?), all of Person Co. Married, in Fayetteville on Thursday morning, 19th inst., by Rev. J.W. Tucker, Daniel F. Sinclair of Robeson Co., to Marcy C., eldest daughter of the late Charles Miller, formerly of that place. Married, in Southampton, Va., by Rev. Robert Rawls, Rev. John D. Bule(?) of the N.C. Conference, to Hattie R. Rawls, daughter of Nathaniel Rawls, Esq. Married, on the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J.F. Kevans, Dr. William A. Woolen to Mary L. Walker, all of Randolph Co. Married, on the 8th inst., in McDowell Co., by M. Hall, Esq., W.R. Duncan, to Margaret Huppsetter, all of McDowell Co. Married, on the 20th Feb., by Elijah Morgan, Esq., William Moffitt to Elizabeth Fin Cannon, all of McDowell Co. Died, at Fayetteville on the 22nd ult., Edward Lee Winslow in the 61st year of his age. Mr. Winslow was a native of this town and a member of a family which ha borne a conspicuous and honorable part in its history. In the prime of life and in the day of fortune, he was distinguished for his zealous devotion to the cause of internal improvements in the state especially as bearing upon the interests of Fayetteville. The latter part of his life has been more retired but he never lost his deep interest in all matters that related to his native place. In his private relations Mr. Winslow illustrated to a remarkable degree the law of love. His mild kindness and loving spirit will not soon be forgotten by those who were the object of his affection while he lived and who deeply mourn the loss in his death. Mr. Winslow was from early life a member of the Episcopal Church which he loved and served with an affection and devotion rarely equaled. He was for more than thirty years secretary of the convention of this church in N.C. which office he held at his death and, it is believed, won the affection of every member of that body by his kindness and Christian courtesy. After a very trying illness which he bore with patience and submission to the will of God most impressive and exemplary he has now entered upon his rest, cheered, as he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, with the precious hope of the Gospel of that Savior who he loved and served in his life. Not only has his immediate family in which one so kind and amiable could not be but loved with ardent affection but other friends also who have known him in the intimacies of Christian love will shed tears of butter but chastened grief over the grave where he rests. Fayetteville Observer Died, at Franklin Co., N.C., 16th March, of confinement smallpox, Frederick Leonard. He was born April 15, 18?? (illegible). He was a kind father and husband and an excellent neighbor. He leaves a widow and six children (mostly younger) to mourn their irreparable loss. Peace to his ashes. Died, of diphtheria on 19th Feb., in Pittsborough, Arthur Laurence, youngest child of John H. and Eliza Haughton, aged 7 years, 1 months and 15 days. This unusually bright and interesting little boy left us with this prayer trembling on his infant lips “Lord have mercy on my soul.” The approach of death was so gradual that his fond and loving parents felt no apprehension although from the commencement of his sickness he told them he was “going to die”. God transplants from earth to heaven the opening bud as well as the full blown flower. North Carolina Standard Raleigh April 8, 1863 Married, on the morning of the 1st inst., by Rev. J.D. Hufham, Col. C.B. A- - en (name partially illegible) to Mrs. M.J. Hill(?) Sill(?), all of this city. Died, at his residence in Chatham Co., on the 15th ult., Cornelius Womble, Sr., after a serious illness of four months. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn their loss. He lived the life of the righteous and died in the same and has gone to spend a blissful eternity with his God and friend. Married, on the 2nd March, in Greenville Co., N.C., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. Mr. Proust, Col. A.M. Seales to Kate B. Henderson, daughter of Mrs. A.B. and the late Archibald Henderson. Died, near Raleigh, N.C., on the 17th Feb., M.C. Wren, in the 33rd year of his age. The deceased leaves a wife and three small children to mourn their loss. He has been a faithful member of the M.E. Church for the last ten years. He lived a pattern of consistent devotion and his wife and friends mourn not as those who have no hope. North Carolina Standard Raleigh April 15, 1863 Married, at Yadkin Co., near Jonesville on the 1st inst., at the residence of James Armstrong, Esq., by C.L. Cook, Evangelist of the Christian Church, Lt. L.W. Bryan to Jennie Wood. Married, near Madison, N.C., on the 31st March, by Rev. D.R. Braden, Thomas C. Trion, Esq., of Alabama to Mattie B. Baugh of Rockingham Co., N.C. Married, at Goldsborough, N.C., on the 2nd inst., by Rev. E.D. Rogers, Adjutant J. Turner Hornhead, to Hannah Small daughter of Henry Small, Esq. Died, at the residence of his father in Halifax Co., on the morning of the 24th Jan., Josiah J., son of William C. and Sallie E. Finch, aged 3 years, 10 months and 2 days. Died, at his residence in Allegheny Co., on the 10th Feb., Francis Bryan, Esq., in the (age is illegible, two numbers, the second is a ‘9’) year of his age. He was an honest, upright and worthy citizen and much respected by those who knew him. Being one of the first settlers in the neighborhood, he accumulated a very respectable and comfortable competence and was frequently called upon by his neighbors to loan money—whom he was never known to charge a cent of interest in his life. He represented the county of Ashe in the legislature in the year the Supreme Court was established and the good old man always said when speaking of his service in this body that the act of his life was voting to establish the court. He left a large family and numerous relatives to mourn their loss. N.L.W. Married, at the residence of William Carroway(?), Esq., in Wayne Co., N.C., on the evening of the 2nd April, by Rev. Dr. Deems(?), Captain Henry H. B - - e (partially illegible), member of the House of Commons for Greene Co., to Mattie C. Best, daughter of the late Kinchen Best, Esq., of Wayne. Married, at Orange County on the 22nd ult., by Rev. S.D. Umstead, Capt. Wm. K. Parrish of Company B, 6th Regiment S.C.T. to Miss M.C. Lockhart, all of that county. Died, in Franklin Co., on the 22nd March last, Jane B. Smith, only daughter of John B. and Narcissa(?) F. Smith, one year, one month and 27 days. Go to thy rest, my child. Go to thy dreamless bed! Meek and gentle and mild, With blessings on thy head. Fresh roses in thy hand, Buds on thy pillow laid; Haste from this fearful land Where flowers so quickly fade. J.B.S. Died, in Lincolnton, on the 1st inst., after a three or four week illness, Mrs. Sarah Lander, wife of Hon. William Lander. She was a consistent member of the M.E. Church, adorning her profession and amiable in all the relations of life. A devoted husband and seven children are sadly bereaved by her sudden death. Charlotte Democrat Died, in Chatham Co., of diphtheria, on Monday, 30th ult., Julia Holt, eldest daughter of Henderson and Lydia Holt, aged 12(?) years. Died, in Lenoir County, on the 20th ult., Mrs. Sarah A. Joiner, wife of John J. Joiner and daughter of Council Worten(?), Esq., aged 25 years. Died, in Fayetteville on the 4th inst., Dr. DuPonceau Hooper, Assistant Surgeon, 8th Florida Regiment. Died, at Clayton, Johnston Co., N.C., on April 3, of congestion of the brain, Robert Bruce Hanff, oldest son of John F. and Margaret Hanff, 14 years, 9 months and 28 days. He was an affectionate and dutiful son, beloved by all who knew him. Died, at Clayton, Johnson Co., N.C., on April 4, of congestion of the brain, Robert Primrose Noble, eldest son of Albert M. and Mary A. Noble, aged 11(?) years, 3 months and 27 days. He was an affectionate and dutiful son, beloved by all who knew him. North Carolina Standard Raleigh April 22, 1863 Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the evening of the 7th inst., by Rev. N.B. Cobb(?), D.P. Marable to Octavia A., daughter of Thomas L. Ralson, all of Samson Co., N.C. Married, on the evening of the 5th inst., at the Lutheran Parsonage at Gibsonville, Guilford Co., by Rev. John D. Shrock, Dr. Joseph T. Cummings to Laura Ann Frances, eldest daughter of the officiating clergyman. Died, at her residence in this city on the 5th inst., of small pox, Mrs. Elizabeth Folson(?), in the 67th year of her age. She had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for 38 years. She leaves many friends to mourn their irreparable loss. M.E.H. Died, on the 12th inst., in the 41st year of her age, Mrs. Adelaide Seawell, wife of Richard B. Seawell, Esq., of Wake Co. Her sickness, though protracted, was borne with much patience and Christian meekness so as to leave no doubt as to her preparation for death. She had been a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church for a good many years. Died, in Chapel Hill on Wednesday evening, 15th inst., Mrs. Margaret J. Hargrove. The loss of this excellent lady will be long deplored in the community in which she was so conspicuous an ornament. Died, at Sampson Co., on the 18th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, in the 78th year of her age. She had been an exemplary member of the Baptist Church for many years and leaves many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. She has gone to Heaven. H.D. Married, at Christ Church in Raleigh on the 15th inst., by Rev. Dr. M- - - n, Captain G. (Groman?) B. Baker of Fayetteville to Kate D., daughter of the late Henry W. Miller, Esq. Married, on the 10th inst., near Fredericksburg, Va., by Rev. A.F. Sapp, Lt. N. Parton(?) Foard, 1st N.C. Cavalry to Julia Montgomery of Scott Co., Va. Died, in this city on Monday, 13th (?) inst., Mrs. Robert Primrose of Newbern. North Carolina Standard Raleigh April 29, 1863 Married, on Tuesday morning April 21 at Christ Church by Rev. Dr. Mason, Capt. Walker Anderson to Kate Nash, daughter of the late Dr. Thomas N. Cameron of Fayetteville. Married, on the 9th April, at the Leigh Street Baptist Church, Richmond, by Rev. J.B. Solomon, Capt. Nathaniel C. Harmon(?) of the “Warren Guards”, Company F, 12th (?) Regiment to Martha A. Brummell, of Henrico(?) County, Va. Died, at his residence in Washington Co., Va., on the 15th April, John Wesley Price, Esq., aged 69. A tribute of respect was paid by the members of Rolesville Lodge #158 to W.A. Horton, a fellow Mason, who died in the 41st year of his age. Married, in this city on the 10th inst., by M.H. Brown, Esq., Talbert H. Smith to Eliza T.Brown, all of this county. Died, in this county on Sunday, April 27, Mrs. Adelaide Seawell wife of Richard B. Seawell, Esq. For six weeks preceding her death Mrs. Seawell had been afflicted with a severe and painful illness and for some days before she was called away she was conscious that the end was near. This did not terrify her but with the firmness of Christian trust she bore all her pain. She passed from this earth to her long home in Heaven singing as she went the praises of her Redeemer. She has left her best friends solid ground on which to trust that she is now with her Savior. Died, in this city on Friday morning, 24th inst., of whooping cough, May Eloise, only daughter of Edward L. and Lucy B. Harding, aged one year eleven months. It is well with our only child God’s good design we see That where our treasure is Our hearts may also be. Died, of croup in Wake County, on the 14th April, M.A.E. Johnson, daughter of Jesse V. and Martha J.E. Johnson, one year, eight months and fourteen days. Died, on the 22nd Feb., Mrs. Caroline Miller, wife of Zachariah Miller, aged (illegible, maybe 32?). The deceased was a humble Christian and a faithful member of the Baptist Church at Mt. Zion in Alamance Co. She has left in this world of trouble a kind husband and six motherless children; may god be with them to console them in this their hour of sorrow. Died, in Springfield, Missouri, during January last, Col. Henry B. Ellmore, formerly from Randolph Co., N.C. He had removed to Missouri in 1860. He was a respected and esteemed man, having been elected to the legislature and other responsible positions of trust in Randolph Co. He leaves a widow and six children. One of his sons is in the Confederate army. His own devotion to the cause induced the Yankees to imprison him and destroy his property. Died, on Tuesday, the 18th April, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Sallie W. Rice, wife of John B. Rice, wife of John B. Rice of Nash Co., N.C. She was 45 years of age. Her bereaved husband will mourn her loss as a faithful and beloved companion and her friends will drop tears of heart felt sympathy over her peaceful grave. But a few short months ago two noble sons went before her, having given up their lives in the service of their bleeding country. A third and younger son of 13(?) was also stricken down by the disease and he too has been called away to the mansions of the dead. Oh! How fleeting, how uncertain is this mortal life and how swiftly fly the shafts of death around on every hand. A Friend |