Civilian Marriages & Obituaries October 1864 - March 1865

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    November 9, 1864
    Died, at Mt. Airy, N.C., 29th Oct., little Carrie, infant daughter of S.L. and M.C. Gilmer.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 5, 1864
    James M. Bullock, for many years a representative of the County of Granville in the 
    legislature was found dead on the old track of the Clarksville Railroad on 28th September.  
    The cause of his death is not known
    (Later in the same issue)……It appears that James Bullock, Esq., whose death was 
    mentioned above, was murdered.  He was shot through the head by some unknown; his 
    watch was taken and his money gone.
    Died, at Rockingham County, on the 5th (?) 6th (?) September, Mrs. Catharine Reid, wife 
    of Hugh K. Reid, Esq., and daughter of Hon. Calvin Graves, aged 36.
    We learn that on Saturday last about 5:00 Nelson Lew, who lives in this county between 
    Lilesville and Grassy Island, had three boys—aged 17, 14 and 7—killed from the effects 
    of lightening.  It appears that at the time they wee killed, no rain had fallen immediately 
    in their neighborhood and that two of the children were sitting in the door, watching the 
    play of lightening as the clouds were passing with the third lying behind them on the 
    floor near the door.  Their mother was somewhere else in the house. She was considerably 
    shocked by the stroke that killed her children.  When she recovered, her first thought was 
    her children and when she went to look after them, she saw the one who had been lying 
    on the floor still in that position with his clothes on fire.  She put the fire out and found him 
    dead.  The other two children had fallen from the door outside—one lying on his face, the 
    other on his side and both dead.
    Wasdesborough Argus
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, at Alamance Co., on the 28th September, 
    by Rev. Mr. Barnes, Joseph I. Lee, of Raleigh and Miss A.F. Odom of Alamance.
    Died, on the 1st inst., at Franklin co., Omega H. Foster.  His many virtues and noble 
    qualities of mind and heart endeared him to all who knew him.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 12, 1864
    The Yellow Fever is said to be raging in Newbern.  We regret to learn that James W. Bryan, 
    Esq., and wife have fallen victim to it.
    Married, in the city, on the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, Alfred S. 
    Thompson to Anna B. Christopher, second daughter of J.J. Christopher, Esq., all of this city.
    Died, at his residence in Franklin Co., 14th last September, J.B. Tucker, in the 53rd year 
    of his age.  For many years he had been a deacon in the Baptist Church and lived a life 
    truly consistent with his holy profession.  He leaves a wife and several children and many 
    friends to mourn their loss.
    Died, at Harnett Co., Saturday, 24th September, Mrs. Mary Byrd, wife of Richard Byrd, 
    Esq., in the 64th year of her age.  She was a kind mother and an obedient wife.  She leaves 
    a husband and ten children to mourn their loss, the youngest of whom is near grown and 
    the mother being the first who has departed this life in the family.  Her children were all 
    present with their father and accompanied the deceased on to the tomb.
    Deep for the dead the grief must be
    Who ne’er gave cause to mourn before.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 19, 1864
    We are pained to announce the death of the Hon. John r. Donnell, formerly of Newbern 
    which took place at his residence in this city on Saturday morning last.  Judge Donnell 
    had been in feeble health for some time past and his decline was no doubt accelerated by 
    the condition of the country which had forced him from his home in Newbern.  He was 
    elected by the General Assembly when quite a young man, solicitor for the Lenoir Judicial 
    Circuit and was afterwards elected judge of the Superior Courts of law and equity.  For 
    many years past he has given his attention to his firm and to the management of his large 
    estates.  He was a man of inflexible integrity, or pure morals, just in his dealings, and 
    modest and affable in his manner—in a word, he was an enlightened gentleman and felt 
    the measure of his duties as a member of society and as a citizen.    He has survived 
    many of his contemporaries who entered with him in the activities of life during the War 
    of 1812.
    Married, on the 13th isn’t., by Haywood Griffis, Esq., at the residence of Leroy Jordan, 
    Caswell Andrews to Elizabeth Allen all of Wake Co.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 19, 1864
    Married, on the 5th inst., by Rev. James B. Long, at the residence of the bride’s father, 
    Wesley Upchurch to Miss S.A. Goodwin, all of Chatham Co.
    Married, on the 8th inst., by Rev. James B. Long, at the residence of the bride’s mother, 
    Richard Evans to Bettie Lee, all of Wake Co.
    Married, on the 8th inst., by Jas. Brasenton, Esq., at the residence of the bride’s father, 
    Samuel Patterson to Mary Womble, all of Chatham Co.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 26, 1864
    Died, at her residence in the city of Raleigh, Mrs. Mary Shepard, on the 12th October, 
    widow of the late William Shepard in the 93rd year of her age. She was the daughter of 
    Frederick Blount of eastern Carolina and was born on the 3rd June, 1772 at “Elmwood” or 
    “The Elm” in Pasquotank Co., N.C., on her ancestral property.  Her mother, whose maiden 
    name was Mary Williams and whose marriage to Frederick Blount was celebrated on the
    5th April, 1769, had the mien and carriage of a high bred lady and indulged in the most 
    lavish hospitality, (as the author of these lines was informed by Governor Iredell), perhaps 
    more than any one lady in Carolina anterior to the American Revolution and possessed 
    the manners that would adorn a cottage or a palace.  Her father, Frederick Blount, was a 
    lawyer and polished gentleman of the old Carolina school, distinguished for his virtues and  
    an intimate friend of the English Colonial Governor Tryon and when on a visit to England 
    had the distinguished honor of receiving from George III a present now in the possession 
    of his grandson, the author of these lines; and who has a unique piece of furniture brought 
    over by the father of this Frederick when returning from a visit to the mother country.  This 
    Frederic sustained the constitutional government of his country in principle and action, 
    was of a daring and dashing courage and unimpeachable integrity but died before the 
    revolution broke out.  By marriage, his fortune was such as to enable him to exhibit a 
    most generous hospitality.  His house was the center of the highest culture and intelligence 
    of the times.  In this atmosphere was the young life of the deceased molded.  There being 
    only two children and her sister Sarah Blount died at a very early age, she became the 
    heiress to this fortune which was afterwards much increased by the death of a relative—
    a nephew of the half blood whose name was Samuel (who was also the nephew of the 
    present James Chowan one of the wealthiest individuals in Carolina), the son of John 
    Swan and Penelope Johnson who intermarried on the 4th January, 1790.  Samuel was 
    born 30th November, 1791 and died on the 11th February, 1796 leaving a large estate to 
    the present deceased who nearly two years previous on the 12th May, 1794, was married 
    to Wm. Shepard, a Federalist in opinion and by profession a planter and merchant in 
    Newbern where they resided after their marriage at “Elmwood”.  Wm. Shepard possessed 
    an uncommon financial ability and but for an impediment in speech would have entered 
    public life to which he was much solicited.  He was the uncle of the Biddles of 
    Pennsylvania – Nicholas, Richard, and William and others and of James Biddle – all of 
    whom were very eminent and of the late James Biddle, the celebrated McDuffie, of South 
    Carolina in his life of the same remarked “he was an honor to his country, and has 
    immortalized his name.”  Indeed, the character of Mrs. Shepard must have been very 
    decided and it is said she could influence her husband to a great degree who himself 
    was a man of singular powers of mind.  True and faithful she was in all the varied 
    responsibilities of life.  As a wife, mother, friend, she was an example for imitation.  For 
    a long period she had been a member of the Episcopal Church.   Her charity was 
    boundless. Residing in Newbern, she became popular by her refinement and courtesies
    and occupied a distinguished position.  Some eight or ten children were born to them.  
    But severe dispensations awaited her patience and temper.  Not one death but man 
    occurred in quick succession and nature’s order reversed.  Mrs. Shepard at her death 
    was surrounded by but few of her immediate descendents.  Fro several years previous 
    to 1838, the date of the removal of Mr. Shepard from Newbern to Raleigh, she had ceased 
    to entertain much and never entertained afterwards to the extent of her former days.  Her 
    mind was strong and powerful as ever but her physical frame for the past two years before 
    her death gradually underwent a change.  Her health had been very feeble for the several 
    months previous to her death.  Her mind, originally strong and powerful, was retained to 
    the last unimpaired.  Her faculties were indeed remarkable for one of her age.  She bore 
    meekly her sickness soothed by all the attentions that dutiful and affected relatives could 
    bestow.  After having for nearly fifty years been a member of the Episcopal Church, on the 
    12th October, 1864, her spirit was borne by the angels to the paradise of God and on the 
    16th October all that was mortal of her nature was placed beside the remains of one to 
    whom she was attached in life by the strongest ties of affection.
    Died, at the residence of his son Dr. W.C. LeMay in the town of Monticello, Mississipi, Rev. 
    John Peace LeMay, aged 71 years, 5 months and 10 days.  The deceased was a native of 
    Granville Co., N.C. where he lived up to the year 1842 when he emigrated to Marshall Co., 
    Mississippi. In early life he embraced religion and attached himself to the Christian Church 
    and after becoming an elder in that church exercised for many years the function of that 
    office at a church known by the name of Pope’s Chapel.  He died as he had lived in the full 
    faith of the doctrines of his church.  He was generally beloved by all who knew him and has 
    passed away ripe in years and in the hope of a future that will have no grief.
    Died, in Fayetteville on Saturday, 15th inst., in the 70th year of his age, Gordon Deming, 
    Esq., formerly for many years Chairman of the County Court and Chairman of the Committee 
    of Finance of that county.
    We are indebted to a friend for the following list of the citizens of Newbern who have died of 
    Yellow Fever as far as can be ascertained to October 10, 1864.
    Mrs. B.M. Cherry
    Miss Prudy Rice
    Jno. N. Taylor
    Wm. B. Cowerling and child
    James Hutchins
    Mrs. J. Hyson
    Mrs. Wm. Hutchins
    Matthew Marshall
    Mrs. Sarah Quirk
    Charles Hawkins
    George Patrick
    Mrs. Bradford Galtin
    Captain P. Hall
    Miss Ann Wallace
    Mrs. Susan Willis
    Robert Harvey
    Mrs. John Gaskill
    J.B. Oxly
    Miss Aggie Hall
    Mrs. Roberts, daughter, John Roberts
    Mrs. John Praigg
    Miss Elizabeth Dunn
    J. Roberts (sail maker)
    Mrs. M.E. Wallace
    Mrs. Bryan Williams
    Becton Davis
    James W. Bryan
    Mrs. P. Hall
    James W. Bryan
    Mrs. P. Hall
    Mrs. M. Willis and daughter Susan
    Mrs. Susan Frion
    Miss Fannie Hurtt
    Mrs. A. Farnham
    Stephen Sermond
    Miss Sallie Cory
    Edward Hurtt
    Mrs. E. Hurtt
    Mrs. N. Hurtt
    Henry Hooker
    Jesse Cowling
    Mrs. Jesse Cowling
    D.Y. Fisher
    George Miller
    Mrs. Martha Freese
    John F. Jones
    Miss Amelia Cory
    Miss Ann Shipp
    Miss J. Roberts
    John Jones
    Mrs. Morse
    John Cummings
    Mary Brinkley
    Mrs. George Smith
    Alexander Meadows, Sr.
    Mrs. B. Wood
    Miss Hattie Perrot
    Mrs. Mary Phillips
    Jenny Hunt
    Mr. Heritage
    Robert Dunn
    Alford Brydock
    Miss Stryon
    Miss Polly Landy
    Mrs. Giffork
    Mrs. Allen, mother of George Allen
    Wm. Hutchings
    Alonzo Green
    Miss Jane Haines
    Mrs. James Stanly  
    Miss M. Staly, daughter Rebecca
    Jane Lewis and child
    Mr. Lawrence
    Mrs. George Howard
    William P. Moore, Jr.
    Mr. C. Cole
    Davis Kennedy
    A good many others have died but we have not yet learned their names.
    State Journal
     Married, in this city at the Baptist Church on the 20th inst., by Elder T.H. Pritchard, S.D. 
    Harrison to Ella L., only daughter of J.M. Perkinson, Esq., formerly of this city.
    The funeral of the late Daniel Hilton of Kinston will take place Tuesday, 25th Oct., at the 
    Presbyterian Church, at 10:00 am.
    The Rev. A.D. Blackwood will preach a Masonic funeral on the 5th Sabbath of the present 
    month of I. Matthews at the late residence of said Matthews, 7 miles northwest or Raleigh.  
    Masons are invited by the widow to attend
    October 17, 1864
    Among the old citizens of Newbern who have fallen victim to the Yellow Fever that is now 
    raging in all its fury in Newbern, Beaufort and Morehead City our correspondent gives the 
    names of James Ward, Isaac Ramsey, John F. Jones and Henry Clay Jones. The latter
     is a well known lawyer in Newbern.  He left that place on its occupation by the enemy 
    and a year or two returned under disreputable circumstances, it is said, since which time 
    he has been practicing Yankee law before the Yankee provost courts.
      North Carolina Standard
    November 2, 1864
    Lines on the death of Mrs. C.B. Clarke
    She’s gone; and beckons us to come;
    She’s passed from earth away
    An angel round His burning throne
    She lives in endless day.
    Though called so suddenly to go;
    Her lamp is burning bright;
    And ere one day had run its course
    The spirit took its flight.
    We part! But Oh! ‘Tis pain to part:
    Her place, oh who can fill?
    But memory kindly keeps for us
    Her voice and image still.
    And other miss thee too, dear friend;
    How oft thy feet have trod
    The pathway to the soldier’s home,
    To point his soul to God.
    Farwell! We will meet again.  I hear
    Thy last kind words, farewell!
    We’ll meet thee in a happier sphere
    Where saints and angels dwell.
    Raleigh, October 26, 1861
    Died, very suddenly of congestive cold, at his residence in Kinston, Lenoir Co., N.C., on 
    the 22nd October, Daniel Hilton, son of William and Susan Hilton, aged 42 years, 2 months 
    and 11 days.  The deceased was a native of England but removed with his father to this 
    country when only about 8 years of age.  For the last 13 years he has resided in Kinston 
    where he was most favorably known for the geniality of his temperament and the honest 
    industry of his character.  He was one of the first mechanics and architects in the South 
    and under his own supervision nearly every bridge on the Atlantic Railroad between the 
    towns of Goldsboro’ and Newbern was erected; and besides he has raised more lasting 
    monuments of his enterprise in other and more distant locals.  His worth and ability made 
    him an ornament to the town of which he was so long a resident and the kindness of his 
    deportment and native gentility of character enhanced his great value.  He leaves a dear 
    wife and one little boy to mourn the loss with relatives and friends.
    Died, in this city on Friday night last, Mrs. M.K. Hoyt, relict of the late James E. Hoyt, 
    formerly of Washington, N.C.
    Died, in this city on Friday last, Cantor Branton, second son of Carter B. and Marguerite F. 
    Harrison, aged 17 months and 12 days.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 9, 1864
    Died, in this city, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 1, Lizzie Brandon, only daughter of Hon. D.M. 
    Barringer, aged 13 years, 7 months and 8 days.
    Died, in this city on Tuesday morning, Oct. 25, Mrs. Susan Royster, consort of David Royster, 
    aged 85.  She was the daughter of Elisha Sims, deceased, of Warren Co., N.C.  Sixty two 
    years ago she came to Raleigh s a bride.  All around the house she occupied were wild woods 
    and fields.  Few families were then living in the place—only one name is left who was here when 
    she came and since that time she has never moved.  Her funeral was preached in the same 
    room she entered as a bride.  In the 62 years of her married life, she never left her home 
    without her husband and children and never more than a week at a time and in that long 
    period she and her husband were never separated a week at one time until her death.  The 
    fell destroyer took away from the old man the “life of his eyes” and left him alone.  She has 
    left to mourn their loss eight children, 44 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren, all of 
    whom except three grandchildren reside in this city.  Four children and 20 grandchildren have 
    “gone before”.  One from beyond the Mississippi; one from the enemy’s land, the gory field of 
    Gettysburg and two from dreary hospitals in Virginia.  The others all sleep in the burying 
    grounds of this city.  Mrs. Royster was of a most cheerful disposition even while drawing 
    near the end of her life and suffering much pain.  During the last days of her life her mind 
    wandered from the present back to the scenes of her early life and she spoke of events of 
    childhood and the friends of her youth as if they were actually before her eyes.  She was for 
    more than forty years a consistent member of the Baptist Church and leaves to her family 
    her example of patience, resignation and piety.
    Married, in this city on the evening of the 3rd inst., by Rev. Wm. E. Pell, Oscar M. Neal of 
    Company I, 3rd N.C. Cavalry to Catharine Isabella McGowan, daughter of Patrick McGowan, 
    Died, Oct. 29 near Pekin, Montgomery Co., N.C., in the 57th year of his age, James 
    Meacham, after a long and painful attack of rheumatism and consumption.  The deceased 
    was for many years a consistent member of the M.E. Church.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 16, 1864
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, 14th September, by James S. Turner, Esq., 
    Richard Harris, member of the House of Commons to Ann M. Lanier all of Stanly Co.
    Married, at the church in Summerville, Wednesday evening last, 2nd inst., by Rev. Neil 
    McKay, John W. Howard to Fannie, daughter of General A.D. McLean.
    Married, at the residence of Dr. Allison, 30th October last, by J.J. Allison, Esq., Elkins 
    Pettigrew to Amanda J. Murray, all of Orange Co.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 7, 1864
    Married, on the 8th November, at the residence of Mrs. Margaret Wilson by Rev. Dr. Pharr, 
    A.G. Haliburton of McDowell Co., to Miss May, eldest daughter of Mrs. C.R. Hampton of 
    Killed, instantly at Danville, Va., on Sunday morning, 27th November, while attempting to 
    jump from the tender of an engine to the top of a car on the Piedmont Railroad while in 
    motion, Fabian G. Beves, son of Alsey and C. Beves of this city, aged 26 years, 7 months 
    and 15 days.  His mangled and severed remains were conveyed to Raleigh and interred in 
    the city cemetery. But recently he had written to his parents informing them of his intention 
    to spend the Christmas holidays with them; in a few days they received the mournful 
    intelligence of his death.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 14, 1864
    Died, in this city on Sunday morning last, after a lingering illness, S.K. Jones, printer, in 
    the 35th year of his age.  The death of this kind hearted, upright, honest man is much 
    lamented.  No one was ever more attentive or industrious in business or more thoughtful 
    then he was for his family or more kind.  He leaves a widow and four children and many 
    friends to grieve for his departure.  His funeral was largely attended by the printers of Raleigh 
    and by others who bear testimony to his worth.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 21, 1864
    We regret to announce the death of Thomas J. Bright, Esq., of Montgomery Co., which 
    occurred quite suddenly a few days ago in Randolph where he had gone for a physician 
    to attend his wife.  He was a gentleman of intelligence and spotless character.  He was a 
    county surveyor and chairman of the court of Montgomery at the time of his death.
    Married, in Petersburg, Va., on the 7th December, by Rev. C.J. Gibson, J. Charles Smith 
    to Laura A. Davis, all of that city.
    Married, in Petersburg, Va., on the 14th inst., by Rev. Mr. Platt, at the residence of the
    bride’s father, on High Street, Walter Kevan to Fannie, daughter of Col. R.R. Collier.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 4, 1865
    Died, in the general hospital at Staunton, Va., on the 28th November last of typhoid pneumonia, 
    Calvin Pack, a member of the 1st N.C. Battalion.  He was ill about thirty days and was 
    carefully attended to.  He bore his afflictions with great patience and resignation.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 4, 1865
    Died, in Wake County, on the 31st October, Edmund Cox, aged 70 years, one month, 16 
    days.  He leaves a widow and three children to mourn his loss but we sorrow not as those 
    who have no hope for our loss is his eternal gain.  He had been a member of the Methodist 
    Church at Buckthorn, Chatham Co., for more than thirty years.  He lived as an honest 
    Christian and often expressed a willingness to die.
    Married, on the 29th December by Rev. Wm. E. Pell, at the residence of the bride’s father, 
    R.Y. Lackie, 23rd S.C. Regiment, Company F, to Miss S.F., eldest daughter of Rev. 
    William N. Bragg of this city.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 11, 1865
    Married, at High Point, N.C., on the 22nd December, by Rev. Mr. Dalton, David S. Anrew 
    of Randolph to Mary A. Thorn of Guilford.
    Died, in this city on the 2nd January, after a lingering illness, James Ferrall, in the 60th 
    year of his age, leaving an affectionate wife to mourn her loss.
    Died, at his residence in Guilford Co., on the 13th December last, after a long and painful 
    illness, Peter Rehsell in the 53rd year of his age.  The deceased was a consistent member 
    of the Lutheran Church about ten years  and was loved by all who knew him.  He bore his 
    sickness with much fortitude, resigned to the will of God.  He leaves a wife and ten children 
    to mourn the loss of a kind father and loving husband.  His eldest son is in the service of his 
    North Carolina Standard
    Jan. 18, 1865
    Married, in Onslow Co., N.C., on the 22nd December, by Rev. D.B. Nicholson, Rev. W. 
    Alexander Smith of the N.C. Annual Conference to Sarah S. Costin, daughter of John A. 
    Susannah Eliza Stewart was born in Iredell County on Aug. 31, 1820.  When about 14 
    years of age she lost her mother and the care of the household and her younger sisters 
    devolved upon her.  Her intellectual endowments were of the highest order and through the 
    agency of her brother she obtained a finished education studying the ancient classics 
    under H.R. Hall.    As a writer she attained a good deal of excellence both in prose and in 
    poetry.  In her life she engaged in the business of education, teaching first in North Carolina 
    and later in South Carolina.  In 1854 she went to Alabama and resumed the business of 
    teaching.  As a teacher she was devoted and highly successful.  In 1858 she made a 
    profession of religion and connected herself to the M.E. Church.  In 1859 she was married 
    to W.B. Robins of Marshall Co., Alabama.  She died in Blount County, Alabama September 
    17, 1864.
    Married, in Johnston Co., on the 25th December, by John R. Coats, Esq., James M. Par – 
    n, 31st Regiment to Eliza Ann Johnson daughter of James B. Johnson.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 25, 1865
    We are pained to state that W.J. Lougee of this city was so injured on Wednesday last on 
    his farm some ten miles east of this city by the falling of a tree that he died on Wednesday 
    night.  He was girdling and burning trees when a tree fell upon him by which he was shockingly 
    mangled.  He was one of our most worthy and industrious citizens.
    Died, on the 7th inst., in the 49th year of her age, Mrs. Wm. W. Leach, consort of Hon. J.T. 
    Leach.  She was an affectionate wife and fond mother.  Her many kind offices to the poor will 
    be long remembered and her death is universally regretted.  She lingered long upon her share 
    of time as her system had been invaded by disease which terminated her earthly career.  
    Awaiting the summons of her father she passed quietly through the valley of the shadow of 
    death, fearing no evil, supported by the rod and staff of her almighty Savior.
    Died, at the residence of his father in Petersburg on Thursday, January 12, Walter Kevan in 
    the 22nd year of his age.
    Died, at his residence in Bloomington, in Guilford Co., N.C., on the 29th Sept., Clarkson 
    Tomlinson, Esq., aged 42 years, 9 months and 11 days.  He had been in delicate health for 
    the past 15 years prior to his death; although the disease of which he died was lingering, 
    yet he bore it with fortitude, with no alarm at the approach of his death.  Few men ever 
    possessed a larger share of the qualities which are best adapted to win and retain the 
    attachments of friends than he did.  He was a man of warm heart and easy and agreeable 
    manners; his temper cheerful and hopeful; his conversations sprightly and entertaining; he 
    was a staunch friend and a delightful companion.  He took a great interest in a Sabbath 
    School to which he had been connected for a number of years and there was a great delight 
    to meet with his young friends on a Sabbath morning.  He was a strong friend to education, 
    giving not only his influence but largely of his means.  His loss will be greatly felt by his wife, 
    numerous friends and relatives in the neighborhood but we trust our loss is his eternal gain.
    North Carolina Standard
    Feb. 17, 1865
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Feb. 11, by L.W. Hood, Esq., B.E. 
    Scarborough of Company H, 31st N.C.T., to S.A.E. Ellis, all of Wake Co.
    Married, at Cheraw, S.C., on the 8th inst., by Rev. T.M. Bostle, Wm. Sharpe of Barnes 
    4th N.C.T., to Madelin Martin, eldest daughter of General and Mrs. D.S. Crenshaw.
    Married, in Lenoir County, on the 7th inst., by J.W. Kinsey, Esq., Lewis Wiley, of Company 
    B, 3rd N.C.T. to Hellen(?) Brown of Onslow co. (looks more like Hollon??)
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on the 11th inst., by Rev. Wm. A Brame, 
    A.M. Timberlake to Hattie B. Wilson, all of Franklin Co., N.C.
    Married, at Elm Grove, Davidson Co., on Thursday evening, 11th inst., by Alex Conrad, 
    Esq., Martin Carroll to Polly A. Baker, all of Davidson County.  May their happy days be many.
    Married, on the 9th Feb., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by J.T. Shell, Esq., Dr. 
    W.W. Gilbert of Rutherford Co., to Margaret M. Holler(?) of Caldwell Co.
    Died, at his residence in this city on Saturday last, H.L. Evans, merchant of this place, 
    in the 42nd year of his age—highly respected and a worthy citizen.  
    Died, in this city on Sunday last, after a lingering illness, A.G. Drake, Esq.
    Died, near New Hill, N.C., on the 24th December, Tabitha, eldest daughter of James and 
    Sarah A. Ennis(?), in the 8th year of her age.  She was the pride of her parents but her 
    innocent spirit hath taken flight to that land where they intend to meet her again to part 
    no more forever.
    Died, on the 14th November, 1863(?) at the residence of her mother in Montgomery Co., 
    Va., Miss Mary C. Thompson, aged 19 years, 10 months and 11 days.  She embraced 
    religion at the age of 16 years under the ministry of Rev. J.J. Engle and joined the M.E. 
    Church of which she remained a faithful member until her death.  It is seldom that the 
    Christian graces shine more brilliantly in the character of any one than they did in her; 
    and in her death her community has lost one of its ornaments and the church one of its 
    greatest stars.  Truly it may be said of her “none knew her but to love her; none named 
    her but to praise.”  She had long been a child of affliction and for several years before 
    her death she suffered intensely with disease of the heart which terminated her earthly 
    existence; yet she bore her sufferings with great patience after expressing her desire to 
    depart and be with Christ.  She has left a mother, brother and four sisters to mourn their 
    loss yet they sorrow not as those who have no hope as their loss is her eternal gain.
    God shall wipe away all tears from thine eyes.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 3, 1864
    Married, in Robeson County, on the 18th inst., by Alexander McIntyre, Esq., H.H. Eldred 
    to Mrs. Martha P. Kelly, late of Columbia Co., N.C.
    Died, in Raleigh, on Sunday night last, John Knox Warden, of this town, aged about 44.
    Died, in this county on the 9th inst., Paschal Alexander, infant son of L.A. and C.J. page.
    Died, of consumption, near Summerville, on the 5th inst., William H. Reid.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in this town, on the 29th ult., by Rev. Jas. 
    McDaniel, Lucian P. Tyson of Carthage, and Nannie J., eldest daughter of Jas. F. Marsh, Esq.
    Died, at Floral College, Robeson County, on the 25th ult., Janie, wife of Lt. J. Kent Brown,
    of Wilmington, and daughter of the late Benjamin L. McLauchlin of Columbia, S.C., aged 
    23.  Mrs. Brown was a lady of rare qualities, both of mind and heart.  Her education, under 
    the direction and supervision of an intelligent and pious mother, was extensive, thorough 
    and substantial.  Her judgment was excellent.  She possessed great simplicity of character 
    and freedom from all affectation.
    Died, in Moore Co., 13th (?) 18th (?) Sept., Harriett Fooshee, youngest child of J.W. and 
    Ann Stedman, aged 7 months.  He who said while on earth “suffer the little children to 
    come unto me” has taken from the bereaved parent her sweet babe to nestle in His breast.  
    Mourning ones, let your tears be dry and strive to meet your loved one in glory.
    Died, in Hertford Co., Sunday, Sept. 18, at 2:10 pm, of typhoid fever, Lavinia Jane, only 
    daughter of Wiley and Jane Brown, aged 18(?)16(?) years, 4 months and 15(?) days.  
    Seldom has it been our lot to record a more distressing bereavement than this, for never 
    did the hand of death strike a more poignant blow.  A dutiful and affectionate daughter 
    and a devoted sister, she leaves behind her a stricken family, a large and numerous circle 
    of friends to deplore her loss.  Death loves a shining mark.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 10, 1861
    Married, in Duplin co., on the 28th ult., by Rev. N.B. Cobb, Col. C.D. Hill to Bettie W., 
    daughter of Dr. J.H. Hicks all of Duplin.
    Died, in this town on the 5th inst., Mrs. Sarah L. Atkinson, aged 56.
    Died, at Kensington, in this vicinity, on Sunday, Oct. 9, James Martine, aged 63(?).  The 
    funeral will take place tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 3:00 from the Presbyterian Church.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 17, 1864
    Died, in this town, on Oct. 19, Mrs. Anne Gray Hyman, of Williamston, N.C.
    Died, at 12:00 on the 11th  inst., Edwin Burt, infant son of George W. and K.A. Williams, 
    aged 10 months.
    Married, on the 28th ult., near Red Bluff, Marlboro’ District, S.C., by Rev. A. McQueen, Dr. 
    Alfred W. Hamer to Bettie, youngest daughter of Duncan Douglas, deceased.
    Died, in this town on Saturday last, 15th inst., in the 70th year of his age, Gordon Deming, 
    Esq., formerly for many years Chairman of the County Court, and Chairman of the 
    Committee of Finance, this county.  The funeral will take place from his late residence on 
    this (Monday) afternoon at 3:00.
    Died, suddenly near Byhalia, Mississippi, on the 2nd inst., Absalom Myers, formerly 
    Sheriff of Anson County, and for many years a senator in the state legislature and 
    councilor of the state of North Carolina.  He was emphatically an honest man, and while
    in Mississippi he contributed largely to the Southern cause both in word and deed.  He 
    has left a large family in Mississippi to mourn his loss and had seven sons in the Southern 
    army, one of whom, Col. George B. Myers, was recently killed in an engagement with the 
    enemy near Atlanta.
    Died, in Wilmington, on the 11th inst., Grace M. Hallett, wife of Capt. Benjamin Hallett, 
    aged 64.
    Died, in Robeson Co., Oct. 3, Dougald McVicker, aged 60 years, 1 months and 19 days.
    Fannie T. Harris, daughter of W.G. and Ann P. Harris of Chatham Co., departed this life in 
    peace on the morning of 14th Aug., aged 22 years, 28 days.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 24, 1864
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 24, 1864
    Married, in Montgomery Co., on the 16th Oct., by Noah Anman, Esq., B.F. Lasiter to 
    Mary A. Rogans, both of Montgomery Co.
    Died, in Montgomery Co., on the 10th inst., Mrs. Priscilla Andrews, wife of Edmund 
    Andrews, aged 65(?).
    Died, in Montgomery Co., on the 16th (?) inst., of typhoid fever, Miss Bunn, youngest 
    daughter of the late Col. S.H. and Mrs. Eliza Christian, aged 17 years.
    Died, at Kelly’s Cove, Bladen Co., on the 23rd Sept. last, of bilious fever, Mrs. Louisa 
    Allen, of Alston Allen, Esq., in the 25th year of her age. The deceased was a native of 
    Moore Co., N.C. but has resided in Bladen for several years prior to her death.  She 
    leaves a bereaved husband and a large circle of friends and connections to mourn her 
    departure.  She was a loving and dutiful wife and an affectionate friend and was beloved 
    and respected by all who knew her.  She is gone, but we mourn not as those who have  
    no hope.
    Died, in Lexington on the 8th ult., Amelia Emma, wife of Benjamin A. Kittrell, Esq., and 
    only daughter of Robert and Sarah Foster of Lexington, in her 35th year.
    Died, in this vicinity, on the 21st inst., George E. Bruff, aged 3 months, youngest son of
    R.W. and Jane O. Bruff.
    Died, on Monday the 17th isn’t., at 12:00, Anna Lee, second daughter of J.M. and Mary 
    Williams, aged 14 months.
    Died, at her residence in the city of Raleigh, on the 12th Oct., Mrs. Mary Shepard, widow 
    of the late Wm. Shepard, in the 93rd year of her age.  
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 31, 1864
    Married, on the 21st Oct., at St. James’ Church, Richmond, b Rev. Dr. Peterkin, Capt. 
    Cadwallader J. Iredell, 1st N.C. Cavalry to Mattie J. Southgate, daughter of the late Dr. 
    Robert Southgate of Norfolk, Va.
    Married, in Robeson Co., 26th Oct., by Rev. Hector McLean, Allan McCormick to Sallie 
    J., daughter of the late Dr. Neill Brown.
    Died, very suddenly, of heart disease, at her residence in Brunwick Co., at 7:00 pm, 
    Monday, Oct. 17, Mrs. Sarah A., relict of the late William L. Hall.
    Died, of diphtheria, near Long Street, Moore Co., on the 22nd inst., Fanny Hinton, aged 
    6 years, 1 months and 22 days, daughter of A.H. and Emily S. McLeod.
    Died, in Charlotte, on the 19th Oct., Mrs. Eliza M. Springs, consort of the late Alex 
    Springs, aged 52(?).
    Died, in Forsyth Co., on the 16th inst., from the effects of a gun shot wound in the arm, 
    William Alexander Conrad, aged 35.  He was respected and beloved by all who knew him.
    Died, at Nevil’s Creek, Beaufort Co., N.C., Sept. 3, Francis King, eldest son of Richard 
    and Mary A.C. Granger, aged 2 years, 11 months and 13 days.  Also, at Maul’s Point on 
    the 16th inst., Stephen, infant and only son of Richard and Mary A.C. Granger, aged 5 
    months and 3 days.
    Died, in Chapel Hill, 30th Sept., Mrs. Mary Taylor, a refugee from Newbern, in the 85th 
    year of her age.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 7, 1864
    Married, in Bladen Co., 19th Oct., by Rev. Colin Shaw, Dr. A.J.S. Hipman to Mary C. Anders.
    Died, in the insane asylum, Raleigh, Mrs. Sarah A. Senter, in the 34th year of her age, 
    daughter of the late Archibald Cameron of Cumberland Co.  Though afflicted with a mental 
    derangement, at times, yet there were lucid intervals in which she showed forth lovely 
    qualities which characterized her former, happy years. She died of consumption accompanied 
    by dropsy.  She freely spoke of dying and seemed perfectly resigned.
    Died, near Springfield, Richmond Co., on the 24th October, Elizabeth M., daughter of 
    Margaret and John K. Gibson, aged 14 years, 10 months and 25(?) days.  
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 19th Sept. by James S. Turner, Esq., 
    Richard Harris, member of the House of Commons, to Ann M. Lanier, all of Stanly Co.
    Married, at the church in Summerville, on Wednesday evening last, 2nd inst., by Rev. 
    Neill McKay, John W. Howard to Fannie, daughter of General A.D. McLean.
    Married, in Raleigh, on Thursday evening last, by Rev. W.E. Pell,, Oscar M. Neal of 
    Company I, 3rd N.C. Cavalry to Catherine Isabella McGowan, daughter of Patrick McGowan.
    Died, in Moore County, on Wednesday, 19th Oct., William Oliver, in the 83rd year of his 
    age, leaving a widowed wife, five daughters and three sons to mourn his loss.  Mr. Oliver 
    served his country faithfully in the War of 1812 and his three sons are serving in the 
    Confederacy.  He was a good neighbor and enjoyed the confidence of the community in 
    which he resided. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Church for the last 28 
    years of his life.
    Died, on the 11th Oct., Timothy Braxton, son of Wm. W. and Margaret A. Herring, aged 
    one year, seven months and twenty four days.  Little Braxton is gone, yes a father’s pride, 
    a mother’s joy has fled from earth to fairer fields on high.
    We bid him farewell with grief,
    To part ‘twas hard to do,
    But we know he was relieved
    From all the troubles here below.
    Aunt Sarah
    Died, of diphtheria, near Longstreet, Moore Co., on the 1st inst., Ida, aged 3 years, 1 
    month and 23 days, second daughter of A.H. and Emily S. McLeod.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 14, 1864
    Married, in Sampson Co., 28th ult., by Amos N. Hall, Esq., Redden Faircloth, Esq., to 
    Margaret A. Williams, daughter of William Williams. 
    Died, in this town, last evening, James Mitchell, son of the late John D. and Sarah Callais, 
    aged 5 years and 10 months.
    Died, in this county, on the morning of the 6th inst., after a long illness, Neill McArthur, Sr.  
    He was a good man and was for many years an elder in the Big Rockfish Presbyterian Church.
    Died, in Halifax, N.C., on Saturday, Nov. 4, Theodore Bryant, son of Rev. T.B. and S.I. 
    Kingsbury, aged 2 months and 17 days.
    Married, in Wilmington, on the 8th inst., by Rev. Mr. Moran, Stacey Vanamrings to 
    Fannie, daughter of S.D. Wallace, Esq., all of that place.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 21, 1864
    Married, near Sanders’ Hill, Montgomery Co., N.C., on the 13th Nov., by P.C. Sanders, 
    Esq., James D. Hurly to Mrs. Emeline Hurly, all of Montgomery Co.
    Married, on the 10th inst., by Rev. N.T. Bowden, Capt. Thomas S. Green, Captain of 
    Company E, 28th N.C.T. to Kezzie T. Wooley, all of Montgomery Co.
    Married, in Wilmington, on the 16th inst., by Rev. Mr. Watson, C. Lucian Jones, C.S.N. 
    of Virginia, to Mary Anna, daughter of James Anderson, Esq.
    Died, in Cumberland Co., Daniel McPhail, aged 15, son of John and Mary McPhail.
    Died, at the residence of L.W. Lawhon, Moore Co., 12th inst., of consumption, John C. 
    Wrighsman of Chatham Co., in the 80th year of his age.  The deceased gave every 
    evidence of having died the death of the righteous.
    Died, in Montgomery co., on the 15th Oct., of typhoid fever, Sarah M., daughter of the 
    late Hon. S. H. Christian and Eliza Christian, in the 15th (?) year of her age.  The subject 
    of this notice was an unusually lovely girl.  She possessed an amiable disposition, a pure 
    heart and a good mind.  Great pains had been taken by her parents to make her an 
    accomplished, educated lady, and her prospects were promising to fulfill the fondest, 
    brightest expectations of her parents.  Just two months previous to her death she 
    professed religion and joined the M.E. Church, South.  Always kind, affectionate and good,
    under the sanctifying influences of religion, she was all her fond mother and large circle of 
    friends and relatives could wish her to be.  After a protracted illness of great suffering; she 
    died early and triumphantly, having expressed herself as perfectly willing to die.  May her 
    widowed mother and fatherless brother and sister derive consolation from the fact that 
    “all things work together for good to them that love God.”  Friend
     Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 28, 1864
    Died, at High Point, 8th inst., after a lingering illness, John M.F. Harrison, a refugee from 
    Newbern, in the 40th year of his age.
    Died, on the 31st Oct., at her residence on Topsail Sound, of consumption, Mrs. Susan 
    Nixon, aged 68 years, 7 months, 25 days.  
    Charles Ross died at his residence in this county, on the 21st inst., aged 80 years.  He 
    was a native of Slate, Isle of Skye, Scotland.  He emigrated to this state in 1804; resided 
    for several years in Montgomery Co., and was for many years a citizen of Fayetteville.  His 
    practical knowledge, genial and charitable disposition—receiving no reward but the 
    gratification afforded by the faithful discharge of duty—furnished an example fit to be 
    emulated by all.  He passed away full of good deeds, respected by all, lamented by many, 
    and in the hope of a reward, not of works but faith. D.
    Departed this life, in this county, on the 6th inst., Neill McArthur, Sr., aged 76. The deceased 
    was a native of Robeson Co., and made a profession of religion and connected himself with 
    the Presbyterian Church at St. Paul’s in the year 1816.  He was soon after appointed an 
    elder in that church and continued there with much acceptance until the organization of 
    Big Rockfish Church, when he was transferred to it, and in which he served as an elder 
    with zeal and fidelity until his death.   We trust and believe that he entered upon that 
    Sabbath of eternal rest that remains for the people of God and was received into the 
    sanctuary above, where forever he will unite with the heavenly host in praising God for 
    redeeming grace and undying love.  S.
    Died, on the 27th inst., Mrs. Mary Widdifield, relict of the late Wm. Widdifield, in the 
    59th (?) year of her age.  The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3:00 from the 
    Methodist Church.
    Died, in this place on the 24th inst., Jane S., infant daughter of Lt. C.B. and Mary L. Cook.
    Died, in this town on Saturday last, Thomas W. Fort, in the 38th year of his age.
    Died, in Halifax, N.C., on Thursday, Nov. 17, after a most painful illness of over 15 days, 
    Edward Thorne, son of Rev. Theodore B. and Sallie J. Kingsbury, aged 7 years, 4 months 
    and 14 days.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 5, 1864
    Married, on the evening of 14th November, in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Pittsboro’, by Rev. 
    R.S. Sutton, Capt. W.L. London to Carrie, daughter of J.H. Haughton, Esq.
    Married, at St. James’ Church, Wilmington, on the 24th ult., by Rev. Mr. Watson, Dr. A.E. 
    Wright, to Sallie F. Potter, all of Wilmington.
    Died, at Johnsonville, N.C., Nov 25, Mrs. Christian M. Cameron, wife of Lemuel D. Cameron, 
    Esq., in the 48th year of her age.  She was for many years a member of the Presbyterian 
    Church, and her bereaved friends find solace in the passing hope that her disembodied 
    spirit has joined the shining ranks of Heaven.
    Departed this life on the morning of the 25th November, after a very protracted illness of 
    several weeks, Isaac H. Foust, Esq., of Randolph Co., one of our most enterprising, 
    amiable and useful fellow citizens, in the 46th year of his age.  Few men have sustained 
    with more success the various relations of life.  He was an attentive, provident and kind 
    husband and father, a just and impartial magistrate and an untiring counselor and friend.  
    He bore his suffering with great fortitude and patience.  At length the night passed, the 
    morning came and as the rising sun began to shed its light over the face of nature, his 
    pure spirit took its flight and a bright jewel was added to his Savior’s crown. By this 
    deeply afflictive dispensation of an all wise and merciful Providence, a wife and seven 
    children, also very numerous and wide spread connections, among whom the deceased 
    was a shining ornament, are left to mourn their irreparable loss.  They mourn, but in 
    hope that their loss is his eternal gain.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, December 12, 1864
    Married, in Warrenton, N.C., on the 1st inst., Col. John D. Barry, 18th N.C.T. to Fannie 
    L., daughter of Col. John Jones of Warwick Co., Va.
    Married, in New Hanover on the 23rd Nov., by Rev. D.B. Black, Major Robert B. McRae to 
    Sallie N. Price.
    Died, near Fayetteville of consumption, 2nd Nov., Agnes McLeran, daughter of Archibald 
    and Mary McLeran, aged 31(?).
    Died, in Moore Co., N.C. on the 26th Oct., John B. Morrison, aged about 78.
    Died, at the residence of M. Jarrell, High Point, N.C., 3rd Dec., Charles E. Kluge, son of 
    Charles E. and Sarah C. Kluge, aged 13 months and 17 days.  Not lost but gone before.
    Died, at the residence of Dr. Wm. A. Smith, at R.M. College, Nov. 23, Augustus Welles, 
    second son of John P. and Willie A. Fuller, aged 3 years.
    Married, at Cedar Falls, Randolph, N.C., 4th inst., by J.M. Odell, Esq., Mr. Burgess 
    Leonard to Sophia Trogston, all of Cedar Falls.
    Died, in Wilmington, 2nd inst., Isabella Clayton, wife of Col. W.L. Smith.
    Died, in Rockingham, 30th ult., Richard Ashbridge, youngest son of Dr. A.O.(?) Bradley, 
    aged 3 years, 6 months.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, December 19, 1864
    Died, on the 6th December, near Magnolia Church, Cumberland Co., Owen Jones, aged 
    about 66.  Mr. Jones had for the last 43 years of his life been an exemplary member of 
    the Baptist Church.  Forty years of that time he acted as a Deacon, faithful and true to 
    his post.
    Married, in Wilmington, 14th inst., by Rev. Mr. Hepburn, Capt. William S. Norment to 
    Emma D., youngest daughter of the late Dr. Wm. J. Harriss of that place.
    Married on the 6th inst., at the residence of col. N.L. Williams, Yadkin co., by Rev. R.H. 
    Griffith, Adjutant, J. Turner Morehead to Miss M. Lilly Connally.
    DDied, in Robeson Co., on the 11th inst., in the 84th year of her age, Mrs. Margaret, 
    widow of the late John McNeill.
    Died, of diphtheria, near Longstreet, Moore Co., on the 23rd Oct., Fanny Hinton, aged 6 
    years, 1 month and 22 days; Ida on the 1st November, aged 3 years, 1 month and 22 
    days; Sallie Neill, on the 13th December, aged 4 months, daughters of A.H. and Emily 
    S. McLeod.
    North Carolina Standard
    Feb. 1, 1865
    We regret to record the death of A.M. Gorman, Esq., one of the editors of the Confederate.  
    He died at his residence in this city on Tuesday night last after a brief illness of erysipelas.  
    He was well known to the public as editor of the Spirit of the Age and afterwards one of the 
    editors of the Confederate.  He was a kind hearted, amiable man and his death is much 
    lamented by a large circle of friends.  (See another notice from the Fayetteville Observer, 
    Married, in this city on the 27th inst., by Rev. Dr. Craven, Donald W. Bain to Addie V., 
    third daughter of Dr. Wm. G. Hill, all of this city.
    Married, in Warrenton, on Wednesday, 25th inst., by Rev. T.R. Kingsbury, Rev. John B. 
    Williams of the North Carolina Conference to Ann Little, daughter of the last Dr. Charles 
    Skinner of Warrenton.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 9, 1865
    Died, on the 27th Dec., at the residence of Rev. H. McAlister, Cumberland Co., N.C., Mrs. 
    Sarah A. McAlister.
    Died, near Maysville, Bladen Co., N.C., Dec. 9, Armistead L. Hurt, aged 38 years, 7 
    months and 4 days, leaving a wife and four children, relatives and friends to mourn his loss.  
    Although he did not profess religion we have reason to believe he is now entered upon that 
    rest that remains for the people of God.
    Died, at his residence on the 25th Dec., Col. Abraham Brower of Randolph co., one of our 
    most enterprising, amiable and useful fellow citizens, in the 86th (?) year of his age.  The 
    subject of this obituary is worthy of a far more extended notice than can be given through 
    the columns of this newspaper.  He represented his county in the legislature for five 
    consecutive terms and the faithfulness with which he filled that high trust won for him a 
    reputation which will live in the hearts of his friends though he is gone.  He was an attentive 
    and kind husband and father, a good neighbor and a just and impartial friend.  Those who 
    knew him best loved him more.  He leaves an aged widow and seven children together with 
    a large circle of relations and friends to mourn their loss.
    Married, in Sampson Co., 20th Dec., at the residence of Thomas Bradshaw by H.H. Cobb, 
    Esq., Gabriel Carr to Miss Margaret Brown, all of Sampson.
    Married, on the 25th Dec., at the residence of the bride’s father, , by H.H. Cobb, Esq., 
    William A. Andrews to Miss Nanie A. Hobbs.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Marion County, Fla., on the 21st Dec., by 
    Rev. J. Penny, A.T. Banks of Gainesville (formerly of Fayetteville, N.C.) to Miss Lazorah 
    J., youngest daughter of G. Sistruck(?), Esq.
    Married, in Everettsville, on the 28th ult., at the residence of D.B. Everett, by Rev. Dr. 
    Deems, Capt. K.R. Jones of the 27th N.C. Infantry to Miss Mollie H. Simmons, both of 
    Jones Co., N.C.
    Died, in this town on the 6th inst., H.B. Sedberry, aged 62.
    Died, in this town on yesterday morning, Maria Lee, infant daughter of Wm. and Jannett 
    Widdifiled.  The  funeral will take place from the residence of James M. Vann this afternoon 
    at 3:00.
    Died, at Union Factory, Randolph Co., N.C. on the 27th Dec., of cancer, David Lindsey 
    Swaim, aged 46.  The  most gratifying tribute we can pay to his memory is in being able to 
    say, with truth, that he was an honest, upright man.   P.D.S.
    Died, Neill McNeill, a native of the Isle of Skye and for 50(?) years a resident near Pocket, 
    Moore Co., from which place he removed to Navarro Co., Texas, on the 3rd Aug., 1864, 
    aged 76.  (see military deaths, same issue for grandson’s death notice)
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 16, 1865
    Died, in this town on Wednesday, 11th inst., Mrs. Joanna McMillan, relict of the late John 
    McMillan, for many years a leading merchant of this place, in the 80th year of her age.  An 
    affectionate and tender mother, a cordial and sincere friend, she adorned a Christian life by 
    a holy walk and godly conversation.  She was one of the oldest members of the Presbyterian 
    Church of Fayetteville.
    Died, suddenly, in this town, on Friday, 6th inst., John W. Gould, aged 67, a native of New 
    Jersey, but for the last 33 years, a citizen of this state.
    Died, near Carthage, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Mary Muse, wife of Jesse F. Muse, aged 78.  
    Much praise is due the subject of this notice.  She was a Christian lady; her charity 
    extended to all, but especially to those who were most needy. Her house was always 
    open to strangers and of its comforts they have been bountifully supplied.  She was a 
    kind wife, an affectionate mother and an obliging neighbor.  May God’s special blessing 
    rest upon a widowed daughter and fatherless and motherless granddaughter who for many 
    years had found a home under the paternal roof of this good old Mother in Israel.
    Died, in Moore Co., on the 21st Dec., Mrs. Laura A. Baker, consort of J. McF. Baker, 
    aged 23 years, 9 months and 18 days, leaving a husband and one child.  Mrs. Baker had 
    been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for some years and we trust she is now 
    enjoying the rest promised to the finally faithful.
    Married, near Montpelier, Richmond Co., N.C., at the residence of the bride’s father, Maj. 
    J. McNeill, Jan. 10, by Rev. H. McNeill, Capt. J.A. McPherson, 6th N.C.T., to Miss Sallie 
    B. McNeill.
    Married, in Wilmington, on the evening of the 8th inst., by Rev. A.D. Hepbura, Mr. Avon 
    E. Hall to Mrs. Caroline A. Worth.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 23, 1865
    Died, in Sampson Co., Jan. 9, Mrs. Harriett Parker, widow of P. R.(?) Parker, aged 32(?) 
    years, leaving many friends to mourn their loss.
    Died, at his residence in Moore Co., on the 21st Dec., last, Levi D. Thrailkill, aged 63.  
    The deceased leaves an affectionate wife, one son and three daughters with a large circle 
    of relatives and friends.  He was strictly an honest man and died, as he had always lived, 
    without an enemy in the world.  He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for 
    nearly forty years.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Jan. 17(?), by Rev. Wm. G. Brown, Muncy 
    Rash to Miss Amanda, daughter of Hiram Collins, Esq., all of Yadkin Co., N.C.
    Died, in this town on the 20th inst., James Millban, aged about 90.
    Died on the 9th(?) Jan., near Carthage, Moore Co., James B. Muse, aged 80.  Also, on the 
    15th (?) Dec., Mrs. Elizabeth Muse, wife of said J.B. Muse.  Mrs. Muse was the daughter 
    of Dr. George Glassock(?) Glascock(?), said to be a first cousin of George Washington 
    and surgeon under him in the Revolution.  This father and mother in Israel, having lived
    together respected and honored, over sixty years, passed in quick succession to a higher 
    and happier state of existence.
    Died, in Bladen Co., Thursday, 5th Jan., Colin Monroe, Esq., aged 70 years, for nearly forty 
    years an acting magistrate, and for many years county surveyor.
    Died, at Bloomington, Guilford Co., 29 September, Clarkson Tomlinson, Esq., aged 42 years,
    9 months and 11 days.
    Died, on the 7th inst., in the 49th year of her age, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Leach, consort of Hon.
    J.T. Leach.
    North Carolina Standard
    Feb. 15, 1865
    Married, in Alamance Co., on the 15th inst., by Wm. P. McDaniel, Esq., Alfred Pickard of 
    Orange to Elizabeth Duke of Alamance.
     A very old Negro woman named Charlotte recently died in Davidson Co., N.C.  She had 
    lived to the venerable age of 125 years.  She was the property of M.C. Pendleton and was 
    long a faithful servant in that family.  Salisbury Watchman
    Died, at Greensborough, on the 20th Jan., last, of brain fever, John H. Jordan, formerly a 
    citizen of Johnston Co., in the 33rd year of his age.  He was a pious and good man and 
    has left a wife and four little children and many relatives and friends to  mourn their loss 
    which is his eternal gain.
    North Carolina Standard
    March 8, 1865
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, on the evening of Feb. 16, by Bishop G.F. 
    Bahnson, Dr. J.F. Shaffner, Surgeon, P.A.C.S., to Carrie L. Fries, eldest daughter of F. 
    Fries, deceased.
    North Carolina Standard
    March 22, 1865
    Died, in this city, on the 10th inst., of consumption, Mrs. Martha E. Drummond, in the 42nd 
    year of her age.
    Died, in this city on Friday morning, 10th inst., Henry Harris, infant son of Harris and Bizillie 
    Vaughan, 8 months, 3 weeks.
    Married, on Thursday evening, March 16, by Wm. R. Richardson, Esq., W.J. Saunders to 
    Susan Bell, all of this county.
    Died, in the hospital near Charleston, S.C., on Feb. 11, Edward R. Windsor, in the 47th year 
    of his age.
    North Carolina Standard
    March 29, 1865
    Died, at her residence near this city on Thursday, March 16, Elizabeth E. O’Rorke, consort of 
    John O’Rorke, Esq., in the 76th year of her age.  The death of this estimable woman creates 
    a void in her family and large circle of friends which cannot be filled.  Amiable, sensible, of a 
    refined character, charitable and good, few persons gathered around them so large a circle of
    friends and held them to the day they died as she did.  In all relations of life she was an 
    example.  She had long been a disciple of Jesus and an acceptable member of the M.E. 
    Church and died in the faith of the gospel.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 6, 1865
    Married, in Moore County, on Jan. 12, by Elias Maness, Esq., James M. Garner to Miss Eliza 
    C. Murray.
    Also, by the same, on the 17th Jan., Simeon J. Yow to Miss Lizzie Harrison.
    Also, by the same, on the 9th Feb., John Garner to Miss Emeline Cagle, all of Moore.
    Married, in Bladen Co., at the residence of Thomas G.(?) Brown, Esq., 22nd Feb., by Rev. 
    E.A. Yates, Edward J. Moore to Miss Eunice, daughter of the late A.A. Brown, all of Wilmington.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Feb. 22, by Rev. P.H. Sooyell, Lt. E.N. 
    Robeson to Miss Elmira Duncan, all of Bladen Co., N.C.
    Married, in Sampson Co., on the 2nd inst., by Amos N. Hall, Esq., Robert Hall, Company I, 
    20th Regiment N.C.T. to Miss Pleasant, daughter of Daniel Autry, Esq.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 30, 1896
    (note, see another notice above on this man from the Raleigh Standard)
    We record with unfeigned regret the death of A.M. Gorman, Esq., the junior editor of the 
    Confederate of this city. This announcement will be received with general regret and surprise.  
    It was only last Friday that he was closely engaged in his arduous labors in his office. That 
    night he complained of being unwell and took to his bed.   Up to Monday night, although his 
    disease developed itself as erysipelas, no apprehension was felt.  But on Tuesday morning 
    it assumed a most violent form which continued to increase, causing great pain and suffering 
    and terminated his earthly existence between eleven and twelve o’clock that night.  Mr. 
    Gorman was in the 51st year of his age.  He was a native of this city, learned the printing 
    business when a boy, with the late Joseph Gales, Esq., of the Register, and for some years 
    after attaining his majority, lived in Georgia, where he first married.  He returned to this city 
    some years ago and in 1848 established the Spirit of the Age, a paper which, under his able
    management, maintained for years a deserved popularity in the state and in the South.  For 
    nearly a year he has been associated with Col. McRae in the conduct of the Confederate, to 
    the popularity of which paper he has contributed much.  Mr. Gorman was an excellent citizen, 
    a man of a genial and kind spirit, benevolent and charitable, and a warm hearted friend.  A 
    more devoted husband and father we have not known.  Losing his first wife, he married an 
    accomplished lady of Virginia some nine years ago, whom he leaves a suffering widow with 
    four children to lament their loss.  The death of such a man is a public loss.  Raleigh 
    Died, suddenly on the morning of the 18th Jan., in Richmond Co., Joseph Hines, in the 57th 
    year of his age, leaving a wife and children to mourn his loss.  The large congregation 
    assembled to attend his funeral bore testimony that he was a much respected and beloved 
    Killed, by deserters, near his own house, in Robeson Co., on the 15th inst., J.B. Harris, 
    aged 49(?) 48(?).
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 6, 1865
    Married, on the 18th Jan., in Anson Co., N.C., by Rev. J.W. Puelt(?), Lt. John A. Polk of 
    C.S.A., to Miss Sarah M. Sturdivant, only daughter of Hollem Sturdivant, deceased, and 
    Fannie S. Sturdivant, all of Anson
    Died, at his residence in Randolph co., on the 2nd ult., Jno. H. Hale Esq., aged 69.
    Died, at Vaucluse(?), S.C., Nov. 19, 1864, Amasa Alden, Esq., for many years a resident 
    of this town and neighborhood, and a magistrate of this county.
    Died, in Raleigh, on the 26th inst., Gertrude Haywood Baker, infant daughter of Col. And 
    Mrs. Jno. A. Baker, aged 4 months.
    Married, at the home of the bride’s father in Duplin co., by Rev. Mr. Sprunt, Lt. L.E. Duffey, 
    of Onslow Co., to Miss Kate P. Herring.
    Died, in Greensborough, on the 30th ult., Dr. David P. Weir, Treasurer of the Savings Bank 
    of that place.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 5, 1865
    Married, on the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, in Dinwiddie Co., Va., by 
    Rev. Wm. S. Lacy, Chaplain of the 47th N.C.R., Captain W. Hal Harrison, 47th N.C.T. of 
    Raleigh, to Mary E., eldest daughter of John Wallace, formerly of Isle of Wight Co., Va.
    Married, at the same place by the same, Lt. H.W. Jones, 47th N.C.R., of Wake Co., N.C., 
    to Claudia C., second daughter of John Wallace, formerly of Isle of Wight Co., Va.
    Married, at the same place by the same on the same date, Lt. J.R. Rogers, 47th N.C.R. of 
    Wake County, N.C., to Julia M., third daughter of John Wallace, formerly of Isle of Wight, Va.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 13, 1865
    Married, in this town on Thursday, 2nd inst., J.T. Sellars to Miss Ann Eliza Overby.
    Married, at LaGrange, Tenn., on the evening of Dec. 25, 1864, by Rev. James J. Vauix, Dr. 
    Will D. Somers, Assistant Surgeon, P.A.C.S., to Miss Marie H. Ewell, youngest daughter 
    of Mrs. Emily M., and the deceased James B. Ewell, Esq., formerly of Prince William 
    County, Va.
    Died, at Rockfish Village, in this county, yesterday morning, after a brief illness of pneumonia, 
    J.E. Van Amberg, a native of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., but for several years past Superintendent 
    of the Rockfish Factory.  His funeral will take place from his late residence at 1:00 pm tomorrow.
    Died, on the morning of Sunday, Jan. 15(?) 18(?), at the Gulf, Chatham Co., Mrs. Mary R. 
    Haughton, relict of the late John Haughton, fell asleep in Jesus, aged 73 years, 6 months 
    and 4 days.  It is seldom we are called upon to mourn the death of so exemplary a character.  
    As a wife, a mother and a friend, she attracted the admiration of all.  As a wife, she was 
    indeed a help meet, diligent, careful, obedient and loving.  Removing from the low country 
    to the Gulf, she felt the need of her church; and never rested until St. Mark’s Church was 
    built.  The diligence with which she performed her religious duties, brought its reward.  The 
    last year and a half of her life, being paralyzed, she underwent great suffering, which, by 
    the grace of God, she endured with patience and Christian resignation.  When death came 
    it held no terrors for her.  
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 20, 1865
    Married, near Lumber Bridge, Robeson Co., on the 14th inst., by Rev. Malcolm McNair, 
    Duncan C. Malloy to Miss M. Alice Cobb, daughter of Col. S.J. Cobb.
    Married, in Moore Co., on the evening of eth 12th inst., by John McCrummen, Esq., 
    Robert W. Barrett to Miss Louisa Rosa W. Snow Cox, all of Moore.
    Married, in Moore Co., on the 9th inst., by D.B. McIver, Joseph A. Johnson to Miss Eliza 
    Married, on the 3rd I nst., at the residence of Daniel Stuart, by Evander McLeod, Esq., 
    Daniel Watson of Richmond Co., to Miss Mag. Graham, daughter of Wesley and Sarah 
    Graham of Moore Co., N.C.
    Died, suddenly of congestion of the brain, in Rockingham, on the 12th inst., John W. 
    Leak, jr., son of Wm. Leak, Esq., in the 17th year of his age.  He was a noble boy, 
    amiable, intelligent and pious, and is greatly lamented by all who knew him.
    Married, by James A Rozier, Esq., on Tuesday, 5th Feb., James A. Prevatt to Mrs. Ann 
    B. Carlile, eldest daughter of A.J. Currie, deceased, all of Robeson Co., N.C.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 27, 1865
    Married, in Person Co., on the 12th Feb., at G. Bumpass’ by Wm. H. Royster, Esq., 
    Lt. R.D. Royster of Co. E, 25th N.C.T. to Miss Lucy T. Allen of Person Co.
    Married, in Fair Bluff, on the 9th Feb., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. C.T. 
    Anderson, Lt. J.D. Grissette of Conwayboro’, S.C. to Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. 
    J.B. Fleming of Sumter, S.C.
    Died, Feb. 10, from a spinal affection produced by a fall, L.D. Boyd. He leaves a wife 
    and two little ones, besides a large circle of friends to mourn his loss, though we mourn 
    not as those who have no hope.
    Departed this life, of pneumonia, on the 21st Dec., 1864, F.C. Iddings, Esq., of Chatham 
    Co., N.C. in the 61st year of his age; leaving a wife and large circle of friends to mourn 
    his loss.  In his death not only the friends but his country has lost a good and obliging 
    neighbor, a kind and affectionate husband.  By his devotion to the true principles of virtue 
    and integrity, he won the love and respect of all who knew him.
    Died, in this town on Friday evening last, after a long illness, Richard R. Taliaferro, a 
    native of Petersburg, Va., but for some time a resident of this place as Telegraphic 
    Operator and Agent of the Southern Express Company.
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 2nd inst., Richard P., infant son of M.G. and Mary Freeman, 
    aged 5 months and 15 days.
    I take this little lamb, said He,
    And lay him on my breast,
    Protection he shall find in me,
    And be forever blest.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 6, 1865
    Died, in Fayetteville, at 2:00 am on the 1st March, of bronchial disease, Hon. Eli W. Hall, 
    former senator from New Hanover Co., aged 38 years, 2 days.
    Died, in this vicinity, on 22nd Feb., Rosalie, daughter of J.W. and C. Reynolds, aged 
    2 years, 3 months.
    Fayetteville Observer, Thursday, Jan. 19, 1865
    Died, in Sampson Co., Jan. 9, Mrs. Harriett Parker, widow of P.R. parker, aged 82 years, 
    leaving many friends to mourn her loss.
    Died, at his residence in Moore Co., on the 21st Dec., last, Mr. Levi D. Thrailkill, aged
     63(?) 68(?).  The deceased leaves an affectionate wife, one son and three daughters, 
    with a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.  He was a strictly honest man, and died 
    as he had lived, without an enemy in the world.  He was a consistent member of the Baptist 
    Church for nearly 40 years.  “Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of 
    that man is peace.”

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer December 2007

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