Civilian Marriages & Obituaries September - December 1863

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    October 7, 1863
    We are pained to have to announce the death of Rev. Thomas J. Lemay.  Mr. 
    Lemay had been in feeble health for a number of years and his death was not 
    unexpected by his friends.  We entertain no doubt from our knowledge of his 
    character and his Christian walk and conversations that his departure was 
    peaceful with the hope of future happiness.  Mr. Lemay was a native of Granville 
    County.  He was placed when a youth in the office of the Granville Star where 
    he served an apprenticeship with Thomas Henderson, Esq., then editor of that 
    journal.  He was subsequently for several years an itinerant Methodist minister 
    after which, in connection with Capt. A.J. Lawrence, he purchased the Star 
    establishment which he conducted for more than 20 years.  The Star was 
    at one time the leading Jackson paper in the state.  Mr. Lemay had retired 
    from public life and fixed his residence in Johnston County where he turned 
    his attention to farming at which he had always taken a deep interest.  He 
    was among the earliest and most active friends of the movement which led 
    to the formation of the state agricultural society and contributed materially 
    in the “Arator” which he published for a year or two to diffuse among the 
    people the sound and useful information on agriculture.  The writer had 
    known Thomas J. Lemay intimately for 20 years.  He was a man of more 
    than ordinary intellect and was a model of uprightness and integrity of 
    character.  Few men have lived who were more just in disposition or kinder 
    in heart than he was.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father in the vicinity of Eagle Rock, 
    Wake Co., on Sunday, 13th September, by L.W. Hood, Esq., Mr. Willis 
    Honeycutt, Jr., to Miss Sarah L. Bunch, all of Wake County.
    Died, on the 24th October at her father’s residence in Stokes(?) County, 
    Sereptia, daughter of Alsend and Nancy (first letter of last name illegible –age), 
    of consumption, aged 31 years, 11 months and 24 days.  She was a faithful 
    member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church about six years and died in the triumph 
    of faith.  The church has lost a consistent member and many friends are left 
    to mourn their loss.
    Died, at his father’s residence in Columbia, Randolph County after a painful 
    attack of typhoid fever, E.C. Swafford, in the 24th year of his age.  He has 
    left many relatives and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss—in 
    blooming youth he has been snatched away by the hand of death.  Truly
    in life we are in the midst of death.
    Died, on the 14th August last in Alabama where he was temporarily residing, 
    in the service of the Confederacy, William McClain of Egypt, Chatham County, 
    N.C.  Mr. McClain was an excellent miner and metallurgist and was of great 
    service in developing the resources of the Deep River Valley.  It was by his 
    energy that the Egypt was opened and most valuable coal reached at a 
    distance from the outcrop.  The Confederacy has lost a valuable citizen.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 14, 1863
    Married, at Franklinsville on Tuesday, on the 6th inst., by Hugh parks, Esq., 
    David H. Clapp to Miss Nancy Raynes all of Randolph County.
    Married, on the 1st October at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. M. 
    Stallings, Mr. L.F. Koonce of Jones County to Miss Georgia Loftin of Duplin.
    Died, on the 1st October, Srobah(?) Snodan(?) Stagg, son of William Stagg, 
    Esq., of Randolph County, aged 18 years, 9 months and 6 days.  He died of 
    fever contracted on Capt Fear near Wilmington.  God hath seen fit to take him 
    from us but we trust his spirit is at rest with the Redeemer.
    Married, at Johnston County on the 24th Sept. by Rev. A. Parns(?), Mr. A.T. 
    Stevens to Miss Mary Ann Osburn.
    Married, at Iredell County, N.C. on the 29th Sept., by Rev. Sidney Markland, 
    Mr. B.J.B. Summers(?) to Miss Martha A. Houpe, all of Iredell Co.
    Married, at Iredell County, N.C. on the 8th Sept., by Rev. J.E. Presley, Mr. 
    Robert Q. Davidson to Miss Jane B., daughter of R.O. Brown.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 28, 1863
    Married, in this city on Sunday, 25th Oct., by Rev. Mr. Long, Leonard H. 
    Rotster(?) to Miss Bettie Frost, both of this city.
    Departed this life at her residence in Davidson County, Mrs. Anne Boner, 
    in the 73rd year of her age.  For many years she was a consistent member 
    of the church, and her Christian character shone forth in her whole walk and 
    conversation and though the latter years of her life were clouded by troubles 
    they served to draw her into closer union with her Savior.  During her last 
    illness, she longed for death and when she felt his approach, she expressed 
    a desire to be alone that she might be found as a hand maiden of the Lord, 
    waiting to welcome the Master.  Her wish was granted for when her friends 
    were least expecting it she quietly and gently breathed her last on the 11th 
    inst.  Our loss is her eternal gain.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 11, 1863
    Married, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 27, at Woodside (residence of the bride’s 
    brother), near Milton, N.C., by Rev. E.H. Harding, General S.D. Ramseur, 
    C.S.A. to Ellen, daughter of the late C.H. Richmond
    Married, on Tuesday, Oct. 15, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. 
    Mr. Wilson, George Bishop of Bertie County, N.C., to Miss M.L. Jacobs of 
    Northampton County, N.C.
    Died, of typhoid fever at Orange Factory on the 26th Oct. last, Nancy E., 
    daughter of Susan and D.R. Ray, aged 20.  
    Sister, thou are gone—but gone to rest, for we feel that thy ransomed 
    soul is where
    “no chilling winds nor poisonous breath
    Can reach the healthful shore
    Where sickness, sorrow, pain and death
    Are felt and feared no more.”
    Died, of chronic bronchitis in Pekin, Montgomery Co., N.C. on the 20th Oct., 
    after a protracted illness of five years, W.L. Meacham, son of James and 
    Louisa Meacham, in the 25th year of his age.  In the triumph of the Holy 
    Gospel his soul passed to Eternity.  
    “Again when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath 
    committed and doeth that which is lawful and right, he is saved, his soul alive.”
    Died, at Orange Factory, on the 19th Oct., Miss Nicky, daughter of William 
    and Susan Brewer, 19.  Her amiable disposition endeared her to all her 
    associates and now that her place is void among them, invites their earnest 
    emulation.  Her diligence in the service of God leaves us with but little doubt 
    that the Bridegroom found her with her lamp trimmed and burning—Seldom 
    hath death claimed for is victim so beautiful a flower.
    Died of diphtheria, in Onslow County, on the 7th Oct., last, Deborah, only 
    surviving child of Jonas and Eliza Jones, aged 5 years, 1 month and 11 days.  
    She witnessed the death of two sisters and one brother and shortly afterwards 
    the same fell destroyer seized upon her.  Her life was short but lovely.
    Died, at Edgewood, Lancaster County, on Tuesday, October 13(?) 18(?) in the 
    73rd year of her age, Mrs. E.W. Bates, wife of Fleming Bates, Esq., for many 
    years clerk of the Superior Court of Northumberland County, Va.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 25, 1863
    Married, on the 1st September by Rev. W.W. Pharr, Captain Thomas B. Brall 
    of the 14th N.C.T. to Miss Bettie W. Howard, daughter of the late William 
    Howard, Esq.
    Married at Hilliardston, Nach Co., N.C. at the residence of J.S. Hilliard, on the 
    4th inst., by Rev. Thomas G. Lowe, Mr. Alexander Hilliard of Gonzales, Texas 
    to Miss Bettie J. Hilliard, daughter of the late E.B. Hilliard.
    Died, at Wake Co., Sunday last, 15th inst., James Weathers, aged 93 years, 
    2 months and 3(?) days.  He had long been a consistent member of the Baptist 
    Church and died in the full triumph of the Christian faith.
    Died, at Chatham Co., on Nov. 18, Turner Bynum.  The subject of this notice 
    was born in Chatham Co. on Feb. 16, 1808 and married Julia Ward on 
    November 21, 1833(?), by whom he had nine children.  Mr. Bynum filled nearly 
    all the public offices of Chatham Co. which it was the privilege of the citizens to 
    confer.  He represented his native county in the legislature for many years 
    where he distinguished himself as a faithful and honest public servant being 
    the author of several bills of much interest to his constituents.  But in no office 
    did he distinguish himself more than that of Warden of the Poor.  He filled this 
    with great satisfaction to the people of the county and especially to the inmates 
    of the poor house.  He served in that capacity for 12 to 15 years during which 
    time he never missed a meeting of the board, always being present to aid in any 
    effort to help the poor.  In him, the poor always had a friend.  He embraced 
    religion early in life and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church of which 
    he remained a member until the day of his death—a period of forty years.  
    He died of typhoid fever—that fell destroyer of men.  Though he was confined 
    to his bed several days yet he bore his afflictions with that fortitude characteristic 
    of the true Christian.  Conscious of his approaching death he spoke of it as the 
    key that would unlock the portals of Heaven and admit him to the throne of God.  
    He was not afraid to die.  Death had no terrors for him.  He was a good neighbor, 
    an affectionate husband and a kind father.  His wife will miss the intonation of 
    that voice that once thrilled her with joy.  His little children will feel the want of 
    that father’s care and protection so necessary to the proper training of their 
    youthful minds.  His neighbors will no longer feel the warm grasp of that 
    generous hand which was ever ready to aid the distressed.  The church too, 
    will weep and mourn for death hath torn him from her embrace but their loss 
    is his gain “for me, to live is Christ; but to die is gain.”
    Departed this life at Montrealto(?), her residence in Grenville Co., N.C., in the 
    25th year of her age, on the 8th September, with her eye on the Star of 
    Bethlehem, Mrs. Rebecca Ann Elizabeth Evans, consort of Dr. W.B. Evans 
    and daughter of Maurice S. and Partheny Hart.  Sweet memories cluster 
    around her name.  In her character were blended bold, original thoughts with 
    culture of intellect—extreme modesty—indeed, so retiring was she that it 
    was only by long acquaintance you could find out her superior qualities and 
    many virtures.  To the inquiries of an assisting physician who was also a 
    minister of the gospel, relating to her spiritual condition, she replied with her 
    last breath in the language of the Psalmist “Yea, though I walk through the 
    valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and 
    thy staff comfort me” and when strength and voice had failed her and when 
    death was taking her in his icy arms, she reached her hands in prayer for 
    her infant—a fragrant bud so soon to fall from the stem bearing the name of 
    Robert Gilliam who was on October 20th left a disconsolate father, 
    grandfather, grandmother and uncle to join his mother in the company of 
    the redeemed.  This world was not his home for he had only remained a 
    short time after his mother left him.  He never smiled and though so young 
    often called for her.
    Died, at the residence of her father near Raleigh on the 4th inst., of diphtheria, 
    after an illness of three weeks, Lenora Emma, only child of H.W. and Mary 
    Jane Horton, aged 12 years, 1 month and 26 days.
    The light of thy beauty has faded and gone
    For the withering chills have already come on
    The charms have departed—thy glory has fled
    Thou has already been laid in the house of the dead.
    Come to the grave—we no longer behold thee
    Nor will tread the rough paths of the world by thy side
    The wide arms of mercy spread to enfold thee
    And we hope to meet thee since the Savior hath died.
    Died, at Jefferson, Texas on the 31st July, Glen John Winslow, formerly of 
    Fayetteville.  Thus has passed away in one short year three brothers, once 
    prominent in our community.  Observer
    North Carolina Standard
    December 2, 1863
    Died, at Yadkin County on the 14th inst., in the 52nd (?) year of her age, Mrs. 
    Charlotte T. Hampton, consort of H.(?) Hampton, Esq.  She had been for 
    twenty years a consistent member of the Baptist Church and now that her 
    pilgrimage is over, she is reaping the reward of the righteous.
    Died, at Alamance County, N.C. on the 10th and 19th of May, Ella Swann 
    and Minerva Rice, infant daughters of Freeman and Mary Leuth.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 23, 1863
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 2nd (?) inst., by Rev. 
    E.D. Johnson, Sgt. W.J. West(?), Company I, 38th (?) Regiment, N.C.T., to 
    Miss Sabra(?) S., daughter of Colonel David and Sabra Underwood, formerly 
    of Sampson County.
    Died, at Johnston County, on the 8th (?) inst., Coletta(?) Hinton, wife of 
    William H. Hinton, in the (age illegible, maybe 23?) year of her age.  In the 
    beauty of womanhood, she was stricken down.  She was a fond mother, 
    devoted wife, good neighbor, and a zealous Christian.  She leaves two infant 
    children, an affectionate husband, and numerous relatives to mourn their 
    irreparable loss but we believe, for her eternal gain.
    Married, in this city on the 24th (?) inst., at the residence of the bride’s father 
    by Reverend Thomas H. Pritchard, Mr. W.G. Upchurch to Miss E.M. Upchurch, 
    all of this city.
    (same surname)
    Married, on the 19th inst., at the residence of R.N. Taylor in Chapel Hill, N.C., 
    by Rev. Mr. Wilson, Captain T. Clancy Evans of the 13th N.C.T. and editor of the 
    Milton Chronicle to Miss F. August Stevenson, late of Newbern.
    Departed this life on the 8th December in Johnston County, after a short but 
    severe attack of bilious fever, Mrs. Celestia Hinton, wife of W.H. Hinton and 
    daughter of the late Hamilton Rand, deceased, in the 22nd year of her age.  
    Mrs. Hinton had been for several years a consistent member of the M.E. 
    Church and although the church and all connected with her have sustained 
    a great loss, yet they have hope it was her eternal gain and while our hearts 
    are shrouded in sadness, her spirit is rejoicing in that felicity that remains for 
    the people of God.  As a wife, she was kind and affectionate; as a mother, 
    she was loving and indulgent to her little ones; as a neighbor, obliging and 
    benevolent; and in every relation of life she was a woman possessing all the 
    qualities of a noble hearted Christian lady.  She leaves a husband and two 
    small children and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.  
    A Friend
    North Carolina Standard
    December 30, 1863
    Died, of pneumonia, in Granville Co., on the 28th November last, at the residence 
    of Colonel W.R. White(?), Captain William Thornton, in the (illegible number) of 
    his age.  He was modest, generous and sympathizing in his disposition, and 
    universally esteemed; and as a teacher, he was respected and beloved by both 
    patrons and pupils.  He always spoke briefly and told the truth.
    A Friend
    Died, at Chatham County on the 7th inst., William Lewis, only child of B.W. and 
    Melissa Elkins, in the 7th year of his age. Taken from earth to dwell in heaven.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 7, 1863
    Died, on the 27th June, in the 32nd year of her age, at the residence of her 
    husband in Bladen Co., N.C., Mary M.W. Cogdell, wife of David L. Cogdell, 
    and daughter of Isham Blake, Esq., of Fayetteville, N.C.
    Died, on the 27th August, Catharine A., infant daughter of J.A. and the late 
    C.A. McKay of Bladen.
    At Summerville, N.C.., on the 22nd inst., of fever, Mrs. Martha L. Spears, aged 
    32.  This most estimable lady gave confident assurance to those acquainted 
    with the tenor of her life, by her love of the Holy Scriptures and devotions a the 
    Divine Throne, that her treasure was in Heaven.  Thus cut down in the prime of 
    life by “Death’s untimely frost”, she leaves many friends and relatives, a husband 
    and six children, in whose hearts her memory will bloom, fadeless as the 
    “Amaranthine Flower”.
    Died, in Richmond Co., at an advanced age, May 15, Mrs. Frances H. (familiarly 
    known as Nellie) Morton,  She had been for many years a consistent and 
    exemplary member of the Baptist Church.
    Also, died on Aug. 30, of diphtheria, Alice Eugenia, only daughter of Capt. S.W. 
    and M.A.E. Bostwick, aged 3 years, 1 month, 15 days.  She was a sweet child 
    and has gone to her long home.
    Died, in Warsaw, N.C., on the 4th inst., of consumption, Mrs. Mary Southerland, 
    wife of John B. Southerland, in the 27th year of her age.  She leaves five children 
    and an affectionate husband to mourn her death.
    Died, in Robeson Co., Aug. 22, of diphtheria, Florence Albina, daughter of Duncan 
    B. and Sophia A. Nicholson, aged 5 years, 8 months, and 9 days.  Farrie (for such 
    was her pet name) was a most lovely, innocent and interesting child; she bore her
    sufferings with fortitude, thinking soon she would recover, but alas, after all that 
    could be done to create a change for her recovery, Death, with his resistless hand, 
    came and removed her from our midst.  We often have meditated on those words 
    she spoke before she breathed her last:  “Ma, how many minutes till day?”—she 
    wished to see the dawn of day, but when the sun shone out with clearness and 
    beauty little Farrie was no more; at 5:00 am, her spirit took its flight from the 
    sorrows and trials of this world and transferred her where she can enjoy the 
    brightness of day and night can never disturb her peaceful rest.
    Married, on Sunday evening the 6th inst., by John H. Cook, Esq., Hardy Bennett 
    of Sampson Co., and Penny Page of Fayetteville.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 14, 1863
    Married, in this county, on the 30th ult., by Rev. Mr. Fowler, Joseph West to Miss 
    Married, on the 31st ult., by Rev. C.N. Norwood, Joseph W. Foust of Guilford to 
    Maria A. Foust of Randolph, N.C.
    Died, on the night of the 23rd Aug., Eleanor Haywood, infant daughter of John and 
    Eliza T. Williams, of Tallahassee, Florida.
    Died, in this town, on the night of the 10th inst., James A., only son of James and 
    Barbara A. Carter, aged 11 months, 12 days.
    Died, in Moore Co., Sunday morning, 30th ult., of sore throat, Ella Virginia, 
    daughter of Eli R. and Nancy Seawell, aged 3 years, 26 days.
    Died, in Montgomery, Alabama, Aug. 14, W.M. McClane, aged 46, formerly of 
    Egypt, Chatham Co., N.C., where he was for a number of years in charge of the 
    Egypt Coal Mines.
    Died, in Harnett Co., Sept. 9, Wm. Archibald, son of D. and C. Hawley, aged 
    two years and one month.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 21, 1863
    Married, in Fayetteville, N.C., Sept. 17, by Rev. Jos. C. Huske, of the Episcopal 
    Church, R.H. Glass, Esq., Editor of the Lynchburg, Va., Republican, to Meta 
    Sandford, daughter of John W. Sandford, Esq., of Fayetteville.
    Married, in Tarborough, on the 10th inst., by Ex-Governor Henry T. Clark, Esq., 
    David Jones of Starr’s Light Battery to Miss Cinderilla Savage.
    Died, at the Dobbin House in Faytetteville on the 13th inst., after a brief illness, 
    Maggie Dawson, daughter of Eli W. and Margaret J. Hall, aged 1 year, and 8 
    Died, at Tuscawilla, Henrico Co., Va., on Friday evening, 11th inst., aged nearly 
    six years, Thomas Henry Taylor, son of Capt. Matthew Page Taylor, of the C.S. 
    Ordnance Corps., and the adopted son of Col. And Mrs. Thomas H. Ellis
    Died, at his residence in Bladen County, on the 21st ult., after a lingering illness 
    of eight weeks, Rev. Wm. H. Willis, in the 40th year of his age.  He was a 
    consistent man and stood high in the esteem of his neighbors.  As a local minister 
    in the Methodist Church, he shared largely the affections of his congregation.
    Died, in Moore Co., on the 29th Aug., Mrs. Margaret Wicker, wife of Jordan Wicker, 
    daughter of Daniel McIver, aged 59 years, 9 months and 1 day.  Also, on the 20th 
    day of April, in the Fair Ground hospital, at Raleigh, Warren B. Wicker, son of 
    Jordan Wicker, aged 19 years, 4 months, 15 days. (Transcriber’s note see also 
    military deaths for this same issue for another Wicker death that may be related 
    to this one.)
    Died, in Panole, Panole County, Mississippi, on the 21st Aug., Mrs. Elizabeth 
    Bledsoe, relict of the late Aaron Bledsoe, Esq.  She was for many years a 
    consistent member of the Methodist E. Church.  She died in the full hope of a 
    blissful future.
    Died, in Clark Co., Ala., July 30, Mrs. Alexena A. Dumas, daughter of Mrs. 
    Emelia A. Robinson and consort of John E. Dumas, of Company I, 38th 
    Regiment Alabama Volunteers.  She was formerly from Montgomery Co., N.C.
    Died, in Salem on the 11th inst., after a protracted illness, Lewis Belo, aged 
    50(?) 56(?) 59(?) years and 10 days.  Also, recently, in that vicinity, Francis 
    Reich, from disease contracted in the army.
    Married, in Chatham County, by Rev. M. Johnson, on the 20th inst., John W. 
    Petty of Company D, 63rd Regiment N.C.T. to Mary L. Poe, youngest daughter 
    of Beverly Poe.
    Married, at the residence of George A. Smith, Esq., in Franklin Co., on the 
    morning of the 22nd inst., by Rev. J.B. Cheshire, Wm. H. McRary, Esq., of 
    Wilmington to Pattie Wiggins of Scotland Neck.
    Died, of consumption, on Thursday, 24th inst., Catharine, relict of Robert A. 
    Stuart and daughter of the late John Murchison, Esq., in the 40th year of her 
    Died, of diphtheria, in Chatham Co., on the 21st August, Lucy Ellen, aged 5 
    years, 4 months, and 1 day. Also, on the 5th September, Fannie, aged 3 
    years, 17 days, the youngest children of Joseph B. and Elizabeth C. Chask.
    Died, in Clemmonsville, Henry Eccles, Esq., at an advanced age.
    Married, in Robeson Co., 23rd ult., at his own house, by James A. Rozier, 
    J.P., Joseph Kinlaw, Esq., to Jane Allen, of Bladen Co., daughter of Jos. 
    Allen, Esq., of Bladen.
    Married, on the 27th by Rev. J.C. Huggins, Col. J.T. Harrington to Mrs. Mary 
    A. Reaves, all of Marion District, S.C.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 5, 1863
    Died, on Hay Mount, on Tuesday last, Robert H. McDuffie, native of Bladen 
    Co., in the 29th year of his age.
    Died, in Charlotte, Sunday morning last, Mrs. Mary A., wife of Hon. George 
    Davis, of Wilmington.
    Died, at his father’s residence in Columbia, Randolph Co., on the 2nd ult., 
    after a painful attack of typhoid fever, E.C. Swafford, in the 24th year of his age. 
    The deceased leaves many relatives and large circle of friends to mourn their loss.
    Died, near Owensville on the 19th ult., Maulsey, daughter of Michael Owen, 
    aged 11 years.
    Married, in Brunswick Co., on the 1st inst., by Rev. G.W. Pugh, Private A. McF. 
    Cameron, of Company C, 35th Regiment N.C.T. to Eliza Turngate, of Green Co., 
    Died, in this town, on the 3rd inst., Romelia Newkirk, youngest daughter of John 
    T. and Sally(?) F. McKay, aged 1 year, 1 month and 5(?) days.
    Died, on Longstreet, in this county, on the 20th (?) ult., Capt. John Ray, in the 
    64th year of his age.
    Died, in Wilmington, on the 30th (?) ult., Joshua G. Wright, Esq., aged 54.  Mr. 
    Wright was an eminent lawyer and a most notable and estimable Christian 
    gentleman, whose loss will be deeply deplored by many besides those in the 
    community in which he lived.
    Died, in Robeson Co., 30th Sept., in the 77th year of her age, Mrs. Elizabeth, 
    wife of the last Rev. Daniel Smith, and daughter of Neill Brown, Esq., one of the
     first Ruling Elders of Philadelphia Church.
    William P. McRae, Esq., died at his residence in Montgomery Co., N.C., July 
    14, 1863, aged about 38(?) 39(?) years.  In this sad visitation of divine Providence, 
    God has made a wide breach in a large circle of relatives and friends.  He has 
    left a widow and four small children.  For about three weeks, the deceased 
    endured, without a murmur, the most violent shocks of typhoid fever in its most 
    malignant form. He left a character spotless and unblemished and has passed 
    through a short but useful and active business life, neither meriting nor meeting 
    reproach; and in his last hours the conviction of an honest discharge of duty was 
    present to console him.  This sad affliction falls heavily upon his weeping widow, 
    and with what unceasing devotion she bent over his sick bed, with terrible grief 
    when announced the sad end!  May He who has promised to be a husband to the 
    widow and a father to the fatherless, be with them and sustain them in this their 
    Died, in Smith County, Mississippi, Sept. 12, of congestion of the brain, Mary 
    James, fourth child of H.J. and E.K. Agnes, aged 11 years, five days.  She was 
    born in Anson, N.C., Sept. 7, 1852.  Mary was a truthful and affectionate child; 
    a sweet and companionable sister.  She had but few equals and perhaps no 
    superiors. She was a pattern worthy of imitation; never participating in the 
    quarrels and contentions among children, she would rather suffer wrongfully 
    than do wrong.  She was seldom if ever seen out of humor, but smooth and 
    even in her disposition—always content with her lot, whether it was good or bad.  
    She was fond of the Sabbath school and consequently made great proficiency, 
    never reciting an imperfect lesson.  Little Mary was a member of the M.E. Church 
    and about a month before her death she came to the altar of prayer and was 
    happily converted.
    No more fitting tribute to the memory of the dead can be paid, than that which is 
    often expressed, by the silence of a tear, amid the sad and solemn scenes of burial.  
    The late Colonel A.J. Bradford was born in Tennessee some time in the year 1803 
    and soon thereafter removed to the state of Kentucky with his father’s family.  Of 
    his early years but little is known, but that they must have been well employed and 
    his education well  attended to, his after life and attainments fully attest.  His father 
    was an intimate personal friend of General Andrew Jackson, and the Christian 
    names of his father and that of President Jackson are conjoined in the Christian 
    name of Andrew Jackson Bradford.  Among his private papers the original of the 
    following letter has been found and is here transcribed to show that through the 
    kindness of General Jackson, Col. Bradford was indebted for his education at 
    Lexington, Kentucky and for his position as a cadet at West Point.
    To Cadet James A.J. Bradford
    Lexington, Kentucky
    Hermitage, April 14, 1823
    Dear Sir:
    I received last mail your letter of the 1st inst., and send you, with the greatest 
    pleasure, the enclosed letter to the Superintendent of the Military School.
    I am sorry that you should have thought any apology necessary or felt any 
    delicacy in the application on the subject.
    I am a very plain man—and nothing gratifies me more than the opportunity of 
    rendering my friends every service within my power, and especially the 
    representatives of one such as your father, with whom I had a long acquaintance, 
    and to whose memory I recur with the warmest feelings of sensibility and respect.
    I hope that with your education at West Point, you may learn to be the defender 
    of your country’s rights and approve yourself worthy the care and hopes of your
    Very respectfully, your obedient servant
    Andrew Jackson
    He entered West Point as a cadet in 1823, graduated with distinction as Second 
    Lieutenant of Artillery in the winter of 1827 and was made Captain of Ordinance
    in 1832.  He filled many important positions and aided materially the construction 
    of several arsenals.  He was for years the commandant of Fort Columbus and 
    Governor’s Island and also of Fort Warren, where, after the fall of Hatteras, he 
    was confined as a prisoner.  An autograph manuscript by his comrade prisoners 
    is to be found among his papers, a curious and interesting record of his captivity.  
    His personal friendships were few, but his attachments were lasting and sincere.  
    The friendship between himself and President Davis began in early life at West 
    Point and is thought to have continued mutual and heartfelt until the day of his 
    death.  In person, Col. Bradford was a truly handsome man.  In manner and 
    conversation, he was an accomplished gentleman.  Those who knew him best 
    esteemed him as well for his generosity, his kindness and his prudence, as they 
    admired his finely cultivated mind, and pleasant converse.  He loved the town of 
    Fayetteville.  Who that has stood amidst the silent records of the dead in our own 
    quiet grave yard on Cross Creek, but remembers how much of beauty the place 
    has derived from the tasteful suggestions of the late Col. Bradford.  Col. Bradford 
    identified with the town.  Here the larger portion of his life was passed; here what 
    little of this world’s goods he had, he had received and generously distributed; 
    here was to him a home while living—and here, as he willed it, he fell asleep in 
    death.  In the Arsenal Grove, beneath the trees of the forest he had trimmed, he 
    sleeps in silence.  Peace to his ashes.
    October 12, 1863
    Died, in this town on Saturday, 3rd inst., of consumption, Josiah H. Baldwin, 
    aged 35(?).  He bore his long affliction with Christian patience and gave evidence 
    of a well-founded hope in the life to come.
    Died, on the 29th Sept., William Robert, infant son of D.J. and S.J. Johnson, 
    aged 20 days.
    We loved this tender little one,
    And would have wished him stay,
    But let our Father’s will be done;
    He shines in endless day.
    Died, of typhoid fever, at his father’s residence, Gulf, Chatham Co., on the 22nd 
    ult., Lemuel Colburn Murdoch, aged 16 years, 10 months, son of William Murdoch.
    Died, in Robeson Co., at the residence of Robert A. Rozier, at 1:00 on the morning 
    of the 5th Oct., Mrs. Ruth Davis, in the 94th year of her age, relict of Sampson 
    Davis (or Bladen Co., N.C.), a Revolutionary soldier.  The deceased had been for 
    many years a member in the family of R.A. Rozier, who married her niece, who was 
    always kind to the deceased, administering to her necessities with her own soft 
    hand in preference to ordering a servant.  Her end was calm and peaceful.  She died 
    without an enemy.
    Married, on the 24th Sept., by Robinson Ward, Esq., John B. West to Nancy M. 
    Married, in Chapel Hill on the 29th ult., by Rev. S. Paul, E.W. Woods to Aurora 
    Hatch, all of Chapel Hill.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 19, 1863
    Married, on the 14th, at St. John’s Church, by Rev. J.C. Huske(?), Albert H. Worth, 
    of this town and Meda Burt of Nottoway Co., Virginia.
    Married, in Randolph co., on the 7th inst., by J. Horney, Esq., D.G. McMasters to 
    Nancy J. Kerrans(?).
    Died, at Q—whiffle (partially illegible), on Monday, 12th inst., Daniel Love, at an 
    advanced age—beloved and respected by all who knew him.  The poor have lost a 
    friend.  He never turned a hungry man away from his door.
    Died, in Sampson Co., 24th Sept., in the 26th year of his age. Franklin P. 
    Williamson, Esq.
    Died, in Raleigh, on Saturday, 17th inst., Mrs. Catharine, wife of Capt. Walter 
    Anderson and daughter of the late Dr. T.N. Cameron of this place.
    Died at his residence in Harnett Co., on Saturday, 10th inst., Hector M. McLean, 
    a worthy and respectable citizen of that county, aged about 50.
    Died, in the town of Franklinsville on Monday evening, 12th inst., of typhoid fever, 
    Mrs. Kate B. Gray, wife of Claburn Gray, and daughter of the late John W. 
    Weisiger of Fayetteville, aged 22 years, 9 months, 12 days.
    Died, in Raleigh, on Oct. 15, Octavia Augusta, daughter of Col. E.G. and M.H. 
    Haywood, aged 3 years and 2 months.
    Died, of diphtheria, in the neighborhood of Sandy Grove Church, on the 25th Sept., 
    Catharine Jane, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. McPherson, aged 2 years, 1 
    month, 9 days.
    Died, very suddenly, of apoplexy, in Robeson Co., Sept. 30, Malcolm Campbell, 
    in the 68th year of his age.
    Died, very suddenly of apoplexy, in Robeson Co., Oct. 3, Colin Morrison, aged 
    about 52.
    Died, near Maysville, Bladen Co., N.C., Sept. 17, of diphtheria, Iris Alevia, second 
    daughter of A. and M.A. Hurst, aged 4 years.  
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 26, 1863
    Married, on the 15th inst., by Rev. George B. Watmere(?), at the residence of Col. 
    Thomas D. Meares, in Rowan Co., Dr. M.J. DeRosset, P.A.C. to Miss Addie, only 
    daughter of the late Wm. B. Meares, Esq.
    Married, on the 25th Oct., by Rev. T.L. Britt, L.A. Lawson to Miss Eady Britt.
    Married, in Duplin Co., on the 14th inst., by Rev. Dr. Cless(?), Rev. Edwin A. Yates 
    of the N.C. Conference, and Laura E., daughter of Isaac Ramsey, Esq., of Beaufort, 
    Married, in Sampson Co., on the 13th inst., by L.C. King, Esq., Gainey West to 
    Kitsey Daughtry.
    Married, at South Quay, Va., by Rev. Edward Howell, Capt. Louis H. Webb of the 
    Harrington Light Artillery (Company E, 40th Regiment N.C.T.) to Gatlie A., daughter 
    of Jos. John Lawrence, Esq., of (illegible) Co., Va.
    Married, on Tuesday evening, 13th inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, near 
    Red Banks, Robeson Co., (transcriber’s note—the groom’s name has been completely 
    omitted, just says “Regiment N.C.T.”) and Miss Sallie Frances Cobb, youngest 
    daughter of the late Wiley Cobb.
    Died, on Little River, Moore Co., 7th inst., Mrs. Nancy Thagard, consort of Isaac 
    Thagard, formerly of Bladen Co.  She had been a member of the Baptist Church, 
    many years, aged 60.
    Married, on Harrington Hill, in this vicinity, on the 23rd inst., by D. Anderson, Esq., 
    Joshua Carmon, Jr., to Martha Elizabeth Herring, all of this county.
    Married, at the residence of Col. Jos. J. Erwin, in Burke Co., October 20, Robert 
    C. Perkins to Emma S. Gordon.
    Died, at the residence of her son-in-law, Raiford Hall(?) of this county, 20th Sept., 
    Mrs. Mary Culbreath, in the 92nd year of her age.  She was a native of this county 
    and well conversant in the events of our first Revolution; was for 26 years a humble 
    and pious member of the Methodist E. Church.  
    Died, in Bladen Co., N.C., Oct. 12, of diphtheria, Helen Frances, only daughter of 
    Wiley and Margaret Reeves(?), aged 15(?) years and 26 days.  By this dispensation 
    of Divine Providence, parents and friends are bereft of a lovely flower.  
    Died, of diphtheria, at Hawley’s Store, Sampson Co., on the 16th Sept., Daniel J., 
    youngest son of Daniel and Anna M. Ray, aged 6 years, 11 days.  Also, on the 
    29th Sept., of the same disease, William B., eldest son of Daniel and Anna M. 
    Ray, aged 8 years, 22 days.  They were bright and lovely little boys, too pure for 
    this world of trial and trouble, so they left their sorrowing parents and went to 
    dwell with the angels in Heaven.
    Died, in Moore Co., on the 2nd Sept. last, John Oates, in the 80th year of his age, 
    leaving a widow and large train of connections surviving him.  He had been a 
    consistent member of the Methodist Church for 30 or 35 years.  As a parent, 
    husband, neighbor and friend, he was kind, benevolent, humane and sincere and 
    generous.  No word of injustice, detraction or slander ever escaped his lips; but 
    on the other hand, he gave full credit to all who deserved commendation and 
    preferred to conceal rather than publish the infirmities of others.  He was uniformly 
    affable and courteous to all.  His loss will be felt for a great while to his neighbors.  
    But we hope that our loss is his gain and pray that He that tempers the wind to 
    the shorn lamb may bless the bereaved widow and family of our deceased friend.
    A Friend
    Died, in Wilmington on the 20th inst., W.T.J. Vann, Sheriff of New Hanover Co.
    Died, at his father’s residence in Burke Co., Oct. 12, Edward Holt, son of Col. 
    Jos. J. and E.J. Erwin, aged 1 year, 9 months.
    Died, at Gold Region, Moore Co., Oct. 14, Henry Harson, infant son of J.F. and 
    A.R. Burns, aged 19 days.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 2, 1863
    Married, by Rev. P.H. Scoville, on the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride’s 
    father, Albert Rinaldi to Ann Sikes, all of Bladen Co.
    Died, in this town this morning, James Huske, in the 52nd year of his age.
    Died, at the residence of his father, in Richmond Co., Oct. 23, after an illness 
    of 24 hours, Archie Grice, second son of James S. and M.L. McQueen, aged 
    4 years, 24 days. 
    Died, in Richmond co., Aug. 22, Mary Eliza, daughter of Rev. Robert N. and 
    Susan Nicholson, aged 5 months, 7 days.
    Died, at his residence near Madison, Florida, on the 24th ult., Rev. Wm. N. 
    Peacock, in the 61st year of his age. He was born in Montgomery Co., N.C.
    Died, in Raynham, Massachusetts, on the 20th May, Mrs. Louisa Patterson, 
    mother of the Rev. George Patterson of the Diocese of North Carolina.
    Married, at High Point, N.C., on the 15th inst., by Rev. Jno. S. Long, Lt. Wm. 
    H. Borden, 50th N.C. Regiment and Sue E., daughter of Wm. B. Edmundson, 
    Esq., formerly of Goldsboro’, N.C.
      Died, in this town, on the evening of the 31st, Phila L., third daughter of Major 
    D.G. and Mrs. A.S. McRae.
    Died, in Rockingham, N.C., on Friday morning, 23rd inst., of typhoid fever, Mrs. 
    Harriett Ann Steele, wife of Col. W.L. Steele, and daughter of Thomas Crawford, 
    deceased, late of Henry Co., Tennessee.
    Died, of diphtheria, near Gold Region, Moore Co., on the 23rd Sept., Pattie Ann, 
    aged 14 months and 10 days and on the 19th October following, Sallie Margaret, 
    aged 6 years, 5(?) 6(?) months, children of Edward and Martha M. Stewart.  ‘Tis 
    hard to part with our little ones, but the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; 
    blessed be the name of the Lord.
    Married, on the 16th inst., by D.C. McIntyre, Esq., H.H. Ivey of the 51st Regiment, 
    N.C.T., to Mary Eliza Ivey, all of Robeson.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 9, 1863
    Married, on the evening of the 29th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by 
    Rev. Mr. Bute(?), Christopher Little, of the C.S. Navy to Sarah E. Atkinson, of this 
    Married, near Milton on the 27th ult., by Rev. E.H. Harding, Brig. General S.D. 
    Ramseur, C.S.A., to Ellen, daughter of the late C.H. Richmond.
    Married, on the 22nd ult., in Davis Co., at the residence of Elisha Gibbs, Esq., 
    by Rev. S.S. Barber, Lt. R.F. Cain, to Lelia Taylor, formerly of Petersburg, Va.
    Died, at his residence in the Parish of Rapids, State of Louisiana, Duncan C. 
    Goodwin, in the 52nd year of his age, unassuming in all things, whose modesty 
    was far from being ostentatious of the good he had done, never withholding a 
    helping hand, in all cases of charity.  He removed from Chatham Co., his native 
    county, 31 years ago and formed a large circle of friends to mourn his loss as 
    well as the acquaintances of his youth in his native county.  He died esteemed 
    by all who knew him, though no friends near him at the time of his dissolution 
    (all being in the service of their country) still there is a “friend that sticketh closer 
    than a brother.”  
    Died, at San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Cordelia Hoy, in the 35th year of her age, 
    leaving a husband and two children and large circle of friends to mourn her 
    irreparable loss.  Niece of Mr. Duncan C. Goodwin (above).
    Died, on the 27th Oct., at Rowan Mills, Hannah Johnston, fourth daughter of Col. 
    Thomas D. and Mrs. Jane M. Meares, aged 4 years, 8 months.
    Died, in Randolph Co., on the 20th ult., Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, consort of Hardy 
    Brown, aged 48.
    Died, in Hillsboro’, 22nd inst., Mrs. Caroline L. Scott, widow of the late Jno. 
    Scott, in the 68th year of her age.
    Died, recently, at the residence of Dr. C.J. Freeland, of consumption, Mrs. Julia 
    A., wife of the late Capt. Wm. J. Freeland, in the 20th year of her age.
    Died, in Moore Co., Oct. 10, Mary Bell, infant daughter of James C. and Elizabeth 
    A. McLamore, aged 2 years.  The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed 
    be the name of the Lord.
    Died, in Randolph Co., on the 6th inst., Sallie Guthrie, daughter of Alfred and 
    Emilie B. Brower, aged 1 year, 8 months, and 23 days.
    Died, at her residence in Robeson Co., Oct. 1, in the 69th year of her age, Mrs. 
    Mary McCormick, relict of Daniel McCormick.
    Died, in Carthage, on the 4th inst., at the residence of her son, Mrs. Margaret 
    Tyson, relict of the late John Tyson, in the 88th year of her age.
    Died, in this vicinity on the 5th inst., Marcus Lafayette, aged 4 years, son of 
    Kindred and Mary Elizabeth Stewart of Montgomery Co.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 16, 1863
    Died, on the 5th inst., at the residence of his son-in-law, Col. John C. McLaurin, 
    at Laurinburg, Richmond Co., N.C. William McNeill, Esq., in the 98th year of his 
    age.  About ten years ago the deceased, with some of his sons, emigrated from 
    Robeson Co., where he had spent the largest part of his life, to Hinds Co., 
    Mississippi.  A few weeks ago he returned as a refugee to N.C.  His mortal 
    remains, according to his wish, now lie in the old family burying ground, and his 
    spirit, we trust, rests with his Heavenly Father whom he long professed to love 
    and serve.  He was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church.  During his 
    long life he was distinguished for industry, integrity and great kindness to the poor.
    Died, in Alamance Co., of typhoid fever, after several weeks of painful illness, on 
    the 10th August, 1863, Mrs. Louisa Margaret, wife of Edwin D. Patterson, Esq., 
    and daughter of Samuel and Saran Siler of Chatham Co., aged 30 years, 5 days.  
    The deceased had been for about eleven years a pious and worthy member of the 
    Methodist Protestant Church.  She has left, besides her heart stricken husband, 
    many relations and friends, together with a little son, to mourn her departure.  But 
    they sorrow not as those who have no hope, for though the thoughts of parting 
    with her dear husband and little boy, distressed her mind at times greatly, yet her 
    confidence in her Savior was unshaken, and she rejoiced greatly at the prospect 
    of soon being with Christ, and exhorting her friends and especially her husband to 
    meet her in Heaven, she fell asleep.  Thus passed away this ornament of her sex,
    loved and respected by all who knew her.
    Married, on the evening of 1st Sept., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. 
    Wm. H. Bobbit, Thomas W. Farish of Caswell Co., Cornelia F. Harris of Chatham 
    Died, in this town on the 9th inst., Mary, daughter of Wm. L. and L.C. Smith, 
    aged 15 years, 3 months.
    Died, at Jefferson, Texas, on the 31st July, John Winslow, formerly of this town.  
    Thus has passed away, in one short year, three brothers, once prominent 
    citizens of our community.
    Died, in the hospital at the Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory on the 6th inst., 
    Henry Buckner, in the 34th year of his age, a native of Chatham Co.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November23, 1863
    Died, in Johnston Co., Oct. 30, Eula E., only child of Major J.C. and Mrs. C.F. 
    Eason, aged 5 years, 5 months, 20 days.  Sweet little Eula, too good for earth, 
    has gone to Heaven.  For four long weeks did she suffer with the fortitude of riper 
    years. She was at first attacked with diphtheria in its most virulent form, and all 
    hopes of her recovery were abandoned.  Yet in a few days the urgent symptoms 
    gave way, her fond parents and friends felt relieved, their anxious solicitude and 
    hopes of a speedy convalescence  grew strong; but alas!  Symptoms like that of 
    typhoid fever supervened, which were too much for the little sufferer.  After the 
    most unwearied attention of her physician, exhausting every remedy at his 
    command, and after the kindest and most unceasing care by her grief-stricken 
    parents, relatives and friends, dear little Eula must die.  She was a sweet little 
    object and loved by all who knew her. 
    Died, in Moore co., on the 13th inst., Lydia Jane, infant child of Thomas C. and 
    Catharine Cole.
    Died, in Chatham Co., N.C., on the 3rd inst., of paralysis, George W. Goldston, 
    Esq., in the 68th (?) year of his life.  The deceased was a man of great energy of 
    character, of a clear and comprehensive intellect, and of more than ordinary 
    importance to the community in which he resided, who will long cherish the 
    recollection of his talents, services and virtues.
    Married, by Rev. J.M. Beasly, of the Baptist Church, in the town of Fayetteville, 
    Nov. 17, Wm .Giles to Miss Civil Ballard, all of Cumberland.
    Married, in Pittsboro’, on the 12th inst., by Rev. C.K. Caldwell, Capt. W.J. Rasbury, 
    C.S.A., to Miss Anna E. Leach, daughter of J.Q.A. and Eliza A. Leach, of Pittsboro’ 
    Died, at the residence of Dr. J.M. Worth, in Ashboro’, N.C., 14th Nov., Dr. Edmund 
    B. Clarke, late of Jackson Hill, N.C., and a member of the legislature for 1861.  He 
    died after a protracted illness, of consumption.  In his death the state has lost one 
    of her most skillful physicians and the country one of its best citizens.
    Died, in Chatham Co., on the 18th inst., Johnny clay, eldest child of L.C. and Bettie 
    A. Lineberry, aged 3 years, 2 months, 19 days.
    Died, in Wilson, on the 20th inst., of pneumonia, Sarah Lavinia, infant daughter of 
    Rev. Edwin Geer, aged 9 months, 15 days.
    Died, at Wilson, on the 13th inst., after a painful illness of 24 hours, Henry A. Ellison, 
    Eq., of Beaufort Co., in the 56th year of his age.
    Died, on the night of the 30th Oct., accidentally killed, in Rockingham Co., N.C., by 
    the fall of a tree, Rufus M. London, son of Henry A. London, Esq., of Pittsboro’, aged 
    Died, at Ingleside, Franklin Co., on the 5th inst., Everard Blount, aged five years, 
    son of General Joseph A. and Sallie J. Littlejohn.
    Mrs. Ada Moore Culbreth, wife of Rev. B.B. Culbreth, of the N.C. Conference, 
    passed away on the 16th Oct., aged about 27.
    Died, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Caroline J. Blount Runyon, relict of the late Benjamin 
    Runyon, Esq., of Washington, N.C., aged 66 years.
    Departed this transitory life at Magnolia, N.C., on the 21st ult., Mr. J. Arthur Parker, 
    aged 35, leaving a fond wife and one child.  Mr. Parker was the son of the worthy 
    Joel Parker of Sampson Co.  In announcing to the public the death of Mr. Parker, 
    I hazard nothing in saying he was an industrious, ingenious and honest man and 
    his labors will be greatly missed, for her was a great stay to the Wilmington & 
    W.R. Road Company.  An honest man, the noblest work of God.
    Died, in Chatham Co., Nov. 13, Turner Bynum.  The subject of his notice was 
    born in Chatham Co. Feb. 16, 1808, and was married to Miss Julia Ward Nov. 
    21, 1833 by whom he had nine children.  Mr. Bynum filled nearly all the public 
    offices in Chatham which it was the privilege of her citizens to confer.  He 
    represented his native county in the legislature for many years, where he 
    distinguished himself as a faithful and honest public servant.  He was the author 
    of several bills of much interest to his constituents.  But in no office did he 
    distinguish himself more than in that of Warden of the Poor, an office which he 
    filled with great satisfaction to the people of the county and especially to the 
    inmates of the Poor House.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 30, 1863
    Married, at Edinboro’, Montgomery Co., on the 15th inst., by E.G.L. Barringer, 
    Esq., Benjamin Franklin Scarborough to Miss Parthenia Caroline Morton, daughter 
    of Dominick Morton, Esq., all of Montgomery Co.
    Married, on the 19th (?) inst., by the Rev. R.T. Brown, Mr. W.D. Styron of 
    Wilmington and Miss E. Louisa Westervelt of Cheraw, S.C.
    Married, in Sampson Co., N.C., on the 22nd Nov., 1863 at the residence of the 
    bride’s father, Joseph D. Parker, by Rev. L. Cutorest(?), H.H.Cobbs(?), Esq., to 
    Miss Sarah E. Parker, all of Sampson.
    Married, in the county of Stanly, on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride’s
    father, Frankin Swearengen to Miss Mary Sing Eton(?). (no minister given).
    Died, in Robeson Co., Nov. 4, after a protracted illness, James Watson, aged 
    about 74.
    Died, near (illegible two words, the second is ‘Town’) on the 22nd inst., in the 
    (age illegible, two numbers, the second is a ‘7’), James Zigler(?), a highly 
    respectable citizen of Forsyth Co.
    Departed this life in Richmond Co., N.C., Nov. 4, William Wiegate McLauchlin, 
    in the 32nd year of his age.  (note, see military deaths for this issue for the 
    death of William’s brother)
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 14, 1863
    Died, in Washington City, C.D., Nov. 23, General Wm. J. Cowan, a native of 
    Bladen Co., N.C.
    Died, on the 8th inst., at Magnolia, Mrs. Mary Langdon, widow of Richard 
    Langdon, and daughter of the late Dr. Reuben Everitt, all of Smithville.  Closing 
    in perfect peace a life of purity and piety worthy of imitation. 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 21, 1863
    Married, near Carthage, Moore Co., on the 6th inst., by Archibald McCollum, 
    Esq., Jesse Seawell to Fanny Seawell, all of Moore Co.  (Transcriber’s note, 
    both surnames were the same in the paper.)
    Died, in this town, on Monday evening last, in the 50th year of her age, Eliza 
    Maria, wife of James Dodd.  She lived a quiet and retired life, zealously devoted 
    to domestic duties; and died in the Communion of the Episcopal Church, at 
    peace with God and having good hope of eternal life through Christ.
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 4th Dec., in the 73rd year of her age, Mrs. Nancy, 
    widow of the late Daniel McKay.
    Married, by Rev. J.M. Sherwood, on the 10th inst., John W. Skipper to Lavanna 
    Ann Beede.
    Married, in this town, on the 17th inst., by Rev. James McDaniel, Private A.M. 
    Duffie, Company C, 3rd and 5th Confederate Regiments, to Mary Evelynn of 
    Fayetteville, N.C.
    Died, in Moore Co., on the 15th inst., Martin Dye, aged 80(?).  He was an 
    affectionate father and kind friend.
    Died, in Harnett Co., Aug. 31, Mrs. Elizabeth Holloway, in the 63rd year of her 
    age, for 46 years an unblemished and faithful member of the M.E. Church.
    Died, in Wilmington on the 15th, Mrs. Eliza Frances Bradley, wife of Dr. A.G. 
    Bradley and daughter of the late Wm. H. Lippett, aged 33 years, and 5 months.  
    A dutiful and affectionate daughter and an exemplary wife.
    Died, on the 10th inst., near Lumber Bridge, Robeson Co., of typhoid pneumonia, 
    Susannah Lysisa Jones, youngest daughter of Thomas and Ann P. Jones, aged 
    17 years, 6 months.
    Died, in Robeson Co., Oct. 29, Duncan Crawford, in the 55th year of his age.  
    He endured his severe illness with Christian fortitude.  
    Died, on the 12th inst., in Duplin Co., after a protracted illness, Frederick 
    Richard, son of the Hon. John H. Bryan, aged 17 years, 6 months, 14 days.
    Died, in Moore Co., 24th Nov., Miss Saran Buie, aged 34 years, 4 months, 3 
    days.  She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church.  She leaves 
    an aged father and mother, brothers and sisters, to  mourn their loss; and the 
    community in which she lived has suddenly lost in her death one of its most 
    estimable members.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, April, 2007 & May 2008

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