Civilian Marriages & Obituaries September & October 1862

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    September 3, 1862
    Married, in this city on the 28th ult., by Nathan Ivy, Esq., William A. Jones to Ella E.Wratness(?), 
    all of Wake County.
    Married, on Thursday, 28th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, George W. Kittrell to (first 
    name illegible) Lucy, eldest daughter of Rev. Josiah Cradup, all of Granville Co.  Rev. Prof. 
    Wingate of Wake Forest College officiated at the ceremony.
    Died, in this city on Saturday last, Edward C. Belvin(?), in the 37th year of his age.  Mr. Belvin 
    has been a merchant in the city for some years.
    Died, in Nash County on 18th Aug., little Tommie Webb, only child of James T. and Mary J. 
    Webb, in the 11th year of his age.  Tommie was a mild, gentle, affectionate boy and generous to 
    a fault.  While his sorrowing parents deeply feel their loss, they are consoled by the sweet 
    thought of his eternal happiness in a better world than this.
    Died, in Nash County of typhoid fever, Boyed(?) Rice, in the 13th (?) 15th(?) year of his age. He 
    was a bright, happy and intelligent child—ever ready to greet you with a smile.  His parents are 
    sorely grieved having lost two grown sons a few weeks before. But God in his goodness saw fit 
    to take him from the present troubles.  “The Lord giveth and the Lore taketh away.  Blessed be 
    the name of the Lord.”
    Died, at the residence of his father in Clay County on the 9th August, Robert Tate(?) Curtis, son 
    of J.D. Curtis, aged 17 years, 2 months, of inflammation of the brain.  He was a good, obedient 
    and affectionate son.  Only a short time he was with us, bright and happy, carrying joy and 
    gladness where ever he went.  But alas, he is gone, no more to return.
    Died, near Louisburg at the residence of Dr. A.S. Perry, on the 30th ult., Elijah B. Hilliard, Esq., of 
    Hilliardston, Nash County, in the 48th year of his age.
    It has pleased Almighty God in His infinite wisdom to take from our midst and from her relatives 
    and large circle of mourning friends, Susan W. Mitchell, who died in Granville Co., on the 20th Aug., 
    in the 21st year of her age.  She was a bright example of Christian piety while living and is no 
    doubt now in her Savior’s arms.  A Friend
    Died, in Alamance County on the (date illegible, maybe 19th? Ult.), of diphtheria, Martha Ann, 
    12 years.  Also on the 21st ult., of the same disease, William James, aged 10, both children of 
    Dr. John W. and Nancy J. McCauley.
    North Carolina Standard
    September 17, 1862
    Died, in the vicinity of Raleigh of diphtheria on the 11th inst., Martha Cooper, daughter of Philip 
    Cooper, in the 22nd year of her age.  She was an excellent young woman and died in the full 
    hope of a blessed immortality.
    Died, in this city on the (date illegible, maybe 25th ?) of August, Mrs. Adelia M. Upchurch, wife 
    of Alfred Upchurch in the 33rd year of her age.  She was an acceptable member of the M.E. 
    Church about 14 years.
    Died, at Franklin County on the 2nd inst., Mrs. John Y. Jones.  She was an excellent woman 
    and had been an acceptable member of the M.E. Church for half a century.
    North Carolina Standard
    September 24, 1862
    We have never recorded any death with more sorrow than we do Henry Watkins Miller, of this city.  
    He expired at his residence in this city on Wednesday night last in the 49th year of his age.
    He was born in Goochland County, Virginia and would have been 49 years old if he had lived until 
    February next.  He removed to this place when about twelve years of age.  He received the 
    rudiments of his education and then entered the University of this state where he graduated in 
    1834 with high honors.  Soon afterwards he studied law and began the practice of his profession.  
    The eminence he attained as a lawyer, orator and statesman is known to all our people.  The 
    writer of this formed his acquaintance in 1838.  He had just made his appearance in the courts 
    as a practitioner.  He was remarkable laborious and found time frequently to write for the press.  
    His productions even at that time were marked by unusual force, clearness and ability.  
    Subsequently and indeed up to the period of his death, he took an active part in politics, 
    always making a profound impression upon the people by his writings and speeches.  Through 
    all the mutations and heats of parties, whether with the minus or majority, he uniformly 
    commanded the respect of his opposition; and not only this but the enthusiastic admiration and 
    confidence of his immediate friends and neighbors.
    With all his varied gifts and with his deservedly high reputation as a scholar, jurist and orator, he 
    was one of the most modest men we ever knew.  He was never known to thrust himself forward 
    for office or honors.  Sincere, straight forward, determined in character and scorning everything 
    ignoble or base, he stood forth as if modeled after the best of the Romans.  He would have filled 
    or graced any position in these Confederate states; and if such was his instinctive modesty that 
    a suggestion of this kind even from an intimate friend would have “o’er spread his manly cheek 
    with maiden tint.”
    It may be truly said of him that he was a kind neighbor and devoted friend.  His hand was open 
    as the day in works of charity.  Many of his most attached friends were among the poor and 
    humble whose necessities he had relieved or for whom without reward or the hope of it, he had 
    raised his voice in the courts of justice.
    But the orator, the scholar, the friend and the statesman is no more!  He has gone to his grave 
    in the meridian of his usefulness and with the measure of fame unfilled.  The funeral of Mr. Miller 
    will take place from his residence this afternoon (Friday), at 4:00.  he will be buried with Masonic 
    Hon. William S. Ashe died on Sunday night last in Wilmington of the wounds he received on 
    Friday evening from the collision of the rail train with the hand car he was in.  He had represented 
    New Hanover County in the Senate, the Wilmington District in Congress and was the President 
    of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company at the time of his death.  He was in his 59th 
    year.  He was a genial, kind hearted gentleman.
    Separate Article:  Hon. W.S. Ashe, President of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, will be 
    buried today.  The accident which caused his death was unfortunate in the extreme.  It would 
    seem he was starting home in the evening on a hand car, intending to continue to the northeast 
    turnout and wait there until the down rail passed, before proceeding further.  For some reason, 
    the hand car did not get there in time.  When within about a quarter mile of the turn out, the train 
    met and struck it, picking it up on the cow catcher.  The others, young Mr. Morse of this place 
    and three Negroes, miraculously escaped by jumping or falling off.  Mr. Ashe alone was hurt.  
    When discovered he could not be for some time recognized.  He was brought to town and 
    received all the attention that medical skill could suggest.  He died less than a night later after 
    8:00.  Everyone who knew him in every day life or in the capacity of senator or president of the 
    railroad mourns.
    Married, near New Hill, Wake County, Sunday morning, 14th inst., by R.M. Brown, Esq., R.J. 
    Bennett to Drucilla C. Olive, all of Wake County.
    Married, in this city on the 18th inst., at the residence of J.S. Bryan by M.H. Brown, Esq., Marion
     Bryan to Bettie Seagraves, both of this place.
    Also, on the 17th inst., in this city at the residence of the bride, by M.H. Brown, Esq., Joel 
    Blowers to Mrs. Margisanna(?) Faucette, all of this place.
    Died, on the 7th inst., in Wake Co., at the residence of Anderson Page, Mrs. Lou H. Page, 
    wife of Jas. R. Page, 25 years.  Some 16 months ago the deceased bade adieu to her friends 
    and home in Arkansas and accompanied her husband to this state.  Soon after her arrival here 
    it became evident to herself and friends that consumption had selected her for its victim.  
    Several years previous to this she had given her heart to her Savior.  During her stay among us 
    she gave every evidence of deep and sincere piety; and when death came she was fully prepared.  
    She died only as a Christian can die—peacefully and triumphant.  We loved her on earth and hope 
    to meet her in Heaven.
    Died, in this city on the 16th inst., George Hardy, infant son of William J.W. and Mary A.T. 
    Crowder, 11 months, 6 days.
    She is not dead but sleepeth
    Departed this life in Lenoir County, Louicy Dunn, on the 28th Aug., daughter of the late Christopher 
    Dunn and Susan his wife.  With the fair flowers of summer time this precious bud has passed 
    away before she reached the age of 16.  Beloved by all –she has passed from the heart like a 
    silvery dream of morning—leaving its chambers sad and desolate. The sweet lips from which 
    death failed to chase the smile are cold now—the soft voice scattering loving words is hushed. 
    The small had blessing with its caresses is still.  The gentle heart over flowing with kindness 
    and love has forever ceased its thrilling—yet we mourn not without hope; for we believe her 
    young feet are pressing the golden streets  of that city where blooms the trees of life immortal.
    Died, on the 30th June in the 73rd year of her age, at White Hall, her residence in Hanover 
    County, Virginia, Mrs. Lucy Miller, wife of William Miller, Esq., and daughter of Captain Charles 
    Woodson of Revolutionary memory.  For more than fifty years she was as zealous and 
    consistent member of the Presbyterian Church.  This venerable mother in Israel illustrated the 
    beauty of the Christian faith—living charitably by piety, without austerity, gentleness without 
    weakness, charity without ostentation, and devoted to the doctrines and order of her own 
    church without bigotry.  For more than fifty years as a wife, mother and mistress she was her
    husband’s wisest counselor; her children’s best example.  The industry, order and economy 
    displayed in the management of her household; her tender, watchful and religious care of those 
    entrusted to her training; her fidelity as a friend and her kindness as a neighbor made her a 
    model worthy of regard and imitation.  During her long and eventful life she experienced many 
    and severe trials—but these served to chasten a spirit naturally meek and to render yet more 
    submissive a heart which was early and humbly consecrated to God.  Thus living at the throne 
    of grace and in the daily discharge of her duties, when the call came which summoned her to 
    a happier life it found her in good old age revered and honored, ready for her translation and in 
    the possession of an unfaltering faith and she passed from the transient cares of earth to the 
    saint’s everlasting rest in Heaven.  Among those who survive to  mourn her loss are her aged 
    husband and three sons and several grandchildren.  
    (The above lady was the mother of our lamented friend the late Henry W. Miller. Editor, Standard)
    North Carolina Standard
    October 1, 1862
    John d. Starr, Esq., President of the Bank of Fayetteville, died at his residence near Fayetteville 
    on Thursday morning last in the 62nd (?) year of his age.
    We regret to learn that Yellow Fever is on the increase in Wilmington.  It is said there were 13 
    deaths on Friday, 15 on Saturday and 30 on Sunday last.  The Fever is said to be of the most 
    malignant form.  Among the deaths we regret to hear those of Dr. Dickson and W.C. Bettencourt, 
    Esq., and General Benjamin Trollinger.  Dr. W.G. Thomas is sick with the Fever.
    Married, on Thursday evening, 25th Sept., at the residence of W.L. Terrell by W.D. Jones, Esq., 
    Lt. B.F. Walton, Company D, 31st Regiment N.C.T. to Martha A. Ligon, both of Wake County.
    Married, in Chatham County on the evening of the 18th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, 
    by D.F. McIver, Esq., William W. Gambrel to V.J. Oldham(?).
    Died, in this city on Sunday last, Nicholas F. Nixon of Hanover County
    Died, in this city on the 22nd ult., in the 37th year of her age, Ellen Reeves, wife of Henderson 
    Reeves.  She was a kind, and affectionate wife and good neighbor.  May God be with and 
    comfort her bereaved husband.
    Died, in Chatham Co., on the 15th (?) ult., Kate Anna, daughter of A.G. and M.E. Headen, aged 
    4 years, 2 months and 10 days.  Little Kate was a very sprightly and interesting child.  Being too 
    good for earth, she has gone to Heaven.
    Departed this life on the 3rd June, of typhoid fever, John Walter, infant son of William B. and E.P. 
    Hester.  He was a lovely boy.  Jesus said suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the 
    Kingdom of Heaven.   Death loves a shining mark.  John Walter was early given to the Lord, 
    baptized and now He has received him wholly back to Himself.  He lived on earth 8 years, 5 
    months.  The same fond parents were soon destined to suffer another bereavement.  On the 4th 
    inst., the pale horse bore off triumphant James Daniel, aged 11 years, 4 days.  He died of 
    diphtheria.  The funeral of the above named child will be preached at Union Chapel, Granville Co., 
    on the 4th Sunday in November at 11:00 am.
    Henderson, N.C. Sept. 26, 1862
    Married, in this city on the 25th inst., by M.H. Brown, Esq., Lt. Gaston Williams and Laura, 
    daughter of Orran Smith, Esq., both of this county.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father in Moore County on the evening of the 4th inst., by 
    William B. Richardson, Esq., William Riley Muse to Martha, daughter of Nancy and Samuel 
    McIntosh, all of Moore County.
    Died, in Franklin County on the 18th inst., Erastus W., son of Captain P. Nichols, in his 18th year.  
    How insatiable is death!  Not three months ago he entered the same family circle and plucked 
    there from a tender bud, the sweet, prattling Jennie. But why murmur sine he bore her from the 
    embrace of the fond mother to the bosom of God?  And now, in taking the subject of this brief 
    notice, he has called an opening bud, the first born, to bloom, we trust, perennially, in the 
    paradise of God.  “Ras” as he was familiarly known, was a bright and lovely boy, universally 
    beloved.  How sadly missed will he be missed by his little classmates who for years have loved 
    him so tenderly.  But he will no more take his accustomed seat in the school room; no more join 
    his companions on the play ground; his bright eyes are closed in the last long sleep; gentle voice 
    hushed in death.  Dear bereaved ones!  Be consoled in thinking your darling has joined the winged 
    angels in Heaven and prepare to meet them there.
    Died, on the 2nd September, in the 44th year of her age, Lina, wife of Alman Bosworth, Stanly 
    Co., N.C.  The deceased had been for several weeks a great sufferer, but she bore her suffering 
    with Christian spirit until God in His goodness called her home to Him, where suffering is no 
    more.  She had been for several years a consistent member of the M.E. Church.  She was a 
    kind and affectionate wife, an indulgent mother and a good neighbor.  She leaves a husband, 
    seven children and a vast number of friends and relatives to mourn her loss; but their loss is her 
    eternal gain.  Requesting her relatives and friends to no mourn their loss, she san a beautiful 
    hymn and then breathed her last.  May God be with and comfort them in their sad bereavement.
    Friend after friend departs
    Who has not lost a friend?
    North Carolina Standard
    October 8, 1862
    Wilmington, N.C., 29th Sept.
    Mr. Editor:
    I have scarcely got the heart to do anything.  Our poor old city is dressed in the garb of deepest 
    mourning.  The oldest of our citizens have been slain by the “prevailing epidemic” (Yellow Fever) 
    and this place now resembles more a city of the dead than anything else.
    We have lost James S. Green, treasurer of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, a man as noble 
    a heart as ever beat; then immediately afterwards Dr. Dickson, our most eminent physician and
    today down on Wrightsville Sound we chronicle the death of Stephen Jewett Cashier of the Bank 
    of Wilmington.  In the death of these old citizens, more particularly Mr. Green and Dr. Dickson, 
    Wilmington has sustained a great loss.  Never was there so much sadness, so much mourning 
    in a place before.
    Today we see wagon loads of coffins passing by and just now the funeral of some beloved friend, 
    frequently the deaths of more than three in one family, and the announcement of twenty more 
    cases of Yellow Fever.  Dr. Chapon who has so quickly volunteered his most valuable services, 
    arrived in the city yesterday and is doing all for the suffering that medical skill can work.  He 
    has had a great deal of experience in fighting the disease and pronounced it to be the most 
    malignant form of Yellow Fever and states that the fever which has prevailed at New Orleans 
    and Charleston is no comparison to it—that it more resembles the Asiatic fever then any other 
    which is invariably fatal.  So far, when the fever has had a good hold, no one has survived.
    Today there are nearly 100 cases in the city.  It is an actual fact that some have died and laid 
    six hours before being shrouded for the reason there is no one to do it.  Everybody who could 
    has left town and today every store is closed.
    Married, on the 22nd ult., at the residence of the bride’s father in Franklin Co., by Rev. James 
    Moore, W.A. Eaton of Granville to Otelia, youngest daughter of Dr. W.T. Johnson.
    Died, on the 24th August, in the 15th year of her age, Julia, daughter of Madison and Martha 
    Sikes of Nash County, N.C.  She bore her lingering sickness with Christian fortitude and 
    resignation and before she expired expressed a firm hope of her rest in Heaven.
    Cease then fond parents, cease thy tears
    The Savior bade her come,
    To dwell with bright angelic forms
    That live to die no more.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 15, 1862
    Died, in Charlotte, at the Mansion House, on the 14th July last, Mrs. Ann Bryan, relict of the late 
    Green Bryan of Newburn, in the 75th year of her age.  She had been an acceptable member of 
    the M.E. Church for about fifty years.  She possessed a meek and quiet spirit and filled a large 
    place in the affections of her numerous friends and relatives.  Age and affliction had made in the 
    late years rapid inroads but her constitution, naturally vigorous, but her piety was still stable and 
    her Christian virtues became matured.  When Newburn was attacked she, with her friends, fled 
    the invader.  But driven from her loved home, the shock was too severe for her.  She continued to 
    decline and died at the home of her granddaughter Mrs. William P. Moore in peace.  Her children, 
    her friends, and the church mourn the loss of a mother in Israel.
    Died, at his residence near Peach Tree Grove, Nash Co., N.C., on the 5th inst., of consumption, 
    McCulloch Stone, Esq., 70 years of age.  The subject of this notice served in the War of 1812 
    and at the close of the war he returned home to his friends and relatives where he enjoyed the 
    pleasures of a quiet life until a ripe old age.  At the last General Assembly, he was appointed 
    Justice of the Peace for Nash Co., an office he held up to the time of his death.  The deceased 
    was three times married and leaves a widow and numerous friends to mourn their irreparable loss.
    Jas. Miller is among the valuable and prominent citizens who have fallen victim to the Yellow 
    Fever now raging in Wilmington. 
     Dr. John Francis Heath, a native of Petersburg, Virginia, died recently in Smithfield, N.C. of 
    Yellow Fever contracted while he was a Confederate surgeon in Wilmington.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 22, 1862
    A tribute of respect was paid at a meeting of the members of the Fellowship Lodge #84, on 
    Saturday, 13th September:  Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in His wisdom to take from 
    us our much beloved brother, Ruffin D. Atkinson, P.M. and present day S.D. who departed this 
    life on the 7th August, 1862, and leaves a widow and little children, we pay this tribute of respect.
    W.H. Avers, W.M.
    Among the deaths from Yellow Fever at Wilmington we regret to see the name of Rev. Dr. 
    Drune of the Episcopal Church of that place.  Reverend Thomas Murphy, pastor of the R.C. 
    Church of that place and Rev. Dr. Corcoran of Charleston are also confined with the disease 
    but it is believe to be of a milder type.
    Died, at the residence of his father, in Halifax Co., on the 5th Oct., Thomas Qualls, in the 17th 
    year of his age.  Thomas was a good and affectionate son, greatly beloved by all who knew him 
    and especially by his school maters and teachers.  A short time ago he was with us, bright 
    and happy, carrying joy and gladness everywhere he went.  But alas!  He is gone, never to return.  
    He leaves sorrowing parents, and a fond sister who keenly fell their loss but their loss is his 
    eternal gain.  May God be with them and comfort them in their bereavement.
    Weep not, weep not, for the lost one
    He lives in a mansion of bliss
    Where Christ is the light and the sun
    In a world much happier than this!
    Died at Wilmington of Yellow Fever on the 20th inst., Mrs. Penelope Johnston McRae, 41, 
    daughter of the late Governor Iredell of this city and wife of Griffith J. McRae, esq., of Wilmington.  
    Also, on the 18th inst., in the same place and of Yellow Fever, Eliza Ann McRae, daughter of 
    Griffith J. McRae, Esq.
    Died, at Robeson County at 9:00 on the morning of the 10th inst., at the residence of Col. T.J. 
    Morissey, Mrs. Anne Eliza Morissey, in the 30th year of her age.  She leaves behind a devoted 
    husband and three children one of whom, being an infant of but a few days old; but while 
    husband and dear children, relatives and many dear friends weep; they sorrow not as those 
    who have no hope; she being blessed with pious education, consecrated her self to God 
    some 15 years ago and with Christian meekness adorned the doctrine of God our Savior with 
    a pious walk and Godly conversation and died in the communion of the Baptist Church.
    Deaths from Yellow Fever—Today we must add to the list J.J. Kippitt who died at Wrightsville 
    Sound of Yellow Fever contracted in Wilmington and a good and brave man.  Yesterday we 
    announced the death of Dr. Hooper of the same disease.
    Died, on the 19th September, at her childhood home in Iredell County, Mrs. Tabitha Olivia 
    Anderson, wife of Dr. John Anderson of Davie County and daughter of Wilford and Dorcas 
    Turner.  A large circle of friends and kindred mourn the early loss of one of the best and 
    noblest of women.  In the bloom of life, she faded but murmured not at her fate.  We design 
    no eulogy on the dead.  Those who knew her need it not and strangers would not appreciate it.  
    We would simply inform her numerous friends that she is gone—that she died as she lived—a 
    Christian.  It would be pleasant, indeed, to speak at length of her patience in affliction, her kind 
    and pious words—those thrilling “last words”, the sunshine cheerfulness with which she 
    approached the gloomy grave; and above all the triumphant confidence with which she leaned 
    on Jesus all the while.  But that is unnecessary.  It is all embraced in this one sentence when 
    understood in its most thorough sense—she died a Christian.
    W.W. Roney
    Died, in Randolph County on the 6th (?) Oct., of diphtheria, Seronia R., daughter of John and M. 
    Walker, 7 years.  Thus has passed away a beautiful and lovely and loving little one, who was 
    matured beyond her years.  She was the sunshine and joy of her earthy home.  But in being 
    thus torn from the fond embrace of a tender mother, doting father and an affectionate brother 
    and sisters she has gone to join her little brother in Heaven.  They, hand in hand, form two of 
    the happy throng that sing around the throne.
    Weep not fond parents, dry your tears
    Your darling ones were lent, not given
    They have only gone before
    To draw you nearer to God and Heaven
    Departed this life on the 29th August last, Miss Minerva A. Burnett, Chatham County, 
    daughter of Rev. F.J. and Julia Burnett, after an illness of two weeks.  She was a worthy 
    member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and had been some years previous to her death.  
    She had just attained womanhood with fair prospects and bright anticipation of future happiness 
    and pleasure.  Society has lost one of its brightest ornaments and her associates have parted 
    with a true and valued friend.  Amiable in her disposition, the pride of an affectionate family, 
    with a character as spotless as the drifting snow, our young friend has gone down to the tomb 
    leaving an aching void in many a bleeding heart.  The night she died she said she was not 
    afraid to die but wanted to live if it was God’s will, to be a comfort to her parents in their old 
    age; if not, she was not afraid to die and burst forth in loud praises of God and the Lamb.  
    Her dying words were “sweet Jesus, sweet Jesus”.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 29, 1862
    Married, at Davie County, on the 15th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. A.D. 
    Blackwood, Lt. M.W. Page(?) of Morrisville to C.J. Clouse.
    Died, in this city on the 12th October, Isadora Pauline, 13(?) years, 21(?) days.  Died, on the 
    15th October, Elvira Haywood, two years.  Died, on the 19th October, Therese Davis, 2 years, 
    4 days.  Children of David A. and Emma Wicker.
    Died, at Granville County on the 10th inst., Mrs. Virginia J. Hunt, wife of Rev. M.J. Hunt of the 
    N.C. Conference in the 23rd(?) 25th (?) year of her age.  She had been a Christian from her 
    youth and in all the relations of her life maintained her integrity to the last.  Quiet, benevolent 
    and disinterested, she lived not for herself but for her God and those around her.  She was firm 
    in her devotions to her religious principles and practices.  When death came she was ready.  
    She leaves behind her an afflicted husband, three small children and a large circle of sorrowing
     friends who hope to meet her again.
    Departed this life in Henry Co., Va., on Tuesday morning, 23rd Sept., Mrs. Louisa M., beloved 
    wife of Dr. Jas. C. Leathers, and daughter of Col. P.P. Penn, in the 22nd year of her age.  In 
    the death of this estimable Christian lady, society has lost one of its most valuable ornaments.  
    She had been a member of the M.E. Church since 1859.  A humble and devoted Christian and 
    a bright example of our holy religion.  But never did her piety appear more attractive than during 
    her last illness.  Death had no terrors for her and when the last struggle came she exclaimed
     “all is well” and her happy spirit gently and peacefully escaped to the paradise of God.  Her 
    devoted husband, children and relatives mourn their loss deeply.
    Servant of God, well done
    Thy glorious warfare’s past
    The battle’s fought, the race is won
    And thou art crowned at last.
    Married, on the 7th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. N. Shotwell, Captain J.C. 
    Camp to Margaret A. Twitty of Rutherford County.
    Fayetteville Observer
    Monday, September 1, 1862
    Died, in this town yesterday morning, in the 19th year of her age, Mrs. Lucy E. Dailey, consort of 
    Mr. Edward C. Dailey and daughter of James F. Marsh.  She was an exemplary member of the 
    Baptist Church and died very greatly lamented by all.
    Died, in this town, Aug. 29, of erysipelas, Burrel Wilson, aged 75 years.  He was a devoted 
    husband and a kind father, a consistent member of the M.E. Church.  He leaves a large family 
    and many relatives to mourn their loss.
    Aug. 22, 1862, Mary Fletcher, wife of Rev. J. B. Martin, of the N.C. Conference, and daughter of 
    Nathaniel Clegg, Esq., of Chatham County, in her 24th year.  In early life she gave her heart to 
    God and became a member of the M.E. Church, South, which she loved and honored while she 
    lived, and in death illustrated the excellency and glory of the religion of Jesus.
    Died, in Summerville, Harnett Co., 17th Aug., Mrs. Sarah Alexander, Sr., formerly of Topsail Sound.  
    Died, on the 25th July, 1862, in Cheraw, S.C., Oliver Kollock, in his 73rd year.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 8, 1862
    Married, near Montpelier, Richmond County, Thursday evening, 28th ult., by Rev. John Monroe, 
    Captain Duncan McNell to Euphemia Livingston, all of Richmond County.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 15, 1862
    Died, on the 8th isn’t., near Reedy Branch, Moore County, of diphtheria, Mary Eliza, youngest 
    daughter of Daniel and M. McDonald.
    Died, at his residence in Johnston County of typhoid fever, on the 1st inst., Troy Eldridge, 43 years.
    Married, at the residence of the bride, near Fayetteville, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. James 
    McDaniel, F.M. Price of Duplin Co., to Miss Sibbe, youngest daughter of T.H. Massey, Esq.
    Died, in this town on Saturday last, of diphtheria, Cameron, younger son of Dr. James A. 
    McRae, in the 3rd year of his age.  He was a child of rare beauty and intelligence.
    Died, in Ashboro at the residence of her son, J.R. Bulis on the 28th ult., of paralysis, Mrs. 
    Nancy Bulla (spelled two different ways), aged about 65 years, leaving a large circle of relatives 
    and friends to mourn their loss.
    Died, in Sampson Co., at the residence of Mrs. Harriet King, on the 9th inst., Thomas Byrd, 
    about 86 years of age.  The deceased always enjoyed the respect and esteem of the community
    in which he lived.  He had been a consistent member of the Baptist church for 32 years.  The 
    Church at Piney Grove, of which he was a member, had cause to triumph in his death as he is 
    another witness to the truth of the Gospel
    Died in this county near Blookersville, on the 12th inst., of putrid sore throat, William L. Raner, 
    12 years.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 22, 1862
    Married, on the 9th inst., at Tallassee, Ala., by Rev. Mr. Mitchell, Adaline Alden to Lt. James M. 
    Simpson of the 13th Alabama Regiment.
    Married, on the 3rd inst., by F. Cooper, Esq., Daniel Faircloth of Sampson Co., to Miss Molsey 
    Fisher of Cumberland, eldest daughter of Daniel Fisher, Esq.
    Died, recently in Lower Fayetteville, Daniel J. infant son of Daniel Phillips, 4 months, 16 days.
    Died, Emma Isabella, daughter of Isaac and Eliza Long, who was born May 5, 1849 and died, at 
    her father’s residence in Pittsborough, N.C. August 30, 1862.
    Died, in this town on yesterday evening, George B. son of William McK. And Grace Lumsden, 
    aged 11 years, 27 days.
    Died, on the 18th inst., in this county at the residence of D. McDiarmid, Esq., Annie Wright, 
    infant daughter of Wright and Annie V. Huske, aged 22 months.
    As the sweet flower that scents the morn
    But withers in the rising day
    Thus lovely was the infant’s dawn
    Thus swiftly fled its life away.
    Died, at the residence of Captain Jesse K. Kyle in this vicinity on the 18th inst., of typhoid fever, 
    Thomas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Bullock of Virginia.
    Died, in this county on the 28th August, Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, relict of the late Daniel Baker, 
    in the 83rd year of her age.  She had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for 54 
    Died, Sept. 3rd, David, aged four years and five months and twenty one days and Sept. 16, 
    Catherine Rebecca, aged eight years, nine months and twenty three days, children of Robert 
    and Mary Register.
    Died, in Wilmington on Tuesday night last, Walker, infant son of Walker and Ann Claypoole 
    Meares, aged eleven months.
    Died, on the 2nd Sept., in the 44th year of her age, Lena, wife of Alman Bosworth of Stanly 
    County, N.C.  The deceased had been for several weeks a great sufferer, but she bore her 
    sufferings with a Christian spirit until God, in His goodness, called her home to Him where 
    suffering is no more.  She had been for several years a consistent member of the Methodist 
    Church.  She was a kind and affectionate wife, an indulgent mother, and a good neighbor.  
    She leaves a husband, seven children and a vast number of relatives and friends to mourn her 
    loss; but their loss is her eternal gain.  Requesting her relatives and friends not to mourn their 
    loss she sang a beautiful hymn and then breathed her last.  May God be with and comfort 
    them in their sad bereavement.
    Friend after friend departs
    Who has not lost a friend?
    A Friend
    Died, at his summer residence in this vicinity, this morning, John D. Starr, Esq., president of the 
    Bank of Fayetteville, in the 62nd year of his age.  Mr. Starr was a native of Connecticut, but had 
    resided here for about forty years.  For most of that time he was a highly respectable merchant 
    and for 13 years the president of the Bank of Fayetteville, to which he was elected by the 
    stockholders on the organization of the institution.  He was a man of strong mind and retentive 
    memory, conducting an extensive business, public and private, for many years, with marked 
    capacity and integrity.
    Died, near Owenville, Sampson County, N.C. on the 19th Sept., Thomas Almond, son of J.R. 
    and Jane Harris, aged 3 months 20 days.  The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
    Wherefore should I make any moan
    Now the darling child is dead?
    He to early rest is gone
    He to paradise is fled.
    I shall go to him, but he
    Never shall return to me.
    God forbids his longer stay;
    God recalls the precious loan;
    God hath taken him away
    From my bosom to his own.
    Surely what He wills is best;
    Happy in his will I rest.
    Died, in Wilmington on the 22nd inst., Jeremiah Lippitt, 20.
    Died, in Wilmington, on the 23rd inst., Mrs. Mary A. Shelley, aged 57.  On the 24th, Mrs. John 
    Hilsinger.  Also, Mrs. Lydia A. Bailey, 48.
    Died, very suddenly on the 19th July, in Alamance, in the 42nd year of her age, Mrs. Mary 
    Maria Crutchfield, wife of Rev. E. Crutchfield.
    Died, about the same hour of the same day, Jas. A. Crutchfield, son of Rev. E. Crutchfield, in 
    the city of Richmond of a wound received on Tuesday 1st July in the battle of that day, before 
    Richmond.  He expired in the arms of his agonized father, exulting in the hope of a glorious 
    immortality.  He was in the 22nd year of his age.
    Died, in Cabarrus Co., recently, Dr. James McEachen, aged 26 years.
    Married, in St. Stephens’ Church, Goldsborough, on the 25th inst., by Rev. F.W. Hilliard, Rev. 
    William C. Hunter, Rector of the Parish, to Miss Ann S., youngest daughter of the late James 
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Moore County, on the 4th inst., by William B. 
    Richardson, Esq., William Rily Muse to Martha, daughter of Samuel and Nancy McIntosh, all 
    of Moore County.
    Died, in this town on Friday last, of an affection of the (word illegible), Emma, only daughter of 
    A.H. Delaney, aged 14 years.
    Died, in Wilmington on the 24th inst., of consumption, Mrs. Harriett, wife of William Sutton, 
    aged 47 years; Mrs. Barbary, widow of the late William A. Heyer, aged about 25 years; and 
    on Friday night, of yellow fever, Louis B. Erambert, aged 29.
    Died, in Chatham Co., on the 19th inst., Joseph Walter, eldest so of Daniel W. and Martha A. 
    Riddle, aged 2 years, 6 months and 15 days.
    Hope looks beyond the bounds of time
    When, what we now deplore
    Shall rise in full immortal prime
    And bloom to fade no more.
    Died, at the residence of her husband, on Buck Horn, Chatham Co., Aug. 18, Mrs. Elizabeth 
    Perkins.  She had been for many years a consistent member of the M.E. Church, South.
    Died, at Cardenas, Aug. 30, on board the C.S. Str. Florida of Yellow Fever, John Laurens Read, 
    in the 19th year of his age.
    It is our unpleasant duty to announce that a case of yellow fever, originated in or near Wilmington, 
    terminated fatally in Lower Fayetteville on Saturday last.  The unfortunate subject was James 
    Madison Worth, son of Dr. John M. Worth of Randolph Co.  Young Worth had been in 
    Wilmington until within a few days of his attack, which occurred on Saturday 20th inst.  He 
    spent those few days at the Sound.  On Monday, the 22nd he was quite ill, on Tuesday 
    started for this place in one of the boats; arrived on Wednesday and died on Saturday, of the 
    symptoms of yellow fever having been developed on Friday.
    We learn that William C. Bettancourt, Esq., of Wilmington, died of yellow fever a few days ago 
    at Clinton.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 6, 1862
    Married, on the 30th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J.W. Tucker, Lt. B. 
    Rush of C.S.A. to Annie Johnson.
    Died, in this vicinity, on Friday last, Sallie Elizabeth, daughter of William H. and Mary Carver, 
    9 years, 4 months and 3 days.
    Died, in this county on the 28th day of May last, Charles Harris, a native of Scotland, aged 
    about 80 years.
    Died, in Chatham Co., on the 15th ult., Kate Anna, daughter of A.G. and M.E. Headen, 
    4 years, 2 months and 10 days.  Little Kate was a very sprightly and interesting child; being 
    too good for earth, she has gone to Heaven.
    Died, at Morritt’s Mills, Randolph Co., 21st Aug., of diphtheria, Nancy Elizabeth, second 
    daughter of H.T. and Martha Ann Moffitt, aged about four years.  Also near the same place, 
    of diphtheria, on the 23rd Aug., Emma Florence, infant and only daughter of Dr. S.J. and 
    Mary Ann Moffitt, aged 17 months and 5 days.  Emma and Lizzie are gone to Heaven.
    Died, in Montgomery County, Sept. 23, of sore throat, Henry Frontis, son of John A. and 
    Nancy Yarbrough, aged 3 years, 3 months and 2 days.  He leaves large circle of friends to  
    mourn the loss of a lovely child to all that knew him.
    Alas! How changed that lovely flower
    Which bloomed and cheered my heart;
    Fair fleeting comfort of an hour
    How soon we’re called to part.
    A Friend
    Died, at his father’s residence in Montgomery Co., on the 23rd Sept., Julius Montgomery Carter, 
    son of Lt. W.M. and Martha Carter, in the 9th year of his age.  Thus was blighted in the bud a 
    flower of unusual promise.  Torn from the embrace of his mother in the absence of his father, 
    gone to battle for his country.  His death is a stroke which more than usual demands the 
    sympathy of friends, weighing as it does on the mother in her loneliness and bringing a bitter 
    pang to the heart of the father, far away amid the unsympathizing turmoil of camp. They indeed 
    shall go to Him but he shall not return to them.
    Camp French, Sept. 27, 1862
    Died, in Harnett Co., on Oct. 2 of inflammation of the brain, James Edgar, son of H. and EE. 
    Matthews, aged two years.
    We miss thee from the band so dear
    That gathers round our hearth
    We listen still thy voice to hear
    Amid our household mirth—
    We gaze upon the vacant chair
    Thy form we seem to see
    We start to find thou art not there
    Yet joy that thou art free.
    Died, in Harnett Co., on the 30th ult., James Evander, son of James A. and Mary A. Johnson, 
    aged 8 years 7 months.
    Died, in Raleigh, on the 28th ult., Major N.F. Nixon of New Hanover Co., aged 45.
    Died, in Sampson Co., on the 25th Aug., Mrs. Mary, wife of James Vann, Jr., aged 30.
    Died, near Wilmington on the 24th inst., of bilious fever, Edward McPherson, formerly of 
    Fayetteville, in the 37th year of his age.
    Died, in Wilmington:
    On the 27th ult., Hattie L. Spotten, aged 11, daughter of W.H. DeNenle(?).
    On the 29th ult., William H. Pratt, druggist, aged 27
    On the 30th, William Hyde, aged 26.
    Also, Mr. Joseph Durnin, aged 25, chief telegraph operator
    On the 29th, Mrs. Mary A., wife of Thomas Southmayd(?), aged 35
    On the 30th, John McCormick, eldest son of Jas. McCormick, aged 10
    On the 1st inst., Miss Sarah E. daughter of John K. Currie, aged 15.
    On the 2nd inst., D.S. Pemberton, clerk of the firm Messrs. Cox, Kendall & Co.
    On the 1st inst., Harriett S., daughter of the late Eli V. Kelley, 15 years, 1 month
    On September 30, Luther Bright, infant son of Julia E. Herring, 2 years, 7 months
    On the 29th ult., George Clarke, son Benjamin and Virginia Murphy, aged 8
    On the 2nd inst., Cyrus Stone, son of G.O. and Abby VanAmringe, 26.
    On the 1st inst., Willie, son of John H. and Alice Thompson, aged 6 years, 5 months, 6 days.
    On September 27, Isaac W. Hawkins, 44.
    On the 3rd inst., Mrs. Martha Ann Guthrie, aged 26.
    Died, in this vicinity on the 30th ult., M. Newholf, from Wilmington, N.C. aged 41.
    Died, in Wilmington on the 27th ult., Mrs. Julia B., wife of Capt. B.G. Bates, formerly of 
    Springfield, Mass.  On the 28th ult., Dr. Jas. H. Dickson, of yellow fever.  Also on the 27th ult., 
    Jas. S. Green, Esq., Treasurer of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Co.  Also on the 27th ult., 
    Margaretta F., daughter of John G. Beauman, aged 7.
    Died, on Wrightsville Sound, of yellow fever, on the 38th ult., Mr. Stephen Jewett, cashier of the 
    Bank of Wilmington.
    Died, in Rockingham, Richmond Co., on the 22nd ult., John Leak, infant son of Robert L. and 
    H.P. Steele.
    Died, at Matagorda, Texas, Aurelius C. Jones, about 21 years of age.  He entered the freshman 
    class at the University of North Carolina and was in the senior class when the war broke out and 
    with  many of the students, volunteered in the ranks under Capt. R.S. Ashe. He was appointed 
    by Gen. D.H. Hill after the Battle of Bethel, Provost Marshall of Yorktown.  When the First 
    Regiment was disbanded, Gen. Hill sent him by mail an exceedingly complimentary letter, 
    recommending him as a good soldier, a scholar and a gentleman.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 13, 1862
    Married, on the 21st August, near Laurel Hill, by Rev. D. Johnson, Daniel W. Middleton to Kate 
    Died, in Robeson Cty., on Thursday, 25th ult., at the residence of his son, John C. McEachern, 
    Malcolm McEachern, in the 80th year of his age.
    Died, in Robeson  County on the 21st ult., in the 22nd year of his age, Angus, son of Lauchlin 
    Died, in Rowan County, Sept. 30, in the 22nd year of her age, Mrs. Christian Elizabeth 
    McKenzie, daughter of Allen McCaskill of Moore County.
    Died, in Robeson County on the 9th ult., Mr. N.R. McLeod, aged about 60 years.
    Died, on the 1st inst., Miss Bettie Ashe, daughter of Dr. E. F. Ashe
    Died, on Wrightsville Sound, on the 1st int., Mrs. Mary Jane Freshwater, widow of the late 
    Thomas Freshwater, aged about 55 years.
    Died, in Wilmington on the 3rd inst., of the prevailing sickness, Mr. David Smith.  He was a 
    kind husband and an affectionate father.  He leaves a wife and two children.  We hope their 
    loss is his eternal gain.  The Lord will be a father to the widow and orphans.
    Also on the 3rd inst., of yellow fever, Mrs. Mary Jane, wife of Daniel Driscoll, aged 25 years, 
    8 months and 18 days.  She leaves a husband and three small children to mourn her death.
    Died, on the 7th inst., of yellow fever, Mrs. Ann Powers, aged about 38 years.
    Died, in Wilmington on the 6th inst., James Burr McHenry, infant and only child of J. and C. 
    McCormick, aged 8 weeks.
    Yellow Fever at Wilmington:  Among the deaths yesterday was that of Col. James T. Miller, 
    Collector of the Port of Wilmington, and Chairman of the County Court of New Hanover Co.  
    We have lost many good and useful men by the epidemic raging and desolating our town but 
    we question in the loss of any many will be felt more deeply that that of Col. Miller.  For more 
    than twenty years he had presided over our County Court as its chairman, discharging the duties 
    of his position in a manner that justly entitles him to be regarded as a noble magistrate.  At 
    different times he represented New Hanover in the legislature.  We were also pained to hear 
    yesterday of the death of John Lewis, aged 29 years, 8 months.  Mr. Lewis was one of our 
    promising young men and makes the third druggist who has fallen a victim to the Yellow Fever. 
    Wilmington Journal, 8th 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 20, 1862
    Married, at the M.E. Church, in this place on the 9th inst., by Rev. J.J. Prather, James F. 
    Woodward and Mrs. Miriam P. Frizell.
    Died, in Robeson Co., at 9:30 in the morning on the 10th inst., at his residence, Mrs. Ann Eliza 
    Morrisey, wife of Col. T.J. Morisey, eldest daughter of Hon. Alfred Dockery, in the 30th year of 
    her age. She leaves behind her a devoted husband and three children, one of whom being an 
    infant of but a few days old.  But while husband and children, relatives and friends do weep, 
    they sorrow not as others who have no hope.  
    Died, in Bladen Co., on the 11th inst., of diphtheria, Eugenia L., in the 7th year of her age, 
    youngest daughter of Capt. W.J. Tolar of the C.S.A.
    Died, in Chatham Co., on the 6th August, of sore throat, Louis J. McManus, son of David 
    McManus, Esq., in the 17th year of his age.
    Died, in Robeson Co., 8th inst., of diphtheria, Robert French, son Dr. S.B. and Mary A. Rozier, 
    aged 1 year, 6 months, and 29 days.
    Died, in Chatham Co., 29th Aug., Miss Minerva A. Burnett, daughter Rev. F.J. and Julia Burnett, 
    after an illness of two weeks.  She was a worthy member of the M.E. Church for some years.  
    She had just attained womanhood with fair prospects and bright anticipation of future happiness 
    and pleasure.  
    Died, in Columbus Co., 3rd inst., Mary McIntosh, infant daughter of Major W.H. and S.E. Toon, 
    aged 10 months, 12 days. 
    Died, at Harrisonburg, Va., on the 3rd inst., of paralysis, General A.J. Stafford of  Winston, 
    Clerk of the County Court of Forsythe Co., who was on a visit to his son in the army.
    Married, in this county on Carver’s Creek, on the 22nd inst., by Rev. James McDaniel, Lt. (first
    initial illegible) R. Bree(?) of the C.S.A. to Miss Annie E. Hargrove, youngest daughter of the late 
    Carr Hargrove.
    Married, on the 9th inst., near Laurenburg(?), by Rev. Daniel Johnson, Capt. D.M. MaLaurin, 
    Captain of the Scotch Boys, Co. F, 18th Regiment N.C.T. to Eliza J. Fairly, eldest daughter 
    of John L. Fairly, deceased.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 27, 1862
    Died, in Wilmington of yellow fever, Mr. Archibald M. Burch, aged about 28 years.  On the 4th 
    inst., of yellow fever, James H. Barnes, aged 11 years.  On the 20th inst., of yellow fever, 
    William Barnes, aged 8 years, 2 months.  On Oct. 19, William Dufsberry, a native of Richmond, 
    Va.  On the 20th inst., Miss Henrietta Urquhart, aged 64 (or 61) years.  On the 17th inst., of 
    yellow fever, John S. Farrow, aged 32 years, leaving a wife and 8 children to mourn his loss.  
    On the 9th inst., of dropsy, Francis Calinto, aged 22.  On the 19th inst., of yellow fever, Mrs. 
    Sarah Capps, wife of Thomas J. Capps, aged 30 years.
    Died, in Marion, Ala., on the 23rd, Mrs. Ann M. Kelly, wife of Angus R. Kelly, aged 30 years.  
    The deceased was a native of Robeson Co., N.C. but subsequently spent several years of her 
    life in Carthage, where she won by her life and Christian character the respect and love of all 
    who knew her.  
    Died, in Richmond Co., on the 11th inst., of sore throat, Lucian A., youngest son of Salomon 
    and Naomi Townsend, aged 14 years.  Also, on the 13th (?) inst., of sore throat, James 
    Benjamin, youngest son of W.P.(?) and Laura Jane Townsend, aged 2 years, 4 months and 
    22 days.
    Died, near Pekin, Montgomery Co., Oct. 12(?), Mary Elizabeth, youngest daughter of James 
    and Leasey Meacham, aged 4 years, 10 months, and 5 days.  She was the pleasure of our days.
    Married, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. J.P. McPherson, Neill A. McNair and Sarah Shaw, both of 
    Richmond Co.
    Married, near Melvinsville, Bladen Co., on the 19th inst., by elder Hugh McMinn, John H. Tatom 
    to Mrs. Ann C. McDonald, eldest daughter of Malcolm Monroe, Esq.
    Married, on the 15th inst., in Newberry, S.C., by the Rev. Dr. Brantly, at his residence, John B. 
    Carwile to Kate T., daughter of the late Jesse Birdsall of this town.
    Died, in Wilmington of yellow fever on the 21st inst., Captain Robert M. Lain, aged about 27.  
    On the 20th inst., of yellow fever, Mrs. Margaret J. Sullivan, wife of Frederick Sullivan, aged 41.   
    Died, on the 21st inst., of yellow fever, George Steininger, a native of Germany, aged 36.  On 
    the 26th, Mrs. Elizabeth Dicksey, aged 38.  On the 22nd, Miss Zilpha Whitlidge, daughter of 
    John Whitlidge, aged 34; also Mr. William Edens, aged 49.  On the 1st, Miss Mary Ann 
    Harderson, aged 28.  On the 19th, Mrs. Omey Dickinson, wife of Mr. T. C. Dickinson, in her 
    26th year.  On the 21st, Mrs. Mary Jane Gordon, aged 52 years.  On the 23rd, of yellow fever, 
    Benjamin Lawton, a native of England, aged 75; also Eliza Wood, daughter of Harry Wood, 
    aged 12 years, 6 months and 4 days; also James Skipper, aged 25; also Mrs. Abigail Simpson, 
    relict of the late Robert Simpson, in her 52nd year.  On the 24th of yellow fever, W.G. Milligan, 
    aged about 31 years.
    In Wilmington on the 22nd Oct., of yellow fever, Captain John Banks, about 57.  Deceased as a 
    native of Scotland, but for nearly thirty years a resident of Wilmington.
    In Duplin Co., on the 14th inst., of yellow fever, contracted in Wilmington, Charles B. Morris, 
    aged about 19 years.
    Near Lumber Ridge, Robeson Co., on the 10th inst., George Robeson Johnson, only child of 
    W.J.J. and Ann Johnson, aged 2 years, 8 months and 10 days.
    In Chatham Co., Louis J. McManus, eldest son of David McManus, aged 17 years, 7 months; 
    also David S. McManus, second son of David McManus, of putrid sore throat.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer July 2007

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