These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 3, 1861 We are pained to learn that two little boys, sons of J.M. Whitley, Esq. of Johnston Co., were drowned last week in the Neuse River. They were induced to go off bathing on Sunday by other boys without the knowledge of their parents and thus their end. Married, on the 26th (?) 28th (?) ult., at the regiment of the bride’s father, by Rev. Dr. Smedes, Henry W. Miller, Jr., of Raleigh to Lizzie D., daughter of Maj. William F. Collins of Granville County. Died, at his residence in Winston on Tuesday, 20th ult., John A. Anderson, Esq., in the 76th year of his age. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 10, 1861 Married, on Tuesday, 18th ult., at her father’s residence, in Rutherfordton, by Rev. a. Shotwell, Mr. William D. Jones to Miss Mary Virginia daughter of General Edmund Bryan. Died, in this city on Sunday last, Macoy Foy, son of W.H. and M.C. Jones, aged 8 months, 27 days. Married, at Salisbury on the 3rd inst., by Rev. J. Rumple, S.H. Wiley to Miss Mirian, daughter of William Murdock. Married at Locust Grove, Harnett Co., at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 20th ult., by Rev. D.D. McBryde, Mr. S.R. Caneday(?) of Granville Co. to Miss Martha M., daughter of Jno. C. Williams, Esq. Died, in this city on Sunday last, Wesley Whitaker, Sr., in the 74th year of his age. He was one of the oldest citizens and had been a child of affliction for many years. He had been a member of the Methodist Church for nearly sixty years and illustrated his profession by a consistent and circumspect life. The conflict is over with him and he sleeps in Jesus. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 1, 1861 Married, near Fayetteville, on Monday morning, June 24, by Rev. J.M. Sherwood, Joseph A. McArthur to Elizabeth M. McPherson, daughter of Alexander McPherson, all of this county. Married, in Bladen Co., on the 12th inst., by Rev. Mr. McDonald, Mr. Matthew Byrne to Miss Almira T., daughter of T.D. Love. Died, at his residence on Sunday, 23rd inst., near Carthage, in Moore Co., Charles C. Muse, after a long and painful disease of the brain, for 18 months, aged 38. He leaves his friends to mourn his death. For several years previous to his death he lived a faithful member of the Methodist Church until his health declined and his mind got delirious. Died, in Columbus co., on the 14th inst. Mrs. Martha Stubbs, wife of Wm. Stubbs, in the 79th year of her age. She was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for a number of years. Died, in Bladen Co., on the 8th inst., Isabella McLeod, aged 59 years and 28 days. Died, in Moore Co., on the 16th May, Daniel Patterson, at the advanced age of 86 years. Mr. Patterson was a ruling elder of Bethesda Church for many years. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 8, 1861 Married, at Locust Grove, Harnett Co., the residence of the bride’s father, on the 20th ult., by Rev. D.D. McBryde, S.H. Canaday of Granville Co., to Martha K., daughter of Jno. C. Williams, Esq. Married, at Asheboro’, on the 22nd May last by Rev. Dr. Colton, Mr. A.C. McAlister of Bladen Co. to Miss Addie C. Worth, daughter of Dr. J.M. Worth of Asheboro’. Married, on the 29th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Dr. Smedes, Henry W. Miller, Jr., of Raleigh to Miss Lizzie D., daughter of Major. Wm. F. Collins of Granville Co. Died, in this town on Monday evening last at a very advanced age, Mrs. Betsey Allen. A woman of rare worth, gifted with exceeding kindness of heart, mingling unaffected meekness with expansive benevolence, and withal exhibiting an utter abrogation of self in her relations with the world, she has illustrated a life of active usefulness in our midst and at a ripe old age passed away in the full faith of a better, brighter and happier existence. R. Died, in Wilmington on the 1st inst., Paul Cameron, infant son of Joshua G., and Mary A. Wright, aged 18 months. Died, in Statesville on June 24, Willie Lawrens, infant child of Rev. Willis L. and Mary A. Miller Died, in Salisbury, on the 27th June, in the 5th year of her age, Ann Ferrand, youngest child of the late Rev. John Haywood Parker. Died, in Sampson Co., on the 26th May, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Dicy Herring, aged 82 years and 2 months. Married, in Salisbury, on the 24th inst., by Rev. J. Rumple, S.H. Wiley to Miriam, daughter of Wm. Murdoch. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 15, 1861 Married, in Wilmington, on the 6th inst., by Rev. T.W. Guthrie, Wm. J. Houston of Duplin to Sarah H., daughter of Oliver L. Kelley, Esq., deceased. Married, near Buffalo, Moore Co., on the 3rd inst., by D.E. McIver, Esq., John W. McIver to Miss Flora C. McPherson. Died, in this vicinity on the 7th July, Mrs. Ann Peters, long a respectable member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in this town, aged 75(?) years. Died, in Cheraw, S.C., on the 28th (?) ult., after an illness of six days, Francis Augustus, infant son of James T. and Mary A. Powell, aged one year, two months and two days. Died, in Harnett Co., N.C., on the 13th (?) ult., Archibald N. Johnson, aged 26. Died, in Moore Co., on the 31st May, Amie McDonald, aged 49. Married, in Bath Co., Va., on the 10th inst., by Rev. Jas. M. Rice, James E. Williams, of Wilmington, N.C., to Mary Ann, daughter of Dr. John T. Austin, deceased, of Carroll Co., Missouri. Died, very suddenly, in Raleigh, on Thursday night, Mrs. McKimmon, wife of Jas. McKimmon, Esq. Died, at his father’s residence near Opelousa, Louisiana, on the 24th ult., David C. Swayze, aged 18 years, the second son of Hon. C.L. Swayze. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 22, 1861 Died, on Saturday last, at the residence of S.J. Hinsdale, Laura, daughter of Gen. Theophilus H. Holmes, aged 16 months. Died, at the residence of Wm. W. Faison, in Duplin Co., on the 11th inst., of paralysis, Mrs. Susannah Oates, in the 77th year of her age. Died, at Newbern, on the 17th inst., of consumption, George S. Stevenson, Esq., a prominent member of the bar in that place, leaving a wife and several children. Died, in Yadkin Co., on the 7th inst., of apoplexy, James S. Grant, in the 45th year of his age. Departed this life, Sabbath the 7th inst., of typhoid fever, Mrs. Susan M. Clifton, consort of G.O. Clifton (eldest son of Rev. J.L. Clifton), leaving a bereaved husband and four little children (one at her breast) to mourn their irreparable loss. The subject of this notice was born Jan. 9, 1836; she was married Jan. 25, 1853; she was baptized Aug. 21, 1853; and from that time up to her death she lived a Christian life. During her sickness she was patient and bore her affliction with fortitude and resignation. A few minutes before her death she called her husband to her and gave him some directions about her children, and told him she had the evidence she would be happy and then she calmly went to sleep in the arms of death. Why should we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death’s alarms; ‘Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 17, 1862 Married, at Wilmington on the 6th inst., by Rev. T.W. Guthrie, Mr. William J. Houston(?) of Duplin to Miss Sarah H., daughter of Oliver L. Kelley, Esq., deceased. Died, very suddenly, in this city, on Thursday night, Mrs. McKimmer, wife of Jas. McKimmer, Esq. Her death is deeply lamented. Married, on the 18th (?) June, by Rev. N. Shotwell, Mr. William D. Jures(?) to Miss Mary, daughter of George E. Bryan of Rutherfordton. Married, on the 3rd July by the same, Lt. A.H. Shotwell, son of the officiating clergyman, to Miss Jane E., daughter of the late John McEntire, M.D., all of Rutherfordton. We regret to have to announce the death of William Boylan, Esq., of this city. He expired at his residence on Monday evening last in the (age illegible) year of his age. Mr. Boylan was one of the oldest and most useful and respected citizens. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 22, 1861 Married, at Manchester, on the 11th inst., by Rev. G.A. Russell, Rev. David Fairley and Janie, daughter of the late Rev. Alex. McIver. Married, in Sampson Co., on the 9th July, at the residence of Luke A Powell, Esq., Isham Royal, Esq., Henry E. Smith to Anna Powell, all of Sampson. Died, in Cumberland Co., on the 10th ult., John McDuffie, aged 87 North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 24, 1861 We regret to learn that George S. Stevenson, Esq., of Newbern, died last week. He has been in bad health for some time. He was a prominent member of the bar and a useful citizen. Died, on the 16th inst., at his residence in Wake Forest, N.C., William Crenshaw, Esq., a most worthy and respected citizen of Wake County, in the 78th year of his age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 29, 1861 Died, in this place at the residence of Dr. B.W. Robinson, yesterday morning, about 8:00, Oliver Pearce Stark, of the firm Stark and Pearce, in the 75th year of his age. He was one of our oldest merchants. He was born in the Co. of Duchess, N.Y. and emigrated to this place about the year 1810. He has been very extensively engaged in business, and always maintained the character of a just and upright man. He was for years a consistent communicant of the Episcopal Church and died in that faith, and we may well indulge the hope that his sufferings ended in the “reasonable, religious and holy hope” in which he lived and died. His latter days have been smoothed by a devotion and kindness, which all who know the fact cannot but admit and which will surely reap a rich reward. He was universally esteemed. He has led for years a blameless life and will be regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends. Died in this place on the morning of the 23rd inst., George Irving, infant son of Thomas J. and A.E. Jordan, aged 11 months and 10 days. Died, at Mary’s Garden, in this county, on the 22nd inst., John David, infant son of Hiram and F.C. Vickers, aged 15 months and 17 days. Died, at Laurinburg, July 17, Catherine Downy, infant daughter of Neill A. and Christian D. Currie, aged 7 months, 22 days. Died, in Harnett co., at 3:30 yesterday morning, Mrs. Sarah E.Smith, wife of Farquhard Smith, Esq. She was born Nov. 14, 1805. Died, in Orange Co., on the 23rd inst., Gen. Joseph Allison, formerly a member of the legislature, and subsequently Clerk of the County Court of Orange. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 31, 1861 Married, on the 24th inst., at the Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, William Van Wyck of Pendleton, S.C. to Miss Mary, youngest daughter of Hon. W.H. Bultie(?) Battle(?) Died, at his residence in this city at about 4:00 yesterday morning, General Joseph Allison, a well known and highly esteemed citizen. He was many times elected to represent the county in the legislature and was eight years clerk of the county court. He declined re-election on account of feeble health with which he continued to be painfully afflicted to the end of his life. Died, in Wake County on the 29th ult., Harrison Rand. Died, in Johnston county on the 25th July, of typhoid fever, William H. Tomlinson. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Aug. 6, 1861 Married, 24th July, at the Chapel of the Cross, in Chapel Hill, by Rev. F.S. Hilliard, Wm. Van Wyck, Jr., of Pendleton, N.C. to Mary, youngest daughter of Hon. Wm. H. Battle. Died, this morning, Wm. A., infant son of Samuel and D. Steel Died, in Wilmington on Friday last, Dr. R.S. Thomas, in the 68th year of his age. Died, in Wilmington on the 30th July, of inflammation of the bowels, Thomas Cowan, Jr., fourth son of the late Robert H. Cowan, aged 21 years, 1 months and 17 days. Died, in Robeson Co., at the residence of Mrs. Nancy Regan on the 23rd July, of typhoid fever, little Jimmie Salter, son of John T. and Huldah Melvin of Bladen Co., aged 10 months and 13 days. Died, in Raleigh, after a lingering illness, on the 20th ult., Mrs. Susan A. Cosby, wife of Dr. Howard Z. Cosby, and daughter of the late Dr. D. Caldwell, in the 38th year of her age. Died, in Wake Co., on the 29th July, Mr. Harrison Rand. Died, in Johnston Co., on the 26th July, of typhoid fever, Wm. H. Tomlinson. Died, in Duplin co., on the 30th inst., of typhoid fever, Ann Eliza, third daughter of Dr. Jas. G. Dickson. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 7, 1861 Died, in this county on the 29th ult., after a long and painful illness, Harrison Rand, in the 63rd year of his age. He was frank and unaffected in his manner, an affectionate husband and in indulgent father. He bore his affliction with Christian fortitude and died in the hope of a better world. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 12, 1861 Married, on the 31st July, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Bladen Co., by Rev. Colin Shaw, James A. Marsh, of Asheboro’ and Carrie A., daughter of J.W. Russ, Esq. Married, on the 23rd ult., by Rev. J.A. Cousar, J.D. Mulinix of Randolph Co., N.C., to Nancy McLucas of Marlborough District, S.C. Died, in Harnett co., on the 27th ult., James W. McAlister, aged 47 years, 3 months and 19 days. Died, in Duplin co., on the 30th July, Needham Bryan, in the 72nd year of his age. Died, on the 21st ult., in Johnston Co., Isaac H. Williams, son of Major Nathan Williams, in the 31st year of his age. Died, in Montgomery Co., Ga., on the 25th June, in the 68th year of her age, Mrs. Catharine McQuaig, wire of John McQuaig. The deceased was born in Robeson Co., N.C. Married, in Montgomery Co., on the 6th July, by J.S. Revell, Col. Z.F. Rush, of Randolph Co., to Miss C.H. Davis daughter of Eli Davis. Married, in Olin, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. W.H. Bobbitt, A.H. Merritt of Chatham to S.E. Purvis, daughter of the late Rev. James Purvis. Died, in the upper end of Richmond Co., on the 28th June, Mrs. Elizabeth Dumas, in the 89th year of her age. She was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for the last 45 years. Died, on the 29th July in Chatham Co., after an illness of nine days, Sallie J. Burnett, daughter of Rev. J.F. and Julia Burnett, in the 19th year of her age. Died, in Marlboro’ District, S.C., on the 23rd ult., Mrs. M. Susan Lucas, the youngest daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Jones. She was born in Granville Co., N.C., November 9, 1825. On the 15th April, 1851, she was united in marriage to Mr. H.G. Lucas. Endowed by her Creator with more than ordinary intellect, of a kind and generous nature, her amiable qualities and social disposition endeared her to all who knew her. But above all she was a Christian. At the age of 14 she gave her youthful heart to the service of Christ. And to the day of her death, her life was consistent, adorning the doctrines of the gospel. She died a beloved member of the Brownsville Baptist Church, in the yard of which, by her own request, her precious dust now sleeps beneath the ever watchful eye of the Savior she loved. Died, in Chatham Co., on the 24th July, Mary Dixon, consort of Joseph Dixon, aged 60 years. She was an affectionate wife, a kind and tender mother; and leaves a husband and five children. But while they with all their friends sorrow because they see her face no more, they have the cheering consolation to know that she is not dead, but gone to that rest that remaineth for the people of God. She was a consistent member of the Society of Friends. Died, on the 24th June ult., in the 24th year of her age, at the residence of her father in Philadelphia, Mecklinburg Co., Miss Cynthia Rocinda Pharr, second daughter of Rev. H.N. and A.D. Pharr. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 14, 1861 Married, in Plymouth, N.C. on the 5th inst., by Rev. Joseph Wheeler, Dr. William Hunter of Enfield to Miss Jane W., daughter of Dr. J.W. Bell. Married, in this city, on the 6th inst., by M.H. Brown, Esq., William Carter (Carier?) to Miss Arenn(?) Arem(?) Goodwin, all of this county. Died, at Chatham County on the 24th July, Mary Dixon, consort of Joseph Dixon, aged 60 years. She was an affectionate wife, a kind and tender mother and leaves a husband and five children. Died, at Washington of typhoid fever on Saturday night at midnight on the 3rd inst., Mrs. Laura M. Long, consort of Dr. J.F. Long, in the 23rd year of her age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 19, 1861 Died, in this vicinity, yesterday, the Rev. George McNeill, senior editor of the North Carolina Presbyterian. Died, in this vicinity, last evening, 18th inst., of consumption, Mrs. Nancy Jane Plummer, aged 22. The funeral will take place this afternoon at the Methodist Church, the public being invited to attend. Died, in Moore Co., on the 11th inst., Hiram Deaton, aged 54 years, 8 months. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn their loss. Died, in Wilmington on the 16th inst., Mrs. Mary Ann Brown, aged 79 years. Died, near Kenansville, Duplin Co., on the 1st inst., Miss Margaret Williams, in the 90th year of her age. Died, at the residence of Nathan A. Stedman, Esq., in this vicinity, on the 8th inst., Florence McAlpin, infant and only child of Wm. H. and Margaret W. Bernard, aged 11 months and 4 days. Died, in Cumberland Co., on the evening of the 29th July, Mrs. Martha Johnson, wife of Taylor Johnson, aged 47 years, 3 months and 12 days. Mrs. Johnson was a true, devoted Christian; she leaves a husband and twelve children to mourn their irreparable loss. Died, in Duplin Co., on the 8th inst., Mrs. Theresa L. Swinson, aged about 35 years. Died, in Kinston, Lenoir Co., on the 1st inst., Mrs. Mary Washington, consort of John E. Washington, Esq. Died, in the vicinity of Hillsborough on the 6th inst., Mrs. Rebecca C., wife of John D. Cameron, and daughter of F.N. Waddell, Esq., in the 35thyear of her age. Died, in Orange Co., on the 3rd July, Mr. Andrew Borland, in the 73rd year of his age. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 21, 1861 We regret to learn that Rev. George McNeil, one of the editors of the Fayetteville Presbyterian, died in that place on Sunday last. Married, in Chatham County on Wednesday, 14th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. William P. Taylor, Benjamin G. L - - - beth and Elizabeth Bynum, eldest daughter of Turner Bynum, Esq. Married, in Olin, N.C., on the 25th inst., by Rev. W.H. Babbett, A.H. Merritt of Chatham Co., to Miss S.E. Purvis, daughter of the late Rev. James Purvis. Died, in this city on the 3rd inst., Mr. E. (Eleazor?) E. Colborne, in the 66th year of his age. He was a native of Massachusetts and removed in early manhood to Virginia where he married and remained until 1830(?) 1836(?) when he took up his residence in this city. He was a good man and had the respect and confidence of all who knew him. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church and a true and faithful Son of Temperance and an exemplary man in all walks of life, a pattern of humility and piety. He has gone to the reward of the just at God’s right hand in Heaven. Raleigh Spirit of the Age Died, on Wednesday, 31st ult., at his residence near Lenoir, Caldwell Co., Major E.P. Miller, in the 35th (?) year of his age. Died, in High Point on the 27th ult., Sallie Estella, daughter of A.J. and O.H. Brogden, aged 6 years, 1 months and 1 day. Married, in this city on the 6th inst., by R.S. Tucker, Esq., William Massay(?) to Miss Jane Solomon. Died, at Vernon, Lenoir County on Thursday, Aug. 1, after a protracted and painful illness in the (age illegible, two numbers, the second is a ‘7’) her of her age, Mary A.E., wife of John C. Washington, Esq. The death of this truly amiable and accomplished, has filled to overflowing with intense sorrow the hearts of a small but devoted family and caused a feeling of profound regret among a large circle of friends and relatives. Mrs. Washington was in many respects a remarkable woman and possessed every noble and lovely trait of character and was universally known and esteemed, respected and beloved. Her intellect was of a high order and had been carefully trained and cultivated. Her disposition was amiable, her nature kind and genial, her manners refined and elegant. In every relation of life, as wife, mother, friend and neighbor, she gave remarkable evidence of Christian consistency in her exemplary conduct and discharge of her duties. Her piety was fervent yet sober, her liberality beneficent, yet discriminating, her charity was large yet not (illegible word). Long will the poor and needy miss the hand so often stretched forth for their relief. Long will she be missed in the society of which she was the brightest ornament and in that family circle of which she was the center around which all revolved. P. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 26, 1861 Married, in Robeson on the 15th inst., by Rev. Hector McLean, Angus D. Brown, Esq., of Lumberton and Miss Eliza Kate, daughter of the late Neill McLean. Married, on the 11th inst., in Robeson Co., by Rev. Wm. M. Jordan, David Townsend to Miss Charity Blount, all of Robeson. Married, in Chatham Co., on the 14th inst., by Rev. Wm. P. Taylor, Benjamin G.Lambeth and Miss Elizabeth Bynum, eldest daughter of Turner Bynum, Esq. Died, in Robeson on the 15th, in the 71st year of her age, Miss Nancy Currie. Died, at his residence in Bladen Co., on the 12th inst., John Herring, Esq., aged about 60(?) 50(?) years, leaving a large family and many friends to mourn his loss. He had been a member of the Methodist Church for the past 20 years of his life. North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 4, 1861 Died, at Mt. Gallant(?), the residence of Ballard Moore, Esq., in Northampton Co., N.C., on July 30, Sarah E.T. Brantley, aged 7 years, 3 months and 14 days. Also on the 10th of August, at the same place, Martha A.G.P. Brantly, aged 5 years, 7 months and 13 days, daughters of Jesse D. Brantly and granddaughters of Ballard Moore, Esq. The disease which terminated their existence was diphtheria. Thus in the short space of twelve months they have followed their sainted mother and sister to the tome leaving a doting father, grandfather and many relatives to mourn their loss. But they have the consolation of Him who said “suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.” Children dear, thou has left us We thy loss do deeply feel But ‘tis God that has bereft us He our sorrows all can heal. Died, at his residence in the county of Granville, N.C. on Sept. 1, Jasper Hicks, Esq., in the 80th (?) year of his age. His high intelligence, sterling integrity of character, his devoted patriotism and unselfish spirit placed him in the highest position of influence in the community where his long and useful life was spent. There was not a duty in life that he left undischarged; there was not a virtue which in his daily life he did not illustrate. Most faithfully, most nobly did he fulfill his mission on earth. He left a large family of sons and daughters who, while they shed tears over his grave, will, by the wise teachings of his precepts and examples, learn submission to the dispensations of Providence, with the fortitude and Christian resignation that formed so eminent a fruit in his character. T. Died, in Perry Co., Alabama, on the 28th August, George Mordecai(?), Chadwick, 7 years, 7 months, 8 days, youngest son of James W. Chadwick. North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 11, 1861 Death of Honorable Willie P. Mangum This distinguished citizen expired at his residence near Red Mountain in Orange County a few days since at an advanced age. He had suffered for several years with paralysis which confined him to his house and prevented him from mingling with his fellow citizens. Mr. Mangum was at one time a judge of our superior courts. He was afterwards chosen to the House of Representatives of the U.S. and later to the Senate in which body he achieved a national reputation and occupied for a number of years a conspicuous position in the public eye. On the death of General Harrison and the consequent installation of V.P. Taylor as President, Mr. Mangum was chosen to preside over the Senate and was thus for the remainder of the term virtually the Vice President of the U.S. Mr. Mangum was possessed of many noble qualities. Providence had endowed him largely both physically and mentally. As an orator he had but few equals. No man, in his day, swayed the masses of the people with more power than he did. In private life among his neighbors and friends he was not merely esteemed but admired and loved. His only son, William Preston Mangum received his death wound on the field of Manassas. We may imagine with what force such a blow fell upon the vulnerable father. But he has joined his son in an honorable grave no more to be disturbed by civil convulsion or the din of war. Married, in the Presbyterian Church at Fayetteville, Monday morning, Sept. 2, by Rev. J.M. Sherwood, Lt. G.W. Wrightman, Company A, 5th (?) Regiment N.C.T. to Miss Ann Ellen, daughter of the late Archbishop Smith, Esq., of this place. North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 18, 1861 Married, at Henry Utley’s residence, the bride’s father, on the 4th inst., by Samuel G. Dupree(?), Esq., Galen Bevers to Miss Elizabeth Utley, all of Wake Co. North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 25, 1861 Died, in this city on the 8th inst., Edward W., eldest son of C.M. and Julia A. Farrise(?), aged 7 years and 3 months. “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away and blessed be the name of the Lord.” North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 2, 1861 Died, in this city on the 24th inst., Deila, daughter of G.W.F. and Caroline Davis, aged two years, eight months. “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid themnot for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Died, in this city on Saturday evening last at the Yarborough House, Hon. Matthew Ward of Texas, formerly a member of the Congress from that state. He had been in bad health for some time; had spent several weeks at Kittrell’s Springs but came to this city three weeks ago where he received every attention from his doctors, Col. Yarborough and other friends. He was buried on the Sabbath in the city cemetery. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 9, 1861 Married, on the 13th (?) 18th (?) Sept. at the residence of Richard Seawell, Esq., by Rev. J.M. Atkinson, Lt. Col. George S. Lovejoy to Miss Ellen P. Lewis all of this county. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 16, 1861 James Gudger, Esq., an aged and respected citizen of Buncombe was thrown from his mule last week and killed instantly. The Fayetteville Observer announced the death of Henry R. Savage, Esq., at Allegheny Springs, Va. He had been for many years the cashier of the bank at Cape Fear at Wilmington. Married, in this city on the 3rd inst., by Rev. Dr. Mason, Washington Lewis to Mrs. Emily Pearson. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 23, 1861 Married, in this city on the 10th inst., by Samuel G. Dupree, Esq., Devereaux Johnson to Sarah D. Utley, all of this city. Died, on Thursday, 3rd inst., at Lownden County, Alabama, after an illness of six days, Mrs. Emeline M. Shuford, wife of Colonel E.L. Shuford, in the 46th year of her age. The deceased was a native of North Carolina and daughter of the late Colonel James Martin of Wilkes Co. Her history might be written in three words “child of affliction”. For 16 long years this world has presented no bright scene in her view—all has been darkness and mental night. Possessed of as many attractions as most other ladies, surrounded by a large circle of friends, she bade fair to have as large a share in the enjoyment of this life as almost any one else. Alas, however, disease prayed upon her mortal body—days, weeks and months witnessed the painful struggle—medical skill and change of climate finally triumphed; but this triumph was only partial, her health was again restored but her mind was gone. She has left surviving her in Alabama a husband and her only child, a son 17 years of age and in North Carolina quite a number of relatives. If kindness and attention could have availed, her activity of intellect would have again returned but nothing afforded her any permanent relief. Previous to her affliction she was a member of the Baptist Church. In early life she had given herself to Him who has said “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee” and in the dark hours of approaching death the bright beams of faith and hope lit up her dying face and she uttered the words “Praise the Lord”, “Praise the Lord”. Her remains were interred in the Ash Creek Burying Ground and her pure spirit released from the shackles so long bound her down to earth which returned to its natural skies and is now in the presence of the God who gave it. G. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 30, 1861 Married, at Montgomery County on the 9th inst., at the residence of Col. S.H. Christian by Rev. N.T. Howden, Col. G.H. Do - - mer of Richmond City now Captain of the Richmond Boys, to Miss Sallie J. Dumas, daughter of Dr. Jerry Dumas late of Alabama(?). Died, in this city on the 13th inst., Mr. R.E. Hosby(?) in the 85th year of his age. He was postmaster at Middle Creek at the time of his death. Died, at the residence of her husband, Warren County, Nancy T. Nicholson. Sister Nicholson was born June 12, 1820(?) and she married G.W. Nicholson on November 20, 1856. She united with the Sharon Baptist Church in August of 1858 and died October 10, 1861. As a neighbor she was kind and obliging; as a wife industrious, kind and affectionate, making a happy home both to herself and was always taking a deep interest in all things pertaining to the House of God and the Redeemer’s Kingdom. The church has lost one of its brightest and best members but we sorrow not as those who have no hope for she died in the full triumph of her faith in her Lord Jesus Christ, with blessed assurance of a glorious acceptance into the mansions of rest and peace. “Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord, from henceforth; go, sayeth the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their work to follow them.” Tribute of Respect was given by the Raleigh Typographical Society to Martin V.B. Gilbert, their late fellow craftsman. They gave testimony to his personal worth as a gentleman, his skill as a printer and his usefulness as a member of this society. John Nichols J.H. Alford J.N. Bunting Died, in Louisburg on the 20th October, after a brief illness, Harry C., infant son of H. and C.E. Thomas, aged one year, eight months. Thou hast gone little Hallie, in the first tinge of rose, Childhood ere thy young heart was touched by the blighting effects of sin. Though from thy household he has departed And from it thy well spring of pleasure is riven Grieve not for the mark death’s arrow has darted Since Hally thy loved one, now dwells in Heaven North Carolina Standard Raleigh November 6, 1861 The Death of Col. George Bower Col. Bower was born Jan. 8, 1788 in the county of Rowan, N.C. and at the age of seven years removed with his parents to the county of Ashe where he resided up to the time of his death. Without means or even the rudiments of education, he rose by his great industry and talents to mingle with the prominent men of the state. He took his seat in the Senate of N.C. in 1812 and for a number of years was honored with re-election to that and another branch of the state legislature. In 1830 he was a delegate to the state convention and took a prominent part in the proceedings of that body. In 1836 he was the Democratic Elector for his district and cast the vote of that state for president. In 1831 he was chairman of the N.C. delegation in the Baltimore convention. For more than thirty years he has been the chairman of the County Court of Ashe. In the public service he discharged the duties of his trust with scrupulous fidelity to the state. As a politician, he adhered to the strict construction states right democracy. No man felt a truer patriotism or more ardently desired the success of southern independence. The prominent qualities of his mind were strong common sense, energy and firmness, and these joined with virtue and strict integrity and made him the popular leader, the prudent legislator and the Christian gentleman that he was. Married, at Guilford Co., on the 28th (?) Oct., by Alex Wilson, D.D., George K. Faust(?) of Alamance Co. to Miss M.N. Faust, youngest daughter of Daniel Faust, Esq. Died, at his residence in this city on the 28th ult., after a short illness, Robert E. Williams, aged about 38(?) years. He was a good friend, a kind neighbor and highly esteemed by all who enjoyed his acquaintance. He leaves a wife and three children and a large family connected to mourn their loss. Died, at his residence in Kinston, Lenoir County, on the 16th (?) Sept. last, James Jones, Esq., in the 58th (?) year of his age. He was honest and just in all his doings, a kind neighbor, a sincere friend, and for many years a magistrate of Lenoir County. The memory of the deceased will be long cherished in the breasts of a large circle of friends and relatives who mourn their loss. North Carolina Standard Raleigh November 20, 1861 Died, in this city on the 23rd Oct., after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Elizabeth Eatman, wife of Alsey Eatman and daughter of the late Jonathan Richardson, aged (illegible). Mrs. Eatman had been afflicted with dropsy for some months during which her sufferings were intense but she born them with fortitude and patience, submitting to her lot with Christian resignation. Her loss is severely felt by her afflicted family and friends but they take comfort in the assurance that she has exchanged a life of affliction for one of undying felicity. She had been an acceptable member of the M.E. Church South for more than thirty years. “Blessed be the dead who die in the Lord.” Addendum: Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 2, 1861 Died, in this town, on the 28th inst., of congestive chills, John W. Larkins, aged about 28 years. Died, in the county of Prairie, Arkansas, on the 12th inst., Robert E. Reeves, Esq., aged 49. The deceased was born in Chatham Co., N.C. and there resided until the year 1857, when he removed to the state of Arkansas. While a citizen of North Carolina, he possessed the full confidence of the people of his native county; represented them in the Legislature, and afterwards filled the office of the high sheriff of the county to their entire satisfaction. In his official character he was energetic, firm and trustworthy. As a private citizen, he was beloved by all who knew him. His home was the seat of hospitality; his purse ever open to the calls of charity; generous and noble in his impulses, and the friend of the poor and the unfortunate. The faults and foibles incident to poor human nature he may have possessed, but his manly virtues overshadowed these. Charity will cast a veil over the one, while memory brightens with the cherished recollection of the other. In common with other friends who deeply lament his death, and sympathize with his bereaved family, this simple tribute is paid. Died, in Greensboro’, Aug. 24, Mrs. Susan Celestia Albright, wife of James W. Albright, editor of the Times. The deceased leaves a husband and two infant children, together with a large number of relatives and friends, to mourn her departure. She was a lady of cultivated intellect, being a graduate of Greensboro’ Female College, and of a most amiable, generous disposition. Greensboro’ Patriot Died, in Sampson County, on the 22nd ult., of typhoid fever, Mrs. Amelia Faison, wife of Rev. B.F. Marable, and daughter of the late William Faison, Esq., of Sampson County, in the 27th year of her age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 9, 1861 Married, on Monday morning last at 7:30, in the Presbyterian Church in this place by Rev. Mr. Sherwood, Capt. G.W. Wightman, of the C.S. Army to Miss Ann Eliza Smith, daughter of the late A.A.T Smith, Esq., of this place. Died, in this vicinity, this morning, Hallie E., elder daughter of Maj. Wright and Annie V. Huske, aged 21 months. The funeral will take place from the Episcopal Church tomorrow morning at 10:00. Died, at Rockfish Village, Cumberland Co., on the 4th inst., Mrs. Rebecca Brown, in the 51st (?) year of her age. The deceased has been a consistent member of the Methodist Church for the last 25 years. Died, of typhoid fever, at the residence of his father at New Market, Randolph Co., N.C., on the 26th of Eighth Month, 1861, Dr. John N. Newlin, a member of the Society of Friends, in the 30th year of his age. His close was so easy and peaceful that it will be long remembered by those who were present in his dying chamber. And it is a sweet consolation to his surviving relatives and friends to know that his end was peace. Greensboro’ Patriot Died, in Randolph co., on the 1st inst., after ten days illness of typhoid fever, Zebulon H. Hale, aged 32 years, 4 months and 12 days. He leaves a wife and four small children to mourn his loss. He was an exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and met death with a confident hope. Married, in Carthage, Aug. 25, by Rev. C.M. Anderson, Thomas W. Cole, to Nannie Worthy. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Robeson co., on the 5th (?) inst., by Rev. Hector McNeill, Rev. Malcolm McNair and Effie Downey McNeill, daughter of Duncan and Ellie McNeill, all of Robeson Co. Died, in Fayetteville, Sept. 4, Mary Watson, in the 57th year of her age. She has left a husband and three children, with many relations and friends to mourn her loss. Sister Watson has been a member of the Methodist Church upwards of thirty years. Not only was she united to the visible Church of Christ, but we have reason to believe to the invisible. Her suffering was long and severe; she died of cancer after 14 months of suffering, during which time she was confined to bed, though she bore her affliction patiently. It may be said of Sister Watson that she died the death of the righteous. Oh, may our last end be like hers! Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 23, 1861 Died, at the residence of Gov. Morehead, in Greensboro’, Louise Patterson, second child of Capt. Peter and Ann Eliza Evans, aged about 7 years. Died, in Washington Co., Georgia, on the 10th inst., Col. Owen C. Pope, aged 50 years, a native of Robeson Co., N.C., and formerly of this town. He departed without a groan, a sigh or a struggle—as gently and as peacefully as when an infant falls to sleep upon it’s mother’s bosom. He had been for many years a consistent member of the Baptist Church. Just as we go to press a friend has handed us the following letter from an officer of the Cape Fear Bank at Wilmington, written on Saturday. We have only a moment to say that we most fully endorse the brief but comprehensive eulogy of this most excellent Christian gentleman: “It has become my painful duty to announce to you the death of our most excellent president, Dr. Thomas H. Wright, which occurred this morning at his residence in this place at 12:30. Dr. Wright had been suffering for some weeks from a disease to which he was subject, but was not considered dangerously ill until within a few days past, when his system, at all times delicate, sank under the attack and could not be rallied. He had so lived that death had no terrors and when the summons came, having finished his mission on earth, he calmly and peacefully yielded up his spirit to the God who gave it, leaving behind him not an enemy in the world.” Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 30, 1861 Died, in this town on the 21st inst., after an illness of about 12 months, Mrs. J.J. Kinlaw, wife of R.W. Kinlaw and daughter of Herrin Newell, aged 41. The deceased leaves a numerous family as well as many friends and acquaintances to mourn her loss. Died, in Sampson County, on the 11th inst., at the residence of Wm. T. Kirby, little Georgie, son of R.J. and Jane R. Fennell, aged 3 years, 1 month and 6 days. Died, at her residence in Guilford Co., N.C. on the 16th inst., Mrs. Annie Gilmer, in the 75th year of her age, and in peaceful hopes of the Gospel. She was the mother of the Hon. John A. Gilmer. Died, in Bladen Co., on the 16th inst., Calvin J. Dickson, in the 47th year of his age. Died, on the 17th inst., in Alamance Co., in the 70th year of his age, George Foust, a professed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ from his youth. Died, in the 16th inst., Mrs. Hannah Green, wife of John Green, Sr., in the 78th year of her age. Sister Green embraced religion about 30 years ago and joined the Methodist E. Church, of which she was a consistent member at her death. She was a devoted Christian and when death came was ready for her change. Died, in Salem on the 20th inst., Miss Hettie E. Shober, aged 67. Died, at Asheville, on the 16th inst., Col. Thomas T. Patton, aged about 50(?) years. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 7, 1861 Married, in Cheraw, S.C. at the residence of Col. Allan Macfarlane, by Rev. W.B. Corbett, D.D. McArn of the above place to Nannie P., daughter of Capt. Nathaniel P. Hunter of Florida. Died, at his residence in Cumberland Co., on the 27th ult., N.C. Beard, aged 56. He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church, and leaves a large number of friends to mourn his loss. Died, in Bladen Co., at Ramoth, on the 27th Aug., Mrs. Ann Brown, widow of the late Richard Brown, aged 89 years and 4 months. Died, in Austin Co., Texas on the 22nd Aug., of a tumor in the stomach, in her 67th year, Mrs. Mary McGregor, wife of Malcolm McGregor, formerly of this county. She was born in Cumberland Co., N.C., where early in life she was trained to religious habits. As a member of the Presbyterian Church, in a quiet and unobtrusive manner, she showed her faith by her works. Her reverence for God was displayed by a constant searching of His Scriptures to know the ways of truth and eternal life. Died, in Austin Co., Texas on the 24th Aug., of bilious congestive fever, Dr. John M. McLean, aged about 36 years, formerly of Robeson Co., N.C. Died, at Springfield, Missouri, on the 18th Aug., Alexander McIntosh, aged 25, a native of Pittsboro’, N.C. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 14, 1861 Married, at the Methodist Church in this town on the 1st inst., by Rev. L.S. Burkhead, S.A. Baldwin to Sallie Jane Anderson, all of this place. Died, near Big Rockfish, Aug. 20, of bilious congestive fever, in his 19th year, Hiram, son of Raiford Hall of this county. Died, near Rockingham, Richmond Co., on the 21st Sept. Mrs. Sarah Jane Terry, wife of H.G. Terry, Esq., in the 43rd year of her age. She leaves a husband, two small children and many friends to mourn her loss, but they mourn not as those who have no hope for their loss is her eternal gain. She had been a member of the Methodist Church for the last 20 years and had endeavored to live a Christian life. Died, on Saturday, 5th inst., at Wilmington, Caroline, daughter of John E. and Athalia Lippitt, aged 3 years, 1 month. Married, on the 11th Sept., by Rev. S.D. Adams, Rev. P.H. Scovell, of the N.C. Conference, to Ann Hermans, late principal of Glen Anna Female Seminary. Died, near Washington, D.C., Sept. 28, in the 50th year of her age, Mrs. Sarah J. Corbin, daughter of the late Maj. Jno. A. Lillington. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 21, 1861 Married, on Montgomery Co., on the 9th inst., at the residence of Col. S.H. Christian, by Rev. N.T. Bowden, Col. C.(?) H. Dockery, of Richmond Co., now Captain of the Richmond Boys, to Sallie J. Dumas, daughter of Dr. Jerry Dumas, late of Alabama. Died, in this county on the 8th inst., Mrs. Jennet Holmes, wife of John Holmes, in the 44th year of her age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 28, 1861 Married, in Bladen Co., on the 17th inst., by Rev. H. McLean, J. Patrick Smith, of Robeson, and Sarah D., daughter of the late Hayes F. Shipman. Died, in this vicinity last night, Mary Godena, daughter of Dr. Wm. P. Mallett, aged 6 years. Died, in Harnett Co., on the 11th inst., Mrs. Lettie Hawley, in the 78th year of her age; for the last 55 years a consistent member of the Baptist Church. On Thursday, 17th inst., in Duplin co., Daniel Jones, Esq., in the 75th (?) 76th (?) year of his age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 4, 1861 Married, in Randolph Co., at the residence of the bride’s mother, on the 3rd inst., by J.B. Troy, Esq., Felix G. Wright to Julia Ann Butler, all of Randolph. Died, in this town on the 26th inst., William Nicholson, aged 37 years. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. He came from Harper’s Ferry but was born in Liverpool, England. Died, at her residence in Bladen Co., on the 24th inst., Mrs. Mary Ann Downing, widow of the late Gen. Downing, Esq., aged 79 years, 9 months and 16 days—leaving three children, 47 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. She had been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church for 41 years, and died in the full hope of eternal rest. Died, at Mr. Swann’s, in Moore Co., on the 22nd Oct., John Swann Moore, son of James Moore of Wilmington, aged about 28 years. Died, in Randolph Co., on the 21st inst., Miss Martha Campbell, aged 82 years, for many years an exemplary member of the Baptist Church. Died, in Moore Co., on the 10th inst., Dr. John W. McIntosh, in the 29th year of his age. Died, in Robeson Co., on the 30th ult., Neill McMillan, aged 61 years. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 11, 1861 Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother in Chatham Co., near Pittsboro’, on the 29th ult., by Rev. S.D. Adams, Col.. John S. McClenahan, and Mirina Alston. Married, in Guilford Co., on the 29th Oct., by Alex Wilson, D.D., George K. Foust of Alamance Co., to Miss M.K. Foust, youngest daughter of Daniel Foust, Esq. Married, in Cumberland Co., on the 22nd Oct., by Rev. J.C. Thomas, A.H. Sanders, Esq., High Sheriff of Montgomery, to Celia M. Monroe. Died, on the 8th Aug., in Fayetteville, of inflammation of the brain, Florence McAlpine, only child of Wm. H. and Maggie W. Bernard, aged 11 months and 4 days. Died, near Meadow Bluff, Western Virginia, on the 11th Oct., James A. Currie, son of Archibald B. and Jannette Currie, of Robeson Co., aged 21 years, 4 months and 8 days. Died, in Bladen Co., Oct. 25(?)26(?), W.C.E. Cain, aged 75. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 18, 1861 Married, on Sunday evening, 10th inst., at 7:00, by G.W.I. Goldston, Esq., Bryant Davis to Sophy Watson, all of Fayetteville. On the 31st ult., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. S. Gilmore, John W. Lea to Mary J. Burns, all of Chatham Co., N.C. Died, in Goldsboro’ on the evening of the 10th inst., of erysipelas, Caroline H., wife of Major W.L. DeRosset, aged 30. Died, in Baltimore, on the 9th inst., of consumption, Mary Augusta, wife of John Easter, Jr., and second daughter of Mrs. Catharine Fitzharris of this town. The friends of the deceased in this town remember her in her youth as a truly pious Christian and devoted to good works. They will be comforted to know that she bore the trials of a lingering illness, aggravated by the excitement and afflicting troubles of the place of her residence, with patience and resignation to the will of God; and that her last hours were soothed by all the offices of love and kindness and her soul prepared for eternity, by the ministrations of a faithful minister of God. She was from early youth a communicant of the Episcopal Church and died in the comfortable hopes of the blessed Gospel of Jesus. Died, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Mary W., wife of Dr. John G. Brodnaz, of Cascade, Rockingham Co., N.C. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 25, 1861 Married, in accordance with the custom of the Society of Friends, at Rocky River, Chatham Co., on the 20th inst., J. Milton Woody to Leanna L., daughter of Isham Cox. Married, in Chatham Co., on the 17th inst., by A.M. Yarbrough, Esq., Glover Avent to Cornelia A. Partridge, daughter of E.R. Partridge, Esq. of Moore Co. Married, in Wilmington, N.C., on the 20th inst., by Rev. M. McQueen, A.J. Howell, Esq., and Laura Harris, all of that place. Married, at High Point, Nov. 19, by Rev. Samuel Lauder (or Lander), of Lincolnton, Rev. Samuel A. Weber of Shelby to Sallie A. Langdon, daughter of the late Rev. Wm. L. Langdon, of the N.C. Conference. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 2, 1861 Married, at Trinity Church, Society Hill, on Thursday, the 21st inst., by Rev. J.S. Kidney, Major J.J. Lucas to Carrie McIver, eldest daughter of Dr. Thomas Smith. Married, on the 17th October, at the residence of the bride’s mother, in Madison Parish, Louisiana, by Rev. E.H. Rutherford, Dr. John M. Morrison last of Laurinburgh, N.C., to Florence, eldest daughter of the late Dr. J.J. and Mrs. L. A. Pugh. Died, at the residence of her brother, C. Dowd, in Smithville, Miss., on the 15th Nov., Miss Susan Dowd, formerly of Moore Co., N.C. The deceased was for some years a member of the Baptist church. Strong in faith and buoyant in hope, she met death with truly Christian fortitude and resignation. Her affliction, which was protracted for more than twelve months, she bore with much patience, and her death was as peaceful and tranquil as her life was exemplary. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 9, 1861 Married, at Long Street, Moore Co., on the 3rd inst., by Thomas Rollins, Esq., William McNair, of Harnett co., to Elizabeth Sheppard, daughter of John Sheppard, Esq. Died, at Floral College, Robeson Co., on the 5th Oct., last, Effie Jane Nicholson, in the 27th year of her age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 16, 1861 Married, in this town on the 7th inst., Martin V.B. Talley of Virginia to Caroline W. Monaghan of Fayetteville Married, in Moore Co., on the 28th Nov., by A. Stutts, Esq., Nelson Hunsucker to Miss D.J. Ritter. Also, on the 3rd Dec., by the same, E.S. Kennedy to Miss E.F. Williams, daughter of M.G. Williams, Esq., all of Moore. Married, in Milton on Tuesday, 3rd, by Rev. S.A. Stanfield, George Howard, Judge of the Superior Courts, to Anna, eldest daughter of Dr. Wm. L. Stamps of Milton. Died, in this town on Tuesday morning last, Mrs. Henrietta Pleasants, formerly of Colunbus County. Married, on the 3rd inst., Wm. H. Brown to Susan, eldest daughter of Mrs. Jane Ryalis. Also, on the same day, Henry M. Johnson to Charlotte, daughter of Rev. Bryan Peacock, all of Johnston co. Married, at Milledgeville, N.C., on the 5th inst., by William McAllister, Esq., David J. Grissom, formerly of Orange, to Ellen Pritchard of Milledgeville. In Harnett Co., on the 5th inst., Mrs. Mary Elliott, wife of John Elliott, in the 58th year of her age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 23, 1861 Married, in Petersburg, Va., on the 11th Dec., by Rev. Wm. H. Platt, Rev. Cameron F. McRae of Savannah, Georgia, to Susan Plummer of Petersburg. Married, at the house of Dr. J.M. Worth, in Asheborough, on the 18th inst., by Rev. S. Colton, Robert Bingham of Orange Co., to Delphina L. Worth. Married, on Tuesday morning, in Christ Church, Norfolk, Va., by Rev. E.M. Redman, Lt. Benjamin P. Loyall, C.S.N. to Imogene, daughter of W.H. Thompson, Esq. Died, in Robeson Co., on the 19th inst., Alexander McBryde, aged about 70, a highly respectable and esteemed citizen, and one of the best farmers in the county. Died, in Duplin Co., of paralysis on the 24th Nov., Boney Wells, Sr., in the 73rd year of his age. Died, at Smithville, on the 19th Nov., Mrs. Caroline Price, wife of John Price, aged about 48. Also, on the 19th Dec., John Price, aged 67. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dc. 30, 1861 Married, in St. Paul’s Church, Clinton, N.C., on the 25th Dec., by Rev. Joseph C. Huske, James C. Dobbin, Jr., to Anna Holmes Married, at the residence of Jordan Branch, Esq., by G.W.I. Goldston, Esq., Robert A. Branch to Mary Martin, all of Fayetteville. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Tuesday evening, 19th inst., by Elisha H. Straughan, Esq., Jas. E. Perry to Frances C. Johnson, all of Chatham Co. Married, in Edenton, N.C., on the 16th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Wm. J. Norfleet, Capt. C.A. Thomas, 2nd Regiment N.C. Cavalry to Mary M., daughter of Daniel McDowell. Died, at his residence in Chatham Co., Dec. 14, Crabtree Siler, aged near 56. The deceased a few weeks since was called upon to witness the death of his only son, a member of the 26th Regiment stationed near Carolina City. While there, he contracted the disease which led to his departure, and it is hoped to a more perfect union with Christ. He was a kind friend, a good neighbor, a tender father and a loving husband. Died, after an illness of six days, at his residence near Chapel Hill, Washington Co., Texas on the 21st Nov., of inflammation of the liver, Col. Nathan King, in the 45th year of his age. The deceased was born in Cumberland Co., N.C., of religious parents, both being members of the Presbyterian Church. At the early age of ten years, with his mother, he lost a mother’s love and tender care. Thus he was thrown out in the world penniless, being bound as an apprentice boy. His energy and perseverance, for both of which he was very much noted, gained for him, however, after serving his time, a position in his own county, among the first in usefulness and prosperity. Fortune frowning, he mover, in 1856, with his family, to the State of Texas where he died. His motherless children have lost a kind and affectionate parent. J. McM. |