Civilian Marriages & Obituaries Winter 1861-1862

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    November 27, 1861
    Married, according to the rules of the Society of Friends at Rocky River, on the 
    20th inst., J. Milton Woody to Miss Lianna L., daughter of Isham Cox.
    Died, at his residence near Raleigh, on the 23rd inst., in the 59th (?) year of his age, 
    Major Charles L. Hinton, known and highly esteemed throughout the state.  His 
    death will be lamented by a large circle of friends.  Major Hinton was a native of 
    Wake County and the only son of his father, David Hinton.  His early education 
    was at the Raleigh Academy.  He entered the University in 1810 and graduated 
    with the Class of 1814.  He married at an early age and settled as a farmer on a fine 
    estate where he lived and died.  He was a man of fine address and popular manners; 
    was in different periods a member of both the Senate and House of Commons of the 
    General Assembly and for seven years the Public Treasurer of the state; an office 
    which he filled with ability and integrity.  He was also a justice of the peace in his 
    county and for many years a prominent trustee of the University and was an efficient 
    member of the Executive Committee of that board.  In all his public duties he was 
    firm and faithful; in his social relations kind and conciliatory.  He was a good man.  
    Possessed of wealth, he distributed liberal and generous hospitality and has left a 
    name worthy of universal admiration for unswerving integrity, honor and public 
    virtue—a bright example of a high toned country gentleman. 
    Died, on the 7th inst., at C - - - ade, Rockingham County, Mrs. Mary Wilson 
    Brodnan, wife of Dr. John G. Brodnan, aged about thirty years.  The deceased 
    was a member of the Episcopal Church and her walk and conversation in that 
    regard with without blame—beautiful and holy.  She was a truly lovely woman, 
    gentle, graceful and unaffected in her demeanor, kind and cheerful in her 
    disposition, pure as the angels in her words and behavior.  Endowed with 
    considerable wealth, she moved meekly and humble and seemed to think 
    that her mission was a stewardship for those dependents and a ministry of 
    charity in the world.  The world, therefore, loved and admired her and her 
    relations almost adored her; between her and her excellent husband the bond 
    of sympathy for love was strong beyond the common strength of such ties.  
    It seemed to be a love that was molded in Heaven and was but lent to earth 
    like the roses to bloom for a season.  God grant that it may bloom again in 
    North Carolina Standard
    December 4, 1861
    In a strict encounter with pistols and bowie knives at Goldsboro some days 
    ago, Mr. Privett was killed instantly by a pistol shot.  Several parties were 
    engaged on both sides.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 11, 1861
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Tuesday, 3rd inst., by Rev. 
    S.A. Stanfield, Hon. George Howard, Jr., of Wilson to Miss Anne R. Stamps, 
    daughter of Dr. William I. Stamps.
    Died, in this city on Tuesday night last, Emma, eldest daughter of T.H. 
    and M.E. Snow, in the 9th year of her age.  Her funeral will take place 
    from the residence of her father on Saturday morning at 10:00.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 18, 1861
    Married, in this city on the (date illegible) by Mills H. Brown, Esq., David 
    C. Durley(?), president of the Raleigh Typographical Society to Miss Sarah 
    Jane Caldwell, both of this city.
    Married, on the 12th inst., by Rev. Dr. Mason, at the residence of H.W. 
    Husted, in Raleigh, William H. Crow, Esq., of Petersburg, Va., to Mrs. 
    Harriet D. Battle.
    Married, in Carteret County on the 28th ult., by M.F Arendell, Esq., of 
    Washington, J. Hardisty, Esq., to Miss Katie Harrell.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 25, 1861
    We regret to record that on Thursday last after muster drill at the house 
    of H.W. Patrick in the southwest part of this city, J.C. Canaday, a native 
    of this county, but who has been absent several years, was killed by 
    John Harwood.  There had been no quarrel or provocation, it is said, but 
    on Canaday’s coming out of the door, Harwood raised his gun and shot 
    him dead on the spot.  Harwood made his escape and we have not heard 
    of his being taken.  Harwood is six feet high, sparely built, dark hair, dark 
    skin and is about thirty years of age.  From what we learn, whiskey was 
    an accessory to this crime.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Tuesday evening, 19th 
    inst., by Elisha H. Straughn, Esq., Jas. E. Perry to Miss Frances C. 
    Johnson, all of Chatham Co.
    Married, at Surry Co., on Thursday, 12th inst., Abraham Mannox(?) to Miss 
    Rebecca Nations, all of Surry.
    Died, at his residence in Chatham Co., on Dec. 14, Chadrac Siler, aged 
    (illegible, might be 54??).  The deceased a few weeks ago was called upon 
    to witness the death of his only son, a member of the 26th (?) Regiment 
    N.C.T., stationed near Carolina City.  While there, he contracted the 
    disease which lead to his departure and, it is hoped, to a more perfect 
    union with Christ. He was a kind friend and neighbor, a tender father and 
    a loving husband.  To know him was to esteem him for his high sense of 
    honor, his unceasing industry and his kind heart.  He leaves behind a wife, 
    two daughters and a number of relatives and friends to mourn his absence 
    and may that God whom he has secretly worshipped bind up their wounded 
    Married, at Washington, N.C. on the 11th (?) inst., by Rev. Edward(?) 
    Green, Dr. G.W. B.- - - nall (one of the proprietors of Kittrell’s Springs) to 
    Miss Mary C. Taylor, daughter of John Taylor.  The happy couple were 
    escorted six miles out of town by two companies of Spruill’s Cavalry 
    commanded by the efficient young officer, Capt. Andrews.
    Died, in this city on the 10th inst., after a lingering illness, Thomas Henry 
    Clay, son of M - - kirs and Martha Solomon, aged 9 years, 6 months and 2 days.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 8, 1862
    Tribute of Respect
    A tribute of respect was paid by the George Washington Lodge 174 of 
    Chatham—Whereas it has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to 
    remove from our midst on the 5th inst., our late brother Calvin L. Stone 
    and thus cut off in the prime of life one who enjoyed the esteem and 
    confidence of all, we pay this tribute of respect.
    Married, at St. Paul’s Church, Clinton, N.C., on the 25th inst., by Rev. 
    Joseph C. Huske(?), James C. D - - - - , Jr., to Miss Mary Anna Holmes.
    Married, at the residence of Jordan Brauch(?), by G.W.L. Goldston, Esq., 
    Robert A. Beason(?) Brason(?) to Miss Mary Martin, all of Fayetteville.
     Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 19th ult., by Elisha 
    H. Straughn(?), Jas. E. Penny(?? P - - - y), to Miss Frances C. Johnson, 
    of Chatham Co.
    Died, in this city on the 26th Dec., after aged about three(?) years, 
    Master William H., son of William Joseph and Mary Jane King.
    Died, at Mecklenburg Co., on the 24th ult., D.T. Caldwell(?), aged (illegible). 
     He was a member of the Sugar Creek Church.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 15, 1862
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on Thursday evening, 9th 
    inst., by R.M. Brown, Esq., Orrin G. Gunter of Chatham Co., to Miss 
    Sarah Davis, second daughter of Jackson Davis of Wake.
    Died, at his residence in Alamance Co, on Oct. 23, Dr. C.C. Tinnin, after 
    a painful and lingering illness of three months which he bore with all the 
    patience of a Christian.  He leaves a wife and four children to lament their 
    loss.  He was 38 years of age and had been a member of the Methodist 
    Church for 18 years.  As a father he was indulgent perhaps to a fault, as 
    a husband he was attentive and faithful, as a physician he had no 
    superior—faithfully attending his patients.  As a neighbor and Christian 
    he will be long remembered.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 22, 1862
    Married, at Wake Co., on the 9th inst., by Rev. J.W.F. Rogers, Stow(?) 
    Harmington of Harnett Co., to Miss Sarah Jane Dennis.
    Married, at Wake Co., on the 12th inst., by Rev. J.W.F. Rogers, William 
    Booth, Esq., to Mary Isabella C. Stewart of Chatham.
    Married, on Thursday, 16th inst., by William H. Hood, Esq., at the residence 
    of the bride’s father, in the vicinity of Eagle Rock, Henry H. Herman, Esq., 
    to Miss Martha L., daughter of Samuel Strickland, all of this county.
    Died, in this city on the 12th inst., Mrs. Eliza Hornislow, widow of the late
     Joseph Hornislow of Edenton.
    Died, in this city on Friday morning, 17th inst., James Boylan, aged about 
    83 years.  He was a highly respected citizen and his death will be regretted 
    by a large number of people in Wake and especially by this intimate friends.
    Died, at Newbern recently, John M. Roberts, Esq., a highly respected citizen 
    of that place and for many years an efficient cashier of the bank of the state.
    Died, on the 9th inst., after a protracted illness, Miss Eleann M. Green, 
    daughter of Major and Anne Green of Orange Co., aged 15 years, 10 months 
    and 17 days.
    Married, at Warrenton, N.C. on the 8th inst., by Thomas J. Judkins, Esq., 
    Edward J. Cole to Aveta(?) Andrews, both of Mecklenburg County, Va.
    Dr. Peter M. Walker, an old resident of Wilmington, N.C., from which place 
    he had lately removed to Mississippi, died suddenly on Tuesday while on a 
    visit to Wilmington.
    Died, in Newbern on Wednesday, 28th ult., Mrs. Mary C. Cole wife of James 
    C. Cole, Esq., of that place.  The death of this esteemed lady has thrown a 
    gloom over a wide circle.  For purity of motive, unselfishness, benevolence, 
    chaste and truthful conversation, a meek and kind spirit, charity towards 
    others, untiring devotion to husband, children, friends, and kind, considerate 
    of the wants of the poor, are characteristics of a true wife, a good woman 
    than the writer of this small tribute has ever known, none better than Mrs. 
    Cole.  The loss of such a friend can but fill the hearts of the bereaved with 
    deep sorrow but they hope to meet her again in a purer, brighter, better world.
    North Carolina Standard
    February 12, 1862
    Married, on the 4th inst., by Rev. Samuel Baldwin, C.M. Snipes(?) to Miss 
    Margaret E. Lamb, all of Chatham.
    Married, in Surry Co., at the residence of the bride’s grandfather, Gideon 
    Bryant, on the 18th inst., by G.A. McGraw, Esq., Jos. B. Spicer of Wilkes 
    Co., to Miss Letitia Bryant of east Tennessee.
    North Carolina Standard
    February 26, 1862
    Married, in this city on Tuesday morning, 25th inst., by Rev. J.M. Atkinson, 
    Rev. C.H. Wiley to Miss Mattie, daughter of James M. Towles, Esq.
    Married, on the 18th inst., by Rev. J.M. Perifoy, Mr. John R. Holland to Miss 
    Caroline, daughter of George B. Allen, Esq., all of Wake Co.
    Married, on Tuesday evening, 18th inst., by Dr. W.F. Hayes(?) at the residence 
    of George W. Trice, Esq., in this city, Mr. Alexander Williams of Chatham Co., 
    to Miss Martha H. Massey of Wake.
    Died, in this city on Wednesday last, Mrs. Margaret A. McPheeters, widow of 
    the late Dr. McPheeters, in the 67th year of her age.  She had been a member 
    of the Presbyterian Church for fifty years and adorned her profession by her 
    excellent temperament and the daily exhibition of the graces of a matured 
    Christian.  Few ladies were better known or more universally beloved and few 
    have been more eminently useful as a mother, neighbor and friend.  This 
    community deeply feels her loss but the stroke falls particularly deeply on 
    her children and those immediately connected with her.  She died as she 
    had lived, a bright example of the power of saving grace.  Her end was 
    peaceful and she rests with Jesus.
    Died, near this city on Saturday morning last at the residence of her 
    brother-in-law, Colonel Willis Whisker(?), where she had been on a short 
    visit, Mrs. Martha Courts, wife of Daniel W. Courts, Esq., Public Treasurer 
    of the state.  Few have known a better woman than our departed friend. 
    Modest, unassuming and gentle in her demeanor, she labored to fill up 
    the measure in her duty to God and to the community.  Truth and charity 
    were happily blended in all that she said and did.  Nurtured under pious 
    influences to please her Maker, and to live void of offense towards 
    mankind.  Perhaps no one lives who could indulge an unkind feeling 
    towards her.  Her immediate family and friends must deeply deplore her 
    removal from them and her loss will be keenly felt by the Methodist 
    congregation in this city with which she has been connected for many 
    years.  Her death was like her life, calm and submissive and peaceful 
    and freed from the turmoil of life.  We doubt not her happy spirit is with 
    North Carolina Standard
    March 5, 1862
    Married, by Rev. William C. Meredith in Christ Church, Winchester, 
    Va., at 12:00 Wednesday, 28th ult., Rev. Jas. B. Avirett, C.S.A. to 
    Miss Mary L.D. Williams, eldest daughter of Phillip Williams.
    Died, at Johnston Co., N.C., on the 14th ult., Frances B.C., infant d
    aughter of W.P. and C.C. Raiford(?).
    North Carolina Standard
    April 2, 1862
    Died, in Murfreesboro, N.C. on Feb. 18, of a serious tumor in the breast, 
    Mrs. Martha Rebecca Manning, wife of Dr. M.E. Manning of the same place.  
    Mrs. Manning was a great sufferer.  Her disease baffled the skill of her 
    physicians and every effort to relieve her.  But she was a Christian and 
    bore her afflictions with courage and fortitude.  When death came she was 
    resigned and happy and peacefully breathed her last.  She had been for 
    several years a member of the Christian Church.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 9, 1862
    Died at Graham, N.C., on the morning of the 2nd inst., Kate Davis, eldest 
    daughter of J.L. and Mrs. Kate A. Pennington, aged three years, six 
    months and twenty three days.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 16, 1862
    Died, in Currituck County, N.C. of diphtheria, Eva, only child of P.H. and 
    Ella Simmons, aged one year, six months and eleven days.
    Died, in Lendie(?), Caldwell Co., 27th March, in the 45th year of her age, 
    after a long and most painful illness which she bore with exemplary 
    patience and submission, Mrs. Sarah J., wife of General William F. Jones, 
    and youngest daughter of the late General Edmund Jones.  It will be 
    regarded as more than justice to the memory of the deceased by all those 
    who had the pleasure of her acquaintance to say that she possessed in an 
    eminent degree all the characteristics which constitute female excellence.  
    Endowed by nature with a strong intellect which had been greatly improved 
    by cultivation and association and possessing great personal charms she 
    was not only an ornament of all the social and refined circles in which she 
    lived but was distinguished for the liberal exercise of the nobler qualities of 
    generosity, charity and benevolence.  To crown the whole, she was a pious 
    and devoted Christian.  For many years prior to her death she was a 
    member of the Episcopal Church to which she was most warmly and firmly 
    attached and during her last illness gave her friends repeated assurances 
    that all was peace within and that she longed for the moment when her soul 
    would be transported from this vale of tears and sorrow to the mansions of 
    eternal bliss.  Her distressed husband and children and an only surviving 
    sister and brother who she has left behind may be assured of the sympathy 
    of her many friends accompanied by a sincere hope that He who tempereth 
    the wind to the shorn lamb will be the guide and protector of her bereaved 
    family through subsequent life.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 23, 1862
    Married, according to the custom of the Society of Friends, at Cane Creek, 
    Alamance Co., N.C. on the 8th of the second months last, Ored Marshburn 
    of Chatham Co., to Julia daughter of John Dixon of Alamance.
    Married, in the vicinity on the same day by Nathan Stout, Esq., J. Henry 
    Edgerton of Wayne Co. to Anna, daughter of John Dixon of Alamance.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 30, 1862
    Died, at Clinton on the 17th inst., Colonel. J.W. Moseley, a highly 
    respected and venerable citizen.
    Died, in Franklinville, N.C. on the 15th April of heart disease, Mrs. Lucy 
    Makepeace, wife of George Makepeace, in the 55th year of her age.  
    The deceased was a member of the M.E. Church during the last 38 years 
    and was a strict observer of the rules and discipline of the same; was always 
    kind and attended to the sick and poor and leaves a large circle of friends to 
    mourn their loss.
    Died, in this city on the morning of the 21st April, of consumption, Susan, 
    wife of Dr. R.C. Swain of Weldon, N.C. and daughter of the late Thomas 
    Burt, Esq., of Shelbyville, Tennessee.  For several years, she had been a 
    member of the Presbyterian Church and fell asleep gently in the faith of 
    Jesus, though in the spring time of being a bride of a few months and 
    surrounded by much that to her made life beautiful and full of promise, 
    she freely gave up all.  She knew in whom she had trusted and leaning 
    on his arm, feared no evil while passing through the “dark valley and shadow 
    of death”.  Better, far better, that the beautiful morning cloud should melt 
    away in the pure sunlight then float on through the long, long summer 
    day to wear itself out in storms at night fall for:
    The loss of this cold world, the call of Heaven
    The briefer life, the earlier immortality
    And we know her spirit sings
    Where seraphs once have trod
    Veiling their faces ‘neath their wings
    Before the throne of God.
    Died, at Slaterville, N.C. on the 25th inst., Sallie Julia, daughter of John 
    A. Stanley, Esq., late of Washington, Beaufort County, N.C., in the 4th 
    year of her age.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 6, 1862
    Died, in Wilmington, on the morning of the 30th ult., Edward Swift, son 
    of Dr. and Mrs. A.J. DeRosset, aged 17 years, 10 months.
    Died, at Floral College, on Tuesday morning last, after about a week’s 
    illness of pneumonia, the Rev. Frederick K. Nash, pastor of the 
    Presbyterian Church at that place, and an influential and efficient 
    minister of that denomination.  He had only but a few days before 
    returned from the General Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian 
    Church at Augusta to which he was a delegate from the Presbytery 
    of Fayetteville.
    Died, in this vicinity on the 25th ult., James McPherson, son of John 
    McPherson, aged about 30 years.
    Died, in Lexington on Monday morning the 16th Dec., 1861 of pneumonia, 
    Nina Lavinia, infant daughter of Eli and Catherine  Penry, aged 17 months 
    and 2 days.
    Died, in Wake Co., on the 24th ult., Hudson Yearby, aged 90.  Also, on 
    the 16th ult., Mrs. Frances Harrison, in the 75th (?) year of her age.
    Died, Mary Jane Stacy, daughter of the late Daniel Melver of Anson co., 
    N.C., and consort of Rev. James Stacy, Pastor of the Presbyterian 
    Church at Newman, Ga., on the 18th inst., in her 20th year.
    Married, on Thursday, Dec. 19, 1861, at the residence of A. K. Lane, by 
    Wm. McMasters, Esq., Wm. C. Bain and Mary A. Lane, all of Randolph 
    Co., N.C.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 19th Dec., 1861, by 
    Rev. Walter W. Pharr, Will. Pitt Drake, Junior Editor of the “Iredell Express” 
    and Miss Millie J. Gill, daughter of William L. Gill, Esq.
    Died, on Wednesday last, at his residence in the county of Brunswick, 
    Junius Davis, Esq., aged 46.
    Died, recently, in Lexington, N.C., Robert L. Hargrave, Esq., a very 
    estimable citizen.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 13, 1862
    Married, in Richmond Co., on the 19th Dec., by T. Bostick, Esq., 
    Stokes Cole of Moore Co., to Margaret McKay, daughter of Mr. John 
    McKay of Richmond.
    Married, in Robeson Co., on the 2nd inst., by Rev. Daniel Johnson, 
    Neill Smith, Esq., to Rebecca Jane Cobb, both of Robeson Co.
    Married, in Moore Co., on the 26th De., by Thomas Rollins, Esq., 
    Jerry Barber, Jr., to Elizabeth Parrish, daughter of Blake Parrish, Esq.
    Married, at the residence of Col. Carey W. Styles, in Ware Co., Ga., on 
    the 26th Dec., by Rev. Jno. H. Caldwell of Savannah, Thomas H. Stafford 
    of Augusta to Adelaide Evans of Fernandia, Fla., daughter of the late 
    John Evans of N.C.
    Died, at the residence of her uncle, Rev. J. J. Prather, on Haymount, near 
    Fayetteville, on the 26th ult., Mary E. Porter, aged 11 years and three 
    Died, in Montgomery Co., on the 19th Dec., at Ewing Springs, Mary Bel 
    Ewing, wife of Thomas Ewing, 23 years of age.  The deceased professed 
    religion in early life and was a consistent member of the Presbyterian 
    Departed this life, in Richmond Co., N.C., Dec. 9, 1861, Angus McDonald, 
    a native of the Isle of Skye, Scotland, aged 92.
    Departed this life in the same neighborhood, on the morning of Jan. 3, 
    Mrs. Mary Stalker, a native of Argyleshire, Scotland, and relict of Duncan 
    Stalker, in the 91st year of her age.  Both of  these persons were members 
    of the Laurel Hill Church and sustained unblemished characters.
    Died, in Asheville, on the 26th ult., James W. Patton, Esq., after a long 
    and protracted illness.  He was one of the oldest and best citizens of 
    Married, on the evening of the 9th, in this town, by G.W.L. Goldston, Esq., 
    Emanuel C. Thompson and Frances A. Young.
    Died, at his residence in this county on the 6th inst., in the 79th year of his 
    age, Archibald Holmes, a successful planter, a kind parent and a Christian 
    gentleman and an elder in the Presbyterian Church.
    Died, on the 8th inst., of typhoid pneumonia, aged 30, Dugald Carmichael, 
    a truly excellent young man.  His sickness was so short that his death has 
    taken his nearest neighbors by surprise.  By this stroke of Divine Providence 
    our community has been deprived of one of its best citizens, a noble patriot 
    and a warm hearted philanthropist.  He was an affectionate son and brother 
    and has left a widowed mother, a sister, three brothers and a large circle of 
    friends to mourn their loss, which is hoped to be his gain.
    Died, at his residence in Harnett Co., on the 5th inst., John Darroch, aged 
    56 years, 10 months and 13 days.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 20, 1862
    Died, on Jan. 1, aged 19 years and 3 months, Mary Ann, youngest daughter 
    of Mr. John McColl, near Rockfish.
    Died, at his residence in Sampson Co., on the 6th (?) inst., Owen Herring, in 
    the 53rd year of his age.
    Died, on Wednesday, 8th inst., at the University of Virginia, in the 18th year 
    of his age, of diphtheria, Channing Moore, son of Rev. Dr. Norwood.
    Died, in Moore Co., on the 16th inst., Mrs. Christian Cameron, wife of Mr. A. 
    McF. Cameron, and eldest daughter of Mr. F. McFadyen, aged 24 years and 
    22 days.  Mrs. Cameron had been long and greatly afflicted, having been 
    confined to her bed for four years—helpless—almost motionless, blind, and 
    part of that time speechless, though possessing her reason unimpaired.  In 
    that afflicted state, God was graciously pleased by his Spirit to enlighten her 
    mind in the knowledge of the truth and she was received as a member of 
    Cypress Church January 27, 1860.
    Married, on the 9th inst., by D.B. McIver, Esq., Kenneth McKiver to Miss Jane 
    Baker, all of Moore Co.
    Married, on the evening of the 16th, by G.W.I. Goldston, Esq., Daniel J. Wilson 
    and Miss Sarah Jane Howard, all of Fayetteville.
    Married, in this county, on the 8th inst., by Rev. Mr. Thomas, Wm. B. Baker 
    and Miss Marian, daughter of M.J. Bule, Esq.
    Married, in Randolph Co., Jan. 14, at the house of her brother, Augustus Raven, 
    by Rev. Dr. S. Colton, D.D., Joseph Heldersheimer, Esq., of Greensborough to 
    Miss Minna Roven, one of the teachers of music in the Edgeworth School.
    Died, in this vicinity on Saturday afternoon last, Mrs. Jane B. Tillinghast, relict 
    of the late Samuel W. Tillinghast, Esq., and daughter of the late Judge Norwood 
    of Hillsborough, aged 51.
    Died, at her residence in Montgomery Co., Dec. 19, Mrs. Mary B., wife of Mr. 
    W.J.H. Ewing, aged 23.
    Died, at his residence in Alamance Co., Oct. 23, Dr. C.C. Tinnin, after a long 
    and painful and lingering illness of three months, which he bore with all the 
    patience of a Christian.  He leaves a wife and four children to lament their loss.  
    He was 38 years of age and had been a member of the Methodist E. Church for 
    16 years.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 27, 1862
    Married, on the 2nd Jan., by Rev. P.C. Connolly, Dr. J.M. McGugan, to Miss 
    Mary Powell of Columbus Co., daughter of F. Powell, at the house of her father.
    Married, in Wake Co., on the 9th inst., by Rev. J.W.F. Rogers, Sion Harrington 
    of Harnett Co., to Miss Sarah Jane Dennis.
    Died, in the city of Baltimore, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Catherine E. Fitzharris, 
    daughter of the late Hon. Samuel D. Purviance, and consort of Laurence Fitzharris, 
    deceased, of Fayetteville.
    Died, at his residence in Robeson Co., on the 15th inst., Duncan McGugan, Sr.  
    He was a member of the Baptist Church for thirty odd years.  He was an affectionate 
    husband and a kind father.  He was kind in all the relations of life.  (See military 
    deaths, same issue re:  his son)
    Died, in Richmond Co., N.C., on the 15th inst., Mrs. Flora Lytch, relict of Archibald 
    Lytch, in the 78th year of her age.  She was a consistent member of the Church; 
    and for two years a patient sufferer under great affliction.
    Died, in the same neighborhood on the morning of the 16th inst., Miss Mary McNair, 
    aged 66.  The deceased had been a consistent member of the church for 35 years 
    and for the last three months a great but patient sufferer.  Her last words were:  
    “I feel happy”.
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 1st inst., John B.Clark.
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 13th inst., in the 62nd year of his age, John McArthur, 
    a worthy citizen and useful member and deacon in the Presbyterian Church.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 27, 1862
    Married, in Forsyth, Jan. 1, 1862, by J.A. Davis, Esq., P.C. Stuart, of Guilford to 
    Miss R.E. Shields of Forsyth.
    Died, in Clinton on the 21st inst., Mrs. Ann C. Badger, formerly of Middletown, 
    Ct., aged 65.
    Died, in Newbern recently, John M. Roberts, Esq., a highly respectable citizen of 
    that place, and for many years the efficient cashier of the Bank of the State.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, February 3, 1862
    Married, on Tuesday evening at the residence of the bride’s father on Buckhead, 
    by D.G. MacRae, Esq., John W. Evans of Sampson to Miss Ann C., daughter 
    of Taylor Johnson.
    Died, in Greensboro’, N.C., Jan. 24, at the residence of W.H. Cumming, Esq., 
    Mary A., wife of William A. Cumming of Wilmington, N.C.
    Died, in Chatham Co., on the 15th November last, James Woodward, Esq., in 
    the 70th year of his age, formerly of Wake Co.
    Died, in Thomasville, Davidson Co., N.C., on the 9th inst., Charlie, infant son of 
    Lewis L. and Malinda M. Thomas, aged 11 months and 28 days.
    Died, near New Hill, Wake co., on the 22nd Jan., William Barker, aged 70 years, 
    5 months and 22 days.  He was a soldier in the War of 1812 and served at Norfolk, 
    Va., until peace was made.
    Died, at her residence near this place on the 18th ult., in the 51st (?) year of her 
    age, Mrs. Jane Burgess Tillinghast, relict of the late Samuel W. Tillinghast, and 
    daughter of the late Judge Norwood of Hillsboro’.  This announces to a large circle 
    of relatives and friends the mortal end of a woman of singular excellence and virtue, 
    and of exalted Christian character.  For  more than 30 years she has lived in this 
    community and by the most exemplary devotion to the duties of life in all its 
    relations, won the respect of and the ardent affection of a very large circle of friends. 
    Her remains were followed to the grave, on the afternoon of Sunday the 19th, by as 
    large a concourse, perhaps, as the writer ever saw at the burial of a private person.  
    “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 10, 1863
      Married, in this town on Wednesday, 5th inst., by Rev. Jas. McDaniel, Edward 
    O. Dailey and Lucy E. marsh, daughter of Jas. F. Marsh, Esq., all of this place.
    Married, near Wadesboro’ on the 22nd ult., Dr. John A. McRae to Miss Lavinia H. 
    Married on the 30th ult., by D.B. McIver, Esq., Duncan McIntosh to Miss Margaret 
    T., daughter of Thomas Cole, Esq., all of Moore Co.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, John Emerson, on the 24th Dec., by 
    D.F. McIver, Esq., John McIntyre to Mrs. Mary Ann Campbell.
    Died, in this town on Friday evening last of pneumonia, Miss Louisa C. Vann in the 
    24th year of her age.
    Died, at the residence of her son, on the 27th ult., in the upper end of Richmond Co., 
    after a lingering illness of some months, Mrs. Margaret Harbert, aged about 80 years.
    Died, on the 26th ult., E.W. boroughs, of Chatham Co., in the 63rd year of his age.  
    After attending to his daily business, he went to bed as well as usual and it was not 
    known that there was anything the matter with him until the next morning when he 
    was discovered to be speechless.  He died in that condition the night following, not 
    having spoken in the time.  A sure warning “Be ye also ready, for in such an hour 
    as ye know not of, the Son of Man cometh”. We hope our loss is his gain.
    Died, in Harnett Co., on the 5th Jan., after an illness of seven days, John Darroch, 
    Esq., aged 56 years, 11 months and 13 days.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 17, 1862
    Married, in this town on Thursday last, by Rev. Jos. C. Huske, Charles Beatty 
    Mallett, Esq., to Miss Marion, eldest daughter of Edward Lee Winslow, Esq.
    Married, on the 5th inst., in Robeson Co., near St. Paul’s, by Dr. S.B. Rozier, Esq., 
    Stephen Baxley to Miss Susan Powers.
    Married, in Robeson Co., on the 7th inst., by Daniel McMillan, Esq., Philip M. White 
    of the Highland Boys, to Miss Ellen Sophia Cashwell all of Robeson.
    Died, in Moore Co., on the 1st Feb., Mrs. Mary Shaw, aged 79.
    Died, in Columbis, Randolph Co., N.C., on the 9th Jan., Emma E., daughter of the 
    late Thomas A. Futral, in the 22nd year of her age.
    Died, at his residence in Coweta Co., Georgia, Jan. 23, after a protracted illness, 
    Rev. P.H. Skeen, in the 52nd(?) 62nd (?) year of his age.  We mourn not as those 
    who have no hope.  From early manhood he was a member of the M.E. Church, for 
    years a local minister, he lived a Christian and walked close to his profession.  A 
    kind father, an affectionate husband, a zealous Christian, has gone to the reward 
    for which he labored.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 24, 1862
    Married, in this town on the 17th inst., by Robert Mitchell, Esq., Marshall Autrey 
    to Miss Emiline Jones, all of this county. 
    Died, in Greensborough, on the 10th inst., Miss Joanna Gretter, in her 22nd year, 
    second daughter of Rev. John A. Gretter, deceased.
    Died, at Salisbury on the 5th Dec., 1861, Jas. J. McConnaughey, in the 31st year 
    of his age.
    Died, in Wilmington on the 18th inst., Major John Walker, in the 73rd year of his 
    age.  In the death of Mr. Walker, the community has lost a venerable and highly 
    respected citizen.  He was born at Herwickson-Tweed, England on the 24th 
    December, 1780.  Upon the invitation of his uncle, Maj. John Walker, after whom 
    he was named, and by whom he was adopted and educated, he came to Wilmington 
    to reside on the 31st Oct., 1803.  Imitating the spirit of independence which his 
    uncle had illustrated by his firm support of the Revolution, he gave his services to 
    his adopted country in the War of 1812, and the great struggle in which we are now 
    engaged enlisted his decided sympathy.  Early in life he was married to a most 
    excellent lady, who with a large (illegible word) of children survive to mourn the loss 
    of a kind and indulgent father and husband.  While he was respected and esteemed 
    by all, it was in the family circle that he was most prized.  While he was contented 
    and happy in the unambitious pursuits of a planter’s life, and the quiet pleasures 
    of a delightful home, whatever public trust that was confided to him, was always 
    discharged with fidelity and honest.  Wilmington Journal
    Died, at his residence in Brunswick County, on the 13th inst., Thomas Pleasants
    Hall, aged 69.  Mr. Hall was a relative of the Pleasants family, distinguished in the 
    history of the family.  Sadly afflicted by disease in almost every form for many years, 
    Mr. Hall managed his estate with a skill, energy and judgment which commanded 
    success.  He was hospitable; had but few friends, but by those few he was warmly 
    esteemed and loved.  A skillful planter and intelligent gentleman, he was, best of all, 
    an honest man.  
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Chatham Co., N.C., by A.M. 
    Yarbrough, Esq., Thomas C. Rosser to Mary C. Ragland, daughter of Thomas 
    Ragland, Esq.
    Married, on the 16th Feb., by Rev. R.R. Moore, Mr. A.J. Headen to Miss Eliza 
    White, all of Chatham Co.
    Married, in Robeson Co., on the 13th inst., by Rev. Hector McLean, Wm. J. 
    McLauchlin and Miss G.F. Brown, daughter of the late Neill B. Brown.
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 23rd ult., of pneumonia, Neill McKinnon, in the 
    66th year of his age.  In early life he professed his faith in Jesus Christ, and 
    became a member of the Presbyterian Church at Red Bluff, afterwards removing 
    his membership to Carolina Church, where he was made a ruling elder, the 
    duties of which office he faithfully and acceptably discharged until death.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 3, 1862
    Married, in this town on Thursday evening last, in the Presbyterian Church, by 
    the Rev. J.M. Sherwood, Mr. Charles Kennedy to Miss Mary A., daughter of 
    David Weymss, Esq., of this place.
    Married, on the 18th inst., by Dr. W.P. Hayes, in Wake Co., Alexander Williams, 
    of Chatham Co., to Miss Martha M. Massey of Wake.
    Died, in Sawney’s Neck, Bladen Co., on the 19th inst., Charley Bannerman, son 
    of Wm. T. and Elizabeth R. Fisher, aged 3 years, 10 months and 29 days.  Suffer 
    the little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
    Died, in Richmond Co., on the 21st inst., Mrs. Mary Stewart, aged about 60 years.  
    She was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
    Died, in Randolph co., on the 19th inst., John B., infant son of James and Martha 
    A.J. Tyson, aged 3 years, 8 months and 6 days.  It is a sad bereavement such, 
    we presume, as none but parents that have experienced such, can appreciate.
    Married, in Raleigh, on Tuesday morning, 25th inst., by Rev. J.M. Atkinson, Rev. 
    C.H. Wiley and Miss Mittie, daughter of James M. Towles, Esq.
    Died, on Wednesday morning, 26th inst., at 5:30 am, Edgar James, youngest son 
    of Poindexter and Elizabeth Shemwell, aged 19 months, 20 days.
    Died, in Raleigh on the 23rd inst., Mrs. Margaret Ann McPheeters, widow of the 
    late Rev. Dr. McPheeters, in the 67th year of her age.  She had been a member 
    of the Presbyterian church for 50 years, and adorned her profession by her excellent 
    temper and the daily exhibition of the graces of a matured Christian.
    Died, in Salisbury, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Jane A. Locke, wife of Wm. Locke.
    Died, near Raleigh, on Saturday morning last, at the residence of her brother-in-law, 
    Col. Willis Whitaker, Ms. Martha Courts, wife of Daniel W. Courts, Esq., Public 
    Treasurer of this state.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 10, 1862
    Married, in Moore Co., on the 20th ult., by Thomas Rollins, Esq., Andrew L. Cox
    to Miss Flora C. Lawrence, daughter of H. Lawrence, Esq., of Chatham Co.
    Married, by the Rev. P.H. Scovell, on the 20th ult., at the residence of the bride’s 
    mother, Mr. Owen Johnson of Bladen Co., to Miss Margaret J. Herring of Sampson 
    Married, by R.R.  Moore, Esq., near Mt. Vernon, on the 26th Feb., A.J. Headen 
    to Miss Elra, daughter of Calvin White, all of Chatham Co., N.C.
    Died, in this town on Tuesday night inst., of consumption, Henderson C. Lucas, 
    Esq., Cashier of the Fayetteville Branch of the Bank of North Carolina.  Mr. Lucas 
    was a native of Raleigh, the youngest son of that able editor of the “Minerva”, Alex 
    H. Lucas, from whom he inherited a vigorous intellect, unquestioned integrity and 
    kindly feelings.  During his residence of a few years in this place, he won the 
    regard and esteem of a large circle of friends, who share the grief of his widowed 
    mother at his loss.  He was a communicant of the Episcopal Church and closed 
    his life with a calm and quiet resignation with a “reasonable, religious and holy 
    hope of everlasting life” and, as we believe, “in perfect charity with all men”.
    Died, in this town on the 5th inst., Mrs. Frances R., wife of G.F. Webster, in her 
    35th year.
    Died, in this county, on the 4th inst., Johnnie, son of Wm. and K.A. Ving(?), 
    aged 3 years.
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 27th ult., in the 52nd year of his age, Daniel W. 
    McLean, Esq.  The deceased was one of the most worthy and useful citizens 
    of the community in which he lived.
    Died, in Hopkinsville, Ky., on the 4th January, 1862, Robert F. Murphy, in the 
    38th year of his age.  He was among the first to answer the call of Texas, his 
    adopted state, to go forth in defense of her rights and to achieve the independence 
    of the Confederacy but fell an early victim to disease.  He left a wife and four children 
    in Texas with a large circle of relations and friends in North Carolina to mourn their 
    irreparable loss.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 17, 1862
    Married, in Moore Co., on the 9th inst., by Thomas Rollins, Esq., John L. Wright 
    to Miss Frances Johnson, daughter of P. Johnson, Esq., of Harnett Co.
    Died, in this place on the 11th inst., Rev. John L. Newby, of the North Carolina 
    Conference, aged 43 years, 11 months and 5 days.
    Died, in Sampson Co., Feb. 20, Mrs. Nancy Owen, aged about 58.  The deceased 
    had been a consistent member of the M.E. Church more than thirty years and the 
    religion that comforted her in life sustained her in the trying hour of her death.  The 
    writer talked with her a short time before she passed away to the spirit land, and 
    found her calm and resigned to the will of God.  
    Died, in Charlotte on the 16th inst., Sarah Williams, daughter of James H. and Mary 
    Carson, aged 5 years, 3 months and 21 days. 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 24, 1862
    Married, in this county on the 17th inst., by Augustus Jackson, Esq., Stephen W. 
    Hall to Miss Mary M. Jackson, all of this county.
    Died, in Drew County, Arkansas, on the 14th ult., Julius P. Hussey, son of John 
    and Nancy Hussey, formerly of Davidson Co., N.C., aged about 19.
    Married, in Moore Co., on the16th inst., by Thomas Rollins, Esq., Spencer Burns 
    to Miss Isabella C. Thomas.
    Died, in Lumberton, on the 15th inst., of pneumonia, John Dow, infant son of Owen 
    C., and Mary Norment, aged one month.
    Died, in Harnett Co., on the 22nd Feb., William Killen, in the 73rd year of his age.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 31, 1862
    Married, on the 20th inst., by Elder E.L. Phillips, John W. Yow to Rebecca C. 
    Spinks, all of Randolph Co.
    Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Randolph Co., on the 21st inst., 
    by David W. Porter, Esq., Henry H. Lassiter to Miss Susan C. Allred.
    Died, in Robeson Co., March 23, in the 19th year of his age, J. Calvin, son of 
    John C. and Mary Campbell. He was a promising young man who, it is believed, 
    found the Savior precious to his soul.
    Died, near South Point, Gaston Co., on the 13th inst., Mrs. Mary McLean, in the 
    96th year of her age.
    Died, in Robeson Co., March 23, in the 19th year of his age, J. Calvin, son of John 
    C. and Mary Campbell.  He was a promising young man who, it is believed, found 
    the Savior precious to his soul.
    Died, near South Point, Gaston Co., on the 13th inst., Mrs. Mary McLean, in the 
    96th year of her age.
    Married, in Robeson Co., on the 20th inst., by Rev. H. McLean, Major George B. 
    Conoly, and Miss Flora C. Currie, daughter of the late Angus R. Currie.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 7, 1862
    Died, in this town, this morning, William Hay, infant son of R.T. and Mary Scanlin, 
    aged two years.
    Died, in this town on the 4th inst., Mrs. Nancy Silban, aged about 90 years.
    Died, at Beaver Creek, yesterday evening, Mrs. Elizabeth Vann, aged about 68 
    Died, in this county of typhoid pneumonia, on Saturday the 5th inst., James F.
    McKay, aged 46 years.
    Died, in Summerville, N.C., on Monday morning, the 31st ult., Peter McKellar, 
    infant son of M. & A. McKay, aged 3 months, 4 days.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 14, 1862
    Married, this morning, by R.M. Orrell, Esq., John A. Vance to Miss Harriett 
    M.A. Howell
    Died, in this place on Friday evening last, at the residence of W. McL. McKay, 
    Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bishop, of Murfreesboro, N.C., in the 66th year of her age.
    There was no anguish on her brow
    Nor terror in her eyes;
    The spoiler aimed a fatal dart
    But lost the victory.
    Died, in this town, this morning, John W. McDuffie, aged 24 years and 3 days.
    Died, in Moore Co., on the 8th inst., Mrs. Ann Stuart, in the 47th year of her age.  
    She professed religion about 18 months ago, and died in the hope of a blessed 
    immortality.  A few days before her death she said she would not give her hope 
    for the whole world.  She leaves a husband, 12 children and numerous friends 
    to mourn her loss.
    Died, at Okolona, Miss., on the 19th ult., in consequence of a railroad accident 
    near that place, William Ancrum Lord, son of the late William C. Lord of this 
    town, in the 25th year of his age.  It is not often that the death of an individual 
    excites a more just and general sympathy than the case which we here record.  
    Mr. Lord was, as a young man, possessed in a high degree of those qualities 
    which add endearment to the ties of  consanguinity and command love and 
    admiration from all.  Modest and retiring in his disposition he seemed to 
    strangers distant and reserved but to his intimate friends and associates his 
    character shone forth in all its comeliness and virtue, arrayed in the light of its 
    own inherent goodness.  When stricken by the hand of Providence, he occupied 
    a post of great responsibility in the public service—and the manner in which he 
    discharged its duties won for him the warmest commendations from all associated 
    with him. The injuries of which he died were peculiarly severe and intensely painful, 
    yet he bore his sufferings with unmurmuring submission to the will of God; and his 
    constant recurrence to the lessons of religion learned in early youth warrants the
    belief that he now sleeps in Jesus, in the hope of a blessed resurrection.  
    Wilmington Journal
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 21, 1862
    Died, in Wilmington on Saturday night last, Capt. Gilbert Potter, aged about 75 
    Died, near St. Paul’s, Robeson Co., N.C., on the 12th March, Mrs. Sarah, relict 
    of the late Hugh McEachern, in the 73rd year of her age.
    Died, in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., N.C., on the 27th March, in the 45th year of her age, 
    after a long and most painful illness which she bore with exemplary patience and 
    submission, Mrs. Sarah L., wife of Gen. Wm. F. Jones and youngest daughter of 
    the late Gen. Edmund Jones.
    Died, at Clinton, on the 17th inst., Col. J.W. Moseley, a highly respected and 
    venerable citizen.
    Died, in Franklinsville, N.C., April 16th, of disease of the heart, Mrs. Lucy 
    Makepeace, wife of George Makepeace, in the 55th year of her age.  The 
    deceased was a member of the M.E. Church during the last 38 years, and was a 
    strict observer of the rules and discipline of the same; was always kind and 
    attentive to the sick and the poor, and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn 
    their loss.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 28, 1862
    Married, in Petersburg, Va., on the 24th inst., by Rev. C.H. Hall, Mr. Wm. T. 
    Battlby of this town to Miss Jennette Edwards, daughter of Samuel Edwards 
    of Petersburg.
    Married, on the 18th Dec., by J.M. Stout, Esq., Mr. Wm. H. Fogleman to Miss 
    Elizabeth J. Forgison,  By the same, Feb. 18, James Stone to Miss Nancy 
    Buckner.  All of Chatham County.
    Died, in this county on the 26th inst., in the 49th year of her age, Mrs. Rebecca 
    H., wife of Zachariah Plummer, leaving a husband and five children to mourn her 
    Died, at Beaver Creek Village, April 21, Lovedy, wife of George W. Hillard, aged 
    about 28 years.  She gave abundant evidence that she was fully prepared for 
    Died, in Raleigh, on the 21st April, of consumption, Susan wife of  Dr. R.C. Swain, 
    of Weldon, N.C., and daughter of the late Thomas Burt, Esq., of Shelbyville, 
    Died, on the 11th March, near Brenham, Washington Co., Texas, of abscess of 
    the left lung, after an illness of 38 days, Dr. C.G. McGregor, aged 35 years, 1 
    month and 9 days.  Born in Cumberland, N.C., he moved to Texas six years ago 
    and by his enterprise and industry accumulated much and gained the affection 
    of many by his kindness as a neighbor and success as a physician.  Endowed 
    with a strong frame he gradually sank under his disease—repining not at his 
    agency but believing it the mercy of God, resulting in an eternity of bliss.
    Died, in Wilmington on the 20th inst., Joseph Hill Wright, aged 28 years.
    Died, at Wake Forest College, on the 14th inst., in the 47th year of her age, after a 
    short but painful illness, Mrs. Emily C., wife of Prof. W.T. Brooks, leaving a husband
    and four children.  

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, May 2007 & February 2008

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