Military Obituaries January - April 1864

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    Jan. 6, 1864
    Died, of measles in Poplar Lawn Hospital, Petersburg, 21st August, 1863, Lunsford P. 
    Lamiley, in the 21st year of his age.  He was a volunteer in Company I, 41st Regiment N.C. 
    Cavalry and was beloved by his comrades in arms.  He has left a widowed mother, brother 
    and sister together with many dear relatives to mourn their loss.  He was a true follower of 
    Jesus and though he had joined with no earthly church, we believe his soul is now safe 
    within the holy gates of the New Jerusalem.  His widowed mother and bereaved family 
    visited his grave in Virginia and had his remains disinterred and brought home to the family 
    graveyard and where he now sleeps beside his father.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 13, 1864
    Captain Joseph Adrian Williams departed this life 23rd November, 1863 at Richmond of 
    wounds received in battle, in the 24th year of his age.  The death of this promising and 
    young officer deserves a more extensive notice than the above announcement.  He was 
    born in 1839 in Pitt Co., N.C.  His father was Dr. Robert Williams, a native of North Carolina 
    and at an early age established a reputation as a physician.  His grandfather was also a 
    doctor of no small repute, a surgeon in our army during the American Revolution.  His 
    mother was a Miss Drake, an accomplished and gifted lady.  His youthful training began 
    at home under the tuition of James Murray, a learned scholar and completed at the
    University of North Carolina in 1859.  During the interval from the time he graduated until 
    the beginning of the present war, he spent most of his time traveling.  He purchased a 
    farm in Arkansas.  He had just returned home to remove his household goods thither when 
    the war began.  His polished manners and generous nature were a passport to the most 
    select social circles.  His mind was strong and of great originality and his humorous 
    disposition and ready wit made him a pleasant companion.  His friendship, when once 
    secured, was firm and steadfast, changing not with the tide of events.  He was vigilant 
    and active in the performance of his duties.  He received two severe wounds in the Battle 
    of Bristow Station on Oct. 14, 1963.  His surgeon pronounced his wound mortal but he 
    lived so long that hopes were entertained for his recovery.  He was removed to Richmond 
    as soon as possible where after lingering about six weeks he passed away.
    Died, at Fort Delaware in October, 1863, James D. Kirkpatrick, son of Alexander and Francis 
    Kirkpatrick of Alamance County, N.C.  The subject of this notice entered the service in July 
    of 1862 and was a member of Company I, 17th N.C.T.  He participated in Fredericksburg 
    battle, the battle at Winchester and was at Gettysburg.  At the last place he was captured 
    by the enemy and carried to Fort Delaware.  After a time, disease seized upon him and he 
    sickened and died far away from home.  In a letter to his sister he said:  “I cannot act the 
    hypocrite but I have a hope that I am a changed man and hope that if we do not meet again 
    in this world that I will meet you all in Heaven”.  He was a man whom all loved.  May his 
    aged father and mother, sisters and brothers, relatives and friends humble bow in submission 
    to God’s will.  He was born September 26(?), 1829.
    A Friend
    North Carolina Standard
    Feb. 3, 1864
    Died, at the hospital in Raleigh, on the 7th Jan., Joseph Tucker of Mallett’s Battalion, in the 
    18th year of his age.  He had entered the service about three months previous to his death 
    and was taken sick with measles, which soon terminated his short but glorious career.  He 
    was a young man of amiable disposition, and noble bearing, frank and generous and open 
    hearted but alas! That kind heart ceases to beat and his body now lies in the family burying 
    Died, on Dec. 28, in the hospital at Washington City, D.C., Corp. John W. Cox, in the 20th 
    year of his age.  He was a native of Jones Co., N.C., the son of the late John H. Cox, Esq.  
    His death was caused by wounds received in the Battle of Kelly’s Ford.  He volunteered at 
    the beginning of the war in Company G, 2nd Regiment N.C.T.  The memory of his many 
    private virtues, his deeds of daring and his self sacrifice and heroic death will long live in the 
    memory of his grateful comrades.
    Fayetteville Observer, January 4, 1864
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Emory Hospital, Va., 19th Nov., Paschal Smelener, of Company H and on the 21st, G. 
    W. Ward, of Company F, Thomas’ Legion.
    At Columbia, S.C., Corp. J.R. Milison, of the 60th Regiment.
    About the 1st August, Lt. John B. Clanton of the 11th Regiment of Mecklenburg, N.C.
    Died, on the night of 2nd July, 1863, of wounds received on the 1st, at the Battle of Gettysburg, 
    Sgt. W. Preston Kirkman, son of Dr. George Kirkman of Chatham Co., N.C., aged 26 years, 
    10 months, and 16 days.  He volunteered at the first tap of the drum in July, 1861.  He was in 
    the battle of Newbern in March, 1862 and was one of the last to leave the rifle pits.  He was 
    unfortunately taken prisoner with a few more of his company.  He was in the hands of the 
    enemy for five months, during which time he suffered a great deal from rough treatment.  He 
    was exchanged in August and rejoined his regiment.  He acted as Orderly Sergeant for 
    Company G, for some time before his death, which post he filled to the complete satisfaction 
    of his company—always ready and willing at any hour of the night, after a long, weary march, 
    to draw provisions for his comrades.  He died very calm.  
    Died, on the 1st September at the General Hospital, Gettysburg, Pa., of acute pneumonia, 
    after a brief illness of four days, Henry Clay B. Kirkman, son of Dr. George Kirkman of 
    Chatham Co., N.C., aged 21 years, 2 months, 6 days.  He was one of four brothers who 
    went into battle at Gettysburg, pa., all of whom were either killed, wounded or taken prisoner.  
    He was wounded on the 3rd July, late in the evening while near the enemy’s breastworks.  
    He was a member of company G, 26th Regiment N.C.T.  Although with a feeble constitution, 
    he was one of the first to cast his lot among the Chatham Boys in 1861.  His sudden death 
    forcibly reminds us that “in the midst of life we are in death.”
    By a Brother
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 11, 1864
    Deaths of Soldiers
    Died, in General Hospital at Staunton, Va., 4th ult., J.R. Potts, Company K, 30th (?) Regiment
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 18, 1864
    Deaths of Soldiers
    On the 6th Oct., Rev. J.D. Clark, a member of Company B, 1st N.C. Troops, of Buncombe 
    Co., N.C.
    At Gordonsville, Va., Oct. 23, in the 23rd year of his age, Wm. H. Profitt, Sgt., Company B, 
    1st N.C. Regiment.  He had been in the army since May of 1861.
    Killed in battle at Payne’s Farm, Va., on the 27th Nov., 1863, Corp. Lynson M. Welborn, 
    Company B, 1st N.C. Regiment, while gallantly discharging the duties of a brave soldier.
    In Fort Delaware, in October last, Jas. D. Kirkpatrick, of the 59th (?) Regiment, from Alamance 
    Co., aged 33.
    At General Hospital #9, Richmond, March 19, Thomas L. Scott of Company D, 21st Regiment, 
    in the 27th year of his age.
    On the 6th July, from the effects of a wound received at the Battle of Gettysburg, on the 1st 
    July, Wm. H. McQuay, in the 19th year of his age, Company E, 11th N.C.T.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 18, 1864
    Died, recently, Privates James Wyche and P.S. Bobbitt, of the 47th Regiment, of wounds 
    received at Gettysburg.
    Died, in Wilmington, on the 13th inst., of typhoid pneumonia, William E. Smith, of Co. B, 1st 
    Battalion Artillery, aged 37.
    Fayetteville Observer, January 25, 1864
    Killed in the battle of Bristow Station, Oct. 14, Private Jas. H. Parker, a member of the 
    Goldsboro’ Rifles, Company A, 27th Regiment N.C.T.  He was the son of James R. Parker 
    of Wayne Co., N.C., and enlisted in the above company with two of his brothers, on the 15th 
    April, 1861, then under the command of Capt. M.D. Craton.  He served with his company in all 
    its subsequent campaigns while in the battles of Sharpsburg, Md., where he was severely 
    wounded, Fredericksburg, Va., and several other engagements of less note, in each of which 
    he greatly distinguished himself for his unflinching bravery.  He gave up his life upon the ill 
    fated field of Bristow, where with his comrades he had breasted a perfect storm of shot and 
    shell unhurt, until the order was given to fall back; in doing so, he lingered to assist in conveying 
    from the field the body of his captain, who was mortally wounded, and while thus engaged, the 
    fatal bullet pierced his head, and he yielded up his life to the God who gave it.  He is gone, and 
    a braver man has not fallen during this wicket and relentless war which his now waged against 
    us by our vandal foes of the North.
    Killed, instantly, on the battle field of Chancellorsville, the 3rd May, 1863, Sgt. Brantly Harris, 
    a member of Company C, 23rd N.C. Regiment, son of Parsons and Abigail Harris of Montgomery 
    Co., N.C.  He was one of the first to respond to his country’s call, and volunteered in the above 
    company in the 27th may, 1861 with two of his brothers.  Before he was 20 years of age he had 
    shared all the danger and hardship in which his company had been exposed and had been 
    frequently complimented by his commanding officer for his courage and good conduct on the 
    battlefield.  He was appointed 1st Sgt. for gallantry on the battlefield, which post he filled to the 
    complete satisfaction of his company.
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 9th Jan., Lt. Lemuel F. Andrews, aged 34.  Lt. Andrews was 
    highly respected by all who became acquainted with him for he was a man of sterling worth 
    and integrity.  He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church.  He has left an almost 
    disconsolate wife and three small children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and affectionate 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 1, 1864
    Died, at his residence in Walkersville, Union Co., S.C., Sept. 17, Capt. Hugh Wilson, in the 
    37th year of his age.  His disease was consumption, contracted in the military service.  Capt. 
    William Wilson, the only brother of the above, was killed in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 
    in the 23rd year of his age.  
    Died, at his father’s residence in Montgomery Co., N.C., June 12, 1863, in the 23rd year of his 
    age, John Milton Crawford, a member of Company G, 14th N.C.R. Thus has fallen one so young 
    and promising in the opening bud of manhood.  Milton was a good and generous young man, 
    was admired and beloved by all his acquaintances.  He served his country for nearly two  
    months, was captured by the enemy at Sharpsburg, and remained with them for three months, 
    during which time he suffered much from sickness, before he was finally recovered.  He 
    hastened to rejoin his companions.  In the memorable battles of Chancellorsville, he received a 
    severe wound in the right arm, which was amputated and he was conveyed to Richmond, where 
    he took typhoid fever; he bore all with much patience, with a smile on his countenance, seeming 
    to be resigned to the will of God.  His father on hearing the sad fate of his son, went immediately 
    after him and brought him home, where he survived only a few days.  Milton in early life sought 
    and found the pearl of great price; he joined the church at the age of  fifteen, and lived up to the 
    duties of a meek and humble Christian, and died a true soldier of the cross.
    Dear Milton, thou hast suffered,
    By this fierce and cruel war;
    But thy conflicts now are ended,
    Thou canst feel its pangs no more.
    Thos has heard the cannon’s rattle,
    Thou has seen the wounded fall;
    In Chancellorsville’s bloody battle
    Thou were pierced by a fatal ball.
    Fond parents, weep not for thy son,
    His sufferings now are o’er;
    He has fought his battle, the victory won;
    And is now on Canaan’s happy shore.
    In the bright, bright courts of heaven, 
    A portion he doth share;
    By sin it is not blended—
    No fear of war is there.
    Dear Milton, thou art happy now,
    Thy soul from anguish free;
    Thou art in that lovely dwelling,
    Where thy spirit longed to be.
    Cousin M.  
     Died, on the 6th Dec., of a wound received on the 29th November last in a skirmish on the 
    Rapidan, Lt. Virginius Copeland, of the 2nd N.C. Cavalry, of Northampton Co., in the 22nd year 
    of his age.
    Died, at Tarboro’ on the 11th Jan., David Cashwell of Company F,  24th Regiment.  He died, it 
    is believed, in peace with his Maker.  He has departed this world of cares and trouble.  There 
    are no wars and foemen in heaven.
    Died, at the hospital in Raleigh on the 7th Jan., Joseph Tucker of Mallett’s Battalion, in the 18th 
    year of his age.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 15, 1864
    Killed instantly at Gettysburg, Penn., July 1, 1863, Wm. A., and Henry B. Garrett, Company G, 
    26th Regiment, N.C.T., sons of Rev. Jacob and Anna Garrett of Chatham Co., N.C. At the first 
    sound of the war cry the former forsook his home and its happy inmates and bidding adieu to a 
    fond brother and sisters and affectionate parents, he attached himself to the “Chatham Boys”.  
    For two long and trying years he has undergone the hardships of the camp, the fatigues of the 
    march, the exposure and danger of battle, all for the sake of his native land.  But alas!  At 
    Gettysburg, while charging the enemy, he fell to rise no more.  The latter, though not among 
    the first to volunteer (owing to his age) did so before he became 18 and connected himself with 
    the same company and regiment.  In him we find blended with the noble qualities of his brother, 
    an extremely gay and lively disposition, which cheered and encouraged all with whom he 
    mingled.  He was beloved and respected by the entire company.  They both fill an honored 
    soldier’s grave in the grove fronting Gettysburg.  Parents, weep not, for though separated from 
    you, so that they can never more return to your fond embrace, yet you can join them in a better 
    world, where parting will be no more.
    Near Orange C.H., Va., Jan. 27, 1864
    Deaths of Soldiers
    At Guinea Station, on the 27th May, 1863, Daniel W. Reynolds, of Company M, 21st N.C.T., 
    in the 27th year of his age.
    The Chaplain of the Hospital gives the N.C. Christian Advocate the following list of N.C. soldiers 
    who have recently died in General Hospital #9, Richmond, Va.:
    H.E. Bowen, Company F, 4th Regiment
    J. Ritten, B, 47th
    E. Sutton, I, 34th
    M.B. Phillips, C, 20th
    H. Turner, C, 46th
    J.H. Yarbrough, K, 44th
    J.A. Battle, C, 2nd
    S. Corkran, I, 32nd
    P.B. Warlick, B, 11th
    B. Ethridge, I, 16th (?)
    M.E. West, A, 46th
    List of North Carolina Officers and Men who died at Martinsburg, Va., both in hospital and 
    private quarters from June 17 to September 19, 1863
    Jas. Fleming, Co. E, 42nd Regiment, typhoid fever, June18
    R.H. Robinson, A, 30th, typhoid pneumonia, June18
    B.T. Stewart, A, 46th (?), typhoid fever, June 19
    Calvin Moore, C, 43rd, typhoid pneumonia, June 23
    K. Lawson, G, 53rd, dysentery, June 29
    J.B. Westbrook, G, 2nd, typhoid fever, June 27
    AE. Millaway, B, 45th, typhoid fever, July 2
    R.L. Beaman, G, 4th, typhoid pneumonia, July 6
    W.H. Spece, H, 5th Cavalry, gangrene, July 15
    Capt. Hughs, A.A.G., Pettigrew’s Brigade, wound, July 15
    H. Watkins, E, 47th, fever, July 17
    A.F. Taylor, B, 32nd, typhoid fever, July 23
    Nathan Barrington, F. 2nd, wounds, July 21
    Adjt. H.C. Lucas, 11th, wounds, July 24
    Col. J.H. Morehead, 46th (?), typhoid fever, July 3
    Rufus Irwin, Happy Home, P.O. Burke, N.C., 26th, died in country July 16
    A Patterson, D, 53rd, typhoid fever, Sept. 2.
    It will doubtless be highly gratifying to the friends and relatives of these men to know they died 
    not neglected and despised.  The elegant and heroic matrons and maidens of Martinsburg—
    with noble sympathetic hearts and willing hands ministered as angels to their wants.  Many 
    were kindly nursed in private homes while those in the hospitals were by no means neglected.  
    All were neatly buried in the Episcopal and Green Hill cemeteries and their last resting places 
    plainly marked.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 14, 1864
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    Near Milford Depot, Va., of pneumonia, Henry B. Edmondson, of Wayne Co., aged about 17, 
    of the 1st Cavalry.
    At the U.S. Hospital, Chester, Pennsylvania, Richard W. Powell, of Company F, 59th Regiment, 
    aged 36, of Wilson.
    February 13, Stephen Frazer, a private in Company K, 45th Regiment, of Forsyth Co., aged 31.
    In Washington City, 11th November, Samuel J. Boyce, Sgt. in Company K, 20th Regiment, 
    aged 20, of a wound received at Kelly’s Ford.
    Died, in the hospital at Wilmington, Jan. 2, 1864, Johnson Fry, in the 41st year of his age.  
    He was a member of the Wilmington Artillery, and only served seven weeks before his death.  
    He lived a consistent member of the church for the past 19 years.  He was a good and obliging 
    neighbor, a kind and affectionate father and a true, devoted husband.  He leaves a wife and five 
    children to mourn his irreparable loss.  But they mourn not as those who have no hope, for 
    they have bright assurance that he has gone to rest.
    Died, at Staunton, Va., Oct. 15, 1863, M.A. Coggin, of Montgomery Co., Company H, 44th 
    N.C.T., aged 31 years, 4 months and 26(?) days.  He had been in service one year and seven 
    days when he died and had been in several skirmishes and passed them all unhurt.  Thus has 
    fallen the last of three soldierly brothers, a crushing blow on their aged father.  He was 
    esteemed by all who knew him at home and loved by his fellow soldiers.  He leaves an 
    affectionate wife, lovely little daughter, aged father, sisters and brothers, to mourn his early 
    loss.  He gave bright evidence of peace with God.
    Died, at Richmond at Winder Hospital, Oct. 23, 1863, James A. Gibson, of Montgomery Co., 
    N.C., of fever, in the 24th year of his age, of Company F, 44th N.C.T.  He had been in several 
    skirmishes but passed them all unhurt.  He was a model soldier, ever at the post, and loved by 
    all his fellow soldiers.  He leaves a loving wife, brother, mother and sisters to mourn his early 
    Died, at Hammond General Hospital, Maryland, A. Carter, Company L, 22nd Regiment, N.C.T.  
    He was a kind and generous youth, respected by all who knew him.  He did not remain in the 
    army long before he was captured by our ruthless foe and soon thereafter was taken sick and 
    after a short illness passed from time into eternity and now reposes calmly beneath the sod of 
    earth in the cold, silent sepulcher where the din of war, the clash of arms and the bursting 
    thunders of cannon are never heard.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 21, 1864
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In hospital at Fayetteville Arsenal, 6th March, George W. Autry, fifer in Company B, 2nd 
    Battalion, in the 18th year of his age.  Although he was not a professor of any religious 
    denomination, yet he was a bright pattern of youthful piety.
    In hospital at Wilmington on the 7th December, of typhoid dysentery, Corp. Jas. McSavage of 
    Company I, 17th Regiment, aged 29.
    At Point Lookout, of chronic diarrhea, Sgt. E.M. Crowson of Company B, 27th Regiment N.C.T.
    Killed in action near Batchelor’s Creek, Feb. 1, 1864, Wm. E. Pugh, a private of Company C, 
    61st (or 51st?) Regiment, N.C.T.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 21, 1864
    Killed at the second battle of Chickamauga, James D. Palmer, in the 28th year of his age.  
    Thus departs the flower of the country.  Deceased was born in Montgomery Co., N.C., and 
    migrated to Mississippi and eagerly responded to the first call for volunteers.  He has been an 
    eager participant in every battle in the West.  At Fishing Creek, where fell the lamented 
    Zolicoffer, he was in the charge when, for the first time in the war, bayonets were crossed.  
    Shiloh, the second battle of Corinth, Perryville, Murfreesboro’, Chickamauga, all can testify to 
    his bravery; and on several occasions was he complimented by his commanding officers.  As 
    a citizen no one was more respected.  For years he led a pious and consistent life and none 
    knew him but to love him.  He leaves three brothers now fighting in defense of their country 
    and aged parents to mourn his untimely loss.   Such is the soldier’s fate.
    Deaths of Soldiers
    Died, at the Post Hospital, Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, Feb. 12, Private Wm. D. Johnson 
    of Company B, 2nd N.C. Battalion, son of Daniel and Annabella Johnson, aged 18 years, 6 
    months and 25(?) days.
    At Camp Douglas, Illinois, Pleasant Heatherly, Jobery Heatherly, Robert Allen, T.P. Fisher, 
    John Morgan and A.L. Morgan, members of a company from Henderson County.
    Capt. John G. Witherspoon of Co. K, 30th Regiment, was shot through the breast at Kelly’s 
    Ford on the 7th Nov., and died a prisoner on the spot a few hours afterwards, aged 26.
    In Buncombe Co., 16th ult., Lt. L.D. Alexander, of Company F, 16th Regiment N.C.T. aged 29 
    years, 9 months and 15 days.
    Killed by accident on the rail road from Tarboro’ to Rocky Mount, N.C., 19th December, Private 
    Ransom Jackson of Company I, 51st Regiment, N.C.T.  A brave and good soldier.
    Company I
    On January 15(?), James H. Bartlett, aged 24.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 28, 1864
    Died, on the 11th inst., Daniel S. Blue of Moore Co., of Capt. McKellar’s Company, in the 39th 
    year of his age, leaving a widow and three small children.  He was a prudent, industrial farmer, 
    very much attached to his family, worth much more in the farm than in the army, his constitution 
    being delicate.
    Died, at the Marine Hospital in Wilmington, on Monday evening, March 7 of small pox, Thomas 
    Dicken, Company F, 50th N.C. Regiment.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 4, 1864
    Willis Philips, the subject of this notice, died in the 29th year of his age, at his residence in 
    Chatham Co., March 1, 1864.  His disease was chronic diarrhea, from which he suffered 
    severely for several months before his death.  He left an aged mother, an affectionate wife and 
    three little sons to mourn his loss.  When the war started, he left his home and gave his services 
    as a volunteer under Capt. Webster and was a member of Company E, 26th Regiment N.C.T.  
    He participated in the Battle of Newbern, also in the 7 Days fighting around Richmond.  He was 
    ever ready to discharge his duty as a soldier.  His company has lost one of its best members 
    and his country a true patriot.
    A Friend

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, December 2007

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