These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War. North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 18, 1862 Died, in the hospital at Goldsborough, on the 10th inst., of typhoid fever, Augustus Grimson of Granville County, aged 20. The deceased was a quiet and orderly young man—obedient and submissive to his officers—a good and faithful soldier. He was a member of Captain J.J. Davis’ Company, 47th Regiment, N.C.T. The second son of a widowed mother, sacrificed on the altar of patriotism since the beginning of the present year. May God sustain the poor bereaved, widowed mother in her affliction. P. North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 25, 1862 Died, at Richmond, Virginia, at a private residence of D.F. Coltrane, aged 15(?) 18(?) years, 11 months and 27 days, a member of Company A, 6th Regiment N.C.T. The deceased was a resident of Randolph Co., N.C. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Every attention and kindness was shown him by the family in Richmond in whose house he died. Though a stranger, he was nursed with gentle and loving hands and died in the full hope of a brighter and better life. With thousands of others of our gallant youth, he has freely offered up his life for his struggling, bleeding country. His friends and relatives are consoled by the reflection that he was ready to depart when the Master called for him and that he died in a righteous cause. Fayetteville Observer, July, 1862 Killed on the battlefield near Richmond, Va., Tuesday, July 1, 1862, John R. Stedman, a native of Chatham Co., N.C., who volunteered in the Chatham Rifles. With feelings of pure patriotism, he volunteered he services in defense of his country for twelve months, after which period he hoped to return again to his many friends left behind, to enjoy some few days of recreation and pleasure and the home circle, but being denied this privilege, he was from home thirteen months in regular service, not having a furlough during the time. Being of a most lively and happy disposition, true to his country and from a sense of honor he endured it all without a murmur; was fighting bravely for his rights when he fell with his face to the foe. A better soldier, a truer patriot never lived. He was buried on the battlefield on Wednesday. May the God of battles sustain and comfort the much bereaved family in the loss of such a dutiful son and grandson and true and devoted brother. Died, at the hospital in Kinston, N.C., on the 30th ult., of typhoid fever, Sgt. Green B. Cox of the Moore County Independents, Company H, 26th Regiment N.C.T., aged 23 years. In the death of Sgt. Green B. Cox, the Moore County Independents has lost one of its noblest comrades, the Confederacy a good soldier and a true patriot and his parents a dutiful son. It is consoling to know that he was resolved to die—to give up his life while in the service of his country. The glory of the brave will live, Though the joyous life depart And the magic charm can never die Of a true and faithful heart. A Friend North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 2, 1862 Died, in Richland, Onslow Co., N.C., on the 17th June, Lt. William Humphrey, 19 years, 4 months, 9 days. The deceased was an officer in Captain Koonce’s Partisan Rangers. He died of typhoid fever contracted at camp and breathed his last a few days after he reached home, surrounded by his parents and friends. He was an amiable and obedient son, a kind and affectionate brother, loved and respected by all for his noble and generous qualities. The writer knew him well and deeply sympathizes with the afflicted family in the heavy loss which has suddenly fallen upon them. Our deceased friend has given his life as a sacrifice on the altar of his country and though his familiar face will be visible to us no more, his bright example and his good name will continue to live. E. The body of Lt. Duncan Cameron Haywood who fell in battle near Richmond on Friday was brought to this city and interred on Monday morning last. He was a son of the late Hon. William H. Haywood and held the position of first lieutenant in the 7th State Troops. He fought gloriously in the battle of Newbern as we have no doubt he did on the field where he met his death. It is reported he was carrying the flag of the regiment when he was struck down and that his colonel, the lamented Campbell, seized the flag after he fell and that he also received his death wound while bearing it towards the foe. Lt. Haywood has been cut off in the flush of manhood, but he has fallen nobly in the path of duty and in a righteous cause. “After life’s fitful fever he sleeps well”. Colonel Campbell The fall of this noble officer in the battle before Richmond on Friday last will awaken the deepest regret, in the minds of thousands of this state. The 7th N.C.T. on that bloody field was completely decimated. It is rumored but we cannot vouch for its truth that no company in the regiment was left with more than 15 men unhurt. It exhibited a gallantry which has covered the living and the dead with glory. Colonel Campbell fell leading on his men with the coolness, skill and intrepidity for which he was noted. His regiment was devoted to him and reposed entire confidence in his ability and his gallantry. Colonel Campbell was a native of Iredell County, a graduate of West Point and occupied a high position in the old U.S. Army. We have heard him spoken of by officers in the old army with much affection and his high character as an officer and a gentleman. The remains of Colonel Campbell and Lt. Miller passed through this city on Monday morning to be conveyed to their home for interment. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 9, 1862 Lt. Leonidas J. Merritt We are grieved to report the death of this gallant and noble hearted young man who fell in the battle below Richmond on Tuesday last. Lt. Merritt was second in command of the Chatham Rifles, 15th Regiment N.C.T. We learn from his captain (Capt. Landon who passed through this place on Sunday) that he was struck with a minie ball which entered his side through his arm and came out under his shoulder blade. He died almost instantly. His last words were “come on, my brave boys.” Lt. Merritt was wounded in the Battle of Wynn’s Mill and was relieved from duty for some weeks on this account during which he occupied his seat as a member of the convention. He returned to his company voluntarily, as under the Conscription Law he was exempt, being a clerk of one of the courts of Chatham. We conversed with him the day before he returned and we know, as his conduct shows, that he was actuated by the loftiest sense of duty. His fellow citizens of Chatham were urging him to be a candidate for the legislature and his election would have been certain if he had consented to run and this also would have exempted him from the conscription; but he told us he was in it for the war and could not think of leaving the brave boys who made up his company and who had stood by him in battle. He was a young man of fine attainments and unusual promise; and if his life had been spared he would have taken a position among our best and ablest men. We knew him intimately and we mingle our regrets with those of his numerous friends who deplore his death. We learn the regiment that B.F. Guthrie of the North Carolina Conference of the M.E. Church, lately stationed at Chapel Hill, but more recently chaplain in one of our regiments, recently died in camp at Brooke Church near Richmond of disease contracted in the discharge of his duties. He was in fine health when he entered the army a few weeks ago. He was a young man of much promise and was a useful and acceptable minister. The remains of Captain William B. Gulley who fell in the battle on Tuesday, 1st inst., were brought back to this city on Saturday and buried with military honors. He was a native of this county and a printer by trade and volunteered at an early date as a private. He was elected first lieutenant and afterwards captain of Company C, 24th Regiment. He was highly esteemed by his company as he was by his friends generally. He died as a true soldier dies with his face to the foe. Among the native North Carolinians who fell gloriously was Major Chatham Roburdeau Wheat, son of Professor Wheat, formerly of this state. From Manassas to the spot where he fell he was distinguished among the bravest for his lofty and daring courage. At the head of 85 men—he was struck by a rifle bullet in the head and died almost instantly. His last words were “Boys, bury me on the field.” We learn that Colonel Charles C. Lee of the 37th was slain in the battle on Monday. His body was sent through this place on Monday to his family in Charlotte. Col. Lee was a native of Buncombe Co. and a graduate of West Point. He distinguished himself in the battles of Newbern, Hanover Court House and in those near Richmond. We have heard none of the circumstances of his death but we may be sure he was where duty called him and that he met his fate like a hero. The Wilmington Journal contains a tribute to Captain James Allen Wright of the 1st State Troops, son of the late Dr. Thomas H. Wright of that place. He fell in the conflict on Thursday. Captain Wright was a man of much promise. But, says the Wilmington Journal, “he is gone from among us. All pale now is the ruddy, cheerful face – closed the bright eyes – nerveless the strong hand – and the warm, generous heart is cold and still in death; but the long life is just begun in a land where sorrow and suffering never come and where all is peace. If in that land a place is reserved for the patriot soldier who has laid his life upon his country’s altar then we may rest in the conviction That when the mighty caravan Which halts one nighttime in the vale of death Which strikes its white tents for the morning’s march He will move onward to the eternal hills His foot unwearied and his strength renewed Like the strong eagle for the upward flight.” We record with deep regret the death of Lt. William Closs and Lt. Delane W. Husted, natives of this state. The former was attached to Company E, 7th State Troops and the latter, we believe, to an Alabama company of artillery. They were both in early manhood and their dispositions gave promise of much bright future usefulness. Lt. Closs, we understand, was shot in the head in the battle of Gaines Mills. Their bodies were not recovered but were buried where they fell. Died, in Richmond, Va., on the 17th June, Daniel M. Roney(?), aged 21 years, 11 months. He volunteered in the first company raised in Alamance County and was a member of the Alamance Regulators where he faithfully discharged his duties as a soldier. He was in the Battle of Seven Pines near Richmond and acquainted himself with a firmness and courage worthy of his native state. Typhoid fever with the fatigue and exhaustion occasioned by the battle terminated his life. He was a sober, intelligent young man and much beloved by his family and friends. A martyr in the cause of independence, his memory with that of thousands of others who have fallen in the fight will be fondly cherished by a grateful country. We regret to hear of the death of Colonel Roberts of the 14th Regiment of this state. He died in Richmond a few days since of typhoid fever. He was from Buncombe having entered the service as a member of the Rough and Ready Guards. He was a good officer and a worthy man. North Carolina has no nobler spirit than that of Col. Gaston Meares who was slain in the attack on the enemy on the 1st July near Richmond. Col. Meares had been in command of the 3rd Regiment from the time of its organization. He saw service in the Mexican War and acquainted himself handsomely in the Battle of Buena Vista. He had a good military education and managed his regiment with skill and judgment. Col. Meares was a brave and patriotic and accomplished gentleman. Dr. W.J.T. Miller of Cleaveland passed through this place on Sunday with the body of his son, Lt. D.M. Miller of the 12th Regiment State Troops who was slain in the battle on Tuesday. Dr. Miller has two other sons in the army near Richmond. We regret to learn that Captain H.C. Gorrell of Greensboro was killed in a picket skirmish on the 21st ult., near Richmond. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 16, 1863 Died, in Goldsboro on the 10th (?) June, of typhoid fever, Thomas B. Rice, 17th Regiment, in the 23rd year of his age. Also, on the 28th June, of typhoid fever, at the residence of his father, Nash County, Barry Rice, of the 47th Regiment in the 24th year of his age. They were both temperate and moral young men and sons of Jno. B. Rice of Nash County, N.C. Want of space prevented mentioning in our last issue that Captain Freeland died of his wounds recently in the hands of the enemy at Fortress Monroe. He was a brave man and deserved a better fate. Colonel Montfort Sidney Stokes, commander of the 1st Regiment N.C.T. died in Richmond a few days since from a wound received in the battle on July 1. Colonel Stokes had one of his legs shattered and amputated. Soon after this mortification set in and all efforts to save his life were unavailing. Colonel Stokes was a son of General Montfort Stokes, who was at one time governor of this state and a member of the U.S. Senate. He has been in the war since its beginning. He possessed a considerable military knowledge and had seen service before this war, having been major of a regiment from this state in the war with Mexico. He was a good officer and a worthy man. We copy the following article from the Richmond Enquirer. The impression is that the deceased was the gallant son of John C. Taylor, Esq., of Granville County, If so, it will be gratifying to the friends of the deceased to be able to identify his body. “Among the gallant officers killed in the fight of Saturday, 28th June was Captain John Taylor of what state or regiment is unknown to the writer. His corpse, when found, was clothed in a new Confederate uniforms and had pinned upon the breast of the coat a piece of paper inscribed with his name and rank with the affecting request ‘please take care of my body’. The friends of the brave captain who may chance to see this paragraph will derive a melancholy satisfaction from knowing that the body was buried with all possible decency and respect on Sunday, 29th June by the order of Col. Thomas T. Munford of the 21st Virginia Cavalry at Magee’s Farm in Hanover County, under a large cherry tree between the house and the barn. A portfolio belonging to the deceased was deposited in the box with the body and a headboard with the officer’s name was placed over it. Two other bodies of unknown persons, one that of a lieutenant, were buried near the grave of Captain Taylor.” Tribute of Respect paid by the Raleigh Typographical Society Whereas Almighty God has seen fit to call from the theater of mortality to a higher world, Capt. William B. Gulley of Company B, 24th Regiment N.C.T. and a member of this society, who fell on the 1st inst., while gallantly leading his men against the invading army, we pay this tribute of respect S. McGee Fisher Josiah Jones John Nichols Died, at the residence of his mother in Wake Co., of typhoid fever, on the 6th inst., Daniel Sanford Allen, Company B, 14th Regiment N.C.T., aged 21. No labored eulogy is needed in commemoration of this brave young soldier who was among the first to rally to his country’s call. Though he fell not on the battlefield, yet he sacrificed his life on the altar of his country. The hope of a widowed mother, the idol of an only sister, the first love of two young brothers, is with us no more. His comrades in arms, many of whom were his school mates, will speak of his memory with a fond intonation and sigh that one so promising should die so young. We have laid his body to rest in the ground but neither earth nor coffin can retain that beautiful soul which has already burst its prison here and gone to that rest our Savior has promised His people. He fell asleep on earth at the beginning of a beautiful Sabbath morning and awoke in Heaven where an eternal Sabbath reigns. Oh! This is indeed joy, though here we meet not again but what transporting bliss awaits the pure and the faithful hearted when it shall find the loved and lost of those who have gone before, where every fear is wiped away and partings come no more. A Friend North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 23, 1862 We deeply regret to have to announce the death of Col. George S. Lovejoy, which occurred at his father’s residence in this city on Sunday night last. Colonel Lovejoy had been in feeble health for some time and had been compelled on this account to retire from the service. He was an able officer, having received a military education at West Point. But when his state summoned here sons to arms, he responded to the call and offered his best energies in her defense. His death is no doubt the result of exposure in service and he is thus as much a martyr in the cause of independence as if he had fallen in battle. Died, in Richmond, Virginia on Wednesday, 2nd July, D.G. Johnson, from a wound received in the battle on Tuesday. Mr. Johnson was a zealous member of the Christian Church and a noble, brave soldier. He volunteered in the first company that left Harnett County. Mr. Johnson bore all the hardships of the war with Christian fortitude. He leaves many friends to mourn their loss. His active, noble form now sleeps in peace, Beneath the silent clay, While angels have borne his happy soul Away to realms of earthless day. A Friend Died, at his residence in Marion, McDowell Co., N.C., on the 8th inst., of typhoid fever, Captain W. B. Holyburton, in the 33rd year o fhis age. He was late captain of Company B, 35th Regiment N.C.V. Died, at Richmond, Virginia at a private residence, James E. Watson, of Chatham, a private in Company G, 48th N.C.R. aged about 22 years. Died, at Winder Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, of brain fever, Jacob M. Rogers, in the 19th year of his age. He was a private in Company K, (Raleigh Rifles), 14th Regiment, N.C.T. Inspired by a feeling of patriotic love for his native land, he entered the service of his country as a volunteer in the defense of the rights of the South in May of 1861 before he had attained the aged of 18. His last hours were cheered by the presence of his father and were peaceful and apparently painless. His remains were brought to this city for interment. Jacob Rogers had the gentleness of an obedient, affectionate son and kind brother united to the bravery and endurance of a “good soldier”. He met the dangers of the battlefield with calmness and endured the hardships of camp life without murmuring. He was particularly noted for his cheerful, uncomplaining disposition both as a son and a soldier and for the tender regard he always maintained for the happiness and wishes of his mother. He possessed an amiable disposition from his infancy so that it may be said of him—those who knew him most intimately loved him the most affectionately. It was a fit and delicate tribute of affection when the hands of a fair woman decked his last resting place with beautiful flowers, “love’s last gift to the early dead.” Sweet be his sleep Till we meet again Meet never to sever Died, at the hospital at Richmond, Va., D.G. Johnson of Harnett Co. He belonged to Company F, 16th (?) Regiment N.C.T. Thus with the thousands has another bright gem fallen. He was a young man who was highly esteemed by all his associations and was not to be surpassed by any other for morality. He possessed not the advantages of wealth that many do but a finer spirit never dwelt in man. Early after the war broke out he freely offered up his life as a sacrifice. Though the anniversary of his death has caused much sorrow to fill the hearts of many; and while we deeply mourn his departure and freely mingle tears of sympathy with those of his near friends and relatives over their sad bereavement, we cannot bewail his loss as though he had died the death of the unrighteous. He conversed freely with those who were with him and they testified that he was resigned to die in as much as he felt that he had endeavored to serve God faithfully and also his country. His last expiring words were that the news might be borne safely to his friends that he died in the faith and saw his way clearly in Heaven and hoped they would meet him there. May the example of George long linger with those who survive him and may they died the death he died. J.D.B. Died, on the battle field below Richmond on Tuesday’s fight, James T. McLenahan, of Chatham Co., in the 31st year of his age. This young man, in common with all the young men of Pittsborough and its vicinity formed a company known to the public as the “Chatham Rifles” and went at their country’s call to meet the enemy upon the peninsula near Yorktown where it remained all last summer exposed not only to the enemy but to diseases of a most destroying character. Having been appointed 1st Sgt. Of his company, he was necessarily exposed to much hardship and contracted a disease of that climate which prostrated him for some time. But like the true and courageous young man that he was, disease could not conquer his devotion to the cause and though he dragged his feeble limbs back to North Carolina with the troops ordered to Goldsborough, the writer of this notice saw him, pale, emaciated and eyes sunken and could scarcely prevail upon him to accept a furlough; which, however, he did and visited his family for a short time. Upon his return, he found his regiment before Richmond and on that fatal day with others of his company offered up his life in the cause of his country. This regiment charged across a field of one half mile upon the enemy where balls by the half bushle were hurled in their midst and he fell with twenty others of his company. One of his companions who survived informed us that young McLenahan said to him when he went to his assistance “lay me down and let me died and you go back and fight”. He leaves a wife, mother, brothers and sisters to mourn his early fate. In all the social qualities our young friend was greatly esteemed. He was a member of the Episcopal Church and a vestryman of the same. The dews of Heaven fall upon his grave and the large pearl drops stand on the flowers that surround the bright spirit of this noble young man’s burial place for his faithful servant brought him home and laid him in the church yard of St. Bartholomew’s, Pittsborough where the fresh morning breeze blows over the forest coming down from the far mountains and the music of the nightingale and his own native stream mellifluously play around his head. W. North Carolina Standard Raleigh July 30, 1862 Lt. Marcellus Thompson of this city, son of George W. Thompson, Esq., fell in battle near Richmond on Friday, 27th June, while leading the Oak City Guards. Lt. Thompson commanded the company in the battle. He was a worthy man and a gallant officer. We are pained to record the death of Major T.N. Crumplar, of Ash, which took place near Richmond some days since of a wound received in a conflict with the enemy below Richmond. The wound was inflicted by a minie ball which passed through his lungs and came out near his shoulder blade. Major Crumplar belonged to Col. Baker’s (formerly Ransom’s) cavalry. He entered the service as a captain and was promoted to major of the regiment. He was among the foremost in the charge in which his lost his life. We had the pleasure of conversing with him at length a few days before his death. He was on his way to Richmond and spoke in the most animated terms of his regiment and the opportunity which would soon present itself of meeting the enemy. A braver and more noble spirit than his never animated a human body. He was a young gentleman of education and find abilities and had already undertaken a respectable position among the leading public men of the state. He opposed the dissolution of the Union up to Lincoln’s proclamation; and when told in the House of Commons of which he was a member that he was tardy in the work of revolution he replied that he would cling to the old government as long as he possibly could but if any attempt would be made to coerce the South he would resist it and when the day of battle arrived he and his friends would be found as far in front, among the broken columns of the enemy, as those who appeared to be so anxious for the war. Most nobly has he redeemed his pledge. The whole country mourns. “Red battle stamps his feet” and his victims fall on every hand. Our best and most useful men disappear as rapidly as snowflakes in the river. But they sleep in honored graves and the day star of independence will soon shine on the turn that covers their remains. Its beams will shed joy through many a dwelling. They are left on the grave of no one more patriotic or gallant or more lamented by those who knew him then Thomas Newman Crumplar So the struck eagle, stretched upon the plain No more through rolling clouds well soar again In halls and fields defender of her laws Fell this bold champion in his country’s cause. A tribute of respect was paid by the “Chatham Boys”, Company G, 26th Regiment, N.C.T. in camp near Drury’s Bluff, Virginia on July 22, 1862 to their comrade in arms, W.C. Siler. Major Benjamin R. Huske of the 48th Regiment died in Richmond, Va., of a wound received in one of the battles before that city. He was in the 33rd year of his age and leaves a wife and two children. Major Huske was a promising member of the bar at Fayetteville and was one of our most promising young men. A correspondent of the New York Tribune gives the following account of Captain H.C. Gorrell of Guilford who fell in the late battles near Richmond: “I saw a melancholy site a day or two since. It was that of a young Confederate officer, Capt. Henry C. Gorrell from Greensboro, N.C., and Captain of Company E, 2nd N.C.R. who fell in an attack which he led on our batteries on Saturday, 14th inst. In his hands he held his sword. It was one of the old regulation swords manufactured by Ames at Springfield, Massachusetts. It was marked ‘U.S.’. Alas, that it was ever drawn against our country’s cause. The scabbard and belt were gone—flung away in that gallant but vain charge. In his pickets were a watch, his pocket book, a lock of hair tied with a piece of white satin ribbon, and a sprig of cedar carefully tied and enclosed in the same way as a memento. His commission was also in his picket and a note for $500. I trust the money will be given to his heirs by those who found it but the sword whose use was so perverted, that should remain in loyal hands forever.” Killed on the field of battle on Tuesday, 1st July, in the 22nd year of his age, Marion Smith, Company K, 14th N.C.T. He was among the first to leave his home and kindred, forsaking everything that was dear to him to rush to the defense of his beloved country. He won from all those who knew him love and respect by his courtly and affable manners. In his death the country loses a good and brave soldier. At the Battle of Williamsburg he sustained himself nobly and bravely and also at the Battle of Seven Pines and at different battles up to Tuesday when he fell a martyr to his country’s cause. His friends and relatives may rest assured that he was attended to as well as circumstances would admit. His comrades buried him, placing a board at the head of his grave with his name inscribed upon it and also a rail fence around it. G.A.H. Died, at Manchester, Virginia on Wednesday, 14th (?) July, of wounds received in the battle near Richmond, on the 25th June, James Robert Ethelred Jones, 3rd son of Benson F. and Maria L. Jones of this city, aged 21 years, 8 months and 7 days. He was a color sergeant of the 12th Regiment, Virginia and member of the Pittsburg Greys, Captain Lyon. He sleeps in Jesus. Lines on the death of Luther R. Bell, a member of the Granville Greys who fell in the late battle bout Richmond. A battle’s been fought and a victory won A mother has wept for the death of her son A son as gallant, as brave and as true As ever defended the “red, white and blue.” His country cried succour! He answered her call And marched with the first to conquer or fall He encountered the foe on Richmond’s red field And poured out his life blood, his country to shield. But Luther! Lost brother, thy fate was not all That death there decided by glorious fall The chivalrous youth from each state of the South Met the grim Monster at the cannon’s dark mouth. We grieve that thou art gone but doubts never come, Where now thy last resting place now thy last home, The corpse on the red field beneath the damp sod, The soul at the foot of the throne of thy God. A Soldier Richmond, Virginia Hospital July 21, 1862 Mr. Editor: In my letter of the 8th inst., I promised I would write again. The crowd of visitors has very much diminished the past week and the hospital and private houses have lost many of their occupants by removal and death. The weather has been very propitious (having been raining every second or third day) and the sick and wounded generally have now recovered. I regret to inform you of the death of Willie Perry, Captain of the Tar River Guards, who was wounded in the right arm by a grape shot on Tuesday, 1st inst. Every effort was made to save the arm but in vain, it was amputated. The operation was performed by Professor Gibson. He did well for a few days but alas, chills and other fatal symptoms intervened and he died Saturday morning last, 19th inst. Captain Perry represented Granville Co., in the 1852 House of Commons and was universally beloved and respected and no braver or more gentlemanly soldier has been sacrificed in this war. Truly, William M.C. Captain William J. Freeland of Orange Co., was among the first to volunteer for the defense of Southern rights. In his short but brilliant career he won laurels for himself and the state to which he belonged. Many of N. Carolina’s noble sons have fallen on Virginia soil but none more brave, none more beloved or regretted then he. By his noble generosity he had not only the love of his entire company but was the favorite of the whole regiment. He was second to none in ability, always faithful in the discharge of his duties. He fell wounded on the 31st May in the battle of Seven Pines. He was taken prisoner and carried to Fortress Monroe where he died on the 21st June. His nurses treated him with marked attention, and he was buried with Masonic honors and military honors. His hope of Heaven was bright. He was a member of the Baptist church. Our loss is his eternal gain. A tribute of respect was paid at a meeting of the Chatham Boys, Company G, 26th Regiment N.C.T. in camp near Drury’s Bluff, Va.: Whereas it has pleased the Great Dispenser of Events to remove from our ranks our highly esteemed comrade in arms W.C. Siler, we pay this tribute of respect. Major Benjamin R. Huske, 48th N.C.R. died in Richmond on the 15th inst., of a wound received in one of the battles near that city. He was in the 33rd year of his age and leaves a wife and four children. He was a prominent member of the bar at Fayetteville and was one of our most promising young men. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 6, 1862 A tribute of respect was paid at the camp of the 6th N.C.R. on July 14 to express sorrow at the loss of their late comrades Captain W.J. Freeland, Company C and Captain R.N. Carter, Company F who have been removed from time to eternity, the former having died at Fortress Monroe of wounds received in action on May 31 and the latter of wounds received on the first of July. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 13, 1862 Died, of wounds received in the battle near Gaines’ Farm on the 27th June, in the 21st year of his age, Henry A. Weddom(?) Weddon(?), a member of the Leesburg Grays, of the 18th Regiment N.C.V. Thus has fallen another brave and noble victim to this infamous war waged against us. Pte. Weddom(?) Weddon(?) was a citizen of Raleigh and being on a visit to his relatives in Caswell County at the time the call was made for volunteers for the defense of the sunny South, he enlisted in the gallant corps who were among the first to respond to the call made by his noble state. He was much beloved and esteemed by all his comrades and friends and his absence from them and his company is deeply felt by everyone who knew him. He had formed a great many acquaintances while in the army and loss of such a young and agreeable young man is irreparable. But alas! He is no more! No more shall his mirthful voice be heard with them in the future. The deceased leaves a fond mother, two brothers, one sister and many relatives and friends to mourn his early departure. It is a consolation to them, however, that he died as he had lived, a virtuous and good young man. His death was instant at receiving the wound. Tranquil and peaceful, as are the dying moments of all who live in the fear of God and die battling for the rights of their country and defense of their home. May God who “tempers the wind to the shorn lamb” give comfort to his bereaved mother, sister and brothers and numerous endeared relatives. His remains were interred on that memorable battlefield near Richmond by his comrades in arms. Died, of typhoid fever on the 25th June, Peter Evans Spruill in the 27th year of his age. Among the noble band of martyrs in their country’s cause, few have left as many friends to sympathize with a widowed mother and sisters as the subject of this brief notice. He was a dutiful son, an affectionate brother and a warm hearted friend. Gifted with talents of a high order that had been improved by study and travel, and a gentlemanly deportment that attracted to him many friends, a career of usefulness and distinction seemed to be open before him. Graduating from the University of N.C., with honors, he was appointed and accepted the situation of tutor where he discharged his duties with credit and fidelity. Having made a choice of law as a profession and obtaining a license to practice, he visited Europe for the purpose of completing his studies. While engaged in these peaceful pursuits he learned of the rupture between the North and South and hastening home, he joined as a private one of the volunteer companies of his native county. His regiment was soon ordered into service and for twelve months through heat and cold, sunshine and tempest, he faithfully discharged his duty and was struck down by disease. Although it was not his lot, however, to fall in battle, amid scenes of blood and carnage, yet he was no less a martyr in his country’s cause. Over his soldier’s grave friendship strewn flowers while the tear of affection will water it. With the Christian’s hope of a reunion in a land beyond the grave. S. A tribute of respect was paid at Bee Lodge 3200, held in the camp of the 6th N.C.T. on the evening of the 13th July to our brother Sr. Deacon Captain W.J. Freeland, who died at Fortress Monroe from wounds received in action on the 31st May. A.K. Umstead W.G. Guess M. Markham T.L. Cooley A.C. Avery Richard W. York W.B. Allen Died, on the 13th July in the 25th year of his age at the Gwathmey Hospital in Richmond, of wounds received in the engagement at Malvern Hill, Captain Harvey A. Sawyer, 2nd Regiment N.C.T. Died, at the N.C. hospital in Petersburg, Va., on the 23rd July, R.J. Young, a private in Company C, 53rd Regiment N.C.T. in the 23rd year of his age. He was the son of Francis Young of Wake. We seldom have been called upon to perform a more painful duty than to announce the death of our esteemed friend Captain Willie Perry, 15th Regiment N.C.T. At the time of Lincoln’s declaration of war against the South, Captain Perry occupied the position of farmer in Granville Co., enjoying the fruits of his honest industry and the confidence of his fellow citizens by whom he had only a few years before been honored with a seat in the legislature. Fired by the wrongs inflicted upon and the indignities offered to a free and independent people he was among the first in the community in which he lived to step forward in defense of his country. When organizing his company, without a dissenting voice, as a token of the confidence, he was elected as captain. After remaining in the service some twelve months such had been his kindness to his men with whom he had shared the hardships of camp life, when re-organizing of the regiment took place, he was one of the few if not the only one who by the unanimous voice of his men was a second time elected Captain. We pass by many incidents in his life worthy of being recorded to notice briefly that memorable charge at Malvern Hill made on the 1st July upon one of the most powerful Yankee batteries, perhaps ever exhibited on any battlefield. At the time the order was given to charge the battery he had but a handful of men able to take their place in the ranks but with a voice that faltered not, he commanded his men to follow him to victory or death. With a firm step and steady eye he advanced upon the enemy who were pouring a most deadly fire upon him and his men some of whom were killed and some wounded. But still he pressed on nor did he sheath his sword until his arm was shattered by a ball from the enemy—when he was borne from the scene of carnage where thousands of our brave men fell to rise no more. He was removed to Richmond where every attention was paid to him and hopes were entertained by his friends that he would soon recover. But alas! Our fondest hopes were doomed to disappointment. After suffering a most painful amputation he lingered a few days when on the 19th inst., he breathed his last at the age of 38(?) 39(?) years of age. He has left a brother, two sisters and a large number of friends to mourn their loss. R.C. Maynard Franklinton, N.C. July 26, 1862 Died, at Winter Hospital in Richmond, Va., on the 12th July, S.W.C. Siler, in his 21st year. The deceased was a member of Captain Lane’s Company G, 26th Regiment N.C.T. with which he cheerfully, during the last twelve months, performed all the duties pertaining to a soldier’s life. He was born in Chatham Co., N.C. where he resided until the beginning of the war. Being a staunch friend of the Union, he was loath to part with it until he saw we could no longer live in peace with the North. Then, throwing aside all love for the Stars and Stripes, he buckled on his armor and rushed to the rescue of a bleeding country; and although no missiles from the enemy did the fatal work, he is nevertheless one of the martyrs who have yielded up their lives as a sacrifice upon their country’s altar. Those who knew his inner nature appreciated his many virtues. Faithful in the discharge of every duty—pure and modest as a girl, never known to utter a profane word—truthful to a proverb—a son who never gave a pang of grief to a parent’s heart; and above all as we feel well assured, a Christian warrior he died with a Bible near his heart just as the true hero prays to die with a smile playing upon his countenance and a faint and devout prayer escaping his lips for the welfare of his country for which he had fought so gallantly at Newbern and other places. Green be thy memory in the hearts of all the “Chatham Boys”. Long and tenderly will we cherish a fond memory of the many pleasant hours spent in camp and on the march. Rest on gently Crabtree in thy Heavenly abode where the sound of the martial drums will no more stir thee from thy peaceful slumbers. Reveille will no more fall discordantly on thy ears. Thou are freed from all the trials and hardships of camp troubles and cares of this sinful world. Parents, weep no more although the blow may be a severe one to you. Dry your tears as we have every reason to believe that he is far happier then he could have been in this sin stricken world. He has shed his last tear—cast aside time decaying dust for a crown of heavenly glory. You would not have him leave the shining courts of heavenly glory since he has been transplanted from this twilight sphere to bloom in eternal day. Let us fondly cherish his memory, embalm his noble qualities but sigh no more at his early departure. Green by the turf o’er thee Fried of our early days None knew thee but to love thee None named thee but to praise. H.C.A. Near Drury’s Bluff, Va. North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 20, 1862 Transcriber’s Note: The following is not a North Carolinian, but I included it anyway, it was a fine tribute to this officer We were in error in our last issue in stating that General Winder who was killed in the battle of Southwest Mountain was a Federal officer. General Charles S. Winder was a native of Maryland. He was a graduate of the military academy at West Point in 1850 and was placed in the 3rd Regiment of Artillery. A few years after he entered the service, he, with his regiment, was ordered to California. They started on the steamship San Francisco and when a few days from New York she was lost. Many of the passengers were saved. Lt. Winder for his gallant conduct in that accident was promoted to captain in the infantry and was ordered with his regiment to Oregon where he was for a long time actively engaged against the hostile Indians of that state. As soon as the provisional government of the Confederate States was formed at Montgomery, he resided his commission in the U.S. Army and tendered his service to the South. He was ordered to report to General Beauregard at Charleston, S.C., as captain of artillery in which capacity he rendered good service in the bombardment of Ft. Sumter. After its fall, he was placed in command of the arsenal at Charleston where he remained until called by the President to take command of a S.C. Regiment in Virginia. He hastened to Beauregard with his regiment and arrived at Manassas just as the enemy began their retreat—too late to join in the battle. He was promoted to Brigadier General and was ordered to report to General Stonewall Jackson and was by him placed in command of his old brigade known as the Stonewall Brigade. This was a trying position for him. He was the successor to the great Jackson and the brigade believed no one capable of replacing Jackson; but he soon overcame all objections and they learned to love him and respect him second only to Jackson. He joined with the Army of the Valley in all its hardships and victories and narrowly escaped with his life, having two horses shot from under him and after having safely passed through the hard fought battles about Richmond he was doomed to fall at the Battle of Southwest Mountain. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his untimely death at their home in his native Maryland. The remains of one brother was left on the plains of Mexico where he fell I the defense of the old government—but others with many friends are in the service of the Confederacy and will avenge his death. Departed this life in Wilson, N.C. on Thursday, 7th August, Major Jas. S. Whitehead, 55th Regiment N.C.S.T. son of Howell Whitehead, Esq., of Pitt Co., N.C. This excellent man and gallant officer was in the service of his country at the falling of Hatteras and was a prisoner at Ft. Warren from August of last year to February of this one. He was at the time in the Washington Grays, the first company formed in Beaufort County. Upon his return he raised a company of his own which was assigned to the 35th Regiment on which, upon its formation, he was elected major. During the last seven years of his life he was a member of the M.E. Church South and for several years was a useful office bearer in that church. He was in attendance upon a court martial at Kinston when he was attacked by his last illness which continued a fortnight and was endured with exemplary patience. A portion of that time he seemed especially blessed with the comforts of our divine religion. In his delirious hours his spiritual interests and his military duties seemed to absorb and divide his attention; sometimes he would be giving orders and caring for the welfare of his men and at other times would break into expressions of most earnest prayers, his words being more coherent than at other times. Thus has passed away in the 27th year of his age one of the noble army of our Christian patriots who are fighting the battle of our freedom and enrolling their names among its blessed martyrs. As a son and brother, as a citizen and soldier, as a friend and Christian gentleman, he endeared himself to many who will keep his memory fresh and lively in their hearts and strive to imitate those virtues which made him so noble a specimen of manhood. Calm be the repose of Jackson and W. Paul Pope, two brothers from Wake County. The former was killed instantly in the Battle of Newbern. The other one died in the bloody engagement around Richmond. “Paul”, says a friend, “was struck by a shell which passed through him, and scattered his limbs for yards around and trees some 15 feet in height were sprinkled with his brains. His friends gathered up what of him they could find and buried them”. Well may Carolina hate the foe who so relentlessly strikes from her bosom so many of her gallant sons. The Intelligencer of the 18th ult., chronicled the death of Captain John T. Taylor who fell in the glorious muse of freedom in one of the battles before Richmond on the 27th June. We are called to the performance of the melancholy duty of announcing the death of another son of the same honored father, today. James H. Taylor, son of John C. Taylor, Esq., of Granville co., died on the 23rd ult., in the 23rd year of his age. He enlisted early in the war in the 2nd Regiment N.C.V. He continued a member of this regiment until after the Battle of Hanover wherein he distinguished himself by unfaltering valor and steadiness of nerve in combat. Soon after this battle, he was transferred to the Commissary Department of Col. Wimbish’s(?) Regiment (61st (?) N.C.T.) He was taken ill at Camp Mangum soon after his transfer and returned home where he expired just four weeks after his attack. The bereaved father has consigned to the tomb, within a month, the bodies of two of the best men in the Confederacy. Mr. Taylor was blessed with six children, three sons and three daughters all of singular merit. There is but one left. All attained maturity and by a rare combination of virtues were rendered inexpressibly dear. It rarely falls to the lot of the parent to have six such and mourn the death of five such in the bloom and vigor of adult life. But thanking God, there is a comfort in the midst of the rain – all died in the Body of Christ and, we trust, are “not lost but gone before”. “He heard as a voice from Heaven saying come unto me, blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” “Even so, saith the spirit, for they rest from their labors.” North Carolina Standard Raleigh August 27, 1862 Tribute of respect was paid at the camp of the Highland Rangers, Weir Bottom Church, Virginia on August 18, to Sgt. John H. Hodge who died after a protracted illness at the residence of his father in Harnett County on the 9th July. Jas. M. McNeil Farquhard Smith J.M. Stephenson Tribute of respect was paid by Columbus Lodge #102 to Leonidas J. Merritt, who died in the defense of his country on the battlefield near Richmond. He was a lieutenant of the Chatham Rifles, 15th (?) N.C.V. Lt. Merritt was a native of Chatham County and a graduate of the state university with honors in the Class of 1851. Having studied law he came to the bar of his native county with a bright future before him. Blessed with good natural endowments and having attained a high state of mental culture; he, by perseverance and self reliance was making rapid strides in a distinction which none but the talented and virtuous can attain. Affable and dignified in his manners, social in his intercourse and unyielding in his integrity, he secured at once the approbation and friendship of his fellow citizens who gave evidence of their regard by elevating him to a seat in the Convention of N.C. At the opening of the war, he volunteered in defense of his country and continued his self sacrificing efforts with untiring energy and sleepless diligence until in a most daring charge he received the deadly missile from the enemy. As a soldier he was truly brave, always cheerful and ready to bear the toils and privations of his comrades in arms. S.D. Adams N. A. Ramsay J.C. Dennis Tribute of respect was paid by Columbus Lodge #102 to James T. McClenahan, a member of the Chatham Rifles, 15th Regiment N.C.V. who sacrificed his life in his country’s cause manfully contending for the rights of self government. He was mortally wounded in a most fearful charge in front of Richmond July 1 and died the next day. He was a young man of much promise with bright prospects in his future. He had come to the bar environed with circumstances which tended in no considerable degree to give him position and influence of which he availed himself and turned them to good account. At his country’s first call for volunteers he responded promptly with a noble purpose to suffer in the great struggle for freedom. As a soldier he was brave and steady, ever ready to bear the privations and sufferings of his fellow soldiers. He was a noble man, a true patriot, a genuine Christian (a member of the Episcopal Church) and we will remember his noble deeds and try to imitate his pious example. S.D. Adams N.A. Ramsay J.C. Dennis Killed, on the battlefield at Ellyson’s Mills on Thursday, 26th June, Orderly Sergeant Dr. John Wesley Heartsfield, son of Dr. Wesley Heartsfield of Wake Co. It becomes our painful and melancholy duty to record the demise of this valuable young man. When but a youth he gave evidence of such sprightliness or mind that his father determined to give him the best opportunity for receiving a finished education. Accordingly, he matriculated at Randolph (illegible word) College in 1855 in the 18th year of his age, where he graduated after four years course of study with high distinction. While at college, he gathered around him a circle of friends who will remember his suavity of manners and amiability of character as long as they live. So correct was he in his deportment that he won not only the confidence and love of his fellow students but the endearing attachment of his venerable president, Dr. Smith, who spoke of him as a young man of the most promising ability, who would reflect in after years credit and influence on his Alma Mater. In 1860 he entered the medical college in Richmond where he attended one course of lecture. At the beginning of the war, he laid aside his text books and was among the first to rally to his country’s flag. He enlisted as a private in Company I, of the 1st N.C.T. to serve during the war and was immediately promoted to the rank of Orderly Sergeant, the difficult duties of which office he discharged with ability. Having an intelligent mind and a great fondness for military science, he won the praise of the command, Col. M.S. Stokes as well as the company officers. Had he been permitted to live through the hard fought battles around Richmond, he doubtless would have received an appointment to a much higher grade. He fell at the head of his company, being pierced by a minie ball through the neck and died without a struggle after charging the enemy for over a mile at the point of a bayonet. When he first determined to enter the service, his friends all thought that one of such a slender frame and delicate constitution would not be able to withstand the hardships of camp life and that he would be forced to return on account of delicate health or linger and died in some far off hospital. But such was the buoyancy of spirits and fondness for military life that whether on the touted field or on long and tedious marches amid snows of the winter campaigns on the Potomac or through the mud and swamps of the Chickahominy—in heat or cold—around the camp fire at night—he was ever the same cheerful, happy companion, ready to inspire courage to those failing on the march and never leaving his post. I have often looked at the slender frame and wondered with astonishment as it seemed to defy disease or death; never being sick or failing to stand at the post of danger with hundreds of robust constitution and long promise of life dying around him; for he never seemed to get sick and at one time when nearly all were prostrated with disease, he was among the few who improved in strength and flesh. There is one other point that I would mention with pleasure for the gratification of a friend, that during the long campaign, I never knew him to indulge in the vices which so alarmingly prevailed in camp but was always the same modest, discreet, and unassuming young man. In conversations with his friends I learned that he had made a profession of religion while at college and judging from his daily transactions of life, his fondness for attending divine worship, we are encouraged that while he fell in the shock of battle his soul has fled to habitations where war is unknown but where peace and happiness forever reign. I cannot forbear to mention that one of his most marked traits of character was his obedience to his parents, for he was never known to intentionally cross their wishes in the least respect. A dutiful son, an affectionate brother and reliable friend, truly it is said, death loves a shining mark. Dear Orderly! Thou art no longer with us to call the roll of our brave boys but at the summons of our great Captain thou art gone to answer to thy name around the throne of God. No more do we see thee start at the beat of the drums nor hear thy manly voice to “fall in”. The weapons of war have been exchanged for a crown of eternal glory. Rest in peace. J.N. Foote A mother mourns the loss of her eldest son but she sorrows not without hope. Lt. E.H. Winningham, Co. I, 22nd Regiment, N.C.S.T., at his country’s call, left school and volunteered in the first company from Randolph County. He discharged the duties faithfully for twelve months and went through the Battle of Seven Pines unharmed but through fatigue he was attacked with the bilious fever and died at Richmond on July 16, aged 22 years, and 18 days. He was a dutiful child, a professor of religion and not afraid to die. His death is a great loss to his sister and brother but we hope our loss is his eternal gain. Died, on the 9th July, at the residence of his father in Harnette Co., after a protracted illness, John H. Hopuss, 5th Sergeant in the Highland Rangers. He was with us but a short time but while in the company he portrayed the qualities of a good soldier and useful member of the company. Those who were with him in his last hours are left with the comfortable hope that he died in the triumph of faith; that for him death had no sting and the grave was robbed of its victory. Addendum: Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 7, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers At Gordonsville, Va., June 2, Lewis W. Kimbrough, in his 19th year, of Capt. Stowe’s, Forsyth Co. Near Trenton, Lt. Wm. Humphrey, of Onslow Co. In Edgecombe Co., June 26, W.C. King, aged 21, of Capt. Battle’s Confederate Guards. Also, on the 22nd, Amos Hearn, Jr., of the Spartan Band. In Wilmington, Elisha Mosely, of Pitt Co. Also, June 15, Thomas Edwards of Edgecombe, members of the Spartan Band. In the hospital at Richmond, Va., on the 18th ult., Mr. Gilbreath McKnight Wilson, of Mecklenburg Co., N.C., in the 20th year of his age. In Richmond, Va., of typhoid pneumonia, on the 8th June, Joseph Cardwell of Madison, N.C., in the 22nd year of his age. Also, at the same place and on the same day, Wilson Baughn, son of Capt. Wm. Baughn of Rockingham. On the 15th June, of typhoid fever, in Richmond, Lt. Wm. M. Holt, aged 25 years, eldest son of Dr. W.R. Holt of Lexington, N.C. In Richlands, Onslow Co., N.C., 17th June, Lt. Wm .Humphrey, 19 years, 4 months, 9 days, an officer of Capt. Koonce’s Partisan Rangers. On the 12th June, from the effects of a wound received in a battle near Richmond, Lt. A.M. Luria, of the Granville Stars, 23rd Regiment, N.C.V. On the 21st May, at the hospital in Kinston, Thomas R. Guy, aged about 21, of the 7th N.C.T. At Camp Davis, of typhoid fever, on the 11th inst., David Keller. Also, on the 13th inst., Talbert Harbison, of the same disease, both belonging to Co. B, 11th Regiment. In the hospital, at Ashley Station, Va., (first initial illegible, maybe a ‘P.’ ?) V. Beam, of the Floyd Riflemen, 24th Regiment N.C.T. In Richmond, on the 19th June, of typhoid fever, Adolphus A. Ross, aged about 21, a member of Capt. C.C. Cole’s Guilford Co. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 14, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: Near Richmond, on the 27th ult., Lt. Frank D. Foxhall, of the 33rd N.C.R., in his 29th year. On the 3rd inst., at the residence of his uncle, Rev. H.S. Kepler, of Richmond, J. Clayton Chamblie, in the 19th year of his age, late private secretary to Major General D.H. Hill On the battlefield, near Richmond, June 30, Sgt. John J. Phillips, Co. G, 33rd N.C.T., of this town. He was a brave soldier, sacrificing his life for his country in the 36th (?) 56th (?) year of his age. In Richmond, Va., June 21, of wounds received at the Battle of Seven Pines, on 31st May, Samuel A. Jones, son of the late General Charles R. Jones, of Iredell Co., N.C., He was born in Fayetteville and was at the time of his death, 16 years, 3 months, 11 days. Of typhoid fever, at Kinston, June 20, Robert Smith, Jr., aged 24 years, 8 months. He was born in Cumberland Co., and was a member of Co. C, 35th Regiment. On the 21st ult., in Columbia, S.C., Wm. R. Rea, of Charlotte, a member of Company B, 1st Regiment, from which he was discharged on account of ill health. In Orange Co., on the 30th ult., Jas. C. Faucett, in his 24th year, a member of Capt. Graham’s company from Orange. At Goldsboro, of typhoid pneumonia, on the 19th June, John Franklin Pucket(?), in his 24th year, of the cavalry company of Iredell. At Kinston, of typhoid pneumonia, James Locke Nelson, in his 27th year, of Iredell. At Goldsboro, on the 25th ult., of typhoid fever, Jas. M. Johnson, in his 34th year, of Iredell We regret to see among the deaths in Richmond Dispatch of the 7th inst., that of Co. P.W. Roberts of the 14th N.C.T. He died on the 5th inst., of typhoid fever, at the residence of Mr. H.W. Tyler, Richmond. Col. Roberts has been in the service since the commencement of the war, first as captain of a Buncombe company in the 14th N.C.T. (4th Volunteers) and lately (on the transfer to another regiment of Col. Daniel) as its colonel. He was a lawyer from Asheville. A letter from the surgeon at Fortress Monroe gives us the painful intelligence that Captain William J. Freeland sunk under the effects of the amputation of his leg and died on the 21st June. He was buried on the 22nd, by Brother Masons, with all the honors due to a brave soldier. Hillsborough Recorder Fayetteville Observer, July 21, 1862 Death of Major Huske We regret to hear of the death of Major Benjamin R. Huske of the town, which occurred at Richmond, Va., on the 15th inst., from a wound received in the late battles before Richmond. Major Huske was born in this place in the fall of 1829 and was in his 33rd year. He graduated at the University of North Carolina with high distinction in the class of 1850, obtained a license as a lawyer some years later, and at the breaking out of the war, was engaged in a growing practice of that profession. He went into the service as the 1st lieutenant of the Independent Company and served in that position through the 1st (Bethel) Regiment’s existence. A few months ago he returned to the service as captain of a Moore County Company, was elected major of the 48th Regiment to which it was assigned, and received the wound of which he died on the 25th ult., in the first of the series of battles near Richmond. His wound was in the foot and at first supposed not to be dangerous, but erysipelas followed, of which he died. Deaths of Soldiers: Of wounds received in the action in the battle of Malvern Hill, the 1st inst., Augustus N. Boon, of Company C, 12th N.C. Volunteers, in the 21st year of his age. A native of Northampton County. On the 6th July, from wounds received on the battlefield near Richmond, Va., on the 1st July, Captain John A. Benbury of Edenton, N.C., in the 36th year of his age. Captain P.J. Lowrie of Charlotte, died suddenly in Wilmington on Friday last. He was Commissary or Quartermaster to the 11th (Bethel) Regiment. His body was sent to Ansonville, where his wife now resides. His disease was bilious cholic. Captain Nichols of the same regiment, in command of a company from Charlotte, also died on Friday of typhoid fever, at or near Wilmington. At the hospital at Fort Fisher, July 11, Lyas Phillips, aged 18 years and 3 days, of Columbus County, a private in the McRae Artillery. At Camp Mangum, on the 12th June, in the 20th year of his age, Neill, son of Malcolm and Elizabeth McArthur, of Cumberland Co. At Richmond on the 30th ult., Thomas J. Foote, Adjutant of the 12th Regiment, from Warren County, aged 24. He died of a wound received in the battle of the 27th June. In Rowan County, June 28, Stephen A. Brown, from the effects of a wound received the 31st May. At Richmond, Va., on the 9th inst., at a private residence, James E. Watson, of Chatham, a private in Co. G, 48th Regiment, aged about 22. In the hospital at Richmond, on the 9th inst., after a brief illness of fever, Wm. A. McLauchlin, son of Duncan McLauchlin of this county, aged about 20, of Co. K, 26th N.C. Volunteers. This is the 2nd son of Mr. McLauchlin who has perished by fever in the army, while another, Captain J.C. McLauchlin, to whose company they belonged, had a narrow escape in the late battle at Richmond, being slightly wounded in the head by a fragment of a shell. We regret to hear of the death from wounds received in the Richmond battles of Major Crumpler of the 1st Cavalry, from Ashe Co., and Captain Daniel McDougald of the 15th Regiment from Harnett County. Both were prominent men in their respective sections—the former a member of the legislature and the latter sub-elector on the Douglas ticket, both lawyers. We also regret to learn that Lt. Angus Shaw of the Carolina Boys, from this county, died at the hospital in Richmond, on Friday night last, from wounds received in the same battle. At the Winder Hospital, Richmond, from brain fever, Jacob M. Rogers, in the 19th year of his age, a private in Company K, Raleigh Rifles, 14th Regiment N.C.T. In Richmond, June 30, from a wound received in the battle of the 25th, Evan Hilton, of Davidson Co., member of Company K, 48th Regiment N.C.T. At Fortress Monroe, on the 25th May, Sgt. William Peel, Company G, 13th N.C.T. Also, June 28, S.H. Russell, Company I, and R.G. Gentry, Co. A, 47th N.C.T. Also, on June 30, Baxter Morris, Company G, 28th N.C.T. From a wound received in the battle near Richmond, on Tuesday, D.G. Johnson. He was a noble, brave soldier and died rejoicing with the love of God in his soul. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 28, 1862 On the 26th June, at the battle near Richmond, fell our young and gallant friend, Elisha Burns. He was killed while bravely defending his country to prevent its being seized by a vile Northern foe. But we mourn not as those without hope, for he was a good Christian, a dutiful son and a good citizen. He was ever ready to do what he thought duty bade him to do. During the latter part of March he enlisted for a term of years, and on the 1st April he bade parents, relations, friends, home and a happy fireside adieu, and went forth to perform what he considered his duty. Our young friend has left many relatives and friends to mourn his loss, but we doubt not that our loss is his eternal gain. In all things he acted as a Christian; and his disposition was so good that none knew him but to love him. Dora Deaths of Soldiers July 17, in camp, near Petersburg, Va., of typhoid fever, Wm. H. Keliam, a member of Company C, 45th Regiment N.C.T., aged about 21. In Richmond, on the 5th July, from a mortal wound received on the battle field, on the 1st July, Elijah T. Hardison, aged 18 years, 4 months, a private in Company E, 3rd Regiment N.C.T. and a native of Onslow Co. On the 20th July, of wounds received in the recent battles near Richmond, Thomas M. Simpson of Company E, 18th Regiment N.C.T. In Richmond, on the 9th inst., Wm. F. Warren, of Guilford Co., a member of Maj. Boggs’ Battalion of Light Artillery. At the St. Charles Hospital, Richmond, on the 22nd, from wounds received in the battle on the 1st July, Private Jas. L. Cameron, of Company C, 35th Regiment, of Moore Co., aged 24. In Richmond, on the 15th inst., Sgt. Henry G. Conrad, of the 48th N.C. Regiment, of Lexington, N.C., aged 18. In Marion, McDowell Co., on the 6th inst., of typhoid fever, Capt. W.H. Halyburton, in the 33rd year of his age, late captain of Company B, in the 35th Regiment N.C.V. In Rockingham Co., 24th ult., Richard Johnston of Company C, 14th Regiment N.C.V. At Spring Creek, 5th inst., Thomas Frisbee, private in Co. C, 29th Regiment, in the 37th year of his age. In Richmond, in April last, of erysipelas, Private James W. Ricks, aged about 39 years. At Rocky Mount, 30th June, of bowel disease, Private B.A. Ricks, aged about 37. Killed in the recent battle near Richmond, James H. Lammon, aged about 21 years; all members of the Confederate Guard, Captain E.D. Foxhall of Edgecombe Co. At Kinston, N.C., 29th April, Joseph Kerrs, son of Thomas Kerrs, Esq., in the 26th year of his age. In Richmond, 21st May, in the 29th year of his age, Joseph A. Taylor, of Orange Co., N.C., of the 6th Regiment, Company F. At Camp Lee, near Richmond, on the 13th inst., Wm. H. Craig, in the 22nd year of his age. And at the same place, on the 14th inst., Samuel A. Craig, in the 26th year of his age; both of New Hope, in Orange County. In the hospital at Richmond, Va., on the 3rd inst., D.F. Irby, only son of J.E. and Isabella Irby. Death of Col. Charles Lee Lt. Col. Barber, now commanding the 37th N.C.T., in his report of its casualties in the late battles near Richmond, thus mentions the circumstances attending the death of the gallant Col. Lee: “Col. Lee was killed by a ball from a cannon on the 30th June, late in the evening. His regiment, with the rest of Gen. Branch’s Brigade, was charging a battery and had driven the enemy before them for a considerable distance. When about 100 or 120 yards from the battery as he shouted ‘On my brave boys’, he fell. Adjutant Wm. T. Nicholson was a few feet from him, he at once raised him up and asked if he was hurt—‘Yes’, was his reply. ‘Colonel, are you hurt much?’ was then asked. He was unable to answer this question and almost instantly died in the arms of his adjutant, who brought his body from the field, with such of his personal effects as were not blown away. A better or braver officer never fell at the post of duty. When his death was announced to the regiment, his men wept as if they had lost a father.” Died, in Richmond., Va., of wounds received in the battle of June 26, Alexander E. Williams, son of James Williams, Esq., formerly of Harnett Co., N.C., but for the last ten years a resident of Holmes Co., Mississippi. He was among the first to engage in defense of that cause for which he has died, and was attached to the 21st Mississippi Regiment of which he was a member at the time of his death. He was a young man of prepossessing appearance and endeared himself to all by his affable and kind disposition. He died far from his home and friends, but his conduct in life was such as to justify the hope that his sufferings are over and that henceforth his portion is eternal bliss. Messrs. Editors of the Observer: Pleas allow space in your columns for a tribute to the memory of Lt. Angus Shaw, late of Captain McLauchlin’s Company, 38th Regiment, N.C.T. I have known Lt. Shaw intimately for the past ten years, and can speak advisedly of his great worth and integrity of character. He was a man of quiet, unobtrusive manners, with a heart full of kind feelings; and while he was not always mindful of his own interest, would at any time peril his all for one he believed to be a friend—at all times, under all circumstances, he was a gentleman. I served with him in the ranks, in the 1st (Bethel) Regiment, for six months and when he was by my side, as was usually the case, I always felt there was near me, at least, one true man—one who would do his duty let the consequences be what they may. Many times, when it was thought an engagement was imminent, I have heard him declare that in this revolution, he was ready to die upon the battlefield and would rather bequeath to his children that heritage of glory than any other he could bestow. The lieutenant possessed that moral courage which could not be shaken and which is more valuable to the soldier than any other quality of mind and heart. The exhibition of this courage upon the, to him, fatal field near the Chickahominy, caused his colonel to say, “Lt. Shaw is one of the bravest men I ever saw”. He died of wounds received in battle, having fought a good fight, and having won the applause of all to whom he was responsible for his conduct. His memory shall ever live in the heart of his friend. C. Deaths of Soldiers: At Fort Monroe, on the 25th May, Sgt. Wm. Peel, Co. G, 13th N.C.T. Also, on June 28, S.H. Russell, Company I, and R.G. Gentry, Co. A, 37th N.C.T. Also, on June 30, Baxter Morris, Co. G., 28th N.C.T. At Kenansville, of typhoid fever, 27th June, C. Dudley Martin, private in Company C, 13th Regiment, N.C.V. In Anson Co., 7th inst., John Watson, 27 years. At the Gwathmey Hospital, Richmond, 13th inst., of wounds received in the engagement of Malvern Hill, Capt. Harvey A. Sawyer, 2nd Regiment, N.C.S.T., in the 25th year of his age. In the hospital at Wilmington of typhoid fever, on the 1st inst., Solomon(?) McQuay, of Micklenburg Co., aged 28, a member of Capt. Nichols’ Company, 11th Regiment. At Richmond, 30th inst., Morris Gore(?), Company I, 20th Regiment, of wounds received in battle. In Robeson Co., July 6, James D. Watson, of Capt. McRae’s Heavy Artillery. Of camp fever, near Richmond, 25th June, 23 years of age the day of his death, David James, a son of Col. Alexander McMillan(?), of Robeson, N.C. A Tribute of Respect was printed in this issue in memory of Green B. Cox, from the Carthage Lodge No. 181. They stated that “with emotions of sorrow, we have heard of the death of our worthy brother Green B. Cox, who died at Kinston on the 30th May, after having served his country faithfully as a soldier nearly twelve months in Capt. Martin’s Company, 26th Regiment, N.C.V.” Killed in the battle of Tuesday evening, July 1, Sgt. Wm. J. Phillips, a member of Company D, 23rd Regiment, N.C.T. Lines on the Death of Capt. D.W. Johnson, who fell while nobly leading his men in the great battle near Richmond. O land of the South! From they brilliant horizon, A bright star has vanished to kindle no more, ‘Till it rises in splendor when all nations assemble To face the great Judge on eternity’s shore! A warrior has fallen on the ramparts of glory, That honor his living—now brighten his grave; His name will still live, though his sleep cold and gory, On the bright page reserved for the pure and the brave. His soul was as fearless, as strong, as undaunted, As firm as a rock on a storm beaten strand; Yet his heart full as soft as the sweetest rose he planted, And nurtured and trained by affection’s fair hand. When shells tore the earth and cannon belched fire, And the storm of the fray was as mountains o’erthrown; His voice ‘for our homes’ did more firmness require, ‘Till his troops made the field with defunct vandals groan. Yet at home, or in camp, when war’s tempests departed, Not woman was kinder, or more loving than he! Brave Johnston, the noble, the just, the true hearted, The Christian, the patriot, his spirit is free! McN. Drury’s Bluff, July 12, 1862 Messrs. Editors: Please announce the death of Mr. Duncan Kelly, a member of Company H, 26th Regiment N.C.T., who died in the North Carolina Hospital at Petersburg on the 20th June, in the 21st year of his age. In the death of this noble young man, the Confederacy has lost one of its best and bravest soldiers. He was one of the first to respond to his country’s call for aid; he left college, gave up home and all its sacred endearments, to participate in the great contest for liberty. During the twelve months he served, no one discharged the difficult duties of a soldier’s life more faithfully than he did; always at his post, he did whatever duty was before him faithfully. He frequently said he was “willing to sacrifice everything save his honor.” He acted the part of a brave man during the battle of Newbern. He came to Virginia to aid in driving back the invading foe, but he fell a victim to disease and died in a few days after he left his native state. Thus ended the brief career of this patriotic young man—he fell in the path of duty, for the cause of God and humanity. His voice indeed will be heard no more in our midst. He will no longer be aroused by the sound of the drum, but he will long live in the hearts of fellow comrades, and all who knew him. Alas! That a spirit so noble and brave, Should so early be quenched in the gloom of the grave. A Friend A Tribute of Respect was printed in this issue by the Moore Sharpshooters, Company F, 50th Regiment N.C.T. in the memory of their fellow soldier N. Archibald McNeill. The deceased was 34 years and 5 months of age and has left a wife, three children, a father and mother, two brothers and four sisters. There were no further details other than the tribute of respect. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 4, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: In Petersburg, Nelson Gray, aged 22, of Charlotte, a soldier in the 53rd Regiment. Wm. F. Warren of Guilford Co., a member of Beggs’ (Boggs?) Battalion of Light Artillery, died in Richmond on the 9th. In Richmond, 10th inst., J.W. Davenport, from the effects of a wound received in the late battle; a member of Capt. McGee’s company from Mecklenburg, 34th Regiment. Near Wilmington, 27th July, Private Ichabod Quinn, of Company C, 51st Regiment. Near Petersburg, 20th July, Private Samuel Taylor, of Company C, 45th Regiment, aged 37, of Guilford Co. Also, on the 25th, Private Julius Story of the same company and county, aged 17. Of Brain Fever, Corp. Wm. A. Bennett, of Company D, 53rd Regiment. Of Typhoid Fever, in the hospital near Richmond, on the 20th July, James H.N. Everett, aged 20 years, 11 months, and 20 days. On the 28th July, near Richmond, of typhoid fever, Private John Jones, of Company K, 3rd Regiment, aged 19. At Winston, on the 30th ult., of a wound accidentally received in the course of a dissection, Surgeon J.A. Gallagher, C.S.A., in the 32nd year of his age. In Richmond, 30th June, from a wound received in the recent battle, Evan Hilton, of Davidson Co., in the 29th year of his age, a member of Company K, 48th Regiment. In the hospital at Richmond, July 15, John Watson Yates, from a wound received in the battle, a native of Guilford, in Capt. C.C. Cole’s Company. In camp near Petersburg, of fever, on the 21st (?) ult., Simeon Casper, a member of Company B, (regiment illegible, starts with a ‘4’) N.C.T. In Richmond on the 5th July, of a wound received on the 1st, E.T. Bardison(?) Hardison(?), aged 18 years, 4 months, a private in Company E (Onslow Grays), 3rd Regiment N.C.T. At Charlottesville, Va., 4th June, of typhoid fever, John Lewis Reich, of Captain Stowe’s Company, 33rd Regiment of Forsyth County. Died, in Petersburg, Va., on the 30th ult., of fever, Sgt. Wm. Henry Harrison Davis, Company H(?), 26th Regiment, N.C.T., in the 22nd year of his age. At the first call of his country, the noble young man volunteered in Capt. Wm. P. Martin’s Company, the Moore County Independents, on the 3rd June, 1861. In the battle of Newbern he conducted himself nobly, as well as in the more recent battles around Richmond. Soon after the battle of July 1st, he was taken sick and was sent to Petersburg, where he died. His heart was one of open and generous impulse, for we knew him well; he was beloved and respected by all who knew him. May the roses bloom as fresh upon his grave as in the remembrance of his many virtues will be fresh in the hearts of his friends and comrades. A Comrade In Arms Carthage, Aug. 2, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: At Camp Meares, July 25, Joseph H. Sessoms, of the Scotland Neck Mounted Riflemen. Near Richmond, 21st July, Thomas M. Simpson, of Company F, 18th Regiment. At Newton, 9th July, of typhoid fever, Capt. M.N. Shell, of the 22nd Regiment In the hospital at Richmond, 9th July, George B. Hood of Caldwell Co., aged 22. At Richmond, 8th July, Shadrach Harless, of Ashe Co., aged 17. He was in the battle at Newbern, and in the last of the series of battles at Richmond was mortally wounded. At Drury’s Bluff, S.W.C. Siler of Chatham Co., Company G, 26th Regiment In the hospital at Goldsborough, on the 15th inst., William S. Scarborough, Company E, 52nd Regiment N.C.T., in the 31st year of his age. On the 9th June, in the hospital at Wilmington, R.H. Webb, aged 21 years, 4 months and 20 days, of Anson Co., of Capt. Sturdivant’s Company, in the 43rd Regiment. In camp near Richmond, Va., July 25, of typhoid fever, Charles Ashford Winders of Duplin Co., a member of Company C, 2nd Regiment N.C.T. In Richmond Co., June 19, Risdon D. Nichols, of Co. D, 23rd Regiment In Newbern, March 28, W.B. Monroe, of Capt. Kelly’s Moore Co., aged 30. In Goldsboro’, June 3, Archibald Black, of Capt. Black’s Company, from Moore \Co., aged 26. In Richmond, July 3, Wallace Scales, of Rockingham Co., aged 28. At Lumberton, July 6th(?) 5th (?), Wm. J. Rothwell, of the Washington Light Infantry, aged 19. At the American Hotel, in Richmond, July 27, of typhoid fever, Henry Clay Holt, of Raleigh, aged 19 years, of the “Warren Guards”, 12th Regiment, N.C.T. Near Richmond, 1st Sgt. A.A. Holshouser of the Rowan Artillery. In Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, 10th inst., Daniel W. Click, a member of Capt. Foster’s Company F, 18th (?) 12th (?) N.C.T. The officers who prepare the casualties in battle are so careless in writing names that innumerable errors occur in the printing. Proper names should always be written plainly. In the Virginia reports the name of Hiram Evans is given as among the killed on the night of the 26th June, the first day of the late battle near Richmond. Subsequently the name was printed O.H. Jones. Both were wrong. The name intended was Orpheus H. Evans, only son of Oren S. Evans, of Chatham Co., who fell while on picket duty in Company E, 26th Regiment, Col. Vance’s. He had been more than a year in the service, had gone through the battle of Newbern, unharmed, and had escaped the physical and moral evils of camp life, to perish almost the first day of his arrival in Virginia. When the war broke out he was not 18, and was engaged in the study of medicine. He was too patriotic to remain quiet while the liberty of his country was in jeopardy, but at once volunteered. He was a youth of irreproachable morals, addicted to no vices and gentle in demeanor. The blow is a crushing one to father, mother and sisters—the only son and youngest child in the family. But they would not have had him act the craven, and he died to illustrate the character of the patriot and hero. In an address delivered when his company departed, he foreshadows the result which has made his home sad indeed. In Memory of My Brother, Orpheus H. Evans, who fell at the Battle of Seven Pines, on the night of the 26th June, 1862. He left his home twelve months ago, A brave and manly boy; And onward went to meet the foe, His father’s pride and mother’s joy. He was the idol of our hearts, A true confiding brother; And hard it was for us to part We never had another. Beloved by those he left behind, No foe he had at home; He was ever gentle, good and kind, But oh! The cruel foe did come. One month ago, with step so light, His young and manly form; From Kinston willingly did go, To meet the leaden storm. Few days before he met his doom, A line he sent to those most dear; “Grieve not for me, beloved at home, For I am needed here.” But on a dark and lonely night, Far, far away from home, Unconscious they were near a fight, Oh! Cruel death to him did come. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 11, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: Near Richmond, July 31, of typhoid fever John W. Overman of Wayne Co., Co. C, 2nd Regiment. Near Richmond, 23rd July, of typhoid fever, Henry C. Hodge, of the 1st Regiment N.C.T. In Petersburg, 13th July, Philip A. Pliand(?), of the Orange Guards, Co. G, 27th Regiment On the 3rd Aug., in Raleigh, Dr. W.W. McKinzie, aged 25 years, 2 months. In Richmond, 9th July, James E. Watson, aged 22 years, 4 months, 10 days. Near Mocksville, Dr. W.C. Brown, Surgeon, 42nd Regiment. In Raleigh, 19th July, Jno. B. Perkinson, of the Raleigh Rifles, 14th Regiment, aged 25 years. In Oxford, July 27, T.W. McClanahan, aged 27 years, of the Granville Greys. At Raleigh, on the 14th ult., of wounds received in defense of our national capitol, Hardy W. parker, Esq., Orderly Sgt. of Capt. Garret’s company, 5th N.C. Regiment. In Granville Co., July 2, of typhoid fever, George H. Raney, Company B, 2nd Regiment, aged 19. On the 11th July, in the hospital at Richmond, from the effects of wounds received in the late battles, O.S.P. Alexander, of the 13th Regiment, N.C.V. 17th July, in the Howard Hospital at Richmond, from the effects of a wound on Tuesday in the battles before Richmond, Lt. Robert Grier of the 49th Regiment. At the Gwathmey Hospital in Richmond, on the 7th ult., David H.J. Johnson, of Mecklenburg Co., in the 27th year of his age. In the hospital at Goldsboro’, July 15(?), W.S. Scarborough of Montgomery Co., Company E, 52nd Regiment, in the 31st year of his age. On the 30th June, in a hospital at Wilson, John B. Walker, of the 1st Regiment N.C. Cavalry. Died, at the residence of his father, Mr. John Shine, of Duplin, on the 21st July last, in the 27th year of his age, John D. Shine, of Company E, 20th Regiment, N.C.V. This brave, patriotic and worthy young man was the chosen ensign of his regiment and fell mortally wounded while courageously bearing the sacred flag of his country amidst the bloody melee on the battle field at Cold Harbor, on the 27th June last below Richmond. For some time before the secession of his state, he had taken up his abode in our sister state of South Carolina, but so soon as he saw the contest between the North and the South he hastened to his childhood’s home and tendered his services to his country by volunteering in the second company formed in his native county of Duplin. During his connection with this company for more than a year at the forts below Wilmington, in that city, and at the camps below Richmond, his uniform soldierly conduct and manly bearing, his cheerful obedience to his superior officers—both in tent and field, and his unaffected kindness to his fellow soldiers on all occasions, won the hearts of all his associates. The coolness and courage displayed by him on his first and unfortunately, his last battlefield not only secured the lasting admiration of his gallant regiment, but gave an indication of the high position he was destined to achieve in his new vocation of arms, had his life been prolonged in a later period of his country’s history. But an All-Wise Providence decreed otherwise and left his immediate friends and relatives to mourn the premature loss of one of the best of men. Our young friend survived the reception of his wounds three weeks and three days, dying the same hour of the day, 6:00 pm, on which he fell. Deaths of Soldiers: In camp, near Petersburg, 29th ult., Wm. H. Ross, aged about 18 years, a member of Company B, 45th Regiment. In the hospital at Petersburg, 31st ult., of typhoid fever, Corp. Armenius C. Lash, Company B, 45th Regiment. In Petersburg, on the 1st inst., of typhoid fever, Private Charles Williams, of Lloyd’s Battery, 40th Regiment, of Tarborough, aged 22. At Gravel Hill, Va., 26th ult., of a wound, Private James E. Allen, of Tarborough, aged (illegible, first number is a ‘2’). In the Winder Hospital, Richmond, 3rd inst., aged about 20, Lt. Wm. Pitt of Edgecombe, Company F, 30th Regiment. At Richmond, 1st inst., Private John Blanton, of the 28th Regiment, from Cleveland Co. In the 2nd N.C. Hospital, Petersburg, 27th ult., of brain fever, Private John W. Hayes, in his 18th year. In Richmond on the 6th ult., Private Jas. E. Watson, aged 22. On the 18th ult., in Duplin co., from the effects of his wounds and secondary hemorrhage, Milton H. Johnson, aged about 33, of Captain Thruston’s Company, B, 3rd Regiment. In the hospital at Petersburg, July 17, Washington M. Harris, of Guilford Co., aged about 25, a member of Captain H.C. Correll’s Company. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 18, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: July 10, in Warren County, of typhoid fever, Dr. Sol. Alston, one of the surgeons of the 12th Regiment, in the 23rd year of his age. At the hospital in Richmond, 23rd July, Joseph W. Deupree, in the 36th year of his age. He was wounded in the great battle before Richmond. He belonged to the Yanceyville Grays, 13th Regiment. From wounds received on the battle field near Gaine’s Farm on the 27th June, in the 21st year of his age, Henry A. Wedden, of the Leasburg Grays, 13th Regiment. In camp near Goldsboro’, 8th April, Jesse J. Croom, aged 25. On 7th July, from a wound received at Ellison’s Mills, Jos. Carr, of Company C, 1st Regiment. In Northampton Co., 20th ult., Lt. George W. Davis, of the 37th N.C.R., aged 23. Of typhoid fever, in Richmond, 25th June, Peter Evans Spruill, in the 27th year of his age, a member of the Warren Co. Volunteer Co. In Wilson, N.C., 7th Aug., Major James S. Whitehead, of the 55th N.C.T., of Pitt Co., N.C. Near Drewry’s Bluff, Aug. 15, Thomas C. Johnson, of Harnett Co., a member of the Highland Rangers. Also, on the 12th, W.G. Parks, of the same company. At the 1st N.C. Hospital in Petersburg, Va., on the 6th inst., of typhoid fever, Lt. Thomas W. Rouse, of Company C, 27th Regiment, from Lenoir, N.C. Also, during the past month, members of the above named company, of typhoid fever: Jas. F. Barrow, Jno. W. Sutten, J.W. Jump, Wm. H. Wartess and L. Herring, all of Lenoir Co., N.C. At the N.C. Hospital in Petersburg, 23rd July, R.J. Young, a private in Company C, 52nd Regiment, in the 22nd year of his age, of Wake. In Halifax, 17th July, Littleberry Wilcox, aged 22, of the 12th Regiment. June 29, of wounds received in the Richmond battles, Sgt. R.F. Hartness of Company G, 88th Regiment. In the “South Mountain Rangers”, 55th Regiment, seven have died since it went into service on the 14th May, viz: Major Wartman, R.D. Hoyle, Albert Canipe, Levi Hoyle, Jas. T. Price, D.P. Warlick, and R.A. McCall In Petersburg, 11th inst., Robert W. Barden of Company A, 43rd Regiment. Near Richmond, 20th July, of typhoid fever, Jas. H.M. Everitt of New Hanover Co., aged 21. On the 26th June, of wounds received in battle, Wm. W. Harvell, aged 25(?) 26(?). On the 13th July, at the Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, from the effects of a wound received in the battle near Gaines Mills on the 27th June, Sgt. Samuel L. Sharpe, Company G, 4th Regiment. In the N.C. Hospital at Petersburg, of brain fever, Corp. Wm. A. Bennett, of Co. D, 53rd Regiment. At the hospital in Petersburg, 30th ult., Armenius C. Lash (or Lesh), in the 36th year of his age, a member of Capt. C.E. Shober’s Company, 45th Regiment. Died, in the 2nd N.C. Hospital in Petersburg, Va., on Sunday, 27th July, of brain fever, John H. Hasty, aged 19 years, 8 months, 20 days. Thus died our beloved friend in the service of his country to prevent its being seized by a vile Northern foe. But we mourn not as those without hope, for he was a Christian, a dutiful son, every ready to do what he thought duty bade him do. Duty called him to defend his country and he went forth immediately to its defense. During the latter part of March he enlisted for the duration of the war, and he bade his parents, relatives, friends, and home and a happy fire side adieu, and went forth to perform what he considered his duty, as many others did at the same time. Our young friend has left a father and mother and many relatives to mourn his loss, but we doubt not that our loss is his eternal gain. In all things he acted Christian-like and his disposition was so good that none knew him but to love him. The deceased was a volunteer from Richmond Co., in Capt. Stewart’s Company, 46th Regiment, N.C.T. Charles G. Thomas, the subject of this notice, was the son of George and Mary Thomas of Lowndesboro’, Alabama. He was in his 22nd year, when slain in one of the fierce battles before Richmond. The writer knew Charlie well. He was emphatically a good boy; dutiful as a son, diligent as a pupil, amiable as a companion. His word was never called in question; he was cheerful, but never boisterous; liberal but not extravagant; unselfish, he was always ready to do acts of kindness. He was trained in the Sabbath school, in which his pious mother, though in feeble health, and advanced in years, still delights to instruct the young in the things of God. In addition to his natural amiability of character, was found the elevating, ennobling influence of Christianity. At the commencement of our present struggle, Charlie left the institution at which he was finishing his education and with the approbation of his father, and cheerful consent of his mother, attached himself to Lowndesboro’ Beauregards, which company constitutes a part of the gallant 2nd Regiment of Alabama. In his company, he conducted himself with great propriety. Honorable as a soldier, prompt in his obedience to orders, ever at the post of duty, he secured the confidence of the entire body. The writer was connected with the 3rd Regiment for 14 months, and unhesitatingly states, that Alabama had no more reliable defender than Charlie Thomas. One of his mess mates (himself a young man of sterling worth), thus writes about his comrade: “In the charge of July 1st, which will ever be remembered by our countrymen, the name of Charlie G. Thomas is entitled to a place by the side of the most distinguished of our country’s heroes. He was ever at his post, ready to execute the orders of his officers. When the order was given, he fixed his bayonet with a firm hand, brought his gun to a charge, and moved onward with his regiment to the lines of the enemy—he fell and soon expired—and be it ever remembered that when he fell, he was in the advance of his regiment.” “ He was kind, chivalrous, generous, patriotic, affectionate and moral. Among the many who have sacrificed their lives upon the altar of their country, no nobler soldier has fallen a martyr to Southern liberty.” Such is the testimony of one that occupied the same tent, ate at the same mess, and had abundant opportunities of knowing Charlie well. We have hope in his death. He read his Bible regularly in camp; was a constant attendant upon its religious services, and we trust, from his setting apart a portion of his time for prayer, that he now enjoys the peace of Heaven. His body was recovered, taken home, and rests in the family lot in the village grave yard. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 25, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: At Chimborazo Hospital on July 12, William Augustus Belcher, a private in Company C, 20th Regiment of Columbus County. At Richmond, July 17, of bilious fever, Lt. Eli H. Winningham, of Company I, 22nd Regiment, of Randolph co., aged 22. He was in the Battle of Seven Pines. In the hospital at Petersburg, of typhoid fever, 28th July, John B. Pittard, in the 21st year of his age, of Caswell Co., a member of Company I, 45th Regiment. |