Military Obituaries July & August 1863

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    July 8, 1863
    Tribute of Respect
    Headquarters, 2nd N.C. Cavalry
    Near Culpepper, Virginia, June 13
    A meeting of the officers of the regiment assembled to pay a last tribute to the 
    memory of their gallant dead comrades through the casualties of the battle of the 
    9th inst., near Beverly’s Ford, Virginia and met there a melancholy fate and loss of 
    their beloved Col. Solomon Williams, Lt. J.G. Blassingame, Corp. Brown of Company 
    A(?) and Corp. Ballock of Company K and Private James Bunch of Company H.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 15, 1863
    We regret to learn that the reports of the death of Capt. William J. Houston of Duplin 
    is fully confirmed.  He was killed in the Battle of Middleburg five miles from Ashby’s 
    Gap on last Sunday week (June 21) in the fight between Pleasanton and Stewart.  
    It would seem that Captain Houston’s company was dismounted and fighting as 
    infantry.  They nearly became surrounded by overwhelming forces when Colonel 
    Baker sent word to Captain Houston to fall back but the messenger got cut off.  
    Houston, seeing that the regiment was falling back in haste, gave orders to those 
    with him to get away as fast as possible.  In doing so, Houston himself got out and 
    sat down upon a stone wall to rest.  He got up and began walking towards Col. 
    Baker’s column but before arriving there a Yankee sniper up and shot him in the 
    back part of the head, the ball coming out through his forehead.  Thus perished as 
    brave, noble and generous a man as has fallen since this war commenced.  In his 
    native county of Duplin he was admired for his talents and beloved for his genial 
    qualities.  More than once he was entrusted by Duplin County with the care of her 
    interests in the state legislature.  He took rank with the acknowledgment of the 
    leaders of the branch to which he belonged.  Still young, a bright prospect of future 
    honors and usefulness lay before him, but the prospect is blighted forever and his 
    sorrowing family and friends can only take consolation in knowing that he died like 
    a true soldier without fear and without reproach.  Washington Journal
    Died, in the town of Greenville, N.C. on the 17th April, and in the 26th year of his age, 
    Durrell E. Powell, son of Archibald Powell, formerly a resident of Granville County, N.C.  
    At the call of his country, he went boldly forth to repel an invading enemy and freely 
    gave his life as a sacrifice on the altar of his country, an example, we trust, the youth 
    of the country may cheerfully follow.  He attached himself to the 47th Regiment, N.C.V., 
    Company C under Capt. Iredell where he served from the time of his enrollment on the 
    18th Feb., 1861 until his death which occurred 17th April, 1863 from the attack of 
    typhoid pneumonia.  He has left a kind mother and father, brothers and numerous 
    friends to mourn his untimely death.  His remains were deposited at his own request 
    at Macedonia Church, four miles from Raleigh.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 22, 1863
    Captain John S.R. Miller
    It is with deep feelings of regret that we record the death of this brave and gallant 
    officer which took place on the 18th June, 1863 at the Battle of Winchester, Virginia.  
    Capt. Miller belonged to the old service of the U.S. and upon the opening of the 
    present struggle and upon the secession of his native state of North Carolina he 
    returned and was appointed by the late Colonel M.S. Stokes as Adjutant of the 1st 
    N.C. Infantry and served in that capacity until the Battle of Mechanicsville, Virginia 
    at which place he received a severe wound in the foot and meritorious conduct on the
     field and was promoted to Captain of Company H, same regiment.
    At the fatal battle which terminated his life a small party of the enemy was trying to 
    gain our rear.  He met them and in the last volley of the enfilading fire before surrender, 
    a fatal ball pierced his temple and killed him instantly; thus has fallen another brave son 
    of North Carolina.
    Captain Miller was a young man much loved and respected in his regiment.  He 
    possessed all those qualities which make an agreeable soldier; his superior ability 
    as an officer was acknowledge by all; the much lamented Col. Stokes always spoke 
    of him in the highest terms as fully qualified for a much higher position then he occupied.
    North Carolina will have to mourn the loss of many gallant sons in this war and none 
    will stand higher as a patriot and soldier than John S.R. Miller.
    We record with profound regret the death of General Pettigrew.  The manner of his 
    death is not fully known. He was wounded at Gettysburg while in command of a 
    division but the wound was reported as slight.  The general impression seems to be 
    that he received his death wound at the Potomac while gallantly guarding the rear of 
    our army as it crossed the river.  General J. Johnston Pettigrew is one of the most 
    gifted sons of North Carolina.  He had added greatly by study, research, observation, 
    travel to his fine natural endowment.  No man on the continent was his superior in 
    varied and useful learning.  He has fallen in the prime of his manhood but in a cause 
    that was dear to him.  The recollection of his services will long be remembered by his 
    Tribute of Respect
    Yadkin Lodge #162(?) July 7
    Resolved, that this Lodge has heard with the deepest regret of the death of brother Neal 
    Bomannon, but we find consolation in the fact that he died a martyr to the cause of 
    southern independence, closing a life of honor in a death of glory and adds one more 
    to the long list of those the Great Master has called at “high  noon” to offer up their 
    lives for the rights of men.
    John Idol, W.M.
    Died, at Petersburg, Virginia in the 2nd (?) N.C. Hospital on the 17th June, James 
    Minor(?) Martin, aged 22 years, 9 months and 10 days.  He was a member of Capt. 
    Alexander’s Company from Mecklenburg County, N.C. (58th N.C. Reg’t., Company K).  
    His disease was typhoid fever.  Although he died far from home and friends he died in the 
    full hope of meeting them in Heaven.  He was an affectionate brother, and an obedient son.  
    The following is a letter to his father from the captain:  “Sir, I am sorry indeed that it 
    has become my painful duty to inform you of the death of your son James Minor 
    Martin who died on last Sunday in the hospital at Petersburg, Virginia of fever.  I offer 
    to you as a bereaved parent the sympathy of both the officers and men of my company 
    who knew him well and can testify to his many manly virtues. But it certainly is a 
    consolation to know that he has fallen a victim in his country’s behalf yet he is 
    nevertheless a martyr in his country’s cause.  In him you have lost a son and the 
    Confederacy an excellent soldier”.  M.M.R.
    The mortal remains of General James Johnston Pettigrew were brought to this city and 
    deposited in the burying ground of his uncle, James Shepard, Esq., on Friday last.  
    The body arrived here Thursday night and was deposited in the capitol until Friday 
    morning.  At 11:00 appropriate funeral services were held in Capitol Square near the 
    statue of Washington by Rev. Dr. Mason after which the military from Camp Holmes 
    under Col. Mallett, the Governor, the heads of departments, and citizens accompanied 
    the remains to the burying ground.  We saw present his two brothers William S. and 
    Charles Pettigrew.  Thus has passed away in the prime of manhood one of the noblest, 
    and brightest ornaments in our state.  The feeling among all classes is that of profound 
    sorrow at his passing, his numerous virtues, his learning, his courage, the bright future
    that was before him until he was cut down by the hand of death—were the themes of 
    North Carolina Standard
    July 29, 1863
    James Marmaduke Williams , son of M.D. Williams, Esq., was born at Chatham County, 
    N.C. on Feb. 4, 1843 and fell in the charge of Gettysburg Heights on the night of July 2, 
    1863, aged 20 years, 4 months, 28 days.  How painful it must be to the parents of one 
    so young and promising to hear that life’s brittle thread has been cut but it is a consolation 
    to know that he fell where the brave which to die—in the dashing charge. “Jim Brown” 
    as he was called by his fellow soldiers, enlisted in Capt. York’s Company on Feb. 25, 
    1862 and during the campaign of that year, owing to sickness, participated little.  He 
    was of exceedingly delicate constitution, so much so that he was scarcely fit for service; 
    but when he left Fredericksburg, so confident was he that we were going across the river, 
    that he divested himself of all baggage, with his rifle and cartridge box, determined to go 
    with his company as long as he could march, and much to the surprise of all, he was at 
    Gettysburg and never shall we forget his rich sallies of wit, his side-splitting jokes and 
    his rich descriptions of how the Pennsylvania Dutch issued rations of light bread, butter, 
    milk and onions.  Always gay and lively in manner, polite and strict in the discharge of 
    his military duties, he had become the pet of not only his company but his regiment. 
    Gallant in action and reckless in danger, he feared not to go where the colors went.  
    In the fight of July 1, he was very conspicuous and his race after a Yankee carrying 
    two stands of color was not only amusing and exciting but gallant.  On the night of 
    the second we were ordered to charge the heights which were protected by the famous 
    rock wall and just as we left the first fence he was struck by a solid shot on the right 
    leg, completely shattering his whole right leg in a shocking manner.  After our return, 
    we found him lying where he was struck, suffering intensely.  When his captain asked 
    how he was he said “I must die and only want some chloroform to die easy for I am 
    suffering severely.”   When it was proposed to carry him a little ways back to a 
    temporary hospital, he replied “no, I want to die here on the field.  I tried to do my duty, 
    I heard you on the heights and wish I could have been there.  I have no fear of death, 
    I believe that all is well with me. Tell mother that I fell in defense of our home and did 
    the best I could for her.  I am willing to die for I expected my time had come”.  No 
    murmur of regret escaped his lips.  He patiently bore his intense suffering without a 
    groan. When the pickets were thrown out and I knew he would be beyond our lines, 
    he consented to be carried back where he lingered for an hour perfectly conscious 
    and conversing freely.  His last words to his captain were “goodbye captain, I hope we 
    will meet in a better world.  Tell all the boys goodbye for me and tell them I glory in 
    the spunk of Company I.”  He knew when his last moment had come and put his 
    head in his brother’s lap and telling him goodbye—died as he had lived, a good and 
    gallant soldier.  May the sod lie light on his breast for no more gallant soldier sleeps 
    beneath the soil of Pennsylvania.  Y.
    Col. H.K. Burgwyn, Jr.—Colonel of the 26th Reg’t. N.C.T., fell in a charge upon the 
    enemy at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on the 1st day of July, 1863 in the 22nd year of 
    his life.  His death is deeply regretted by all his command.  History will record his 
    worth and rising generations will embalm his memory as one of the patriots and 
    heroes of the war.  He was a gallant officer who lived without fear and died without 
    Died, on the 2nd July, from wounds received in the battle near Gettysburg, Archibald J. 
    Davis, son of Owen and Sarah Davis, of Franklin County, in the 25th year of his age.  
    He volunteered in May of 1861 in the 15th N.C. Regiment but was afterwards transferred 
    to the 32nd in which he served faithfully until his death.  Ever quietly submitting to the 
    hardships and privations attendant with a soldier’s life, he was a true patriot and a brave 
    soldier and bore his sufferings with heroic firmness.  His dying words were “Oh my God, 
    I die for my country”.  He was a dutiful son and an affectionate brother.  His loss will be 
    deeply felt by his many relatives and friends.  For it may in truth be said:
    None knew him but to love him
    None named him but to praise
    A Friend
    North Carolina Standard
    August 5, 1863
    Tribute of Respect
    At a meeting of Company B, 10th N.C. Artillery Battalion, held at Camp Hill on July 25, 
    1863, we have recently been informed of the death of our esteemed friend and comrade 
    in arms, Sgt. Calvin Ennis, who died at his home of typhoid fever while on furlough.  His 
    wife has lost an affectionate and good husband, his children a kind and tender father, 
    the Confederacy a good and efficient soldier and the state of North Carolina a son of 
    whom she might have been proud and society an ornament of the brightest and purest 
    Jas. Turnage, Chairman
    Tribute of Respect
    Rock Rest Lodge #161, 18th July
    It has pleased an all wise Ruler of the Universe to visit our fraternity by the removal of our 
    most worthy and esteemed brother and friend James R. Johnson, who died at his father’s 
    house on the 16th (?) of July, 1863. We deeply regret the loss of our Masonic brother.
    North Carolina Standard
    August 12, 1863
    Died, in the 1st N.C. Hospital, Petersburg, Virginia, on the 1st March, of typhoid fever, in 
    the 24th year of his age, Calvin W. Pittman, a member of Company B, Lane’s 24th N.C. 
    Regiment.  One of the first to volunteer in defense of his country, his name is now 
    remembered among its gallant dead.  He was ever a dutiful soldier, affectionate 
    brother and obedient son.
    Died, in Richmond, Virginia on the 20th June, of pneumonia, in the 21st year of his 
    age, William T. Pittman, brother of the above and member of Capt. A.C. Latham’s 
    Artillery Brigade.  He had been in service but six months and yet had been engaged 
    in seven battles.  But his last fight has now been fought and won and he sleeps 
    beneath the soil his valor defended.  Where these two manly forms once sat, their 
    places by the hearthstone are now vacant.  In Heaven we may meet them, on earth 
    no more.
    Died, at Jacksborough, Tennessee, 28th day of June last, in the 33rd year of his age, 
    John C. Green, 1st Lt. Company B (or C?), 58th Regiment.  Lt. Green joined the M.E. 
    Church 8 or 9 years ago.  He professed religion in the year 1857 from which time 
    until his death he was considered by all who knew him as a model of Christian piety.  
    He was considered one of the most useful citizens in Mitchell County in which he lived. 
    When the regiment was at Cumberland Gap, he was taken sick with typhoid fever 
    and carried to Jacksborough where he died after an illness of two or three days, 
    lamented by all who knew him.  He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn their 
    loss.  May the, with all the rest of his friends, be prepared to meet him in Heaven, 
    is the prayer of this writer.  J.H. Greene
    Died, at his residence in Ashe County on the 3rd July, Capt. John Hartzog(?) of the 
    37th N.C.T.  Capt. Hartzog fought through many of the hard battles which the gallant 
    37th Regiment has been engaged and last of all the Battle of Chancellorsville, in 
    which, at the head of his gallant company, he was among the first to scale the 
    enemy’s breastworks and in this effort was seriously injured.  Capt. Hartzog was a 
    collateral descendent (on his maternal side) of that most celebrated border warrior, 
    Daniel Boone, whose courage and virtues he largely inherited.
    Among the wounded of the Raleigh Rifles, 14th N.C. Regiment in the Battle of 
    Gettysburg was W.H. Wood, son of our worthy friend William H. Wood, Esq., of 
    Eagle Rock, this county.  His wound, we are glad to say, is not serious.  Young 
    Hood has been in the Rifles from the first.  We have before us a letter written by him 
    to his father soon after the Battle of Chancellorsville, perforated by a ball.  During the 
    fight he pulled off he pulled off his knapsack and placed it before his head.  He shot 
    fifty rounds in all while his knapsack was thus shielding his head.  A ball penetrated it 
    about half way through, cutting the cloth.  The knapsack saved his life.  During this
    last fight his gun was shot in two in his hands but he took up another and fought on.
    North Carolina Standard
    August 19, 1863
    We learn that Adjutant Henderson C. Lucas, whose death we announced in our last 
    issue of the 11th N.C.T., bore himself with great courage and gallantry at Gettysburg.  
    An eye witness says that after all the color bearers were shot down, he seized the flag 
    of the regiment, rushed to the front, was shot down, rose again and waved the flag, and 
    again fell, having received three wounds.  Col. Leaventhorpe spoke of him in the highest 
    terms, as an intelligent and gallant young man, always cool and ready for duty, and 
    kind and good humored in his disposition.  Adjt. Lucas was a native of Raleigh, the 
    son of Capt. W.A. Lucas, who removed with his family to Charlotte some years since.
    Died, at Winder Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, 17th July, Pte. Robert C. White, Company 
    C, 48th N.C.T., in the 32nd year of his age. He was a consistent Christian and has gone 
    to reap the rewards of his labors.  His course as a soldier was blameless and though 
    not spared to see the end of this struggle, he faithfully performed his part.  He leaves 
    a wife and five small children to mourn his untimely death.  R.J.W.
    Captain E. Graham Morrow, who was severely wounded and taken prisoner at Gettysburg, 
    died near that place on Sunday, 19th July.  He was a noble, honest, gallant, and true 
    young man.  He was a son of Orange County in a peculiar sense, for he came of father, 
    grandfathers, and great grandfathers and ancestors even more remote who had been an 
    honor in the same soil before him.  Educated at Mr. Bingham’s School and then at the 
    University, he had subsequently pursued math studies with success at Cambridge 
    University in Massachusetts.  For a short time, he was an instructor at his alma mater.  
    It had been his purpose to become a civil engineer but prolonged ill health delayed his 
    entrance upon active life.
    The opening of the war found him still at home.  In his opinion, the red war clouds which 
    floated in that morning air portended murky days.  He could not see those gay scenes 
    which many fancied would be in the immediate future of the separated South.  However, 
    North Carolina having accepted a destiny which she had not been able to defeat and 
    ranged herself with a war already raging, Mr. Morrow believed his proper place would 
    be in the field.  After some time, he was commissioned as a lieutenant in the 28th 
    Regiment N.C.T.  The fall and winter of 1861 were spent near Wilmington.  May of 1862, 
    he commanded a detachment of his company in the hottest parts of the engagement at 
    Hanover, Virginia.  He was likewise in command of a company on the four bloody days 
    around Richmond.  In December, he commanded as captain at Fredericksburg and again 
    in May of 1863 at Chancellorsville.  On the last of the three days at Gettysburg, he 
    received wounds in the right arm and thigh which proved fatal.  A friend who watched 
    his death bed in a letter to his mother (just received) described the circumstances of a 
    soldier’s sepulcher in language so striking that I copy it.
    “He died about noon on Sunday last, at the hospital of the 2nd Army Corps (Federal) 
    about three and a half miles southeast of Gettysburg, from the effects of a wound he 
    received on the battlefield on the 3rd inst.  His body enclosed in a plain, strong, coffin, 
    I saw it committed to the earth just as the shades of night began to gather.  It was a 
    calm, still Sunday evening with a bright, new moon in the west.  On the right side of the 
    coffin was placed the body of Thomas W. Howard, who died a few hours after Graham 
    and on the left side the body of Smith F. Barnes, Company G, 27th N.C.T. who died 
    nearly at the same time.  Howard leaves relatives near us.  Cheek of Company G, 28th 
    N.C.T. died on the 18th inst.  His father lives in your village.”
    “He is buried in the field under a walnut tree on the farm of Jacob Swartz.  Many 
    soldiers are buried in different parts of the same field.  His head is not more than a 
    yard from the foot of the tree on the east side of the tree.  The tree itself is the middle 
    one of three which stand nearby in a line north and south.  Joseph Weikert who works 
    with A. Spanger near the Express Office at Gettysburg can point out the place.  
    Headboards also mark the spot.”
    Details like these have become common to parents throughout the South.  Capt. 
    Morrow was a devout Christian.  He had been for years a consistent member of the 
    Presbyterian Church.  That light above any that ever shone by sea or shore falls upon 
    his grave.  Missing from the hills and streams around the University, he sits victor
    forever triumphing over his death and chance.  Hail and farewell.
    North Carolina Standard
    August 26, 1863
    It will be gratifying to the friends of Lts. J.H. Watson and Norfleet of the 47th N.C. 
    Regiment that, though both wounded, they escaped death at the Battle of Gettysburg.  
    They are now prisoners at David’s Island, New York, where they are kindly treated.  Lt. 
    Norfleet is from Caswell and Lt. Watson is from Alamance and their wounds are not 
    considered dangerous.
    We are gratified to learn on what we consider good authority that Col. Leavenworth is 
    not dead but a prisoner in Pennsylvania rapidly recovering from his wounds.  We also 
    learn that Captain Eure(?) Eury(?) of Gates is not dead but a prisoner.
    Tribute of Respect
    At a meeting of the members of Capt. J.W. Latta’s company in camp near Kinston, 
    N.C. on Aug. 19, whereas it has been the will of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to 
    remove from our midst our friend and brother in arms Lt. Sampson Latta who died at his 
    home in Persons County, N.C. of typhoid fever on Aug. 2, we give this tribute of respect
    Lt. A.G. Faucette
    Few better soldiers have died in the cause of southern independence than Walter L. 
    Jones—no one submitted more readily and cheerfully to all the duties and hardships of 
    camp life or had better influence over those around him.  He was one of the few young 
    men who would not accept an officer’s rank (which was frequently tendered to him), 
    although well qualified having had thorough military training—preferring to share the 
    duties of his friends who were privates in the 1st Company from Caldwell County.  He 
    was sent to Virginia in October, 1861 in the 22nd Regiment then commanded by the 
    lamented Pettigrew—shared the dangers of the campaigns of 1862 and was wounded 
    at Shepardstown on the retreat of our army from Maryland and was absent from duty 
    but a few weeks.  In March last he was transferred by request to Company I, 26th 
    Regiment, N.C.T.  where he served until the evening of July 1 at the Battle of Gettysburg 
    while pressing forward with his usual intrepidity in advance of his company and near the 
    enemy’s lines, he received a mortal wound and fell within a few feet of his brother Major 
    Jones and about the same time as when the gallant Burgwyn was shot down.  He died 
    in the hospital at Gettysburg a few days after in the 20th year of his age.  He lies buried 
    in the land of strangers and the enemy—but his soldierly conduct—his frank and genial 
    nature—made him many friends who will not forget him until they sleep “their last long 
    sleep”.  A Wounded Comrade
    North Carolina Standard
    September 9, 1863
    It is a poor tribute to the memory to record the death of the good, the noble, the brave.  
    But it is the last memento inscribed to the soldier that affords a solace to the kindred 
    and friends, that sounds a requiem, the roll call of comrades in arms, and seals his 
    name in the ashes of his country.  Such has elicited the dedication of this feeble tribute 
    to the memory of Jacob J. Powell, who fell a victim to death amid the fierce clash of 
    arms at Cold Harbor, Virginia. A North Carolinian, he volunteered at the beginning of the 
    war in 1861.  He was energetic, discrete, courageous, virtuous, noble, intelligent and 
    brave with a heart warm to affection and a soul full of patriotic devotion to his country—
    a true soldier of the South.  He acquitted himself to the commandments, to the honor 
    of his own position and his country’s cause.  He had gone through the fiery ordeal of the 
    battlefield on many occasions and wondered that he escaped the thousands of missiles 
    of death which he had faced.  At the time he fell, he looked forward in hope to witness a 
    time when the clash of arms would hush and when the missiles of death wound be laid 
    down and he could return home.  In view of this, his mind loomed up with bright 
    anticipation to the successful end of the cause in which he was engaged.  But as it 
    is only one aspect of human life we can contemplate with pleasure, our course is but 
    day to day and if part of that is light, the other part is darkness.  That visitation came 
    early to the subject of this sketch and he passed into the shades of death in the 
    bloom of his manhood. Peace to his ashes.
    My brother! Oh, my brother! Thou art gone, the true and brave.
    And haughty joy of victory hath died upon thy grave.
    There are many round thy flag to stand and to lead while they march on,
    There was one to love me in this world—my brother, thou art gone!
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 13, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Wilmington, of typhoid fever, 27th May, Columbus Passmore, Company 
    I, 61st Regiment, of Cherokee Co.
    On 8th March, at the Wayside Hospital in Weldon, Martin Royal, of the 
    30th Regiment, of Sampson Co.
    At Richmond, July 6, J.V. Benfield, of the 37th Regiment.
    In the Lynchburg Hospital, on the 7th ult., T.H. Williams, in the 19th year of 
    his age, of the Lillington Rifle Guards.
    In the hospital at Greenville, Tennessee, 27th May, George T. Atkin, son of 
    Rev. Thomas W. Atkin, of Asheville.
    Of typhoid fever, in the hospital at Richmond, of wounds received at 
    Fredericksburg, W.E. King of Company E, 13th Regiment, in the 21st year of 
    his age.
    In camp near Cleaveland, Tennessee, 13th March, Wm. .Frisby, of Henderson 
    Co., aged near 25 years, a member of Company C, 29th Regiment.
    Also, April 25, Fidelio Frisby, brother of the above, aged 26, of the 60th Regiment.
    At the Marine Hospital, Wilmington, 28th ult., Private Wm. W. Evans, of Company 
    G, 51st Regiment.
    Of typhoid fever, in Richmond, L.G. Horn, of Iredell Co.
    Moses F. Finger, of Lincoln Co., died in Lynchburg, Va., June 24, of a wound 
    received at Chancellorsville.  He was a member of the 34th Regiment.
    July 4, in the hospital at Petersburg, N.T. Allen, of the 22nd Regiment.
    In Columbia Co., July 1, Wm. Hester of Capt. E.B. Dulley’s(?) Co., aged about 34.
    In Sampson Co., 3rd inst., James O. McArthur, of Capt. Marsh’s Company, 61st 
    In the hospital at Charleston, May 28, Wm. H. Blalock, aged 20.  And in Wilmington, 
    June 28, his elder brother, Jesse Blalock, both of Orange Co.
    Killed, in the Battle of Winchester, June 15, James Caton(?) of the 1st Regiment.
    Killed, in a surprised nocturnal attack, near Trenton, N.C., Dr. G.W. Murdoch of Capt. 
    Wharton’s Cavalry Co.  G.W. Murdoch was a young professional man of spotless 
    character and possessed a clear, bright intellect.  He was kind, affable, and obliging 
    to all of his friends, and warm and free in all of his sympathies.  But alas, it was his 
    fate to fall a victim to the war and now fills a soldier’s grave in a cemetery far from 
    home and friends, where kind parents, brothers and sisters are deprived of the privilege 
    of shedding a farewell tear over his silent grave.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 20, 1863
    Died, at Camp Gregg, Caroline Co., Va., on the 3rd June, private D.D. Webb, of Co. 
    K, 33rd Regiment N.C.T., in the 22nd year of his age. He was born and raised in 
    Richmond Co., served 12 months in the defense of his country as a soldier; he was
    ever obedient, ready and willing to aid and comfort his fellow soldiers under all 
    circumstances.  Early in life he embraced the Christian religion and joined the 
    Methodist E. Church, in which he remained an acceptable member until his death.  
    He died very suddenly of congestive fever.  He bore all his sufferings with great 
    patience and resignation to the Divine will.  He was attended by an able and skillful 
    physician.  He has left a large circle of friends as well as his parents, brothers, and 
    sisters, to mourn their loss. 
    Killed, in the Battle of Fredericksburg, May 2, 1863, William Waddill Lanier, 
    Company H, 14th N.C. Regiment, aged (illegible).  Another soldier has gone, 
    another home made desolate, father, mother, sisters and brothers left to mourn 
    their loved one.  In the hearts of his fellow soldiers he will ever be remembered as 
    a brave youth, and when the blood stained fields of the South give up their dead, 
    he will rise to glory.  May his bereaved parents and friends be consoled in knowing 
    that he discharged his duty faithfully, was  professor of religion and a member of 
    the Church of Christ.
    Deaths of Soldiers
    At the Marine Hospital in Richmond, July 18, 1862, Pinkney L. Edwards, aged 21, 
    and on the 18th September, Julius A. Edwards, aged 24, sons of Rev. P.W. 
    Edwards, of  Haywood County.
    In the hospital at Greenville, N.C., May 14, J.J. Pearce of Company E, 47th Regiment.
    In Chatham County, on the 11th inst., Wm. H. Tomlinson of Capt. Ramsay’s 
    Company, 61st Regiment, N.C.T., aged about 22.
    William M. Potts of Mecklenburg County, a private of Capt. Barringer’s company, 
    1st Regiment N.C. Cavalry, was killed on the 21st June in a gallant charge on the 
    enemy near Middleburg, Va.
    In Winder Hospital, Richmond, May 24, of typhoid fever, W.B. Bridgers of Franklin Co.,
    in the 19th year of his age.
    At Petersburg, Aug. 16, 1862, Eli Philips of Moore Co., Capt. Clegg’s Company, 48th 
    Regiment, aged 24.  And at Kinston Oct. 8, John A. Phillips, his brother, aged 31, of 
    Capt. Harris’ Company, 63rd Regiment.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 27, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Orange Co., June 19, Mr. John F. Thompson, of that county, aged 24, of Company 
    C, Mallett’s Battalion.
    At the residence of his father-in-law, Charles Wicker, in Moore Co., on the 16th June, 
    Thomas W. Sinclair, private in Company E, 3rd Regiment.
    Of wounds received in the battle at Chancellorsville, Lt. A.C. Sidbury of Company C, 
    3rd Regiment.
    At the Wayside Hospital, Salisbury, July 11, Robert O’B. Bell, of that place, a member 
    of the Cabarrus Guards, aged 27.
    June 28, in the General Hospital, Richmond, William H.C. Eddleman, in the 20th year 
    of his age.
    At the General Hospital, in Wilson, 6th inst., from a wound received at the Battle of 
    Chancellorsville, Sgt. W.F. Guthrie of Hyde Co., aged 22.
    In Charlotte, 16th inst., of a wound received at Chancellorsville, Capt. G.W. Hunter of 
    the 23rd Regiment, in his 22nd year, of Lincoln Co.
    In New Hanover Co., on the 15th inst., John C. McAlister, 21, private in Capt. Taylor’s 
    Artillery, at Wilmington.
    On the 2nd July, from wounds received in the battle near Gettysburg, Archibald J. 
    Davis, of Franklin Co., in the 25th year of his age, of the 32nd N.C. Regiment.
    Killed, in the battle of Gettysburg, Hamand H. Wilcox, a private in Company H, 26th 
    Regiment.  Thus has fallen another one of our brave and noble comrades while fighting 
    gallantly for the freedom and rights of his country. Scarcely 17 years had passed over 
    his youthful head when he, being inspired by noble patriotism, seized his musket and 
    went forth to share the fate of his fellow soldiers.  Although he sleeps upon the far 
    distant plains of Gettysburg, far away from home and friends, he is not forgotten but 
    will ever live fresh and bright in our memory.  
    No shadow shall rest upon the place,
    Where once thy footsteps roved,
    Nor leaf nor blossom bears a trace
    Of how thou was’t beloved.
    ‘Tis Heaven whence they nature came,
    Only calls its own
    I feel this earth could never be
    The native home of one like thee
    A Friend
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Aug. 3, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At the residence of Mr. Buchanan, Martinsburg, Va., on the 14th inst., of wounds 
    received on the 3rd at Gettysburg, N.  Collin Hughes, Assistant Adjutant General to 
    General Pettigrew, aged 23.
    At Richmond, in the 1st Georgia Hospital, 19th May, Wm. Augustus Henderson, in 
    his 19th year, a member of Company C, 37th Regiment.
    In the hospital at Kinston, May 26, D.P. Caldwell, of Co. H., 35th Regiment.
    New Guinea Station, 26th May, D.R. McInnis, in his 26th year, member of The 
    Richmond Boys, Company E, 38th Regiment.
    In this hospital at Richmond, 2nd May, Thomas Pinkney Houpe, of Iredell Co., N.C.
    Killed, in the action at Berryville, Va., 15th (or 16th) June, Corp. Charles R. Christmas, 
    of Company D, 1st Regiment of Hillsboro’, aged 33.
    At the General Hospital in Wilmington, July 30, David Hean, aged 39.  A native of 
    Dundee, Scotland, but for some time a citizen of this country and in the C.S. Navy.
    At the residence of Mr. M.R. Wilson, July 3, James C. (or O.) McArthur, in his 23rd 
    year, of Captain Marsh’s Company A, 61st Regiment.
    In the 21st Hospital, Richmond, Kenneth G. McFarland, Co. I, 54th Regiment, in his 
    22nd year.
    In Wilmington, at Marine Hospital, 8th inst., Sgt. Cornelius Jordan, Company D, 31st 
    Regiment, of Wake co., aged 28.
    Near Goldsboro’, 2nd inst., of typhoid fever, Howell E. Bledsoe of the 10th Regiment.
    In Mecklenburg Co., 6th inst., of typhoid fever, John Allison Beatty, aged 23 years, 
    of Company H, 37th Regiment.
    Of wounds received in the battle at Gettysburg, Cornelius M. Carlton, of Company B, 
    38th Regiment, of Watauga Co., aged 19.
    Of typhoid fever, in his 26th year, at the hospital at Chattanooga, Tenn., Joseph H. 
    Green, of Co. E, 60th Regiment.
    At the Chimborazo Hospital, Aug. 10(?), R.C. Fortune, of Rutherford Co., 16th 
    Peter S. Fortune, of the 16th Regiment, died in the General Hospital, Jan. 10.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Aug. 17, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    On the 4th inst., at the General Hospital, Summerville, S.C., of a wound received 
    at Battery Wagner, Private Malcolm Peter, of Capt. Sloan’s company I, 51st Regiment.
    At Chimborazo Hospital, June 6, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Kenneth H. 
    McIver, son of D.D. McIver, of Moore Co.  This is the second son this honored father 
    has given as a sacrifice to his country.  Two others remain in the service.
    In Robeson Co., on the 30th ult., of bowel consumption, James Stewart, a private in 
    Major J.R. McDonald’s Company, 51st Regiment, aged about 50.
    On the 31st May, Lt. Col. Thomas F. Gardner, of the 29th Regiment, of Yancy Co., 
    aged 23.
    In Robeson Co., June 26, John G. McNeill, in the 24th year of his age.  The deceased 
    was a member of Company D, 18th  N.C. Regiment.  He was in the battle at Hanover 
    Court House and was wounded in the battles around Richmond.  He was a most 
    excellent young man and in the relations which he sustained, both as a soldier and 
    citizen, was highly esteemed.  His last illness he bore with patient resignation and 
    left to his friends the comfortable assurance that with him, all was well.
    Died, the 27th Oct., last, E. Moore, at Lynchburg, Va., in the 21st year of his age.  
    He was one among the first to go forth in the defense of his country.  He was born in 
    North Carolina, Montgomery Co., where he has a mother, brother, and sisters to 
    mourn the loss of an affectionate young man and loving brother.  When he died he 
    called to those around him and said, I am dying happy; tell my mother and friends to 
    weep not for me.  
    Died, in Seabrook’s Hospital, Richmond, Va., 17th May, Noah R. Freeman, aged 27 
    years, 3 months and 7 days.  This young gentleman, though quite young in years, was 
    one among the first to volunteer in defense of his country.  Owing to bad health, he was
    never in any battle until the last battle at Fredericksburg, Va., where he fell wounded 
    mortally, and died in a few weeks.  He was a respected member of the Christian 
    Church and leaves a wife and three small children to mourn the loss of an affectionate 
    father and husband.  Thus ends the life of this young Christian soldier.
    R.W. Freeman
    In Richmond, 6th June, Lt. Hinton J. Hudson, of Company C, 38th Regiment, N.C.T., 
    in the 24th year of his age.  Lt. Hudson was wounded in the battles before Richmond, 
    but being inspired by noble patriotism, he returned to his company before he was 
    thought to be able for service and was very soon seized with typhoid fever, which 
    proved fatal in a few days—during which time he had the undivided attention of his
     father and for the last two days, that of his bereaved wife.  (Transcriber’s note, see 
    military deaths, this same issue re the death of the father.)
    Killed, on the 3rd July, in a charge at Gettysburg, Pa., Corp. Thomas D. Clegg, of 
    Company I, 62nd N.C.T.  He volunteered in defense of his country in May of 1861, 
    his absence from home was but brief, he soon returned with a furlough on account 
    of bad health; recovering from which, he hurried back to camp, endured many fatiguing 
    marches, was wounded at Malvern Hill, again came home, and returned to come no 
    more.  He bade all adieu with the tears streaming down his cheeks at the same time 
    saying:  “Il will see home and friends no more.”  He professed religion in the 12th year 
    of his age, joined the Methodist Church and was a true follower of the meek and lowly 
    Jesus.  His life in camp can be no better described than by an extract from a letter to 
    his mother, written by a comrade, in which he said:  “Cousin Tom was a brave and good
     boy; all the company speak of him as a Christian; none doubt but that he is  now 
    peaceful and happy.”  And though he fills a soldier’s grave upon the far distant plains of 
    Gettysburg, his friends will never cease to remember with affection and tenderness his 
    many virtues.
    Farewell dear brother, we part a while,
    By death’s cold hand we sever,
    But not without the blessed hope
    You are safe in Christ forever.
    Died, in the hospital at Richmond, Va., Privates Andrew Cole on the 2nd April, D.B. 
    Stedman, 15th April, Kenneth H. Melver, 6th June, 1863; and killed at the battle of 
    Gettysburg, Pa., 1st July, 1863, Private Louis M. Wicker, all of Company H, 30th 
    Regiment, N.C.T.  They have been faithful soldiers in the Army of the Confederacy for 
    nearly two years.  At their country’s call they went forth to assist in driving the invading 
    enemy from our soil.  Being at all times at their post, they were never known to falter 
    from performing their whole duty.  They were among the many who sacrificed their lives 
    upon the altar of liberty.
    J.J. Wicker, Capt., Commanding Company
    Camp near Orange C.H., Va., Aug. 7, 1863
    Lines in Memory of my Brother, Giles W. Thompson, who fell charging the battery on 
    Morris Island, near Charleston, S.C., on the night of the 18th July, 1863
    Far away from home he died,
    In manhood’s bright and early bloom;
    He was the idol of our hearts,
    While away, and while at home.
    My brother is dead, his loss I mourn,
    And sorrow fills my breast;
    His body fills an early tomb,
    I trust his soul’s at rest.
    To tyranny I will not yield!
    Oft times I’ve heard him say;
    And with the gallant first
    He for his country hastened away
    But on a dark and lonely night,
    Far, far away from home he died;
    No sister there to bind his wound,
    Or kiss his manly brow.
    Cease, fond parents, cease to mourn;
    Your boy to you can ne’er return,
    But you to him one day may go,
    Where streams of joy forever flow.
    Weep not, sisters, weep no more,
    Your brother’s warfare now is o’er;
    Weep not, brothers, weep no more,
    His slumbers shall be disturbed no more.
    Sister, Rosy B. T.*********
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Winder Hospital, Richmond, 17th July, Private Robert C. White, Company C, 
    48th Regiment, in the 32nd year of his age.
    In the General Hospital at Wilmington, Aug. 1, Wm. B. Murray, in the 19th year of 
    his age, a member of Captain Taylor’s Battery, of Heavy Artillery.
    On board steamer New York, just as it landed at City Point, S.M. Ivey, Private in 
    Company I, 32nd (Very Blurred, this is questionable), Regiment, N.C.T.  He was 
    captured as a prisoner of war at Gettysburg, Pa.  He was a good man and a faithful 
    Died, in the hospital at Charleston, S.C., of brain fever, on the 10th inst., Private 
    B.B. (or R.B.) Jackson, of Company I, 51st N.C.T.  Thus has our cause lost another 
    noble defender.  He volunteered in the beginning of the war, and served in the 20th 
    Regiment until health rendered it necessary for him to be discharged.  He remained 
    at home till Feb. 1, last, when he enlisted under Captain Sloan in the 51st Regiment,
    where he was prompt to every duty.  We can truly say to his parents, that they have 
    lost a dutiful son, and the country has lost a brave defender.  A Friend
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Aug. 24, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At home, of disease contracted in camp, on the 6th July, John A., only son of John 
    and Isabella Beatty, aged 23.  He was a member of Company H, 37th Regiment, 
    N.C.T. and discharged all the duties of a soldier.
    Fell, mortally wounded, at Gettysburg, Pa., on the 1st July, Lt. Col. M.T. Smith, of 
    the 55th Regiment N.C.T., leaving not only a widowed mother and the little church at 
    Oak Hill, but a whole community to mourn his loss.
     Of chronic diarrhea, July 24, at the residence of his father, S.C. Harris, of Cabarrus 
    Co., N.C., Edwin Marshall Harris, in the 26th year of his age, of Co. F, 57th Regiment, 
    In Union Co., N.C., July 1, of typhoid fever, W.J.G. Godfrey, Company B, Mallett’s 
    John Owen Bowden, of Co. G, 46th Regiment, died of consumption at his home in 
    New Hanover Co., May 19, aged about 25.
    At the residence of his father, in Surry Co., 20th July, Thomas A. Davis, aged 22.
    Sullivan’s Island, Aug. 18
    Messrs. Editors:
    Permit a line in your excellent sheet to the memory of another martyr in the cause of 
    freedom, Malcolm J. McDonald, a native of Cumberland Co., and member of Co. D, 
    51st N.C.T., who fell at Battery Wagner on July 18.  Like many other young men, he 
    has fallen in defense of our sacred rights, and poured out his life’s blood on the altar
    of his country.  Yet it comforts us to hope, that though he is dead and his precious 
    body left to mingle with the dust on the wave washed shore, his happy, unfettered 
    spirit is not there but gone to unite with the just around the Throne in glory.
    Died, on the 3rd inst., from the effects of a wound received at Chancellorsville, 
    William H. Hall, a member of Company K, 34th Regiment N.C.T.
    Dearest brother, thou hast left us,
    Here thy loss we deeply feel, 
    But ‘tis God that hath bereft us,
    He can all our sorrows heal.
    Peaceful be thy silent slumber,
    Peaceful in the grave so low,
    Thou no more shall join our number, 
    Thou no more our song shall know.
    Also, on the 3rd July, on the bloody hills of Gettysburg, Sgt. George W. Coggin, 
    a member of the same Company.
    His country’s glory fired him as he died,
    Her love still sounded in his faltering breath;
    Oh!  Bless her arms, the falling hero cried,
    Heaven heard, and victory adorned his death.
    No more noble sacrifice has been made to the cause of Southern Independence 
    than the life of Lt. Jesse H. Person, son of Thomas A. Person, Esq., of Franklin 
    Co., who fell at the head of his company in the bloody charge of Lee’s cavalry on
    the memorable field of Gettysburg.  During the first year of the war, this young 
    patriot abandoned the eager pursuit of academic laurels, in obedience to the calls 
    of duty, and entered, as a private, the company then being raised by Capt. Check 
    to form a part of the regiment to be commanded by Col. Robert Ransom.  From 
    this honorable but humble position he rose by regular promotion to the rank of first 
    lieutenant, which he held at the time of his death, and by virtue of which he was
     then also in command of his company.  A few days later, had he lived, he would 
    have attained to the rank of captain of cavalry—though not yet 22 years old.  In 
    person he was the very picture of an officer of dragoons—being over six feet tall, 
    straight and faultless in form and proportion.  In courage and bearing he was 
    “every inch a soldier”.  No doubt these distinguishing personal traits rendered him 
    a conspicuous mark for the blows and shots of the enemy.  A distinguished brother 
    officer, who witnessed his fall, and was himself wounded in the same charge, bears 
    most honorable testimony to Lt. Person’s gallant conduct; and expresses the opinion 
    that, had he lived, there was no limit to his prospects of military promotion.  Let his 
    mourning friends take comfort in the thought that he fills a soldier’s grave and has left 
    a patriot’s spotless reputation.
    Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
    Louisburg, Aug. 17, 1863
    Killed at South Mountain Pass, on the 4th July, Corp. William H. Flowers, aged 18 
    years and 9 months, son of D.F. Flowers.  He belonged to the 59th Regiment, 
    Company C, Robertson’s Brigade, Stuart’s Division.  Thus has this awful war taken 
    from us an intelligent, industrious and brave boy, for which we never shall be repaid 
    in this life, though I hope his loss may be for the good of his country, and our eternal 
    Of all those noble and gallant heroes who poured out their life’s blood so freely upon 
    the bloody field of Gettysburg, none did so more gallantly discharging their duties
     and none are more to be lamented that 1st Lt. Archibald W. McGregor, Company 
    F, 18th N.C.T.  Lt. McGregor, in the spring of 1861, quit a lucrative business and one 
    that would have exempted him from all military duty; at the first call for arms he 
    enlisted in the first company organized in his native county, Richmond.  This company 
    (Scotch Boys) was gotten up by that noble gentleman and most efficient officer, Capt.
     Charles Malloy.  Lt. McGregor served the first year as a non-commissioned officer, but 
    at the re-organization of his regiment in 1862, his company showed their appreciation of 
    his true worth and merit by promoting him to a lieutenant.  He served with his company 
    in the battle of Hanover and in the Seven Days Battles around Richmond and on every 
    occasion conducting himself with the utmost coolness and gallantry.  After the battles 
    around Richmond, he was prostrated by a violent attack of typhoid fever, from which his 
    recovery was for a long time considered doubtful even by his attending physicians, but
    after a long and painful illness he finally recovered tolerable health; but had never been 
    restored of that buoyancy of former days.  He rejoined his regiment at Camp Gregg 
    about the middle of May.  Soon afterwards the campaign opened.  He was with his 
    company throughout to Gettysburg.  When on the 3rd July the Light Division under the 
    command of Major General Trimble was ordered to charge, none responded with more 
    alacrity than did Lt. McGregor.  When the brigade had come within musket range, and 
    was exposed to a terrible fire of small arms and artillery, the line began slightly to falter.  
    Lt. McGregor rushed out in front of his company and waving his sword in the air, 
    exclaimed “Hurrah for Dixie!  Follow me, boys, let us show them what we can do!”  
    He proceeded thus but a short distance when a minie ball pierced his left breast near 
    the heart and he fell and shortly afterwards expired.  He fell in a stranger’s land.  His 
    remains were consigned to their last resting place by stranger hands.  No polished 
    slab, no towering shaft, nor even a simple board, mark the last resting place of our 
    noble Archie, but his memory will forever live in the minds of those who knew him, for 
    of a truth to know him was to love him.  He was kind and affectionate to all, and had 
    endeared himself to every member of his company by his kindly and gentle disposition 
    toward all.  Though kind and affectionate, yet he required a prompt discharge of every 
    duty by all.  Freely has the Old North State poured out her richest blood as a libation 
    upon the altar of her country in this terrible struggle for freedom and independence, 
    and I will here venture to say that no purer or noble sacrifice has been made than that
    of Lt. McGregor. 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Aug. 31, 1863
    Died, on the 2nd July from a wound received the 1st July, in the battle at Gettysburg, P
    a., A.F. Muse, of Moore, N.C., a private in Company H, 26th Regiment N.C.T., son of 
    Jesse Muse, Esq., aged 21 years, 6 months and 4 days.  He was of moral character; 
    he was a dutiful son and a kind brother.  He embraced religion in the 17th year of his 
    age and was baptized in the fellowship of the Baptist Church at Bethlehem; he was of 
    uncommon zeal to the cause of Christ; he spent his whole time while out of school, 
    warning sinners to repent and flee the wrath to come.  He was a student in the Academy 
    at Jackson Springs.  He was in feeble health but notwithstanding, he returned home 
    and laid aside his books and volunteered in April, 1862, in defense of his country.  He
    fought through the battles around Richmond and in eastern North Carolina; he endured 
    many fatiguing marches; he would often be seen after a battle on his knees praying for 
    the wounded and pointing them to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the 
    world; he would always remark in his letters to his parents that if he fell in the midst of 
    the enemy not to grieve for him for he put his hope and trust in God; when He sees fit 
    to call, I am ready to go.  In the first charge at Gettysburg, he received his death wound 
    on the second day in the evening.  He called a friend to sit down by him; he said I am 
    going to die and I want you to promise me to write my father and tell him I was wounded 
    mortally in the Battle of Gettysburg, while fighting for the independence of my home and 
    country and I die near the battlefield, tell him I am not afraid to die, for all is well with me.  
    None knew him but to love him.  And although he fills a soldier’s grave upon the far distant 
    plains of Gettysburg, his friends will never cease to remember with affectionate tenderness 
    his many virtues.  Peace to the ashes of a noble brother.
    Farewell, dear brother, we part a while,
    By death’s cold hand we sever,
    But not without the blessed hope,
    You are safe in Christ forever.
    Far away from home he died,
    In manhood’s bright and early bloom;
    He was the idol of our hearts
    While away and while at home.
    Sister M.J.M.
    Death of Lt. Richardson Mallett—We deeply regret to announce the death of this gallant 
    young officer at Scottsville, Va., on Tuesday last, of wounds received that morning in an 
    encounter with deserters whom he was endeavoring to arrest.  The following dispatch from 
    Capt. Bost of the 46th, commanding the party to which Lt. Mallett was attached, contains 
    all that we yet know of the circumstances of his death:  “Richmond, Aug. 26—Richardson 
    Mallett mortally wounded on Tuesday morning 1:00 at Bowling’s Landing, Fluvanna Co., 
    Va., by a deserter.  On deserter killed, one wounded and ten captured and confined in
    Castle Thunder; will be tried for their lives tomorrow.  Adjutant Mallett died in the hospital, 
    Scottsville, Va. At 7:30 yesterday.  He was attended by Dr. Jeffries.  A.F. Bost, Captain 
    Commanding”.  Lt. Mallett was a native of this town, son of Charles P. Mallett, Esq., and 
    nearly 23 years of age. One of six brothers in the army, he had been in the service since 
    the beginning of the war.  He left the University to join the Orange Light Infantry (Company 
    D, 1st Regiment N.C.V., Capt. Richard J. Ashe) and served with that company as 3rd 
    Lieutenant throughout the Peninsular Campaign.  He established a reputation there for 
    gentlemanly and soldierly qualities of the highest order—such as drew from General Hill 
    one of the most marked compliments we ever read of any one.  Since that regiment was 
    disbanded he has been 1st lieutenant and adjutant of the 46th N.C.T., Edward D. Hall.  
    Of excellent capacity and disposition, devoted to his country and fearless in its cause, 
    he was respected alike by officers and men.  Few men of his years made or deserved 
    so many loving friends, and none has died whose loss will be more sincerely lamented
    by his old comrades.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    On Sullivan’s Island, near Charleston, Aug. 16, of congestion of the bowels, Dugald A. 
    Bain, private of Capt. George Sloan’s Company (I), 51st Regiment, aged 19.
    At Gettysburg, 17th July, of a wound received on the 1st, Corp. Daniel Allen, of the 12th 
    Regiment, from Warren Co., aged 24.  His brother died of a wound received at Malvern 
    Hill, 1st July, 1862, precisely a year before.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, May-November 2007 & March 2008

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