These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War. North Carolina Standard Raleigh May 7, 1862 Died, in this city at Yarborough House on the evening of the 28th ult., Major Leonard Hill Dunlop, in the 47th year of his age. Major Dunlop was in the Confederate Army at Yorktown and had been authorized to raise a battalion of artillerists. He had been in North Carolina recruiting and had nearly completed his battalion when some five or six weeks ago he was prostrated with a violent attack of pneumonia which baffled the skill of his able physician and consistent nursing of friends. He leaves a wife and one child. He was a fine officer, a brave soldier and a true patriot. He was buried with Masonic honors. Died, at Ft. Davis, Texas on the 11th March, in the 34th year of his age, Lt. Arthur Middleton of Sibley’s Brigade and late of Granville, N.C. Respected for his talents and esteemed for his many virtues, he occupied a distinct position in Texas whither he emigrated some ten years ago. His death will be deplored by all who knew him as a loss to his country while he will always be held in remembrance by his wide circle of friends and acquaintances as an example of all that constitutes the Christian gentleman. He leaves an affectionate brother and sister and a devoted aunt by whom he was raised with a mother’s care and tenderness, now heart crushed with her affliction. T. Died, at Ashland, Virginia on the 14th April, Silas J. Holleman, in the 17th year of his age. The announcement of the death of this young man has awakened in our community a universal sentiment of sorrow. He was the youngest son of Edwin Holleman and leaves a family of brothers and sisters to mourn his early death. He had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church at Shady Grove for more than twelve months. He volunteered in the service of his country about the last of February. He was at the time of his death a private in Captain York’s Company, 6th Regiment N.C.T. He died far away from home with not one of his friends near to witness his departure from this world of trouble but we have reason to believe that there was one friend with him and that was his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (NOTE: See poetic tribute further below.) How short the race our friend has run Cut down in all his bloom; The course but yesterday begun Now finished in the tomb. Death cannot make our souls afraid If God be with me there We may walk through its darkest shade And never yield to fear. I could renounce my all below If any Redeemer bid And run if I were called to go And die as Silas did. A Brother A Tribute of Respect was given at a meeting held at Camp Mangum on the 2nd inst., to their brother officer Captain D.D. Deberry who was taken from them. Captain Robert Bingham North Carolina Standard Raleigh May 14, 1862 Died, in Chatham County, N.C. on the 28th April, at the residence of his mother, Pte. William J. Patrick, of the Wilmington Light Artillery, aged 21. He leaves a mother and one sister and many friends to mourn his early departure. Died, on the 7th inst., of measles at Camp Mangum, W. Hawkin Spain(?) of Captain J.J. Davis’ Company. The deceased was a young man of exemplary character and by his steady habits and prompt and faithful discharge of every duty won the regard of all who knew him. He received every attention that could be given in a camp. Departed this life at Kinston, N.C. on the 27th ult., Jesse C. Womble, in the 20th year of his age. The deceased was a member of Captain Webster’s company from Chatham and participated in the battle below Newbern. He was among the first to leave the enjoyments of home and a kind and affectionate mother and father to go forth at his country’s call in defense of his childhood home. His desire was to see his country free; but the all wise Disposer of events ordered it otherwise and he has gone to the spirit world. Jesse was an obedient and dutiful son, a kind and affectionate brother, a worthy companion and a brave and patriotic soldier. Those who knew him best loved him the most. He died away from home though he was consoled by the presence of his father during the last days of his sickness. Jesse had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for more than three years and we feel assured that while we mourn his untimely death his happy spirit is with Jesus “where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are forever at rest.” D.C. Murchison North Carolina Standard Raleigh May 21, 1862 A Tribute of Respect was paid at a bivouac of the 23rd Regiment of N.C.T. on May 12. At a meeting of the Granville Targeters, Company E, 23rd Regiment, where the deceased was a member. Sgt. John W. Fleming died in Richmond on the 3rd May in the 33rd year of his life from the effects of a wound received in his hand and arm from the accidental discharge of a gun. E.H. Lyon Departed this life on the 16th ult., Captain A.W. Betts. Captain Betts had been a member of the Baptist Church some ten or twelve years and was at his death an ordained acting and zealous minister of the Gospel. When the war began he felt it his duty to exert himself for the defense of his home and the rights of the South. He, as a Christian, consulted his pastor relative to the propriety of a minister of the Gospel engaging in a military operation after which he raised a company and headed it and led it. He, with his company, was taken prisoner in the defense of Roanoke Island and paroled in an exchange. He returned home diseased, about the 26th of February. He lingered until the 15th ult., when he was attacked with purpura hemoragle(?) which terminated his life on the 16th and he was interred on the evening of the 17th by those of his company who heard of the sad event in the presence of a large concourse of people. Captain Betts was a useful citizen, a faithful church member, a decided Baptist, a promising, useful minister, a benevolent man, the poor man’s friend, a kind husband, an affectionate parent, a good and feeling captain; consequently, beloved by all and especially by the members of his company. While we lament his loss and console with his family we bow with submission to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe who does all things well. Captain Betts leaves an affectionate wife, and seven children to lament their loss; but while they weep they weep not without hope for their loss is his eternal gain. North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 4, 1862 Died, in Richmond, Virginia at the Winder Hospital on the 16th inst., Sgt. Charles W. Robertson of the Raleigh Rifles of Camp Fever, in the 19th year of his age. He is spoken of highly by his captain as a brave soldier who bore himself well and courageously in the Battle of Williamsburg, Virginia. He was taken sick a few days after and died lamented by his comrades in arms and his relatives and friends at home. Died, at Camp Mangum on the 14th inst., of measles, William W. Andrews, aged 19. He was a volunteer in Captain J.J. Davis’ Company, 47th Regiment, N.C.T. He was an obedient soldier, attentive to the discharge of his duties and gave promise of much usefulness but death claims victims from among the young as well as the old. D. Died, at his father’s residence near New Hill in Wake County, on Sunday, 11th May, Paschal Seagraves, aged about 23. He was a private in Capt. O.R. Rand’s company, 26th Regiment N.C.V. He was in the battle below Newburn and fought to the last. He was taken prisoner and kept on a vessel about three weeks and then sent to the hospital where he stayed some four weeks—and was then paroled and sent home. His disease was a low type of fever which baffled the skill of his doctors. Died, at his father’s residence in Granville County on the 21st inst., Philip W. Mitchell, aged 24. He was a member of Capt. J.J. Davis’ Company, 47th Regiment N.C.T.; he was taken sick in camp with typhoid fever and was sent home on sick furlough where every attention was given him by his aged parents and numerous friends but all without avail. He was a pious and consistent member of the Methodist Church, beloved by all who knew him and by his many excellent qualities merited the high esteem in which he was held. No better or truer man has been sacrificed on the altar of patriotism in this war so wickedly waged against us than Sgt. Mitchell. D. Died, on the morning of the 10th inst., in the 3rd Georgia Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, in the 20th year of his age, Sgt. Thomas F. Morton, son of A.G. and Hettie C. Morton of Chattanooga County, Georgia, formerly of Rockingham County, N.C. He lived a soldier under the banner of his country of Christ and in hope of a glorious immortality beyond the grave. Ye mountains and valleys, ye rivers and plains All relatives and friends, adieu More permanent regions where righteousness reigns Present their bright glories to view. Thou tottering seat of disease and pain, Adieu my dissolving abode I soon shall behold and possess thee again A beautiful building of God. B.F.G. Lines written on the death of a beautiful soldier boy in the 17th year of his age—Silas J. Holleman of Wake County, N.C., who died in the hospital at Ashland, Virginia on April 14, 1862. (Note: See also obituary further up the page.) Thou art gone to thy rest, Silas Why should we weep for thee For thou art now where oft on earth Thy spirit longed to be. Thou art gone to thy home, Silas Where the sound of the drum No more with familiar tap Shall invite thee to come. Thou art gone to thy rest, Silas Thy sins are forgiven With angels of white Thou has gone up to Heaven. Thou wert beautiful on earth, Silas But now I know thy face Is like a brilliant diamond Bedecked with Heavenly grace. Forever rest in Heaven, Silas May all your friends be true And when their days are ended May they be angels, too. Then, parents, weep not for Silas The cares of life with him are done Yes, give him up and meekly pray To meet him in eternal day. A Friend North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 11, 1862 Colonel C.T.N. Davis We are pained to learn that Col. Champ Davis of Rutherford was killed in the late battle near Richmond on Saturday last. The following dispatch to his father-in-law N.N. Nixon, Esq., appears in the Wilmington Journal on Tuesday last: “Richmond, Va., June 2, 1862—Col. C.T.N. Davis of the 16th N.C.T. fell on the evening of the 30th ult., in the fight on the Chickahominy while leading his regiment against the enemy batteries. He was left on the field. He was wounded three times before he fell. His conduct was gallant and glorious beyond all praise. Let this be inscribed on his tomb—Wounded three times, he still led his regiment on until he fell to rise no more. Colonel Davis is a native of Halifax Co., Virginia and was 35 years of age. He studied law and settled in Burke Co., N.C. where he soon obtained a strong hold on the confidence of the people. He represented the Burke district for one term in the state senate; and having subsequently removed to the County of Rutherford, he was elected to the House of Commons of the last legislature from that county. Soon after this state separated from the old government, he volunteered as a private in a Rutherford company and was made captain. As captain of Company G, 16th Regiment he encountered all the perils and privations of the campaigns in northwest Virginia during the past winter. On the re-organization of this regiment he was elected colonel and it was while leading the regiment in the battle near Richmond that he lost his life. We knew him well. He was a noble, kind hearted, gallant gentleman. He has fallen with his face to the foe in the full performance of his duty as a soldier and patriot. Among those who fell in the late battle near Richmond, Captain T.D. Jones of Caldwell, 22nd Regiment, deserves special mention. He fought like a hero and fell with forty of his company, who were killed or wounded. He was a devoted patriot and a gallant and accomplished officer. Died, at Rocky Mount, N.C., on the 3rd inst., Captain F.H. Jenkins of Edgecombe Co., aged about 23. He commanded a company at the battle at Newbern and bore himself well. He was a Christian and a worthy citizen. He leaves a wife and two children. North Carolina Standard Raleigh June 25, 1862 A Tribute of Respect was paid at their camp near Richmond on June 12, by the Ellis Light Infantry or “Manly’s Battery”: Whereas Almighty God has in the dispensation of his Providence removed from our midst in the prime of life and in the midst of their usefulness our fellow soldiers Nathaniel A. Dunn and Joseph Davis, we pay this tribute of respect. Killed on the 31st May, in the battle near Richmond, Lt. Thomas L. Perry of Beaufort County, N.C., Adjutant, 4th Regiment N.C.S.T. The names of all the gallant dead deserve commemoration, but no one is more entitled to notice than Lt. Perry. One of the first to volunteer for the war, he was elected lieutenant of Company E, Capt. D.M. Carter of the above named regiment, and was appointed adjutant by the distinguished colonel. The valor and discipline of the regiment are attested to by the terrible carnage of the battlefield and of the company by the fact that of the 65 men who went into action, 44 were killed or wounded. The regiment was full of talent and courage but there was no braver or more gallant man upon that field than Lt. Perry. He was one of those who woo danger and despise death. Energetic, capable, persevering and brave as he was known to be, he did not disappoint the expectations of his friends. They need not the bloody seal of death to testify that he bore himself nobly in the hour of conflict. Grievous as the loss of such an only son and brother is, his family will find their consolation—as that which the Christian’s faith imparts—in the reflection that he died as a brave soldier should die. He was esteemed as a generous, high toned gentleman. Addendum Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 5, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers At the hospital at Goldsboro’ on the 23rd March, Private G.F. Ellington of Company E, 26th Regiment, N.C.T. At the hospital at Kinston, on the 18th ult., Private W.M. Smith, and on the 23rd ult., Private H.H. Bray, both of Company E, 26th Regiment N.C.T. In Hamilton, Martin Co., N.C., on the 24th March, Wm. H. Cathey, of Mecklenburg Co., a member of Capt. W.R. Myer’s Company, aged 24 years, 5 months. Died, in the Confederate Military Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee in November, 1861, Archibald Neil, son of Malcolm & Nancy McDonald, of Cumberland County, aged 26. Died, at the hospital at Kinston, on the 24th April, from the effects of a wound in the jaw, received the night of the 13th in a skirmish with the enemy, Private Love Melvin, of Capt. Strange’s Company, 2nd Cavalry, 19th Regiment N.C.T. At the call of his country, like a patriot and lover of liberty, he was ready to sacrifice his life in his country’s cause rather than the ruthless hordes of Lincoln should ever succeed in subjugating the South. On the 29th June last he volunteered, not for 6 or 12 months, but for the period of the war. He was ever ready to perform any duty as a soldier, and was esteemed by all his officers and company. He received the fatal blow, as a valiant soldier, with his face to the enemy; and after ten days’ suffering, he yielded his spirit to God who gave it. He leaves an aged father and mother, three sisters and a brother, to mourn his departure, and many relations and friends and his entire company the same. Thus we may say that Love was a good son and was beloved by all who knew him. Oh Love, thou hast left us, Whose absence we deeply feel; But the Lord who hath bereft us, Can all our sorrows heal. L.H.H. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 19, 1862 Died, at Murfreesborough, N.C., in the 21st year of his age, John C. Smith, a member of the Highland Boys, Company G, 24th Regiment, N.C.S.T., a most excellent young man and a brave and patriotic soldier. He was a most exemplary young man, retired and unassuming in his manners, an affectionate son and brother, and has left a widowed mother, a sister and four brothers to mourn their loss which we trust is his gain. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 26, 1862 Camp Magruder, near Kinston, May 19, 1862 Messrs E.J. Hale and Sons: Please announce in the Observer the death of Hugh Keigh and Troy Everett, both privates of my company. Keith died at the hospital at Wilson on the 26th April, of consumption and rheumatism, in the 33rd year of his age. He was a pious man and in all respects a good soldier. Everett die at the hospital in Kinston on the 29th of April, aged about 18. He was a noble little fellow. Though small and quite young, he bore himself manfully in the fight at Newbern. He was of an amiable disposition and faithful in the performance of every duty. Yours very respectfully, C. Dowd, Company H, 26th Regiment Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 2, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: Near Clinton, Tennessee, John D. Dalton, Thomas H. Ammons, George W. J. Moore, and Columbus Matlock, of Capt. Bell’s Company, 29th Regiment. Near Kinston, on the 5th inst., E.L. Corbin of Company K, 1st N.C. Cavalry. On the 9th April, in the Goldsboro’ Hospital, Samuel T. Sanders, in his 24th year. The deceased contracted his fatal malady by the exposure and fatigue of the Newbern retreat, being a member of the “Pee Dee Wild Cats”. On the 7th inst., of measles, at Camp Mangum, W. Hawkins Spain, of Capt. J.J. Davis’ company, 47th Regiment, N.C.T. In the hospital at Wilson, N.C., April 26, Hugh Keith, aged 33 years, 11 months, a member of the first company that volunteered from Moore Co., the Moore County Independents, Co. H, 26th Regiment. At Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, on the 21st inst., of pneumonia, John G. Smith, aged 19, son of Quinny Smith of Johnston Co. Also, on the 24th inst., of pneumonia, Malcolm Darrach, aged 17, son of the late John Darrach of Harnett Co., both members of Co. H, Harnett Rebels, 50th Regiment, N.C.T. Three months ago these young men patriotically volunteered to serve their country during the war, but an all-wise Providence decreed that they should never witness the deadly strife of the battle field. They are gone, we trust, to that land where sin and sorrow are known no more forever. Deaths of Soldiers: In Richmond, Va., at the Winder Hospital, on the 16th ult., Sgt. Charles W. Robertson of the Raleigh Rifles, of camp fever, in the 19th year of his age. Sgt. Robertson bore himself well and courageously in the battle of Williamsburg, Va. At Camp Mangum, on the 14th ult., of measles, Wm. W. Andrews, aged 19 years, a volunteer in Capt. J.J. Davis’ Company, 47th Regiment, N.C.T. At his father’s in Wake Co., on the 11th ult., Paschal Segraves, aged about 23, a private in Capt. O.R. Rand’s Company, 26th Regiment N.C.V. He was in the battle below Newbern and fought to the last. At the residence of his father, in Granville, on the 21st ult., Philip W. Mitchell, aged 28, a member of Capt. J.J. Davis’ Company of the 47th Regiment N.C.T. At the Kinston Hospital, on the 26th May, Robert Harvey, of the 2nd Cavalry, a private in Capt. B.L. Cole’s Company F. At the same place on the 16th May, John Nelson, of Company B, Capt. Andrews of the 2nd Cavalry. At Kinston, 9th May, R. Monroe Morrison, of Iredell Co., a soldier in Capt. Hill’s Company, aged 19 years, 1 month and 8 days. At Camp Mangum, of pneumonia, May 1, Joshua Graham, a private in Capt. Walker’s Company, 48th Regiment. At the Fair Grounds, near Goldsboro’, May 17, Jesse Sherrill, a private in Capt. Walker’s Company, 48th Regiment. In the Ligon Hospital at Richmond, Va., on the 17th ult., John T. Wedding, aged 19 years, 3 months and 24 days, a member of the Flat River Guards. At the General Hospital at Kinston after a long and painful illness, Silas S. Dornett, in the 22nd year of his age. At Kinston, on the 10th April, of typhoid fever, in his 22nd year, Private John H. Foard, of Co. E, 35th N.C.T. At his home in Person Co., April 25, of typhoid fever, Bartholomew C. Foard, in his 18th year. In Richmond, Va., on the 23rd ult., Sgt. John W. Fleming, of the Granville Targeteers, Company E, 23rd Regiment. At Kinston, on the 14th April, of brain fever, Daniel M. Davis. Also, on the 18th May, Benjamin F. Warren, both members of the Pisgah Guards, Co. I, 25th Regiment. At Camp Mangum, on the 26th April, of brain fever, George P. Parker, 23, 3rd Sgt. in Company I, (Capt. McCain’s) of Stanly Co., 52nd Regiment N.C.T. At Camp Mangum, on the 29th ult., of typhoid fever, Wm. Fry, aged 18 years, a private in Company I, (Capt. McCain’s) of Stanly Co., 52nd Regiment N.C.T. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 9, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: In Petersburg, recently, Dr. John L. Fuller of Leasburg, N.C., a private in the Leasburg Greys. In this county on the 1st inst., Henry J. Wheeler, aged 23 years, 6 months, 1 day, who volunteered in Capt. C.H. Blocker’s Ploy Boy Company in May of 1861 and belonged to Company F, 24th Regiment. At Rocky Mount, on the 3rd inst., of typhoid fever, aged about 25 years, Capt. Frederick H. Jenkins, of Edgecombe Co. He was in the battle at Newbern. In the College Hospital, Goldsboro’, May 9, John B. Boman, in the 19th year of his age. At the hospital in Kinston, on the 3rd inst., Robert W. Cook, aged 29 years, and on the 6th inst., Thomas J. McCorkle, both of Mecklenberg Co., of Capt. Maxwell’s Co., 35th Regiment. At Grahamville, S.C., March 17, Dr. J.W. Allison, aged 27, of Henderson Co. And at Goldsboro’, April 4, Samuel J. Allison, brother of the above, aged 25. In Ashland, Va., on the 1st May, Pleasant Bodenhamer, aged 17 years, 5 months and 15 days. A member of Capt. Cole’s Company, 22nd Regiment, N.C.T. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 16, 1862 Died, at Kinston, May 30, of typhoid fever, Sgt. Green B. Cox, Company H, 26th Regiment N.C.T., aged about 23(?) 28(?) years. Few better soldiers or more worthy men have adorned the ranks of the army since the commencement of the war than Green B. Cox. He was faithful in the discharge of every duty, cheerful under the most trying circumstances, kind hearted and companionable. He was one of the most efficient officers in the company, respected and beloved by all. While doing his duty to his country, he did not neglect the holy precepts of the Bible and died, as we have reason to believe, not without hope. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 23, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: In the hospital at Washington Cioty, on the 3rd inst., of “plebitis”(?), William Brown, of the 5th N.C.R. And on the 22nd ult., of the same disease, J. M. Nickers of the 5th N.C. these were prisoners taken by the Yankees at Williamsburg. At the hospital in Raleigh, on the 31st ult., John Mcdonald, a member of the Harnett Light Infantry, about 42 years of age. The deceased was badly wounded in the fight near Lee’s Mills, which, together with sickness, while attempting to return home, caused his death. He leaves a widow and two sons one of them belongs to the company of which his father was a member. Died, at Kinston of pneumonia, on the 2nd inst., in his 48th year, Private John Hardy, of Company A, 26th N.C.T. Died, in Richmond, Va., of typhoid fever, 13th ult., Private John K. Lyon of Company A, 13th Regiment N.C.T., a native of Caswell Co., N.C., in his 22nd year. Died, on the 2nd inst., Leven Perry of Franklin Co., N.C.; near Gordonsville, Va., on the 2nd June, Lewis Kim---gh, in the 18th year of his age, one of the leaders of the band of the 23rd Regiment N.C.T., and as from Huntsville, N.C., where his parents still live to mourn the loss of a son thus early sacrificed on the altar of his country. On the 12th May, in this hospital at Richmond, Va., John (last name blurred, - - ell), company B, 22nd Regiment N.C.T. from McDowell County. In Richmond, on the 31st May, from the effects of a wound received in the head, during the engagement near Hanover Junction, Lt. G.R. Gilbreath, 37th Regiment N.C.V. In the hospital at Goldsboro’, on the 10th inst., of typhoid fever, Erastus(?) Grissom, of Granville co., 20 years, member of Capt. J.J. Davis’ Company, 47th Regiment N.C.T. Suddenly, of disease, on the 29th ult., in the 25th year of his age in Richmond, Va., Nathaniel A. Dunn of Wake Co. He belonged to the Ellis Artillery under Captain Manly(?), and was in the Williamsburg battle. In Mecklenburg, on the 8th inst., Lt. Jas A. White, a member of the Mecklenburg Farmers Company, aged 33. In Richmond on the (date illegible), of fever, John A. N. Todd, of Mecklenburg Co., aged 22, a member of the Big Springs Band, and was in the Williamsburg battle. In Raleigh, on the 15th (?) inst., E.B. Salmons of the 55th Regiment N.C.T. At Raleigh, on the 18th, Private Joseph B. Pittard, of Company C, 13th Regiment N.C.V., of typhoid pneumonia, in the 18th year of his age. In the hospital at Richmond, on the 21st May, Private John G. Poindexter, aged 22 years, of typhoid fever; Private Warren Walter, aged about 18, of Capt. Jenkins’ Company of N.C.T., Edgecombe Co. Near Richmond, John J. Brooks, of the Moore’s Creek Rifle Guards, Co. F, 18th Regiment N.C.T. In Iredell Co., aged 22, William C. Steel, of Company A, 33rd Regiment N.C.T. On the 9th inst., at St. Charles’ Hospital, from a wound received in the battle of the 31st May, Jackson Mull, of Buncombe, N.C., in the 21st year of his age, a member of Company I, 16th Regiment N.C.V. At Washington City, on the 12th inst., Rufus Walston, Company G, 13th N.C.T. Died, near Corinth, Miss., on the 20th April last, Masten Crawford Sinclair, son of Dr. Elias Sinclair, deceased. He was in the 24th Mississippi Regiment of Volunteers. His disease was pneumonia. Died, on the 8th May, James Calvin Rush, son of Wm. C. Rush; he belonged to the same regiment; reached his father’s house but died in a few days, in his 17th year, in Kemper Co., Mississippi, with camp fever. Died, at his father’s residence in Kemper Co., Joseph E. Nicholson, son of Neill Nicholson; he also belonged to the 24th Mississippi Volunteers and died of camp fever. (See also civilian deaths for this same issue.) Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 30, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: At Battery Number 7, near Richmond, on the 13th (?), Edward T. Hobbs of Guilford co., a member of Co. B, 12th Battalion Light Artillery. In Raleigh on the 15th inst., Rev. E.B. Salmons, 1st Lt. in a Franklin Co. Company. He was a native of Yadkin Co., and was in his 29th year. At Camp Mangum on the 14th inst., Corp. Felix Martin, Company G, 54th N.C.T., aged 17 years, 7 months. He was a native of Wilkes. In Charlottesville, Va. Hospital on the 9th April, Jas. F.W. Kee of the Gates County Minute Men. In Richmond, Va., Mr. D.F. Coltrane, of Randolph Co., a member of Company A, 6th N.C.T., aged 15 years, 11 months and 27 days. On the battlefield at Chickahominy, Lt. J.C. White, Company C, 4th N.C.T., and Private S.H. Kilgrow of Company A, same regiment. Recently, E.A. Morrison and R.M. Gray, Company A; Wiley Cox Company B; R.A. Hall, F.J. Fisher and N.P. Hooper, Company C; F.M. Current, Company H; and J.A. Dobson, Saltillo boys, all of the 4th N.C.T. In Statesville, 15th (?) inst., Capt. W.H. Sanford, in the 30th year of his age. Capt. Sanford died of a wound received in the battle of Newbern, where he acted a noble part and distinguished himself. In camp, near Richmond, on the 2nd June, D.A. Currie of the Saltillo Boys. At Franklinton, James J. Peace, in the 34th year of his age. Recently, in Halifax, Va., Private Wm. H. Featherston, of Company D, 13th Regiment N.C.V., a resident of Person Co., in the 19th year of his age. In Richmond, Va., May 21, Samuel P. Moore, of Rockingham Co., N.C., in the 19th year of his age, a soldier in the 13th (Col. Scales’) Regiment. On the battlefield at Chickahominy, May 31, in the 19th year of his age, Alfred E. Hoyle, of Lincoln Co., a member of Co. K, 23rd Regiment N.C.V. At Corinth, Miss., May 28, Sgt. Thomas Crowell Pitman, of the 38th Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, formerly of Halifax, N.C. Deaths of Soldiers: At the Madison Court House, Virginia, June 17, Jas. Maldin of the Bladen Guards, 18th N.C.R. At Fort Fisher, N.C., on Thursday, 12th June, Wm. John McLauchlin of Robeson Co., son of Duncan McLauchlin, deceased, aged 23 years, 4 months. He was (his Captain writes us) a correct and upright man. The deceased was a private in Starr’s Light Battery. At Fort Fisher, on the 22nd inst., Sgt. Jenkin J. Perry of the Bladen Stars. |