Military Obituaries May & June 1863

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    May 6, 1863
    Tribune of Respect
    Headquarters, Company H, 31st Regiment N.C.T.
    Camp James Island, S.C., April 24
    A meeting of the members of Company H 31st Regiment N.C.T. was held today to manifest 
    their esteem for the memory of a friend and brother soldier Private W.H. Horton of Wake 
    County, N.C. who departed this life at Columbia, S.C. 24th March of typhoid fever.
    Died, of typhoid fever, five miles from Richmond Virginia, on the 24th, Lewis P. Triplitt, son of 
    Ducia and Thomas Triplitt, 37th Reg’t. Company F, N.C.T., aged 23 years, 5 months, 10 days.
    Died, at Petersburg, Virginia, of measles, William T. Triplett, only son of Joel and Rebecca 
    Triplett, 26th Reg’t., Company C, N.C.T. 
    These young men volunteered at an early stage of the war and fought gallantly.  They were all 
    members of the Church of Christ.
    North Carolina Standard
    May 20, 1863
    Died, in the city of Richmond, Sunday, 10th May, of wounds received the previous Sunday in 
    the battle at Chancellorsville, Ivan, son of Rev. Dr. Smedes, aged 20 years, 2 months.  He was 
    an adjutant of the 7th N.C. Regiment, a faithful soldier of Christ in life, a faithful soldier of his 
    country in his death.  We trust he now awaits in the peaceful mansions of the blessed.
    The Death of Col. Junius L. Hill
    Among the valiant heroes who fell around our victorious flag was Col. Junius L. Hill.  He was a 
    native of Iredell County, that has been bereft of so large a number of her gifted sons in this 
    wicked war.  At its commencement he raised a fine company of the best young men of the 
    county and was commissioned as captain by Governor Clark to rank from May 16(?), 1861.  
    With this company he joined the 7th Regiment, N.C.T.  Capt. Hill bore an honorable part in 
    nearly all of the great battles with his regiment, participating in and in which it became noted 
    under its gallant colonel, Reuben P. Campbell beginning with the Battle at Newbern.  Upon the 
    promotion of Major Hall in another regiment, Capt. Hill took his place as major being the senior 
    captain.  When the 7th lost its noble commander in a desperate charge at Gaines Mills, Major 
    Hill was promoted to lt. col. And distinguished himself as much by his tact in discipline as in 
    unflinching nerve in the time of danger.  He had won the entire confidence of his men and 
    officers and ever exhibited that Christian fortitude which the Christian soldier enjoys when 
    others may despair.  Col. Hill had on the 3rd May, about 8:00 in the morning, while in command 
    of his regiment, routed the enemy from their works and was encouraging his men to hold the 
    place until reinforcements might arrive when he fell, pierced through the neck by a minie ball 
    and died without a struggle—a dear sacrifice upon our country’s altar.  No more will his voice be 
    heard amid the roar of battle but his soul has doubtless gone to eternal rest.  I have known him 
    from youth up as a model of exemplary character.  He was a member of the Presbyterian C
    hurch and leaves behind him pious parents, brothers and sisters to lament his sudden exit but 
    who will rejoice when they meet him in Heaven.  J.H.F.
    Died, at the Fairground Hospital, Raleigh, N.C., on the 4th inst., George(?) C. Thompson, aged 
    28 years, 9 days, a son of John D. and Catherine Thompson of Orange County, N.C.  The 
    deceased entered the camp of instruction near Raleigh on the 15th July, 1862 and was always 
    at his post when able.  He fought bravely in the fight at Kinston and was taken prisoner and 
    paroled and sent home and stayed until he was exchanged and then returned to camp and 
    remained there about two months and was taken with the pneumonia and was carried to the 
    hospital where he had good attention.  The deceased expressed a willingness to die having 
    made his peace with his Maker and been baptized.
    Died, of chronic diarrhea, at the residence of his grandfather, William Conley of Burke County, 
    N.C., William L. Forney, son of Marcus L. and Louisa Forney, in the 24th year of his age.  He 
    was born in January of 1840 and died the 15th March, 1863.  He joined the N.C. regiment in 
    Morgantown at the first beat of the drum in the spring of 1861 and was in the fight at Bethel 
    under General Hill and served out his time with honor to himself and country.  Again he 
    volunteered with Capt. McDowell whose company was united with the 68th (?) Reg’t. and was 
    in the Battle of Fredericksburg and was among the number that attacked a Yankee battery and 
    took it with the loss of seven men killed and wounded after a North Carolina and South Carolina 
    regiment had charged it and failed.  After the battle he became diseased and was removed to 
    the hospital at Charlottesville and remained there until about the first of March last when he was 
    found by a kind friend in Salisbury in such a low condition that he was unable to tell how he got 
    there.  He was brought home on the 8th March and died on the 15th.  He was deservedly 
    popular among his associates in the army and had the love and esteem of all who knew him.  
    The southern Confederacy has lost a noble son.
    North Carolina Standard
    May 27, 1863
    Tribute of Respect
    Hiram Lodge #40, Y.A.M.
    Raleigh, May 18
    We have heard with sorrow the announcement of the death of brother Junius Turner who died in 
    the hospital at Charleston, S.C. May 1 and are called upon to pay a tribute of respect to his 
    Tribute of Respect
    A meeting of Company C, 31st Regt. N.C.T. was held at Camp Whiting near Wilmington, M.C. 
    on the 17th May.  Whereas it has pleased Almighty god to remove from our midst our beloved 
    comrade in arms Pte. W.B. Dupree, who dies in the hospital at Wilmington, N.C. 5 January, 
    1863; Norman McLeod, on the 9th at the same hospital; and G. W. Williams in the hospital at 
    Charleston, S.C. on May 1, 1863.  They passed through the skirmishes at White Hall and Deep 
    Gully with manifest coolness and bravery to discharge the duties of soldiers cheerfully and were 
    ever free to submit to any orders without a murmur.  They were much beloved by not only their
    comrades but by all who knew them and it may be said of them that they died without an 
    Died, on the 11th May, 1863 in the hospital at Richmond, Va., of wounds received in the recent 
    battles near Fredericksburg, Lt. Jno. P. Lack.  The deceased was a citizen of Raleith and at the 
    beginning of the hostilities volunteered as a soldier in Company D, 7th Regt, N.C.T. and was 
    made orderly sergeant of that company in which capacity he distinguished himself in many 
    hard fought battles and was promoted to second lieutenant for his gallantry in the great battle of 
    Sharpsburg.  The writer of this notice has witnessed on various occasions the coolness and 
    efficiency of this brave young man in times of great danger.  While sergeant, he commanded 
    his company alone in several battles in the absence of the commissioned officers.  It is thus 
    the good old state is bereft of her brave sons.  Lt. Lack leaves a young wife and child in this city 
    to mourn their loss.  His body we learn, was buried in the cemetery in Richmond.  J.H.F.
    Died, at Weldon, N.C. on the 9th inst., of typhoid fever, John R. Crowder, in the 22nd year of his 
    age.  The deceased was a member of Capt. Nichols’ company by whom he was greatly beloved 
    and respected and by none more than his commander.  Few young men have left a brighter 
    record then this good young man.  Exposed as he was to all the vices of camp life, yet he was 
    never known to deviate from a truly exemplary character—never yielding to temptation of the 
    intoxicating cup or card table.  He was the third and last son of his aged parents who have died 
    in the army and while the blow falls heavily on them it is a consolation to know that their son 
    leaves behind a pure and spotless character.  P.N.
    Captain William T. Marsh
    This gallant officer fell mortally wounded in the bloody battle of Sharpsburg on the 17th 
    September, 1862.  He was in command of the 4th Regt of N.C. State troops during this fight.  
    No part of the army during this terrible battle was more exposed than General G.B. Anderson’s 
    brigade to which Captain Marsh’s regiment belonged.  The cool courage and calm self 
    possession displayed by Captain Marsh at all times during this eventful day won the confidence 
    and admiration of the veteran regiment.  What it suffered in this unequal contest may be learned 
    from the significant fact that every commissioned officer present was killed or wounded.  The 
    history of the past year has been rich in the display of individual instances of heroism and the 
    example of Captain Marsh is conspicuous among those who have lived worthily and died nobly 
    in the service of the Confederacy.  He was a member of the legislature of North Carolina when 
    Lincoln declared war on the seceded states.  He promptly raised a company of volunteers and 
    soon after joined the regiment of Colonel George B. Anderson.  His strong sense of duty with 
    the country and to the brave men under his command impelled him to remain in the service 
    although he had long been in feeble health and was not physically able to undergo the exposure 
    of active campaigning.  Up to the date of Mr. Lincoln’s proclamation he was a steadfast 
    supporter of the old Union but when this infamous measure began the war, no man met the 
    issue with more zeal.  He was then filling his second term in the legislature and his 
    constituents felt a pardonable pride in the position which his ability, industry and high honor 
    attained in that body.  His popularity at home was the result of these qualifications. A few years 
    before the war broke out, he quit the practice of law and devoted his entire time and attention to 
    agriculture.  He embarked extensively in the drainage and reclamation of swamp lands in the 
    lower part of Beaufort County and had met with success.  He was among the pioneers of this 
    enterprise in Beaufort County which was rapidly converting dreary swamps into beautiful and 
    fertile farms.  In his death the army has lost a brave and skillful officer and his country and 
    enterprising and public spirited and valuable citizen, prompt and fearless in the discharge of his 
    duties.  D.M.C.
    The late Col. J.C.S. McDowell  (see June 17 issue for another obituary on this man)
    It is to the memory of this gallant officer and noble hearted good man who sacrificed his life and 
    his country, that something more than a paragraph in the “list of killed and wounded” should 
    record his sad fate. Descended from some of the best blood of the American Revolution he 
    inherited in a remarkable degree those traits of personal bravery and kindness of heart for which 
    his ancestors were so greatly distinguished.  He was the grandson of Col. Charles McDowell of 
    Burke County who with Campbell, Cleveland, Shelby and Sevier gained that great victory over 
    the British in the Battle of King’s Mountain.  In our history annals it is related that “the 
    McDowells were all brave men.  Joseph and William, the brothers of Charles, were with him at 
    the Battle of King’s Mountain.  Their mother Ellen McDowell was a woman of remarkable 
    energy.  On one occasion some Tory marauders carried off some property during the absence 
    of her husband.  She assembled some of her neighbors, started in pursuit and recovered the 
    property.  When her husband was secretly making gunpowder in a cave, she burned the 
    charcoal for the purpose upon her own hearth and carried it to him.  Some of her gunpowder 
    thus manufactured was used in the Battle of King’s Mountain.”  The subject of this sketch was 
    the son of Captain Charles McDowell of “Quaker Meadows” on the Catawba near Morgantown, 
    the only brother of the wife of Chief Justice Pearson and the wives of Messrs. N.W. and J.W. 
    Woodfin of Asheville.  He inherited from his father his fine ancestral estate and settled on it as a 
    farmer.  He married Julia, daughter of ex-governor Charles Manly, and had four infant children.  
    On the 1st breaking out of the war, he assisted in raising a company from Burke County and 
    was appointed lieutenant.  He was in the 1st Regiment N.C.T. in the first distinguished battle 
    of Bethel.  On the re-organization of the state troops, whose terms of service had expired, he 
    returned to this home and soon raised another company of volunteers of which he was elected 
    captain.  In the formation of the 54th Regiment, he was elected lieutenant colonel, and on the 
    resignation of Colonel Wimbish was elected colonel commandant of that regiment.  From that 
    time to the last sad fight on the banks of the Rappahannock he was in active service 
    participating in most of those hotly contested battles from Yorktown to Fredericksburg and was 
    commended by Brigadier General hood for his skill and gallantry in leading up his regiment and 
    sustaining it in the first battle of Fredericksburg.  In the second battle of Fredericksburg on 
    Monday, 4th May, just before nightfall while making the last charge on Marye’s Heights, in the 
    lead of his men, encouraging them to advance, he was shot down by a rifle ball which 
    penetrated his face just below the cheek bone and passed through the neck.  He lay on the 
    ground, weltering in his blood all night and was removed the next morning to a hospital where 
    he lingered in a state of unconsciousness until Friday the 18th when he died.  Dr. L.C. Manly 
    his brother-in-law, went immediately to his relief on hearing that he was wounded and brought 
    his body to this city.  Colonel McDowell was 32 years of age, upwards of six feet tall, of very 
    handsome features and of a soldierly and courteous bearing.  Idealized by both officers and 
    men of his regiment, popular at home, especially beloved by the poor in his neighborhood, he 
    is gone.  Truly it was a great sacrifice.  Over his heart broken widow and helpless children we 
    draw a veil and close this picture.
    North Carolina Standard
    June 3, 1863
    Tribute of Respect
    Camp 2nd N.C. Cavalry, Culpepper, Virginia
    Witness, an all wise God has seen fit to take from our midst our brother and fellow soldier Capt. 
    J.R. Nelson, Company F, that although it was not his lot to go down on the field of battle amid 
    the wild clangor of arms or the fierce charge of squadrons, yet we feel that he has laid down his 
    life for his country and was a martyr to its cause.  In his death the regiment has been deprived 
    of an efficient officer and an honorable and high toned gentleman
    Capt. J. Andrews, Company B
    Lt. William L. Roberts, Company C
    Lt. E.P. Tucke, Company E
    Died, on Sunday evening, 17th ult., of wounds received at the Battle of Fredericksburg, Thomas 
    E. Bates, in the 49th (?) 48th (?) year of his age.  He had been a member of the Baptist Church 
    for the last 25 years and was beloved and respected by all who knew him.  He leaves a wife and 
    three children and many friends to mourn their loss.
    North Carolina Standard
    June 10, 1863
    Lt. Alfred S. Wiggins
    This generous, noble hearted, faithful, conscientious solder is dead.  Upon no battlefield of 
    different mighty rivalry has there fallen a truer manhood.  The Tennyson of our young 
    Confederacy may quench his grief in the breath of numbers of his “in memoriams” as he recalls 
    the imposing virtues of his dead companion and yet no stanza shall tell of a more unreserved 
    consecration to the greater cause of human freedom than that is expired with Alfred Wiggins.  
    No more shall I grasp that hand of cordial friendship nor gaze with pleasure of that brightly 
    beaming eye—that hand lies powerless and that eye is glazed with the film of death.  The father 
    now sits beside his darkened hearthstone and weeps over his dead hero and that mother who 
    loved him so tenderly bows her head in agony and bleeds in her heart of hearts.  They are not 
    left alone.  The blessed Jesus when on earth promised his disciples that he would send 
    “another comforter” when he was gone “even the spirit of truth”.  It is to this divine comforter 
    they must look.
    Lt. Wiggins was a practicing physician before the war in the county of Halifax, N.C.  He was the 
    son of Mason L. Wiggins, a well known citizen and at present senator from that county.  Dr. 
    Wiggins was engaged in a lucrative practice and was held in the highest esteem for his 
    professional skill by an intelligent community.  He belonged to the Conservative Union party and 
    was anxious that all honorable means be exhausted by the South before the terrible appeal to 
    arms was made.  He more than once remarked to the writer that although he deprecated a 
    resort to arms so much and was willing to try every honorable expedient to avert the dire 
    calamity with more alacrity to the call of his country than when the last effort had been made 
    and had failed.  He nobly kept his word.  He volunteered as a private in which capacity he 
    faithfully served his country for more than a year.  He was afterwards promoted to lieutenant in 
    the Scotland Neck Cavalry and met his death in a brilliant skirmish which took place recently 
    in the Isle of Wight, Virginia where a large superior force of Yankee cavalry was driven by the 
    irresistible charge of our North Carolina boys, leaving 18 of their dead behind them.  He fell at 
    the head of his gallant column while leading his men to victory.
    Surrounded by the abundant comforts of a happy home, he might easily have avoided the 
    exposures of a long, protracted camp life and have escaped the frightful horrors of the death 
    conflict but nobly he preferred to do his duty and went down to the gates of death still flashing 
    his gleaming blade in the vanguard of his men and in the face of the ruffian foe.
    Leasburg, N.C., June 1, 1863
    Tribute of Respect
    At a meeting of the members of Company B., 31st Reg’t. N.C.T., they expressed regret of their 
    fallen and departed comrade James Parish, who died on May 18 in a hospital in Wilmington 
    aged about 20 years.
    Sgt. H.K. Todd, Secretary
    Killed, in a fight with the enemy on the 4th May, near Chancellorsville, Virginia, Salathiel J. 
    Starsuck, Company D, 57th Regiment N.C. Volunteers in the 20th year of his age.  His parents 
    both dying when he was a mere child, he was brought up by an affectionate aunt and uncle.  
    Salathiel did not leave home at his country’s first call but when he found that his country really 
    needed him, and that it was necessary for him to go to its defense, he at once shouldered his 
    musket and commenced the hardships of camp life.  Thus died one so young, so promising, in 
    the opening bud of his manhood.  He died a true patriot and soldier, fighting the enemy of his 
    country and defending the dear ones that made home precious in his sight.  He leaves a large 
    circle of friends and relatives to mourn his early loss.  May his ashes rest in peace.
    No useless coffin confines his breast
    Nor sheet nor shroud to bound him
    But he lies like a soldier taking his rest
    With his martial cloak around him
    Kernersville, Forsyth County, N.C.
    North Carolina Standard
    June 17, 1863
    Colonel J.C.S. McDowell (see May 27 issue for another obituary on this man)
    Among the gallant officers and men who fell in the late battle around Fredericksburg and 
    Chancellorsville, the death of none will be more deeply deplored or more severely felt in his 
    regiment than by the 54th N.C.T. in the loss of their beloved commander.  His cheerful 
    conversation among his officers is heard around camp no more or is that sonorous voice that 
    sounded with such melody amid the cannon’s defiant roar.
    Colonel McDowell was born in Burke County, N.C. on Feb. 6, 1831.  He was the son of Charles 
    McDowell and grandson of Col. McDowell, one of the heroes of the King’s Mountain of 
    Revolutionary War memory.
    Every impulse of his heart was an impulse of patriotism.  His was a noble nature.  In 1861 
    when North Carolina called for volunteers to confront the Yankees, the subject of this notice 
    was among the first to obey her call.  Upon the organization of the company in which he had 
    enrolled his men, he was elected lieutenant under Capt. (now colonel) C.M. Avery and fought 
    his first battle at Bethel in Virginia in the 1st N.C. Regiment under Col. D.H. Hill.  As this 
    regiment had been raised only for six months, upon its disbanding, he was commissioned by 
    the government as captain to raise a company for three years or the war.  This company, 
    raised in Burke County, was identified with the 54th Regiment.  Upon its organization at Raleigh 
    on the 16th May, 1862, he was elected its lieutenant colonel.  Upon the resignation of Col. J. 
    Wimbish in September following he was promoted to the command of the regiment, which 
    position he filled with honor.
    For the first time on the 13th December, at Fredericksburg, he led his men into battle.  The 
    writer was by him when he received orders to quit the trenches with his regiment and led it to 
    assault the enemy holding the railroad.  We had been under fire of the enemy’s shells all day.  
    Our gallant commander never evinced more coolness upon parade.  Never can I forget the 
    melody of his voice when he called amid the boom of the artillery “shoulder arms”, or the 
    alacrity with which that order was obeyed. When the regiment had passed the wood in which
    it lay and had been deployed in line of battle on the plateau under a heavy and distinct fire of 
    grape and shell with a full view of the desperate work before them, this brave officer addressed 
    his command with the following laconic speech:  “If there is any man in the ranks afraid to 
    follow me let him now give up to me his gun and fall back to the rear”. Every man presented a 
    soldier’s front.  The charge was made.  The enemy gave way and retreated.  The road was 
    taken.  For this act of daring gallantry he received notice from his brigade and division 
    commanders under whose eyes he fought.
    The enemy crossed over the Rappahannock on Wednesday morning, 29th ult.  From that time 
    until the Monday evening following he was untiring in his labors, marches, watching, fighting.  
    In all his privations and exposure I have never heard a murmur fall from his lips.  He was a 
    model soldier.  
    On Sunday, the Yankees, with overwhelming force, possessed Marye’s Hill by a flank 
    movement.  On the next morning, the 4th inst., they were forced to yield it.  They fell back on 
    the old plank road in a northwesterly direction to a point called Smith’s or Landren’s Hill.  The 
    attack on this hill was made last in the afternoon by the divisions of Early, Anderson and 
    McLaws.  General Hoke’s brigade of Early’s Division was ordered to charge across a field of 
    some distance under heavy firing of infantry and artillery upon the enemy’s lines.  His line of 
    skirmishers was scattered.  His first line of infantry broke and fled in confusion.  At this 
    progress of our advance, some confusion had ensued from the number who had fallen from 
    wounds and the brigade falling under an enfilading fire from its left flank, orders were given for 
    the whole line to fall back to a convenient position to reform.  Here it was, at this point when 
    it was his intention to reform his regiment, that the fatal ball pierced his temple and he fell to 
    rise or command no more.
    He lingered until Friday evening, 8th inst., about 8:00 when he breathed his last.  A braver man 
    or more gallant soldier never trod the field of battle.  His devotion to his country was a prominent 
    trait in his character.  Such was the gallant soldier who laid his life upon the altar of his 
    country’s liberty and has added his name to the role of her departed worthies.  May his memory 
    be sacred to us.
    May 26, 1863
    (From the Fayetteville Observer)
    Died, on the 23rd May, of typhoid fever, at the Chimborasco Hospital at Richmond, Virginia, 
    Preston H. Wooley, son of  Calvin W. Wooley, Esq., of Montgomery, N.C.  The deceased was 
    born 7th August, 1844.  He had a frail constitution but was too spirited and manly to claim an 
    exemption from service.  He volunteered in the 44th N.C. Regiment, left camp on the Saturday 
    previous to the advance of our troops on Newbern.  Though wholly unaccustomed to military
     life and the hardships of any kind, he discharged all the duties devolved upon him promptly and 
    faithfully throughout the campaign from Newbern until the falling back of our forces from 
    Washington.  When the brigade to which he belonged reached Richmond, he was taken sick 
    and sent to the hospital.  In a few days the father reached him and had everything done for him 
    that was in the power of man to do but all to no avail.  Thus has perished another noble youth 
    in defense of his country.  Preston was a gentle, high toned man, intelligent and brave.  And 
    during his short service in the army he won the admiration of his officers and the friendship of 
    his associates.  At home, no young man could have been more popular.  His youth 
    foreshadowed a life of great purity and usefulness.  His remains were brought home by his 
    afflicted father and now quietly rest within the sight of his home while we trust his spirit is in the 
    bright abodes of everlasting happiness.
    Died, at Richmond, from wounds received in the line of duty at Chancellorsville, Thomas B. 
    Bailey.  After receiving a severe wound by a minie ball which passed through his right lung 
    and lodged in his back, he was taken to the hospital in Richmond where he lingered with much 
    pain until the 3rd June when his spirit took its flight to the God who gave it.  By his upright walk, 
    he has left evidence to satisfy is friends that he is at peace with God.
    Died, on Friday morning, 23rd May last at the old U.S. Hospital of wounds received in the 
    Fredericksburg battle, Lt. J.A. Feimster, in the 20th year of his age.  He was a member of the 
    M.E. Church and was beloved by all who knew him.  He entered service as a private and was 
    soon promoted to sergeant and then to a lieutenant by election.  He was in seven severe 
    battles, was wounded at Seven Pines but soon recovered and returned to duty.  The battles are 
    fought, the race is run and he is gone where the weary soldiers find rest.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 13, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In the hospital at Richmond, June 13, Junius P. Sloan, Company D, 34th 
    In general hospital, Scottsville, Va., Jan. 9, Private Joseph S. Richardson, 
    Company M, 21st Regiment.
    On the 9th inst., near Fredericksburg, Sgt. Thomas Bryan, Company I, 18th 
    N.C.T., of wounds
    On the 5th April, at the hospital in Charlottesville, Va., W.A. Purviance, in the 
    22nd year of his age, member Company F, 1st Cavalry.
    In the hospital at Lynchburg, Va., of pneumonia, Private David Lyman Latham, 
    in the 29th year of his age, Granville.
    In Richmond, Va., 8th March, Robert D. Moore, aged 20 years, of Lincoln County.
    In the hospital at Raleigh, April 19, of typhoid pneumonia, Malcolm A. McDonald, 
    in the 23rd year of his age, from Moore County, a member of Capt. Horn’s 
    company, 3rd Regiment.
    On the 3rd May, on the field of battle at Chancellorsville, William Edward Fort, late 
    of Baltimore, in the 21st year of his age.
    Near Kinston, of typhoid pneumonia, on the 12th inst., Gamewell Hill, a private in 
    Company F, 32nd Regiment, of Catawba Co., in his 19th year.
    At Weldon on the 19th Jan., Jno. J. Bright, native of Chatham Co., and a soldier 
    under Capt. W. Harris, 63rd Regiment, Evans’ Battalion.
    In the hospital at Richmond, July 12, of wounds received in the Battle of Malvern 
    Hill, George W. Harper, Halifax Co., of Company I, 12th Regiment, aged exactly 
    22 years on the day of the battle.
    At the Fairgrounds Hospital, Raleigh, on the (date illegible), George C. Thompson, 
    aged 23 years, 9 days.
    Of chronic diarrhea, in Burke Co., William Forney, in the 24th year of his age, of the 
    1st Regiment.
    At McPhersonville, S.C., April 30, of typhoid fever, Sgt. George D. Bellamy, of 
    Company C, 46th Regiment, in the 34th year of his age, a native of Warrenton.
    Died, from a wound received on the battlefield at Chancellorsville, May 3, James 
    S. Knight, 1st Lt., Company D, 23rd Regiment N.C.T., in the 25th year of his age. 
    Lt. Knight completed his collegiate courses at Chapel Hill in May of 1861, and the 
    marked ability with which he acquitted himself in his graduating speech, on the 
    occasion of the annual literary festival of that institution, sufficiently attested the 
    fact that he was endowed with no ordinary intellect.  And in an equal degree was 
    he distinguished among those with those he was associated for consistency of 
    principle, honest of motive, and unsullied integrity in his intercourse and dealing 
    with others.  His departure from college was premature, for had he remained a 
    few weeks longer, he would have had the honor of a conspicuous participation in
    the commencement exercises.  But the war had started and our country had been 
    invaded.  At the organization of the “PeeDee Guards” of Richmond Co., he was 
    elected to the position of 1st lieutenant.  After a few months’ service, and at the 
    withdrawal of the former Captain, he became Captain by the entire vote of the 
    company.  However, at the re-organization of the regiment, in accordance with 
    the privilege extended to all the regiments last Spring, Capt. Knight and his 
    subordinates, commissioned and non-commissioned, were ousted and new 
    officers elected.  That this seemingly ungrateful proceeding on the part of the 
    company emanated more from a desire for novelty and change than from any 
    real prejudicial feeling (in the case of Capt. Knight at any rate) is manifest from 
    the fact that after he had returned home and volunteered as a private in the cavalry 
    service, he was re-elected to fill a vacancy as a 1st lieutenant in the company and 
    with the same degree of unanimity that had before marked a high appreciation of his 
    manly virtues.  Having gallantly conducted through the fiery ordeal of Saturday that 
    band of fearless boys, whom he ever delighted to command, on that glorious 
    Sabbath, and in the very moment of victory, the fatal bullet was sped that laid him 
    low.  Comrades were near to soothe his dying moments and perform the last sad 
    duties to his mortal remains.  
    The late Col. Purdie of Bladen
    A writer in the N.C. Presbyterian News pays the following tribute of respect to the 
    memory of this gallant officer:
    Dear Sir:
    Thinking it wrong for the gallant dead to pass away from earth without a public 
    notice, when their deeds, founded in virtue, have merited the highest honors, I 
    send you a brief history of the late lamented Col. Thomas J. Purdie.  The reticence 
    natural to him, concealed many latent virtues which would never have met the public 
    eye but for the force of circumstances. His benevolence was of the most unselfish 
    kind, and he spared no pains to make all around him feel happy and contented.  All 
    the members of the 18th Regiment N.C.T. will testify to his kindness and at late hours 
    of the night he would visit their tents to quell any disorders; his powers of persuasion 
    were so great that he seldom had to use harsh measures to bring a soldier to his duty.  
    He volunteered as a private two years ago, was elected first lieutenant and rapidly rose, 
    filling all the intermediate ranks except that of Major, with decided approbation, until 
    he reached that of colonel, made vacant by the resignation of Col. Cowan on account 
    of ill health.  I believe I speak a universal sentiment that he was one of the bravest 
    men in the Army of the Southern Confederacy.  He was shot through the center of the 
    forehead at Fredericksburg at a distance of seventy yards, while gallantly leading his 
    regiment to the charge on May 3, 1863.  He fought and fell under the eye of his 
    Brigadier (Col. Lane).  The vandals occupied our ground and stripped him of his coat.  
    They were repelled in turn and his body recovered and brought to the beautiful cemetery 
    of his home, to repose by the ashes of them who were nearest and dearest to him.  
    His funeral was largely attended, and every heart seemed deeply to sorrow at his early 
    doom.  May we cherish his memory and emulate his virtues.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    Of pneumonia, in the hospital at Lynchburg, 1st April, Mr. B.F. Arrowood, in the 34th 
    year of his age, a member of the 37th Regiment.
    Capt. William C. Lord, of Salisbury, was mortally wounded in the Battle of Chancellorsville.  
    He survived about two weeks, but neither the best medical attention nor the nursing care 
    of his mother could avail to save his life.  His remains were carried to Salisbury and 
    interred on Sunday last.
    John M. Cauble of Salisbury has also died of wounds received in the same battle. 
    April 23, D.E. McDufie, of the Clarendon Artillery, 36th Regiment, aged about 26.
    On the Rappahannock, May 18, Capt. Nelson of Company G, 2nd Cavalry Regiment.
    Of disease contracted in camp, 30th December, Emory and Henry College, Virginia, 
    E.N. Johnson, of Company I, 7th Regiment, in the 18th year of his age.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 25, 1863
    Died, August 9, 1862, at his father’s residence in Sampson Co., N.C., of a wound 
    received at the battle before Richmond, Ezekiel M. Boyette, aged 21.  This excellent 
    young man was a beloved member of the Church of Christ, at Six Runs, Sampson Co., 
    and was a zealous, devoted and pious young man and was much esteemed by his 
    acquaintances.  Early in the war he enlisted in the defense of the South and proved 
    to be a brave soldier but having been wounded near Richmond in the memorable 
    Seven Days fighting he was sent home where he lingered only a few weeks when he 
    died in the triumph of faith.  It was affecting amidst the sobs of the loved ones to hear 
    his low accounts ascend to God in prayer and praise.  But he is gone where the 
    clash of arms will not be heard, nor the loud artillery roar.
    Requescat in pace.
    Where bliss is known without alloy,
    And beauty blooms without decay;
    And thoughts of grief in cloudless joy
    Shall melt like morning mist away.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 4, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Fair Ground Hospital, Raleigh, April 6, Sgt. John C. Morrison, of Company C, Col. 
    Mallett’s Battalion, Lt. of a Provost Guard stationed at the Raleigh Depot, a native of 
    Moore County, aged 28.  He was distinguished for his gallantry in the battles of Kinston 
    and Goldsboro’.
    On the 15th September, of wounds received the 14th in the battle of South Mountain, 
    Nicholas H. Dalton, Company H, 13th Regiment, in the 25th year of his age, of 
    Rockingham Co.
    At Lynchburg, Va., 1st April, of chronic diarrhea, Wm. H. Green, in the 34th year of his 
    age, of Co. K, 57th Regiment.  (Transcriber’s note, the name may have been “Gheen”—
    hard to read)
    At camp near Fredericksburg, 14th April, Samuel M. Rimer, aged 26, of Co. C, 57th 
    In the hospital at Richmond, 28th July, Sgt. James Cooper in the 26th year of his age, a 
    member of Company F, 20th Regiment.
    In Lynchburg, Va., on the 12th September, W.A. Woodruff in his 26th year.
    At the Wilmington Hospital, 26th ult., Wm. H. Vance, aged 41 years.
    On the 20th April, in his 18th year, E. Smith of Montgomery Co.  He originally belonged to 
    Col. Mallett’s battalion, but went to Wilmington and joined Co. Young’s 10th Battalion.
    In Lynchburg Hospital, 15th Feb., R.H. Whitlock, in the 32nd year of his age, Company I, 
    18th Regiment.
    Of congestion of the brain, near Maysville, Va., in the 29th year of his age, Private Lewis 
    Jones, Company I, 1st N.C. Cavalry.
    Of pneumonia, near McGaheyville, Va., in the 30th year of his age, Private David J. Lanier, 
    of Company I, 1st N.C. Cavalry.
    James W. Parker, of Company F, 20th Regiment, N.C.T., died in Sampson Co., N.C., April 
    9, in the bright hope of a blissful immortality.  He embraced religion in early life and joined 
    the M.E. Church, and ever afterwards walked uprightly.  He volunteered in May of 1868.  He 
    shared his part without a murmur, in all their toils and marches, until his health failed.  He 
    was universally esteemed at home and by his fidelity and courage as a soldier, won the 
    approbation of his officers and the affection of his comrades in arms.  He bore his affliction 
    as a Christian.  He died in great peace, and is now at rest, high up in the home of the good.
    In a postscript to most of our Thursday’s edition, we published a brief account, which reached 
    us after we had gone to press, of a heavy skirmish below Kinston on Tuesday afternoon, in 
    which a gallant young officer of this town, had been dangerously wounded.  Within an hour 
    after the receipt of this sad intelligence, the father and mother of Lt. Jarvis B. Lutterloh were 
    on their way to Kinston, and an hour or two later came a dispatch announcing his death, 
    which occurred at Kinston at sunrise on the morning after the fight.  His afflicted parents 
    heard the melancholy tidings at Warsaw, and that the remains of their son had passed that 
    depot for Wilmington, on the way to this place.  They followed and arrived at Wilmington in 
    time to accompany the body and its escort to this place, where they arrived on Saturday 
    morning.  The escort consisted of an officer and eight men, detailed for that purpose by Col.
     Bradford at Goldsboro’.  His faithful and attached servant must not be forgotten.  To him, Lt. 
    Lutterloh entrusted his money, with directions in case of his fall to return home; but he 
    remained to perform the last acts of friendship, and to bring the lifeless body home.  The 
    funeral took place yesterday afternoon, and the largest assemblage of people ever seen 
    here on any similar occasion testified their respect for the young hero who gave his life for 
    his country and their sympathy for those whose home circle has lost a bright and cherished 
    ornament.  His friends have the consolation of knowing that he died calmly, retaining his 
    consciousness to the last.  As the sun rose, a few minutes before his spirit took its flight, 
    he said:  “Open the shutters, that I may see the glorious sun once more.”  Yesterday 
    afternoon’s sun shone as brightly upon his flower-bedecked grave; while his spirit, we humbly 
    trust, dwells in a light more glorious than that of the sun.  Lt. Lutterloh had proven his 
    coolness and courage on the Blackwater, and we learn from one who was at his side when 
    he received his fatal wound, that he was there also gallantly doing his whole duty to his 
    country, fearlessly standing with the little band of 180 against thousands of the enemy. He 
    was a great favorite among both the officers and men, as well as at home—a warm-hearted, 
    affectionate friend and companion, of more than ordinary sprightliness of mind.  He was a 
    graduate of our University, of the class of 1860 and was in the 22nd year of his age.  
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At the hospital at Lynchburg, Va., 7th April, of typhoid fever, D.K. Sutherland, of Company 
    H, 18th Regiment.
    In the College Hospital, Lynchburg, Va., on the 25th April, Daniel B. Autry from Cumberland 
    County, aged 23, a member of Company A, 5th Regiment, N.C.T., Captain E. Robinson.
    At Wilson Hospital, 1st April, of erysipelas, Private Russell Tier, Company G, 44th Regiment.  
    No braver, truer soldier than Russell Tier has fallen a victim to the war.  In the skirmish, which 
    the 44th Regiment had with the enemy at Tranter’s Creek, June 5, 1862, the conflict in which 
    the gallant Col. G.B. Singletary was killed, the subject of this notice, seeing him bleeding 
    and almost fainting, told him to go to the rear.  His heroic reply was “Captain I cannot walk, 
    but I can fight yet”.  And he did fight until a retreat was ordered.  His wound disabled him for 
    the field and he was detained in the Wilson Hospital.  While there, he cut his foot severely 
    with an axe, and typhoid fever and erysipelas supervening, he died 1st April, 1863, respected 
    by all who knew him.
    In the hospital at Richmond, Jan., 1863, of wounds received Dec. 13 at the battle of 
    Fredericksburg, J.M. Powell of Wilkes Co.
    In the hospital at Staunton, in November, 1862, of pneumonia, W.H. Smart of Rutherford Co.
    At Camp Gregg, VA., April 27, of pneumonia, Elijah Norton, Jr., of Richmond Co.  The above 
    were all members of Company F, N.C. Troops.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 11, 1863
    Died, at the residence of his father-in-law, Mr. G.D.T----son, in Montgomery Co., on the 12th 
    March, of brain fever, Benjamin R. Harris, son of David and Abigail Harris, aged 27 years, a 
    member of Company E (regiment blurred, first number is 3), and many relations and friends 
    mourn their loss.
    Died, at Raleigh, 4th February, Wm. H. Bennett, Anson Co., aged 35 years, 11 months. He 
    was a member of L.A. Jansen’s Cavalry, 59th Regiment, and died of typhoid pneumonia, in 
    the service of his country.
    My dear companion, thou has left me
    Though thy loss I deeply feel,
    ‘Tis God who has bereft me,
    He can all my sorrows heal.
    Yet again I hope to meet thee
    When the day of life is fled,
    Then in heaven with joy to greet thee,
    Where no farewell tears are shed.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 18, 1863
    Death of Lt. John D. Callais
    A letter from W.J. Callais of Company G, 33rd Regiment, a friend in this town, states that 
    his brother, 1st Lt. John D. Callais, late of that company, was killed in a charge by Lane’s 
    Brigade, on the enemy on Monday the 4th, in the battles near Fredericksburg.  He was an 
    excellent officer, and we learn that his colonel, C.M. Avery, speaks of him in the highest 
    respect.  Circumstances have placed him for most of his service in command of his company, 
    and his conduct at Newbern, in Jackson’s battles with Pope and Banks in the Valley, at 
    Harper’s Ferry, at Sharpsburg, at Fredericksburg, and on the Rappahannock, was ever 
    consistent with his character for cool and determined bravery.  He had a family and many
    friends here who deplore his loss.  His brother was wounded in the right hip but hoped soon 
    to be able to rejoin his company. He gives the following list of the casualties in the company 
    up to the time when his wound obliged him to leave it, viz.:
    Killed:  Lt. John D. Callais, Corp. Jas. Gardner, Privates R.C. Lineback, John Brock and ----- 
    Wounded:  Sgts. L.H. Moore and Prescott in the arm and Fuller dangerously in breast, 
    Privates Henly dangerously in breast, Atkinson in left side, G.W. Vink, leg broken, P. Vink 
    in face, Woorly in face and side, John McLeod, arm and D. Jones, face, W.J. Callais, hip
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, May 20, 1863
    Died, in the city of Richmond on Sunday, 10th May, of wounds received the previous Sunday 
    in the battle at Chancellorsville, Ives, a son of Rev. Dr. Smedes, aged twenty years and two 
    months. He was Adjutant of the 7th N.C. Regiment.  A faithful soldier of Christ in his life, a 
    faithful soldier of his country in his death, we trust he now awaits in the peaceful mansions of 
    the blessed the crown of glory which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give him in that day.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 8, 1863
    John D. McMillan, a private in Company K of the 18th Regiment, N.C.T., fell in the late battle 
    at Chancellorsville.  Faithful in the discharge of his duties and warm and generous in his 
    sympathies, he had won the confidence of the officers and the esteem and affection of the 
    company to which he belonged.  To the friends of this young many it will be gratifying to 
    learn that he fell as a true soldier falls at his post of duty.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Montgomery Co., 29th April, Samuel Yarborough, aged 29 years, 3 months and 21 days.  
    He was a consistent member of the M.E. Church for ten years, had been in the army the last 
    nine months and contracted the disease which caused his death; he got home to his family 
    only one week before he died.  He leaves a wife and one child and a large circle of friends to 
    mourn their irreparable loss.
    On the 26th April, in Granville co., Alexander W. Dickerson, in the 24th year of his age, of 
    Company G, 23rd Regiment.
    In the hospital at Richmond, 26th Oct., of typhoid pneumonia, Henry Addison Fields, aged 
    about 20, of Company B, 48th Regiment.
    In Richmond, Dec. 17, of wounds received in the battle of Fredericksburg, 13th Dec., John 
    Henry Trott, aged 19.
    Of pleura pneumonia, J.H. Galyen, private in Company A, 56th Regiment, at Weldon, 17th 
    January, about the 21st year of his age, of Henderson Co., N.C.
    In Winchester, Va., of chronic diarrhea, Nov. 1, Wm. H. Stevenson, aged 22, of Iredell Co.
    Fayetteville Observer, Wednesday, June 10, 1863
    Another patriot has been self immolated before the foul shrine of the blood thirsty Moloch of 
    Northern fanaticism, and another name has to be inscribed on the Roll of Honor which records 
    and embalms the memory of North Carolina’s heroic dead.  It is that of Captain Wallace C.T. 
    parker, of the 11th Alabama Regiment of Infantry, who died at Warwenton, N.C., on the 23rd 
    May, 1863 of wounds received in the action of Frazier’s Farm, Va., on the 30th June, 1862.  
    He was severely wounded in three places.  He gallantly led his company against the enemy’s 
    battery, and while capturing it he engaged in a hand-to-hand encounter with two of the enemy’s 
    officers whom he successively slew; while from a third he received a gun shot wound in the 
    thigh, besides stabs with a bayonet, which after the lapse of nearly a year, proved fatal.  All 
    that professional skill and unwearied attention could do was to prolong, they could not save, 
    his valuable life.  Thus uncomplainingly passed away, in the 23rd year of his age, one whom
    if he had been spared, would have made his mark on the records of this war; for his dauntless 
    courage and scrupulous attention to his military duties gave promise of a bright career as a 
    soldier, while, as a man, the purity of his character and amiability of his disposition, made 
    him beloved by all and peculiarly endeared him to a large circle of admiring friends.  A native 
    of Hertford Co., N.C., though in the service of Alabama, he laid down his life in the pride and 
    strength of early manhood.  
    Fayetteville Observer, Wednesday, June 17, 1863
    Among the killed at the late fight on the Rappahannock was Col. Sol Williams, of this state.  
    One the breaking out of the war Col. Williams resigned his commission as an officer in the 
    U.S. Army and tendered his services to his native state, whereupon he received the commission 
    of colonel of state troops, raised his regiment, and has been constantly in the service to the 
    day of his death.  It was but the other day he was joined in marriage to a daughter of Captain 
    Robert Pegram, C.S.N.  Alas, the blooming and lovely bride of yesterday is the crushed and 
    sorrowing widow of today.  
    In the same fight in which Col. Williams fell, another gallant son of North Carolina yielded up 
    is life for the sacred cause.  We allude to Captain Robert Jones, youngest son of the late 
    Col. Cadwallader Jones of Hillsboro’.  Like Col. Williams, he leaves a widow to lament the 
    sundering of the dearest of earthly ties.
    Died, in the city of Richmond, Va., at General Hospital #4, of wounds received in the battle 
    of Chancellorsville, Lt. G.B. Hutcheson, Company C, 14th Tennessee Volunteers.  Lt. 
    Hutcheson was a brave, generous and high-toned gentleman, possessing those attributes 
    that endeared him to his comrades in arms, who will miss the bright smile and cheerful 
    voice of their companion. Among strangers, far from the loved ones and home of his childhood, 
    on the 27th May, he passed away leaving many stranger friends to mourn his short stay with 
    Died, at the residence of his father, B.E. Cook, Esq., in Warrenton, on Tuesday, 16th inst., 
    John Thomas Cook, in the 26th year of his age.  He received a dangerous wound in the 
    bloody battle of Chancellorsville, which terminated his life on the 16th inst., about 6:00 p.m.  
    His sufferings were severe but were borne with serene patience and fortitude.  He was 
    certainly a young man of extraordinary merit and promise, and enjoyed, in a very high 
    degree, the esteem and regard of the community in which he lived.  No one who knew him 
    well could fail to admire his modest manners, his pure morals and principles, his fine feelings, 
    the noble and generous sympathies of his heart, his ardent patriotism, his bravery in defense 
    of that country for which he died, and above all his warm and devoted piety.  Mr. Cook was a 
    member of the Episcopal Church.  He intended to devote himself to the ministry and 
    commenced his theological studies shortly before the war began, but abandoned them,
    temporarily as he hoped, in order to enter the ranks as a volunteer.  In point of intelligence, 
    virtue and piety, as well as perseverance and zeal in the cause of religion, it is not doubted 
    but that he would have been useful and distinguished in the discharge of his duties of the 
    sacred office of the clergyman had his life been spared.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 22, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Alamance Co., Private James W. Dailey, of the 59th Regiment, aged 26 years, by disease 
    contracted in camp from exposure and fatigue.
    At Banner Hospital, Richmond, 17th May, of wounds received in the late battle of 
    Chancellorsville, Private B.J.  Rochelle, Company K, 3rd N.C. Troops, aged 33.
    In the hospital at Richmond, after lingering 26 days from wounds received in the battle of 
    Chancellorsville, Capt. James Waugh, of Salem.
    At Howard Grove Hospital, near Richmond, March 18, of wounds received in the Battle of 
    Fredericksburg, in December last, J.W. Roper, Company E, 28th Regiment, aged 22.  He 
    was a member of the Montgomery Grays and had been in service since August, 1861.
    At his father’s residence in Moore Co., N.C., May 30, in the 23rd year of his age, O.(?or C?) 
    R. Wicker, Private in Company H, 30th N.C.T.  He was a consistent member of the 
    Presbyterian Church, and died in the full triumph of the Christian faith.
    In Hillsboro’, on Sunday, 7th inst., in the 21st year of his age, Henry Potter Nash, the eldest 
    son of the late Rev. Frederick K. Nash.  The subject of this notice, at the time of his death, 
    was second sergeant of Company G, 18th Regiment N.C.T. and was with his regiment in all 
    its marches and battles, including those of Hanover Court House and around Richmond, in 
    all of which he merited and received the approbation of his superiors.  The fatigue and 
    exposure of the successive battles around Richmond resulted in an attack of typhoid fever, 
    from the effects of which he never recovered.  He adds another one to the long list of youthful
    patriots who have yielded up their lives in defense of their country.  It will be especially gratifying 
    to the many friends of his sainted father to learn that Henry died peacefully trusting in a crucified 
    Savior.  God proved to be in his case, as in so many others, a covenant keeping God.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, June 29, 1863
    Died: John A. McAulay, son of Aulay and Margaret Mcaulay, a member of Company G, 5th 
    Alabama Regiment, who was born in Montgomery Co., N.C., in August of 1838, and died of 
    his wounds at the hospital near Chancellorsville, on the 5th May, 1863. 
    Died, on the 10th inst., Jno. W. Trollfager, in the 20th year of his age, of Company I, 57th 
    Regiment, of Alamance co.
    Died, on 27th Feb., John Chandler Hale, of Company F, 23rd Regiment, of Catawba Co.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer February & March 2008

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