Military Obituaries November 1862 - April 1863

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 3, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In the hospital at Wilmington on the 8th June last, Addison W. Clark, son of Dugald Clark, Esq., 
    of Columbus County, a volunteer in J.R. Kelly’s Company, 51st Regiment.  He was only in his 
    16th year but well grown, weighing 165 pounds when 15 years of age.  He was a promising youth, 
    and had the good will of all his acquaintances both young and old.
    Of typhoid fever in the Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Aug. 12, Daniel White Connelly, aged 20 
    years, 8 months, 14 days.  He was a volunteer in Company F (Scotch Boys), 18th Regiment N.C.T. 
    and mingled freely in the bloody contests in which his gallant regiment was engaged before 
    Richmond.  He was beloved by all who knew him—amiable, generous and kind, he made friends in 
    camp who now mourn his death as brothers,--yet we sorrow not as those who have no hope:  his 
    last words (with raised hands) were, “sweet, sweet, sweet”.  He was attended by an idolized brother 
    during his sickness.
    Deaths in Capt. Brown’s Company from Mecklenburg, 37th Regiment:  April 27, A.J. Kerns; May 22, 
    H.E. McAulay; July 25, Clement R. Nance; June 6, Sergeant G.M. Wilson; June 22, T.S. Luckey; 
    June 23, T.C. Wilson, C.R. Williams and J.B. Blakeley; July 17, D.H. Fidler; July 8, Alex Worsham, 
    from a wound in the Richmond hospital; July 8, Corp. John A. Bell; July 13, W.F.M. Blakeley; July 3, 
    Jas. I. Gibson
    In Wilmington, 10th August, Jas. D. McLure of Capt. Kerr’s Mecklenburg Co., aged 24.
    In Richmond, July l7 of contusion from a spent ball in the Richmond battle, D.H. Johnston of 
    Mecklenburg, of Capt. McGee’s Co., 34th Reg’t., aged 26.
    In New Hanover Co., 2nd inst., Sgt. W.H. Alderman, aged 19, of 18th Reg’t.
    At Petersburg on the 11th inst., Robert W. Barden of Capt. Kenan’s Co., 43rd Regiment
    On the 29th July of typhoid fever, Lt. James H. Kerr of the 1st N.C. State Troops, aged 19.
    In Richmond, July 28, Samuel F. Gardner of Rowan, 4th Regiment, aged 26.
    At Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, 5th inst., John Herring, of Co. E, 18th Regiment, aged 25 years.
    In Richmond, Frederick Pinkney Setzer, in the 29th year of his age.  A wound received the 4th May 
    last, at West Point, caused his death on the 24th of the same month.  He was a native of Catawba 
    Of bowel consumption at the house of Peyton Rockleys, Sampson Co., on Sunday, 5th October, 
    A.D. McBride of Co. G, 48th Regiment N.C. troops.  He had been in the Richmond Hospital for two  
    months.  He got a furlough to come home, but his constitution sank under the disease before he 
    reached his home in Bladen County.  He leaves a wife and two children and a large circle of friends 
    to mourn his loss but their loss was his gain as he was a pious and kind gentleman.  He has gone 
    from his troubles here.  He was 32 years of age.
    At the Arsenal, on the 28th inst., John Johnson, of the Ordnance Co., aged 18.
    In Wilmington, on the 16th inst., of yellow fever, John McLauchlin, of Robeson County, of the Clark 
    At the General Hospital in Petersburg on the 22nd July, Kenneth A. Campbell, in the 19th year of 
    his age, of Capt. Kelly’s Company C, 35th Regiment.
    In Fort Caswell Hospital, in Smithville, N.C., on the 24th Oct., William B.B. Thompson, son of 
    Samuel and Nancy Ann Thompson, of Robeson County, in the 29th year of his age.
    In hospital at Frederick, Md., a few days ago, W.J. Walter, 23rd N.C.T. and W.J. Gill, 30th N.C.T.
    In the 2nd N.C. Hospital at Petersburg, Va., on the 14th Oct., of typhoid fever, George A. Carter, 
    private in Company I (Capt. McCain’s of Stanly Co.), 52nd Regiment, aged 20.
    In the 2nd N.C. Hospital at Petersburg, Va., on the 25th Oct., of brain fever, James A. Dees, private 
    in Co. I (Capt. McCain’s of Stanley Co.), 52nd Regiment, aged 29.
    At Burkettsville, Md., five members of the 16th(?)15th(?) N.C.R., as follows:  Sept. 28, John Dunlap, 
    Co. D; Sept. 30, Franklin Folks, Co. I; Oct. 3, Jas. L. Russell, Co. G; Oct. 14, J.C. McCall, Co. K; 
    and J.A. Gilliam, Co. H.
    At Winchester, Va., Oct. 24, Nathan K. Daniel of Blockersville, N.C.  he expressed a willingness to 
    die, having a hope in Christ.  His prayer was that God would make him what He would have him to 
    be.  Amid his sufferings and his sorrow in dying away from friends, he trusted all to Jesus, and 
    prayed that His will might be done.  Chaplain
    North Carolina Standard
    November 5, 1862
    We regret to learn from the Tarboro Southerner that Captain John Howard of the Wilson Blues who 
    was wounded and taken prisoner at the Battle of South Mountain died of pneumonia at Boonesville, 
    Maryland on the 4th ult.
    Lt. Walter Pender was accidentally killed at a camp near Kinston two weeks ago.
    Died, in the hospital at Camp French, Prince George County, Va., near Petersburg, on the 6th ult., 
    of jaundice, Norfleet Dickerson, in the 27th year of his age.  The deceased was a native of Franklin, 
    N.C.  He entered the service of his country on the 24th March past, Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, 
    in the company of Captain E.(?) R.S. Lawrence of the 44th Regiment N.C.T. (known as the Franklin 
    Guides to Freedom) to serve during the existing war.  The deportment of the deceased from his 
    entering into the service was strictly that of a moral man and faithful soldier.  He obeyed cheerfully 
    and strictly the commands of the officers and constantly had their entire confidence. As also did 
    his fellow soldiers in the entire regiment as far as is known.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 12, 1862
    The remains of the late Lt. Delane W. Husted, who fell in the battles around Richmond, has been 
    brought to this city and buried yesterday afternoon.
    Died, of camp fever near Drury’s Bluff, Va., on the 20th Oct., Sgt. Samuel J. Albright, 53rd N.C.T.  
    He had been a member of Company F of this regiment since the 8th day of March last.  As a 
    companion or fellow soldier he had endeared himself to all by his noble and lofty deportment.  He 
    was never known to murmur at duty but was always ready to do what was required of him.  As a 
    Christian he was a zealous and persevering and lived a life worthy of emulation.  He had been an 
    acceptable member of the M.P. Church for several years and was one that was an honor to the 
    obligations hat he had taken upon him.  He leaves a fond mother and father besides numerous 
    brothers and sisters to mourn their loss.  His fond parents and friends may be assured that he lived 
    and died a Christian soldier.
    His Captain.
    Died, in Petersburg on the 2nd Oct., of typhoid fever, Sgt. Daniel G. Beckwith, son of Green 
    Beckwith, Esq., Wake Co., in the 22nd year of his age, being another added to the long list of 
    martyrs in the cause of Southern independence.  The deceased professed religion and united with 
    the Baptist Church at Holly Springs, Wake County, in his 15th year since which time he adorned 
    that profession by a well ordered walk up to the time of his death.  On the breaking out of the war, 
    he was one of the first to heed the call of his country to arms.  He volunteered in the company 
    raised at Holly Springs (Captain Rand, Company D, 26th (?)28th (?) Regiment N.C.T.) and was 
    made orderly sergeant of that company the duties of which he performed with fidelity and ability.  
    He participated in the battle of Newbern and bore an active part in that bloody struggle being one 
    of the last to quite the field and was consequently taken prisoner to Ft. Columbus, N.Y. and 
    subsequently to Ft. Delaware being kept in close confinement and on bad fare until he was 
    exchanged and returned to his regiment.  His constitution, naturally delicate, was so worn down 
    that he gradually sank to the tomb, but his spirit has doubtlessly taken up its abode beyond the 
    reach of the sounds of war.
    Died, on the 22nd Oct., at Woodstock, Va., William McKinney, Surry Co., N.C., of wounds 
    received at the battle of Sharpsburg, in the 21st year of his age.  He was a member of Company 
    I, 21st N.C.R., being among the first to volunteer.  Belonging to Stonewall Jackson’s division, he 
    was in all the battles of Jackson from the 21st May to the 17th September.  He was much beloved 
    by his associates, was a pious member of the Methodist Church, and bore his sufferings with 
    great fortitude and died in the hope of a blessed immortality.  He leaves fond parents, a brother 
    and sisters to mourn their loss.  Peace to his memory.
    Departed this life in Harnett County on the 8th October, Private Edmund Spence, Company K, 3rd 
    N.C.R., in the 31st year of his age.  The deceased had lived a pious member of the Baptist Church 
    since 1853.  He leaves two aged parents, brothers and sisters and many friends to mourn his death.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 17, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Loudoun Co., Va., Sept. 30, Lt. James Logan Greenlee of Capt. Burgin’s Co., 41st Regiment, in 
    the 22nd year of his age.  He was in five battles in Virginia, and was wounded in the fifth, that of 
    On Sept. 1, at Manassas, William Leroy Sample, in the 20th year of his age, the second of three 
    sons whom a widow mother surrendered to the Confederate service.  He received a mortal wound 
    at Manassas after having safely passed through nine other battles.
    At Sharpsburg, 17th Sept., Dr. T.J. Witherspoon, 1st Lt. in Company G, 48th Regiment, in the 25th 
    year of his age.
    Killed, Sept. 17, on the heights of Sharpsburg, Md., A.J. Dunn, of the 30th Regiment, of Mecklenburg
    Of typhoid fever, in the Confederate Hospital, Petersburg, 26th Oct., Corp. Jas. C. Bunch, Co. B, 
    45th Regiment.
    At Gordonsville, Va., on the 27th Aug., Richard Baxter Gillespie, Co. I, 18th Regiment N.C.T. in the 
    21st year of his age.  At headquarters army of Va., 4th Nov., in the 29th year of his age, Sgt. David 
    Franklin Gillespie of Co. K, 18th Regiment N.C.T.  Both had fought in the various battles in Virginia 
    and were young men of promise (sons of the late James Gillespie of Bladen), leaving two brothers 
    in the Confederate service, and a widowed mother and two sisters to mourn their sad bereavement.  
    Also, at Cave Spring, Geo., on the 27th Sept. in the 31st year of her age, Mrs. Sallie R. McDaniel, 
    sister of the above names soldiers.  Thus has a mother, in the short space of two months, been 
    bereft of three worthy children.
    Died, near Little Rock, Ark., of jaundice, 12th Sept., Daniel McGregor, eldest son of John McGregor, 
    of this county, and a private in Capt. Lauderdale’s Company G, Nelson’s Regiment, Texas 
    Died, near Moffitt’s Mills, Randolph Co., Nov. 1, of wounds received on the 17th Sept., in the battle 
    of Sharpsburg, Benjamin F. Moffitt, son of Charles and Elander Moffitt, in the 23rd year of his age.  
    He was a member of the 5th Regiment N.C.T.  His regiment has lost a true and faithful soldier, his
    parents a dutiful son.
    Can we forget departed friends?  Ah, no,
    Within our hearts their memory buried lies.
    The thought that where they are we too shall go,
    Will cast a light o’er the darkest scenes of woe;
    For to their own blest dwelling in the skies
    The souls whom Christ set free exulting shall arise.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 19, 1862
    Died, Junius Cullen Battle, son of Judge Battle, in Middletown, Maryland in the early morning of 2nd 
    October last.  His left ankle had been shattered by a minie ball at South Mountain on Sunday, 14th 
    September.  Having been taken prisoner he was carried into Middletown on the evening of the same 
    day.  The wound rendered amputation necessary.  Afterwards, the young soldier seemed to be 
    recuperating but unfavorable symptoms came on and having lingered several days, he died.  His 
    parents have the consolation of knowing that he was kindly and skillfully attended to during his 
    decline; that he was tenderly nursed by ladies of Maryland and that his last hours were measured 
    by his faith.  Two brief notes have been received by Judge Battle from the ladies who watched over 
    him and tended to him.  They afford glimpses of scenes around his couch for which the judge is 
    extremely grateful.  Young Battle had been reared in the quiet village of Chapel Hill and at the time 
    of his death was in his 22nd year.  He had been privileged to attain the whole of his education 
    under the eye of a devoted mother and thus it was that his personal gallantry and good intellect 
    were graced even to manhood by a rare and admirable candor and modesty.  The war found him 
    teaching in Oxford and a sense of duty to North Carolina carried him into the army.  Like many of 
    his class mates, he had no commission in the service and entered as a private.  His frequent 
    letters exhibited him in a very amiable light.  The hardships which he was called to endure brought 
    no complaint form him—he found no fault with his superiors and for a long time made no allusion to 
    the ill health which followed him so generally during the year and a half of his connection in the army 
    and which at last prevented him from rallying under the effects of his wound. An officer in an Alabama 
    regiment, personally a stranger to him, had been confined in a house near that in which Junius lay 
    wounded.  Returning towards home, he conveyed to his family the earliest news of his death.  This 
    gentleman had been impressed by hearing that a young man named Battle had attracted the esteem 
    and love of those attending him and that he was passing such time as he could redeem from the 
    distractions of his wound and the weariness of exhausted nature in reading to the crowd of 
    Confederate and Federal wounded around him.  After some days, he was told that the young man 
    had died.
    Died, on Saturday, 8th (?) inst., at the residence of John E. Kelly, Sussex Co., Va., near Jarrett’s 
    Depot, Sgt. Robert Ke- - - - , from injuries received by the falling from a train car on the Petersburg 
    Railroad on the 4th inst.
    We are grieved in being obliged to announce the death of Humphrey Payton Gwynn, son of Gen.(?) 
    Walter Gwynn. He was in a skirmish near Martinsburg on the 16th Oct., and his remains repose in 
    a cemetery near that town.  He entered the army on the breaking out of the war when he was but a 
    little over 15 years of age.  A more gallant spirit than his never tenanted the human body.  In the 
    language of his captain, in a letter to his father, “he was brave to a fault”.  He laid down his young 
    life on the altar of his country.
    Died at Washington, N.C. on the 19th September, John M. Simpson, in the 41st year of his age 
    from wounds received in the fight at that place.  He belonged to the 8th Regiment N.C.S.T.  His 
    noble heart, once so kind and generous and brave, is no more.  He now lies cold and still, far from 
    his home and family.  However, his memory will be cherished by his friends and his country.  I 
    trust that a merciful God has given him peace in that happy land with his little loved ones who had 
    gone before.  He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss but they mourn not as those who 
    have no hope.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 24, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Edgecombe Co., 26th Oct. last, Ephraim Wooten, aged nearly 35 years, with Yellow Fever. The 
    deceased was a volunteer in Capt. Andrew Moore’s company.
    In the hospital at Richmond Va., in July last, H.M. Jones, private in the 2nd Regiment N.C.T.
    In Moore’s hospital, J.W. Yates, in the 24th year of his age, a private in Capt. Cole. Co., 22nd 
    At Camp McCown, Tenn., Nov. 4, Andrew Jones of Co. B, Col. Allen’s N.C. Legion.  Also, 31st Oct., 
    Thomas Wilson, of Co. H, same Legion, from Polk Co.  And on the 2nd Nov., Nathan Lankford, of the 
    same company from Polk Co.
    In Caswell Co., Oct. 14, Joshua A. Butler, in the 28th year of his age.  A member of the Leasburg 
    Greys, 13th Regiment.
    In the South Carolina hospital, Petersburg, of typhoid fever, Alexander Leigh McLelland, aged 21.  
    A native of Iredell Co., and member of Company A, 7th Regiment.
    Death has again invaded our ranks and taken from us our beloved friend and comrade in arms, 
    James M. Dorsett.  He departed this life at the hospital in Petersburg, Va., on the 8th inst., in the 
    21st year of his age.  Deceased was a member of Co. E, 26th Regiment N.C.T.  he left father, 
    mother, and sisters some eight months since, to enlist in his country’s service; but alas!  He has 
    been called hence to meet his God.  Weep not, fond mother, for thine only son.  He now fills the 
    honored soldier’s grave.  No more will he be aroused from his slumbers to meet the invading foe.  
    His spirit hath finished its mission on earth and taken its flight to Heaven.  Long cherished will be 
    his memory by his fellow soldiers, among whom he had not an enemy, his amiable disposition 
    having won the admiration of the entire company.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 26, 1862
    Among the first volunteer companies that responded to the call of the governor of North Carolina 
    was the Flat River Guards from Orange County.  Of this company, Col. William E. McMannen was 
    the 2nd lieutenant.  They were attached to the 6th Regiment State Troops under Col. Fisher, 
    promptly taking the oath to serve during the war.  Lt. McMannen proved himself a faithful and efficient 
    officer during the time that the company was in the camp of instruction.  About July 10, 1861 they 
    were hurried to Virginia to reinforce General Johnson at Winchester.  Before they had time to rest 
    from their fatigue and forced march to Manassas the battle began.  From Winchester to Piedmont 
    there was an awful lot of suffering as the men were not used to such privations and exhausting 
    marches.  Through all of this, Lt. McMannen bore a brave and cheerful heart.  On the 21st he went 
    with his company to the bloody field.  He entered his first battle with determination and a noble 
    heart.  In the sanguinary shock in which his devoted colonel fell, he braved the leaden storm and 
    manfully rallied his men to the charge.  In the evening when the impetuous attack was made on 
    the enemy’s right he, with a fragment of his regiment, joined in the victorious advance.  When their 
    columns broke and fled, he, with a young soldier’s enthusiasm, followed in pursuit until his 
    exhausted frame sank down for repose on the field of triumph.  Exposed as he was that night and 
    the day following, his constitution was assailed by a disease which baffled the skill of all his 
    physicians, gradually withering his hopeful prospects and prepared him for a soldier’s rest in the 
    tomb.  For a long while he would not resign hope to be restored to health.  But in the last of October 
    he bid adieu to his comrades on the banks of the Potomac and sought the comforts of a house.  
    There, his health having improved some, he was made colonel of the 45th Regiment Militia with
    directions to superintend the draft.  In attending to this duty, he contracted a fresh cold and from 
    that time sank rapidly, giving way to the ravages of consumption.  In the month of July he repaired 
    to the Rockbridge Alum Springs but it soon appeared that his days were numbered.  There, among 
    friends, though a stranger, he closed his brief career on the 14th August, 1862, in the 22nd year of 
    his age.  To his sorrowing friends at home and in the army the inspiration of a patriotic example, the 
    eloquence of a soldier’s duty and the beauty, consolation and glory of a Christian’s death.  Cheerful, 
    generous and kind hearted; warm, faithful and noble in his friendships; brave, daring and true as a 
    soldier; there were traits in his character too good to be forgotten, too worthy not to be imitated by 
    those who would do what they could for country, friends and Heaven.  Most of all would we linger 
    around the sacred scene of his tranquil death.  He had raised the voice of faith to God, had 
    answered in a voice of love.  He had given God his heart and God gave his heart peace, joy, 
    strength, victory and Heaven.  His last words were “though I walk through the dark valley of the 
    shadow of death I will fear no evil for thy rod and thy staff comfort me.”
    Joseph John Hinton, only son and last remaining child of Dr. Joseph B. Hinton of this city, 
    volunteered at the first call of his state in a rifle company just organized in his town, Washington, 
    which was quickly mustered into the 3rd Regiment N.C.T. and sent to guard the Virginia side of 
    the Potomac; where his health suffered severely during the last year and never entirely recovered.  
    The commander of his regiment has just written to his father saying “it gives me much pain to 
    inform you of the sad fate of so brave a man and excellent a soldier as your son of the regiment 
    under my command.  He fought bravely in the battle of Sharpsburg, Maryland on the 17th 
    September as he had previously done on the bloody fields before Richmond and Manassas.  
    At Sharpsburg he lost a leg by a shell which fell and exploded in the ranks near where he stood.  
    He was instantly carried to the rear and the wound dressed; and soon afterwards sent to 
    Winchester, Va., where he received every attention that skill and kindness could bestow; but 
    erysipelas came on.  He died on the 1st, expressing deep anxiety for his loved ones at home 
    whom he was never to see again in this world.  He died as he had lived for some time 
    previously—a praying man.
    Died, at Petersburg, Va., on the 25th October, Barnabus P. Hayworth of the army, son of John and 
    Rebecca Hayworth, in the 22nd year of his age.
    A tribute of respect was paid at the Eno Lodge:  Whereas it has pleased the All Wise Ruler of the 
    Universe to visit our ancient and honorable fraternity by the removal of our worthy and much 
    esteemed brother and friend Matthew Markham(?), who was killed at the Battle of Sharpsburg, we 
    pay this tribute of respect.
    Died, in this city on Wednesday night last of diphtheria, Daniel B. Allen, son of C.B. Allen, Esq., 
    in the (illegible number) of her age.  Our city could not boast of a more worthy young man then our 
    deceased friend.  A sense of duty prompted him to enlist in the war as a private in the Raleigh 
    Rifles at an early period but ill health prompted him to ask for a discharge.  Having recovered, as 
    he thought, he again entered the army as an assistant to Commissary Engelhardt of Branch’s 
    Brigade.  He remained a few months, promptly discharging his duties until sickness forced him to 
    return home.  He lingered for some days, patiently enduring his sufferings but at last sank into the 
    arms of death.  He had been a professing Christian for some time; he was a quiet, unobtrusive man 
    and died in the full hope of a blessed immortality.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 3, 1862
    We record with much regret the death of Hugh Jones Gaston, Adjutant of the 48th Regiment, 
    N.C.T.  He was wounded in the Battle of Sharpsburg in his shoulder and face and died at a farm 
    house near that place about the 2nd week of October.  He was the youngest son of Alex Gaston, 
    Esq., who was the only son of the Hon. William Gaston.  His only brother, William, was killed by 
    the Indians near Ft. Walla Walla about four or five years ago in his first engagement and Hugh 
    received his death wound in his first engagement at Sharpsburg.  Hugh Jones Gaston was the last 
    male of the line.  His great great grandfather was Hon. William Gaston who fell in the Revolutionary 
    War having been “murder by the Tories” in the words of Mr. Mason and “baptizing as it were his 
    son in his blood as he fell”.  Adjutant Gaston was exempt from service at the beginning of the war.  
    He volunteered as a private in an artillery company at Memphis and remained there until his native 
    state was threatened when he returned and offered his services to her.  He was a young gentleman 
    of intellect and education and was very brave.  His death is another in the long catalog of our 
    bravest and best young men who have also been cut off by this war.
    We were pained a few days since to learn that Lt. Jesse W. Siler, Company K, 1st N.C. Cavalry, 
    was killed in a skirmish with the enemy on the 7th inst.  He was gallantly leading his squadron of 
    men onto a position of the enemy when he was shot and instantly killed.  He was a brave soldier 
    and a gallant officer.  The county of Macon has lost one of its most promising young men.
    Captain W. Calle Brown
    The subject of this sketch was born in Dayton, Ohio on March 1, 18?2 (one digit illegible) but at the 
    age of ten years came with his father to North Carolina of which state he remained a citizen until the 
    time of his death.  In his early years he received a substantial education fully qualifying him for an 
    honorable position in any business to which he might direct his attention.
    In 1851(?) he went to California but returned in 1855 and in 1857 entered the law office of Hon. 
    (then Governor) Z.B. Vance in the town of (illegible), Buncombe Co.
    His industry and application to study were all that his friends could desire and he soon became 
    the much esteemed business partner and friend of Mr. Vance.  He continued to practice law with 
    Mr. Vance until the breaking out of the war in 1861.  As a lawyer and businessman, he was 
    energetic, accurate and persevering and had sterling integrity and was exemplary in every 
    transaction.  His political principles were strongly conservative and he resisted the fanatics both 
    north and south.
    But Mr. Brown, like four fifths of his fellow citizens of the state, who, although opposed to the 
    doctrine of secession, after the proclamation of Lincoln calling on North Carolina for troops to 
    compel the cotton states to honor and obey the constitution, refused to obey that proclamation 
    and with his brother Samuel was one of the first to become a member of the Rough and Ready 
    Guards, the 2nd volunteer company organized in Buncombe County, of which the Hon. Z.B. Vance 
    was chosen captain. This company with others, constituted what was at first the 4th and afterwards 
    the 14th N.C.V.
    Mr. Brown held various positions of honor and responsibility in the regiment.  He acted as aide to 
    his colonel in the Battle of Seven Pines—was the regular quartermaster of the regiment and at one 
    time, of the brigade to which his regiment was attached.  At the time of his demise he held the 
    office of Paymaster and Quartermaster of his regiment.  In all these posts he exhibited those traits 
    of character—honesty, accuracy, industry, fidelity, and punctuality, which are essential to a 
    businessman and secured for him the esteem of all.
    Captain Brown’s moral character was irreproachable. As an illustration of the noble impulses of his 
    character, in replying to a letter of sympathy touching on the death of his brother Lt. Samuel Brown 
    who had died a few months before in camp, in which he had pointed to the Scriptural source of 
    consolation he wrote in May, to the author of this sketch “you have my thanks for you kind letter 
    of sympathy; such letters can never be received by a soldier who has any feelings, without doing 
    good and making him feel that he has some friends in the world worth fighting and struggling for 
    and must nerve him to renewed strength and exertions in our hour of trial.”
    His health was very impaired by the climate of the Peninsula, exposure and overwork in the faithful 
    discharge of his duties and worn down by work and disease on the 23rd June he retired to a private 
    house in Richmond hoping that rest and kind nursing would soon restore his wasted energies.  
    But he soon developed typhoid fever which terminated his mortal life.
    He continued to read his Testament as long as he was able and then requested a friend to read for 
    him and as she read the Psalms on the day before and the day he died he said they were the 
    players of his heart.
    Although none of Captain Brown’s relatives were with him during his last sickness yet God raised 
    up for him kind friends who minister to his temporal and also his special wants.
    To the bereaved father and sister we would say “Sorrow not as those who have no hope—it is the 
    Lord, let Him do what seemeth good.”
    Died, in Charlestown, Va., on the 19th ult., Elbert(?) Thomas Riddick, 1st Lt., Company I, 27th 
    Regiment N.C.T., of a wound received on the 17th September at Sharpsburg.  Lt. Riddick was a 
    native of Gates Co., N.C., son of Joseph Riddick, Esq., deceased, and was in the 23rd year of his 
    age at the time of his death.  He was among the first of the gallant youths of the South to respond 
    to the call of his country, volunteering as a private in the first company that was organized in 
    Perquimans, the county in which he was then residing.  He conducted himself with great coolness 
    and courage in every engagement in which he participated and finally falling victim to his own 
    generosity trying to save from the enemy the body of a dying comrade.  Of amiable disposition, 
    generous soul and warm attachments, he has left behind him many friends and no enemies.  
    Thou art gone!  Thy voice shall delight thy friends no more forever, nor cheer again thy comrades 
    on to battle; but chivalry shall light thy name a hero, virtue claim thee as a devotee and thy country
    mourn thee as a martyr.
    Lt. Henry J.B. Clarke, eldest son of General Henry J.B. Clarke, a native of Washington, N.C., 
    afterwards a resident for some years of Newbern, but recently of Graham, was instantly killed by 
    the collision of the cars on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad on the 28th October, having just 
    completed the 21st year of his age, leaving his doting parents, a brother and a sister and numerous 
    friends to mourn his sad fate.  And though so young in years he had won distinction in arms by his 
    heroic bravery and manly bearing as a soldier of the old north state which entitles him to an 
    honorable record in the annals of the war.
    At an early age he evinced a passion for the military life and at 17 he entered as a cadet the military 
    school of Capt. J.C. Lewis and received the applause of the commander and his comrades for 
    diligence and proficiency in his pursuits and for exemplary morals, gentleness and kindness of 
    heart that gave promise of future usefulness and distinction.  On the fall of Ft. Sumter he with his 
    fellow cadets, the Goldsboro Rifles and Neuse Cavalry (dismounted) marched under the command 
    of his father (then Col. Clark) to Ft. Macon and took possession of it for the state until the lamented 
    Col. C.C. Tew could collect a sufficient force to occupy it.  As soon as the state seceded and the 
    call for troops came, he attached himself to a volunteer company then forming at Newbern and 
    was elected lieutenant.  They were assigned a position in the 2nd Regiment N.C.V.  On the bloody 
    field before Richmond, he displayed unusual ability and gallantry for one so young and on several 
    occasions during those battles he alone in command of his company; and so won the admiration 
    and esteem of his comrades in arms that they presented him with a sword.  After the close of 
    those battles a furlough was granted him to return home to repair his greatly shattered health 
    caused by the severity of the duties of camp and in the field which he had performed.  Having 
    recovered better health, he was on the eve of returning to the army when the dreadful disease 
    happened which deprived him of his life.  But death had no sting for him.  Since childhood his 
    parents had pointed him along the Christian path and he appreciated the value of the religion that 
    they had inculcated.  Although he has gone down to the tomb in the early morning of his days, 
    yet his moldering, manly form softly whispers:
    Go home, dear friend, and shed no tear
    I must lie here till Christ appears
    And at his coming hope to have
    A joyful life from the grave.
    Died, on the 17th September from a shot received during the Battle of Sharpsburg, Horetia(?) A. 
    Waitt, a native of Wake County, in the 21st year of his age.  He was a private in Company K 
    (Raleigh Rifles), 14th N.C.T.  He was the only son of his mother and she was a widow.  With the 
    noble spirit of a true Spartan matron, she willingly consented that her only son, the pride of her 
    old age, and the staff of her declining years, should go forth with a burning desire for southern 
    independence.  He was a youth of the  most generous impulses and the most noble behavior.  
    He had in an eminent degree that reverential regard for the purity of the female character which a 
    well known modern author has decreed would be the truest test of all manhood.  He was dear to 
    the hearts of all who knew him and especially so to his comrades in arms.  He has gone forever 
    from the side of loved ones on earth where
    No rude sound shall raise his ear
    Armor’s clang or steed clamping.
    He rests, his warfare is over.
    Died, of typhoid fever at the residence of Mrs. Griffin in Petersburg, Va., on the 28th October, after 
    an illness of two months, Capt. T.L. Ferguson, Company C, 28th Regiment.  He had a long time 
    previous to his death been a consistent member of the M.E. Church and his godly walk and 
    conversations proved to all who knew him that his treasure was not on earth.  He was among the
    first who enlisted in the cause of his country.  He bade adieu to his kind parents, brothers and 
    sisters—turned his back upon his pleasant home and notwithstanding the many allurements of 
    camp life he was still the humble Christian he had been at home.  During his career as a soldier 
    he participated in the Battle of Newbern and the Seven Days Battles near Richmond and though 
    the missiles of death flew thick and fast around him, he still continued fearlessly to lead his 
    command on to victory.  In all these severe conflicts, he was unhurt but on the 6th (?) August, 
    he was seized with typhoid fever which resulted in his death on the 29th October.  His last words 
    were “I am going where trouble is felt and feared no more.”
    Few among the many gallant officers who have fallen in battle are more worthy of a friend’s last 
    tribute than Nathan Shead(?), 20th N.C.R. who was killed at Sharpsburg on the 17th September 
    in the 22nd year of his age.  In the beginning of the war, this noble young soldier was a student 
    at college but inspired with patriotism and zeal he bid adieu to his comrades and left all the 
    endearments of home and entered the ranks as a private where he fully devoted himself to his 
    country’s cause.  May his bereaved family grieve not for him.  He died the death of a noble patriot.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 1, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    Robert L. Donnell, a member of the Guilford Greys, died on the 6th inst., in the 28th year of his 
    age, in the hospital at Chester, Pennsylvania.  He was wounded in the battle of Sharpsburg, and 
    fell into the hands of the enemy.  His wound seemed for a time to improve but the surgeons decided 
    at last that amputation was necessary.  His leg was taken off in the afternoon and he died the 
    same evening, from exhaustion.  His remains were taken charge of by an old friend, residing in 
    Philadelphia, and interred with every  mark of respect.
    At the residence of his brother in Harnett Co., on the 23rd Oct., of chronic diarrhea, Ica Parker of 
    Co. F, 15th Regiment N.C.T.  He was in the battles around Richmond, afterwards was taken sick 
    and returned home just in time to die.
    At St. Charles hospital, Richmond, of typhoid fever, 29th Oct., J.M. Douthit, of Davis Co., 55th 
    At Salem, Nov. 23, Lewis A. Hauser, a member of the Brass Band of the 26th Regiment, aged 21.
    Died, at the Fayetteville arsenal on the 24th inst., Thomas H. Pope, of the Ordinance Co., aged 
    about 25 years. 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 8, 1862
    Died, in Harnett Co., at the residence of his brother-in-law Hector McLean, on Friday, 28th ult., 
    Alexander Oghiltree, aged 38 years.  He volunteered as a soldier in Starr’s Artillery Co. at Fort 
    Fisher and was allowed to come home on furlough, hoping to return, but he continued to decline 
    until relieved by death.  He leaves a widowed mother, sisters and one brother in Texas.  He was 
    a generous and kind man and died with manifestations of peace with his God.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    On 20th Nov., Augustus O’Brien, of Capt. Cheek’s Co., 1st N.C. Cavalry
    Fell at the battle of Corinth, Mississippi, 4th Oct., Sgt. A.C. Barbee, of Co. B, 18th Regiment 
    Arkansas Volunteers, aged 21 years, a native of Orange Co., N.C.
    Died, in the hospital at Richmond, 16th Sept., of typhoid fever, Wm. London, in the 24th year of 
    his age.
    In the hospital at Garysburg, 18th Nov., E.L. Ellis, a native of Davie Co., N.C. and a member of 
    Capt. Boce’s Company of Partisan Rangers, 63rd Regiment.
    In Charlestown, Va., 19th ult., Elbert Thomas Riddick, 1st lieutenant of Co. F, 27th Regiment of 
    wounds received on the 17th Oct., in the battle of Sharpsburg.  He was a native of Gates Co., 
    N.C., aged 22
    On the 8th ult., at Strasburg, Va., Hugh Wilson Yandell, of Mecklenburg Co., in the 20th year of 
    his age, of Co. K, 30th Regiment.
    At Charlottesville, Va., 28th Aug., from a wound received at the battle of Manassas, W.F. 
    Henderson, of Capt. Brown’s company from Mecklenburg, 37th Regiment.
    Died, in the hospital at Smithville, of typhoid fever, on the 15th Nov., W.J. Bracy, aged 21.  The 
    deceased was a volunteer from Robeson Co., in Capt. M.H. McBryde’s unattached company 
    N.C.T.  He left father and mother some eight months ago to enlist in his country’s service; but 
    alas!  He has been called to meet his God.
    Fayetteville, Monday, Dec. 15, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In this vicinity, Nov. 29, G.W. McMillan, aged 21.
    In Virginia on the 19th Sept., in the 25th year of his age, John McIntyre McNeill, of the Highland 
    Boys.  After a long service, he was wounded at Sharpsburg and died two days afterwards.
    In Robeson Co., Oct. 30, Owen McMillan, 27 years, a member of Capt. Rankin’s Company, 
    Clark Artillery.
    In the Chimborazo hospital, Richmond, Va., Sept. 20, of typhoid fever, William T. Hill, in the 20th 
    year of his age, from Randolph Co., a member of Capt. Carr’s Company G, 46th Regiment.  
    Another widowed mother bereft of her only child.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 17, 1862
    Deceased Soldiers at Danville, Virginia who died in the hospital there during the month of October 
    and November, 1862
    Austin, John F., Company I, 48th Reg’t., Captain Moore
    Burrow, Jas. B.G., Company I, 2nd Regiment, Captain Hunt
    Booth, R.W., Company E, 2nd Regiment, Captain Scales
    Cofield, Henry, Company F, 5th Regiment, Captain Guard
    Calaban(?), Elisha, Company B, 16th Regiment, Captain Carter
    Daughtry, H.M., Company D, 38th Regiment, Captain Ashmead
    Hipp, Andrew, Company G, 34th Regiment, Captain McGee
    Love, Martin, Company D, 28th Regiment, Captain Parker
    Little, J.B., Company K, 33rd Regiment, Captain Johnson
    Morris, George F, Company H, 37th Regiment, Captain Horton
    Miles, James, Company F, 22nd Regiment, Captain Mitchell
    Murphy, John P, Company K, 12th Regiment, Captain Austin
    Peland, Benjamin, Company A, 15th Regiment, Captain Peal
    Smith, Jas. D., Company C, 3rd Regiment, Captain Horn
    Turner, John J., Company A, 14th Regiment, Captain Cherry
    Wall, James, Company C, 3rd Regiment, Captain Horn
    Departed this life at his residence in Harnett Co., Ica(?) Parker, on the 23rd October.  The subject 
    of this brief notice was among the first to enter the service at the beginning of the war and his 
    whole heart was enlisted in the cause of his country.  As a soldier, he was brave and faithful to 
    duty—as a Christian, he was devoted in the practice of his holy profession.  He said, when dying, 
    that he felt good, it seemed as if Heaven was so bright in view that death had no sting for him.
    His beloved form is now resting
    In a calm and peaceful bed,
    And rarely hath a winding sheet
    Enfolded nobler dead.
    Captain William Adams was the son of Peter and Sarah Adams and was born in Greensboro, 
    N.C., 18th February, 1836. The affectionate liberality of his worthy father gave him the advantage 
    of a good education and he never forgot the moral teachings of his patriotic and Christian mother.  
    His love for his mother was the strongest feeling of his life.  His ardent and sometimes fiery nature 
    could always be subdued to gentleness by that voice which sang the cradle songs of his childhood.  
    His impulsive temperament never made him unjust or ungenerous and in his heart malice had no 
    place.  His sprightly and cheerful disposition was the charm of his social circle.  He always l
    ooked on the bright side of life.  I am confident that he never felt the sense of fear and danger, 
    only called forth the energy and fervor of his noble heart.  He graduated from the University in June 
    of 1858.  He chose the profession of law and was admitted to the bar in February of 1860.  With 
    his intellect, he entered the stadium to contend for the prizes of life.  On the 23rd April, 1861, he 
    entered the Guilford Greys and on their way to Ft. Macon he was made(?) first lieutenant.  For 
    more than sixteen months he endured the toils and privations of army life.  He became captain 
    of his company and his comrades say he was a brave officer.  He commanded his company at 
    the Battle of Newbern and did all that courage could do to prevent that disaster.  He was with his 
    company in a reserved corps during the Seven Days Battles before Richmond and he went with 
    his company on the Maryland expedition.  He fought his last battle at Sharpsburg and there at his 
    post of duty and danger he offered up his life as a sacrifice to the freedom of the South.  At 
    Shepherdstown his sad and weary comrades laid him in a quiet grave which they hallowed with 
    tears of affection.  He sleeps now in the confines of his country by the banks of the beautiful 
    Potomac; and the blue mountains of the land he loved stand guard beside his tomb.
    George W. Barnard fell at the Battle of the Railroad Bridge on the 17th inst.  He volunteered in the 
    morning under Col. Pool and the next day was brought in with his amputated limb lying by his side, 
    a corpse.  The deceased was a native of Philadelphia but had for a number of years identified with 
    the interests of the South.  He was taken prisoner in the early part of the war and confined in the 
    Forts Lafayette and Warren for five months; as soon as he was released he again returned to the 
    service of the South and made friends with every corps with which he cooperated.  This article 
    was written from Goldsboro with a view of reaching his afflicted family who he was in daily 
    expectation of meeting.  He was about 31 years of age.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 22, 1862
    Deaths of soldiers at the Danville, Va., Hospital during October and November, 1862:  John F. 
    Austin, Co. I, 48th  Regiment; Jos. B.G. Br- - er, Company I, and R.W. Booth, Company E, 2nd 
    Regiment; Henry Coffield, Company F, 5th Regiment; Elias(?)Colshan(?), Company B, 16th 
    Regiment; H.M. Daugherty(?), Company D, 38th Regiment; Andres(?) Hipp(?) Ripp(?), Company 
    G, 34th Regiment; Martin Love(?), Company D (or B), 28th Regiment; J.B. Little, Company B, 
    33rd Regiment; George F. Morris, Company B, 37th Regiment; James Miles, Company F, 22nd 
    (?) Regiment; John P. Murphy, Company K, 12th Regiment; Benjamin Peland(?), Company A, 
    13th (?) 15th (?) Regiment, J.D. Smith, and James Watts, Company C, 3rd Regiment; John J. 
    Turner(?), Company illegible, 14th Regiment.
    Died, on Sabbath evening, 31st August, Angus L. McRae, of Douglas Rifles, 23rd Regiment, 
    S.C.V., aged 35 years, 6 months and 4 days. He fell mortally wounded while gallantly leading a 
    charge upon the historic plains of Manassas.  He was a native of Robeson co., N.C., but for the 
    past few years had lived in the Marlboro’ District, S.C.  Few, if any individual of the many thousands 
    of noble and patriotic loved ones, who have left all dear to them for the defense of Southern rights, 
    homes and fire sides, carried with them a larger share of a community’s confidence, love and 
    esteem and few whose untimely death could have carried sorrow and grief in a larger circle of 
    devoted friends and relatives that that of Captain A.L. McRae.  In all the relations of his life he 
    sustained an enviable  character, as a dutiful son, an affectionate husband, a kind father, an 
    obliging neighbor and a public spirited citizen.  And above all, his character was richly adorned 
    with the virtues and graces of a high toned Christian gentleman—an exemplary member and ruling 
    elder in the Presbyterian Church, whose meek consistency of piety, manly bearing; and firm moral 
    rectitude, was a rebuke to vice and immorality wherever manifested.  We can but sympathize for 
    his wife and four little children, whose welfare lay nearest his heart.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 24, 1862
    A tribute of respect was paid in the 48th regiment, camp near Fredericksburg on December 16:  
    Whereas it has pleased an all wise Providence to remove from us our much loved fellow officer 
    Adjutant Hugh J. Gaston who while a prisoner died recently in Maryland of wounds received while 
    nobly and bravely conducting a charge at the Battle of Sharpsburg, we pay this tribute of respect.
    Died, of typhoid fever at his father’s residence in McDowell Co., N.C., Captain Charles H. 
    Beman(?) of the 22nd Regiment.  A purer or more noble sacrifice has not been laid upon the altar 
    of the country.  He was among the first who responded to the call at his invaded 
    country—volunteering in May of 1861.  He entered the service as a first lieutenant in which 
    capacity he served most faithfully for twelve months.  Upon the resignation of his captain a few 
    months since he accepted that office.  He was slightly injured by the fragments of a shell in one 
    of those terrible battles before Richmond and severely wounded through the left hand at 
    Shepherdstown.  Because of this injury, he was granted a twenty day furlough.  Some time in 
    October, he returned home where he was attacked by that fatal fever which after weeks of suffering 
    terminated his valuable life.  A young man of rare virtue and promise has fallen.
    A Lady Friend
    Died, near Middletown, west of Smithfield, in Virginia on the 25th October, of disease of the heart, 
    Edwin B. Mendenhall, in the 26th year of his age.  The country has lost a noble citizen and soldier, 
    the many who knew him are deprived of a valuable friend.  And his sorrowing parents are bereaved 
    of an affectionate and tender son but the “Judge of all the earth doeth right” and we trust that our 
    loss is Edwin’s eternal gain.
    William Leonidas Speck, a member of Company F, 5th Alabama Regiment, fell mortally wounded 
    at Gaines Mills on the afternoon of Friday, 27th June and died in the First Alabama Hospital on the
    4th July in Richmond.  When he fell he put his hands upon his head, then looking at them said 
    “here is my blood and my brains but I give them up freely for my home and my country.”  He was 
    the eldest son of the late Rev. Henry Speck of the N.C. Conference of the M.E. Church.  He was 
    a native of Iredell County but removed when a child with his widowed mother to Alabama where he 
    resided, beloved and esteemed by all until the war.  The city of Richmond was rendered dear to 
    him as it was the place his deceased father had often mingled with the clergy of his church and 
    the state of Virginia, being the native state of his father.  Thus, again are we called upon to mourn 
    the loss of the good, the noble and the brave.
    A Fellow Soldier
    Died, in the hospital at Leesburg, Va., of typhoid fever on the 5th September, Thomas G. Terrell, 
    of Wake Co., 21 years, 10 months and 13 days.  He volunteered at the beginning of the war and
    joined the Oak City Guards, 14th N.C.R. and went to Virginia.  Though he fell not on the battlefield
    and was only in one battle, Seven Pines, he sacrificed his life on the altar of his country.  He has 
    left an aged father and mother, a brother and sisters, relatives and a large circle of friends to mourn 
    their loss but we mourn not as those who have no hope for our loss is his eternal gain.  He had 
    been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for five or six years; was a kind and affectionate 
    son and was beloved by those who knew him.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 5, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Ft. Fisher on the 29th ult., Corp. W.T. Jones of Braddy’s Artillery.  His death was the result of a 
    wound received by the bursting of the gun “Cumberland”.  He was a good soldier, one of the best in 
    his company.  His remains have been brought home for interment.
    Near Pike Hill, Lenoir Co., on the 3rd Dec., Benjamin Franklin Nunn, 1st Lt. in Company D, 27th 
    Regiment, of wounds received on the 17th Sept., at Sharpsburg.
    At Stanton, Va., on the 30th Oct., Jesse Isler Nunn, 1st Sgt. Of Company D, 27th Regiment in the 
    20th year of his age.
    Died, of typhoid fever near Petersburg, Va., on the 9th Aug., last, J.P. Thomas, in the 22nd year 
    of his age, a member of Capt. Black’s Company D, from Moore County, 49th Regiment, and son 
    of Peter and Nancy Thomas.  He left his home in health, but was soon prostrated with sickness 
    from camp life.  He was of excellent mind, apt to learn, was esteemed and respected, was a 
    member of the Church of Christ, and adorned the profession by a Godly walk and conversation 
    before the world.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 12, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    On the 11th ult., Lt. Solomon Boykin of Co. K, 51st Regiment.  He died from the effects of a wound 
    received from the explosion of a shell at the battle of the Neuse River Bridge on the 17th ult.  His 
    brother officers of the regiment speak of him as a brave officer and a good man, and always 
    punctual to every duty.
    In Richmond, recently, Lt. Richard A. Still, of Union Co., of Company A, 48th Regiment.
    At the city jail, Petersburg, of pneumonia, on the 2nd inst., Daniel Walker, a private in company 
    A, 3rd Regiment.  A jury of inquest rendered a verdict that he came to his death in consequence of 
    a lack of proper attention.
    At Richmond, on the 8th ult., John J. Stringfield, of Co. I (Washington Rifle Guards), 18th Regiment, 
    aged 22.
    Near Fredericksburg on the 14th Dec., of a wound received on the 13th, R. Alexander Morrow, of 
    Orange Co., in his 21st year, a private in Company G, 28th Regiment.
    In Moore Co., on the 25th Dec., Neill McDonald, in the 29th year of his age, a member of the 30th 
    Regiment N.C.T., who was wounded in the Battle of Sharpsburg.
    Recently, Leander C. Nichols, of the 22nd Regiment, from McDowell Co, aged 23.  And J.P. 
    Goforth, aged 21.
    In hospital, in Virginia, from a wound received in the battle of Fredericksburg, Lt. Sugar Dulin of 
    Mecklenburg Co., of the 48th Regiment N.C.T.
    In Richmond on Nov. 21, Solon S. Hicks of the 23rd Regiment.
    In Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, of typhoid fever, Manly Patteshall of Chatham Co., in the 35th 
    year of his age, of the 5th Regiment.
    In the hospital at Clarksville, Va., 5th December, George W. Strayhorn, of Orange Co., about 33.
    Killed, on the battlefield near Fredericksburg, Va., James Franklin McNeill, son of Simon P. and 
    Mary J. McNeill, aged 19 years, 2 months, 23 days.  He was a member of eth Catawba Braves, 
    Company K, 46th Regiment.
    In Washington, D.C., on Sunday, 21st Sept., Lt. Thomas Cowan, Company B, 3rd Regiment, 
    N.C.T., of a wound received in the Battle of Sharpsburg on the 17th Sept., aged 23 years, 5 
    months and a half.  Born April 8, 1839, Lt. Cowan graduated at the University of North Carolina in 
    the class of 1856, read law with Judge Pearson for two years, was admitted to the bar in 1860 and 
    while attending the Superior Court in Brunswick Co., in April, 1861, received information of the 
    order of Gove. Ellis to seize Ft. Caswell.  He returned at once to his home and volunteered in the 
    ranks of the Wilmington Light Infantry.  Afterwards he was tendered a commission as 2nd Lt., in 
    the original appointments for the N.C. State Troops ranking from May 16, 1861.  He served for a 
    long time in General Walker’s celebrated brigade, but at the period of his death, his regiment was
     under the command of Gen. Ripley.  In all the history of the glorious Third, Lt. Cowan was 
    thoroughly identified.  After the Battle of Richmond, he was promoted to a 1st Lt. and was in 
    command of his company at the Battle of Boonsboro’ and on the bloody day when he gave the 
    precious offering of his young life and hopes to his country and to glory.  Wounded in the head, 
    he was removed by the Federal authorities to Washington and on Thursday, the day succeeding 
    the battle, and lingered in suffering until the light of the Sabbath morning.  Consigned at first to the 
    rude grave of the prisoner, he was afterwards committed to consecrated ground with the solemn 
    services of the Church and the tears of the noble women who ministered at his couch, who in 
    stranger and oppressor’s land, loved him for his country’s sake.  Such is the record of his 
    life—simple, indeed but to those who knew Tom Cowan, eloquent beyond the expression of 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 19, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Castle Thunder, Richmond, Va., on Saturday last, B. Teague, Company D, 49th Regiment.
    At Camp Badger near Wilmington, Robert L. Clay of the Scotland Neck Mounted Rifles.
    In hospital at Petersburg on the 16th ult., James F. Strum, of Lincoln Co., 11th Regiment.
    In hospital at Goldsboro’, 9th Jan., E.P. Rutledge of Co. E, 61st Regiment.
    At Fort Fisher, Dec. 30, Corp. William T. Jones of Cumberland Co., aged about 21.  He died of 
    lockjaw, consequent on cold being taken in a wound received in the bursting of a gun more than 
    a week previous to his death.  He entered the service at the beginning of the war as a member of
    the Fayetteville Independent Company and was at the time of his death a member of Capt. K.J. 
    Braddy’s Artillery Co.  He was a faithful soldier, much beloved by his comrades in arms, who are
    much grieved at his loss and condole with his family in their sudden bereavement.
    At the General Hospital #1 in Richmond, Va., Daniel Melvin Monroe, Co. K (Bladen Guards), 18th 
    Regiment N.C.T., son of John and Jane M. Monroe of Bladen Co., aged 20 years, 6 months.  A the 
    commencement of the war, the deceased quietly gave up home and its joys and entered the 
    service of his country.  He went through the campaign in Virginia unhurt, up to the battle at 
    Fredericksburg.  On the 12th Dec., he was wounded in the thigh; amputation was resorted to, 
    but on the 27th he died from its effects.  He was a very affectionate and confiding child, the darling 
    of all his family.  Thus the monster has crushed the hopes of fond parents and loving sisters and 
    ushered him to the grave.  His father reached him a few moments after he died, and brought his 
    body to the home of his childhood where it now rests.
    Corp. John A. Johnson—On the battlefield near Goldsboro’ on the 17th ult., Corp. Johnson 
    sacrificed his life in his country’s cause.  At an early period in the war, he responded to Carolina’s 
    call and nobly stepped forward.  He was a member of Company E, 8th Regiment, and his 
    comrades bear testimony that as a soldier he discharged his duty well and faithfully.  He was a 
    native of Harnett Co., the son of Archibald and Nancy Johnson, in the 25th year of his age and 
    died where the true man dies, at his post of duty.
    Tribute of Respect paid at Carthage Lodge #181, A.Y.M. to their worthy brother Major John M. 
    Kelly, who was killed at the Battle of Fredericksburg, the 13th Dec.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In hospital at Goldsboro’ on the 8th inst., Private Albert O. Smith of Co. B, 51st (?) 61st (?) 
    Regiment of a wound received in the battle near the Neuse River Bridge.
    At Reed’s Hospital, Lynchburg, Va., 2nd inst., of typhoid pneumonia, Willie Williamson, Jr., aged 
    19 years, of Wayne Co., Company D, 4th Regiment.
    At Camp Lamb, near Wilmington, Joseph H. Knowles, of Co. A, 1st Regiment.
    Fell on the battlefield at Neuse River Bridge on the 17th December, Charles Carver, Company I, 
    51st Regiment N.C.T.  He was a faithful soldier, and was beloved by all who knew him.  We can 
    truly say that his comrades have lost a devoted friend and the Confederacy a brave defender.
    At the 1st N.C. Hospital, Petersburg, 10th inst., Isaac N. Johnson of Chatham Co., and a private 
    in Co. E, 26th Regiment N.C.T.  The deceased had just attained his 18th year and without waiting 
    to be enrolled he went at once to camp to join with his friends and associates in beating back the 
    invaders of our soil.  After a very fatiguing march in eastern N.C., he was taken with measles.  
    The exposure to which he was subjected brought on typhoid fever, which proved fatal.  He was a 
    noble youth, in the bloom of life, the idol of his parents and relations.  Though he had been in 
    camp but a short time, by his mild demeanor and uniform walk, he had won for himself the esteem 
    and respect of all.
    Died, at the hospital in Richmond, Va., 4th Dec., of typhoid fever, John J. Brame, Co. E, 34th 
    Regiment, in the 19th year of his age.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    On the 8th inst., at the hospital in Goldsboro’, of wounds received in the battle of Neuse River 
    Bridge, Albert O.(?) Smith, in the 21st year of his age, a volunteer from Sampson County, Co. B, 
    61st Regiment.
    Killed in the battle near Fredericksburg, 13th Dec., Corp. William B. Holton, Company G, 28th 
    Regiment, aged 18, of Orange Co.
    Killed in the battle near Fredericksburg, 13th December, William S. Fincher, aged 27, a native of 
    Union Co., Co. F, 35th Regiment.
    At the hospital in Richmond, 1st inst., Lt. Locke Cashford(?-C ---ford) of Co. A, 57th Regiment, of 
    Rowan County, aged 23.
    Killed in the battle of Fredericksburg, 13th December, Capt. A.A. Miller of Rowan Co.  His wife 
    died at home on the 18th September.
    Of pulmonary affection, Milo G. Todd, Jan. 3, aged about 28, a volunteer in our army since the 
    14th May, 1861.
    At Lynchburg, Va., at Chambers Hospital, Jan. 8, of consumption, Corp. Jos. F. Bell, a member 
    of the R - - - as Artillery, aged nearly 30 years.
    In Forsythe Co., on the 11th ult., John P. Shultz, aged 25(?).  He died of a wound received on the 
    1st July in the battles around Richmond.
    At Camp Winder Hospital, Richmond, Nov. 4, William G. Jones of Henderson Co., of Captain 
    Edney’s company.  He was in the Richmond battles.
    In the General Hospital, Richmond, Erastus Shepherd of Captain Shipp’s Company, from 
    Henderson Co., in the 23rd year of his age.
    In the hospital at Staunton, Va., 12th Dec., James R. Stephenson, aged 31 years, a private of Co. 
    H, 30th Regiment.
    On the 9th Jan., at Rocky Mount, of congestion of the brain, H.D. Griffin, 1st Lt. of Co. B, 47th 
    Regiment of Franklin Co.
    In Cleaveland Co., 10th Nov., H. Williams, in the 29th year of his age, of Capt. S.A. Hoey’s 
    At the hospital in Richmond, about the 1st Jan., Sgt. John S. Lindsay of Company A, 5th N.C.T.; 
    an efficient and brave soldier and a conscientious Christian, he merited and possessed the esteem 
    of his officers and comrades. 
    At the Light House Battery, New Hanover Co., 14th Dec., Joseph Hill Thomas, aged 28.
    At Howard’s Grove Hospital, Richmond, 8th July, of a wound received at the battle of Malvern Hill, 
    William R. White, aged 21, of Cabarrus Co., a member of Co. A, 29th Regiment.
    At Mt. Jackson, Va., 11th Oct., F.O. White, aged 16, of Cabarrus Co., a private in Co. A, 20th 
    At Ft. Caswell, Sherwood  Wescot, Francis M. Clemmons  and Wm. N. Huffman, Co. G, 35th 
    In Clinton, N.C., on the 26th Dec., George H. Draughon, only son of G.W. Draghon, in the 20th 
    year of his age, a member of Co. A, 30th Regiment N.C.T., and one among the first volunteers in 
    our struggle for independence.  Having encountered the dangers and toils of the battles of 
    Mechanicsville, Coal Harbor and Malvern Hill, around Richmond, the tedious march from 
    Richmond to Maryland and there undergoing the labor and hardships of a soldier’s life in the battles 
    of South Mountain and Sharpsburg, without a single blemish to his person or character, he was at 
    last fallen a victim to disease so usually contracted in camp and now sleeps in a quiet grave.  As 
    a son he was dutiful and respectful, as a brother he was kind and affectionate, as a soldier he 
    was gallant and brave and his death will ever be lamented by his comrades and friends.  C.
    Edward Molver, a private in Company H, (Moore co. Rifles) 30th Regiment N.C.T., departed this 
    life at Fort Royal, Va., on the 13th Dec., aged 24 years, 22 days.  In May last, he offered himself 
    a willing sacrifice to his country’s call and in a few short weeks he was engaged with the enemy 
    in the hard fought battles around Richmond, and in quick succession the battles of Manassas and
    Sharpsburg, in all of which he made himself useful in driving back the foe.  In all the varied duties 
    assigned him in camp or upon the battlefield he rendered a cheerful obedience, and was not found 
    faltering or wanting at his post.  But, alas!  He is no more. Another gallant soldier has fallen from 
    our ranks, and his company mourns the loss of one of its bravest men.  He was ministered to by 
    a skillful N.C. physician and had the attentions of a particular friend and near neighbor, who stayed 
    with him until his days were numbered and followed him to a cedar tree in Academy square, that
    marks his last resting place.  But oh!  How consoling to his widowed mother and sisters must be 
    the thought that he died a Christian.  He was the only stay and support of an aged mother and 
    three sisters.  His dying words were:  “Tell them to meet me in Heaven is  my last prayer.”  Thus 
    he died calmly and quietly from this tenement of clay and his spirit winged its way to God who 
    gave it.
    Buffalo, Moore Co., N.C.
    Gilopolis, N.C., January 5, 1863
    Messrs. E.J. Hale & Sons
    Messrs:  You will herewith find a list of Confederate soldiers and officers who died and were decently 
    interred in the cemetery at Frederick, Maryland a publication of which might relieve to some extent 
    the anxiety in the minds of perhaps many relatives and friends.
    Names and date of interments in the month of September:
    Sept. 16:  John Register, Alabama; 10th, J.M. Hill, Co. E, 14th N.C.; 10th, C.N. Daniel, E, 19th Ga.; 
    12th, Richard Smith, E, 14th S.C.; 21st Charles Trubick, and 23rd, Wm. R. With a(?), F, 50th Ga.; 
    J.J. McGahery, Providence, Ala.; 23rd, Barney Castle, North Ga.; 23rd, Capt. Jno. R. Stren(?) and 
    C. Churchill, 58th Ga.; 23rd, Alfred Miller, K, 4th N.C.; 24th, David F. Rooker, 5th N.C.; 24th 
    Emanuel Shuman and 25th, Andrew Shuman, 50th Ga.; 25th, Alex Porter, 12th Ala.; 26th, J.A. 
    Davis, I, 3rd Ala.; 26th, Jno Myrick, 17th Carolina; 26th, Raisin (last name illegible) C. Ala.; 26th, 
    Lt. Col. ------- S. Watkins, 22nd S.C.;27th Sgt. Alex Raper, H, 12th Ala.; M. Easleas, E, 22nd S.C.; 
    27th J.P. Horne, C, 3rd N.C.; 27th, Emanuel Roberts, E, 10th La.; 27th, Jacob Hicks, F, 21st N.C.; 
    27th, James Sainer(?), F, 51st Ga.; 27th, David Sloan, F, 50th (?) Ga.; 27th, Wm. P. Hunt, B, 12th 
    N.C.; 28th, J.S. Robertson, H, 26th Ala; 28th, Otheo Fransok, F, 50th (?)Ga; 28th, Jas. Budd, K. 
    Holcombe’s Legion; 28th, H.W. Crumbly, C, 5th Ala.; 30th, D.E.M. Penn, 22nd S.C.; 30th, Baxter 
    Smith, K. 8th Fl.; 26th, J.H. Hamerick, 6th Ala.
    Interments in the month of October:
    1st, John Sidtz(?), F, 7th S.C.; F.M. Tuck, C, 7th S.C.; S.J. Jones, A, 6th Ala.; Wm. S. Legrist, 
    G, 9th Ala.; A.C. Griffin, B, 31st S.C.; Solomon Tebyville, E, 1st S.C.; Charles R. Bartley, B, 12th 
    2nd, J.C. Young, H, 18th S.C.; R. Stuart, 14th N.C.; Ambrose Blanter, G, 15th S.C.; Manning G - - 
    bot, G, 50th Ga.; G.R. Roberts, 13th Miss.
    3rd, Henry Miller, C, 3rd Md.; Charles G. Williams, 8thh La.; Jno. Michaelde, E, 12th Ala.; A.D. 
    Collins, H, 17th S.C.; Lt. Col. S.P. Butler, 11th Miss.
    4th, Jos. Stuart, E, 3rd S.C.; Jos. Jernigan, S.C.
    5th, Wm. Hill, A, 21st Ala.; Benjamin Stembridge, G, 5th Ga.; Jas. McGee, H, 1st N.C.
    6th, Jas. M. Johns, G, 5th Fla.; A.D. Kelly, 26th Ala.; N.J. Nicks, F, 50th Ga.; Alfred Green, C, 
    33rd N.C.; Samuel Stegel; Miles Mask, A, 23rd N.C.
    7th, Wm. J. Coleman, G, 60th Ga.; Wm. Edson, A, 30th Ga.; Wm. McLeod, E, 61st Ga.; David 
    Jones, E, 51st Ga.
    8th, Daniel Bird, C, 5th N.C.; Evan T. Shiver, A, 35th N.C.
    9th, Robert Harris, C, 2nd Miss.; F.C .Hernicle, D, 16th Miss.; Jno. M. Harper, H. 2nd Fla.
    10th, Berry Bangston, D, 6th Ga.; H. Monk, A, 24th N.C.
    11th, J.H. Hargrove, D, 12th N.C.; J.L. Evins, B, 51st Ga.; E.A. Moore, D, 6th Ga.; J.A. Bowers, I, 
    15th S.C.; Adj’t. J.W. Pentz, 13th Ala.; Jno. R. Mayson, K, 22nd S.C.
    12th, J.F. Nickles, I, 3rd Ala.; Samuel Jackson, H, 49th Ga.; Jno. Levert, B, 51st Ga.
    13th, R.Y. Hestely, G, 12th Ala; Jno. Brooks, E, 18th Ga.; Jno Wallace, G, S.C.
    14th, Lt. Wm. T. Gill, D, 30th N.C.; Allen F. Denning, D, 13th Ga.; Sgt. Wyatt S. Miles, 3rd Ark.
    15th, Albert Womack, G, 48th N.C.; Wm. F. Biggs, K, 2nd Miss.; J.P. Cavenaugh, I, 17th S.C.
    16th, Wm. J. Walter, G, 23rd Carolina; Wm. P. West, K, 51st Ga.; Jas. Landron, E, 6th Ga.; Jno. 
    A. Michelis, 27th Ga.
    17th, A.W. Pearich, F, 4th Ga.; Jas. Ray, 3rd N.C.; Peter Box, 26th Ga.; J.B. Colmer, G, 27th Ga.
    18th, Corp. C.W. Myers, B, 14th N.C.; Allen Jones, D, 18th Ga.
    19th, Corp. Marks Henry, B, 23rd N.C.; J.R. White, H. 8th Fla.
    20th, Lt. Benjamin A. Anderson, D, 19th Va.; (first name not shown) Fetske, I, 12th Al.; B.M. 
    Stedman, G, 48th N.C.; Thomas Bryant, B, 14th N.C.
    21st, George Knupp, 7th Va. Cavalry
    22nd, Nat Perry, F, 22nd N.C.; Jno. Murphy, E, 27th Ga.
    25th, Jas. H. Hicklin, 6th S.C. (died of small pox), Peter Wimbish, I, 25th Va.; Wm. Hartley, C, 
    6th Ga.
    26th, Jno. C. Davis, D, 3rd Fl.; George H. Cowan, K, 3rd N.C.
    27th, E. Adams, 3rd Ark.; Wm. P. Hambey, C, 22nd S.C.; Wyatt H. McPherson, I, 50th(?) Ga.
    28th, J.B. Grantham, G, 6th Fl.; J.L. Moss, G, 61st Ga.; G.S. Eason, H, 15th (?) Al.; Jno. Hawkins, 
    A, 38th Ga.; Bernard L. Young, 23rd Ga.; Dr. McKay, S.C.
    The above is a correct list, being obtained through the influence of some kind and patriotic ladies 
    of Frederick City, from the Register at the Cemetery.  Thousands of ladies of Maryland will long be 
    remembered for their kindness to the sick and wounded Rebels.  Too much cannot be said in their 
    R. Lilly
    Captain and A.C.S., 14th N.C.T.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 26, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Richmond, 22nd inst., suddenly, James Jordan, of co. C, 23rd Regiment.
    In hospital at Richmond, 16th Oct., of typhoid pneumonia, Neill A. Jones, 22 years and 28 days, 
    of Co. I, 24th Regiment, Johnston Co.
    In Wilmington, Corp. R.T. Brogden and Privates Sterling Pate, Elias Pate, William Churchwell and 
    Jno. E. Overby, of Co. F, 10th Regiment.
    Killed, in the battle near Kinston on the 14th ult., George W. Gee, a private in “Starr’s Light 
    Artillery”.  The deceased was formerly a member of the Independent company of this place and 
    served with that company on the Peninsula.  He was beloved by his officers and his comrades.  
    He merited their esteem, for no man was more cheerful under the privations or more willing to 
    perform every duty enjoined.  He fell nobly at his post.  In the language of one of his companions, 
    on that occasion, “his bravery was not reckless, but cool and determined, being the last man to 
    leave the gun.”  His social qualities were no less distinguished than his bravery on the field.  His 
    kindness to the sick among his associates marked him as one always to be sought when affliction 
    came.  True he leaves no father, no mother, no wife or child to mourn for him, but he has left, one 
    whose grief time itself can never assuage, that one is an only sister.  May God comfort her.
    Died, at the General Hospital #25, in Richmond, Va., of pneumonia, E.H. Birkhead, son of S.D. 
    and M.M. Birkhead of Randolph Co., N.C. The deceased was a member of Company (it does not 
    say, just a blank space), 46th Co. N.C.T., and in the 20th year of his age.  When the contest 
    between the North and South began in earnest, he testified his devotion to his native state and his 
    affection for a kind father and loving mother and sisters by hastening to meet the invader, and at 
    Sharpsburg and many other fields he proved that he “knew his country’s rights, and knowing, 
    dared maintain.”  Peaceful be his silent slumber.
    In hospital at Staunton, Va., Nov. 15, J.A.S. Barker of Co. A, 4th Regiment.
    At Fredericksburg, 14th December, Milton R. Robeson, aged 22.  He had been in the army since 
    May, 1861 and was in the battle of Sharpsburg and was mortally wounded at Fredericksburg.
    On the 30th Oct., of small pox, Wm. F. Beasley, of the Granville Stars, 23rd Regiment.
    At Sharpsburg, Md., 25th Sept., of wounds received during the battle of the 17th, Wm. J. Amis, 
    of Granville Co., in his 21st year.
    On the 29th June, from the effects of a wound received in one of the battles near Richmond, on the 
    27th, William D. White, Co. D, 34th Regiment, aged 23.
    At camp near Fredericksburg, 10th Jan., of a congestive Chill, in his 23rd year, Junius J. Pharr, 
    son of the late Rev. N.H. Pharr, a private in Co. F, 57th Regiment
    At the infirmary near Fredericksburg, Dec. 19, of a wound received on the 13th, Sgt. A.P. 
    McKinnon, 24, a citizen of Robeson Co., and a member of Co. G, 24th Regiment.
    On the 14th Dec., of wounds received in the battle of Fredericksburg, Lt. W.W. Cloninger of Co. 
    B, 28th Regiment from Gaston Co.
    In the hospital at Camp Wyatt, Jan. 28, Sgt. Thomas B. Latham.
    At Richmond, James P. Lance, one of the wounded at Sharpsburg.
    In Smithfield, Jan. 5, Thomas Beckwith, Esq., in the 38th year of his age.  He belonged to the 
    24th Regiment and died of disease contracted by exposure and hardships of the campaigns in 
    western Virginia in the fall and winter of 1861.
    In Lynchburg, Va., 24th ult., of small pox, John Pennington, of Capt. Turner’s Company, 7th 
    In Mecklenburg Co., 24th ult., of typhoid fever, Robert a. Ross, aged 40, Company H, 11th Regiment.
    In Bellevue Hospital, near Richmond, 27th Dec., Lt. R.H. Stitt, Co. A, 48th Regiment, in the 32nd 
    year of his life.
    In Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, 7th January, J. Cowan Phifer, in his 23rd year, N.C.T., of 
    Rowan Co.
    Near Weldon, 26th Jan., of typhoid fever, Dr. Wm. L. Johnston, Quarter Master of the 45th N.C.T.
    At Ft. Caswell, 23rd ult., of small pox, J.J. Hux and H.H. Carlile of Capt. S.B. Hunter’s Co. (F), 
    36th N.C.T.
    At the Chimborzo Hospital, Richmond, Jan. 16, Jesse M. Watkins, private, Company B, 1st 
    Regiment N.C.T., Wilkes Valley Guards.
    In Raleigh, 21st ult., aged 24, Thomas P. Chisman, Jr., of the Oak City Guards, Co. E, 14th 
    In hospital at Goldsboro’, Dec. 18, of a wound received the day before in the battle of ten Neuse 
    River Bridge, W.K. Martin, Private, Company E, 52nd Regiment N.C.T, a promising and gallant 
    boy of 17.
    In hospital at Goldsboro’ Dec. 19, of a wound received on the 17th in the battle of the Neuse River 
    Bridge, Isham H. Johnson, Private, Company E, 52nd Regiment.
    Jan. 23, in the hospital at Wilson, N.C., James Thomas, private of Co. E, 52nd Regiment.
    At Camp Whiting, Jan. 28, of typhoid fever, Sgt. J. Winston Liles of Co. B, (Captain Lindsey’s 
    from Anson), 31st Regiment N.C.T., aged 24.  A brave and gallant soldier, a kind, amiable, 
    intelligent, honorable and good man.
    Died, in Moore Co., at the residence of Dr. Daniel Johnson, on the 28th ult., Daniel C. Johnson in 
    his 28th year.  He was a member of Co. A, 5th  Reg’t., N.C.T.  He was among the first to respond 
    to the call of his country, which he served faithfully until his health failed him and he returned home 
    to recruit, but alas!  Too late, only to breathe his last among his friends and relatives.  He left one 
    brother and three affectionate sisters and many other relatives and friends to mourn their loss.
    Died, on the 28th ult., very suddenly, at Camp Whiting near Wilmington, N.C., David W. Johnson 
    a member of Co. I, 31st N.C.R.  Kind, unassuming, brave, modest to a fault, the army may boast 
    of as good but not of a more faithful soldier.  Naturally of a strong constitution, his power of 
    endurance on the march, and his bravery and coolness in time of conflict, justly excited the 
    generous applause of his immediate comrades in arms.  From the time of his enlistment in Oct., 
    1861 to the day of his death, he was never upon the “sick list” and never known to murmur on 
    account of any duty assigned him; and even on the morning of his death he came out from his tent 
    with a scorching fever upon him and boldly answered to his name at reveille.  When this wicked 
    war shall have ended and fame shall have done justice to the names of those who have fallen in 
    their country’s service, none will stand more prominently forward for bravery, devotion to the cause, 
    and faithfulness than that of David W. Johnson.
    Died, at Lynchburg of small pox, on the 2nd Jan., William W. Cogdell, a private in Co. I, 20th 
    Regiment, N.C.T. (Capt. D.J. Devane), aged 34 years, 7 months and 29 days.  He leaves a 
    widow, two children and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.  We hope their loss is his 
    eternal gain.
    Died, at Winchester, Va., Nov. 5, after an illness of four weeks, Benjamin R. Webb, Co. E, 28th 
    Reg’t., N.C.T. from Richmond Co., aged about 25.  He leaves an aged father and step mother, 
    and two brothers and two sisters and many friends to mourn the loss of one dearly beloved; but 
    they have no reason to doubt that he is gone to rest where all who love and serve God will meet 
    to part no more.  He had been in the army 18 months and was much beloved by his companions 
    in arms.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 9, 1863
    Lines on the death of Sidney Henderson, of the 63rd Regiment, N.C.T. (Captain McClenahan’s Co.) 
    who died in the hospital at Garysburg, N.C. Dec. 30.
    Far from kindred and home he died,
    In manhood’s bright and early bloom;
    Of all he loved, the joy and pride,
    But they have laid him in the tomb.
    No father’s voice was near to bless
    His darling youthful son;
    No sister’s there to wipe his weeping eye,
    For him, their loved and dying one.
    Yet a gentle friend kindly kept
    Vigils over him night and day;
    While he waked and while he slept,
    He never was away.
    For words of cheer and kindness spoken,
    He will ever remembered be,
    By those whose hearts alas were broken,
    By this sad calamity.
    From friends, for him, ‘twas hard to part,
    Yet eager to his country’s call—
    Prompt in duty, kind at heart—
    He was dearly loved by all.
    You miss him from your home, dear one,
    You miss him from thy place,
    Oh! Life will be so dark without
    The sunshine of his face!
    No more you’ll wait at eve’s sweet hour,
    When the stars begin to burn,
    No long linger in the door,
    To welcome Sidney return.
    You cannot hear the coming step,
    No long list through all the hours—
    The wind’s low voice you only hear
    That murmurs through the flowers.
    His voice you’ll hear on earth no more,
    He’s gone to join the angel band,
    On Canaan’s happy shore.
    Neill, January 27, 1863
    Died, of typhoid fever, at the General Hospital, Wilmington, N.C., on the 29th Jan., Private William 
    Averitt, of Co. I, 51st Regiment, N.C.T.  The noble youth was one of the first volunteers who came 
    out to aid in our great struggle of independence.  He served as a private in the 24th N.C.T. for a few 
    months but disability caused him to be discharged, and he returned home where he remained until 
    his heath was somewhat improved.  He then came out willingly to share in the privations of camp 
    life with his comrades and friends.  He leaves a devoted father and affectionate mother, brothers 
    and sisters to mourn their loss.  
    Died, Nov. 9, on a march near Strasburg, Va., Hartwell S. Pool, Co. H, 14th Regiment N.C.T., son 
    of John S. and Nancy Pool, of Montgomery Co., N.C.  In this death the parents are bereaved of an 
    only son; three little babes are left fatherless, with a young widowed mother, to mourn the loss of 
    an affectionate son, a kind father and a loving husband.
    Died, at Camp Winder, Richmond, Va., Dec. 18, A.M. Leach of Co. E, 28th Reg’t. N.C.T., son of 
    Edwin and Margaret Leach of Montgomery Co., N.C.  The subject of this notice was among the 
    first to heed the call of his country and participated in the Battle of Hanover Ct. House and before 
    Richmond; and then fell a victim to disease.  So a good soldier and son has died.
    Died, Sept. 2, in the Banner Hospital, Richmond, Va., Atlas Pool of Co. H, 14th Regiment N.C.T., 
    son of Miles and Charity Pool of Montgomery Co., N.C.  The deceased was a young man of good 
    qualities, loved and respected by all that knew him; leaving a father and mother, and many friends 
    to mourn their irreparable loss, hoping that their loss is his everlasting gain.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 16, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    Jan. 1, in the hospital at Scottville, Va., from the effects of a wound received in the Fredericksburg 
    battle on the 13th Dec., James A. Houston, Co. A, 57th Regiment in the 32nd year of his age, a 
    citizen of Rowan Co.
    Near Gordonville, Va., 18th Nov., Allen E. McDonald, in the 26th year of his age, of Capt. Kelly’s 
    Co., 35th Regiment, and was in the battle of Newburn, below Richmond, Malvern Hill, Reduction 
    of Harper’s Ferry, and Sharpsburg.
    At Danville, Va., 14th ult., Daniel C. McDonald, in the 20th year of his age, a member of Capt. 
    Horne’s Co., 3rd Regiment, and was in the battle of Sharpsburg.
    Killed in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., William B. McKay, of Co. D, 61st Ga. Volunteers, a 
    native of Richmond Co., N.C.
    In Richmond, 1st inst., Capt. W. Washington Chenault, of the 49th Regiment N.C.V., aged 25 
    At the hospital in Raleigh, about the 10th Sept., of measles, Joseph W. Emerson of Chatham Co., 
    in the 25th year of his age, a private in Capt. White’s Company, 56th Regiment.
    At the Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Jan. 16, Jesse M. Watkins, private in Co. C, 48th Regiment.
    In Chimborazo Hospital, 14th Dec., William A. Collins, in the 22nd year of his age, a volunteer in 
    Co. C, 48th Regiment.
    At Garysburg, Dec. 9, of pneumonia, Joshua Horn, of Co. C, 63rd Regiment.
    At Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Jan. 16, Jesse M. Watkins of Co. B, 1st Regiment.
    In Wilmington on the 27th ult., David F. Croom, aged 21, of Capt. Taylor’s Co., stationed near 
    In Transylvania Co., Jan. 20, A.R. Lyon, aged 20, Co. E, 25th Regiment.
    On the battlefield near Fredericksburg, 13th Dec., Sgt. J.W. Luther, a native of Randolph co., N.C., 
    aged 26 years, 5 months, Co. L, 22nd Regiment.
    Co. E, 61st Regiment, has adopted resolutions of respect for the following members who have died, 
    viz.:  Sgt. Major Hill, who fell on the battlefield at Kinston, Dec.14; J.J. Wadsworth, who died in the 
    hospital at Greenville, Moses Spivey at the Wilson Hospital, R.L. Suggs at the Raleigh Hospital, 
    E.R. Rutledge and R.M. Moore, in the hospital at Goldsboro.
    At the hospital in Staunton, Va., on the 7th Dec. last, Alexander C. McMillan, of Robeson Co., 
    about 27, a member of Co. C, 7th Regiment.  He had been ill for nearly three months at Winchester 
    and Staunton of erysipelas and chronic diarrhea.  The physician who attended him in his last
    moments writes to his afflicted family, that he “was conscious that life was fast ebbing out, but as 
    a follower of the meek and lowly Savior, he bore his affliction with much fortitude.”
    Capt. Robert Duvall died in Raleigh on the 4th inst., aged 45 years.  He was born in the county of 
    Iredell, N.C., and graduated at the Naval School at Annapolis being number seven in his class.  
    He was commissioned as Midshipman in 1841.  He served in the Mediterranean and Pacific 
    squadrons and was under Commodore Stockton during the Mexican War, and was in command as
     a volunteer of a portion of the American forces in the battle of Los Angelos and San Gabriel.  At the 
    commencement of the present war, he fitted out and commanded the navel steamer Beaufort and 
    fought most gallantly the first naval battle of the war, on the 21st July, 1861 in the waters of N.C.  
    His only full brother, A.S. Duvall, died from the effects of wounds received at Monterey and Cerro 
    Gordo; and one of his half brothers, Adjutant Cowles, was killed while gloriously leading the charge 
    of the 38th N.C. at the battle of Mechanicsville.  The deceased was a step son of Josiah Cowles, 
    Esq., of Yadkin.  He had been unfitted for service for the last year or so, by an incurable disease.  
    Capt. Duvall was a chivalrous, generous, high toned gentleman and leaves many friends to deplore 
    his death. Raleigh Standard
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 23, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In the hospital at Goldsboro’ on the 25th Dec., Elias Fields, 24, a member of Co. D, Capt. Ramsay, 
    63rd Regiment of Chatham Co.
    In the hospital at Petersburg, 17th Jan., Sgt. S.A. Heath of Co. K, 27th Regiment, of Wayne Co., 
    aged 22.
    On the 14th Dec., of a wound received at the battle of Fredericksburg, Munroe Gray of the 33rd 
    Regiment, aged 30.
    In Moore’s Hospital, Richmond, J.W. Yates, in the 24th year of his age, a member of Captain C.C. 
    Cole’s company, 22nd Regiment.
    At Camp Holmes, near Raleigh, A.F. Watson.
    At Camp Carter, east Tennessee, W.L. Kitchens, Co. E, 62nd Regiment, in the 19 year of his age.
    At Morristown, Tenn., Dec. 23, George C. Cassada, 19, of the 29th Regiment, from Buncombe Co.
    Of measles at Strawberry Plains, Tenn., 25 Dec., Green C. Hall, 26, private in Co. C, Thomas’ 
    At Guinea Station, Va., 10th Jan., of small pox, Corp. John S. Blank, Co. K, 30th Regiment, of 
    Mecklenburg Co.
    At Guinea Station, Va., 27th ult., Owen Lee, 34th Regiment, from Cleveland Co.
    At Camp Lamb, Lt. J.C. Higgins and his brother H.C. Higgins, of Co. I, 61st Regiment.
    In General Hospital, Richmond, 18th Jan., of wounds received at the Battle of Fredericksburg, 
    Edwin F. Lasley, aged 21.
    The Cape Fear Artillery publish resolutions of respect for the memory of A.B. Broughton, John 
    Nichols, R.J. Price and Dixon Burton, who have died, when or where, not stated.
    In camp near Magnolia, 7th inst., David Norwood of Wake Co.
    At Petersburg, 7th Jan., Dr. C.F. Robinson, Assistant Surgeon, 2nd N.C. Battalion.
    At Goldsboro’ 13th inst., of pneumonia, William H. Williams, of Wilmington, aged 19, of Capt. 
    Bunting’s Artillery.
    At Smithville, N.C., Feb. 6, of small pox, Private P.C. Milliken, of Co. K, 36th Regiment.
    At Camp Whiting, near Wilmington, of bronchitis, Sgt. William A. Brown, 8th Regiment, aged 26.
    In hospital at Front Royal, Va., 20th Nov., Phillip S. Becker, Co. C, 49th Regiment.
    In hospital at White Sulphur Springs, Va., 5th Dec., of typhoid pneumonia, JohnN. Gillean, Co. C, 
    49th Regiment.
    In Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, in December, James F. Ments, Co. C, 49th Regiment.
    Marshall L. White, Co. F, (Capt. Barringer), 1st N.C. Cavalry, fell in the desperate charge at Willis’ 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 23, 1863
    Died, on the 19th Sept., from the effects of a wound received in the battle of Sharpsburg, John L. 
    McNeill of Co. G, 24th Regiment N.C.T.  Although six months has passed since his noble and 
    generous spirit took its flight from earth, yet the wound is still fresh in the hearts of friends and 
    neighbors and relatives.  He is but one of many thousands who, leaving home and friends, 
    immolated themselves upon the altar of their bleeding country.  Affable and generous in his 
    manners, of a kind and forgiving disposition, he was the pride of his parents and the favorite of 
    all who knew him.  On the banks of a little stream that winds its way into the Potomac, we 
    buried him.  Gently and silently we laid him in a hastily made grave, and with bursting hearts 
    and unutterable anguish we saw the earth close over him, who but a few hours before was in 
    all the strength of manhood.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In hospital at Petersburg, F.A. Blanton of the 28th Regiment.
    Near Fredericksburg, on the 2nd inst., in the 20th year of his age, of wounds received in the great 
    battle of the 13th Dec. last, Orderly Sgt. John W. Norwood, son of James H. Norwood, deceased.
    In Howard Grove hospital, Richmond, 7th Dec., of small pox, Mason Tarpley, aged about 32, a 
    member of Capt. Albright’s company, 57th Regiment.
    In hospital at Wilmington on the 20th Jan., of typhoid fever, Aaron M. Davis, and on the 6th inst., 
    Hardy Davis, Co. H, 37th Regiment.
    Capt Wilson D. Moore died in a camp near Goldsboro’ on the 6th inst., from the effects of a 
    vaccination, after a confinement of 19 days.  He was of Co. E, 4th Regiment, from Rockingham Co.
    The following is a list of the deaths which have occurred in Captain J.O.A. Kelly’s Co. (F, 50th 
    Regiment) since the 20th July last.  They were all privates.
    Died, in the hospital at Petersburg, Va.:
    William Pipkin, July 24, 1862.
    Thomas C. Cox, August 6
    Jno. L. Lashly, August 9
    A.J. McNeill, August 10
    Hugh McLean, Sept. 8
    C.E. Stewart died in camp near Goldsboro’, Feb. 3, 1863
    Louis Heron died near Mosely Hall, Feb. 6.
    Died, in Sampson Co., at his father’s residence, John R. Strickland, a private in the 20th N.C. 
    Regiment, He volunteered at the commencement of the war and was in the fight before Richmond 
    and on to Maryland, where he was taken sick with chronic diarrhea and pneumonia from the 
    effects of which he could not recover.  He was a worthy young man, 24 years old and was liked 
    by all who knew him.  He leaves a father and mother, brothers and sisters to mourn his loss.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 2, 1863
    Killed at the battle of Elkhorn, Missouri, Nathaniel Lawhon, sergeant in Captain Hart’s company 
    from Arkansas.  The subject of this brief notice was born and raised in Moore Co., N.C. of 
    respectable parentage.  The vivacity of youth was tempered by the influence of that religion which 
    he embraced at an early age.  Allured by the glittering prospect of usefulness and honor in the 
    distant west, he left the home of his childhood and the friends of his youth with emotions too big 
    for utterance; but trusting to the future, so full of hope and promise to him, he went forth and 
    fulfilled the injunction “let all the ends thou aimest at, be thy God’s, thy Country’s and Truth.”  In 
    a letter written from Boonsboro’, Arkansas May 18, 1861, to his mother and sister he says “I have 
    joined a volunteer company.  We leave next Monday, bound for Kansas; I would rather my blood 
    should drench southern soil than to see it trampled on by abolitionists and foreigners.”  Again he 
    wrote on the 5th September, 1861:  “We have had one battle, four skirmishes and five or six runs 
    after the abolitionists.”  After giving a description of the terrible battle of Oak Hill, he said:  “I am 
    going on in the army until peace is made, or death removes me.  Do not be troubled about me, if 
    I died in the cause of my country, I would never die a more honorable death.”  Soon after writing 
    this, he offered up his life upon the altar of his country at the memorable battle of Elkhorn.  One 
    of his comrades, in speaking of him, says, “Poor Natt, I knew him well; I caught him as he fell, 
    he died instantly; he was a gallant fellow, fighting like a tiger.”  Thus ended the life of one, around 
    whom clustered so many fond hopes.  The blow falls heavily upon his parents, he being the 
    second son who has fallen in the present war.  
    Carthage, Jan. 28, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At his home in Harnett Co., on the 8th Feb., Pvt. Daniel Smith, in the 44th year of his age.  He was 
    a member of Co. K, J. Braddy’s Company, 36th Regiment.  He was much beloved by all who knew 
    him.  His family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole company.
    At Fort Fisher, on the morning of the 16th Feb., Pte. Enoch Ellis of Robeson Co., in the 24th year 
    of his age.  He was a member of Capt. K.J. Braddy’s Company, 36th Regiment.  He was one of its 
    worthiest members, much esteemed by all who knew him.
    At the residence of his father, in Richmond Co., on the 12th inst., Sgt. James W. Long, a member 
    of Co. D, 23rd Regiment, aged 28 years, 7 months.
    In Richmond, 11th November, Asa Brown, aged about 27 years, a member of the Orange Guards, 
    co. G, 27th Regiment.
    Near Fredericksburg, 19th Jan., David H. Correll, of Rowan Co., in the 21st year of his age, of Capt. 
    W.M. Clement’s Company, 10th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry.
    In Charlottesville, Va., 13th Jan., of typhoid pneumonia, Jas. L. Steadman, of Henderson Co., a 
    member of Co. G, 35th Regiment.
    Killed by the falling of a tree in his 23rd year, Captain Shelton Hebgood, of Company D, 12th 
    In the Small Pox Hospital at Danville, Va., Dr. Latney J. Montague of Granville Co., a member of 
    Co. G, 23rd Regiment. 
    Near Granada, Miss., 24th Dec., in the 22nd year of his age, Jacob Fisk, of Co. E, 1st Regiment 
    Tennessee Cavalry; and in one of the battles before Richmond, William Wiley, of the 14th N.C. 
    Regiment, sons of Rev. J.S. Weaver of North Carolina.
    In hospital at Murfreesboro’, Tenn., 28th Dec., Sgt. E.M. Roberts, in his 28th year, of the 60th 
    Regiment, from Buncombe Co.
    In hospital at Richmond, Va., 8th July, of a wound received on the 1st, Columbus V. Barnett, aged 
    26, of the 25th Regiment.
    In hospital at Tullahoma, Tenn., on the 6th Jan., John J. Dingler and about the 30th, Z.B. Blackwell, 
    member of Co. A, 60th Regiment.
    In hospital at Murfreesboro’, Tenn., Dec. 14, Thomas Parker, aged 36, and on the 15th, John 
    Plemmons, aged 24, members of the 60th Regiment.
    In hospital near Richmond, July 11, of wounds, F.W. Jones, in his 23rd year, from Buncombe Co., 
    a member of Capt. Gudger’s Co., 14th Regiment.
    In Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, on the 13th Jan., Alfred N. Paul, Co. G, 27th Regiment.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 9, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In the hospital at Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 19, of disease contracted in camp, S.B. Gray of Company 
    A, 57th Regiment, in the 33rd year of his age.
    In Richmond, Feb. 9, from the effects of a wound received in the battle of Fredericksburg, Thomas 
    H. White, in the 35th year of his age, a private in Co. F, 57th Regiment.
    The Carolina Boys, Co. K, 38th Regiment, have adopted a tribute of respect to the following 
    deceased members, viz.:  James A. Snead, who died near the first of July, 1862, from a wound 
    received in the battle before Richmond, June 26; Lt. D.A. Black, Sept. 16, from wounds received 
    Aug. 30 at Manassas; Sgt. Alexander McLeod, Sept. 4, John L. Campbell, Sept. 9, Daniel Bay, 
    Nov. 4, H. McL. Campbell, Nov. 12, L. Ray, Nov. 18, D.A. McPhail, Dec. 19, Capt. A.M. Smith, 
    Feb. 10, F.B. Jones, Feb. 17, and Gilbert Ray, Feb., 1863 of disease.
    On the 12th inst., at his father’s residence near Rockingham, Richmond Co., Sgt. James W. 
    Long, aged 28 years, 5 months of Co. D (Capt. Cole’s), 23rd Regiment N.C.T.
    In Chambers Hospital, Lynchburg, Va., on the 20th ult., Sgt. Charles C. McKenzie, Co. F, 20th 
    Regiment N.C.T.  He was kind and generous and beloved both in private and military life.  He was 
    a member of the Baptist Church and leaves a father, mother, and young wife to mourn his loss but 
    in their grief they have the consolation in the hope that he has exchanged this world for one where 
    war is unknown and peace and contentment reign forever.
    Andrew Weir, a native of Scotland, was killed at the Neuse Bridge in December last.  He served in 
    the British army during the Crimean War and took part in the siege of Sevastopol.  He was a 
    member of Co. F, 1st N.C.T. during the Peninsular Campaign under Magruder, was taken prisoner 
    at Roanoke Island and when exchanged obtained a transfer from Capt. Murchison’s Company to 
    Starr’s Light Battery.  At Bethel, Roanoke Island, Kinston and Goldsboro’, he exhibited that 
    heroism which is ever characteristic of the Scottish soldier.  In that terrific fight at Neuse River 
    Bridge, while in the act of firing one of the guns, he was struck in the head by a canister and 
    killed instantly.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 16, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    E.T. Pate died in the hospital at Goldsboro’ of small pox, and Franklin Newell died at home near 
    Goldsboro’, members of Captain Bradbury’s Railroad Guards.
    On the 15th Feb., in the hospital at Lynchburg, Va., R.H. Whitlock, aged 32 years, from Yadkin Co.
    At the Medical College Hospital, Dec. 26, Private J.J. Loudon, Co. F, 34th Regiment, aged 19, 
    of Cleaveland Co.
    At Fort Strong, near Wilmington, Feb. 10, Joseph R. Heath, a member of the River Guards, aged 19.
    In Richmond, 10th ult., R.C. Hunter of Mecklenburg Co., a member of Company H, 35th Regiment.
    On the 7th inst., at the Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Thomas J. Causler of Lincoln Co., 
    formerly of the Bethel Regiment, but more recently of the 57th.
    Died, in the hospital at Wilson, N.C., Feb. 28, of typhoid pneumonia, Thomas J. Troutman, a private 
    in company I, (Capt. McCain’s of Stanly Co.), 52nd Regiment N.C.T., aged 19.  By the death of Mr. 
    Troutman, the Confederacy has lost a true soldier, and his parents a dutiful son.  He had been in 
    the service about eleven months previous to his death.  He was in the attack the 52nd Regiment 
    made upon the three gun boats in Blackwater River near Franklin, Va., the 1st Oct., 1862, and in 
    the battle near Goldsboro’, 17th Dec., following.  In these battles, he stood to his post nobly and 
    dauntlessly, and on all occasions, while in the service of his country, he was found at the post of 
    duty and honor.
    Tommie, rest!  Your warfare is o’er,
    The clash of arms you’ll hear no more;
    But in your silent tomb you lie
    Like all the good and brave who die.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
     On the 12th Dec., John E.S. Pharr, a private in Co. K, 57th Regiment.  He died in a hospital in 
    Richmond of typhoid pneumonia, in the 34th year of his age.
    At hospital in Richmond, 8th Jan., in the 24th year of his age, Capt. J.H. Sloan of the 57th Regiment.
    At the College Hospital in Goldsboro, of pneumonia and erysipelas, in the 22nd year of his age, 
    James Alexander, a member of the Orange Guards.
    In Warrenton on the 7th inst., Lt. Samuel M. Southerland of Co. C, 46th Regiment, in the 20th 
    year of his age.
    Of consumption, at his father’s residence in Johnston Co., 2nd inst., Capt. Ira T. Woodall, of Co. 
    I, 24th Regiment, in his 27th year.
    Mr. Smith, son of widow Jemima Smith, living 11 miles south of Raleigh, died on the 7th inst., of 
    small pox.  He was a soldier on furlough.
    At Goldsboro’, of pneumonia, W.H. Williams and J. P. Green of the Wilmington Horse Artillery.
    At the General Hospital, Wilmington, on the 1st inst., William Prince; and on the 10th inst., 
    Robert Rivenbark, privates in Co. C, 61st N.C.T.
    Savannah, March 7, 1863
    I have today attended the burial of Nathaniel McArthur, son of Neil McArthur of Cumberland Co., 
    N.C.  He died in the general hospital in this city and was in the 39th year of his age.  The 
    commencement of hostilities found Dr. Alexander a successful practitioner of dentistry in 
    Thomasville, Ga., where his exemplary Christian deportment made him respected by all who knew 
    him.  Heeding his country’s call for volunteers, he entered the ranks as a private in the 50th 
    Regiment of Georgia Volunteers and placed himself by the side of hundreds of others.  In this 
    honorable position, Dr. McArthur was found, cheerfully performing all the duties of the common 
    soldier, when he was detailed for duty at Apothecary in St. John’s hospital, a charity supported 
    by private contributions and in the care of ladies of the city.  From here he was transferred to the 
    position of Ward Master in the General Hospital.  Those who were present in his last illness and 
    dying moments can bear witness to that which will give his friends even a more abiding 
    consolation—that he died in the comfort of a reasonable, religious and holy hope of having made 
    his peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord.  The brigade of General Clingman having been 
    ordered here, by a kind Providence, Lt. McArthur of the 51st N.C. reached this city in time to see 
    his brother before he died.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At the Wayside Hospital, Florence, S.C., on the 6th inst., of erysipelas, Erin Cain, of Co. K, 51st
    Regiment, N.C.T.
    In Alamance Co., 12th August last, from a wound received in the Seven Days battles around 
    Richmond, Maurice Milton Harris of Chatham, a member of Co. G, 48th Regiment N.C.T, in the 
    28th year of his age.
    In Gordonsville, Va., Dec. 26, W.L. Headley, of Co. I, 37th Regiment, the only son of a fond mother.
    At Charleston, on the 8th inst., of typhoid fever, Sgt. George W. Barber of Wake Co., Co. D, 31st 
    Near Fredericksburg, Va., 17th Dec., John P. Martin, Co. D, 33rd Regiment.
    In one of the hospitals in Richmond on the 20th July, in the 28th year of his age, Lt. Samuel H. 
    Douglas, of Co. D, 34th Regiment.
    In Georgia, of chronic diarrhea, 13th Feb., John McGinnis, aged 33 years of the 60th N.C.T.
    In Goldsboro’ May 27, of typhoid fever, John C. Smith, a member of Captain Chambers’ Company 
    C, 49th Regiment, in his 18th year.
    Drowned on the 23rd Feb., in the South Yadkin River, Davie County, James W. Neely, formerly a 
    member of the Rowan Rifle Guards, aged 21.
    At James Island, S.C., 20th Feb., James Barfield of Co. E, 61st Regiment.
    Died, on the 12th March, in hospital at Raleigh, of pneumonia, Private G.J. Barby of Co. E, 68th 
    Regiment, aged about 21 years; he was a good and obedient soldier and was well beloved by all 
    who knew him.  He was a native of Wake County and left a father, mother, brothers and sisters to 
    mourn his loss, but they may rejoice at his death for he has a home in Heaven.  We can say to our
    friends we have lost a good soldier.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 23, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Winder Hospital, Richmond, 25th December, of typhoid pneumonia, Joseph A. Craig, of Orange 
    Co., in his 24th year, of Co. F, 1st Regiment.
    At General Hospital #22, Richmond, Jan. 14, Bailey M. Yarborough, Co. E, 14th Regiment of 
    typhoid pneumonia, in his 23rd year, son of the late Col. Edward Yarborough.
    Camp Gregg near Fredericksburg, March 23
    Messrs. Hale and Son:  For the gratification of friends of the deceased soldiers of my company 
    you will please allow space in your columns for the publication of the following list of deaths in 
    Company H, 38th Regiment N.C.T.
    Sgt. W.L. Hill, died of disease at Camp Mangum near Raleigh Feb. 4, 1862
    Private John Clodfelter, in Weldon, Feb. 20
    Private S.M. Bingham at home in Randolph, Feb. 20
    Private C.L. Hatcher in Petersburg, Va., Feb. 26
    Private W.J. Chrieco(?), in Richmond, Va., June 8
    Private W.O. Kearns, in Goldsboro’, June 13
    Private E.J. Henley, near Richmond, June 25
    Private N.H. Cranford, A.M. Dorsett and D.N. Miller, killed in action at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26
    Private C.S. Lewis, killed at Frasier’s Farm, June 30
    Private A.C. Steed, of wounds received at Mechanicsville, in Richmond, July 2
    Private T.W. Bell, same as above, died July 10
    Private Milton Stephens, in Petersburg, July l0
    Private J.V. Kearns and P.W. Carter, near Richmond, Augut 5 and 13
    Private N.H. Carter, killed at Manassas, Aug. 30
    Private N.E. Russell, killed at Shepherdstown, Va., Sept. 20
    Private J.M. Scarlett, in Richmond, Oct. 19
    W.L. Thornburg, Captain
    Died, near Fredericksburg, Va., on the 8th March, A.F. Jarrell, aged 24, a member of Co. I, 22nd 
    Regiment N.C.T.  Mr. Jarrell was a son of Absalom Jarrell of Guilford Co., N.C.  Some 18 months 
    ago he left his parents, home and all that was dear to him and went to defend all those sacred ties.  
    He was a kind, dutiful son; none knew him but to love him.  While his parents have sustained a 
    heavy loss, his companions in arms a lovely associate, and the South a faithful soldier, yet we 
    hope our loss is his everlasting gain.
    Died, near Raleigh, N.C., 17th Feb., M.C. Wren, in the 33rd year of his age.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 1, 1863
    A tribute of respect was paid at the headquarters of Company C, 31st Regiment, camp near 
    Charleston, S.C. on March 23.  They manifested their esteem for the memories of their friend 
    and fellow soldiers Pte. A. Massey and James P. Ferrell of Wake Co., who departed this life, the 
    former in the hospital at Wilmington on the 19th Feb., 1863 of typhoid fever; the latter in the 
    hospital at Charleston, S.C., on the 19th March of typhoid fever.
    Died, at his residence in Wake County, on the 1st March, Private R.P. Marcow, Company E, 68th 
    Regiment, aged about 24 years.  He was a pious man and a good soldier.  He was furloughed 
    home to visit his loved ones during which time he was called away by death.  He leaves a father, 
    mother, brother, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.  But they mourn not as those 
    who have no hope.
    Died, on the 12th March, in the hospital at Raleigh, of pneumonia, Private G.J. Barske(?), Company 
    E,  69th Regiment, aged about 21 years.  He was a good man and a good soldier and beloved by 
    all who knew him.  He was a native of Wake Co., and leaves a father and mother, brothers and 
    sisters to mourn their loss.  But they mourn not as those who have no hope.  They may rejoice 
    at his death for his has a home in Heaven.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 8, 1863
    Died, at Howard Grove Hospital, Richmond, on the 12th ult., of confinement small pox, Sgt. 
    James W. Kison(?), Co. C, (regiment illegible).  Deceased was from Johnston Co., N.C.  He
     volunteered at the beginning of the hostilities and was severely wounded at the Battle of 
    Williamsburg.  On recovering, he rejoined his company and fought gallantly through the Maryland
    campaign and at the Battle of Fredericksburg.  He was thence sent to the hospital at Richmond to 
    be treated for bronchitis and there contracted the fatal disease which terminated his earthly career.  
    He was a dutiful son, an affectionate brother, a gallant soldier and a devoted Christian.
    How sleep the brave who sink to rest,
    By all their country’s wishes blest!
    When spring with dewey fingers cold
    Returns to deck the hallowed sod,
    She there shall dress a sweeter sod
    Then fancy’s feet have ever trod.
    Died, near Fredericksburg, Va., on the 8th March, A.F. Jarrell, in the 34th (?) year of his age, a 
    member of Company I, 22nd Regiment N.C.T.  Mr. Jarrell was a son of Abraham Jarrell of Guilford 
    Co., N.C.  He died remote from home and kindred in the service of his country.  In him his parents 
    have lost a dutiful son, his companions in arms a faithful comrade, his country a gallant soldier.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 15, 1863
    Died in Wake Co., on the 24th ult., of typhoid fever, Pte. S.A. Smith, Company D, 31st N.C.T., in 
    the 21st year of his age.  He was a pious man and a good soldier and was loved by all who knew 
    him.  He had been for two years a member of the Baptist Church and was firm in his religious 
    convictions and conversations in the discharge of his duty.  The deceased was at home on 
    furlough at the time of his death.  His kindred and friends are sad but they mourn not as those 
    who have no hope.
    A tribute of respect was paid at the headquarters of Company D, 31st Regiment, who manifested 
    their esteem for their friend and brother soldier, Sgt. R.A. Smith, who departed this life on the 23rd 
    inst., at Savannah, Georgia; Pte. S.A. Smith who died at home on the 24th inst.; and J.B. Whittier 
    who died on the 17th inst.; and David Robbards who died on the 18th inst., at Charleston, S.C.
    A tribute of respect was paid at the Liberty Lodge #45, A.Y., Masons, Wilkesboro, N.C.:  
    Whereas, the all wise God has separated from mortal converse our brother Jesse M. Watkins, a 
    soldier of the 1st Regiment who died in the hospital at Richmond on Jan. 16, we pay this tribute of 
    North Carolina Standard
    April 22, 1863
    Died, at Richmond, Va., on the 14th September of typhoid fever, in the 23rd year of his age, Samuel 
    A. Smith of Captain Rhodes Company, 3rd Regiment, N.C.T.  The subject of these remarks was a 
    native of Wake Co., a good neighbor and a devoted son and affectionate brother to his widowed 
    mother.  His disease was contracted while under great hardships unknown except to soldiers 
    whose lives are worn out with the monotony of camp life.  Many long days and weary nights he 
    was confined to his humble couch with no mother near to sooth his pain, no sister whose soft 
    hands would rub his aching head, no brother to cheer his lonely hours—thus he died, far from 
    home and friends.  But we are happy to say, “not far from his God.”  Though he was not connected 
    with any church, he was a professor of faith and was resigned to death.
    Sam is gone “where peace reigns”
    And where the stars are but the shining dust
    Of our eternal abode
    Died, in Savannah, Georgia, of typhoid fever, Richard A. Smith in the 21st year of his age, of 
    Company D, 31st Regiment.  As a soldier, he was much beloved by his comrades.  A short time 
    before his death he wrote to his mother that his strong desire was to be freed from this unholy war.  
    He was confined for more than two weeks in the hospital at Savannah where he had every care and 
    attention.  There he found Chief Surgeon Johnston and lady, excellent friends.  Rev. Mr. McRae 
    from this state, conversed with him frequently during his illness and as he had professed religion 
    in the fall of 1861 and connected himself with the Baptist Church, he expressed a willingness to 
    die and the great Shepherd called him home.  His warfare is over and he has gone to that rest 
    which remaineth for the “people of God.”
    Oh, for the death of those
    Who slumber in the Lord
    Oh, be like theirs my last repose
    Like theirs my last reward.
    Died, at Howard’s Grove Hospital in Richmond on the 26th (?) ult., of confinement small pox, 
    Ruffin R. Johnson, Co. C, 53rd N.C.T.  He leaves many friends to mourn their loss.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, August 2007

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