Military Obituaries October 1864 - March 1865

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    Fayetteville Observer, November, 1864
    Killed, near Winchester, Va., on the 19th Sept., 1864, Lt. Thomas D. Murphy, Company C, 
    31st Regiment N.C.T.  This gallant officer has been in active service ever since the 
    commencement of the hostilities, and with Early’s command during the whole of the present 
    campaign.  Lt. Graham, of same company thus writes to a friend concerning him:  “It is with 
    deep regret that I record the death of Lt. Murphy.  As our line was advancing, it became 
    somewhat broken, when “Dag” and I rushed to the front thinking to rally the men.  Those in 
    the rear were firing and I remarked that ours was a dangerous position.  ‘Yes’, he replied, 
    ‘but this is the only way to get them to the front’.  He advanced a few steps when a ball 
    penetrated his breast and silenced a brave heart.  ‘Dag’ was always brave, never showed 
    more heroism than on the memorable 19th.  I regret to say that his body was left on the field.  
    Thus, in the bloom of manhood has fallen our most esteemed comrade, but from his general 
    character, we have a good hope of his eternal salvation.”  Lt. Murphy was not only beloved 
    in his company, but his many friends at home who knew him, a modest, unassuming man, 
    will weep that he is with us no more—that he is gone.  In writing to his sister, and frequently 
    while home—when wounded in 1862, he would tell her not to be anxious about him, that 
    he had given himself to his country in the beginning of the war and would most willingly die 
    in her defense.
    Brave spirit, adieu, thou art gone to thy rest;
    In thy goodness, thy youth and thy bloom;
    And that eye which such tender affection expressed,
    Is shut in the night of the tomb.
    Killed, at Drewry’s Bluff, May 14, 1864, Joel P. Atwood, while on a skirmish with the enemy, 
    aged 18 years.  He was a member of Company C (Duplin County), 51st (?) N.C.T.  though 
    many weeks have passed since his noble and generous spirit departed from this earth, the 
    wound is still fresh in the hearts of friends and relatives.  He was ready at his country’s call 
    to lave his pleasant home with all its comforts, to share with others the privations of camp 
    life.  He was ever at his post, never known to complain or murmur.  He was a brave boy and 
    a true patriot.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 5, 1864
    We record with deep regret the death of George A. Hood, a member of the Raleigh Rifles,
    aged 21.  He was an apprentice in the Standard office in May of 1861 when he volunteered 
    in the Rifles before he was 18 years of age.  He was with the company through all its battles 
    and hardships acquitting himself as a good soldier until the last invasion of the north territory 
    when he was wounded by a shell at Washington City and lingered some seven days.  He 
    died in the hands of the enemy and was decently interred in or near that city.  We never had 
    a more faithful, teachable, obedient apprentice.  We have reason to believe from letters 
    received by him that he was prepared for the great change that awaits us all.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 12, 1864
    We learn from the Asheville news that Major Charles M. Roberts of the 14th Battalion was 
    wounded on the 27th on Laurel while leading his men against a party of bushwackers and 
    died the next day.
    We regret to state that Captain J.W. Brown of Company I, 47th Regiment, died recently in 
    Richmond from a wound received at Ream’s Station.  He was an excellent officer and had 
    seen much service.
    We learn that a letter from Capt. John W. Wiggins of General Magruder’s staff dated Houston, 
    Texas, that Major George W. Wray of General Magruder’s staff died recently and was buried 
    at Galveston.  Major Wray was a native of Hampton, Virginia.  His family resides in Warren 
    County in this state.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 19, 1864
    Captain J.W. Brown of Company I, 47th Regiment on the 4th of this month, died from the 
    effects of a wound received in the fight at Reams’ Station on which occasion, we learn, he 
    had command of the regiment—his colonel and lt. colonel both being absent at home.  He 
    was an excellent officer.  He was kind to and considerate of his men.  He never failed to 
    execute an order if it was possible.  His commanding officer had the entire confidence in
     his men and his company.  He assisted in raising a company early in 1862 and was 
    elected captain of it.  In 1863 he was complimented in a special order issued by General 
    Pettigrew for good conduct at Rodman’s Farm.  He was in the Gettysburg campaign with 
    A.P. Hill’s Corps until he was wounded.  He was with his company from the beginning of 
    the fights about the Wilderness and Spottsylvania down to the Weldon Railroad and his 
    conduct on all occasions elicited the praise of his officers and men.  General Lee in an 
    order and letter to Governor Vance especially commended the gallant conduct of McRae’s
    Brigade in the fight in which he was mortally wounded.  His memory will be long cherished 
    in the hearts of his comrades in arms.  His commanding officer always felt that the execution 
    of an order entrusted to him would be faithfully carried out.  His children may be proud of the 
    name their father left.  No more faithful soldier has lived or died.  He leaves an affectionate 
    wife and six little children to mourn their loss.  May the God of nations be their Guardian 
    and Friend.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 2, 1864
    Died, in Winder Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, on Aug. 16 of wounds received around 
    Petersburg, William Howard of Kinston, N.C., of the 66th N.C.R.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 7, 1864
    Orderly Lucien B. Williams, Company I, Georgia Cavalry, who died on the 27th October, of 
    a round in the head received in a late fight between Weldon and Petersburg, was born in the 
    13th November, 1833(?).  Devoted to the South, he enlisted and though devoted to religion, 
    he felt it was not consistent with his profession as a Christian to fight the battles of his 
    country.  He was never known to desert his post or flinch in the hour of danger.  As a kind 
    and generous neighbor, his place can never be filled; as a patriotic citizen his country has 
    sustained an irreparable loss.  He leaves a devoted wife and two interesting children and  a 
    large circle of friends to mourn their loss.
    North Carolina Standard
    Dec. 21, 1864
    William N. Womble of Company D, 31st Regiment N.C.T. was killed near Petersburg, Va., 
    on the 3rd Dec.  He was born in Chatham Co., N.C., where most of his relatives still live but 
    he had been a resident of Wake Co. for several years.  He had been in the army but a short 
    time when, while on picket guard, he was suddenly killed by a shot through the head.  He 
    was a worthy man and a good citizen, a kind and doting husband and father and a devout 
    Christian.  He was a member of the Baptist Church, faithful and true in all the relations of his 
    life.  He has left a wife and three little children to mourn over their untimely loss.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 11, 1865
    Captain William Thomas Poole, Company E, Oak City Guards, 14th Regiment, N.C.T. was 
    killed in a skirmish near Charlestown, Va., on the 24th Oct. last, aged 27 years, 5 months 
    and 10 days.  He fell at the head of his company pierced through the breast by a Minnie ball 
    and died almost instantly.  In the words of the chaplain in a letter to his mother, “he fell where 
    the good men and true patriots would wish to fall—in the discharge of his duty—duty to you, 
    to his country and to his God.”  His serious attention to the subject of his religion, his constant 
    reading of the word of God for several months previous to his death justifies our hope that our 
    loss is his eternal gain. As he came unhurt from the engagements at Spottsyvlania Court 
    House he said to one of his lieutenants “How can any man thus spared fail to be grateful to 
    God?  From this hour I determine to be a better man”.  His associates bear testimony to his 
    orderly walk and devotional habits.  He volunteered at the beginning of the war and except 
    when prevented by illness was never absent from his company.  He was orderly sergeant for 
    the first year and was then elected captain.  As an officer and soldier he was always ready at 
    his post and ever prompt in the discharge of his duties.  His constitution was delicate and 
    such was the state of his health at one time for some months that he could have obtained a 
    discharge by asking for it but he felt duty called him to the service of his country.  For that 
    coolness and courage which constitute true bravery there were few if any who excelled him.  
    Peace to his ashes.
    Death’s but a path that must be trod
    If men would ever pass to God.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 18, 1865
    Died, in Raleigh, on the 30th December, in the Peace Institute Hospital #8, William Ricketts 
    Brogden of Company C, Hahr’s Battalion, aged about 40, a citizen of Wake Co.  He has left 
    a widow and two infant children.  Meekness and humility were distinctive traits of his character 
    and he was probably as near faultless as the frailties of humanity would  allow.  He was a 
    virtuous, unoffending and good citizen and had a spotless character in the company in which 
    he resided.  He was without guile, conceit or pretension of any  kind and there has probably 
    fallen a more innocent and harmless victim to the present war.  William R. Borgden is no more 
    on earth and though his memory will be long cherished by his family and friends his immortal 
    spirit has been translated to the paradise of God where
    Sickness and sorrow, pain and death
    Are felt no more.
    North Carolina Standard
    Feb. 17, 1865
    Died, on David’s Island, N.Y. on the 18th Jan., from the effects of a wound received at 
    Gettysburg on July 1, 1863, Leonidas Pearsall, son of William d. and Sarah Pearsall of 
    Kenansville, N.C.
    Dear Lonny, sweetly thou art resting,
    Gone to dwell with God above;
    War’s rude sounds can no more reach thee
    In that home of joy and love
    Friends now mourn and weep thy absence—
    For thy place there is none can fill;
    Loved by all, so meek and patient,
    But we yield to Jesus’ will.
    Loving parents, weep no longer,
    Since our Savior bid him come;
    Let us all prepare to meet him
    In that blessed eternal home
    Died, in the hospital at Wilmington on Feb. 7 of typhoid fever, Orderly Sergeant G.(?) H. 
    Potts(?)  Pitts(?), Company B, 66th (?) N.C.T.  Our dear orderly is no more, he has 
    exchanged this life of sorrow for one, we hope, of peace.  He was a native of Nash Co.,
     N.C., and entered the service at the beginning of the war and was soon made orderly 
    sergeant which office he held at the time of his death.  He leaves an aged father, 
    brothers and sisters to mourn their loss.  His place can never be filled in his company.  
    May we all meet him in Heaven.
    There, nation shall no more against nation rise,
    Nor ardent warriors meet with hateful eye;
    But peace shall there her olive want extend
    And men shall treat his brother as a friend.
    G.E.M., Company B
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 3, 1864
    Died, of chronic diarrhea, in the Winder Hospital, Richmond, Sept. 12, John Archibald 
    Lytch, son of James Lytch, Richmond Co., N.C., aged 26 years and 7 months.  Our 
    departed young friend volunteered in May of 1861, and became a member of Company F, 
    18th Regiment N.C.V. (Scotch Boys) and so far as we have heard, was popular both with 
    the officers and his brother soldiers, and sustained an unblemished character.  Some two 
    years ago, when at home on a sick furlough, he made a profession of religion and united 
    himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church and from that time maintained a fair reputation 
    for piety.  He was in the trenches around Petersburg the 1st Sept., and was on the 4th sent 
    to the hospital.  The next day he was so seriously indisposed that he telegraphed for his 
    father.  He was exceedingly anxious to live until his father would arrive, and God in His 
    mercy granted his desire for that dear father reached him 11 hours before he breathed his 
    last.  The meeting of father and son was deeply affecting.  The son asked “Father, will you 
    meet me in heaven?”  Having received a satisfactory reply, he then said “Tell mother, 
    sisters and brothers to meet me in heaven”.  He then offered up a long and most earnest 
    prayer for his father, mother, sisters, brothers, and others dear to him, in which he did not
    forget his political enemies (the Yankees) but prayed that they might be forgiven, and 
    inspired with a better spirit. He said that he would not be here long, that he was going 
    home to heaven, that place of happiness, of which he had a most delightful foretaste.  So 
    great was his joy, that he frequently exclaimed “happiness forever.”  He retained his 
    consciousness to the end and departed without a struggle, groan, or the motion of a single 
    muscle.  His father brought home his remains and amid the tears of a large crowd of 
    sorrowing friends, he was buried near his father’s residence with appropriate funeral services.  
    Our young friend kept a regular diary in which he made an entry every day.  That book is now 
    in the possession of the family and is very highly valued.  May the grace of God sustain the 
    stricken ones!
    A Friend, Sept. 22
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 10, 1864
    Died, in Wilmington on Friday morning last, after a short illness, William Meares Walker, late 
    1st Lieutenant in the 8th (?) N.C.T., in the 36th(?) year of his age.  At the beginning of the war 
    he entered with great zeal into the service as lieutenant in the 8th (?) Regiment, was captured 
    at Roanoke Island, and during his imprisonment his health was so impaired by exposure and 
    privation as to oblige him to resign, since which he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits.
    Died, of typhoid fever, at Kittrell’s Springs on the 12th inst., James W. Horne, aged about 28 
    years, formerly of this town and a late member of Webb’s Light Artillery.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 17, 1864
    Died, in Harrisburg, Va., Aug. 3, from a wound received from the accidental discharge of his 
    gun, July 16, William Hugh Guthrie, son of German B. Guthrie, of Chatham Co., N.C., aged 
    23 years, 1 month and 27 days.  He was a member of Company I (Chatham Rifles), 32nd
    N.C.T.  He died a true patriot and soldier, and although his wound was accidental, he died 
    as much a martyr to his country as if he had died on the field of battle.  When the war began, 
    he was ready at the call of his country to leave his parental home with all its comforts and 
    endearments, to share with others the hardships and privations of camp life.  He has ever 
    since been found at his post, none doing their duty more cheerfully than he.  He had 
    participated in some of the most severe battles of the war unhurt, while many of his comrades 
    fell by his side.  But alas, he is gone!  When about 15 years of age he made a public 
    profession of religion and attached himself to the Christian Church at Antioch, in Chatham 
    Co., and adorned the profession by an exemplary and holy life.  As a friend who was with 
    him in his last hours writes to his father, his end was peace; he was perfectly resigned to 
    death, that he died perfectly happy.  Oh, that my end may be like his!  Methinks I see his 
    noble image; and hear falling from his lips these deep sinking words:
    Where Jesus dwells my soul would be;
    It feints my much-loved Lord to see:
    Earth, twine no more, about my heart;
    For it’s far better to depart.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 24, 1864
    Lt. Ruffin Y. Ashe was killed, in the 29th year of his age, in the fight at Reams’ station on the 
    19th day of June last.  He was the youngest son of Pasqual P. Ashe, now of Greene County, 
    Alabama, but formerly of New Hanover Co., in this state.  Lt. Ashe at the commencement of 
    the war, was attending a course of medical lecture in Lexington, Kentucky and at the first 
    note of war, hastened home and volunteered his services to his country, together with a 
    number of young friends and relatives in Marengo Co., Alabama.  He was high toned, frank, 
    generous and sincere, constant and devoted in his friendships, ardent and impetuous in temper, 
    and yet as gentle as a woman in his affections.  General Sanders, who commanded his 
    brigade and who has himself since yielded up his own brave spirit, in communicating the 
    sad intelligence of Lt. Ashe’s death to one of his friends, writes concerning him:  “About 
    3:00 pm, the 11th Alabama, with General Hinnigan’s(?) Brigade, having gotten on the flank 
    of the enemy, together with General Fitz Lee’s Cavalry, charged the enemy and routed them.  
    It was in this charge that Adjutant Ashe was struck; the ball (a Minnie) entering the front and 
    left of his neck, cut the carotid artery, thus ending his life almost instantly from hemorrhage.  
    He fell as soon as he was struck, and never spoke only uttering one sigh or groan.  In all prior 
    actions he had acted with great gallantry, especially so in this campaign.  By his known 
    personal daring and the encouragement he gave to others, he commanded the respect and 
    esteem of all.  Through the trying ordeal of the past three years he has served his country 
    with a zeal rarely equaled.  By his manly virtues and upright character he has made many 
    warm personal friends.”
    Died, on the 1st day of August, at Point Lookout, in the 19th year of his age, Sgt. Frederick 
    Nash, second son of the late Rev. Frederick Nash.  His elder brother, Henry, died a year ago, 
    from disease contracted in the army but he died at home, surrounded by friends and relatives 
    and family. 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 31, 1864
    Died, at the field hospital on the morning of the 26th Aug., from wounds received in the charge 
    at Reem’s Station, the evening of the 26th, Sgt. A.J. McPhaul, Company D, 46th N.C.T.  At the 
    beginning of the war, he entered with great zeal and energy the services of a private.  He was a 
    participant in all the marches, fatigues and engagements that his command was in.  Not a 
    murmur was heard from the brave young heart.  Wherever duty called him, with a willing mind 
    and a cheering heart he responded to the call.  After the enemy had been entirely routed at 
    Ream’s he was foremost in the pursuit and when he arrived at the railroad and mounted the 
    banks thrown up there, he received a wound in the bowels.  It was hoped for some time that 
    he might recover, but early on the morning of the 28th, he breathed his last.  He expressed 
    full confidence in Christ.  “Father thy will be done” was his declaration.  Sgt. McPhaul was 
    24 years, 9 months, and 1 day old.  He leaves an aged father and mother, four sisters and 
    three brothers to mourn his untimely death.  No braver heart or purer blood has been provided 
    upon the Confederacy.  Dulce est mori pro patria.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 7, 1864
    Died, at Winder Hospital, Richmond on the 25th Oct., of wounds received near Richmond, 
    about three weeks previous, while gallantly carrying the colors of his regiment, George C. 
    Beasley, eldest son of Rev. J.M. and Maria Beasley, aged 25.  The funeral will take place 
    at the Baptist Church, this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30.
    Died, of typhoid fever in the hospital at Ft. Holmes, N.C., on the 15th ult., Private Samuel 
    Martin, son of Amos Martin of Bladen Co., aged 24 years, 2 months, a member of Company 
    K, 40th N.C.T.  Though cut down in the prime of his manhood, the writer has great reason to 
    believe that he has retired from this world of strife to share the reward of the righteous.  He 
    had been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church for seven years and he ever adorned 
    his profession by closely observing the requirements.  His remains now rest in the burying 
    ground at Smithville, while his memory lives on in the bosoms of his comrades.  R.M.
    Died, suddenly on the 21st Oct., near Unionville, Robeson Co., John P. Ashley, only son of 
    W.H. Ashley, aged 19 years, 3 months and 4 days.  He leaves a kind mother, and two 
    affectionate sisters to mourn their loss.  He was a brave and noble soldier and an affectionate 
    son and brother, a kind friend, and beloved by all who knew him.  He was one of the first to 
    bid adieu to home and loved ones in defense of his country.  He was a member of Company 
    C, 20th Regiment N.C.T.  He fought bravely with his regiment through the campaigns in 
    Virginia until he was wounded and taken prisoner at Gettysburg.  He remained in a Yankee 
    prison fifteen  months and was at home but two short weeks when God called his able spirit 
    to a better land.  Although he did not die on the battlefield, no nobler soldier has given his life 
    for his country than he.  Brave soldier boy, peace be to thy slumbers!  Cease, loved ones, 
    cease thy mourning!  Your loss is his eternal gain.
    Died, at Winder Hospital, July 29, 1864, of chronic diarrhea, Wm. J. Peterson, Company C, 
    5th (?) N.C.T. in the 21st year of his age, son of E.(?) S. and C. Peterson of Sampson Co.  
    He was a youth of unusual promise.  His intelligence, purity of life and kind and affectionate 
    disposition endeared him to all who knew him.  Sister
    John V. Wade was a member of Company E, 52nd N.C.T.  When the war broke out and his 
    country called for volunteers, he volunteered and left his family—a wife, two little boys and 
    an affectionate father.  In the fight at Gettysburg he was taken prisoner and carried to Fort 
    Delaware and from there to Point Lookout, and was sick all the time he was a prisoner.  He 
    was taken to the hospital in December, 1863 and died the 1st February, 1864 at Point 
    Lookout. The Confederacy has lost a good soldier and his wife a kind and affectionate husband.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 14, 1864
    Killed while leading the 3rd (?) and 5th (?) Missouri Regiments in the assault on Allatoona, 
    Georgia, on the 10th Oct., last, Major Owen Waddell, son of Maurice(?) Q. Waddell, Esq., 
    of Pittsboro’, N.C., aged 32.  Before the war, he had settled in Missouri, where he was 
    rapidly rising in the legal profession.  When the war broke out, joining a company composed 
    almost exclusively of native North Carolinians, he was elected lieutenant and almost 
    immediately entered into active service.  By brilliant courage and hard fighting, he won his 
    way to the position of major and at the time of his death, was waiting the appointment of 
    lieutenant colonel, which would soon have reached him.  He commanded his regiment when 
    he fell.  Maj. Waddell had seen as much service and had participated in many battles as 
    almost any man in the army, and was always conspicuous for gallantry.  He was wounded 
    and captured at Vicksburg, and the time between the fall of that place and the exchange of 
    prisoners was about as long a rest as he ever enjoyed.
    Died, on the 2nd Oct., 1864 near the battlefield, Daniel McLean Jones, son of Nat G. and 
    Mary M. Jones, 1st Lt., Company I, 31st N.C.T.  He died from wounds received in the 
    advance of Clingman’s Brigade upon “Fort Harrison” below Richmond.  He fell with his face 
    to the foe, with his country’s flag in his hand while full twenty yards in advance of his 
    company, which he then commanded.  A  more dutiful son, a kinder-hearted friend, a truer 
    patriot, a braver man, never fell by the hands of Yankee fire.  He rests from his labors, and 
    his works follow him.
    He is gone, he is gone!
    The chivalrous and brave,
    The young and ardent soldier,
    Is dreaming in his grave.
    He is gone, he is gone!
    With glory on his name
    In the budding of his laurels,
    And the morning of his fame.
    He has gone, he has gone!
    The reward of the just to reap,
    Too pure for earth’s marshaled hosts;
    Jesus has called him to glory.
    Yes, he is resting, he is now resting,
    ‘Neath a sky that’s ever blue,
    And Heaven never smiled on one,
    More noble, patriotic, true.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 28, 1864
    Died, K. McIver, Company A, 5th N.C. Cavalry, at Hampton Hospital, June 7, 1864.
    Neil McLeod, Company A, 5th N.C. Cavalry, died at Hampton Hospital June 8, 1864.
    Killed, at Ware Bottom Church, May 20(?), Lt. J.R. Williams, Private P.P. Cabnais(?), 
    and G.(or C.) B. Powell; at Petersburg, June 17, J.P. C - - - der and N. Phillips; on the 
    Weldon(?) R.R., Aug. 21(?), Louis Justice.  Died of wounds:  Privates F.W. Webb, June 
    6; E.(?) M. Smith, July 11; J.C. B – l - - r, June 24; S.H. Eckridge, Aug. 1; (first name 
    illegible) Jones, Aug. 18.  Died of disease:  Privates J.G. Haney, June 11; James Powell, 
    June 17; P.P. Davis, June 28; M.D. S - - - ters, July 3; D.D. Wesson(?), Aug. 10; John 
    Lindon or London(?), Aug. 13(?); T.(?) A. Davis, Sept. 1; J.W. Carter, Sept. 10; ;W.A. 
    Barnett, Sept. 10; C. Laws(?), Sept. 10; John Bedford, Sept. 25; W.W.(last name illegible, 
    four letters, may end in ‘ien’), Oct. 7; G.S. Newton, Oct. 17.      B.F. Grigg, Captain, 
    Company F, 66th (?) 56th (?) N.C.T.  (transciber’s note, very, very faded and hard to read)
    Died, at General Hospital, #4, Wilmington, 27th ult of typhoid fever, , Private Aaron Lockamy, 
    Company D, 36th (?) Regiment N.C.T.  A few short weeks ago he was in our midst in the full 
    enjoyment of health; but alas!  He has gone.  Never again shall we see his kind face upon 
    earth nor listen to the soft accents of his gentle voice; but he is not forgotten.  His modest, 
    retiring manners and courteous deportment will be remembered long after his form shall have 
    mingled with its mother earth.  A Friend
    Departed this life, at his residence near Alfordsville, Robeson Co., on the 18th Oct., Robert 
    L. Monroe, Esq., son of Archibald and Flora Monroe, of Richmond Co., in the 35th year of 
    his age.  In August, 1863, he joined Captain Bute’s Company, stationed in and around 
    Wilmington, where he contracted the disease which proved fatal to him.  He returned to his 
    home the first of last August, seriously ill, and for two months and a half suffered intensely.  
    A very few days before his death, when questioned relative to his preparation to meet the 
    solemn approaching hour, his reply was “If I am not deceived, I am ready”.  He repeatedly 
    said that the 58th hymn of the “Psalms and Hymns” was a favorite with him:
    In evil long I took delight,
    Unawed by shame or fear;
    Till a new object struck my sight
    And stopped my wild career.
    I saw hanging on a tree
    In agonies and blood;
    Who fixed his languid eyes on me
    As near his cross I stood.  Etc., etc.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 5, 1864
    Died, at General Hospital #4, Richmond, Nov. 23, from the effects of a wound received in 
    the Battle of Oct. 27, Lt. G.D.(?) Tunstall, Company G, 47th N.C.T., eldest son of George 
    Tunstall, Esq., of Louisburg, N.C.
    We regret to learn that Major. W.S. Graddy, of the 25th N.C.T. died a few days since, from 
    the effects of a wound received in front of Petersburg, on the 30th July last.  He was  most 
    gallant and accomplished officer and his death will cast a gloom over many hearts.  
    Asheville News
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 12, 1864
    Died, in the Arsenal and Armory Hospital, Fayetteville, N.C., of typhoid fever, on the 17th Nov., 
    Private Wm. D. McIntosh, member of Company A, Ordnance Corps., son of D.M.R. McIntosh, 
    of Moore Co., aged 18 years and 8 months.
    Died, of dropsy, in Cumberland Co., on the 10th Nov., Martin McPherson, late of Col. 
    Murchison’s Company (now Brooke’s) 63rd N.C. Cavalry, aged 42.
    Died, on 21st Sept., in the hands of the enemy, John S. Shipp, eldest son of Wm. T. and 
    Mrs. H.M. Shipp of Gaston Co., N.C., aged 18 years, 2 months and 14 days, a member 
    of Company K, 23rd Regiment N.C.T. , a pious and devoted Christian, a fearless and 
    conscientious soldier.
    Sgt. J.H. Upchurch, Company I, 6th N.C. Regiment, died at Charlottesville, Va., Nov. 13,
    from a wound received in the left arm at the Battle of Belle Grove, Va., 19th Oct., in the 26th 
    year of his age.
    Deaths of N.C. Soldiers:
    The Richmond Ambulance Committee furnishes a list of soldiers who died in going to 
    Savannah for exchange.  Among them from N. Carolina:  
    C.B. McGowan, unit illegible
    J.A. Moore, 51st
    B. Moffett, 24th 
    J.R. Mann, 46th (?)
    J. Pa - - - n, 46th (?)
    John Patterson, 8th
    J. Pitman, 51st
    Isaac Thorpe(?), 42nd
    John Epley, J.W. Dabase, 51st
    M.C. Sales or Sates, 57th
    Wm. Porter, 28th (?)
    Joseph Brace, 5th (or 6th )
    W.A. Parry, 4th
    John C. Talbet(?), 57th
    J. Summer, 21st
    W.L. Christy, 23rd
    George E.(?) Gaffy, Thomas Green, 55th (?)
    Thomas Geensen(?), 11th (?)
    John F. Heath(?), 18th
    W.H. Jackson, 1st Cavalry
    W.F. Jolly, 11th
    John McCarter, 35th
    F.A. Barnes, 32nd
    Wm. Best(?), 1st (?)
    E. Bostrem(?), 5th (or 6th)
    M.D. Drum, 32nd 
    J. J. E - - - anks, 21st
    W.R. Ford(?), 3rd
    G. Goodwin, 7th 
    Daniel Ward, 51st 
    The following exchanged soldiers from North Carolina died in Savannah since the 20th ult.
    S.L. Witherspoon, Company B, 1st
    J.E. Cobb, H, 34th
    Maxwell Johnson, F, 23rd
    (First initial illegible) D. Phillips, 3rd Cavalry
    J.M. Edwards, I, 61st
    Thaddeus B. Mosser(?), C, 25th
    B.W. Branch, E, 8th
    Sgt. P.H. Bender, F, 66th
    T.F. Williams, H, 3rd Cavalry
    Wm. C. Musgrave, D, 67th 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 9, 1865
    Died, on the 24th November, in Brigade Hospital, near Petersburg, of wounds received on 
    the 23rd, John McInnis, Company D, 49th Regiment N.C.T. aged 44 years, a native of 
    Moore Co.
    Died, on the 3rd inst., at his father’s residence, in Robeson Co., N.C., Private H.P. Lewis 
    of Company B, 59th (?) Regiment, aged 36(?) years, leaving a wife and six small children 
    to mourn his loss.
    Daniel McNeill, grandson of Neill McNeill (see civilian deaths, same issue), volunteered in 
    1861 and was taken prisoner on the 4th July, 1863 at Vicksburg, and paroled.  When 
    exchanged, he reported to Galveston, at which place he sealed his devotion to his country’s 
    cause with his life on the 30th may, 1864, aged 32 years, 6 months.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 16, 1865
    In memory of Gilbert G. Little, Company D, 51st N.C.T. who fell mortally wounded while 
    charging Fort Harrison, September 30, 1864
    Another noble hero’s gone
    He fell as fall the brave,
    And now he’s sweetly slumbering on
    Within a soldier’s grave;
    He’s gone where troubles cease,
    He’s left this life of pain
    For that blest land where all is peace
    Where joy eternal reigns.
    Yes, far away among the blessed
    With all his troubles o’er,
    His happy spirit forever rests
    With Christ forever more.
    Oh, God, the righteous and the just,
    The ever blessed One,
    Teach us in Thee alone to trust,
    To say Thy will be done,
    And when we’ve done Thy will below, 
    You call us hence away,
    Oh, may we to thy bosom go,
    To dwell in endless day.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 23, 1865
    Died, in this town on the 13th(?) inst., at the residence of T.A. Hendricks, of typhoid 
    pneumonia, contracted in camp near Kinston, Cyrus P. Johnson, son of Alexander 
    Johnson, ex-sheriff, aged 42.
    North Carolina Standard
    March 29, 1865
    Captain Robert D. Rankin of Wilmington died in this city on Sunday last from a wound 
    received in the Battle of Bentonsville.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 6, 1865
    Died, on the 4th Oct., 1864, in the 22nd year of his age, at Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va., 
    of a wound received in a charge on the 1st Oct., on the right of Petersburg near the Weldon 
    Railroad, Private Lemuel Smith of Company E, 44th N.C.T., McRae’s Brigade.  He volunteered 
    March 1, 1862.  He was a good soldier and did his duty on every occasion.  He participated 
    in the engagement at Bristow Station, Oct. 14, and was captured by the enemy and remained 
    in enemy’s hands till the early part of the campaign of 1864.  He rejoined his regiment near 
    Gaines’ Farm on or about the 5th day of June, and participated with it in all the battles in 
    which it was engaged from that date to Oct. 1, when he received the wound which terminated 
    his life. 
    Died, in Sampson Co., on the 2nd Jan., 1865, at the residence of John Fowler, Esq., 
    Hezekiah McLemore(?), in the 39th year of his age.  The deceased was a worthy member 
    of the Baptist Church and was a kind and affectionate husband and father, a good citizen 
    and a dutiful soldier.  He leaves a wife and two small children besides a large circle of friends 
    and relatives to mourn his death, though we mourn not as those who have no hope, for we 
    have reason to believe that his soul is with Christ.
    A True Friend
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 27, 1865
    Died, in Robeson Co., on the 18th inst., Charles W. Miller, age 24, son of the late C.C. Miller 
    and member of Co. B, 56th N.C.T.
    Died, at his father’s residence in Cumberland Co., N.C., on the 22nd Jan., Duncan Alexander 
    Thompson, son of William and Mary Thompson, a member of Company C, 35th Regiment 
    N.C.T. in the 23rd year of his age.  He enlisted the 12th Sept., 1861 and served seven months; 
    he participated in the battle of Newbern on the 13th March, 1862.  His disease was contracted 
    while in camp, which terminated in brain fever, and he was discharged from the service on the
    23rd May, 1862 and returned to his home; he often wished for the time when he could see the
    land he loved so well independent and free.  He was an only child, obedient and affectionate to 
    his beloved parents; he was of moral and religious habits, highly esteemed and dearly beloved 
    by all who knew him.  He leaves an aged father and mother and many relatives and friends to 
    mourn his loss, but our loss is his eternal gain.
    A True Friend,
    E. J. McD.
    Died, at Salisbury on the 27th Jan., of brain fever, after a short illness, James Bivens, aged 
    49 years, 7 months and 17 days.  His remains were taken to his residence in Union Co. for 
    interment.  We have lost a good soldier and citizen and an exemplary Christian.  For the 
    comfort of his widowed companion and fatherless children I would say, prepare to meet 
    him where parting is no more.
    Died, in Mobile, Ala., on the 6th inst., Dudley Mask, in the 37th year of his age, a citizen 
    of Marengo Co., Ala., and a native of North Carolina.  His disease was scurvy, contracted 
    during his captivity on Ship Island.  In the beginning of the war he volunteered to serve his 
    country in the field, but ill health soon compelled him to return home.  He re-entered the 
    service in 1863 and served his country faithfully until his death.  It was the good fortune of 
    the writer to know him well and enjoy his friendship and he can say unhesitatingly he never 
    knew a better man.  He was loved by all who knew him. As a citizen, he was useful and 
    patriotic; as a soldier brave and true; as a neighbor kind and obliging; as a husband and father 
    he was devoted; and to crown it all he was a Christian.  What more can be said of our dear 
    departed friend, a gentleman, a patriot and a Christian!
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, February 13, 1865
    Died, in Raleigh, yesterday, Evander Monroe, Company A, 5th(?) N.C. Cavalry.  His remains
     will be brought home and buried at Sandy Grove Church on Thursday next at noon.
    Died, at the Pettigrew Hospital in Raleigh, on Friday the 3rd inst., Henry Arnett, aged (illegible, 
    first number illegible, second number is a ‘0’, it may be 60), a soldier in Company B, 13th (?) 
    N.C. Artillery, Starr’s Battery.  He entered the service as a volunteer in 1861 and went off with 
    the company raised by Colonel (then Captain) Peter Mallett; was discharged from the company, 
    being over age, afterwards he joined Starr’s Company of Artillery, where he remained till sent 
    to the hospital at Raleigh.  He leaves a widow and six children—three sons in the army.  His 
    ward master writes:  “He was a good man and there is every reason to hope that his spirit is 
    at rest.”
    Died, in the service of his country, in the hospital at Fort Fisher, on Dec. 5, 1864, Neill 
    McEachern, of Robeson Co.  He was 42 years of age the 25th of August last.  He was a 
    worthy and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church at St. Paul’s.  
    Martin Leach died Jan. 2 in the general hospital at Goldsboro’, N.C.  The deceased was a 
    member of a Home Guard company from Moore Co., which was on duty at Kinston.  He 
    remained in the trenches near Kinston during the cold night of Dec. 11, while the enemy 
    were threatening the place.  He there contracted the disease which terminated in his death.  
    He was in the 35th year of his age. He left a wife and child, a large circle of relations and 
    many friends who mourn his loss.  As a husband and parent he was kind and affectionate; 
    all his relations were devoted to him. As a neighbor he was accommodating and generous.  
    The needy never appealed to him in vain.  The death of such a man would at any time be a 
    sore calamity but especially is it now most sensibly felt in this community where so many
    families are left without any male member, to whom none was more ready to render assistance 
    and advice than he whom God in his mysterious Providence has taken away from us.  He
     indulged a hope in the Lord Jesus Christ more than seven years go, under the ministry of 
    Rev. D. McGilvary.  He connected himself with the Presbyterian Church.
    Fayetteville Observer, Thursday, Jan. 19, 1865
    Died, in this town on the 18th inst., at the residence of T.A. Hendricks of typhoid pneumonia 
    contracted in camp near Kinston, Cyrus P. Johnson, son of Alexander Johnson, Ex-Sheriff, 
    aged 42.

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, December 2007

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