Military Obituaries September - December 1863

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    Oct. 7, 1863
    Tribute of Respect
    Camp, 31st Reg’t. N.C.T.
    James Island, S.C., Aug. 29, 1863
    Pte. James Allen of this company was killed at Battery Watner on Morris Island, S.C. 
    by the enemy during the assault on the night of the 18th ult.  He was detailed as 
    one of the ambulance corps.  Up to the time the enemy had gained possession of 
    a part of the breast works he performed he duties very nobly—going where ever the 
    wounded were lying and assisting them regardless of the deadly fire the enemy was 
    pouring into our ranks.  Seeing that a squad of the enemy were in the act of spiking 
    our guns which were near him, he seized a musket and backing them off until his 
    bayonet unfortunately came off his gun and was left in the carcass of a Yankee.  
    He then reversed ends of his musket and with club musket he knocked them down 
    until a Yankee officer ascended the works and shot him dead with a pistol.  Having 
    known  Pte. Jesse Allen two years, we say emphatically that no better soldier has 
    died in the cause of the southern confederacy.
    Members, Company H
     Ezekiel Lassiter, son of John and Lydia Lassiter was born in Randolph County, N.C. 
    on Oct. 5, 1833 and fell a victim to death at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1, 1863, 
    aged 29 years, 8 months and 20 days.  How painful, indeed, is it to hear that life’s 
    brittle thread has been cut and one so young and promising has passed away.  
    Ezekiel had sought the Pearl of Great Price and was truly a pious man.  His trials 
    and battles are all over and his rest is sweet.  He has left behind an affectionate 
    wife, two little children, a father and mother, six sisters, two brothers and many other 
    friends to mourn their loss.  He has many warm friends both at home and in camp in 
    whose memories he is not dead but liveth.  We are deprived of his pleasant company 
    and in deep grief we mourn his untimely death.
    Yet again, dear brother, we hope to meet thee,
    When the day of life is fled,
    Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee
    Where no farewell tears are shed.
    Died, at a hospital in Wilmington, N.C. on the 30th July, of a painful disease contracted 
    while bearing the hardships of a soldier, Pte. Melvin G. Scarsborough, Company H, 31st 
    Reg’t. N.C.T.  Pte. Scarsborough was an excellent soldier—performing every duty 
    without a murmur; always found at his post and was an example to the soldiers who 
    trudged the bet of a private’s place.  Though he was under age when the war began, 
    yet he volunteered early at its commencement.  He was universally beloved by his 
    company both officers and privates and was respected by all who knew him.  His 
    countenance was always lit up with life when with his comrades and with hope when 
    alone, seemingly meditative of his friends and country’s welfare.  But alas!  When on 
    the eve of attaining manhood and of usefulness, the iron hand of grim death seized him 
    and cut short his career.  He bore his sickness with fortitude, lingered but a few days, 
    bid the world adieu and struggled last with death.  We hope his spirit is at rest with Him 
    who gave it.  He has left worthy and good parents, kind brothers and sisters, many 
    friends and relatives, his old company of fellow soldiers to mourn their loss.  He now 
    sleeps his last sleep beneath the green and autumn leaves near his father’s yard in 
    Wake Co., N.C.  We mourn our irreparable loss.  No sword or sound of war disturbs 
    him any more.
    Members of Company H
    North Carolina Standard
    November 4, 1863
    The death of Colonel Thomas Ruffin of the 1st North Carolina Cavalry is again repeated 
    in Northern journals.  It will be recollected that Colonel Ruffin was wounded in the recent 
    fight at Bristow Station and fell into the hands of the enemy.  A correspondent of the New 
    York Commercial Advertiser says “Colonel Ruffin, who was wounded at Bristow Station 
    and died and was buried at Alexandria on Sunday.  He was in Congress for North Carolina 
    when the war broke out.  He was never a violent partisan and opposed secession but like 
    many other good men followed the blind ambition that led him to an ignoble end because 
    ‘his state went out’.” The Advertiser is mistaken in saying that Colonel Ruffin opposed 
    secession.  He was an active and bitter secessionist and applauded the Cotton States 
    for breaking up the Union.  But, unlike other original secessionists, he entered the ranks 
    and went forward like a man to meet the enemy.
    Death of the Brothers Jordan
    Among the many sad bereavements of the present war, perhaps none has been so widely 
    and deeply felt within the circle of their acquaintance as that caused by the deaths of the 
    brothers, Edward C. and William J. Jordan, sons of Dr. C.H. Jordan of Person County, N.C.  
    Edward C., a few years before the war, had moved to Arkansas where he successfully 
    engaged in the practice of the law, a profession he had previously begun under very 
    promising auspices in North Carolina, when killed at Port Hudson on the 11th July.  
    He was lieutenant colonel of the 12th Arkansas Regiment.  He was educated at Chapel 
    Hill—and was an excellent scholar for his age, and read in general literature and was 
    thoroughly prepared in his profession.
    Small and weakly in physical stature, he was blessed with a strong, active intellect and a 
    greatness of soul which raised him above all petty prejudices and meanness and rendered 
    him capable only of noble thoughts and actions.  Cheerful, pleasant and instructive in his 
    intercourse with his friends, with a constant fund of classical wit, his society was universally 
    sought after, and his presence brought real pleasure into every circle where he made an 
    appearance.  Indeed, he was a general favorite with all classes who had the happiness to 
    know him.
    Dr. William J. Jordan, Assistant Surgeon in the 23rd N.C.T., was killed while in the
     discharge of his duties at South Mountain on 14th September, 1862.
    One of the earliest and warmest advocates of southern rights, he proved his faith by his 
    works.  Having joined the first volunteer company raised in the county, and being 
    afterwards appointed to a position which he filled at the time of his death, in every place 
    which he occupied in the army and at all times he was faithful and true in whatever he 
    undertook and no doubt owes his untimely death to his faithful attachment to the duties 
    of his station and from his firm refusal to fly from the post of duty when it became the post 
    of danger although urged to do so by his friends.
    Perhaps not so brilliant as his brother Edward, he nevertheless possessed an intellect of 
    the very highest order and a heart whose every throb beat responsive to the cause of honor 
    and humanity.  He was in the loftiest sense of the word a gentleman.
    Embued by the constant precept and example of pious parents, with a high sense of honor 
    and a deep reverence for religion, though they made no outward profession of piety, their 
    friends have got reason to hope that they will now dwell in that house in the Heavens “whose 
    builder and maker is God.”
    As intimately connected with the deep sorrow of the death of these two amiable brothers 
    has caused upon the community, I get to mention the death of another whose life and 
    whose projects were almost as endearing to their parents as that of their own children.  
    I allude to Captain Edward Fletcher Satterfield of Company H, 55th N.C.T. son of G.D. 
    Satterfield, Esq. and cousin of the two brothers Jordan.  He was instantly killed by the 
    explosion of a shell at Gettysburg on the 3rd July last.  The darling child of his mother, 
    the pride and hope of his father and sisters, he had endeared himself to all of his 
    acquaintances by his sterling independence of character and his manly, upright conduct.
    Exempt by law from military service, he declared his belief in the right of secession and 
    his duty to fight to the last in the war, which resulted from it.  He seemed to have a 
    presentiment of his approaching end.
    As if to fill the cup of this afflicted family to overflowing, another son of the doctor, 
    Adjutant H.T. Jordan of the 55th N.C.T. was taken prisoner at Gettysburg and is still 
    in confinement at Johnston’s Island, Ohio.  His friends will be happy to learn that he is 
    in fine health and spirits and that the treatment of prisoners in that charge is kind and 
    A Friend
    North Carolina Standard
    November 18, 1863
    Camp 31st N.C. Regiment
    Sullivan’s Island
    October 31
    Many hearts were this day made sad at the announcement of the death of Robert 
    Matthews, a private in Company C, 31st N.C. Regiment, who was killed in Fort 
    Sumter on the night of the 30th ult.  Said Matthews volunteered to enlist under 
    Captain Betts in 1861 and from that day to the hour of his death he had borne the 
    name of a good soldier.  A few days prior to his death, orders came from General 
    Headquarters for a suitable man to take charge of some hands in fortifying around 
    Charleston.  He was detailed and cheerfully went forward in obedience to orders. 
    He, with a detachment was soon ordered to Fort Sumter and the following day the 
    most terrible bombardment from the enemy’s monitors ensued during which the poor 
    lad lost his life.  His death is much deplored throughout our entire regiment as he was 
    respected for his gray hairs and great zeal in the Southern cause.  He leaves a wife 
    and many relatives and friends sorrowing over his death.  He died nobly defending the 
    post assigned him.  Greater love than this hath  no man for his country.
    J.D. Ballentine, Orderly Sergeant
    Company C, 31st N.C. Regiment
    North Carolina Standard
    November 25, 1863
    Died, in the hospital at Farmville, Virginia on August 3, of typhoid fever, Ruffin(?) 
    Rufus(?) Wilson, in the 38th (?) year of his age.  He was a volunteer in Company I, 
    41st Regiment of N.C. Cavalry.  He has left a wife and five small children together 
    with many other dear relatives and friends to mourn his loss.  He was a citizen of 
    Wake County, N.C. and was beloved by all who knew him; he was a kind and 
    affectionate husband and father, loved by all his associates in the army—much 
    loved by his church at Shady Grove where he had been a consistent member for 
    many years and was an upright member of said Baptist Church to the day of his 
    death.  Affectionately inscribed to the memory of R. Wilson and is a partial 
    consolation to his bereaved wife and little children:
    There is a grave I went to see
    And there I dropped a tear
    For it contained one dear to me,
    Whose voice no more I’ll hear.
    Pale sickness with its heavy hand,
    Was laid upon him sore;
    But death transferred him to a land
    Where pain is known no more.
    His comrades dug his humble grave,
    And with a pious care
    They marked the place where he doth sleep
    And laid my husband there.
    No costly marble marks the place,
    Where he entombed doth rest;
    What matters it, he sleeps with Christ
    His soul in glory blest.
    Oh! That some kind and generous friend
    Although unknown to me;
    Would seek his grave and there would plant
    A weeping willow tree.
    T’would make my heart rejoice to know
    That near that sacred mound;
    There is a mark to point the way
    Where his dear grave is found.
    Farwell! Dear Husband! Rest in hope
    We soon shall join with thee;
    In praising God’s redeeming love
    In blest Eternity.
    Tribute of Respect was paid at the Philanthropic Hall, November 10, 1863.  On the 
    1st July, 1863, in the bloody conflict on the hills that overlook the little town of 
    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, while gallantly leading his regiment to the charge, fell 
    mortally wounded Col. Henry King Burgwyn, 26th Regiment, N.C.T.
    Died, at Banner Hospital, Richmond, Virginia on the 12th January, 1863, W.H. 
    Mitchell, Company E., 23rd N.C.T.
    Died, at Graham at the residence of B. Grayson on the 2nd October, James B. 
    Sumner in the 21st year of his age.  He entered the service at the commencement 
    of the war and was a member of the 15th N.C.T.  He gave every evidence that his 
    last end was peace and his immortal spirit is gone to enjoy the eternal reward of the 
    Christian patriot.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 23, 1863
    Died, of wounds received at Chickamauga, Hiram H. Crisp, in the 19th year of his age.   
    He was a member of Company H, 58th Regiment, N.C.T. and ever acquainted himself 
    as a good soldier.  The pain of his death was lessened by the assurance that he was 
    willing to die.  Peace to his ashes.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 7, 1863
    Died, at Union Point, Ga., Aug. 5, of typhoid fever, Sgt. T.B. Tolar, of Capt. W.J. 
    Tolar’s Company B, 10th S.C. Volunteers.  Sgt. Tolar was wounded at the battle 
    of Murfreesboro, and had just recovered when he was taken with fever and only 
    lived six days.  He was a member of the Baptist Church and was among the first 
    with seven other brothers to respond to their country’s first call for troops.  He 
    had gained the esteem of his superior officers, also of his company.  He leaves 
    an affectionate wife and two children and also a large circle of friends to mourn 
    his loss.
    Lt. John Henderson McDade, Company G, 11th N.C. Infantry, fell in front of his 
    company at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863, in the 33rd year of his age. He was 
    a native of Orange Co., N.C., the eldest son of Jas. B. McDade, Esq., who for 
    many years has held the office of post master at Chapel Hill.  Lt. McDade was 
    a graduate of the University, class of 1852, where he sustained a reputation for 
    classical knowledge and modest and gentle demeanor that will never be 
    forgotten by classmates.  He entered the military service at the very outset of 
    the war as a private in Capt. Ashe’s company from Chapel Hill and was at the 
    Battle of Bethel, in the 1st N.C. Volunteers.  After the time of service of the 
    regiment had expired, he assisted in raising another company, G, 11th N.C., 
    and was elected 2nd lieutenant thereof, afterwards becoming lieutenant at the 
    death of Capt. Jennings.
    We make the following extract from a letter relating the circumstances of the 
    death of Lt. Henderson C. Lucas, of Charlotte, Adjutant of the 11th N.C. Troops 
    and of a family well known here where his mother was born and his ancestors 
    “He was wounded in the first day’s fight at Gettysburg and was taken 
    immediately to Martinsburg, traveling three days and nights without a mouthful 
    to eat or having his wounds dressed.  There he was taken care of by kind 
    strangers……..It seemed so hard to die away from those who loved him so 
    much but he sent many messages and when told he could not live he replied 
    that he was ready, that he was not afraid to die, that his full trust was in God.  
    He was shot down while bearing the colors of the 11th.  When Col. 
    Leventhorpe was wounded the regiment was thrown into some confusion; he 
    seized the colors (the color bearers having all been shot down) and led the 
    charge through a murderous fire until—twenty paces in front of the line, calling 
    on the men to follow their flag—he was shot down, but rose again waving the 
    colors and urging on the men.  He was again brought down, but still supported 
    the old Bethel colors with his left arm until that arm was shot through and the 
    colors once more went down.  He then exclaimed—‘Boys I have played out, 
    go on to victory.’  The colors were received by another, who was instantly 
    shot down and a soldier who stopped to examine his companion also fell 
    Death of Col. Bradford
    Col. James A.J. Bradford, of the Confederate State Army, died in this town 
    at 4:00 this morning.  He was a graduate of West Point, of the Class of 
    1827 and was, we understand, in the 67th year of his age. As Captain in the 
    Ordnance Corps of the old Army, he was Commandant of the Arsenal in this 
    place for probably twenty years.  Here his fine and cultivated intellect and 
    warm and generous social impulses drew around him a circle of devoted 
    friends.  For a year of two past he has been Commandant of Goldsborough.  
    His health continuing gradually to decline, he came to Fayetteville a few 
    weeks ago to “die among his friends.”  There is reason to believe that his 
    mind had been turned to the importance of a preparation for the great change 
    which has come to him.  The funeral will take place from the residence of Mr. 
    P.P. Johnson, Mumford Sgt., at 10:00 tomorrow morning.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 14, 1863
    Killed, instantly, on the battlefield at Chancellorsville, May 2, Willoughby R. 
    Hicks, of Warren Co., in the 22nd year of his age.  Died, 30th July, in said 
    company, (transcriber’s note, the company was not given)  at the residence 
    of his father, Jno. W. Hicks, in the 21st year of his age, of chronic diarrhea, 
    contracted by exposure in Maryland last year.  These brothers voluntarily 
    joined the Warren Rifles, 12th Regiment, in the beginning of the war.
    At his residence in Randolph Co., Aug. 24, of typhoid fever, Henry W.B. 
    Provo, of Company A, 51st N.C.T.  He leaves a wife and four small children 
    to mourn their loss.
    Of pneumonia at Hospital Number 2 near Chancellorsville, Va., Private John 
    T. Robertson, of Company I, 1st N.C.S.T., in the 22nd year of his age.
    At Gettysburg, 1st July, Daniel McDuffie, a member of Company K, 38th 
    Regiment N.C.T., aged 28.
    Near Richmond, Va., July 13, Daniel McFadyen, in the 22nd year of his age, 
    Sergeant of Company K, 38th Regiment.
    In the Shenandoah Valley, Va., 18th November last, Lauchlin Ray, of the 
    same company, a native of Cumberland Co., aged 30.
    Killed, in the Battle of Chancellorsville, Kenneth McKenzie, son of Bethune 
    B. McKenzie of Richmond Co., aged about 22, a member of the Pee Dee 
    Guards, the first company from his native county.
    Killed, near Gettysburg, July 1, Major George M. Clark, about 23 years of 
    age, of the county of Montgomery.  He was a student at the University 
    when the war began.  He hastened home and made up a company in his 
    native county, of which he was lieutenant.  For two years did he faithfully 
    serve his county, having been in all the battles through which that noble 
    regiment (the 34th) passed.  After the Battle of Chancellorsville he was made
    major of the regiment and was killed on the first day of the Gettysburg fight.
    Also, on the same day (a cousin of the above), Norman J. McLeod, a sergeant 
    in the foregoing company in the 26th year of his age.
    Killed, at Gettysburg, in the battle of the third day, Corp. J. Ed. Purvis, Company 
    B, 1st Regiment, aged about 20.
    Died, on the night of the 2nd July, of wounds received on the 1st, at the Battle 
    of Gettysburg, Pa., Sgt. W. Preston Kirkman, son of Dr. George Kirkman of 
    Chatham Co., N.C., a member of Company G, 26th Regiment N.C.T., aged 26 
    years, 10 months, 16 days.  Many have been the records of death of those 
    who have fallen on the field of battle, but of none is it said with more truth that 
    he was a true patriot, a perfect sacrifice upon the altar of liberty than of Preston 
    Kirkman,  He was in favor of all honorable efforts in the first place on the part of 
    the South to obtain a redress of grievances, to perpetuate the Union and carry 
    out the Constitution until the forbearance ceased to be a virtue, when he saw it 
    was necessary to resist with arms and he was ready.  He volunteered in June, 
    1861, cast his lot among the “Chatham Boys”.  He was in the battle of Newbern 
    in March of 1862 and none fought more bravely or contended more earnestly 
    than he, and unfortunately was taken prisoner with a few more of his company.  
    He was paroled and exchanged some time during the following summer, at 
    which time he rejoined his regiment.  He participated in several fights and long 
    marches, all with the fortitude and patience of a Christian hero.  He had been 
    acting Orderly Sgt., for some time before his death, which post he filled to the 
    complete satisfaction of his company; always ready at any hour of the night, 
    after a long and wearying march, to draw provisions for his comrades, which 
    they knew was always done true and faithful by Preston.  While contending 
    manfully for the cause which he had espoused—doing his whole duty—he was 
    wounded on the evening of the 1st.  He was heard to say he was mortally 
    wounded—that he must die.  He lived till the night of the 2nd.  In the interim, 
    he conversed freely with companions.  He prayed to die—said he saw his way 
    clear and was perfectly resigned.  We have no doubt that he is resting from 
    his labors.  He lies near Gettysburg, pa., with two of his companions in arms 
    in the same grave.  There was the strongest attachment between Preston and 
    his company, which their many sympathetic tributes attest.  We sympathize 
    with his parents and near relatives in his death.  Prepare to meet him in peace 
    in that rest which awaits the finally faithful.  We cannot close without bestowing 
    a passing eulogy upon his father, Dr. George Kirkman, for the active patriotism 
    and manifest kindness to soldiers and especially to the “Chatham Boys” by 
    whom he is designated the soldiers’ friend.  He has given four sons to the 
    service and has done all he can for the comfort of the soldiers and advancement 
    of the cause.
    A Friend 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, September 21, 1863
    Married, in Christ Church, Raleigh, on Sept. 15, by Rev. Dr. Mason, Col. Bryan 
    Grimes, 4th N.C.T., and Charlotte, daughter of Hon. John H. Bryan of Raleigh.
    Died, in Cumberland Co., Sampson Circuit, N.C. Conference, at 12:00 on the 
    night of the 15th September, Wm. G. McDonald, in the 68th year of his age.  
    And although the bridegroom tarried until the hour of midnight he did not 
    slumber nor sleep but kept his lamp trimmed and burning and was ready for 
    the summons.  The disease which terminated his earthly career was that 
    lingering disease consumption, and although confined to his room for months, 
    his mind was calm and peaceful.  He seemed to be resigned to the will of his 
    Lord and Master whom he had served and in whom he trusted.  Some weeks 
    before his death at his own request, his pastor, Rev. Wm. H. Burns, 
    administered to him the sacrament of the Lord’s supper; an effecting scene to 
    see his wife weeping and bowed by his side for the last time on earth.  He spoke
     freely and calmly about death, expressing a desire rather to depart and be with 
    Christ.  He was sensible of his condition and knew that he was sinking daily.  A 
    few days before his death he said to a brother that he hoped the Lord would cut 
    his time short.  A few minutes before his departure, he asked his son-in-law 
    how long he thought he would have to stay.  He answered I cannot tell.  Well, 
    said he, I am sick enough to go now.  And in a few minutes he breathed his 
    last without a struggle or a groan.  Mark the perfect and behold the upright, 
    for the end of that man is peace.  Brother McDonald had been a member of 
    the M.E. Church South for about six years.  He has left behind a weeping and 
    affectionate wife and children to mourn their loss but their loss is his eternal 
    Died, in Clinton, N.C., on Sunday evening, 13th inst., Winnie, consort of Lewis 
    Johnson, aged 63.  Another good and truly Christian woman has been called 
    from time to eternity, leaving to mourn her an affectionate and indulgent 
    husband and three fond and loving children.  Though she had passed her 
    three score years in this world of trouble and sin, yet not like many, had she 
    devoted any considerable portion of her life alone to its pleasures and temptations.  
    Early in her earthly pilgrimage she was convinced of the uncertainty of life and 
    the certainty of death and commenced to prepare to meet her Father in Heaven, 
    and attached herself to the Baptist Church of which she remained a consistent 
    member for more than forty years.  A truly pious woman, she always performed 
    the duties of a loving wife, a fond and devoted mother, a kind friend and neighbor, 
    and her spirit now rests in Heaven.
    Died, in Montgomery County, N.C., on the 6th August, of sore throat, John 
    Preston, the youngest son of Thomas and Martha Williams, aged 4 years, 7 
    months, 1 day.  Johnnie was a loving little boy, yes, too much so to stay with 
    us in this world of sorrow, and Jesus was so kind as to take him where there is 
    no trouble.  Weep not, fond parents, for his is sleeping in the arms of his Savior.
    Died, in Montgomery, Alabama, on the 14th August, aged 46 years, William 
    McClane, of Egypt, Chatham Co., N.C.  Mr. McClane was a practical geologist, 
    an excellent miner, and of eminent service in discovering and developing the 
    mineral resources of the Deep River Valley.  His kind hospitality and willingness 
    to impart information will be gratefully remembered by those who in late years 
    visited that favored region.
    Died, of fever at Oaks, Orange County, on the 8th inst., James E. Long, eldest 
    son of Dr. O.F. and Helen Long, in the 23rd year of his age.
    Died, in Raleigh, on the 17th inst., Rev. Thomas J. LeMay, former editor of the 
    Raleigh Star, an amiable and excellent citizen.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 28, 1863
    Died, on the 9th inst., at the residence of his father in Moore Co., N.C., after a 
    long and painful illness, B. Parker Wicker, of Captain Kelly’s Company E(?) 
    F(?), 50th N.C. Regiment.  (Transcriber’s note see also civilian deaths for this 
    same issue for other Wicker deaths that may be related to this one.)
    Died, on the 4th inst., at the General Hospital in Wilmington, N.C., A. Jackson 
    Stewart, Company F (or E), 50th N.C. Regiment.  Wicker and Stewart were good 
    soldiers, ever at their posts.  
    Died, on the 22nd July last, from the effects of a wound received in the battle on 
    Morris Island, Captain Allen B. Parker, of Company I, 31st Regiment N.C. Troops.  
    Although many weeks have passed since his noble and generous spirit took its 
    flight from the earth, yet the wound is still fresh in the hearts of friends and 
    relatives.  He volunteered early in the war, left home, and kind friends, immolated 
    himself upon the altar of his bleeding country, preferring rather to die an honorable 
    death than submit to the rule of an ignoble tyrant.  Long may his memory remain 
    green in the hearts of our people.  The subject of this memoir while living, 
    conducted himself as a faithful, brave officer, preserving all those virtues in the 
    army which so distinguished him at home.  Affable and genteel in his manners, of 
    a kind and forgiving disposition, he was the pride of his parents and the favorite of 
    his acquaintances.
    Lines Dedicated to the Memory of John D. McMillan, who fell charging a battery 
    at Chancellorsville the 3rd of May, 1863
    Far away from home he died,
    In manhood’s bright and early bloom,
    He was the idol of our hearts
    While away and while at home.
    My brother is dead—his loss I mourn
    And sorrow fills my breast;
    His body fills an early tomb
    I trust his soul’s at rest.
    To tyranny I would not yield
    Oft times I’ve heard him say,
    And with the gallant first
    He for his country hastened away.
    But early on a Sabbath morning,
    Far, far away from home he died,
    No sisters there to bind his wound, 
    Or kiss his manly brow.
    Cease, fond parents—cease to mourn,
    Your boy to you can ne’er return,
    But you to him may one day go
    Where streams of joy forever flow.
    Weep not, sisters, weep no more,
    Your brother’s warfare now is o’er,
    Weep not, brothers, weep no more,
    His slumbers shall be disturbed no more.
    Sister Kate
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 28, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    Of wounds received at the Battle of Hagerstown, Md., Capt. Massillon Field 
    Taylor, of Company B, 12th Regiment, from Granville County.
    At a hospital in Lynchburg, Va., Aug. 22, of typhoid pneumonia, D.T. Sellars, 
    aged 21 years, 4 months and 22 days, son of L. and Sarah D. Sellars.  He 
    was a good soldier and had been in five battles. His death was happy, as was 
    evidenced by a letter received by his afflicted parents, written just before he
    died, in which he said he was not long for this world, but bid his parents and 
    brothers and sisters not to grieve for him as he felt that he should depart this 
    life to live with Jesus and urged them to meet him in that bright celestial(?) 
    world where they would live together where pain and sickness and parting will 
    be known no more.
    Recently, Sgt. W.C. Siler of the 22nd Regiment.
    Killed instantly on the battlefield at Gettysburg, July 2, George P.C. Lee, 
    of Randolph County, Alabama, formerly of Chatham Co., N.C., in the 22nd 
    year of his age.
    At Smithville, N.C., on the 14th inst., of typhoid fever, Private John T. 
    Thompson, of Robeson Co., N.C., in the 31st year of his age.
    In Rowan County, 9th inst., David C. Moore of the 4th Regiment in his 22nd 
    year.  He died of the effects of a wound in a skirmish near Hagerstown, Md.
    Killed at the Battle of Gettysburg, 1st July, Henry Roland Starnes(?), of 
    company H, 5th N.C.T.
    In Forsyth Co., 16th inst., from the effects of a wound received at the Battle 
    of Gettysburg, on the 3rd July, James D. Conrad, aged 18 years, a member 
    of the 28th Regiment.
    Of small pox, at Goldsboro’, on the 24th December, Henry S. Edwards, in 
    the 24th year of his age, a member of the 2nd N.C. Cavalry of Iredell County.
    On the 17th inst., at Gettysburg, Lt. Theodore D. Deems, son of Rev. Dr. 
    Deems, of the 5th Regiment.  He had passed through many battles unharmed
    but died of a severe wound received in his last battle at Gettysburg.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 12, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Knoxville, Tennessee, June last, Alexander Gregg, of Company D, 58th 
    Regiment, from Watauga County.
    On David’s Island, N.Y. on the 7th September, 2nd Lt. Marion J. Woodall 
    of Wake Co., N.C., belonging to Company D, 26th N.C.T.  He entered the 
    army as a private and for meritorious conduct was promoted by his comrades 
    in arms to lieutenant.  He received a slight wound in the battle of Newbern, 
    N.C., and has been with the gallant 26th in all its hard fought battles, perils 
    and suffering around Richmond, at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, in 
    Maryland and Pennsylvania.  He was wounded in the Battle of Gettysburg 
    in the left knee, and was taken prisoner and carried to David’s Island, N.Y.  
    The ball lodged near the bone had to be cut out.  Afterwards mortification 
    ensued and the leg was amputated; but the system had been so weakened 
    that he could not survive, and he expired after upwards of two months intense 
    suffering.  But his sorrowing widow and suffering little ones have the 
    consolation to know that he died as he had lived for years before the war, a 
    faithful Christian. No braver soldier or purer patriot has laid down his life in 
    his country’s cause.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 19, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Guinea Station hospital, Va., May 31, of typhoid fever, Private Council 
    Wallace of Company E, 38th Regiment N.C.T. aged 18 years, 6 months, 
    11 days of Richmond Co., N.C.
    On the 11th Aug., in the hospital near Petersburg, Capt. N. Orr, aged 30.
    In the hospital at Richmond, Mr. J.S. Galloway of Company A, 11th Regiment.  
    He was wounded in the Battle of Gettysburg, and survived for two weeks.  His 
    brother, T. M. Galloway, of the 8th Florida Regiment, was killed in the same 
    At the residence of his father, in Robeson Co., Sept. 27, of disease 
    contracted in the Army, Lt. John G. Purcell, 37th Alabama Regiment, eldest 
    son of Malcolm Purcell, aged 28 years, and two days.  Lt. Purcell formerly 
    belonged to General Price’s command and was with that brave old hero at 
    the Battles of Iuka and Corinth.  At the latter place he was taken prisoner 
    but was soon exchanged and rejoined his regiment, which was afterwards 
    transferred to General Pemberton’s command at Vicksburg.  He was a while 
    at Fort Pemberton on the Yazoo river and finally at Vicksburg during that ever 
    memorable siege.  Though suffering from disease of the spine and kidney, 
    caused by a hurt received at the Battle of Iuka, he remained in the trenches 
    forty-eight days and nights without relief, and never left his post until 
    Vicksburg was surrendered to the enemy, when he was paroled and came 
    home to die a natural death and to sleep with his kindred dust in the family 
    cemetery. He had passed through many hard fought battles and we had hoped 
    now that we had seen his face, that his life would be long spared.  But the 
    ways of Providence are unsearchable.  Our joy was soon turned to mourning.  
    He had been spared on the field of carnage to fall a victim to typhoid fever.  
    Still, God is good; He permitted him to come home and receive the kind and 
    tender offices which none but a mother and sister can give.  And though not 
    a member of the church, he left us not without hope that the bloody scenes 
    through which he passed were the means of leading him to trust in a Savior’s 
    merits.  In the early part of his illness, he remarked that he could see no 
    chance for him to recover, that his constitution was shattered and his strength 
    was gone; but he added:  I have prayed even in battle and I believe my prayers 
    have been heard and answered.  Never did a braver, nobler, purer or more 
    generous patriot lay down his life on his country’s altar.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 26, 1863
    Lt. Stewart
    In the memorable charge of Lane’s Brigade on the bloody heights of Gettysburg, 
    many brave and noble men immolated themselves on the altar of their country; 
    none of whom did so more gallantly discharging their duties than Lt. J. Walter 
    Stewart of Company F, 18th N.C.T., who fell at the head of his company on July 
    3, 1863.  Lt. Stewart was a kind and generous friend, a brave and efficient soldier, 
    and an affectionate and dutiful son and brother.  He, in the commencement of this 
    struggle, responded to the call of his country by volunteering in the first company 
    from his native county (Richmond).  He served as a non-commissioned officer for 
    twelve months and for his kind and amiable disposition, generosity and affability 
    of manners, he was loved by both officers and men.  He passed through several 
    engagements unhurt, but he received a severer wound at Cedar Run, which 
    disabled him for a short time.  Before he recovered from his wound, he hastened 
    to rejoin his companions.  Soon after his return, the men showed their 
    appreciation of his noble qualities by promoting him to lieutenant.  In this capacity 
    he served with his company in the faithful discharge of his duties, preserving all 
    those noble virtues for which he was distinguished, and by which he won the 
    confidence and admiration of all, until at Gettysburg the fatal missile ended his 
    bright career.  He fell severely wounded and lived only a few days.  Having fallen 
    into the hands of the enemy, two long months passed before parents and friends 
    received the painful intelligence of his death.  He died far away from home, with no 
    kind sister to dress his wounds, and no affectionate parents to minister to his wants 
    in his last hours.  His spirit has taken its flight, but he will still live in the memory of 
    those with whom he was associated while on earth.
    A Comrade
    Died, at Fort Fisher, Oct. 7, Robert W. Tatom, aged 30 years, 24 days.  At the 
    time of his death, Brother Tatom was a member of Capt. Melvin’s company, 
    36th Regiment, now stationed at Fort Fisher.  He was one of the first to rush 
    to arms at his country’s call, but his health failing, was soon discharged.  
    Partially recovering, he again joined his comrades in arms but finding the duties 
    too onerous for his shattered constitution, was compelled a second time to take 
    a discharge.  The days of conscription rolling around, he was taken, and his 
    noble reply puts shame to the flimsy excuses so often urged in order to stay 
    at home.  Did he say I have no health?  Nay, verily.  His noble reply was, I’ll go; 
    if I cannot live a soldier’s life, I can die a soldier’s death.  He died a soldier of the 
    cross and of his country.  Brother Tatom professed religion under the ministry of 
    Rev. Jas. Reid(?) in the year 1852 and joined the M.E. Church at Windsor, Bladen
     Co., N.C.  He now sleeps in Jesus.  His funeral was preached by the writer, Oct. 
    12, from Ps. 37: 37 and his remains were deposited in the family burying ground 
    to await the voice of God at the last great day.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Gates Co., 11th Aug., of typhoid fever, Jas. S. Banberry, aged 22, and on the 
    next day his brother, R.B. Banberry, aged 19.
    In the Confederate Hospital near Raleigh, on the 11th inst., C.J. Byrd of 
    Brunswick Co., aged 42 years, 6 months, 11 days.  Before his death he said 
    he was perfectly resigned and his dying words were:  Let me go to my Jesus.  
    He left a loving wife and six dear children to mourn their irreparable loss.
    Died, in the hospital near Gettysburg, about the m idle of August last, of 
    wounds received in the second day’s battle near that place, Wm. L. Nichols, 
    formerly of Hillsboro’, in the 26th (?) year of his age.
    In Sampson Co., on the 7th Sept., of consumption, Jesse J. Bowen(?) of Co. 
    (illegible), 38th Regiment, aged 34.  He was in the service nearly two years, 
    and contracted the disease of which he died from exposure in camp.
    David J. Pridgeon(?) departed this life 13th (?) inst., in the (illegible, two numbers, 
    the second is a ‘0’) year of his age.  He was a member of Capt. Horse’s 
    Company, 3rd Regiment and a citizen of this town. 
    Killed, in the battle of Gettysburg, 1st July, Orderly Sgt. Norman J. McLeod, 
    Company K, 34th Regiment N.C.T., aged 25 years, 2 months, 3 days, a native 
    of Montgomery Co., where he resided until he joined the army in the spring of 
    1861.  He was noted for many Christian virtues, a kindhearted, whole souled 
    and generous man who never forsook a friend.  Death has seldom claimed a 
    brighter prize.  In the company (Montgomery Boys), all mourn his loss and 
    revere his memory.  He was a true friend and Christian soldier, having been in 
    16 or 17 hard fought battles.  He fell with his face to the foe like a soldier falls.  
    Be ye also ready for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 2, 1863
    Died, at General Military Hospital, Wilson, N.C., on the 22nd Sept., Private 
    Asa(?) J. Gunter, Company D, 35th Regiment.  The subject of his notice met 
    with his death in the following manner:  while attempting at Na- - - t – Depot, 
    on the W.& W.R.R. to step on the morning train of cars which was conveying 
    his regiment to Weldon, he was thrown between the cars, his right leg 
    dreadfully m angled and left foot crushed.  He was carried to the hospital at 
    Wilson where all human aid was rendered to him but proved unavailing and in 
    a few hours, he expired.  He was among the first to rush to arms in defense 
    of his country; for more than two years he had served as a soldier, winning 
    the confidence and esteem of every one who knew him, and by his courteous 
    manners endeared himself to all his associates.  He was severely wounded in 
    a desperate charge with his regiment at Malvern Hill on the 1st July, 1862 and 
    fought bravely in other engagements with the enemy.  He was never heard to 
    murmur or complain—always ready to perform any duty which was required of 
    him.  He had a kind father, mother, brothers and sisters, at home and two 
    younger brothers in the service; but they should mourn not as for one without 
    hope, for he died as he had lived, a zealous patriot and Christian.
    Messrs. Editors:
    Permit me to announce the death of Corporal Neill McDonald of Company H, 
    26th N.C.T., he having fallen in the battle of Bristow Station, on the 14th 
    October, 1863.  He was a dutiful and brave soldier, he was beloved by all his 
    comrades.  He was a native of Moore Co., and enlisted at Carthage on the 3rd 
    June, 1861 for twelve months.  About the first of March, 1862, he re-enlisted for
    two years or during the war.  He fell while charging the enemy’s lines behind 
    the railroad.  We feel that we have lost one of our best comrades.  He was a 
    pious and Christian hearted soldier and I hope is at rest where the sound of 
    cannon and rattle of musketry will be heard no more.
    A Friend
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 9, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In the Murfreesboro Hospital, Tennessee, Jan. 19, Robert W. Alexander, in 
    the 34th year of his age.   He was wounded and captured in the Battle of 
    At a hospital in Washington City, recently, Archibald Bethune, 63rd N.C.T., 
    son of Hon. Lauchlin Bethune of this county.  He was wounded in North 
    At Wilson, Sept. 1, Lt. Joseph T. Cathey, of Haywood Co., of Company F, 
    25th Regiment.
    In Camp Winder Hospital, Richmond, 17th May, of typhoid fever, A.A. Lipe, 
    of Company G, 5th Regiment, aged 33.
    At the General Hospital, Summerville, S.C., 20th Sept., Sgt. Wm. J. Rhodes 
    of Co. A, 61st Regiment, of Sampson Co.
    On the 29th Aug., from the effects of a wound received in the Battle of Brandy 
    Station, Aug. 1, Mr. S.L.H. Torrence of Company D, 34th Regiment, aged 30, 
    of Rowan Co.
    At Winchester, Va., 31 Aug., from the effects of a wound received in the 
    Battle at Gettysburg, John B. Martin, Co. H, 26th Regiment, in the 30th year 
    of his age.
    Of typhoid fever, June 28, in the General Hospital, Wilmington, in the 22nd 
    year of his age, Hanson M. Player.  Also, Theophilus B. Player, of diphtheria, 
    at Camp Davis, New Hanover Co., Sept. 14, in the 19th year of his age.
    In Davidson Co., of wounds received at the Battle of Winchester, Va., John 
    Smith, of Wharton’s 1st N.C. Battalion.
    Killed, on the battlefield at Bristow Station, Va., 14th October, Lt. Paul 
    Barringer Grier, third son of Andrew Grier, deceased, of Mecklenburg Co., in 
    the 25th year of his age.
    Of chronic diarrhea, 19th Dec., in Richmond, in the 25th year of his age, N.C. 
    Williams, of Rowan Co., of the 5th Regiment.
    Of typhoid fever, at Johnson’s Island, near Sandusky, Ohio, on the 29th Sept., 
    Lt. Levi B. Williams, of Co. E, 63rd N.C.T., a native of Chatham Co., N.C.  He 
    leaves a young wife and two children.
    In Wilmington, July 21, Mr. S.P. Parker of Sampson Co., in the 27th year of his 
    In Magnolia, Oct. 21, Mr. J.A. Parker, brother to the above, aged about 35.
    Lately, Simeon P. Phillips, a native of Moore Co., a member of the 8th S.C. 
    Lt. J.R. Emerson, Company E, 20th N.C.T., who was wounded at the Battle 
    of Gettysburg, on the 3rd July, and fell into the hands of the enemy when 
    General Lee evacuated that place, is dead.  Thus has North Carolina given 
    another of her most patriotic sons and best citizens as a martyr in the cause 
    of Southern Independence.  Lt. Emerson was among the first to respond to his 
    country’s call and for more than two years has done all the duties incumbent 
    on him as a soldier and officer.  As a soldier, he was cheerfully obedient in the 
    discharge of every duty; as an officer, he was kind and humane; his deportment 
    being such, that while he won the respect and admiration of his superiors, he 
    was the idol of those whom he commanded.  He has left a devoted wife, brothers, 
    sisters, and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss; and while we believe his 
    place cannot be filled as a soldier or citizen, a companion or friend, we may 
    indulge the hope that our loss is his gain.  And though his body rests in a hostile 
    land, we hope his spirit is with his God who gave it.  His name will long be 
    cherished by the citizens of the county of Chatham as one of her brightest jewels, 
    offered as a sacrifice on our country’s altar.  Peace to his ashes.
    Among the many noble sons of the South that have given their lives to be 
    sacrificed on the altar of their country, none are perhaps more worthy of their 
    names being immortalized than Private James M. Sheridan and Alson G. McCoy, 
    Company G, 26th N.C.T., who fell in the destructive charge at Bristow Station, on 
    Oct. 14, 1863.  Every ready to do their humble duty as privates, at which so many 
    look with a kind of sneer, thinking it an honor to die in the noble cause they had 
    espoused; in camp, pleasant and agreeable, on the march, kind and obliging, 
    and in battle cool and brave.  Sheridan leaves a tender wife and four little daughters 
    to mourn their great loss; to them their almost sole human help.  We commit them 
    to the care of Him who has promised to be a husband to the widow and a father 
    to the fatherless.  McCoy, more fortunate, leaves an affectionate father, to sorrow
     for the early death of his cherished son; but knowing his devotion to the cause of 
    the South, we feel assured that he will give him up without a murmur.  Farewell, 
    noble comrades!  Though the missiles of the enemy have taken you from us, and 
    we are no more to be greeted by you and encouraged in the cause of independence 
    by your services, your noble deeds will never be forgotten by your survivors and our 
    most noble desire earthly shall be to emulate your worthy examples in life and 
    avenge your lamented deaths. 
    Killed, in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, Private Lennin(?) Wicker, Company 
    G, 26th  N.C.T., in the 34th year of his age.  He was a native of Chatham Co., N.C., 
    son of the late Benjamin Wicker.  He was among the last to give up the Union and 
    among the first to volunteer after Lincoln’s proclamation.  Thus has fallen one of the 
    South’s best soldiers—fighting the enemies of his country and home.  He was every 
    gay and lively, strict in the discharge of his duties, gallant in action and heedless of 
    danger.  He feared not to follow where the colors went.  In him his parents have lost 
    an excellent son, his wife and children a true and loving husband and father, and 
    North Carolina one of her best sons.
    W.A.L., Company G, 26th N.C.T.
    Died, in the hospital at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863, Sgt. W.P. Kirkman of 
    Company G, 26th N.C.T., aged 23 (might be 28).  He was a native of Chatham Co., 
    N.C., the son of Dr. George Kirkman.  He fell mortally wounded July 1 and died the 
    3rd.  Thus in the very bloom of youth has death taken from our midst one of earth’s 
    brightest jewels.  The writer of this had been a playmate of his in their boyhood days.  
    He was kind and affectionate to all his playmates and especially so to his fellow soldiers.  
    No one who knew him could say aught against him for none could know him but to love 
    him.  If there ever was a man blessed with the meekness and patience of that good old 
    patriarch Job, it was Sgt. Wm. P. Kirkman.  Never was he heard to murmur, no matter 
    what his trials were.  On our march to Pennsylvania he was our Orderly; thus he was 
    up nearly all night dividing the rations and attending to other duties of his office, and I 
    have known him to walk over the camp carrying a small piece of meat and bread that 
    was left to see that each man had his share.  He leaves a kind father, mother, sisters 
    and brothers to mourn his loss but blessed to God, they need not mourn as those 
    who have no hope.
    W.A.L., Company G, 26th N.C.T.
    Departed this life, on the night of the 23rd July, at Petersburg, Va., of typhoid fever 
    combined with gangrenous poison, Samuel C. Hackney, in the 31st year of his age.  
    Deceased was a member of Company A, 5th Regiment N.C.T.  He went with our army 
    into Maryland in Sept. 1862 and was taken prisoner and sent to Philadelphia, where he 
    remained until December, when he was exchanged and sent to Petersburg and was 
    there appointed Stewart in the Fair Grounds Hospital, where he remained until the time 
    of his death.  It was not the privilege of his parents, brothers or sisters to witness the 
    last moments or administer to his necessities but it is gratifying to know that through 
    the kindness of his many friends he received every attention.  He had never made an 
    open profession of faith, but we have strong hopes that God had brought a change in 
    his heart and he now mingles his voice with myriads of saints in ascribing the praise 
    of his salvation to our Heavenly Father.  The writer hardly realizes that Samuel is no 
    more.  He was the loved one among his brothers and sisters, the pride of a father and 
    the idol of a fond mother’s heart.  As a friend he was true, generous and always reliable.  
    Possessing naturally great kindness of heart and an obliging disposition, that ever 
    rejoiced in the welfare of others; urbanity, kindness, friendship and pure warmth of 
    affection, did beautifully blend to cheer, light and color his walk of life, and these lovely 
    virtues shall bloom ever his tomb in the feelings and judgments of those who are now 
    separated from him and live with unchanging freshness in their bleeding hearts.  He 
    leaves an affectionate father and mother, three brothers and sisters, with many relatives 
    and friends to mourn their loss, which we hope is his eternal gain.  This is indeed a sad 
    dispensation of Providence.  But He who is too wise to err and too good to be unkind 
    has done it, so we must submit.
    Killed on the bloody field of Fredericksburg, on the 15th December, 1862, Chester 
    Swindell, of Bladen Co., N.C., and a member of Company K, 18th Regiment, N.C.T., 
    aged about 28.  He had come to the conclusion that resistance by force of arms was 
    necessary, and he was ready to volunteer in defense of his country’s rights, which he 
    did in April, 1861, being among the first to compose the “Bladen Guards”.  He was in 
    the first engagement the regiment was in, that of Hanover Court House, Va., in May 
    of 1862, where he fought with the utmost coolness.  He was taken prisoner at said 
    place and did not join us any  more until after the battles around Richmond (he being 
    confined in prison at Fort Delaware and Governor’s Island in New York until that time.)  
    He participated in many fights and long marches with the regiment all with the utmost 
    fortitude and patience.  He had been a member of the Presbyterian Church for about 
    eight years.  He fell while making a charge on the enemy.  He lies near Fredericksburg 
    in some lonely and sacred spot with several of his comrades in the same grave.  Sleep, 
    Chester!  No more shall the tattoo or the reveille arouse you, but the great trumpet shall 
    wake you in common with all mankind in the morning of the Resurrection.  We can go 
    to him but he cannot come to us.
    Killed, on the 12th September, at Chicamauga, Lt. Wm. Martin Willcox, aged 25 years, 
    9 months.  He was a native of Moore Co., N.C., but moved to Arkansas just before the 
    war began.  He belonged to the 8th Arkansas Regiment.  His endeavor was to discharge 
    his duty to God, his country and his fellow man.  That fatal bullet will cause many tears 
    to flow, and wring bitter anguish from the hearts of those who knew and loved him well.  
    He had scarcely dried his tears for the loss of a youthful brother who fell at Gettysburg 
    when he too, commending his soul to God, gave his life for his country.  Alike true, 
    gentle, and brave, they lived; alike they noble suffered and bravely died.  And though 
    their mortal bodies are widely separated on earth, we hope they will meet and rest 
    together in that happy land where there are no bloody battlefields nor “Rivers of Death” 
    but where “a pure river of water of life proceeds out of the throne of God and the Lamb.”
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 16, 1863
    Killed, in battle near Bristow Station, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, in Prince 
    William County, Va., on the 14th Oct., Lt. John C. Montgomery, son of Dr. J.H. 
    Montgomery of Montgomery Co., of Company F, 44th Regiment N.C.T., Kirkland’s 
    (formerly Pettigrew’s) Brigade, while gallantly leading his company in a charge against 
    the enemy, and heroically encouraging them by pointing to their colors flying in their 
    front; by a minnie ball penetrating his forehead just above the left eye, killing him 
    instantly in the 27th year of his age.  Thus has perished another brave and gallant 
    son of his country, freely giving up his life as a sacrifice for the liberty and independence 
    of the South.  A surgeon of his brigade (Dr. W.H.L.), in communicating the sad 
    intelligence of his death to his parents, says:  “We all bear testimony to his worth and 
    mourn his loss; his regiment had no officer more efficient or gallant than he, and I am 
    sure no one was more favored by his men.”  Lt. Montgomery was no ordinary young 
    man; his intelligence and purity of life, his unsullied character, firmness, decision, 
    energy social virtues, affability and affectionate disposition had won for him an enviable 
    reputation in the community in which he lived, and secured for him the love and 
    admiration of his numerous relatives and acquaintances.  His moral worth, urbanity, 
    strict integrity and intellectual attainments constituted him the pride and ornament of 
    his friends and gave promise of a life of great usefulness and eminence.  His remains 
    were grossly outraged by his murderers on the battlefield, by robbing him of his arms 
    and other property, and stealing from his finger a ring which he had playfully taken 
    from a friend when last at home.  He sleeps in the cold embraces of death under the 
    soil of Virginia, far from his home and friends and the scenes of his youth; but he will 
    ever live in the hearts of his relatives and friends, who will fondly cherish his memory.  
    He was fondly devoted to his parents and relatives, and especially to his mother and 
    sisters, upon whom the bereavement falls with a crushing blow; but it must be a 
    consolation to them and pride to his numerous relatives and friends to look back upon 
    his life which had been so well spent and gallantly sacrificed upon the altar of his 
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 23, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Richmond, Oct. 24, from a wound received at Bristow Station, Robert D. Weatherly, 
    Sgt. Major of the Guilford Grays, 27th Regiment, aged about 22.
    In Hospital #9, Richmond, the following N.C. Soldiers:
    Privates J.A. Quinn, Co. D, 27th Regiment and W.W. Crooker, H, 47th, died Nov. 8
    Corp. D.P. Hart, D, 54th, Nov. 9
    J.E. Washburne, E, 44th, Nov. 10
    Private W.J. Bell, K, 30th, Nov. 12
    Private K. Williams, D, 26th, Nov. 13
    In the Winder Hospital, on the 18th Oct., Wm. D. Patterson, aged 24.  He was a 
    member of Company E, 52nd Regiment N.C.T., and was wounded at the Battle of 
    Gettysburg in July last.  He leaves a wife and one child.
    Suddenly, in camp of the Montgomery True Blues, of an apoplectic fit, Joseph Seely, 
    aged 33.
    In Bailey’s Factory Hospital, Richmond, Aug. 5, James R. Hartin, from a wound 
    received in the battle near Richmond, June 26, 1862, of Company F, 37th Regiment, 
    aged 23.
    Killed on the battleground of Chancellorsville, May 3, J.L. Hartin, Company B, 1st 
    Regiment, aged 21.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 30, 1863
    Killed in the battle at Hanover Junction, Va., May 27, 1862, Alexander B. McLauchlin, 
    brother of the above (note, see civilian deaths for this issue), of Co. F, 13th (?) 18th (?) 
    Regiment, N.C.V., in the 22nd year of his age.  When he received his death wound, he 
    remarked to his brother who was fighting by his side, “Tell my mother I died a brave boy.”
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 14, 1863
    Deaths of North Carolinians at Gettysburg
    The Rev. Jas. H. (last name illegible, Co - - - s) Chaplain of the 52nd N.C.T., recently 
    returned from captivity in the Yankee lines and he furnishes us with the following list—
    Deaths at Gettysburg General Hospital up to Oct. 13-North Carolinians
    Lt. Wm. B. Avent(?), Co. H, 52nd, August 7
    Isaiah A - - - , F, 47th   July 30
    J.E. Adderholdt, D, 55th, July 30       
    Lt. W.L. Battie(?), D, 37th, Aug. 22
    Edmund(?) Barker, A, 28th (?), Aug. 12
    P.E. Bobbitt(?), G, 47th, Aug. 20
    Tillman Briley, K, 26th, Sept. 3
    L.G. Cobb, H, 45th, Aug. 16
    W.W. Coe(?), M, 21st(?) Sept. 17
    Neverson Co- - , A, 47th, Aug. 27
    W.E. D - - r - - - n, I, 16th, Oct. 12
    Henry Di – ley, K, 47th, Aug. 5
    Silas(?) Dees(?), B, 43rd, Aug. 31
    J.C. Freeman, B(?), 6th, Aug. 29
    S.P. Forrest, K, 28th, Sept. 14
    D.A. Green, D, 65th, Aug. 20
    Wm. Gilbert, D, 23rd, Aug. 16
    J.F. G - - - ngar, E, 1st, Aug. 28
    S.H. R- - er, K, 23rd, Sept. 17
    Wm. (last name illegible, maybe Horbe?), H, 43rd, July 27(?)
    Wesley Jolly(?), I, 32nd, Aug. 15
    Anderson Keith(?), I, 3rd, Aug. 1
    H.C. Kirkham, G, 26th, Sept. 1
    Capt. J.C. Kincaid, G, 52nd,  Aug. 27
    Franklin Luther, B, 52nd, Sept. 14
    Jno. Marley(?), K, 53rd(?), Sept. 25
    Sgt. Major M.S. McRae, 26th, Aug. 2, (no company given)
    J.T. Malloy(?), E, 45th, Aug. 12
    Jas (or Jos) E. Perry, G, 32nd, Setp. 26
    B.(?) F. Fitman(?), C, 1st, Sept. 14
    W.(?) B. Pendlay(?), E, 6th, Sept. 17
    R.U. Parish, I, 2nd Cavalry, Aug. 30
    Sgt. C.H. Reed(?), F. 7th, Aug. 13
    J. Robinson, B, 45th, Aug. 14
    Jos. B. Robison(?), G, 52nd, Sept. 9
    R.C. Steele(?), I, 7th, Aug. 27
    H. (or R.) A. Tate, D, 11th, Aug. 25
    Wm. Tilly, G, 53rd, Aug. 9
    T.J. Turner, G, 2nd, Aug. 8
    R.E. Thompson, I, 52nd, Sept. 24
    S.E. W - - sner, E, 28th, Aug. 18
    B.F. Walker, I, 30th, Aug. 12
    Henry C. White, H, 55th, Aug. 8
    Thomas Wiliford(?), G, 2nd, Aug. 5
    Jno. B. Walker(?), I, 28th, Aug. 14
    Jas. (or Jos.) Martin, C (or G), 2nd, Aug. 6
    T.B. Thompson, G, regiment not given, Aug. 10(?)
    Died, in the General Hospital Number 9, Richmond, Va., on the 21st Sept. Thomas 
    Hargrove, in the 24th year of his age.  He volunteered in the defense of his country 
    in the spring of 1861 in Capt. Faison’s company, Sampson Co., N.C.  Soon after 
    the company was organized it was ordered to Smithville, N.C., and Company I, in 
    the 20th Regiment N.C.T.  After being at Smithville for about 12 months, the 
    regiment was ordered to Virginia and in the battles around Richmond he received 
    a flesh wound in the shoulder on the 27th June, 1863.  After he was able to travel, 
    he obtained a furlough and returned home and remained about 60 days.  Recovering 
    from his wound he returned to his regiment and was in the Battle of Gettysburg and 
    other battles on the Rappahannock and survived them all and remained with his 
    regiment until he was taken with the disease which terminated his earthly career 
    which was intermittent fever.  Thomas Hargrove was a young man respected by all 
    who knew him.  He professed religion in the year 1856 under the ministry of Rev. 
    J.B. Martin and joined the M.E. Church at Gossen, Sampson Circuit, N.C. Conference.  
    He was a consistent member of the church up to the time he left his home and friends 
    to go with his comrades in arms to fight for liberty and from letters that he wrote to his 
    friends from the army, they believe that he has gone to his reward in the better land; 
    that he has fought his last battle and gained a victory and a crown that shall never 
    fade away.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 21, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At the hospital in Wilmington, Dec. 7, Corp. James M. Savage, aged about 25, of 
    Co. I, 17th Regiment.
    In West Hospital, Baltimore, July 11, of wounds received in the Battle of Gettysburg, 
    Hugh Torrence Powe, of Rowan Co., aged 32.
    In Richmond, 16 November, of typhoid fever, John H. Johnson, in his 25th year, of 
    Company B, 48th Regiment.
    At General Hospital #4, Richmond, Nov. 16, of wounds received in the Battle of 
    Bristow Station, Oct. 14, Lt. S.H. Bridgers of Co. A, 47th Regiment.
    Fell, while gallantly fighting at his post, on the 14th Sept., 1862, at South Mountain, 
    James Albert Sherrill, of Catawba Co., Company A, 12th Regiment.
    In the hospital at Chester, Pa., 29th July, of wounds received at Gettysburg, Allen 
    Shields, aged 26, of the 26th Regiment.
    Killed at Gettysburg, on the first day, Auly M. McAuley of Montgomery Co., 
    Company H, 26th Regiment, in the 26th year of his age.  He volunteered in Martin’s 
    Company from Moore Co., of which he was sergeant.
    In camp at Wilmington, H.W. McAuley, brother of the above, of the 25th (?) 
    In the hospital at Wilson, 16 November, Wm. C. Wilkes, of Robeson Co., of Capt. 
    Starr’s Battery.
    Near Hagerstown, Md., 19 July, John W. Wilson, aged 26, of Guilford Co., of the 
    63rd Regiment.
    Killed and buried on the battlefield, near Bristow Station, 14 Oct., Hugh Phillips 
    Woods, 27th Regiment, of Orange Co., aged 24.
    At Gordonsville, Va., Nov. 17, in the 22nd year of his age, Alexander H. 
    Buddingfield, Private in Co. G, 43rd  Regiment.
    Died, of chronic diarrhea, at the residence of his father, 7th Nov., after a 
    protracted illness of three months, Sgt. Henry A. Diemukes(?) , aged 22 
    years, 7 months, of Co. E, 4th Regiment N.C.T.  For nearly two years he 
    had been battling in his country’s defense—nobly and gallantly discharging 
    his whole duty and giving general satisfaction.  After much suffering in the 
    army, he was prevailed upon to be placed in a hospital, where he remained 
    several weeks, after which he obtained a leave of absence, and returned 
    home, hoping there by the many attentions and kindnesses of fond parents, 
    brothers and sisters, and with the aid of medical skill to be perfectly restored; 
    but his expectations were not fulfilled.  After lingering two weeks he peacefully 
    yielded up himself in the hands of the Savior.  Although he never attached 
    himself to any church yet he gave evidence of a change of heart, and often 
    expressed a desire to return to be baptized.  During the sickness he displayed 
    more than ordinary fortitude; not a murmur escaped his lips, and the morning 
    before his death he expressed a willingness to die.  Henry was a most dutiful 
    son, an affectionate brother, and though retiring in his manner, possessed a 
    warm and generous heart. He leaves parents and seven brothers—five in the 
    military.  (Transcriber’s note, there was a little more, but cut off.)
    Deaths of North Carolina Prisoners:
    The Richmond Sentinel has been furnished with a list of deaths among 
    Confederate prisoners at the Hammond General Hospital, Point Lookout, 
    Maryland, from the 4th October to the 30th day of November, 1863, including 
    the following from North Carolina:
    Sgt. J.W. Simpson, 4th N.C
    Corp. G.W. Luckey, 22nd
    Wm. Baker and F.M. Baldwin, 52nd
    A.C. Digh, 55th 
    W.P. Emhart, 11th
    J.C. Eaton, 5th
    L. Ellison, 6th 
    C.F. Floyd, 12th 
    J.C. Fields, 26th
    G. Goodson, 32nd
    C.P. Griffin, 43rd
    J.M. Holling, 26th 
    L.C. Hendricks, 55th
    Jas. King, 2nd
    L. Morris, 4th
    J.D. Nanse, 5th
    Jno. Paul, 32nd
    H.R. Reeves, 4th
    D. Riggs, 18th
    Jas. Smith, 55th
    Peter Seaford, 5th
    Charles Tate, 2nd
    Ed Wilber, 45th
    Bartlett Pierson, 20th
    J.N. Alexander, 11th
    A Austin, 55th
    M. Baldwin, 62nd
    A J. Carter, 22nd
    S. O.(or C.) Croer, 10th
    Y.R. Davis, 52nd
    Jno. Fowler, 47th
    S. Garrett, 11th
    Wm. B. Grant, 2nd
    D. Greshaw and R. Harris, 52nd
    A.S. Hartley, 37th
    Jno. Ingram, 18th
    J.A. Killian, 23rd
    B.F. Kidd, 21st
    A McDaniels, 61st
    J. McDaniels, 26th
    E. Murphy, 45th
    S. Nance, 6th
    Jno. Pendy, 52nd
    Eli Setson, 25th
    A P. Smith, 45th
    H.M. Smith, 52nd
    J.D. Sullivan, 26th
    M.J. Webster, 61st
    A Williams, 26th
    J.B. Williams, 2nd
    J. Young, 23rd
    J.E. White, 28th
    J.L. Austen, 37th
    F. Avery, 4th
    Y. Barnhart, 52nd
    T.E. Boney, 4th Cavalry
    L.G. Budd, 55th
    L. Bishop and D. Bowman, 52nd
    W. H. Crickman, 1st
    W.B. Crocker, 47th
    Asa Carswell, 45th
    Jno. Done, 47th
    A Earpe, 55th
    W. Erzell, 5th
    G. Evans, 55th
    J.M. Ferrell, 12th
    S. Shaw, 44th
    J.G. Fortner, 37th
    J. Freeman, 48th
    George Green, 44th
    W. Halley, 55th
    Eli Segman, 11th
    J.R. Tyler, 4th
    P. Thover, 1st
    M.E. Watkins, 11th
    A W. Walker, 13th
    B. Chisley, 52nd
    Died, of chronic diarrhea, Nov. 23, at his residence in Marengo Co., Ala., 
    Wm. B. Moore, in the 41st year of his age, formerly of Franklin Co., N.C.  
    He belonged to the 43rd Regiment of Alabama.  He died in the full 
    assurance of a blissful immortality beyond the grave, leaving a devoted 
    wife, an aged mother and many relatives to mourn his death.
    I am much pained to announce the death of my brother, Neill T. Smith, 
    who died of wounds received at Bristow Station on the 15th ult.  He was 
    born in Moore Co., July 25, 1836.  He survived only one day after the battle.  
    He was a member of Company H, 26th Regiment N.C.T.  He volunteered 
    when first his country called and has ever since been found at his post.  
    He leaves an aged father, doting mother, loving wife, fond sisters and one 
    sweet little daughter to mourn their loss.  We were looking for him home 
    when the news came that he was no more.  He was deeply afflicted by the 
    calamities and sufferings of the present war, (as he wrote home a few weeks 
    previous to his death that the only pleasure he saw was when he was reading 
    the Bible).  But he has been called away ere the strife is ended.  He was not 
    a public professor of the religion of Christ, still he was a child of the covenant, 
    born within range of the promise; and the consistency of his life since he has 
    been a soldier furnishes hopeful evidence that his last end was peace.  

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, April, 2007 & May 2008

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