These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War. Raleigh Register August 6, 1862 Died, Wednesday, July 16 of a wound received Thursday, June 26 in the battlefield before Richmond, Robert E. Jones, aged 26 years and 8 months, member of the 12th Virginia Regiment, Petersburg Greys. North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 3, 1862 Died, in Petersburg, Va., on the 24th August, of typhoid fever, Mark Fulbright, a member of Brem’s(?) Artillery, aged 22, a native of Catawba County. He was a brave soldier and a worthy man. Died, at Bird Island Hospital in Richmond, Virginia on the 12th July, of wounds received at the Battle of Malvern Hill, on the 1st, George W. Harper, Halifax County, member of Company I, 12th Regiment N.C.T., exactly 22 years on the day of the battle. He had previously volunteered and served out his term in the Bethel Regiment having quit college to join the Enfield Blues belonging to that regiment until it was disbanded and he joined the company above which he was bravely leading in a charge upon the enemy (the first officers of the company all being sick or missing), when he received the wound that terminated his young and promising career. George was a most estimable and lovely youth, noted from his earliest childhood for his kindly disposition, truthfulness and moral bearing amidst all the temptations to which the young are unfortunately so often exposed. Nor was he inattentive to the great concerns of the future life. He was a sincere believer in the truths of the Divine Revelations and had long before he joined the service been an earnest seeker of the consolations of our holy religion. His end was peaceful and tranquil. He leaves a mother, sisters and relatives and friends to mourn his death but they sorrow not as those who have no hope. His life was given as a sacrifice upon the altar of his native South. Let the young of the country emulate his example. North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 10, 1862 Died, Aaron C. Downs, 26th Regiment, Company I, Caldwell County, in the South Carolina hospital at Petersburg, of congestive chills, on 22nd Aug., aged 18 years. He went into the service 13 months ago, was in the battle at Newbern and through all the fighting below Richmond that his regiment was in. He leaves an older brother in the service; also a father and mother and four brothers and sisters to mourn their loss. But we hope their loss is his eternal gain. Died, of typhoid fever on the 24th August, Singleton Wilson Lacy, son of Rev. Dr. Lacy, 17 years, 17 months. He was a member of the 43rd Regiment, N.C.T. We regret to learn that Major John C. Booth, commandant of the Arsenal at Fayetteville, died on Saturday last. He is said to have been an excellent officer and especially suited to his position. North Carolina Standard Raleigh Sept. 17, 1862 Died, at Lynchburg, Va., on the 25th August, William J. Edwards, Nash County, of typhoid fever. He leaves a mother, brothers and sisters besides numerous relatives and friends to mourn his death but they mourn not as those who have no hope. His life was given as a sacrifice upon the altar of his native country and no doubt he is in a far better land than this. G.E.M. North Carolina Standard Raleigh September 24, 1862 Died, at the residence of his father, Lawrence J. Haughton, at the Gulf, Chatham County, of typhoid fever, 1st Lt. John Lawrence Haughton, 21 years, 4 months. In recording the death of such a bright, promising young man, it affords his friends and relatives much consolation to know that he died not without hope and that while he lived, he discharged the various duties which devolved upon him courageously, faithfully and quietly. He met the grave duties of our time calmly and firmly. While a member of the senior class at Chapel Hill in April of 1861 he enlisted as a private in the Orange Guards and went with his company to Fort Macon. In June or July, of that year, he was elected 1st lieutenant in Captain Evans company of cavalry; during this time he acquired the confidence of his superiors and the affection of his men. Intelligent and prompt in the discharge of his duties, he gained an enviable reputation as an officer. In the month of May, 1862, his health gave way and he was most reluctantly forced to resign his commission. He returned home to Chatham and after his health became partially restored eh bent all his energies to raise a company of partisan rangers—he succeeded and was elected first lieutenant in this company. The fatigue incident to this prostrated him and when his company left he was compelled to remain at home; but even in his delirium he was with his company encouraging and comforting his men. As a son he was affectionate and obedient, as a brother tender and true, as an officer brave and accomplished and as a gentleman, he was courteous, refined and sincere. Rest in Peace. M. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 1, 1862 Death of Brigadier General L. O’B. Branch We had barely space to mention in our last the confirmation of the melancholy tidings of the fall of General Branch in the Battle of Sharpsburg, Maryland. Lawrence O’Brien Branch was born in the county of Halifax, N.C. and emigrated when a boy to Tennessee. He was educated at Princeton, N.J., and settled in Florida where he remained until 1849 when he returned to his native state having several years previously married the accomplished daughter of General William A. Blount of Beaufort Co. He practiced law for several years in Florida. Soon after his return to this state he was appointed by Gov. Manly a member of the Literary Board. In the course of his work he was elected by the director, President of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company whose affairs he conducted with much ability and success. In 1855 he was elected to the House of Representatives from this district and was re-elected in 1857 and 1859 with the lamented Miller. He was a candidate in 1861 for re-election but withdrew (both of them), as soon as Lincoln’s proclamation appeared and struck for separation from the old government without regard to consequences. He subsequently volunteered as a private in the Raleigh Rifles—was appointed Quartermaster General of the state, then colonel of the 33rd N.C.R., then brigadier general in which capacity he lost his life at Sharpsburg on Wednesday, 17th inst., a ball having pierced his head, he expired in a short period in the arms of a friend. Our readers are aware that we objected at the time to his appointment as brigadier general to so important and hazardous a position as Newburn; inexperienced as he was which brought down upon us the ire of his friends. Nothing but a sense of public duty to the state at the time prompted us to take a position which we knew must be unpleasant to his friends. It is, however, due to ourselves to say, we have seen no just reasons since to change our opinion. Soon after the fall of Newburn has regiment was re-organized, a better brigade, perhaps, not belonging in the Confederate Army if we may except the “Stonewall brigade”. With such officers to command his regiment, as the late lamented Campbell and Lee and Lane and others, it could not be otherwise. He applied himself to the details of his duty as well as to the higher branches of military knowledge and with his noble brigade was rapidly achieving enviable fame. At the Battle of Hanover Court House, Virginia, his brigade suffered severely yet undaunted and unflinching. It bore a noble part in the subsequent battles near Richmond and Manassas. At the Battle of Sharpsburg it sustained its reputation, General Branch falling at the head of the battle. To his interesting family, the blow is stunning; but we trust they will find sympathy not only from a large circle of friends but from Him who said “I will be a friend to the friendless and a husband to the widow”. He falls in a just cause and leaves a reputation of which his family and friends may be proud. At a meeting of the citizens, suitable arrangements were made for the reception of his remains. They arrived from Weldon about 5:00 on Thursday evening in charge of Major Engelhard. The committee and the large crowd of citizens and the military received the body at the depot and moved in a procession to the Rotunda of the capitol where it was deposited for the night. A large concourse attended the funeral from the capitol on Friday morning and the mortal remains were laid in their last resting place in the city cemetery. The telegraph on Wednesday last brought the mournful intelligence of the fall of Lt. Duncan E. McNair, a noble young man, and excellent officer in the battle of Sharpsburg on Wednesday. The deceased was a native of Robeson County, graduated at our university and at the time the war broke out was an engineer on the Wilmington and Rutherford Railroad. He was happily married about two and a half years ago to a most excellent lady of this city. His intelligence, high bearing as a gentleman and his many virtues endeared him to his many friends. As a soldier he had few equals. Cool, courageous and determined was his role in life and at the cannon’s mouth. He fell leading his command, a company in the 3rd N.C.R. to victory or death. Severe indeed has the blow fallen on his doting wife and friends. May He who holds the wind in His hands be their support. Tribute of Respect was paid by the members of the bar in the court house at Wilkesboro on Tuesday of the Fall Term of the court. “We, the members of the bar on the 6th Judicial Circuit of the Superior Court have heard with painful regret that since the last term of this court three of our brethren to this bar, to wit, Leander B. Carmichael, Esq., Major Thomas N. Crumpler and Adjutant Miles M. Cowles, have died. Mr. Carmichael on the 28th day March, Major Crumpler on the 11th July in the city of Richmond from the effects of a wound received the 30th June in the battle near Richmond while making a gallant charge upon the enemy as major of the 1st Regiment of N.C. Cavalry; Adj. Cowles in the city of Richmond on the 9th July from the effects of a wound received in the battle of Mechanicsville near Richmond on the 28th June while making a gallant charge upon the enemy as adjutant of the 39th (?) N.C.R. by the death of each, we have lost a friend and a kind, able and intelligent associate; that the bar has lost in each an ornament and that the country has lost promising and useful citizens. We learn that a soldier named G.W. Hinson of the 20th N.C.R. died on Tuesday last coming from Weldon to this city. His remains were brought to this city for interment. His effects were dropped at the Peace Institute Hospital. His is supposed to be from Stanly County. A tribute of respect was paid by members of the Chatham bar at a meeting held at the court house in Pittsboro during the fall term: “We have heard with emotion of pride mingled with deep regret that our young brothers Leonidas John Merritt and James Taylor McClenahan, during the evening of Tuesday, 1st July, fell nobly and together in battles upon that glorious field of grief, Malvern Hill, in Virginia.” Died, in Wilmington, N.C., on the 25th August, after a short but painful illness, William G. Dixon, in the 23rd year of his age. He was the youngest son of Patrick Dixon of Johnston County, N.C. and a member of Captain Barnes’ company of artillery. He was performing guard duty when attacked by a violent fever which continued five days but was endured with patience. Although he fell not on the battle field, yet he sacrificed his life on the altar of his country. He died far from home; had not a near or dear relative to console him on his bed of affliction; and his sickness was unknown to many of his friends and family until they heard of his death. He leaves a devoted wife, an aged father and mother, brothers and sisters and a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn; but we mourn not as those who have no hope for we confidently believe our loss is his eternal gain. He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church and died in the full faith of blessed immortality beyond the grave. He was a kind and affectionate husband, a devoted son, a kind neighbor and was loved and respected by all who knew him. His remains were sent home to the family burying ground accompanied by Walter Ennis, his brother-in-law. The news had arrived suddenly and had fallen like a thunder strike upon the hearts of those who loved him. Only a few days before a letter from Wilmington had assured them of his health and welfare—then came a hurried rumor of his illness—and then that he was dead and had died in the cars near Raleigh—struggling to get home to them. In the course of the night his body was brought up from the depot in a hastily built coffin (it being reported that he had died of Yellow Fever) and there was assembled the next morning his old neighbors and friends to pay the last office of respect to one who had given his life to the common cause. All were thinking of the broken hearted mother and wife and little one whose arrival we were awaiting. The only son of the mother and she was a widow. The kind hands of those who had known him since childhood gently lowered the soldier into his last resting place by the graves of two of his children. And thus was buried, in the 31st year of his age, Captain James Jennings, Company G, 11th Regiment, N.C. Volunteers. An honest, open hearted and high spirited man, an excellent son to his mother in her declining years, and a kind husband and tender father. He was among the first to volunteer in defense of his country and was 1st lieutenant of the Chapel Hill Light Infantry in the 1st Regiment. In that eventful campaign, he bore himself so well and bravely that it was an easy matter for him on his return home at its close to raise a company of his own. He acquired a reputation as one of the best officers in the regiment and his company was well drilled and well ordered and so well taken care of that with all the strictness, he was well loved by his men. He had served also in the Mexican War though only 18 years old—and had done his work manfully. Now he has died in the service of his country. A Friend Died, on the 17th inst., at his father’s residence in Randolph Co., Sgt. B.L. Brookshire, youngest son of Benjamin and Mary Brookshire, in the 23rd year of his age. The deceased was a member of Captain Parkam’s Company, 54th Regiment N.C.T. He was detailed and sent to his native county with the purpose of picking up deserters—but he had not left camp but a few days when he was stricken with diphtheria and fortunately arrived at his father’s the day after he was attacked where he met kind friends who did everything they could for his recovery but in vain. The death of so excellent a young man deserves more than passing notice. His distinguished characteristics were perseverance and great energy in whatever he undertook together with fine social qualities which ever gained for him the esteem and good will of all with whom he came into contact. At home he was a special favorite and in his death his parents have lost an obedient son, his brothers and sisters a kind and loving brother, and the South a faithful soldier. M.J. Died, near Fairfax Court House on the 3rd day after the battle at Fairfax Court House, of wounds received in battle, Colonel Richard H. Riddick, 34th N.C.T., 37. Colonel Riddick was a native of Gates County but at an early age lost his father and he was reared and educated by an uncle, Benjamin Sumner, Esq., now in Rowan County, in which family he was regarded as a son. When the N.C. Regiment was raised for the Mexican War, young Riddick volunteered and served out his term to the entire satisfaction of his officers. After the war closed, he was appointed clerk in the Department of the Interior where he acquired those habits of order and method which eminently fitted him for a Bureau. In 1855 he was appointed a lieutenant in the 1st Regiment U.S. Cavalry in which he remained until the difficulty broke out between the North and the South when he immediately resigned. At an early period he tendered his services to Governor Ellis who appointed him assistant adjutant general and he immediately proceeded in the organization of state troops. His great modesty and close attention to business made him but little known but we are told he enjoyed the entire confidence of Governor Ellis and those who were in circles to appreciate his work. After the appointment of Adjutant General Martin, he became a member of General (illegible name) staff and his assistant adjutant general. During this period, being at Manassas pending the battle, he was volunteer aid for General Longstreet and behaved with great gallantry. As soon as he heard of the advance of the enemy at Newbern, he left his post to render what assistance he could in resisting the foe. Upon the re-organization of the army, he was elected colonel of the 34th Regiment N.C.T. The discipline, health and efficiency of that regiment are greatly due to the untiring energy, industry and skill of its colonel. Ready and exact in the details of business, he attended to everything, rendering his regiment complete. In the battles around Richmond, he displayed great tact and courage until his wound obliged him to leave the field. He returned to his home in Lincolnton for a short time. He had not entirely recovered but the calls of duty hurried him away to join his regiment in its march to the Potomac. In the battle around Manassas he bore himself gallantly until he fell mortally wounded. His men rushed to his assistance, he said “go, I am shot but not conquered.” He lingered until the third day when he calmly expired. Modest, truthful and possessed of an amiable disposition, he endeared himself to all who made his acquaintance. His regiment deeply laments his loss. He leaves a fond wife, mother, sisters and many friends to mourn his untimely end. Peace to his ashes. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 8, 1862 Died, in the city of Wilkes on the 9th September, Lt. John Kerr Smith, son of Rev. S.P. and A.M. Smith, aged 34 years, 6 months and 19 days. In October of 1861 Lt. Smith was licensed to practice law and entered the profession of his choice with prospects of success. In January of 1862, the war having assumed so serious a type, he relinquished his fond anticipation of success at the bar and entered his country’s service as a private under Capt. C.M. Hickerson(?), Company B, 37th Regiment N.C.T. Early in April following, he was, from his manly deportment and soldierly mien, promoted to lieutenant and as such remained in the service until wounded in one of the series of battles around Richmond. He resigned his commission and returned home to his friends, hoping to regain his lost health. But alas! To die of the effects of a wound received while defending the soil of his “sunny south” upon the banks of the Chickahominy. It is said that at one time during the battle the command of the company devolved upon him, that he pressed his command onward, until he himself fell, insensible to the surrounding scenes. Lt. Smith was always an affectionate and obedient son, a kind brother and generous friend and his family and friends may well lament his early fall as their loss is his eternal gain as some two years ago he made a public profession of religion and the writer is informed, conversed freely and often upon the subject after his return home from the army. Soldier of the South, well done Ceased from thy country’s employ While eternal ages run Rest in thy Savior’s joy. Silencia We regret to learn that Captain W.T. Marsh received a wound in the Battle of Sharpsburg of which he died on the 24th September. We saw his servant on Saturday last who showed us Captain Marsh’s watch which was struck by the bullet that caused his death. The watch is a small gold one and was in his shirt pocket in his left breast. Captain Marsh lingered for about a week at the home of Mr. McQuilton, two miles this side of Shepherdstown where he was kindly nursed and cared for. Captain Marsh belonged to the 2nd State Troops, having entered the service at the beginning of the war. He was a young man of much promise. He was a member of the last legislature from Beaufort County and had been re-elected a member of the present legislature. We record with deep regret the death of Captain Chalmers Glenn of Rockingham of the 13th Regiment. He fell in the Battle of Sharpsburg and was buried by his comrades in the field his grave being dug with their bayonets. Peace to his ashes. Another soldier sleeps not in his own soil. A tribute of respect was paid by the 8th (?) Regiment near Martinsburg, Va., on the 23rd September at a meeting held in the memory of Captain H.R. Lowrie who fell while gallantly leading his men to the charge at the Battle of Sharpsburg, 17th September, 1862. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 15, 1862 General G.B. Anderson—This gallant officer was wounded at the Battle of Sharpsburg and has been at his home with his family for more than a week. We learn he has suffered greatly and that a few days ago a minie ball was extracted from his foot giving violent pain. We are glad to learn he is doing better. Lt. Anderson, his brother, was wounded in the same battle and is rapidly recovering. (See further below, October 22 issue) We regret to hear, says the Wilmington Journal, that Col. William L. DeRosset, commander of the 3rd Regiment N.C.T. has died of wounds received at Sharpsburg. We fear the report is correct. (See article October 22) Died, near Hanover Court House on the 19th August, Marcenas(?) O’Brien, son of Dr. John and Elizabeth O’Brien, Franklin County, N.C., 18 years, 7 months. Following the promptings of his own generous feelings, for his country’s good, he promptly volunteered with two other brothers in Company E, 1st N.C. Cavalry. He was much esteemed and beloved by his comrades, although young, he was virtuous, moral, kind and obliging almost without fault. He was loved by all who knew him. He was an affectionate and obedient son whose loss will be deeply felt by his parents, and numerous relatives, but we mourn not as those who have no hope. We learn from the Salem Press that Gen. A.J. Safford of Forsythe died at Harrisburg, Virginia on the 3rd inst., of paralysis brought on by great exposure in efforts to serve the sick and wounded in the valley of Virginia. General Safford was in the 48th year of his age. We regret to announce the death of Captain Alexander D. Tumbro, formerly of Company D, 4th State Troops. He expired at the residence of his father-in-law Mr. Knight in Edgecombe County on Friday last of pulmonary disease. He was in the 28th year of his age. He volunteered early in the war and was made captain of the company above referred to. No officer or soldier conducted himself with more fidelity and courage. Though naturally feeble and though his health was visibly declining, he remained in the service as long as he could possibly perform his duties. He was in that desperate and glorious charge with his regiment in one of the battles below Richmond in which Col. Grimes so distinguished himself; and during the action he fell from exhaustion while leading on his men. Captain Tumbro served his apprenticeship at the Standard office as a printer. He was a dutiful, industrious young man and gave promise of that future usefulness which has been cut short by the hand of death. He leaves behind him a reputation for patriotism, courage and moral character which will be a valuable legacy to his orphan children. Through the politeness of a friend we are permitted to lay before our friends the following interesting letter from Brigadier General Trimble to the father of the lamented Lt. Col. Fulton of this state, who fell recently bearing the flag of his regiment. Front Royal, 1st Oct. To: Samuel Fulton, Stokes Co., N.C. Dear Sir: The names of those who die nobly for their country have ever lived in a people’s grateful memory. He who falls in battle inscribes his name upon the records of his country’s glory in characters which can never perish while freedom lives. Such a man was Lt. Col. Fulton of North Carolina. At an early period he entered the army and joined the 21st Regiment N.C.T., in which, by promotion, he attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. His regiment was attached to the brigade commanded by me and brought into every action which took place in northern Virginia from the Battle of Winchester on the 28th May to that of Manassas on the 28th August—including all the actions near Richmond—that is to say, all Jackson’s battles. I, therefore, who knew him well, can speak from personal knowledge of his merits. He mingled in a remarkable degree kindness and civility with discipline and military duties. He was a favorite of every soldier. His merits were exhibited without pretension; and his courage, the chief element of his character, showed without bravado, always surpassed the expectations of his friends. In many charges against the enemy, the battle flag was seen in his hands leading the regiment to victory. His death wounds were received while thus bearing the colors in the charge at Manassas on the 28th August. He expired the next day with the same flag waving over him which he had borne in triumph over the foe. I have felt constrained, my dear sir, to offer this faint tribute of respect to the virtuous and gallantry of your son who I considered one of the most valuable officers of my brigade and whose honorable and gentlemanly deportment gained my warmest esteem. Accept, my dear sir, my sincere and deep sympathies in the distress you and your family must feel for the loss of such a son. I write this from a sick bed where I am suffering from a wound, or I would write at more length. J.R. Trimble Brigadier General, 7th Brigade Died, at Chimberazo Hospital, Richmond, Va., of typhoid fever, on the 11th Sept., Lemuel(?) G. Barker of Wake County, 25, a private in Company G, (regiment number illegible). Though he fell not in battle yet he sacrificed his life on the altar of his country. He has left an aged mother, brothers, sisters and relatives and a large circle of friends but we mourn not as those who have no hope for we confidently believe that our loss is his eternal gain. He had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for seven years. He was a kind and affectionate son, a kind, good brother, and was loved and respected by all who knew him. His remains were sent home to the family burying ground accompanied by his brother John W. Barker. Died, near Sharpsburg, Md., Captain Jason T. Joyner, Company K, 27th Regiment N.C.T. in the 20th year of his age. This young and gallant officer was mortally wounded in the Battle of Sharpsburg on the 17th Sept., and died on the 19th. Among the many gallant dead who sacrificed their life in defense of their country’s liberties there are none more worthy of praise than Captain Joyner. From the ranks, he rose rapidly to the head of his own company having occupied almost every subaltern position in the short space of six months. He was twice unanimously elected captain of his company. His military knowledge combined with his genial disposition and kindness of heart gained for him the confidence and love not only of his command but of the whole regiment, both officers and men. The number of the enemy bullets through his clothes attest to his fearless courage and heroic firmness in times of danger. Pierced by four balls he remained calm and undaunted at his post until mortally wounded by the fifth, the fatal one. His brother ran to him and asked him if he was hurt much. His reply was “I am killed, brother”. These were his last words upon the field. He was borne to the camp by four of his men where he was tenderly nursed by a kind friend and his favorite physician and where he calmly breathed his last. His remains were taken to Charlestown and buried. Dear comrades, our beloved captain is gone! We will cherish his memory as long as our hearts continue to throb. He sleeps quietly in a soldier’s grave near the spot where the first armed ruffian and invader of our homes receives a just reward upon the scaffold for his hellish and diabolical purposes. He leaves a devoted mother, an affectionate sister, two loving brothers and a host of warm friends to sincerely mourn his loss. R.W.J. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 22, 1862 A tribute of respect was paid at a meeting of the companies of Captains Paris and Lewis held at Saxapahaw, Alamance County, on the 8th inst., to those who have fallen recently on the battlefield in obedience to a call of their country viz.: John Ray, James H. Robinson, William E. Newlin. John Ray volunteered in defense of his country on Feb. 28, 1862. He leaves a wife and child and father and friends to mourn his loss. He was esteemed by his company. Ever ready to discharge his duty, forsaking everything in obedience to his country’s call, he fell at the battle of Manassas. James H. Robinson and William F. Newlin both fell in the battle of the 17th September at Sharpsburg. They had just attained the ages of 18 but did not falter when their country called, leaving fond parents, brothers, sisters and numerous friends. We record with unfeigned regret the death of General George B. Anderson, a gallant and promising young officer. Our readers are aware that General Anderson was wounded in the foot at Sharpsburg and was compelled to leave the field. It appears that his surgeon supposed the wound to have been caused by the fragment of a shell which did not lodge and his wound was pronounced to be slight. As soon as he could travel, he was brought to this place where his family resides. The wound becoming more and more painful, his physician, Dr. C.E. Johnson, discovered that the missile was still in his foot and as we announced a week ago, he removed a minie ball from it. We learn that erysipelas supervened either before or immediately after the removal of the ball and the condition of the patient was not only very painful but exceedingly critical. On Wednesday last after full consultation the physicians determined as a last resort to amputate the limb above the ankle. He bore the operation, though very painful, with much fortitude but his system had already been prostrated under his previous sufferings. Every effort within the compass of human skill was made for the patient but all in vain. On Wednesday evening it was discovered he was sinking. He breathed his last on yesterday morning at the house of his brother, Col. W.E. Anderson of this city. Seldom has a death occurred here which has excited so much sympathy. Young, brave and skillful, Anderson bid fair to be one of the most useful and able of our North Carolina officers. But alas! How soon he was cut down! His young, devoted wife and infant child far from her native home in Kentucky and surrounded by strangers are special objects of sympathy. General Anderson was a native of Wilmington (note, see next paragraph) and was, we presume, between 30 and 35 years of age. Separate article: The remains of General Anderson were buried in the Raleigh Cemetery with military honors becoming his rank, attended by a large concourse of citizens on Saturday last. The religious services were conducted at the capitol by Rev. Mr. Johnston of Edenton. The military escort and general arrangements of the occasion were conducted by Brigadier General Martin. We were mistaken in our last in supposing that General Anderson was a native of Wilmington. We learn from the Register that he was born in Hillsborough in 1831 and consequently could only have been 31 years of age or so. He was educated at West Point and entered the U.S. service as a lieutenant in the 2nd U.S. Cavalry. He was among the first to resign his place in the Lincoln army and at once tendered his services to his native state. He was appointed colonel of the 4th N.C. Regiment by Governor Ellis. He was made brigadier general after the Battle of Seven Pines for gallantry in that battle. We regret to learn that B.G. Graham, Esq., late postmaster at Greensboro, died of diphtheria on Friday. He was a good officer and highly respected citizen. We are glad to see that the announcement of the death of Col. De Rossett of the 3rd N.C. Troops of his wounds received at the Battle of Sharpsburg was premature. His wounds are rapidly healing and hopes are entertained that he will soon return to his family. Died, at the 2nd N.C. Hospital, Petersburg, Va., on the 27th September of typhoid fever, Arthur A. Smith, Pte., Company I (Captain McCain’s of Stanly County), 52nd Regiment N.C.T. In the death of Pte. Smith, the South has lost a good soldier and his parents a dutiful son. He was much esteemed and beloved by his comrades. He was a moral and obliging man and loved by all who knew him. His loss will be deeply felt by his fond parents, numerous relatives and friends. North Carolina Standard Raleigh October 29, 1862 Died, in Caswell County on the 14th October, of a disease contracted while in camp, Joshua H. Butler in the 27th year of his age. The deceased was a member of the “Leesburg Greys”, 13th (?) 18th (?) Regiment, N.C.T. The deceased leaves a wife and two children, a father, mother, brothers and sisters besides numerous friends to mourn their loss. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and had previous to the war, acted as Colporteur of Caswell County. T.J.W. Died, at the residence of Dr. William P. Darriect(?), near Richmond, on the 10th (illegible month), in the service of his country, Lt. John F. Thompson, Company A, Regiment (illegible), a citizen of Davidson County, of typhoid fever in the (illegible age, first number is a ‘2’) year of his age. Remarks of Robert P. Dick, Esq., on the deaths of Julius L. Gorrell and Capt. William Adams, made at a meeting of the Guilford Bar. My regard for our departed brothers and the peculiar relation which I occupied regarding one of them require me to say something on this sad occasion. I knew them when they were little boys, the idol and joy of their homes and I saw them grow up to manhood with many fond hopes and bight promises clustering around them. They have left us now! Their work on earth is done and we meet to pay a last tribute to their memory. Julius L. Gorrell was a Christian gentleman. If he were living, he would desire no higher eulogy. He was remarkable for his methodical habits and his fidelity to duty. Had he lived, his strict integrity and unwearied energy and perseverance would have rendered much service to society and obtained high honor to himself. I knew him well in all positions which he occupied—as a Sabbath school teacher, as a member of the church, as a member of the legislature and as a lawyer. And if he was faithless to any of the high obligations which those positions imposed, I am glad that I know it not. The last few weeks of his life were clouded with sorrow. His gallant brother Captain Henry G. Gorrell had fallen in the vanguard of the noble army that drove the vandals from the very gates of our capitol. With an all absorbing grief, he was mourning for his noble brother when the summons came for him to join him in the spirit land. The attachment of these two brothers was unusually intimate and strong. It seemed to grown with their growth and strengthen with their strength. Death did not separate them. Captain William Adams was my law student and for some time we were intimately associated in the profession. I had the most unbounded confidence in his intelligence and friendship and I am sure that there was no one outside of the circle of my immediate kindred for whom I had a more affectionate regard. He had many qualities calculated to inspire strong friendship. He was brave almost to rashness. His generosity was without a taint of selfishness and his open handed and open hearted liberality was almost a fault. His handsome intellect enabled him to acquire knowledge with great facility, perhaps too easy for his own good as he trusted to genius rather than to labor. He was very fond of the society of his friends and spent much time in social intercourse; but I always felt sure that he had a strong sheet anchor that would keep him safe from the temptations and dangers which so often beset the path of warm hearted and generous youth and that was his devoted attachment to his Christian mother. As a soldier he was brave and faithful to duty. He was but seldom on furlough. He was among the first to enter the service and his whole mind, heart and soul were united in the cause of his struggling country and he sealed his devotion with his blood on the sad field of Sharpsburg. I am informed that his last request was to be buried among his brave men on the field where they fell. He had won a soldier’s fame and wished to fill a soldier’s grave. Fayetteville Observer September 22, 1862 We are pained to learn of the death of Lt. Hayes Beatty of the 37th Regiment. Lt. Beatty was promoted after the battles of Richmond. He was wounded on Friday and died the next day. Fayetteville Observer October 6, 1862 Nat Kerr, youngest son of Judge Kerr, and a private in the Yanceyville Greys, was accidentally shot and instantly killed by one of our own men in the midst of a recent battle near Manassas. Being in a front line as he raised his head to shoot, a rifle ball from the rear ranks passed through it. He was an estimable and promising young man. NOTE: Not an obituary, but a lovely tribute, probably by a surgeon For the Observer Bivouac near Martinsburg, Sept. 22, 1862 Messrs Editors: The brave heroes of the 3rd N.C.S Troops who fell nobly defending their rights and driving the fiends from their homes and their soil should always live in the memory of the South. No man ever acted more bravely, with coolness and determination to conquer or die than the noble hero, Brig. General R.S. Ripley, who commanded the brigade. He was wounded but happily not mortally, in the neck but did not leave his command only while I dressed his wound and he immediately returned to the battlefield. He remarked that the 3rd fought like veterans and he must return to the battlefield; he was willing to stand by such men and if need be die with them. Fayetteville Observer Monday, Sept. 1, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: In General Hospital, Wilmington, 24th Aug., Gainey Woods of Sampson Co., private in Captain Sloan’s Company I, 51st Regiment. In this town, on the 24th inst., John McCallum, a native of Moore County, but a volunteer of the 2nd Arkansas Battalion, Company A, aged 43 years. His remains were carried for interment to the family burying place, Union Church, Moore County. He was wounded in the battles before Richmond but died of pneumonia “Carolina Boys”, deaths in Company K, 38th Regiment: Private Stephen Powell, killed by accident, June 5; D.J. McMillan, died June 25; Sgt. A. McInnis, Privates N.J. McLaughlin and Archibald Ray, killed June 26; Private J.T. Phillips of wounds, July 5; David Ray of wounds, July 6; G. Giddie of wounds July 8; Sgt. D. McFadyen of disease July 13; Private A.S. McLauchlin July 16; Lt. A. Shaw of wounds July 19; Private J.D. Johnson of disease July 25. In the hospital at Petersburg on the 17th inst., of putrid sore throat, Samuel McCrainey of Mecklenburg Co., Company F, 49th Regiment, aged 21. In Wilmington on the 24th inst., Robert Davidson, of Newkirk’s Cavalry, 25 At the hospital in Richmond on the 22nd July, Henry C. Merrell, 19 years, 1 months and 7 days, Company H, 25th Regiment In Richmond, July 29, Capt. W.C. Brown of the 14th Regiment, in the 31st year of his age of Buncombe County. On the 5th inst., in Petersburg hospital, of typhoid fever, Addison Lea, of Person, in the 24th year of his age. On the 27th ult., 1st Lt. W.Q. Stephens At Winchester, Va., 9th June, Charles W. Miller, of Forsyth County, Company D, 21st Regiment. He was about 19 years of age and participated in the fight at Manassas Junction and afterwards was attached to Jackson’s Division and was in all the fights in the Valley of Virginia up to the great contest at Winchester. At Weldon, 6th inst., Lt. R.D. Rushing, company I, 53rd Regiment, from Union co., aged 25 At Farmville, Va., on the 20th August, John Wright, second son of Thomas Wright, Esq., of Duplin co., aged 20, of the 20th Regiment (Iverson’s). He was ill for some weeks, but bore his most painful sufferings with the fortitude which might be expected from one who had some years before committed himself to the service of God in the communion of his church and had since lived up to this profession. He died calmly, committing his soul to God with an emphatic “His will be done.” His last days wee gladdened by the presence of his father and mother, by whom his remains were brought for interment to the family burial place in Duplin. His only brother, the only remaining child of his parents, lost his right arm in the battles before Richmond. On the 15th ult., Sgt. David Bone, a member of Co. G, 33rd Regiment S.T. aged 33 years. The deceased fell a victim to disease contracted while serving his country. Of a wound received in the Shiloh battle on the day following, Joseph Marsh, only son of John B. Marsh, deceased, a member of an Arkansas regiment of volunteers, aged 22 or 23. At Horn Quarter, King William County, Va., of typhoid pneumonia, 21st Aug., in his 20th year, William S. McCullin of Company H, 1st N.C. Cavalry In Franklin County, 14th Aug., Rufus E. Egerton, in the 19th year of his age, the third son who departed this life within the space of a month. Deceased was a member of the “Franklin Rifles”, 5th (now 15th) Regiment. In the battle at Gordonsville, Va., on the 9th Aug., John McNatt, from Robeson Co., a private in Captain Wooten’s company, from this place, aged 28 years. He leaves a wife and three children. The deceased was in the battles of Newbern, N.C., Hanover Court House, Va., and other engagements during this war. In Petersburg, at the 2nd N.C. Hospital, 18th Aug., of camp measles, Private Benjamin F. Dunn of the 17th Regiment from Edgecombe County, aged about 19. On the 3rd Aug., William B. Clapp and on the 8th, John H. Smith of Guilford Co., Company B, 27th Regiment On the 5th Aug., Sgt. S.D. Hooper of Company F, 54th Regiment Fayetteville Observer, Monday, September 8, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: In hospital at Atlanta, 30th July, Thomas Sanders of Co. I, 39th N.C.R. In Sampson County, on the 8th ult., Ezekiel M. Boyett, in the 21st year of his age, of the “Sampson Plow Boys.” At Light Horse Battery, N.C., 25th Aug., by accident, Archibald L. Strickland and Alfred J. Bloodworth of the “River Guards”. Of typhoid fever, in Goldsboro, on the 16th (?) April, William T. Beaty, in the 23rd year of his age, of the First Regiment, from Northampton Co. At Petersburg, Aug. 7, of wounds received at the battle of Gaines’ Mills, Cicero Franklin Lyon, Lt. in Company F, 1st Regiment, aged 27. In Wake Co., July 12, A.H. Dunn, quartermaster of the 55th Regiment. In David Co., 8th July, Henderson E. Livengood, aged 26, member of Co. E, 2nd Regiment. At Banner Hospital, Richmond, 22nd ult., of wounds received at the Battle of Malvern Hill, J. Scott Wilson, 22, member of Company D, 14th Regiment. In hospital near Richmond on the 1st inst., A.L. Stearns of Capt. Brown’s company from Mecklenburg Co. Also, on the 3rd ult., in hospital at Greenwood, John L. Reid of the same company. Also, on the battle field near Gordonsville, on the 9th ult., 1st Corp. John S. Gibbs of the same company. At Bird Island Hospital, Richmond, July 12, of wounds received at the battle of Malvern Hill, George W. Harper, of Halifax County, a member of Company I, 12th Regiment, aged exactly 22 years on the day of the battle. In Petersburg, 24th Aug., of typhoid fever, Mark Fulbright, of Brem’s Artillery aged 22, of Catawba County. Killed in the battle of Gloriette, in Mexico, John Randolph Martin, son of Edmund D. Martin, formerly of Anson Co., N.C. In Bladen County, 15th Aug., J.B. Singletary, in the 29th year of his age, a soldier of Captain G. Yate’s Company, at Ft. St. Philip, Old Brunswick. In Bladen County, 26th Aug., of typhoid fever, A. H. Robeson, aged 21, a member of Captain Patterson’s Artillery Co. In Petersburg, of typhoid fever, 24th Aug., Singleton Wilson Lacy, son of Rev. Dr. Lacy, 17 years, 7 months a member of the 43rd Regiment. NOTE: Not a soldier’s obituary, but close to it: In obedience to his country’s call, Allen D. Martin, citizen of Montgomery County, N.C., sometime last spring left his home, leaving a wife and four sprightly and healthy looking children, three sons and an infant daughter, aged 7, 4 and 2 years. On the 8th inst., the youngest son was taken sick, also the second and oldest, all dying, the space between their deaths being about 36 hours. Distressing will be the sad news to the father who is now in service in the 44th Regiment. May He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, support the bereaved parents in their distress. A Friend Bivouac Near the Rapidan Aug. 29, 1862 In Memorium Died, in Crow Hospital, Richmond, Aug. 8, 1862, from the effects of a wound received in the battles before Richmond, Corp. Hugh W.W. McDougald, Company G, 24th Regiment N.C.T. One who knew him well and intimately and loved him even as a brother, writes this piece in memory of a North Carolinian, a braver man never trod the soil of Virginia. Leaving all the endearments of home, made more dear by the presence of a widowed mother, and a devoted sister, he, fifteen months ago, rushed to the defense of his country and manfully endured the different campaigns which his Regiment passed through. Affable in his manners, possessed of a kind and generous nature, he endeared to him the hearts of all with whom he was acquainted; and when the sad news reached us that he was no more, all felt it but a transition from this world to one of endless happiness. And while his loss is so deeply felt by the company, what must be the anguish and bereavement of his mother, whose declining years he fondly hoped to comfort and gladden when peace should once more be restored upon our land? His loss is irreparable, but our sympathy for her in this sad affliction, the many friends who he has left behind, and the hopes that he has inherited a better world, will in some degree sooth the dull cold ear of death. A Friend May he rest in peace. In memory of my oldest son, Lt. Eli W. Winningham of Company I, 22nd Regiment N.C.S.T. At his country’s call, he left school and volunteered in the first company from Randolph County; he discharged his duties faithfully for twelve months, went through the battle of Seven Pines unharmed, but through fatigue he was attacked with bilious fever and putrid sore throat and died at Richmond, Va., July 17, 22 years and 18 days. He was a dutiful child, a professor of religion. He said to the doctor, you must not think I am afraid to die, for I left home a Christian, and having tried to remain one in camp. His death is a great loss to Ma, sister and brother, but we hope our loss is his eternal gain. But now my son is gone, To him there is no morrow, Though time with us rolls on, He’s free from pain and sorrow. Beloved by those he left behind, No foe he had at home, He was ever gently, good and kind, But the Lord bid him come. Then fare thee well, loved one, Oft times we’ll think of thee And when we’re called from time to come, Oh! May we follow thee Ma Fayetteville Observer, Monday, September 15, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: In First N.C. Hospital, Petersburg, July 6, of typhoid fever, Private Monroe Ingold, Company C, 45th Regiment N.C.T., 17 years and a native of Guilford Co., N.C. At the N.C. Hospital, Petersburg, 2nd April, Daniel B. Graham, of the Cumberland County “Carolina Boys”, aged 24. In hospital near Richmond, on the 15th ult., Hamilton H. Prather, of hemorrhage of the lungs, in the 27th year of his age. He belonged to Col. Orr’s 2nd Regiment Rifles, S.C. Volunteers. In the Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, 16th July, George Lesley Parks, in the 27th year of his age, a soldier in the 18th N.C.T. In the hospital at Petersburg, Aug. 22, Aaron C. Downs, Company I, 26th Regiment. At Petersburg, on the 8th inst., R.C. Martin of Franklin Co., of the 32nd (?) N.C.T. In Mecklenburg, on the 3rd inst., Sgt. Isaac Peoples, of Brem’s Battery, aged 25. Recently in Richmond, Lt. L.J. Grier, 1st N.C. Cavalry, of Mecklenburg County Camp French Near Petersburg, Va. September 7, 1862 Messrs. Editors: You will oblige me by publishing the following deaths which have occurred in my company within the last thirty days: Lt. Lindsay C. Hardister, August 7 at the General Hospital, Petersburg Private Barney R. Luther, Aug. 10 at 1st N.C. Hospital, Petersburg Sergeant Calvin B. Lewis, Aug. 11, at the 1st N.C. Hospital, Petersburg Private Joseph W. Lyndon, Aug. 11 at Chimborazo Hospital, Number 2, Richmond Sgt. Calvin G. Rush, Sept. 1 at Poplar Lawn Hospital, Petersburg Private William H. James, Sept. 5, at Poplar Lawn Hospital, Petersburg Private David Handcock, Aug. 16 at Confederate Hospital, Petersburg All from Randolph County J.E. Kyle Captain, Company B, 52nd N.C.R. Died, at his residence in Columbus County, on the 1st inst., of putrid sore throat, Captain William K. Gore of Company C, 19th Regiment N.C.T. He was in the battle of Slush(? Church, Mechanicsville, Gaines Mills, and Frazier’s Farm, in which last he was severely wounded in the thigh while bravely and gallantly leading his company in the fight. In Staunton, Va., on the 8th inst., of wounds received in the battle of Cedar Run, Lt. Frederick J. Moore, of Wilmington, aged 28. In Lynchburg, Aug. 25, William J. Edwards, of Nash Co., of typhoid fever. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, September 22, 1862 Died, in Columbus Co., at the residence of Col. N. McPhaul, on the 3rd Sept., Neill McMillan, late a soldier in Captain R.B. McRae’s company. The friends of Mr. McMillan will be consoled by the fact that he died among friends and was decently buried. Deaths of Soldiers: Near Bean’s Station, East Tennessee, July 26, A.G. Davis, of Col. R.B. Vance’s Regiment, aged 19. In Petersburg, Aug. 9, Martin A. McKinnon of the “Moore County Independents”, Co. H, 26th Regiment, aged about 25. He was unhurt in the battles of Newbern and Richmond and died of typhoid fever. Died, at Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Aug. 5, John Herring, Company E, 18th Regiment, of New Hanover, aged 25. At hospital, in Richmond, Sept. 3, Benjamin P. Alexander, aged 35, 53rd Regiment, from Mecklenburg. At Goldsboro, 14th March, George W. Means, aged 23 on the battle field near Richmond; 27th June, Jas. K. P. Means, 18; both of the 34th Regiment; and at Wilmington, 22nd August of typhoid fever, John T. Means, aged 22 of the 11th Regiment. All sons of William Means of Mecklenburg. In Richmond, 13th July, from effects of a wound received in battle, John A. Hester, aged about 23 years, of Forsythe County. On the 8th of typhoid fever, in Petersburg, Robert Chesley Martin, of Franklin Co., in the 19th year of his age, a member of the 32nd Regiment. Died, in the Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Aug. 12, Charles N. Thrower, aged 26 years, He was a volunteer in Company F, Scotch Boys, 18th Regiment. He was wounded in the battle of Hanover Court House, May 27, and was taken prisoner and sent to Governor’s Island, N.Y. where he remained in confinement for two months and then was carried to Ft. Delaware and remained there until exchanged. He was sick the greater part of the time while in prison, caused by the ill treatment of the Yankees. He caught the disease which caused his death before he was exchanged but was able to reach Richmond; he was carried to the hospital on the 6th day of August where he remained six days with great suffering and died. He was a brave and noble soldier and had many friends in camp and was loved by all who knew him. He died in defense of his country. He was attended by his brother during his last illness. Near Richmond, Va., on the 16th Aug., of typhoid fever, Neil M.N. Cole, 23 years, 9 months, a member Company H, 30th Regiment N.C.T., a son of John Cole of Moore County. He left his parents, home and all that was dear to him and went to defend all that was sacred to him. He was a kind, dutiful son; none knew him but to love him. While his parents have sustained a heavy loss, his companions in arms a lovely associate with who he fought through the battles before Richmond, yet we hope their loss is his everlasting gain. J.M.C. In the hospital at Richmond, Sept. 12, Benton H.J. Craven, in the 27th year of his age, a member Captain McAlister’s Company, 46th Regiment. On the 9th inst., in Greenville of a wound received in the late Confederate attack on Washington, Stephen E. Fife of Pitt County, aged 19 years, Sergeant in Company K. 17th Regiment. In Richmond on July 2, Wallace Seales(?) of Rockingham Co., aged about 28. He was mortally wounded in the battle of July 1st. Fayetteville Observer, September 29, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: In camp near Richmond on 31st July, Artemas, son of James L. and Sallie Alford, aged 28 years, 6 months and 28 days. In the hospital at Raleigh, Aug. 22, of a wound received in the battle before Richmond, John W. Walker, of this county. Near Tarboro on the 18th inst., Capt. Baker W. Mabrey of the 44th Regiment. He had but a short time been in camp and acquitted himself gallantly at the recent fight near Trauter’s Creek near Washington. At his father’s residence in Robeson Co., on the 11th inst., of typhoid fever, Elias B. Powers, in his 25th year, a member of Capt. Godwin’s company in the 31st Regiment. In hospital at Charlottesville, on the 6th inst., of wounds received in the Battle of Cedar Run, Edwin P. Wade of Montgomery Co., of Co. E, 28th Regiment, in the 24th year of his age. At Richmond, July 1, Samuel M. King, private in Company I, 16th Regiment from a wound received in the battle of Richmond. In Mecklenburg, on Aug. 9, Lt. C.B. Boyce, of Co. H, 11th Regiment, aged 25. Lately, Lt. S.H. Douglas of Company D, 34th Regiment. Near Wilmington, Private Jas. A. Elms, Co. H, 11th Regiment. At Lynchburg, on the 5th inst., Edmond T. Newsom, a volunteer from Union county, aged 22. In Onslow Co., 5th August, of a wound received on the head in the battle at Richmond, July 1, J.L.R. Langley of Co. A, 11th Regiment, in the 27th year of his age. In Danville, Va., Aug. 13, after a protracted illness, Calvin Bute, aged 27 years, 8 months and 4 days. Departed this life on the 17th inst., at the residence of his father, L.J. Haughton, Esq., Chatham Co., N.C., of typhoid fever, Lt. John Lawrence Haughton, 21 years and 5 months. On the formation of Captain Evans’ company of mounted men, he attracted the attention of both the captain and the men as one well suited to occupy the position of lieutenant. As an officer, he showed enterprise, daring and discretion. In the battle of Newbern, he narrowly escaped—a ball striking his sword and bending it. Soon after the battle, his heath failed and being threatened by hereditary consumption, at the urgent solicitation of his family and friends he resigned his position. Rest and kind attention soon in a measure restored his health and he felt it his duty to return to the service. He joined Captain Harris’ company of Rangers and was elected 1st lt. During their march to Goldborough to be mustered into service the exposure was too much for his strength so that on his return he was prostrated on a bed of sickness. At first, there seemed to be little danger and no one dreamed of a final termination. Still, he was mindful of the intentions of his Heavenly Father in thus afflicting him, and spent his time in the use of his Bible and Prayer Book and we doubt not, in serious self examination and a careful preparation for a holier life in this world, or if it were God’s will, to rest in Abraham’s bosom. The disease, however, when least expected, rapidly increased in strength and soon attacked the brain, leaving him only lucid intervals. In his delirium, the subjects which engrossed his attention were alike honorable to him as a man, a patriot and a Christian. His constant talk was for the care of his men. While his father has lost a dutiful son, the State a good citizen and the country has lost a brave and efficient soldier, our loss has, we hope and trust, been his eternal gain. R.B.S. NOTE: See civilian deaths for Jas. A. Crutchfield Died, at St. Charles Hospital, Richmond, Va., on the 28th June last, from the effects of a wound in the left breast by a piece of a shell, done the 26th June, Private James A. Hall, of Capt. H.W. Horne’s Company (formerly Capt. P. Mallett’s company), 3rd Regiment N.C.T. Early at his country’s call he left a widowed mother and little sisters and many friends to go to his country’s defense. He was stationed at one of the many batteries at Acquia Creek on the Potomac River from July 1861 to the fall of Newbern, thence he returned back to N.C. under the command of Major General T.H. Holmes; then was ordered to meet the enemy below Richmond, and in the first fight he received the fatal blow. At all times he was admired by all who knew him for his bravery in times of combat. While in camp or at home he was as calm as a lamb, and while in battle as brave as a lion. He was well liked by his fellow soldiers and officers. He was a member of the Baptist Church at Magnolia, Cumberland County. He leaves many relations and friends and his comrades in arms who mourn his loss, but not as though we had no hope. Thus has the young hero Parted from hence away Where no cannons roar But lives in endless day. Soldier Deaths of Soldiers: In the College Hospital, Lynchburg, Va., on the 25th August, John F. Cameron, of Co. C, 3rd Regiment N.C.T. (Captain Horne), in the 23rd year of his age. The deceased was a native of Moore Co., where his remains were interred. He leaves fond parents, brothers and sisters and many friends to mourn his loss. At Camp Cowan, near Wilmington, Daniel McEachern, Jr., of Robeson Co., a member of the Clark Artillery. On the cars, between Weldon and Raleigh, on Tuesday last, G.W. Hinson, 20th N.C.T. He was supposed to be from Stanly Co. His remains were interred in Raleigh and his effects deposited at the Peace Institute Hospital in that city. At Camp Cowan near Wilmington, C.J. Bennett of Clark’s Artillery. On the 24th ult., Lt. R.B. Lansinger of Co. K, 27th N.C.T. of typhoid fever, after a lingering illness of several weeks. On the 28th August, at the Marine Hospital near Wilmington, Lafayette McKendren Veach, 23 years, a member of Capt. Lewis’ company. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 6, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: In camp, near Drury’s Bluff, Va., Sept. 26, Captain Benjamin R. Williamson, Co. C, 2nd N.C. Battalion. In Franklin Co., of sore throat, 23rd Sept., Sydney Wiggins, in his 21st year, a member of the 55th Regiment. At the camp of instruction of the 33rd Regiment, near Gordonsville, Va., on the 3rd Sept. of brain fever, Neill McLean of Richmond Co., 27. At the hospital in Petersburg on the 16th ult., John A. Ferguson of Moore Co., in the 19th year of his age. On the 31st July last, in the hospital at Petersburg, Duncan M. Johnson, in the 47th year of his age, private in Capt. Huske’s Company from Moore Co. At Danville, Va., Aug. 13, Calvin Bule, of Bladen Co., 27 years, 8 months, and 4 days. The deceased, under Capt. R.M. Devane, was engaged in the series of battles before Richmond, at which time, and at all others, he discharged his duties faithfully. On the train near Raleigh, Sept. 16, Capt. J.R. Jennings, co. G, 11th (Bethel) Regiment, N.C.T. At Manassas, 28th Aug., George C. Hartman, of Co. F, 21st Regiment, about 28 years of age. He was in the first fight at Manassas and then in Jackson’s Division was in all the fights in the Valley of Virginia, and on the Peninsula up to the time of the great contest at Manassas, where he was stricken by a ball through his head. He was of Stokes Co. Killed in the late battle of Manassas, Aug. 30, Beverly B. Brantley, youngest son of the late Rev. Dr. Brantley, and brother of the Rev. Dr. John J. Brantley, of Newberry, S.C. he was a member of Co. A, Hampton Legion and was among the earliest to volunteer, though a mere youth, when the war broke out. In this town, on the 4th inst., at the residence of his brother (U. Schermerhorn), Ira Schermerhorn, aged 36. He belonged to Captain Martin’s Company from Moore Co., was ill with typhoid fever in Richmond, but recovered sufficiently to come here, where he died suddenly from inflammation of the bowels occasioned by imprudence in diet. In Wilkes Co., of wounds received in the Richmond battles on the 9th ult., Lt. John Kerr Smith, in his 35th year. At Richmond, July 24th, Benjamin H. Childers, Co. G, 28th Regiment, in the 22nd year of his age. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 13, 1862 Died, in Wadesboro, on the 23rd ult., of yellow fever, (contracted in Wilmington), Major Jas. S. Kendall of the 26th Regiment N.C.T. Deaths of Soldiers: Near Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., on the 26th ult., Neill Stewart, member of Scotch Boys co., 18th Regiment, N.C.T. At Winder Hospital, Richmond, 22nd Sept., of fever, Murdoch A. McIver, in his 21st year, a member of Capt. Wicker’s Co. H., Moore Co. Rifles, 30th Regiment. At General Hospital, Wilmington, Sept. 10, of typhoid fever, Duncan B. Wade, aged 23 years, member of Co. K, 51st Regiment. On Friday morning, 26 Sept., Martin Gaffling, a native of Ireland, private in Starr’s Light Artillery, was drowned from the Str. Congaree while lying at the wharf at Smithville, N.C. He was, Lt. T.C. Fuller writes us, aged 25 years and was an excellent soldier. In Raleigh, on the 4th Aug., Dr. W.W. McKenzie, aged 25, assistant surgeon in the 4th State Troops. In Cabarrus Co., Aug. 30, William A. Rumple, aged 21, of the 7th Regiment. At Raleigh Hospital, of typhoid fever, John Hucks of Mecklenburg Co., of Capt. F.R. Alexander’s Company, 36th Regiment. Roland C. Osborne, of Haywood Co., died at the hospital in Petersburg on the 5th August, in the 26th year of his age. He was a member of Co. F, 25th Regiment. At Sharpsburg, of wounds received in the battle of the 17th inst., Sgt. Thomas Clay Carmichael in the 20th year of his age. In Greenwood Hospital, Va., 16th July, Thomas Scott, and on the 14th of the same months at the same place, William R. Scott, both of Orange co., and both members Co. K, 6th Regiment. At Hospital in Richmond, Va., of typhoid fever, Jno. W. Thomas, a member of the Moore County Rifels, in the 24th year of his age. He went through the great battles at Richmond unhurt. He was a brave and noble soldier, prompt in his duties; and had many friends in camp and was loved by all who knew him. He died in the defense of his country’s noble cause. He leaves a father, mother, two brothers and two sisters to mourn his loss. J.J. G. & W.D.G. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 20, 1862 Deaths of Soldiers: Sept. 11, in the hospital near the Warm Springs, Madison Co., N.C., James E. Ward, 20, of Edgecombe Co. In Edgecombe Co., on the 10th inst., of pulmonary disease, Capt. Alex D. Tumbro, formerly of the 4th State Troops, in his 28th year. In the Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond on the 11th ult., Lemuel G. Barker, of Wake, aged 25, a private in the 1st Regiment. Near Sharpsburg, 19th Sept., of wounds in the battle, Capt. Jason P. Joynes, aged 20, of the 27th Regiment. In hospital at Richmond, on the 19th ult., Addison S. Lawrence, of Capt. Mann’s company of Forsythe Co. Near Hanover Court House, Va., 19th Aug., Mareenas O’Brien of Franklin co., aged 18, of Company E, 1st N.C. Cavalry In Richmond, Va., Sept. 16, Thomas Howard, a soldier from Rowan Co., aged 32. Near Orange C.H., Va., Aug. 25, of typhoid fever, in the 22nd year of his age, John Willis, of Rockingham Co., Quartermaster Sergeant of the 7th Regiment. In Wilmington on the 9th inst., of yellow fever, John H. Brantley(?), aged 24 years, he belonged to Co. E., 1st State Troops. In the 2nd N.C. hospital at Petersburg, Va., on the 27th Sept. last of yellow fever, Arthur A. Smith, private in Company I (Capt. McCain’s of Stanly Co.), 52nd Regiment N.C.T. In the death of Mr. Smith, the South has lost a good soldier and the parents a dutiful son. He was much esteemed and beloved by his comrades. He was moral, kind and obliging and loved by all who knew him. His loss will be deeply felt by his fond parents, numerous relatives and friends. He died far, far away from home, Where strangers round him stood; They looked upon and heard him groan, But they could do no good. No father by to help his son, No mother standing near; Though of the called for them to come To help and for him care. B.K.C. To Captain D. McDougald (Who fell mortally wounded at the fight at Malvern Hill) Sleep, friend and hero, sweetly sleep, Secure from rugged war’s alarms; Whilst o’er our land its whirlwind sweeps, And bugles sound “to arms!”, “to arms!” Thou hearest no more the angry strife Of armies rushing fiercely on; To fields where glory, honor, life, Are sternly lost or bravely won. Thy patriot heart beats high no more To see thy country’s banner wave; To hear her trusty cannon roar, Or war song chanted by the brave. ‘Neath Malvern’s “dark and bloody” brow, The vandal’s missile laid thee low; Thou bravely met thy fate, and now The shrubs of mourning o’er thee grow. Thy war worn comrades will return, And fire the solemn farewell shot; Above their young commander’s urn, A sad, yet hallowed spot. Then sleep, my friend, the cause you loved, Defended in the glorious fight; Heroes will save with hearts unmoved; God will protect the right Summerville, August, 1862 S. Deaths of Soldiers: At Camp Mangum, on the 24th May, in the 17th year of his age, Malcomb Darroch, Jr., of company H, 50th (?) 56th (?) Regiment, N.C.T. The deceased was the eldest son of John Darroch, Esq., who died the 5th of January last. At Jeffersonton, Va., on the 9th Sept., Private S.A. Spaugh, Company B, 14th Regiment Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 27, 1862 Departed this life on Wednesday, 5th inst., at the residence of his father, near the Gulf, Chatham Co., Lt. DeWitt C. Harris, eldest son of Brooks Harris, Esq., aged 27 years, 4 months and 19 days. From childhood of the most unblemished purity of morals and of the strictest integrity of character, the deceased entered upon life with the respect and esteem of all who knew him. Upon the breaking out of the war, he felt it his duty to give up his cherished dreams of happiness and to go forth at the call of his country. It was urged upon him that he should have a substitute but his reply was “it is my duty to go”. He volunteered in the Chatham Rifles and bore without a murmur the privations and hardships of the Peninsular campaign. Disease fastened upon him and really incapacitated him for any military service; but in his eagerness to repel the invaders, supposing that he might be able to endure the cavalry service, he accepted a lieutenancy in Captain Harris’ Troop of Mounted Rangers. Exposure soon prostrated him upon a bed of sickness. He bore his protracted illness with patience and fortitude. When he was informed that he had not long to live, he received the announcement with the greatest calmness, and professed his entire resignation to the will of God. A short time before he expired he said “how pleasant is it to die!” After this, he never spoke. In the full possession of his faculties he lay quietly waiting the sunshine and, without a struggle or a gasp, yielded up his soul to God in the confident expectation of a joyful resurrection. S. Deaths of Soldiers: In Richmond Co., of chronic diarrhea, Corp. Wm. T. Covington, aged 20, of Co. E, 38th Regiment. Near Petersburg, Aug. 2, Humphrey P. Morgan, aged 28, of the 50th Regiment. At the Winder Hospital, Richmond, 6th Oct., Richard H. Turner, aged 31, of Warren Co., 46th Regiment. On the battlefield of Sharpsburg, 17th Sept., Lt. S.G. Gillespie, Co. B, 3rd Regiment, aged 29. Suddenly, on the 10th ult., near Weldon, while passing from Richmond to his home, Moses H. Wilkerson, aged 23, of the 22nd Regiment. He was wounded in the arm in the Richmond battles, but continued to fight on. At Smithville, of bilious fever, in the 19th year of his age, Edwin Geer, Jr., son of Rev. Edwin Geer of Washington, N.C., and grandson of Dr. John Beckwith of Petersburg. He was acting at the time of his death as an aid to General Rains. In Winchester, Va., of a wound received in the Sharpsburg battle, Lt. Hugh A. Hill of Company A, 33rd Regiment. Of typhoid fever, in Guildord Co., 19th Sept., Robert H. Donnell, in the 19th year of his age, of Captain Shober’s Company, 45th Regiment. At Shepardstown, Va., on the 9th inst., of typhoid fever, Lt. A.J. Williams, Co. K, 3rd N.C.T. In the hospital at Petersburg, 8th July, Calvin Sneed, a member of Capt. Sturdivant’s Company, from Anson County. In the hospital at Raleigh, 26th May, Thomas G. Sneed, a member of Captain Buggan’s co., from Anson Co. Died, in Cumberland co., on the 4th August, of typhoid fever, Alexander McLeod, aged 23 years. He volunteered in Capt. McLaughlin’s Company K, 38th Regiment in which he was elected Orderly Sergeant. He discharged his duties with ability. On the 16th inst., of yellow fever, in Wilmington, Daniel Sullivan, aged 52. He belonged to Co. E, 1st Regiment N.C.T. It is painful to record the death of our much esteemed, very dear and beloved brother, James T. Bostick, who was killed in one of the battles before Richmond, at Ellison’s Mills, on the 26th June, in the 22nd year of his age. He was in Company E (Richmond Boys), 28th Regiment N.C.T. He volunteered in November and went into camp at Raleigh on the 20th December. After some time he was detailed to go to the hospital to nurse the sick. So kind and warm hearted was he, that he gave up his bed and blankets to the sick, to render them more comfortable. When he could have a few spare hours during the night, he would lie on the hard benches without any covering. In a few weeks, after much exposure, he was taken with severe pneumonia from which he suffered intensely—came home on a sick furlough and for three weeks was very unwell and before he was at all able to perform military duty, he longed to be again in the army. Contrary to the entreaties of his physician and friends, he bade them adieu. His wishes were “if I die in camp, bury me there, if I am killed in battle, bury me on the battlefield”. After receiving the fatal wound, he lived but a few hours. Would that we could have been by his side, to alleviate his intense sufferings. But no father, mother, sisters or brothers were there. Dearest Jimmie, thou are gone!! Thy grave is in a strange land, in old Virginia; but our true hearts will often linger around thy tomb. But in this day of our sad bereavement, we have the assurance that he is a bright, happy, glorified spirit in Heaven, where the wicked do not trouble and where the weary enjoy eternal repose. He was a consistent member of the Cartledge’s Creek Baptist Church, Richmond Co., N.C. Dearest soldier, fare thee well; We cannot meet on earth to dwell Farewell, thou lovely one, farewell, We soon shall come with thee to dwell The following lines he often and lovingly repeated while on his sick furlough at home: Farewell dear friends, I cannot stay, The home I seek is far away; Where Christ is not I cannot be, That land is not the land for me. There is a land prepared for me The price was paid on Calvary; I have some friends I hope to see, And that’s the land, the land for me. “Praise to God, where seraphs fly, Bright angels sing and so will I; Where seraphs bow and bend the knee, Oh! That’s the land, the land for me.” Sallie L. and Annie J. Bostick |