Military Obituaries Summer - Fall 1861

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    July 10, 1861
    We regret to have to record the death of three of our soldiers who have been called 
    away in a few days.  Pte. Wrightenbury of the Davis Guards from Randolph Co. 
    died at the camp near this city on Sunday last and his remains carried home for 
    interment Monday.  Pte. Calvin Treslar(?) of the Rockingham Rangers of the 3rd 
    Regiment near Suffolk, Virginia, died in the camp last week and his body was sent 
    home.  And the Goldsborough Tribune records the death of Pte. W.R. Smith of the 
    Goldsborough Confederate Rifles near Goldsborough on the 28th inst.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 17, 1861
    We are pained to learn that John Wheeler, son of our friend Dr. S.J. Wheeler of 
    Murfreesboro, died at camp at Portsmouth, N.C. on the 7th inst.  He was a graduate 
    of Columbia College, D.C. and a promising young man.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 22, 1861
    Died, on Friday, 21st June, at his father’s residence in Bladen Co., W.H. Shaw, a volunteer in 
    the Bladen Guards, aged 20.
    Died, in Richmond on the 9th July, at the residence of John E. Epps, Esq., Thomas S. Price, a 
    native of North Carolina, Orderly Sergeant of the Arkansas Travellers, with pneumonia, after a 
    severe illness of ten days suffering, aged 25.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 24, 1861
    Captain J.A. DeLagnell, who fell at the conflict at Rieb(?) Mountain was in command 
    of the Fayetteville arsenal in this state at the time of its surrender to our state authorities. 
    He leaves a glorious name for he fought to the last and died by his gun.  He leaves a 
    wife but no children.  His wife is in Petersburg.  She is the sister of Captain Fisher 
    who not long since committed suicide at the head of his company of dragoons.
    We regret to learn that there is a good deal of sickness in the camp at Suffolk and 
    also at Garysburg.  Pte. Motley of Captain Slade’s Company from Rockingham and 
    Pte. Swearingen of Captain Anderson’s Company from Stanly County died last week 
    in Suffolk.
    Died, of typhoid fever at Ocracoke, N.C., John Wheeler, 2nd Sergeant in the Hertford 
    Light Infantry, aged 19 years and 9 months.  Just one month ago on Wednesday last, 
    the people of this place parted with 120 young stalwart soldiers who went forward as 
    Hertford’s first installment in the great work of our country’s defense.  Many a heart 
    throbbed on that occasion with fears that we were taking our last farewell of some of 
    whom we would look on no more forever.  That gloomy foreboding was also too true.  
    The great destroyer has stricken down one of the bravest and best of that county.  
    John Wheeler is no more.  With all of his energies devoted to the sacred cause of his 
    country’s good, he has fallen and left desolate the hearth stone where his presence 
    ever brought joy.  Yet we hope that while so many hearts are cruelly wrung at his loss, 
    he himself has benefited in the frustration of our mortal hopes.  The entire community 
    mourns his loss.  He is gone now and many bright hopes of his future have withered in 
    his grave.  Darkness and shadows encompass the ways of Providence but all who 
    knew him believe John Wheeler has passed from “death unto life”.  
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, July 29, 1861
    Deaths of Volunteers—Privates Teal of Montgomery Co.; Swearingen of Stanly Co.; and Motley 
    of Rockingham Co., have died in camp.
    Died, at Garysburg, on the 20th inst., of pneumonia, John C. Teal, aged 23.  The deceased was 
    one of the first to respond to his country’s call for volunteers from Montgomery Co.  Though he 
    had not the good fortune to die for his country on the battlefield, yet he died nobly doing his duty 
    to defend its honor.  He had the confidence and esteem of his fellow soldiers.  He leaves a wife 
    and four helpless children and numerous friends at home to mourn his loss.
    North Carolina Standard
    July 31, 1861
    Death of Colonel Charles F. Fisher
    He fell at the head of his regiment fighting for his native land.  He fell at the head of a 
    ravine near Sherman’s Battery while leading, it is presumed, the second right flank 
    companies into the hottest of the fight.  He is said to have given his watch and sword 
    to his servant before entering the ravine.  He was instantly killed, the ball entering his 
    forehead and coming out at the back of his head.  His hat shows the mark of the ball, 
    the rim having been split in front and the band cut behind.  His remains reached this 
    place on Wednesday  morning last via Goldsborough on the way to Salisbury, his 
    native town.  The cars were draped in mourning and his body was attended by some 
    of the officers of his regiment and several of the officers of the Road were much 
    attached to him.  Captain Colis’ Company of Col. Pettigrew’s Regiment, by order 
    of the Governor, accompanied the remains from this place to Salisbury.
    Colonel Fisher was 48 years of age and we believe, he was for a year or two at 
    West Point and that he afterwards prepared himself for the practice of law.  He 
    edited for a year or so a paper in Salisbury.  He was an able and accomplished 
    writer and a good speaker.  He was a member of the state senate in 1854-55 and 
    distinguished himself by his earnest advocacy of a liberal system of internal 
    improvement.  Soon after, he was called to the presidency of the North Carolina 
    Railroad in which capacity he evinced great energy of character and business 
    talents of the highest order.  He resigned this position but a few weeks since, 
    taking command of this splendid regiment which was raised mainly by his own 
    His regard for his men and his efforts to render them comfort knew no bounds.  
    He was of an ardent temperament, frank in his intercourse with others, unaffected 
    in his manners, modest and brave.  It is natural, therefore, that he should have 
    many friends.
    We are pained to learn that Lt. W.P. Mangum of Orange who was wounded at the 
    Battle of Manassas, has since died.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 6, 1861
    George T. Lewis, of the Lexington, N.C. Wildcats, died at Suffolk on the 31st.  And, J.J. Stevens, 
    a member of a N.C. Regiment (not know which or where he was from) died at Richmond on 
    Wednesday last.  His friends may hear further by addressing Dr. C.F. Couch, Richmond, Va.  
    Another soldier, alike unknown, except that his last name was Woods, died in the hospital there 
    on Friday.  Marcus Alsobrook, of the Enfield Blues, died at Yorktown on the 24th and J.J. Coker 
    and Samuel L. Arrington of the same company, on the 26th.  All of pneumonia.  Private Jones 
    of Capt. Swindell’s company (Beaufort Co.) died at Garysburg.  Private Joseph A. Johnson of 
    Edgecombe, died at Yorktown on the 23rd.  He had participated in the battle of Bethel.  Private 
    Stallings, of Franklin Co., accidentally shot and instantly killed himself on the 23rd July.  And, 
    Ebeneezer Stradley of Capt. Vance’s company, Buncombe Co., died at Suffolk on the 31st.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 12, 1861
    Died, at Fort Macon on the 30th July, of typhoid fever, Gregory J. Sloan, son of James Sloan, 
    Esq., of Greensborough.  The deceased was in his 26th year.  Generous in his impulses and 
    uniformly polite and affable in manner, he enjoyed the affectionate regard of his acquaintances.  
    Among the first to answer the call of his state, in the breaking out of the war, he marched with 
    his company, the Guilford Grays, to the defense of Fort Macon, where he served, without 
    intermission, to the time of his death.  His remains were attended home by a detachment of his 
    comrades, who mingled their tears with those of his distressed relatives and friends, over his 
    early grave.  Peace to his dust, and God’s blessing upon his sorrowing relations.  Greensboro’ 
    North Carolina Standard
    August 14, 1861
    Died, on Sunday morning, July 29th (?) 20th (?), near Yanceyville, Caswell County, 
    N.C., George, only son of James and Mary(?) Jane Williamson, and grandson of the 
    late George Williamson, aged 16 years, 11 months and 9 days.  He was a most 
    estimable youth.  He was a standout at the military school at Charlotte and went 
    to Yorktown with General Hill. Subsequently he was a drill master at Garysburg 
    where he contracted the disease of which he died.  He was a Christian and died in 
    General Kershaw gave the following of the late lamented William H. Hardy
    He was the son of Dr. J.F.E. Hardy of Asheville, N.C.  He was with Col. Kershaw at 
    the bombardment of Ft. Sumter.  His father lost a son in the Mexican War and has 
    two more in the Confederacy at Yorktown.  It is deeply to be lamented that the body 
    of William H. Hardy has not been found or identified since the battle on Manassas 
    Plains.  General Kershaw spoke of him thus:  “One of my personal aides, William 
    H. Hardy, was most serviceable during the engagement, gallantly bearing order 
    after order with promptness and intelligence.  Having been sent by me to conduct 
    Colonel Preston’s regiment to a position on my left.  He was shot in the breast at 
    the head of the regiment before he had proceeded fifty yards and died instantly.  
    A youth of pure and gentle spirit, he evinced on the field the cool self possession, 
    possessed heroism of the veteran soldier.”
    The following deaths have recently occurred in our camps in Virginia among the soldiers:
    At Yorktown, 23rd July, Joseph A. Johnson of Edgecombe
    ------- Stallings of Franklin, who accidentally shot himself through the head
    Marcus Alsbrook on the 24th
    J.J. Coker on the 25th
    Samuel L. Arrington on the 26th 
    All the above were from Halifax County
    At Suffolk:
    George T. Lewis of Davidson County on the 27th
    R.B. Patterson of Cleaveland County on the 6th 
    At Petersburg:
    Thomas Cottell of Duplin on the 4th 
    Died, at Fort Macon, on the 30th July, of typhoid fever, George J. Sloan, son of 
    James Sloan, Esq., of Greensboro’.  The deceased was in the 24th year of his age.  
    In the breaking out of the present troubles, he marched with his company, the 
    Guilford Grays, to the defense of Ft. Macon, where he served without intermission 
    to the time of his death.  His remains were attended home by a detachment of his 
    comrades who mingled their tears with those of his distressed relatives and friends 
    over his early grave.  Peace to his dust.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, August 26, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers
    Thomas Cottle, from Duplin Co., of Co. B, 3rd State Troops, died at Acquia Creek, (month illegible) 
    David D. Cagle, of the Staly Co. Marksmen, died at (illegible, - - - - folk), Va., on the 22nd, aged 
    18, leaving a widow and sister.
    Wm. Alley, of the Iredell Blues, died in Richmond a few days ago, at the residence of Mrs. Thomas 
    John Mayo, aged 18; Theo. Hunter, aged 20, of the Edgecombe Guards, and John T. Brown, aged 
    23 of the Edgecombe Spartan Band, died at Yorktown.
    Six members of Capt. Reeve’s Surry Company have died since it was formed, viz:  W.T. Bennett, 
    S.H. (illegible, - - - ner), Wm. Ring, Jos. M. Riggan, Nathan J. Marion, Ed(?) J.N. Stanly.  The 
    company has been removed from Garysburg to High Point and its health and spirits are improving.
    We regret to record the death of Daniel Archibald McLaurin, the son of Col. John C. McLaurin of 
    Laurinburg, Richmond Co., N.C.  Young McLaurin was a member of the 18th Mississippi 
    Regiment, Burt’s Rifles and lost his left arm at the Battle of Manassas.  The arm was amputated 
    near the shoulder and he appeared to improve for about two weeks, when he took a kind of 
    nervous fever that could not be arrested.  His distressed father and mother, who had been with 
    him most of the time since the battle, brought his remains home for interment.  It was he, who, 
    on the day after the battle, forwarded the following dispatch to his family in this state:
    Manassas, July 22—Lauch, Middleton, Billy McNeill and John McLaurin are unhurt.  Hugh is 
    slightly wounded.  I have lost my left arm.
    D.A. McLaurin
    Died, at Weldon, Thomas Williams, a member of the “Cumberland Plough Boys”.  He was the 
    only child of his mother and she a widow.  He was consumptive and could scarcely have lived 
    many months, but an attack of pneumonia closed his earthly life.  His age was abut 28. He was 
    greatly esteemed in his neighborhood at home and in the company in camp.
    Died, at Yorktown o nthe 5th inst., John Lee Orman, aged 21 of the Charlotte Grays.
    Died, at Manassas, John E. Davis of wounds received in the battle of the 21st; and Isley 
    Pendergrass and Alvin E. Herndon, of typhoid fever.  All of Captain Freeland’s company from 
    Orange county.
    Died, at the house of John S. Gibson, Esq., (town of Fulton, near Richmond), Mr. Dempsey 
    Steel, member of the Scotch Irish Grays, Company B, 4th Regiment, N.C. State Troops.
    North Carolina Standard
    September 4, 1861
    W.H. Mathews and Roland Williams and five N.C. state troops died at the 
    Charlottesville Hospital on the 1st August.  Birch Whitehead of the same regiment 
    died on the 8th and J.W.Wilder of the 6th Regiment on the 4th.
    We learn from a letter received by a friend in this city that there is much sickness 
    in the 11th, Col. Kirkland’s Regiment.  The regiment is camped eight miles west of 
    the Manassas Railroad. The diseases were for the most part contracted on Bull Run.  
    Colonel Leach, the surgeon and the chaplain have all been sent off for treatment all of 
    them being sick.  Capt. John H. Boyd is dead.
    Tribute of Respect
    Held by the Dialectic Society for their deceased fellow member W.P. Mangum whose 
    destiny was to have his “name enrolled on that immortal list of heroes who fell in the 
    recent conflict of Manassas.”
    North Carolina Standard
    September 11, 1861
    We regret to announce the death of Jas. A. Walthall(?), Adjutant of the 14th Regiment 
    of N.C. Volunteers, the son of Rev. Mr. Walthall of this city.  He died at Warrington, 
    Va., on the 27th August in the 21st year of his age of typhoid fever.  The colonel of 
    the regiment, writing to the father, speaks in the highest terms of his virtues and 
    soldierly qualities.  He says:  “he had endeared himself to all by the gentleness of 
    his manners and had secured the respect of his regiment by his evident proficiency 
    in his military duties.”
    Died, at Charlottesville, Virginia, John Wilder, aged 26(?)28(?).  The deceased was a 
    volunteer in Captain York’s Company of N.C.T. and received a wound in the lower 
    part of the spine which proved fatal after two weeks suffering.  He was wounded early 
    in the engagement which took Sherman’s battery and though unable to go forward 
    himself, called upon his comrades to press forward and bear off the victory.  He lived 
    to hear the glorious news of the victory of the Confederates and now he is gone to 
    sleep in the patriots grave.  Weep not, father, mother, and brothers, your son and 
    relation died in defense of his country’s rights.  The flower has faded but its beauty 
    lingers on.
    Died, at Manassas Junction, Virginia, Joseph T. Morris, aged 34(?).  The deceased 
    was a volunteer in Captain York’s N.C.T. and received a wound near his left breast 
    which proved fatal after five weeks suffering. He was in the engagement when 
    Sherman’s battery was taken and was in the act of loading his gun when he 
    received the fatal wound.  Thus has this young patriot, in the bloom of life, sealed his 
    patriotism by his life’s blood, as an oblation poured out freely upon the altar of his 
    country.  Peace to the memory of the patriot’s grave.  Mingle your tears of sorrow 
    with the tears of a bereaved mother and affectionate brothers and sisters. Farewell!  
    Thou art gone yet sweet is thy memory still.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 2, 1861
    Tribute of Respect (Dialectic Society)
    The Dialectic Society have with sorrow learned of the death of Captain H.T. Brown 
    of Arkansas who left us a short time ago bearing with him the honors of the college 
    and affection of his fellow members and we pay this tribute of respect to this man.  
    At the call of his country, he abandoned the attractions of home and enrolled his 
    name among those noble patriots who resolved to resist the aggressions of despotism 
    and fell on the plains of Missouri while gallantly leading his men to victory.
    At a meeting of the citizens of the town and community held in the Presbyterian 
    Church, Wentworth, Buckingham County, to pay respect to Captain John Boyd, 
    whose death  took place in the city of Richmond on the 29th ult., they confirmed 
    that in the death of Captain Boyd the county has lost an esteemed citizen and the 
    whole country has lost a rising patriot.
    Died, at Oak Hill, Missouri, in the battle of August last, Captain Thomas Brown of 
    Van Buren, Arkansas.  When North Carolina shall gather the ashes of her brave sons 
    who have sealed their devotion to the cause of southern independence with their hearts 
    blood and shall not forget those who fought in the ranks of patriots from sister states.  
    About two years ago, the subject of this brief notice, after graduating with great 
    promise from the University of the state and obtaining from our Supreme Court a 
    license to practice law, left his home in North Carolina to pursue a fortune in the west.  
    Locating in Van Buren, he had just embarked upon a career which, if pursued, would 
    have amply realized for him the high expectations of his friends, when Arkansas 
    joined the southern Confederacy and called upon her sons to battle.  Although he 
    was a comparative stranger among them he was so highly respected that he held 
    a command of a company and was under the command of General McCulloch(?).  
    The official report of the Battle of Oak Hill tells the rest.  He fell “while gallantly 
    fighting at the head of his company”.  On that bloody battle field he proved himself 
    worthy of his native state.  In the land of strangers far from his parental home, 
    “sleeps the sleep that knows no waking”.  He fills an honored grave.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 9, 1861
    Died, on the 6th (?) 8th (?) Sept. at Camp Hardee near Manassas, Robert Herin of 
    Surry County, N.C.  When there was a call for volunteers he willingly stepped 
    forward in defense of his country and he joined Capt. Gravis’ Company, 11th (?) 
    Regiment N.C.V.  He professed religion at a protracted meeting in the fall of 1858 in 
    Surry Co. heard by the writer of this notice.  Although he never joined the church in 
    ever word respecting his walk, it was the walk of the Christian.  He died in the 
    triumph of the faith.  He was a young man beloved of all who knew him.  He has left 
    an aged father and mother, brothers and sisters to mourn but their loss is his eternal 
    gain.  May they all be prepared to meet him in glory where parting is no more.  His 
    remains were brought home and buried at his father’s.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 16, 1861
    Died, of typhoid fever near the famous battle ground of Manassas, on Friday, Sept. 27, 
    Joseph Armstrong Leathers, son of John B and Parth – is Leathers of Orange County.  
    The deceased was only 22 years of age.
    North Carolina Standard
    October 30, 1861
    Died, near Yorktown, on the 2nd inst., of typhoid fever, Cornelius Haywood 
    Stallings, M.D., in the 27th year of his age.  The commencement of hostilities 
    found Dr. Stallings in a profitable and increasing practice in his native county of 
    Franklin where his excellent qualities of mind and heart made him loved and 
    respected by those who had known him from his childhood.  Heeding his 
    country’s call for volunteers, he entered the Franklin Rifles as a private, thus 
    placing himself by the side of hundreds of others of wealth, intelligence and social 
    position whose ambition from the first has been, not for their rank, but to render 
    efficient service in difficult times of their country’s need.  In this honorable position 
    Dr. Stallings was found, cheerfully performing all duties of the common soldier 
    when the desolating camp fever which at one time threatened to decimate the 6th 
    (?) N.C. Regiment called him with his medical skills and he was transferred to the
    hospital.  How he labored in this department by night and by day, in sickness 
    and in health until prostrated by the disease from which he had been the honored 
    means of rescuing so many of his comrades—the medical staff and every officer 
    and soldier of the regiment bear cheerful and cordial testimony and those who 
    witnessed his uncomplaining resignation can add that which will give his friends 
    even more abiding consolation that he died in the comfort of a reasonable
     religious and holy hope and is ever with God and perfect charity with the world.
    We regret to learn from the Asheville News that Dr. John A. Dickson of Burke 
    died recently at his residence in that county of fever contracted in camp at Yorktown.  
    Dr. Dickson was the 1st lieutenant in Capt. Avery’s company.
    Died, at Richmond of typhoid fever, in the 31st year of his age, Capt. John Boyd 
    (or Hoyt?) of the 11th Regiment of N.C. Volunteers.  The deceased was a lawyer 
    and during the time he was at the bar was more than ordinarily useful in his 
    profession.  He was in Mississippi a the time the first call was made for volunteers 
    in Rockingham, his native county.  As soon as he returned he volunteered.  He 
    was ordered to rendezvous with his company at Danville, Virginia and was placed 
    in the 11th Regiment, N.C.V.  His regiment reached Manassas about the 18th 
    July and was in the battle on the 21st.  He was taken sick a few days after the 
    battle.  From the encampment near Manassas he was carried to the hospital at 
    St. Charles Hotel, Richmond, where he remained a few days; then he was 
    removed to the private residence of Mrs. Charles Bates of the same city where, 
    after lingering about sixteen days, he died on the 28th (?) August.  His friends 
    will cherish with grateful hearts the recollections of the kindness and attention 
    of Mr. and Mrs. Bates and also of Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Pearce during his last 
    illness.  His remains were brought to Rockingham County on the 30th August 
    and on the 31st he was buried, services taking place from the Methodist Church 
    in Wentworth in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends and his 
    former fellow citizens.  All hearts were stricken with grief at his untimely fate.  
    We knew not that he had such a strong hold on the affections of his countrymen 
    until his death.
    Wentworth, N.C.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 6, 1861
    Tribute of Respect was paid by Palmyra Lodge #147 to their brother Henry B. 
    Holland, who was among the first to answer the call and offered himself as a 
    sacrifice for freedom and who has fallen an early victim to disease of which the 
    company in which he was a member has much suffered.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 13, 1861
    Died, in this city on the 5th October, at the residence of W.J. Hollemar, Henry 
    B. Holland(?) Bolland(?) aged 29.  He volunteered to defend his country and 
    went to Yorktown where he was taken sick.  He lingered there four months 
    when he was brought home and died after about ten days.  He had been a 
    member of the Baptist Church for about three years and I trust he has gone to 
    a better world than this.  He was buried in full uniform as a soldier.  He left 
    many friends and relatives to mourn their loss.
    A Friend
    Died, on the morning of the 3rd last, at the hospital in Carolina City, after a 
    prolonged illness, J.F. Waters, Company C., 26th Regiment N.C.V., aged 24.
    Died, at the St. Charles Hotel, Richmond, on the 20th September, G.W. Hurdle.  
    He was a private in Col. Fisher’s regiment and his disease was typhoid fever 
    contracted at Manassas.
    North Carolina Standard
    November 20, 1861
    Died, at Carolina City, on the 23rd October, Robert W. Goldston(?), Esq., 
    postmaster at Prosperity, Moore Co., in the 38th (?) year of his age.  He was 
    a volunteer in Capt. Martin’s Company and on forming the regiment was appointed 
    Commissary of the (illegible) Regiment N.C.V.  He was acting in the discharge of 
    those duties when attacked with a fever and being of a frail and delicate constitution 
    fell a victim to its ravages.  He died away from home and had not a near of dear 
    relative to comfort him on his bed of affliction and his sickness was unknown to his 
    friends until they heard of his death.  He died like he had always lived, like a man 
    in defense of his country and bowed in humble submission to the will of Heaven.  
    He has left a devoted wife, an aged father, two brothers, four sisters and a number 
    of relatives and friends to mourn their loss but we mourn not as those who have no 
    hope for we confidently believe our loss is his eternal gain.  He was a consistent 
    member of the Methodist Church and died in the faith of blessed immortality.  He 
    was a kind and affectionate husband, a kind neighbor and was loved and 
    respected by all who knew him.  He has not left an enemy behind.  The poor in 
    his neighborhood have lost a friend who was always ready and willing to help in 
    time of need.  His remains were sent home to the family burying ground, 
    accompanied by Lt. C. Doud(?) or Bond(?), E.S. Cagle and B. Marsh.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, September 2, 1861
    Died, in Laurenceville, Montgomery Co., N.C., on the 16th inst., William C. Andrews, only 
    son of Seth Andrews, in the 18th year of hisage.  Mr. Andrews was among the first volunteers 
    from this county; was in the camp of instruction at Garysburg, had an attack of measles, and 
    when nearly well was suddenly attacked with pneumonia.  He was confined for several weeks, 
    and when his company was ordered to Camp Wigfall, was sent home, where he lived but a 
    few days.  
    Died, at Raleigh, on Thursday night last, William Mason, son of Berry Mason, of Chatham, 
    a private in Captain Yorke’s company, aged about 28.  He was in the Battle of Manassas, 
    where he fought well, but exhaustion and privation made him sick.  After partially recovering, 
    he started home in charge of a friend who had been sent for him, but became suddenly 
    worse before reaching Raleigh, and died there, within twenty miles of his home.  
    Died, at Camp Pickens, Manassas, Va., on the 20th (?) ult., John W. Bassinger, of Rowan, 
    aged 20; and James L. Hendricks of Forsythe, aged 24 years, of typhoid fever, caused from 
    measles and exposure; also on the 21st Henry W. Crooks of Ohio, who lived in Salisbury for 
    several years, aged 26.  All of Company K, 4th Regiment, N.C.S.T.
    Died, at Camp Fisher, Va., on the 29th ult., J.W. Elexson of the Granville Grays.
    Wm. H. Matthews of Harnett Co., 4th Sgt., of Company A, 5th Regiment State Troops, 
    died at Charlottesville, Va., of measles, on the 3rd ult.  He was in the 25th year of his age.
    Died, J.A. Walthall, Adjutant of the 11th N.C.T. at Warrenton, Va., on the 27th utl., aged 21.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 9, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Kittrell’s Springs, on the 29th ult, of typhoid fever, Lt. S.J. Whitehurst, of Capt. 
    Satterthwaite’s Cavalry Company, from Washington, N.C.
    At Fredericksburg, Va., on the 5th ult., Edward Lilly of Beaufort Co., N.C.
    D.H. Steele, of Company B, 4th Regiment, N.C.S.T., died at Richmond, Va., on the 20th 
    ult., from the effects of measles.
    At Camp Hardee, near Falls Church, VA., on the 22nd ult., Lt. W.H. Adams, of the “Mountain 
    Tigers”, 11th Regiment.  He was a Baptist minister.
    Near Smithfield, Va., on the 31st ult., Private T.H. Ross, aged 18, of the Stanly Marksmen, 
    being the 6th death in that company, while the other nine companies in the regiment have 
    lost but 6 altogether.
    At Suffolk, Mr. Green, aged 35, of the Buncombe Rough and Ready Guards, leaving a wife 
    and six children.
    Wayne Wright, a member of the Buncombe Riflemen, at Yorktown, Va., on the 22nd ult., 
    of fever.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 16, 1861
    Until now this community had been spared the loss of any one of the hundreds of our 
    volunteers.  But yesterday the sad spectacle of the funeral of one of them, James 
    Wemyss, a private in the Independent Company, took place from the Presbyterian 
    Church.  He was but 17 years and 4 months of age, the youngest of three brothers in the 
    same First Regiment.  He died at Yorktown on the 6th inst., and his body was brought 
    here to his home and sorrowing parents and relatives for interment.  The “Clarendon 
    Guards” and a large congregation united in the affection services.
    We learn also that Thomas H. Gill of Captain Sinclair’s Company, 5th Regiment, died at 
    Manassas on the 6th inst.
    We had earlier written that the death of a member of the Independent Company and also 
    said that the Lafayette Company was the only one in the 1st Regiment which had sustained 
    no loss.  Since that time, we have learned of the death of John B. Clark at Yorktown, a 
    private in Company F—the Lafayette.  He died on the 10th inst., aged 22 years, 9 months 
    and 15 days.  The body was brought home on Saturday and was interred with military 
    honors by the Clarendon Guards.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Edgeworth College, in Greensborough, on the 6th inst.. Edward Green Sterling, a 
    member of the Guilford Greys, in the 21st year of his age. He contracted the disease at 
    Fort Macon and returned home to die.  From an obituary in the Patriot we copy the following:
    He died no ton the field of fame—in the din of conflict while the storm of the battle was 
    raging, but he gently sank to rest in the bosom of his home.  The loved ones who with 
    joy had watched over the smiling infancy of their first born, with a blessed faith closed 
    his dying eyes and gave him back to God.  Their counsels and prayers had armed him 
    well with honor, virtue and truth, to meet the conflicts of life, and nobly he kept his faith 
    with his friends, his kindred and his country.  In his last struggle he had a friend truer and 
    dearer than earth can give, and by his aid, he “fought a good fight” and “won the crown.”  
    With a meek and beautiful faith, he entered without fear the “dark valley”.  To him the last 
    sound and sight of earth were agony and tears, and then his enraptured spirit caught 
    forever the glory and harmony of the bright and better land.
    Near Manassas, on the 35th ult., Peter R. Clapp of the “Guilford Dixie Boys” aged 21 
    years, 8 months and 19 days.  Also, of the same company, Private Thomas J. Gant, 
    Sgt. Isaac W. Gossett, Sgt. Henry M. Clapp, and Private James W. Lambeth—making 
    eight deaths in that company since it left Greensborough.
    At Fort Jackson, Smithville, on the 8th inst., Peyton R. Robinson, of Sampson co., a 
    member of the Holmes Riflemen, Company F, 10th Regiment, N.C.V.
    At Camp Fisher, near Seawell’s Point, Va., Lt. W.F. Sherrill, of Company K, 2nd 
    Regiment, N.C.V.
    At Manassas, Private Henry Buttner, of Captain Belo’s (?) Company; -------- Browning of 
    Captain Wharton’s Company; and Alexander Vawter of Captain Miller’s Company, all of 
    Forsyth County and all of the 11th Regiment.
    Private Henry Hamlett, of the Milton Blues, died at Todd’s Point, on the James River.  The 
    only death that occurred on that company.
    At Yorktown, on the 17th ult., Lawson P. Henderson (of what company not stated).
    At Suffolk, Va., Amos Green of the Buncombe Rough and Readies.
    At Bealeton Charity Hospital, Richmond, of fever, Benjamin Meeks of North Carolina.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 23, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Morehead City, of typhoid fever, Private James Andrew, of Chatham Co., of Company E, 
    26th Regiment N.C.V., aged 21.  “He was a man of unblemished moral character and a 
    model soldier” writes an officer of his company.
    At Ship Point, near Yorktown, on the 5th inst., Thomas B. Cowan, a member of the 
    Charlotte Greys, aged 23.
    At Fort Macon, on the 11th inst., of measles, Ephraim Hagler of Capt. R.S. Young’s 
    Company, 7th N.C.T.
    Died, in Robeson at the house of Hugh Watson, on his way to his father’s, on the 7th inst., 
    Neill McNeill of the Highland Boys company.
    Died, near Springfield, Missouri, 10th August, John S., youngest son of A.W.  Chambers of 
    Montgomery Co., N.C., aged about 30 years.  He was a graduate of the University, in the 
    class of 1854 and removed to Arkansas in 1858, was elected 1st Lieutenant in the Augusta 
    Guards, and was instantly killed by a Minnie ball while leading his men on to victory in the 
    battle of Springfield.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 30, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Manassas Junction, on the 9th inst., James P. Boles, in the 22nd year of his age, and 
    John Cofer, privates in Captain Belo’s Forsythe Company.  Also, Henry F. Hall, of the 4th 
    N.C. State troops, in the 20th year of his age.
    At Fredericksburg, Va., on the 10th inst., A.E. Causey of Captain Worth’s Company of 
    Davis Guards, from Randolph, aged 54.
    At Kittrell’s Springs, on the 24th inst., of typhoid fever, George Ruffin Smith, aged 40 years, 
    a volunteer in Captain J.W. Stange’s Cavalry Company.  He leaves a family in Randolph Co.
    Also, at the same place, on the 21st inst., Lemuel Lawhon, in the 22nd year of his age, of 
    Moore Co., a member of the same company.
    Mr. John Cogsdell, of High Point, N.C., passed through Richmond on Friday, in charge of 
    the remains of two of his sons, one of whom had died from wounds received at the battle of 
    Manassas and the other from disease while in the service.
    At Manassas, on the 3rd inst., Samuel McHargue of Iredell Co., “Saltille Boys”
    At Camp Bee, Va., C. Faison and Josiah Hubbard, members of Company I, 1st Regiment 
    In Mecklenburg Co., on the 10th inst., James W. Young, of the Hornetts Nest Rifles, aged 
    26.  He was on a visit to his home from Yorktown.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Sept. 30, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Camp Bee, Va., on the 19th inst., Private Wm. Qualls, of Company D, N.C.S.T.
    Mr. Lauchlin Davis, from Rockfish, Cumberland Co., a member of Capt. Mallett’s Co., 3rd 
    Reg’t. State Troops, died recently at Camp Howe near Fredericksburg, Va.
    The name of Private Bishop, in our last, should have been Edwin Forrest Bishop. He was in 
    his 17th year.  (Transcriber’s note, could not find original listing referred to.)
    Near Fredericksburg, Va., on the 23rd, Private Littleton of Co. C, N.C.S.T.
    At Yorktown, Duncan Moore, son of the late A.D. Moore of Wilmington, a private in Capt. 
    Ashe’s Chapel Hill Co., 1st Regiment.  (See October 7 issue for a change in the name of 
    the deceased.)
    At Ft. Macon, James P. Davis, of the Guilford Grays.
    Lewis Reich and Owen Transu, privates in Capt. Miller’s Company from Forsythe, died recently. 
    And James A. Lovell of the 11th Regiment.
    At Manassas, on the 24th isn’t., A. H. Rowzee, of Salisbury, of the Rowan Rifle Guards.
    At Yorktown, on the 19th, Jesse D. Knight, aged 22, and on the 20th, Benjamin Batts, aged 
    18 of the Edgecombe Guards.
    Near Suffolk, Va., on the 15th inst., Private J. York, of Capt. Settle’s Company from 
    Rockingham Co.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 7, 1861
    Died, at Pensacola, Fla., of typhoid fever, Wm. A.S. Buchan, aged 34 years and 3 months, 
    a native of Moore Co., N.C.  He was among the first to volunteer in Alabama, where he has 
    resided since 1847, and was sent to Pensacola, where he remained until his death.  He has 
    left an aged father and many friends in N.C. to mourn his death.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    Edward Bridges of Capt. Barnes’ company from Wilson Co., was killed by the accidental 
    discharge of -------- McWilliams’ musket, of the same company, on the 16th, near Manassas.
    Near Manassas, Va., on the 8th inst., of typhoid fever, John A. Morris, aged 42 years, of 
    Captain Westmoreland’s “Town Fork Invincibles.”
    At Manassas, Va., James E. Summers, Orderly Sgt., of Capt. Andrew’s Iredell company.
    At Camp Fayetteville, near Yorktown, on eh 20th ult., R.T. Gray, a member of the Hornet’s 
    Nest Riflemen, aged 22.  Also, at the same place, Jas. K. Rea, a member of the Charlotte 
    Grays, aged 31 years.
    At Camp Ellis, Fairfax Co., Va., Henry T. Thomas of the Richmond Co. Pee Dee Guards.
    At Camp Hardee, near Manassas, Va., on the 5th Sept., Lt. John W. Phillips of Capt. Graves’ 
    Company, 11th Reg’t. N.C.V.  Also, on the 6th Sept. Robert Herin, of Surry Co., a member of 
    the same company.
    At Graham, N.C., on the 17th ult., William Howell of Caswell Co., a soldier in Company C, 7th 
    Regiment N.C.S.T.
    Samuel B. Pate, private in Capt. Guion’s Company of artillery, stationed at Ft. Macon, was 
    killed on the 28th ult., by the accidental discharge of a rifle in his own hands.  He was acting 
    as sentinel at the time and came to an order with such force on the pavement as to fire the 
    At Camp Fayetteville, Va., on the 22nd  James B. Moore, a private in Company D, 1st 
    Regiment N.C.V.  He was a student of the Univ. of N.C. and would have graduated at the
     last commencement but for his volunteering.  (We inserted this heretofore, erroneously, 
    as Duncan Moore.)    --  Transcriber’s note, go back to Sept. 7 issue for original insertion.
    On the 18th Sept., Elias p. Barringer, of measles, followed by camp fever, a member of an 
    Iredell Company.  Also, on the 22nd, Adolphus Douglas, a private in Capt. Wood’s company.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 14, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Camp Bee, Va., James Conner, of Co. D., 4th Regiment, of bleeding at the nose.
    In Gates Co., George V. Odom, a member of Col. Spruill’s cavalry regiment.
    At Camp Carolina, near Norfolk, Private C.c. Southerland, of Duplin Co., of Company C, 
    2nd Infantry.
    Of typhoid fever, near the battleground of Manassas, Sept. 27, Joseph Armstrong Leathers, 
    son of John B. and Parthenia Leathers, of Orange Co., a member of Capt. Parish’s Company 
    of that county.
    At Camp Clark, Granville Co., Jas. D. Sharpe of Iredell, aged 19 years, 10 months.
    At Camp Pickens, Va., N.A. Thompson, of the Rowan Rifle Guards.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Oct. 14, 1861
    Died, at Yorktown, Va., of typhoid fever, on the 16th Sept., Carey E. Bennett, in the 19th 
    year of his age.  He was a native of Richmond Co., N.C., but emigrated last winter to Baker 
    Co., Georgia, where he lived until our country was about to be infested by our Northern 
    enemies.  A call being made for volunteers to repel them from our borders, young Bennett 
    was among the first to respond, and offer up his life, if needs be, as a sacrifice upon the 
    altar of his country.  He was placed in the 6th Georgia regiment and ordered to Yorktown, 
    where he remained up to the time of his death.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Acquia Creek, on Thursday last, Lt. Nelson of Capt. Cole’s company, of Guilford Co. 
    Volunteers.  His body arrived at Richmond on Friday, on its way to Guilford for interment.
    At Camp Holmes, Va., Oct. 3, of typhoid fever, J.M.M. Kivett, of Company M, 12th Regiment 
    N.C.V., from Randolph co., aged 31 years.
    At Yorktown, on the 7th isn’t., of typhoid fever, Jos. Van Buren Jenkins, of the Edgecombe 
    Confederate Guards, aged about 21.
    At Camp Fayetteville, Va., on the 3rd inst., Cullen A. Pippen, aged 21, of Capt. Lloyd’s 
    Edgecombe Co.
    At Goldsboro’, on the 26th ult., George harris, aged about 21, of the Edgecombe Spartan Band.
    Died, at Fort Caswell, on Sunday evening, 22nd Sept., of typhoid fever, Wm. R. Blackman, 
    Orderly Sgt. in Company H, 10th Regiment N.C.V., aged about 20 years.
    Also at Fort Caswell on Tuesday evening, 24th Sept., of typhoid fever, Matthew M. Giles, 
    private in Company H, 10th Regiment N.C.V., aged 18 years.
    In Sampson Co., on Saturday, 27th Sept., of typhoid fever, Wm. H. Jackson, private in Co. 
    H, 10th Regiment N.C.F., aged 23 years.
    We have had a great deal of sickness in our company with but three deaths, as above.  
    We have been in service since the 10th may and have not received one cent of pay yet.  
    You may judge that money is getting very scarce in the 10th Regiment.  We are awfully 
    neglected by the paymaster.
    Near Hamptonville, N.C., Sept. 25, Miles W. Ladd, some nineteen years of age, a young 
    man of excellent qualities, strictly moral and pious in the fullest sense of the word.  He 
    was a member of Capt. W.H.A. Speer’s company (the Yadkin Stars) from Yadkin Co.  He 
    was taken very ill with typhoid fever on Friday, 13th Sept., the day his company left for High 
    Point.  He suffered incessantly the most excruciating pain until the 25th about 12:00 when 
    his spirit took its flight from earth and things of time.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, October 28, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    Near Manassas Junction, Jacob A. Lemly of Rowan, member of the Rowan Artillery.
    Isaiah Matthews, a member of Capt. Bryan’s Cavalry, died of consumption at Kittrell’s Springs, 
    on the 19th inst.
    Near Ridgeway, Warren Co., on the 5th inst., Samuel B. Harkey, in the 32nd year of his age, 
    of Mecklenburg Co.
    In Wilmington, on the 19th inst., Willie Robeson, son of W.B. Robeson, of Brunswick Co., in 
    the 17th year of his age, a member of the Wilmington Light Infantry.
    Near Edra, Va., on the 30th ult., Charles T. Trotter, 2nd Sgt. of Company A, 6th Regiment 
    N.C.V., of Cherokee Co.
    At Camp Fayetteville, Va., on the 24th ult., Josiah B. Black, in the 22nd year of his age, of 
    Mecklenburg Co.
    At Carolina City, on the 14th inst., Wm. H. Broughton of the Wake Guards, 26th Regiment, in 
    the 21st year of his age.
    At Fredericksburg, Va., on the 17th inst., Rev. J.H. Spainhower, Chaplain of the 1st Regiment 
    State Troops, in the 24th year of his age.  He was from Burke Co., but when the war broke out 
    was at Wake Forest College, he volunteered as a private and was afterwards appointed chaplain 
    to the regiment.
    At Yorktown, on the 2nd inst., Dr. Cornelius Haywood Stallings, in the 27th year of his age.  
    He as a private in the Franklin Rifles, 6th (?) Regiment N.C.V. and was subsequently 
    transferred to the hospital.
    At Camp Bee, Va., Jas. Jarroll, of Capt. Wright’s Wilmington Co. State Troops.
    In this town on Tuesday morning last, Sgt. Edward Monaghan, Jr., in the 26th year of his age.  
    The deceased was a member of Company A, 5th Regiment State Troops, and fought bravely 
    at the Battle of Manassas.
    At Meadow Bluff, Va., Oct. 13, of pneumonia, Richard P. Freeman, in the 36th year of his age, 
    a member of the Cumberland Plough Boys.
    At Kittrell’s Springs, Oct. 19 of bowel consumption, Isaiah Mathews, of Moore Co., a member 
    of Capt. Bryan’s Cavalry Company, leaving a mother, two brothers, a sister and a large circle 
    of friends to mourn their loss.  At the age of about 22 years he made a profession of religion 
    and expressed a willingness to die.  We do not believe he had an enemy in the world.  His 
    body was brought home on the 23rd inst., for interment by John Owens of Capt. Bryan’s 
    company at his own expense.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 4, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Camp Holmes, Va., on the 4th inst., Dr. Marcellus E. Dodson, of Capt. Cole’s Guilford 
    Co., 12th Regiment.
    Near Yorktown, on the 3rd inst., Norfleet Henry Green, of the Franklin Co. Rifles.
    In Burke Co., recently, of fever contracted at Yorktown, Dr. John A. Dickson, a lieutenant of
     Capt. Avery’s company.
    Near Yorktown, on the 16th inst., Jonas Rudasill of Lincolnton, a member of Capt. W.J. Hoke’s 
    company, aged about 27 years.
    On the 20th Sept. in Pocahontas Co., Va., J.J. Rankin of Gaston Co., N.C., aged 20 years, a 
    member of Capt. W.A. Stowe’s company.  Also, on the 27th, Wm. S. Hicks of Dallas—also a 
    member of Capt. Stowe’s company.
    In Duplin co., on the 28th inst., Lt. W.W.A. Loftin, aged about 35 years.  The deceased 
    suffered about three months from an attack of typhoid fever, which he contracted at Graham, 
    Joseph  Crudup, Jr., of the Granville Greys, 2nd Regiment, N.C., died recently.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 4, 1861
    Died, at the residence of his mother, in Richmond Co., on the 18th inst., John Fairley gilchrist, 
    aged 16 years, 7 months and 13 days, and a member of Capt. C. Malloy’s Company The 
    Scotch Boys.
    Died, at Yorktown, Va., on the 13th Oct., of typhoid fever, S.J. Straughon, son of H.P. 
    Straughon, a member of the Chatham Rifles, aged 19 years, 11 months and 13 days.  
    Thus we are called upon to record the early death of another noble soldier, who but a few 
    months since left the home of his childhood in the bloom of health, with bosom burning in 
    all its youthful ardor against our oppressors.  He went forth to battle for the freedom of our 
    dear native land and though thus early summons came and he breathed his last in defense 
    of his country, patriotism reigned supreme in his bosom.
    Died, at Meadow Bluff, Va., on the 17th inst., John R. Shaw, 1st Sgt., Company F, 14th 
    Regiment N.C.V., aged about 28.  The announcement of the death of this estimable man 
    will throw a shade of gloom over the community in which he lived.  In every relation in life he 
    sustained himself in such a manner as to win the confidence and esteem of all who knew 
    him.  As a soldier he was brave and generous; as a friend he was faithful; as a son and 
    brother he was dutiful and affectionate; as a Christian he was humble and zealous.  He 
    sleeps in death far from his home and friends, but his ransomed spirit has gone to enjoy 
    the communion of god whom he loved and faithfully served.  
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 11, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Gordonsville, Va., on the 19th Sept., W.W. Carpenter of Captain Harilee’s(?) Harllee’s(?) 
    Company, 13th Regiment N.C.V.
    At Camp Holmes, Va., Oct. 12, Sgt. John Young of McDowell Co., of the 12th Regiment N.C.V.
    In camp near Fairfax Court House, on the 10th October, Wm. H. Black, of disease, typhoid 
    fever and consumption, of the Rowan Artillery.
    At Camp Pickens, Manassas, Wm. Barringer, on the 19th Sept., and D.M. Lowder on the 
    12th October, both of typhoid fever, members of Capt. J.H. Wood’s company of Rowan.
    We are pained to learn from a correspondent that the following deaths occurred in Captain 
    Woodall’s Company, the Smithfield Light Infantry, in Col. Clarke’s Regiment in western Virginia:
    Private Simeon Stevenson, 13th Sept.
    Private Alsey Parnold, 30th Sept.
    Sgt. Harris T. Durham, 1st Oct.
    Lt. Wm. H. Perry, 15th (?)16th (?) Oct.
    Private Wm. B. Royals, 16th Oct.
    Private Simon P. Temple, 18th Oct.
    Raleigh Standard
     At Carolina City, on the 23rd Oct., Robert W. Godston, Esq., Postmaster at Prosperity, Moore 
    County, in the 30th year of his age.  He was a volunteer in Capt. Martin’s Company—a 
    lieutenant—and on joining the regiment was appointed Commissary of the 26th Regiment of 
    N.C.V.  He was acting in discharge of those duties when attacked with a fever, and being of a 
    frail and delicate constitution, fell a victim to its ravages.  He died from home, had not a near 
    or dear relative to console him on the bed of affliction, and his sickness was unknown to his 
    friends until they heard of his death.  He died as he had always lived, like a man—in defense 
    of his country and bowed in humble submission to the will of Heaven.  He has left a devoted 
    wife, an aged father, two brothers and four sisters, and a numerous train of relatives and 
    friends to mourn his loss; but we mourn not as those who have no hope for our loss is his 
    eternal gain.  He was a consistent member of the Methodist Church and died in the full hope 
    of a blessed immortality.  He was a kind and affectionate husband, a devoted son, a kind 
    neighbor, and was loved and respected by all who knew him.  He has not left an enemy behind.   
    The poor in his neighborhood have lost a friend who was always ready to help in time of need.  
    His remains were sent home to the family burial ground, accompanied by Lt. C. Dowd, E.S. 
    Cagle and A.B. Marsh.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Nov. 18, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Charlotte, on Saturday last, Dr. W. Edward White, aged about 25.  He was assistant surgeon 
    in the 7th Regiment of N.C.S.T., stationed at Carolina City, where he took the fever about six 
    weeks ago.
    At Manassas Va., on the 1st inst., Lt. James Rufus Reid, of Capt. Andrew’s company of 
    N.C.S.T., 4th Regiment.  He was a native of Mount Mourne, Iredell Co., aged about 18.
    At Camp Bee, Va., Wm. J. Stucky and Archibald B. Herring of Company C, Capt. Hines, 
    1st Regiment N.C.S.T.
    In Wake Co., on the 5th oct., Henry B. Holland, aged 29.  He was taken sick at Yorktown, 
    lingered there four months, when he was brought back home and died after about 10 days.
    On the 3rd inst., in the hospital at Carolina City, after a protracted illness, Sgt. J.F. Waters, 
    of Company C, 26th Regiment N.C. Volunteers, aged 24.
    At Carolina City, James H. Snead, of Capt. Harris’ Cabarrus Company, 7th Regiment, leaving 
    a wife and child.
    In the 12th (Col. Pettigrew’s) Regiment, there had been 26 deaths in all since its organization 
    in July up to the 2nd inst., viz.:
    Company A, N. Halloway
    Company B, John Young
    Company E, Lt. J.N. Nelson, L.T. Albertson, Wm. Young
    Company F, J.  Greenville, A. Lovelace, John Kraws
    Company H, E. Tillery, Wm. Gatewood, A. Dillian, S. Slate, J.E. Bohannon, J. Gatewood, 
    G.W. Joyce
    Company I, Alfred Causey, Kerby Crawford
    Company K, Clem Gady, Asa Taylor, Wm. Lackey, Marion Bruner, M. Harris
    Company L, D.L. Nance, Wm. G. Burris
    Company M, J.M.M. Kivett, W. Johnson
    Wm. F.P. Clark, a member of the Washington, N.C., Mounted Riflemen, was accidentally 
    shot and killed at his camp in Fairfax C.H. a few days since
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, November 25, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At the St. Charles Hotel, Richmond on the 20th Sept., George W. Hurdle, a private in Col. 
    Fisher’s Regiment of typhoid fever, contracted at Manassas.
    At the hospital in Washington, N.C., on the 15th inst., W.Y. Sherron, of the Auburn Guards, 
    from Wake Co.
    On the 13th inst., Josiah Johnson of the Duplin “Turpentine Boys”.
    At Coosawhatchie, S.C., John L. Costenn of the Moore’s Creek Rifle Guards, of  New Hanover, 
    8th Regiment Volunteers.
    Of bilious pneumonia at the Blue Sulphur Springs, Virginia, on the 3rd inst., Charles D. Clarke, 
    of Raleigh, Assistant Quartermaster of Col. W.D. Clarke’s 14th Regiment, in the 24th year of 
    his age.
    In Western Virginia, Jas. A. Calloway, of Capt. Angel’s Company, 6th Regiment Volunteers, 
    of Henderson Co.
    At Broad Run Station, Virginia, on the 10th inst., Daniel C. Wolff, of Surry Co., a member 
    of Company H, 11th Regiment N.C.V.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 2, 1861
    Died, at the hospital in Carolina City, Nov. 19, S. Franklin Siler, only son of C. Siler, Esq., 
    of Chatham Co.  The deceased was a member of the Chatham  Boys.  Responding with 
    alacrity to the call of his country, he has fallen a martyr to the struggle in which we are now 
    engaged.  By his death we have lost a good soldier and a sterling citizen.  His remains were 
    deposited in the family burying ground in Chatham, in the presence of many friends and relatives.
    Also, at the hospital in Carolina City, Nov. 13, Lt. John E. Matthews, only son of William 
    Matthews, Esq., of Chatham Co.  At the first call for volunteers, this noble young man 
    offered his services to defend his country against the enemy.   He was elected first 
    lieutenant in Captain Lane’s Company—Chatham Boys.  He remained long enough to 
    endear himself to the whole company.  For those ennobling qualities which he possessed to 
    a pre-eminent degree, and his warm attachment to his company he will never be effaced from 
    their recollections.   When last we saw him he was the picture of health—his noble 
    countenance beamed with the purest patriotism and his determined lip seemed to say “We 
    will conquer or die.”  But how changed the scene!  That heart, then full of hop and love, beats 
    no more; the pallid lip is no more wreathed with smiles.  “Hope sits upon his tomb and softly 
    whispers, he is not dead but sleepeth.”   S.M. 
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At High Point, on the 4th inst., Wm. Davis of Capt Lorence’s Rowan County 29th Regiment.
    At Camp Lee, Beaufort District, S.C., Mitchell Prestley of the Can Creek Rifles, 25th N.C.V.
    At Camp Argyle, Carolina City, on the 9th inst., Wm. Hampton Beaver of Company H, 7th 
    Regiment N.C.S.T., from Mecklenburg Co., aged 24.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 9, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Camp Wyatt, Obed Carr, of the Duplin Turpentine Boys.
    At Fort Caswell, N.C., on the 28th Nov., of pneumonia, Private Malcolm McGirt, in the 22nd 
    year of his age.  Also, on the 29th November, Private Gilbert McCormick, in the 26th year 
    of his age.  Both were members of Capt. McNair’s Company (Scotch Greys) from Robeson 
    Co., belonging to the 36th Regiment Artillery, N.C.V.
    Near Edonton, a few days ago, R.F. Andrews, of this town, a member of  Captain Strange’s 
    Cavalry Co.  His body is expected here for interment.
    At High Point, on the 14th ult., W.P.O. Davis, a member of the Oakland Guards from Rowan Co.
    Also, on the 28th ult., from measles, J.J. Overcash, a member of the same company.
    In Wilmington, on the 2nd inst., Sgt. D.F. Parker, 27, of Company K (Capt. Moody), 28th 
    Regiment, N.C.V., of Stanly Co.  His remains will be forwarded to his late residence in 
    Stanly Co., for interment
    The following extract from a letter of Lt. J.P.L., of the Orange Cavalry, to the Hillsborough 
    Recorder, posses an interest beyond the sad facts of deaths in the companies of Captains 
    Strange and Bryan:
    Mr. Heart:
    In my last letter I gave you a list of our sick, for the satisfaction of those who have sons and 
    relatives in the Orange Cavalry.  Richard Horton, who was mentioned as very ill, died on 
    Sunday night.  This is the first death in our company, no other company of the regiment has 
    had so few visits from the King of Terrors.  Captain Strange, since coming into camp, has 
    lost three men, Captain Cole two, Capt. Thomas six and Capt. Bryan three.  We thought of 
    sending Horton’s remains to Orange, but he was a poor friendless boy, all alone in this cold 
    and selfish world; no father or mother or near relatives to receive the dust which will soon 
    return to its native earth, would make a colder funeral at home than we could give him here.  
    Some of our soldiers have been buried in the old field, on Mr. Thompson’s plantation, where 
    we are camped.  The good people of Edenton allowed us to bury our comrade in arms in the 
    grave yard of the Baptist Church.  We buried him with military honors, close by the grave of 
    a revolutionary soldier.  The ladies of Edenton, who are so kind to the sick, attended the 
    funeral.  The regiment may be much trouble to them, but if they knew how thankful the humblest 
    sick soldiers are for their many acts of kindness, they would feel themselves repaid for much 
    of their attention and toil.  Seeing the company of the departed soldier around the grave 
    with subdued hearts, and trying to hide their tears as if a soldier had none, or it was 
    unsoldier-like to show them, I thought with Private Peasley, who said “it was too cold and 
    lonely to bury a man in the old field.”  It did seem warmer, better and more humane to bury 
    him in a church yard, in a Christian burying ground, and every soldier seemed better satisfied 
    than if he had been to the old field to perform the last sad office for a human being.
    Died, at the private residence of Mr. Granger in Morehead City, Nov. 22, after an illness of 
    three weeks, Oliver Newton Hadley of Company E, 26th Regiment of N.C.V.  He was in the 
    bloom of life, having just entered the 22nd year of his life and possessed many amiable 
    qualities which endeared him to a large circle of relatives and friends at home, and gave 
    him universal favor in the army with all who knew him.  For more than two years, he has 
    been a consistent member of the M.E. Church at Pleasant Hill, Chatham Co., his native 
    place, and during the last illness he repeatedly expressed his entire resignation and 
    willingness to depart and be with Christ.  He leaves numerous relatives and friends to 
    mourn his loss.  Thank God, “we mourn not as those without hope”.  Though delicate in 
    health, he went willingly to the tented field at his country’s call and though he fell not 
    among the thunder of the cannon and the roaring musketry on the field of blood, yet in his 
    death he adds another to the list of patriotic martyrs for the cause of liberty and 
    independence.  Alpha
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 16, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Wilmington, on the 6th inst., at the camp of the 28th Regiment N.C.V. of typhoid fever, 
    Jonathan Bozworth, of Capt. Moody’s Company from Stanly Co., aged 17 years.  His remains
     have been sent home for burial.
    Near Manassas, Va., Nov. 5, Van W. Langley, son of Germon D. Langley, of Nash Co., N.C., 
    aged 22 years, 2 months and 9 days.  He died of pneumonia after an illness of three days.
    At Evansport on the 25th Nov., of typhoid fever, Jos. A. Sherrill, of Company A, 22nd (formerly 
    the 12th ) Regiment, N.C.V., under Col. Pettigrew.
    At Fredericksburg, on the 8th Nov., B.W. Sherrill, of Company A, 22nd (formerly the 12th )
     Regiment N.C.V.
    At Fredericksburg, on the 24th Nov., Albert B. Pleasants, Co. D, Col Stokes’ 1st Regiment 
    The following brave and gallant soldiers, says the Milton Chronicle, belonging to the “Person 
    Invincibles” commanded by Capt. J.L. Harris, have fallen by the hand of disease at Blue 
    Sulphur Springs, VA., since the last list we published:
    John A. Snipes, typhoid fever, Nov. 16
    Wm. H. Drumright, typhoid fever, Nov. 19
    Charles D. Brooks, typhoid fever, Nov. 20
    John G. Gray, typhoid pneumonia, Nov. 23
    The following is a list of the deaths in Captain Dillahae’s company, Roxborough Grays, up 
    to Dec. 1:
    Radford Burton
    Robert Burton
    John Townsend (accidentally shot)
    M. Morton
    Charles Long
    William Nelson
    At the residence of John W. Norwood, Esq., in the vicinity of Hillsboro’, on the 26th Nov., 
    William Thurston Waddell, aged 17 years, a member of the Russell Volunteers, of the 6th 
    Alabama Regiment, now on the Potomac.
    At Meadow Bluff, Va., Nov. 10, Alexander Melvin, son of Arthur Melvin, Esq., of this county 
    and private in Company F, 14th Regiment N.C.V.  He is dead!  No sentence, penned or 
    spoken, could perhaps cause deeper grief or awaken dearer moments in the hearts of a 
    doting family, and widespread circle of relatives and friends than this.  The devoted son the 
    affectionate brother, the warm, generous hearted friend, the noble young soldier, is no more.  
    He had joined the Cumberland Plough Boys under his neighbor Capt. Blacker and in July left, 
    with his company, the scenes where his childhood had glided calmly and sweetly away, for 
    the seat of war.   The dread sequel is soon told:  he is dead!  He doubtless preferred that the 
    blood which now lies stagnant in his pulseless veins, should have been poured out in his 
    country’s cause, but he died an honored youth and fills a patriot’s grave, in a strange land.   
    In hospital at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 5, Orderly Sgt. Burrel C. Gilbreath, a member of the 
    Wilkes Valley Guards, Company B, 1st Regiment N.C.S.T., now on detached service at 
    Game Point Battery, Acquia Creek, Va.  The deceased died from internal injured received by 
    leaping from a car on the train from Fredericksburg in Acquia Creek, while in motion, some 
    five days before.  The company has sustained a great loss in the death of Sgt. Gilreath and 
    the south has lost a brave and efficient soldier.
    Member of Company B
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 23, 1861
    Died, at his father’s residence on Deep River, Chatham Co., on the 19th inst., Robert Palmer.  
    In May last he volunteered with the Lafayette Light Infantry of Fayetteville, and served through 
    the campaign of the 1st (Bethel) Regiment.  On the night of his return to his father’s house, he 
    was seized with illness, which terminated as above.
    Died, at Beaver Creek Village in this county, on the 14th inst., Uriah Shepard, a member of 
    Capt. Sinclair’s Company.  For three years he had been a prominent member of the M.E. 
    Church and died in full hope of a blessed immortality.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Dec. 30, 1861
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At the Blue Sulphur Springs, Va., Oct. 29, Daniel Bain, Jr., aged 28, a soldier in Capt. Blocker’s 
    Company and highly esteemed by all who knew him.  He was a consistent member of the 
    Presbyterian Church.
    At the hospital in Wilmington, on the 23rd inst., Thomas Y. Forrest, a private in Company K, 
    Capt. Moody, 28th Regiment N.C.V., aged 21.  His remains have been sent to his late 
    residence in Stanly Co.
    At Manassas, Va., on the 8th inst., after a protracted illness, John Y. Cowan, of Company B, 
    4th Regiment N.C.S.T., a native of Rowan Co., N.C.
    At Fort Johnson, George L. Kornegay of the Confederate grays, Company E, 20th Regiment 
    On the 19th Nov., of Camp Fever, at Blue Sulphur Springs, Va., Wm. H. Drumwright, in the 24th 
    year of his age, of Capt. Harris’ company, Col. Clarke’s 24th Regiment N.C.V.
    At Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Lt. Jas. W. Kinsey of the Lenoir Braves, one of the Hatteras 
    prisoners, in the 20th year of his age.
    In Petersburg, Va., on the 17th inst., of typhoid fever, Private Augustus Musselwhite, of the 
    Highland Boys, Company G, of the 24th N.C.R.
    In Petersburg, on the 20th inst., of congestive chill, Private Malcolm McPhaul, of the Highland 
    Boys, Company G, 24th N.C.R.
    Died, at the residence of his father, O.(or G.?) A. palmer, in Randolph, N.C., on the 18th Dec., 
    J.N. Palmer, in the 20th year of his age.  The deceased was a young man of fine prospects in 
    life, and of such goodness of heart as to endear him to his relatives and friends.  At the first 
    call for volunteers, he sprang to arms with alacrity.  He continued in the service of his country 
    until the hand of disease fell heavily upon his, he was compelled to quit the camp and after the 
    greatest exposure and intense suffering, he reached home just in time for a kind father and loving 
    mother to smooth his dying pillow.  

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, November 2007

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