Military Obituaries Winter 1861-1862

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    North Carolina Standard
    November 27, 1861
    A Tribute of Respect was paid by the Chatham Boys at Camp Wilkes, 
    Bogue Island, N.C. to the memory of John E. Matthews, 1st Lieutenant 
    of their company.  In the death of Lt. Matthews the company has lost a 
    most worthy and efficient officer and soldier one who gave his while 
    attention and labor for the peace and comfort of his company.  The blow 
    has fallen heavily on the bereaved family especially as he was the only 
    son of exceedingly kind parents and brother of two lovely sisters.
    John R. Lane
    C.C. Underwood
    S.S. Carter
    S.E. Teague
    On the Death of D. Clarke
    Thus has passed away one who was loved with all the ardor and devoted 
    attachment – noble and generous – in his intercourse with his fellow men.  
    A beloved son, brother and friend has gone down to the grave.  Words 
    cannot express the grief of those who loved him, and watched from day 
    to day for the return of the absent one to his home but must now realize 
    they shall see his face no more on earth.  He was the all of his mother 
    and delight of his sisters and to them.  His kind and gentle disposition, 
    affable and courteous manners endeared him to his friends and gave him 
    the esteem of all who knew him.  But a short time had passed since he 
    left home for the scene of the action.  When the cry of invasion was echoed 
    forth he was among the first to rally to the defense of southern rights and 
    was performing his part like a patriot when disease seized him with a ruthless 
    hand.  Still, kindness and attention could not divert the results of the dreadful 
    malady—and far, far from kindred and native land, kind comrades laid him to 
    rest.  Yes!  Dear Charlie—thou art gone from earth; thou has heard the voice 
    of thy God in sweet accents say:
    “Child, it is enough
    Come up higher.”
    Thou art from suffering and sin released—thy toils and cares are over.
    For no chilling wind nor poisonous breath
    Can reach the healthful shore
    Sickness and sorrow, pain and death
    Are feared and felt no more.
    Oh!  What happiness is thine!  Weeping mother, weeping sisters, heart stricken 
    brothers, mourning friends, stay thy tears—for he is gone but a little while 
    before us.  Waiting, he is watching us approach the blissful throne of Paradise 
    and ere long shall meet him to part no more. Farewell dear Charlie—farewell!!  
    We often think of thee as thou wert with us and
    Thinking of that eternal meeting
    Where no voice shall say farewell.
    Died, at Blue Sulphur Springs, Virginia on the 3rd inst., Charles B. Clarke, 
    Quartermaster Sergeant in the 14th Regiment N.C.V.  This young man 
    volunteered in April last as a member of the Raleigh Rifles but was subsequently 
    transferred to the 14th Regiment commanded by his brother in which he 
    endured with his heroic comrades all the privations of the army.  In his 
    capacity as Quartermaster Sergeant he was of great service to the regiment.  
    No duty was too arduous, no exposure too severe, for his earnest and classic 
    spirit.  But he has fallen a martyr to duty and in the course of southern 
    independence in the very bloom of opening manhood.  The writer of this 
    knew him well and bore testimony to his patriotism.  But if his life has been 
    brief his death has been honorable for it has been sacrificed for his country 
    just as truly as if he had fallen on the field of battle.  Peace to his ashes.  
    And may a kind Providence mitigate the severity of grief for those who loved 
    him so much as a son, a brother and a friend.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 4, 1861
    Camp Wilkes, N.C.
    A tribute of respect was paid by members of Company E, at a meeting called 
    for the purpose of expressing the melancholy feelings of the company at the 
    sudden and unexpected death of their fellow soldier Oliver N. Hadley who died 
    at Morehead City on the 22nd inst.  S.W. Brewer, Chairman
    Tribute of Respect
    Bogue Island, N.c.
    A tribute of respect was paid by the Chatham Boys:  Whereas the hand of 
    Providence has seen fit to call from our ranks our worthy and much esteemed 
    friend Pte. S.F. Sifer (or Siler?), who leaves an aged father and sister (sisters?)  
    and mother to mourn his loss.  While his loss is a great blow to us, harder 
    must the blow be upon them, he being the only son.
    G.C. Underwood, Chairman
    North Carolina Standard
    December 11, 1861
    Tribute of Respect
    A tribute of respect was paid at a meeting of the Moore County Independents, 
    Company H, 26th Regiment N.C.V. held at camp near Carolina City on the 
    29th November.  Death has invaded our ranks and stricken down by the hand 
    of disease our much esteemed fellow soldier Dr. D.W. Shaw.  In the death of Dr. 
    Shaw our company has lost one of its most worthy and patriotic members and 
    the regiment a kind, attentive and skillful physician.
    W.P. Martin, Chairman
    Tribute of Respect
    Sandy Creek Lodge 185
    We have learned with deep regret and heartfelt emotion and sorrow of the
    deaths of our brethren of this lodge, Dr. C.H. Stallings, A.C. Hight and J.B. 
    and John Yarbrough while nobly and gallantly serving their state and country 
    in the army of the C.S.A.  These men all belonged to the Sandy Creek Rough 
    and Readys.
    North Carolina Standard
    December 25, 1861
    Died, on the 12th (?) 19th (?) November, at Camp (illegible, Fever?) at Blue 
    Sulphur Springs, William H. Dunnweight(?), in the 24th year of his age, of 
    Capt. Harris’ Company, Colonel Clarke’s Regiment, 14th Regiment N.C.V.  
    The subject of this notice was a young man of many excellent qualities and 
    much promise; he had spent much time and means in fitting himself for 
    usefulness in his day and generation.  He was a young man of fine education 
    and feeble health yet he went as a private and served in that capacity until 
    his death.  The death of one so young and so promising falls heavily upon his 
    family and friends yet we mourn not as those who have no hope; for we feel 
    that our loss is his eternal gain; for we feel that he has discharged his duties 
    for his country and God.
    North Carolina Standard
    January 22, 1862
    Died, at Carolina City on the 23rd December, of pneumonia, John F. Turner, 
    son of William D. Turner, Esq., a member of the Wake Guards Company D 
    of the 28th (?) Regiment N.C.V., in the 23rd year of his age.  A eulogy on the 
    deceased would be useless to those acquainted with him.  He was noted for 
    his upright conduct and perseverance in whatever station placed.  When his 
    country called for her sons to defend her soil he cheerfully offered his service 
    being one of the first to volunteer in his county.  The deceased for several 
    years had been a pious and consistent member of the M.E. Church.  His 
    relatives and friends will deeply mourn their loss but not as those who have 
    no hope for they have every evidence that his soul is at rest.  It seems hard, 
    indeed that one so young, so promising, with every indication of making a 
    cheerful and honored citizen, should be cut down – but the will of the Lord 
    be done.
    North Carolina Standard
    February 12, 1862
    Tribute of Respect
    At a meeting of the Columbus Lodge 102 in their hall in Pittsborough on the 
    23rd ult., a tribute of respect was paid to our esteemed brother James 
    Galatin Wenstch, a member of this lodge and a volunteer in the Chatham Rifles 
    who died at Yorktown, Va., on the 18th January, 1862 of malignant sore throat.  
    Tribute of Respect
    At a meeting of the officers and privates of the “Chatham Boys”, a tribute of 
    respect was paid at Camp Vance, N.C. to the memory of our deceased 
    comrade in arms, Joseph J. White.
    Died, on the 28th Jan., at the General Hospital near Manassas, of pneumonia, 
    Jonas Johnston Atkinson, son of John A. and Esther Atkinson, grandson of 
    Samuel Ruffin and great grandson of Col. Jonas Johnston of revolutionary 
    memory, who was wounded at the Battle of Camden and died on his return 
    home.  Immediately after the beginning of the war, the deceased entered the 
    service of his country as a private in Capt. Jesse S. Barnes Company and 
    was stationed at Ft. Macon for two months.  He afterwards volunteered for 
    the war in the same company (F), 4th Regiment, N.C. State troops, and 
    went to Virginia and was located near Manassas Junction.  He was a mild 
    and gentle young man in his manners, amiable in his disposition and beloved 
    by all who knew him.  Having been tenderly raised and being totally 
    unaccustomed to the toils and privations of military life, his constitution was 
    naturally delicate and gave way under the hardship.  Although it was not 
    permitted him to go down on the field of battle amid the fearful booming of 
    cannon, the sharp rattle of musketry and the wild dashing of sabers; although 
    no kind sister stood by his bedside to smooth his dying pillow and no 
    affectionate mother was present to wipe the dew from his brow; yet his brave 
    and noble hearted companions in arms ministered to his wants and dropped 
    the tear of sympathy over the rude pallet of the soldier.  The deceased was a 
    native of Edgecombe County, N.C.  There are at present time three more 
    brothers in the Confederate Army, two (privates) in Virginia and one lieutenant 
    R.W. Atkinson in the 18th Regiment State Troops (3rd Cavalry).
    North Carolina Standard
    February 26, 1862
    Died, at Carolina City on thte 9th inst., James Q. Hollehan, third son of 
    Wyatt J. and Melissa Hollehan, in the 23rd year of his age.  Though his 
    affliction was short and severe, yet he bore it with great resolution and 
    fortitude.  The deceased had been a consistent member of the Baptist 
    Church for four years and at the time of his death was a soldier in the 
    26th Regiment, N.C.V.  His comrades in arms will undoubtedly miss him 
    for we doubt not that he was a brave soldier.  As a son he was always 
    obedient and affectionate; as a brother kind and loving; and as a friend, 
    warm and devoted.  During his life he always sustained a reputation for 
    candor, uprightness and honesty; and as a soldier we doubt not his valor.
    Dear son thou hast left kind friends behind,
    A father and mother most dear
    Fond sisters, too, and brothers most kind,
    Farewell!  Thy face we see no more
    Thy fate we cannot fear.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 9, 1862
    Death of Captain William P. Martin
    The following tribute was adopted by the members of the Methodist Church of 
    which the deceased was a consistent member:  Whereas we have received 
    the sad intelligence of the death of Captain William P. Martin, who fell at his 
    post in the battle of Newburn, we pay a tribute of respect.
    Carthage Church
    Died, at Wilkesboro, N.C. on the morning of the 13th ult., Leander B. 
    Carmichael, who was killed the day following in the battle below Newbern.  
    Three grown brothers of this family have died in the last twelve months.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 16, 1862
    A Tribute of Respect was paid by the Oak City Guards held at Ft. Bee, 
    Virginia to Genadius W. Lassiter.
    We regret that during a skirmish between our troops and the Yankees, a 
    day or two ago, near Trenton, Jones Co., Lt. Col. Robinson of Col. Spruill’s 
    Cavalry was killed.  Lt. Col. Robinson is spoken of as a good officer.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 23, 1862
    Colonel McKinney
    The death of this young and promising officer at Lee’s Mills on the Peninsula 
    is much regretted.  He was a native of Lynchburg, Va., and was a graduate 
    of the Virginia Military Institute and then a professor of the Military School at 
    Charlotte, in this state, where he was elected Colonel of the 5th, now the 
    15th Regiment, N.C.V.  He fell while gallantly leading his regiment.  His 
    remains were taken to Lynchburg, Va., for interment.
    We regret to learn from the Petersburg Express that Capt. Stancil of Company 
    A, 15th N.C. Regiment, has died of wounds he received in the Battle of Lee’s Mills.
    Died, at Harnett Co., Joseph F. Cutts, son of William and Martha Cutts of 
    Harnett Co.  He was upon Roanoke Island at the time of its fall, belonging 
    to Company C, 31st Regiment N.C.T.  He was a faithful soldier and after he 
    was taken prisoner and paroled he doubtless anticipated much pleasure in 
    returning to the fond embrace of his friends and to the quietude of a pleasant 
    home.  But it did please God to afflict him before he reached his destination.  
    He spent nearly five long weeks in the hospital at Raleigh and was then 
    conveyed to his mother’s in a supposed improved condition but soon 
    after reaching there he breathed his last.  He was a young man of a fine 
    mind.  He was an affectionate son and brother and as a soldier he was 
    brave and determined.  His soldierly brethren attended the burying of his 
    body on the 6th.
    North Carolina Standard
    April 30, 1862
    We regret to record the death of Captain Joseph P. Jordan, Henderson 
    County, commanding Company G, 35th Regiment.  Captain Jordan was 
    taken ill with typhoid fever before the Battle of Newbern and was removed 
    to this city and had been confined ever since under medical treatment at 
    the Yarborough House.  A few days ago we learned that he was better 
    and likely to recover but on Tuesday morning last he grew worse and 
    died suddenly.  His remains were taken home for interment.  Captain 
    Jordan was a good citizen and soldier and a useful member of the 
    House of Commons.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Jan. 6, 1862
    Died, in the Post Hospital, Washington, N.C., on the 19th Dec., 1861, 
    Private S.(?) F. Pitman, in the 19th year of his age.  The deceased was 
    a member of Capt. C. Godwin’s Company, 31st Regiment N.C.T.  He 
    was a good soldier, a general favorite in the company to which he 
    belonged and his death has thrown a deep gloom over the spirits of his 
    late companions in arms—his gentle manners, his warm affections, his 
    devoted friendship, his scrupulous sense of honor, all combined to make 
    him the gentleman and soldier
    Fort Hill, N.C., Dec. 19, 1861.
    Died, at Roanoke Island, on the 18th inst., Private Randal Musselwhite of 
    Capt. C. Godwin’s Company, 31st Regiment N.C.T., in the 22nd year of 
    his age.  The deceased was the third Musselwhite who died while defending 
    the South.  He was of those who prefer an honorable death to life under the 
    rule of a tyrant.
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Richmond, Va., on the 8th ult., of pneumonia, Robert A. Wilson, of Guilford 
    Co., in the 26th year of his age, one of the Dixie Boys.
    In the hospital at Fredericksburg, Va., of pneumonia, Sgt. George A. Barr, 
    of Wilmington, in the 1st Regiment N.C.S.T., aged 32.
    At Manassas, Va., on the 5th Dec., of typhoid fever, Jas. W. Marsh, a 
    member of Company A, in the 23rd year of his age.
    At the “Plains”, Va., Dec. 3, John R. Reavis, making the 12th lost by death 
    out of Capt. Andrews’ Company.
    At the hospital at Manassas, Dec. 8, John Y. Cowan, of typhoid fever, making 
    the seventh of Capt. Wood’s Company.
    At Edenton, on the 3rd ult., William P. May, of Capt. Cole’s Company, 2nd 
    Regiment, N.C. Cavalry.
     Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 13, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Carolina City, on the 7th ult., of typhoid fever, Private Orren H. Smith, of 
    Company E, 26th Regiment N.C.T., in the 19th year of his age.
    At Camp Greenbrier Bridge, Pocahontas Co., Va., on the 4th Dec., of diphtheria, 
    Jas. C. Haden, formerly of Davidson Co., N.C., in the 24th year of his age, a 
    volunteer in Capt. Hereford’s Company from Henry Co., Va.
    At Camp Mangum, on the 1st inst., N. Wilkins, a soldier in Capt. Mosely’s 
    Company from Duplin Co.
    At the same place on the 6th inst., Hatch Lanier, eldest son of B. Lanier, 
    Esq., a soldier in Capt. Mosely’s Company from Duplin Co.
    At Acquia Creek, Va., on the 7th inst., at the camp of the Third Regiment 
    N.C.S.T., Quartermaster Sgt. James Haggerty, of Wilmington, aged about 26.
    At Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, on the 28th Dec., John Wesley Jones of 
    typhoid fever, a private in Capt. Jones’ Company Person Boys.
    At Carolina City, on the 7th ult., Private Orren H. Smith of Company E, 26th 
    Regiment N.C.S.T. in the 19th year of his age.
    At Camp Edwards, near Manassas, on the 29th ult., Joseph P. Cook, of 
    Cabarrus Co., and on the 30th, W.L. Cowan of Rowan Co., privates in Company 
    F, 1st Regiment N.C. Cavalry.
    At Camp Wyatt, on the 5th inst., Michael S. Dudley, a private in the “Sampson 
    On the Potomac, on the 5th Dec., in the 22nd year of his age, Graham G. 
    Bradshaw, of the Hawfields Company, 6th Regiment State Troops.
    At the hospital in Washington, N.C., Augustus Chamblee, member of the Wake 
    Co. Eastern Guards.
    On the 26th ult., of sickness contracted at Manassas, David C. Fuller, aged 
    about 23 years.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 20, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Camp Stephens, (near Coosawhatchie, S.C.) of typhoid pneumonia, on the
    31st Dec., Frederick H. McKeithen, of Company B, 18th Regiment N.C.V., aged 
    18 years, 6 months and 25 days.  He was a native of Brunswick Co.
    Of pneumonia, Jan. 3, in Fredericksburg Hospital, James M. Williams, a private 
    in Company I, Captain Foote, 1st Regiment N.C.S.T., a native of Franklin Co.
    In Mecklinburg Co., on the 21st ult., L.M. Downs.  He was a member of the 1st 
    Regiment N.C. Volunteers.
    At Camp Price, Privates E. Jenkins and G.W. King of Co. E, 3rd N.C.S.T.
    In Wilmington, from typhoid fever, on the 1st Dec., 1861, S.W. Thomas Dunn, son 
    of the late Col. J.A. Dunn of Union Co., N.C., in the 16th year of his age. He was a 
    volunteer in Capt. Kell’s Company.
    At Plain Station, Va., Nov. 1, 1861 of typhoid fever, James R. Reid, 1st Lt. of 
    Company C, 4th Regiment, N.C.S.T., aged 17.
    Of typhoid fever, at the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, Va., on the 4th inst., Lt. 
    Wm. O. Lacoste of Cheraw, S.C., in the 24th year of his age.
    In this county, Jan. 16, Capt. Robert Williams, aged about 35.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, January 27, 1862
    Died, on the 13th inst., at his grandmother’s in Richmond co., Duncan C. McGugan, 
    Jr., in the 25th year of his age.  He was a volunteer in Western Virginia, where no 
    doubt he caught the disease that terminated his life.  He was an amiable, exemplary 
    young man, he stood high in the estimation of those who knew him.  (see civilian 
    deaths, same issue re:  his father).
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Camp Stephens, near Coosawhatchie, S.C., on the 21st inst., of typhoid 
    pneumonia, Edward N. Johnson, of Co. I, 18th Regiment N.C.V., aged 24.
    At Morehead City, on the 19th ult., Edmund R. Coffey, of Capt. Horton’s Wilkes 
    Co. Company.
    At Wilmington, on the 11th inst., Orderly Sgt. Bird Hollifield, of Capt. Norman’s 
    Co., 28th Regiment.
    S.J. Hardison, of Company E, 3rd N.C.S.T., died recently (when or where, not 
    At Carolina City, on the 24th ult., M.E. Lentz of South Iredell, a member of Company 
    I, 7th State Troops.
    At Swan Point Battery, on the 15th inst., George C. Elliott, of Capt. Rodman’s 
    Company, in the 25th year of his age.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, February 3, 1862
    Capt. Rogers, in command of a company of militia from Martin Co., committed 
    suicide by shooting himself through the heart at Fort Hill on Sunday evening last.  
    He was in middle life and leaves a wife.  His mind was evidently unbalanced.  
    Washington Dispatch
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Goldsborough on the 25th ult., Gilbert Webb, private in Capt. Dickerson’s 
    company of 34th Regiment.
    Recently, in hospital, Wm. A. Conrad, a private in Capt. Connolly’s Yadkin 
    In hospital at Petersburg, John Lash, son of Wm. A. Lash, a private in Capt. 
    Westmoreland’s Stokes Company.
    In Tarborough, on the 25th ult., John R. Cobb, of the Spartan Band, aged about 24.
    At High Point on the 15th Dec., Nathaniel S. Suggs, in the 26th year of his age, 
    of Capt. Spencer’s Montgomery Co. company.
    At Meadow Bluff, Va., on the 3rd Nov., Jas. H. Neal, of Person Co., in the 23rd 
    year of his age. 
    At Camp Stephens, Edward N. Johnson, of the Wilmington Rifle Guards.
    At place and time not mentioned, Reuben Curtis, of Capt. Ennet’s company, 3rd 
    State Troops.
    In the “Post Hospital”, Washington, N.C., on the 20th Dec., 1861, Private Glen 
    Allen, in the 20th year of his age.  The deceased belonged to Capt. C. Godwin’s 
    Company, 31st Regiment N.C. Troops.  He was an orderly and obedient soldier, 
    a warm friend and much esteemed by his associates.
    On Roanoke Island, on Dec. 26, 1861, James S. Carlisle, private in Capt. C. 
    Godwin’s Company, 31st Regiment N.C. Troops, in the 26th year of his age.  
    He was unassuming in his manners, punctual in the discharge of every duty as 
    a soldier and highly respected by his officers and companions in arms.  He 
    leaves a widow and child to mourn their loss.
    On Roanoke Island, on the 7th inst., Private John McPhatter of Capt. C. Godwin’s 
    company, 31st Regiment N.C. Troops, aged about 24, leaving a widow and two 
    children.  The deceased was courteous and obliging in his manners and faithfully 
    and willingly performed the duties of a true soldier.  He deeply endeared himself 
    to his officers and associates in arms.
    On Roanoke Island, on the 10th inst., William H. Kinlaaw, Private in Capt. C. 
    Godwin’s Company, 31st Regiment N.C. Troops, in the 21st year of his age.  
    He was modest and agreeable as a companion, prompt and obedient as a 
    soldier, and leaves a large circle of relations to mourn their bereavement.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 10, 1863
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Staunton, Va., on the 3rd ult., in the 25th year of his age, Mr. James H. Malloy, 
    son of Duncan and Isabella Malloy of Robeson Co., and a member of Capt. 
    Blocker’s Company, the Cumberland Plow Boys.
    In Yorktown, on the 18th ult., James Galington Webster, son of James Webster 
    of Chatham Co., N.C., in the 23rd year of his age.  He was of the 5th Regiment, 
    N.C. Volunteers.
    On January 1, near Centreville, Va., of pneumonia, Alexander O. Daniel, a 
    private in Capt. Houston’s Cavalry, of Duplin Col, aged 23.
    In camp hospital, (where not stated), on the 25th ult., Augustus F. Summers, 
    of the Iredelle “Saltillo Boys.”
    At Acquia Creek, Va., Corp. L.H. Sidbury, of Co. E, 3rd Regiment State Troops.  
    Also, at the same place, Wm. King, private in said company.
    At Goldsborough, on the 1st inst., Private John Welmon, of Capt. Waters’ 
    Company, 34th Regiment.
    On the 23rd November, Lee Watkins, of “Granville Grays”, 23rd Regiment, 
    stationed near Manassas, in the 31st year of his age.
    At Culpepper, Va., Martin Brittain, of the “Burke Tigers” aged about 19.
    At Morehead City, on the 15th  January, of typhoid fever, Joseph F. White, son 
    of Sherwood White of Chatham Co., in the 24th year of his age.  A member of 
    the “Chatham Boys.”
    At Fort Johnson, Private Jas. W. Casey, of Capt. Chestnut’s Company F, 20th 
    At Acquia Creek, Va., R.T. Aman and H.D. costing, both of Capt. Ennet’s 
    Company E, 3rd N.C. State Troops.
    Tributes of Respect to Alexander McRae, Thomas Garrett and Henry C. Morgan 
    of the “Richmond  Boys” and to Jas. H. Curtis and Alexander McKenzie, of 
    Company D, 23rd Regiment, at hand this morning, too late for this paper.  
    (Transriber’s note, they were not transcribed from the next paper, just mentioned 
    here.  Tributes of respect contained very little information.)
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 17, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    In Halifax Co., N.C., on the 5th inst., Lt. W.C. Gary, of Company C, 2nd N.C. 
    In Richmond, Va., on the 2nd Jan., Wm. C. Hoyle, aged 19 years of Capt. 
    McCorkle’s Company of Catawba Co.
    In Richmond, Va., on Sunday night last, Private Kinchen Bramble, of this town, of 
    Capt. Mallett’s Co. C, 3rd N.C.S.T., leaving a wife and child.  His body was brought 
    home and interred yesterday.
    A Tribute of Respect to Private Thomas F. Cox, of Capt. Martin’s Moore Co. 
    Company who died at Carolina City on the 10th inst., is at hand this morning, 
    but too late for today’s paper.
    Died, at the encampment of the 28th Regiment N.C. Volunteers, Wilmington, N.C., 
    on the 31st December, 1861, Hugh W. McAulay of Montgomery Co., about 26 
    years.  The subject of this memoir, like many other brave and noble sons of our 
    land, though for several years in feeble health, left father, brothers and sisters, 
    all the comforts and pleasures of home, and went forth to help drive off the 
    invaders from our soil.  He was much beloved by his brother soldiers, and lived 
    a very exemplary life up to his death.  He has now passed away, war and its 
    wild din will never again disturb him.  Though we will never again see him on 
    parade or drill, his memory will be green in the hearts of his officers and brother 
    One of His Brethren.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, Feb. 24, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    On the 16th Jan., at the residence of his father, in New Hanover Co., David W. 
    Bannerman, a musician in the army, Company K, 3rd Regiment N.C.S.T., 
    aged 23.
    At Mt. Jackson hospital, Va., on the 3rd Feb., of disease of the brain, after a 
    severe attack of bronchitis, Corp. Arthur D. Harris, a member of the Montgomery 
    Volunteers of Company C, 23rd Regiment of N.C.V.  Mr. Harris was one of the 
    first sons of the South to respond to the call of his country for brave men to go 
    forth in her defense.  He sacrificed all the comforts and endearments of home, 
    at an hour “that tried men’s souls” and during all the vicissitudes and hardships 
    of the camp, his deportment was that of a brave and faithful soldier—always at 
    his post, when not unavoidably prevented, till death selected him as a victim.  
    His loss is greatly deplored by the little band of brothers whom he has left behind 
    to confront the heartless foe that would invade his old home.  To his distressed 
    mother we tender our most heartfelt sympathies.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 3, 1862
    Died, at the hospital in Raleigh on the 14th inst., John Cox, aged 21.  Mr. Cox 
    was a native of Cabarrus County and was a volunteer in Captain Rankin’s Company 
    from Gastin Co., Col. Lee’s Regiment.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 17, 1862
    Died, on Feb. 22, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Dr. A. Malloy, in Cheraw, 
    S.C., Henry William Coit, son of Rev. Jas. C. Coit, in the 26th year of his age, a 
    member of Capt. T.D. Harrington’s Company, 9th Regiment S.C.V., in which he 
    had been serving with the Army of the Potomac.
    Died, in Sumter Co., Ga., on the 3rd Jan., Jno. B. McDonald, in the 56th year of his 
    age.  And at White Sulphur Springs Hospital in Virginia, on the 31st Oct., 1861, 
    James Worthy Mcdonald, son of Jno. B. McDonald, in the 29th year of his age.  
    Both natives of Moore Co., N.C.
    Died, at his residence in Bladen Co., of pleurisy, on the 12th inst., Private Gabriel 
    Barefield of the 8th Regiment N.C.T., Captain Murchison’s Company E, aged 42 
    years and 6 months, leaving  a wife and four children and many relatives and 
    friends to mourn their loss.  The deceased was a participant in the Infantry fight at 
    Roanoke Island and proved himself to be a faithful and unflinching soldier.  He was 
    taken prisoner by the enemy and released on parole of honor with his fellow soldiers 
    when he returned to his home.  He was only permitted to enjoy the company of his 
    family one day when he was confined to his bed and suffered severe pain for twelve 
    days, when he quietly breathed his last.  Thus ended the days of one of the heroes 
    of Roanoke.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 24, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Camp Pickens, Va., on the 4th march, Marvel Parker, Private in Company H,
    4th Regiment N.C.S.T.
    At Camp Raleigh, on Roanoke Island, on the 10th Feb., of typhoid fever, John B. 
    Clark of Fayetteville, aged 19 years, a member of Capt. Murchison’s Company, 8th 
    Regiment, N.C.S.T.
    At the General Hospital in Wilmington on the 19th inst., of typhoid fever, William H. 
    Henry, aged 35, a member of the Moore’s Creek Rifle Guards, Company E, 18th 
    In Pocahontas County, Va., Wm. Alexander Copeland, a member of the “Burke 
    Tigers”, of the 6th Regiment N.C.V.
    On the 10th inst., at the residence of Hon. R.C. Puryear, in Yadkin Co., after a 
    protracted illness, John Marshall Kerr, oldest son of Hon. John Kerr of this state, 
    formerly a lieutenant in the U.S. Army.  He leaves a devoted wife and child, as 
    well as a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his loss.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, March 31, 1862
    Died, at Cedar Falls, Randolph Co., on the 15th inst., of typhoid pneumonia, Wm. 
    Coble, a young man of the promise for usefulness, of Company M, 22nd Regiment 
    Died, at Cedar Falls, Randolph Co., on the 15th inst., of typhoid pneumonia, 
    Wm. Coble, a young man of fine promise for future usefulness, a member of 
    Company M, 22nd Regiment N.C.T.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 7, 1862
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At Wilmington, on Thursday last, Lt. John W. Runciman, in the 28th year of his 
    age, of Company F, 3rd State Troops.
    At Grahamville, S.C., on the 23rd ult., Benjamin F. Curtis, of the Pisgah Guards, 
    Company I, 25th N.C.V.
    At the Marine Hospital, Charleston, Capt. Marville F. Edney.
    At Morristown, Tenn., on the 4th ult., James L. McCord of Mississippi, a member 
    of Captain Enlee’s Company, 29th N.C. Volunteers.
    At Lynchburg, John H. Carson, of Capt. Siler’s Cavalry Company
    Died, in Wilkesboro, N.C., on the morning of the 13th ult., Leander B. Carmichael, 
    Esq.  He was a brother of Major A.B. Carmichael, who was killed the following 
    day in the battle below Newbern.  Three grown brothers of this family have died 
    in the last twelve months.
    Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 21, 1862
    The remains of Col. McKinney, a gallant young officer, the Colonel of the 15th 
    Regiment N.C. Volunteers were brought to this city yesterday on the City 
    Point train, in charge of a detachment of his late regiment.  The dispatch 
    acquainting his friends here of his death, stated that “he fell while gallantly leading 
    his men in a charge”.  No more honorable tribute could be paid to a noble 
    commander than this.  Col. McKinney was a native of Lynchburg, where he now 
    leaves an aged and afflicted father, sisters, and brothers to mourn his early death.  
    He was a man of brilliant literary acquirements and a military genius of the best 
    school.  At the time he was called to command his late regiment, he occupied 
    a professor’s chair in the Charlotte Military Institute, in which capacity he 
    rendered most valuable services.  He had flattering offers made him from other 
    States, to accept of honorable and remunerative positions but he was unwilling 
    to leave the Old North State, which had first received him.  His men were 
    affectionately attached to him, in fact they could not do otherwise than love him, 
    for he shared their hardships and exposures and associated freely and 
    affectionately with them. Col. McKinney was about 25 years of age and was as 
    brave and fearless as it is possible for a man to be.  His remains are to be sent 
    to Lynchburg.  Military honors were shown to the deceased by several of the 
    companies encamped in town, who were in waiting at the depot on the arrival of 
    the train.  The body subsequently exposed to view for a short time and was 
    visited by a good many of our citizens.  Petersburg Express, 18th
    Deaths of Soldiers:
    At the hospital, Kinston, on the 14th inst., of typhoid fever, Orderly Sgt. Benjamin 
    McLauchlin, son of Duncan McLauchlin of Cumberland Co., in the 18th year of his 
    age.  He was a member of Capt. Caraway’s Anson Co. Company K, 26th Regiment, 
    and his remains were brought to this county for interment in the family burial place.
    In Harnett Co., Mr. Joseph F. Cutts, of that county.  He was upon Roanoke Island 
    at the time of its fall, belonging to company C, 31st Regiment N.C.T.
    At Kinston on the 13th inst., A. Smith of Duplin County, aged about 22 years—a 
    member of Capt. Houston’s Cavalry.
    In Richmond, Va., in the 24th year of his age, on the 27th Feb., of typhoid fever, 
    John M. Trotter of Guilford Co.   Mr. Trotter was one of the “Dixie Boys” and was 
    in the great battle of the 21st July last. 
    At the hospital, Camp Mangum, on the 8th April, of typhoid fever, Private George 
    Patton of Capt. Armfield’s Company B, Bethel Regiment.  Also, Private John 
    Patton (George’s senior brother) of the same company, died on the following day 
    of the same disease.
    In Chatham Co., on the 21st March, of typhoid fever, Daniel Hickman, aged about 
    20 years, a member of Capt. Lane’s Company (Chatham Boys) and had re-enlisted 
    and gone home on a thirty days furlough.
    Fayetteville Observer, February, 1862
    Died, at his father’s residence in Cumberland County, on Friday, 17th inst., James 
    L. Culbreth, aged about 18 years.  Thus the beauty and pride of life with all its vigor
    and animation have been severed by the irresistible monster—death.  The subject of 
    this memoir, like many other noble and patriotic sons of our land, forsaking all the 
    comforts and pleasures of home, bid his adieu to father, mother, brothers and sisters, 
    shouldered his musket and went forth to battle and to victory for his country.  He 
    volunteered with Captain Blocker, in the Cumberland Plough Boys; his company was 
    immediately ordered to western Virginia where, no doubt, from many privations and 
    hardships of the army he contracted the disease which terminated his life.  His 
    company having been ordered back to Petersburg, he was granted a furlough to visit his 
    sweet home again and loved ones there.  He came home, was taken sick and died in a 
    very short time, very unexpected to family and friends.  In his death, the army has been 
    deprived of a brave and noble hearted soldier, and the bereaved family an irreparable loss.  
    James was a good boy, loved by all who knew him.  He professed religion and joined the 
    Methodist E. Church when very young, lived a pious and exemplary life up to his death, 
    and bid fair to be a useful man.  But he is gone. 

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer, May 2007 & February 2008

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