Obituary of Owen Judson Carroll ~ 1901

Transcribed by Jackie Purdy

Obituary - Owen Judson Carroll
26 February 1845 - 4 October 1901 

Mr. O.J. Carroll
Died Suddenly This Morning in Hotel at Morehead City.
Talking with a Friend
Heart Failure the Cause.  The Body will be brought here for Interment

Mr. O. J. Carroll one of the best known men in the State and an honored citizen of 
Raleigh died in the hotel of Morehead City this morning. The news came as a great 
shock to the people of Raleigh.

Mr. Carroll left Raleigh this week on a business trip. He was in Morehead City yesterday.  
A telegraph received at 9:30 a.m. states that this morning he rose as usual, but 
complained of feeling unwell and did not eat any breakfast.

At 7:45 he was at the Newbern House talking with Mr. Cade, the proprietor of the hotel, 
when he dropped dead.  As soon as he sank to the floor he was carried to a room 
within five minutes a physician was at bed side, but the end had come.  Death was 
supposed to have resulted from heart failure.

Mr. Carroll was 58 years of age.  He was born in Duplin county.  He entered the 
Confederate army when a youth and served with distinction.  For many years he lived 
in Raleigh while on the road as a traveling salesman.  When Cleveland was elected 
President of the United States in 1892 he appointed Mr. Carroll as marshal for the 
Eastern District of North Carolina.  This posting he held until the election of President 
The deceased was born February 25th, 1845 in Duplin county.  He married Miss Mary 
Southerland of Kenansville, who survives him with eight children.  He moved to Raleigh 
from Magnolia in 1881 as was on the road until appointed United States Marshal in 
1893 and served until 1897.  At the time of his death he represented Craddock, Terry 
and Company of Lynchburg, Virginia.

Mr. Carroll was in ill health for awhile but he had recently fully recovered his strength 
and never looked better that when he left here this week.  He was suddenly stricken 
while in the midst of a conversation.  A letter written by him yesterday said business 
was good and he was in fine spirits.

The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family.  Mr. Carroll leaves a 
wife, two sons and five daughters.  The children are: Dr. N. J. Carroll, of Raleigh; Mr. 
J. C. Carroll of New York. Mrs. Weatherly of Norfolk: Mrs. W.P. White of Raleigh; Mrs. 
L.A. Carr of Durham, and Miss Pattie Carroll and Connie Carroll of Raleigh.

Dr. Carroll left this morning for Morehead City from whence he will accompany the 
remains to Raleigh tomorrow.  The hour of the funeral has not been announced.

Mr. Carroll was one of the most genial popular men in the State and few possessed 
the warm Friendship of so many North Carolinians.  He had a warm generous heart 
always responded to any appeal.

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