THE SAMPSON RANGERS COMPANY A, 30th N.C.R. Fayetteville Observer, Monday, April 4, 1864 Messrs Editors: I have been intending for a long time to give you a condensed history of Company A, 30th Regiment N.C.T., the company to which I belong, not with a view of extolling the deeds we have done but to do justice to the “noble dead”. The company was organized at Clinton, Sampson Co., N.C. April 20, 1861 under the name Sampson Rangers by electing F.J. Faison as captain, R.A. Moseley as 1st Lt., and J.C. Holmes and G.W. Marsh as 2nd Lts. It was the first company organized in Sampson County. Under this organization we were ordered to Fort Johnson, which post was commanded by Captain Jones. The first three months we spent at this place, during which time the 20th Regiment N.C.T. was being organized by electing A. Iverson colonel and Capt. F.J. Faison as Lt. Colonel and ----- Toon as Major. Under this organization, about the latter part of August, we were sent to Fort Caswell, as an attack on the fort was daily expected. Lt. Col. Faison was in command of the fort. Our captain having been promoted and Lts. Moseley and Marsh having resigned, 2nd Lt. J.C. Holmes was elected captain, W.W. Sillers 1st Lt., C. Patrick and C.T. Stevens as 2nd lieutenants of the company. Here we had a great deal of hard work to do, putting the fort in a better state of defense and mounting heavy guns, etc. We suffered very much at the fort from the hot weather and scarcity of good water. The water in the fort entirely gave out and we were forced to dig wells to get water, which was not good, and consequently created thirst. The men not being accustomed to hardship and privation, considered this very hard. Very soon, we were transferred to the 30th N.C.T., which was organized by electing F.M. Parker as colonel and Walter Draughen as lieutenant colonel and Jas. T. Kell as major. The regiment was then ordered from Raleigh to Wilmington, N.C., and thence to Smithville, at which place our company joined the regiment. After remaining at Smithville about three weeks we were ordered to South Carolina; the order being countermanded, the regiment was sent to Camp Wyatt, where we built winter quarters and remained until the Battle of Newbern came off. The regiment was ordered to Newbern and got as far as Wilmington, but could not get transportation in time to partake in the fight, consequently, the order was countermanded and the regiment went into quarters at Camp Lamb. From there we went to Camp French, thence to Camp Holmes, and thence to Camp Saunders in Onslow County, where, on the 1st May, 1862, the regiment was re-organized, by electing F.M. Parker as colonel, J.T. Kell as lieutenant colonel, and W.W. Sillers as major. The company re-elected J.C. Holmes as captain, G.F. Williams as first lieutenant and S.(?) T. Stevens and L.M. White as 2nd lieutenants. From Camp Saunders we were ordered to Wilmington and about June 11, 1862 we were ordered to Richmond and became one of the regiments of G.B. Anderson’s Brigade About the 21st June we had a sharp skirmish with the enemy on picket near Seven Pines in which Private A.A. Lewis was seriously wounded in the left arm. About the 26th June we were under a heavy fire of shot and shell at Mechanicsville. On the 27th we pursued the retreating enemy to Cold Harbor. In this engagement we lost two killed and Sergeants R.M. Crumpler and H.S. Royal and Private Nevil Royal wounded. About the 1st of July at Malvern Hill we again met the enemy in deadly conflict. At this place we lost three killed and Wm. H. Johnson and Privates R.G. Cox and T.M. Howard wounded; also others were slightly wounded and two captured by the enemy. We very soon went back to Richmond to recuperate and rest. August 19, 1862 we were ordered to report, together with our division, D.H. Hill’s, to General Jackson. We reached the main army under General Lee near the Potomac and crossed over into Maryland on Sept. 5. Our division fought in the Battle of South Mountain Sept. 14 and then marched to Sharpsburg and engaged on Sept. 17. We lost one killed and Sgt. A. Hobbs and Privates F.H. Howard, J.R. Holland and Willis Lee wounded. The company stood firm and immovable, assisting in repulsing onset after onset of the heavy columns of the enemy. The night of the 18th the Potomac was re-crossed and we remained in the Valley until the middle of November and then marched to Fredericksburg. The 13th (?) December the company was carried into the Fredericksburg fray, but fortunately none were seriously wounded. We had nothing but picket duty to do during the winter and spring until the 27th April, when the enemy came across the Rappahannock and thanks be to God Hooker was defeated. The brigade, headed by the gallant Ramseur, on Sunday morning May 3, attacked the enemy in their entrenchments and drove them from two lines of breastworks and sent them howling into the Wilderness. Our loss was severe. The company went into the fight 38 strong and came out five killed and eighteen wounded. At Chancellorsville the following were wounded: Sgts. R. M. Crumpler, H.S. Royal, H. Williamson, Corp. J.M. Crumpler and Privates J.M. Kelly, Jas. Williamson, W.J. Taylor, J.M. Parker, E.N. Butler, Joseph Butler, G.W. Rackley, A.H. Brewer, H. Butler, J.A. Weeks, mortally, C.W. Duncan, mortally, J.C. Walker, Corp. S. Boon and N. Godwin. After the battle of Chancellorsville, we returned to our old camp near Fredericksburg and remained until the 10th June when the advance into Pennsylvania commenced. The company did its noble duty in the taking of Berrysville and Martinsburg. Our brigade was the first to cross the Potomac and to occupy Williamsport, Maryland. Several places were taken and hard marching done in Maryland and Pennsylvania until at last we reached Gettysburg. The company was in the three days fight and acted well and fortunately none killed and only two wounded—Sgt. J.W. Merritt and A.H. Brewer, who were taken prisoners. Soon we re-crossed the Potomac and our march commenced to the Rapidan. At Manassas Gap, we had a sharp skirmish with the enemy. We reached Orange Court House on August 2 and remained near this place until September 8 when we assisted in driving Meade to Centreville. Then we re-crossed the Rappahannock and camped near Kelly’s Ford; and on Nov. 7, our regiment being in reserve on picket near Kelly’s Ford to support the 2nd Regiment N.C.T., was ordered to the river to reinforce the 2nd N.C.T. The enemy being in strong force and having taken advantage of a strong position poured a deadly fire of musketry into our ranks while we were going into the river. Soon after reaching the river, we were ordered to fall back; the regiment fell back to the woods about a half mile from the river, under a tremendous fire of shot and shell. About that time, Lt. Col. Sillers, commanding the regiment, was ordered by Col. Bennett, commanding the brigade, to deploy the regiment on a hill near by and hold the enemy in check at all hazards, this being done but the position was maintained with difficulty. Late in the evening Lt. Col. Sillers received a mortal wound. At 11:00 that night, we drew off. The company lost one killed and the following wounded: Sgt. R.M. Crumpler, O.B. Cobb, Jas. Williamson, T.J. Warrick, M. Dove, J. Frizeland; also we lost 13 men as prisoners. We soon re-crossed the Rapidan and camped near Morton’s Ford. Our regiment was under heavy fire at Mine Run and Morton’s Ford. We have been in various skirmished too tedious to tell. A Member List of Deceased of Company A, 30th N.C.T. M.S. Dudley, Wilmington, N.C. November, 1861 Marshall Royal, Sampson County Neil Lewis, Richmond, August, 1862 W.D. Strickland, Guinea Station, Va., Jan. 9, 1863 Corp. L.H. Pipkin and J.W. Baggot, killed, Malvern Hill, July 1, 1962 Corp. Sherman Royal, of wound, Richmond, Va., July 9, 1862 Blackman Taw and Jas. T. Goodrich, killed, Cold Harbor, June 27, 1862 George E. Brown, killed, Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862 Willis Gilbert, Lynchburg, Oct. 15, 1862 George H. Draughton, Clinton, Dec. 26, 1862 Owen Page, Richmond, Dec. 29, 1862 J.W. Jackson, Richmond R.M. Bradshaw, Palmyra, March 17, 1863 W.K. Bradshaw, of wound, May 5, 1863 J.R. Holland, Ransom Naylor and Daniel R. Underwood, killed at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 H.R. Robinson, Martinsburg, June 19, 1863 Wm. Autry, Gordonville, Dec. 18, 1862 J.R. Butler, Lynchburg, Jan. 2, 1863 C.W. Duncan, of wound, Richmond, May 26, 1863 C.H. Reynolds, Guinea Station, January 11 J.L. Faircloth, Richmond, January 16 Jno. Faircloth, Feb. 10 Henry Mitchell, Feb. 14 E.M. Register, Feb. 15 Sgt. J.M. Thrailkill, Fredericksburg, Feb. 21 Martin Weldon, Royal, March 8 J.A. Weeks, of wound, Richmond, May 16, 1863 Thomas N. Clarkson, Mt. Jackson, November 14, 1862 W.H. Boswell, killed, Kelly’s Ford, Nov. 7, 1863 Wiley Tew, Lynchburg Tobias McLemore, missing since August, 1862
Transcribed by Christine Spencer August 2007
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