34th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry 34th Infantry Regiment was assembled at High Point, North Carolina, in October, 1861. Its members were recruited in the counties of Ashe, Rutherford, Rowan, Lincoln, Cleveland, Mecklenburg, and Montgomery. After serving in the Department of North Carolina, it was sent to Virginia and placed in General Pender's and Scales' Brigade. The 34th was active in the many campaigns of the army from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor and later participated in the Petersburg siege south of the James River and the operations around Appomattox. It reported 53 killed and 158 wounded during the Seven Days' Battles, 2 killed and 23 wounded at Second Manassas, 2 killed and 17 wounded at Fredericksburg , and 18 killed, and 110 wounded, and 20 missing at Chancellorsville. Of the 310 engaged at Gettysburg, twenty-one percent were disabled. It surrendered 21 officers and 145 men. The field officers were Colonels Collet Leventhorpe, William Lee J. Lowrance, and Richard H. Riddick; Lieutenant Colonels George T. Gordon, Charles J. Hammerskold, William A. Houck, John L. McDowell, and George M. Norment; and Majors George M. Clark, Joseph B. McGee, Eli H. Miller, William A. Owens, Martin Shoffner, and Francis L. Twitty. OFFICERS: DICKERSON, Marcus O, Captain TWITTY, Francis L, Captain, wounded 1862 YOUNG, John D, Captain WILKIE, Lorenzo T, 1st Lieutenant WEAVER, Alfred K, 2nd Lieutenant SHOTWELL, Alexander H, 2nd Lieutenant, died of wounds received 27 June 1862 BOWMAN, John R, 2nd Lieutenant WILSON, Perry R, 2nd Lieutenant, died of wounds received at Shepherdstown in September 1862 WILKINS, W T, 2nd Lieutenant NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS: CARSON, Thomas L, 1st Sergeant GRAY, James L, 3rd Sergeant, died 1 February 1862 KOONE, George W, 4th Sergeant, wounded near Richmond CARRIER, Joseph B, 5th Sergeant, died at Goldsboro in 1862 FOSTER, Samuel F, 1st Corporal TAYLOR, James M, 2nd Corporal KEETER, William M, 3rd Corporal WHITESIDES, Joseph W, 4th Corporal, died of wounds at Ox Hill PRIVATES: ALLEN, Daniel C BABER, William, died July 1862 in Richmond, VA BAGWELL, Stanhope H BARBER, Stephen D BARNARD, John BISHOP, Albery BLANKENSHIP, Andrew, died 24 August 1864 BOWMAN, William C, reported missing 6 May 1864 BRADLEY, William H, killed 1 July 1862 CAMP, John H CAMP, Solomon, died June 1862 COLLINS, William W COMPTON, H H CONNER, William G COOK, Alfred W, wounded at Gettysburg COOK, John, wounded at Chancellorsville and again at Richmond COOPER, Nicholas P CORN, Ezekiel A CORN, W Matthew CRAWFORD, Sylvester CROW, Calvin M DAVES, Elijah D, killed 6 July 1863 at Williamsport DAVES, Lorenzo A DAVIS, Josiah DICKERSON, Robert Patton, died of wounds received at Shepherdstown DOBBINS, Calloway, killed August 1862 at Manassas DOBBINS, John A DOGGETT, Peter EARLY, Drury B, died of wounds EARLY, James EARLY, John P, died March 1862 EARLY, William EARLY, William A, died March 1862 EDWARDS, William ELLIOTT, Jonathan, died 1862 ELLIOTT, Thomas, died March 1862 ELLIOTT, William H ENGLAND, Robert A B, died 1862 FENNER, Belton J, killed 26 June 1862 FLACK, Andrew D FLYNN, David P FOSTER, Alfred FOSTER, Henry F FREEMAN, John Mc, died 5 July 1863 FREEMAN, John M GOODE, Edward S GOODE, George W GRANT, Samuel B HAMRICK, John, died February 1862 in Raleigh HARRELL, Robert M HENDERSON, James F HENSLEY, Stephen A HICKS, C Greenberry HIGGINS, Mills A, killed 1 July 1863 at Gettysburg HILL, David N, died 20 April 1862 HUDGINS, James H HUNTER, Jonathan JARRELL, Doctor J JOHNSTON, Roland KEETER, George F, died 17 December 1862 at Guinea Station KEETER, George R, killed 27 June 1862 at Gaines Mill KEETER, Henry Clay, wounded at Gettysburg KOONE, Noah (Noah is buried in the Point Lookout Cemetery.) LAWRENCE, Francis C, died March 1862 at Hamilton LEDBETTER, John W, died of "diarrhoea" LEDBETTER, William O, died of wounds at Chancellorsville LONDON, Henry LYNCH, Alijah O LYNCH, H P MCARTHUR, John B, died 4 April 1863 in Rutherford County, NC MCARTHUR, Thomas MCBRAYER, Lorenzo N, died of wounds at Chancellorsville MCCALL, William O MCFADDEN, John L MELTON, Joseph MILLER, James A MILLER, Martin P, died of wounds received at Fraziers Farm MILLER, W H, killed 26 June 1862 at Mechanicsville MITCHELL, Henderson G NANNEY, Drury D NANNEY, Elbert, died March 1862 at Hamilton, NC NANNEY, James A, died January 1862 in Raleigh, NC NANNEY, Nicholas NELSON, William OLLIS, J B PRESNELL, James PRESNELL, John C RADFORD, Shadrach ROBERTS, William G B ROBERTSON, Alfred ROBERTSON, Thomas SAIN, Elijah, reported missing 28 May 1864 SCOGGINS, James SCOGGINS, William W SHYTLE, Esley SHYTLE, Jeremiah, buried Chimney Rock, NC SHYTLE, Martin L, died of wounds received at Chancellorsville SHYTLE, Phillip SIMMS, Doctor L, died in Rutherford County SISH, John, died June 1862 at Raleigh, NC SORRELL, William STEADMAN, Townsend TANNER, Belton O, killed 27 June 1862 at Gaines Mill TAYLOR, J J TAYLOR, Jonathan C, died at Raleigh, NC TERRELL, William A THOMAS, James F, killed at Chancellorsville TOMS, John C, died of wounds near Richmond TOWERY, Aaron Mc, died at High Point, NC TWITTY, William L WALLACE, Alonzo C, killed 27 June 1862 at Gaines Mill WATKINS, William T WEBB, Gilbert, died February 1862 at Goldsboro WEBB, Patillo WEEKS, William, wounded at Chancellorsville WHITESIDE, Aaron W, killed 1 September 1862 at Ox Hill WHITESIDE, J E, died at Goldsboro, NC WHITESIDE, James W WHITESIDE, John L WHITESIDE, N H P WILKERSON, James, killed 3 may 1863 at Chancellorsville WILKIE, Lorenzo T WILKIE, Thomas L WILLIAMS, Harvey C, died in Raleigh, NC WILLIAMS, John L WILSON, John J WILSON, Joseph YANCEY, John G
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