67th North Carolina Infantry COMPANY B. OFFICERS. Stephen Barrington, Captain, cm. June 25th, '61;. Craven co. Thomas H. Gaskins, lst Lieutenant, cm, December 1st, '62; Craven co. Joseph N. Myers, 2d Lieutenaut, cm. December 1st, '61: Craven co. Nathan Mirks, 2d Lieutenant, cm, July Ist, '61; Craven co. Nathan Hooker, 2d Lieutenant, cm. March 28th, '63; Craven Co, Jolhn W, Aldridge, 2d Lieutenant, cm. Nov. 28th, '63; Craven co.; p. from Sergt. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. John W. Aldridge, 1st Sergeant, e, July 6th, '61; Craven co,; p, T. T. West, 2d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '62; Craven co. W, E. Chenlett, 3d Sergeant, e. Augast 1st, '61; Craven co. C. S. Nixon,.4th Sergeant, e. June 25th, '61; Craven co. L. Nixon, 5th Sergeant, e. March 16th, '62; Craven co. Edward A. Kilpatrick, 1st Corporal, e, Angust 10tb, '61; Craven co. Benjamin R. Williams, 2d Corporal, e. June 26th, '61; Craven co. John H. Powers,.3d Corporal, e. July 1st, '61;. Craven. co. William Pitt, 4th Corporal; Craven co; PRIVATES. Arnold, William W., e; March 6th, '62; Craven co. Andrews, Levi B., e. September 2d; '62;, Craven co. Alexander, Solomon M.; Craven co. Burch, Henry it., e. June 25th, '62; Craven co; Brinson, William H., e. January 1st, '61: Craven co, Barrington, William B., e. July 8th, '63; Craven co. Brinson, David H., e. July 25th, 6l : Craven co. Carmuda, James M., e. Augnst 9th, '61; Craven co.. Cole, Charles, e. September 19th, '62; Craven co. Cuthrell, B. F., e. Angust 1st, '61; Craven co. Culwin, Nathan, e. Angust 20th, '61; Craven co.. Dixon, Hasten, e. June 25th,'62;. Craven; co. Dunghety, J. D., e. August 19th.'62; Craven co. P135 Edwards, B. F., e. May 1st. '62: Craven co. Edwards, W. S.. e. May 1st, '63; Craven co, Griffin, J. e. January 1st. '62; Craven co. Howard, Frank, e. June 27th, '62; Craven co. Hodges. M. L. e. Aptil 10th, '61; Craven co. Hawkins, M. I. e. August 31st, '62; Craven co. Hawkins, F.. e. August 26th. '63; Craven co. Ivlin, Humphrey. e. Septeber 27th, '62; Craven co. Jones, Josiah, e. August. '61; Craven co. Jones, Samuel. e. August 8th, '63; Craven co. Keel, George W., e. April 23th, '63: Craven co. Keel, Benjamin H. e. April 25th, 62; Craven co. Kilpatrick, James L... e. March 1st, '62; Craven co. Lewis, Bryan W., e. September '63; Craven co. Lewis. Elias H., e. February lst, '62: Craven co. Morgan, Cyrus I, e. July 11th, '62; Craven co. Miller, James A.. e. June 28th. '63: Craven co. Miller, J. N. e. January 12th. '61; Graven co. McCotten, Joseph. e. July 6th. '6l: Craven co. Mclntosh. Henry. e. August 1st, '61: Craven co. Mclntosh, Forney, e. July 1st, '62: Craven co. Martin. James W. e. November 1st, '61; Craven co, Martin, Sumner, e. August 19th, '61: Craven co, Miller, Wm. H.. e. June 26th, '63; Craven co. Morris, Samuel D., e. January 1st, '64; Craven co. Morris. Wm. C.. e. January 10th, '61; Craven co. Muse, James, e. Jnne 25th, '62; Craven co. Myers. Thomas H. e. January 16th, '63; Craven co. Oxley, Augustus W. e. August 20th, '61; Craven co. Owen, James, e. July '10th, '61; Craven co. Povvell, George W. e. August 6th. '61;Craven co. Powell, Henry, e. September 4th, '61: Craven co. Powell, H. W., e. October 15th. '61; Craven co. Pittman, Henry L. e. January 1st, '63; Craven co. Paul, Stephen, e. August 20th. '61, Craven co. Rice, Gideon B.. e. Oclober 7th, '61; Craven co. Rouse, John W., e. August 1st,'61; Craven co. Rhem, John W. e. December 1st, '62; Craven co. Riggs, Irvin D.. e. June 25th, '61; Craven co. Rovve, Wiley A.. e June 26th, '61; Craven co. Squires, John, e. June 25th, '61; Craven co. Stilly, R. F., e. June 25th, '61; Craven co. Spain, Redmond, e. June 16th, '63: Craven co. Stilly, Stephen W., e. April 8th, '63; Craven co. Smith, Noah, e. May 1st. '62; Craven co. Smith, David C.. e. May 1st, '62; Craven co. Sawyer, John, e. October 7th, '61; Craven co. Swindell, David, e. April 25th, '63; Craven co. Teer, William. e. June 27th, '62; Craven co. Tingle, Andrew, e. January 1st, '63; Craren co. West, A. C. e. JuLy 4th, '61; Craven co, Whitehurst, H. C. e. September 25th, '62; Craven co. Williams, Charles, e. April 1st, '63; Craven co, Witherington, Knel, e. April lst, '63: Craven co. Whenston, George, e. July 1st, '61; Craven co. P. 136 Wise, S, J., e. June 20tH, '61; Craven co. Wolfenden, J. J., e. April 1st, '63; Craven co. Wilkes, S. R.,. e. April 25th, '63; Craven co. White, Edward J., e. May 1st, '62; Craven co. Winn, Henry, e. February 1st, '63.
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