Reunion at Statesville, Confederate Veterans of Iredell County 1898

    These pages are dedicated to the memory of all the men from North Carolina that fought in the Civil War.

    Reunion at Statesville, Confederate Veterans of Iredell County 1898
    The Statesville Landmark, August 26, 1898
    Note:  The names of the veterans were all listed at the end of the article, which 
    was torn, therefore, probably one fourth of them could not be reprinted below.
    The reunion of the Confederate soldiers of Iredell County under the auspices of 
    Colonel Reuben Campbell’s Camp 3394 last Saturday was the most successful 
    and altogether pleasing meeting that has been held in Statesville in a long time.
    Notwithstanding the fact that no set speeches were made and the number 
    present was not augmented by the presence of some noted speaker, the 
    occasion was a most delightful one.  What speeches were delivered were 
    delivered were spontaneous and owed their being to the inspiration of the hour.
    The gathering was called to order at the courthouse at 11;30 by Captain P.C. 
    Carlton, commander of Colonel Reuben Campbell’s Camp of Confederate 
    Veterans.  Captain Carlton in a short address made the old vets welcome.  
    The choir of the Presbyterian Church sang an anthem and then Dr. W.A. 
    Wood, the chaplain of the 4th N.C.R. led the men in prayer.
    Mr. B.F. Long read the address recently delivered by Major W.M. Robbins at 
    Gettysburg and then the theme and occasion enthusing him, poured forth 
    one of the most eloquent addresses that he, noted as he is, ever delivered. 
    It was received with great enthusiasm.
    Captain N.L. Shaw of the 17th Regiment, N.C. Infantry, made an eloquent 
    little talk followed by Dr. W.A. Wood.  It is not deemed necessary to say 
    that this enthusiastic old soldier made a beautiful address.  If there be a 
    more enthusiastic veteran in this state than Dr. Wood we have not read or 
    heard of him.  Every word he spoke was laden with deep and sincere love 
    that he feels towards the old Confederate veterans.  His knowledge of the 
    Confederate soldiers was gained on the battlefields, in the tents and hospitals, 
    among the living and the dead.  He knows what they suffered, what they 
    endured on the marches to the camps and on the battlefields.  He shared their 
    hopes, their fears, their joys and their pain; he was a full partner in their 
    disappointment and hand in hand he went with many of them to the border 
    land and the spirit of the departed could look back from the other side of the 
    river and see him administering the last rites to the cold clay.
    The meeting then adjourned to the grand jury room where a most appetizing 
    dinner had been spread by the Soldier’s Aid Society.  After full justice had 
    been done to the good things on the table, the old vets turned their attention 
    to the two wagon loads of watermelon and the feast was renewed.  After all 
    had eaten their full, two boxes of fragments were gathered up and sent by 
    wagons to the orphans at Barium.
    There were present one hundred ten old vets.  The heavy rains of the week 
    and consequent heavy roads prevented the attending of many who otherwise 
    would have been here.
    Immediately after the dinner, the vets lined up in front and were photographed 
    by Mr. Singleton.
    Following are the names and regiments of the veterans who were present.
    J.C. Kimball
    Second Cavalry:
    W.D. Phifer
    J.A. Hardin
    G.C. White
    A.D. Kestler
    Jas. Rickert
    Wilson Ramsey
    J.L. Waugh
    57th N.C. Infantry
    J.W. Haupe
    R.E. Beaver
    J.W. Thompson
    7th N.C. Infantry
    D.A. Perry
    G.L. Rankin
    G.W. Watts
    R.A.O. Morrison
    J.W. Guy
    W.M. Ramsey
    W.C. Mills
    J.E. Lipe
    E.K. Robbins
    4th N.C. Infantry
    Jas. L. Wallace
    J.C. Steele
    T.P. Gillespie
    C.D. Connor
    Columbus Kerr
    J.P. Burke
    T.M. Beard
    Plato Benfield
    W.J. Dillon
    R.B. Cook
    P.W. Bowles
    J.A. Ingram
    A.M. White
    48th N.C. Infantry
    R.C. Knox
    R.R. Leonard
    J.B. Jesey
    W.N. Lippard
    E.P. Rickert
    T.B. Moose
    A.C. Troutman
    D. Eller
    33rd N.C. Infantry
    G.W. Montgomery
    A.B. Howard
    R.A. Deal
    3rd N.C. Infantry
    J.A. Morrison
    H.B. Love
    42nd N.C. Infantry
    W.S. Eagle
    M. Fink
    D.R. Howard
    W.Y. Hair
    W.M. Dulin
    32nd N.C. Infantry
    J.S. Fry
    E.D. Fry
    J.H. Dillinger
    49th N.C. Infantry
    E.L. Freese
    R.A. Stone
    Note:  From here on the paper was torn, I was able to glean a few names, but not 
    the regiments—some names were torn off.
    M.M. Mills
    J.P. Stout
    W.A. Byers
    S.D. Moore
    W.M. Brewer
    J.P. Turner
    E.P. Scruggs, Lynch’s Battery(?)
    W.K. Evins, 8th Georgia Infantry
    E.E. Crockett, 3rd S.C. Cavalry
    J.N. Carter, 12th Virginia Infantry

    Transcribed by Christine Spencer May 2007

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