67th Regiment Co E

Charles A. White, Captain. cm. Feb. 10th, '63.

Joseph M White, Ist Lieutenant. cm. Feb. 10th.. '63.
Weekes H. Clark. 2d Lleutenant, cm. Feb. 10th, '63.
Lewis H. White. 2d Lientenant, cm. Feb. 10th, '63.


Robert N. Stanton, Ist Sergeant, e, January 15th, '63.
N. N. Hathaway, 2d Sergeant, e. January 15th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63.
Asa Barnes, 3d Sergeant, e. January 15th, '63.
Joseph H. Humphrey, 4th Sergeant. e. Januarv 1st, '63.
Alex. W. West, 5th Sergeant, e. January 10th, '63.
Wm. P. Nevvbern, 1st Corporal, e. January 1st, '63.
John H. Burney. 2d Corporal, e. January 10th. '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th. '63.
Evan E. Nobles, 3d Corporal, e. January 15th, '63.
James Ringgold, 4th Corporal. e. February 1st, '63.


Alexander, W. Paul, e. January Ist, '63,
Arnold, Joseph. e. June 15th, '63.
Arnold, BuIant. e, June 15th, '63,
Buck, Noah A., e. February 8th, '63,
Beddard, William. e. January 15th, 'G3.
Corbet, Allen. e. February 1st, '63,
Cowan, Allen. e. January 20th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25, '63.
Cox, Jesse A., e. January 15'th, '63.
Cox. Guilford, e. January 15th, '63:
Cox, Abram, e. September 1st, '63; pr. near haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63.
Cox,Archibald, e. June15th, '63.
Cannon, David, e, July 21st, '63. P. 139
Dixon, E. 0,. e. January 8th, '63.
Deal, Theophilus, e. January 15th, '63.
Edwards, Thomas M. e. January 15th, '63.
Ewell, Jas. J,. e. January 15th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63.
Emory, Wm., e, January 19th, '63; pr. near Hadclock's Cross Roads Nov, 25th, '63.
Edvvards. John A., e. June 25th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63.
Foust, S. B,, e, January 15th. '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63,
Frizzell, W. T.. e. January 1st, '63.
Filer, Basil. e. February 1st, .63: pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63.
Forbes, James H. e. August 18th, '63.
Gray, Alexander, e. January 16th,'63; pr. near Haddock:'s Cross Roads Nov. 25th. '63.
Gray, James H., e, January 15th, .6i
Gaskins, R. T.. e. January 1st, '61.
Griffin, C. M. e. January 19th. '63.
Hodge. Matthew, e. January 15th, '63.
Herrington, Joab, e. January 15th, '63.
Hudson, H. H. e. February 8th, '63.
Harris, James F., e. November 20th, '63.
Haddock, A., e. June 16th, '63: pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63.
Jackson, Major, e. January 15th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Poads November 25th, '63.
Jackson, John. e. Januayy 15th, '63.
Jackson, James S., e. February Ist, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63.
Jones, James, e. January 15th, '63
Laughinghouse, Forney. e. February 1st, '63.
Moore. Franklin, e. Januarv 15th, '63.
Manning, Green, e. May 1st. '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63.
McLawhorne, B. F., e. January 15th, '63.
McLavvhorne, Jonathan, e. February Ist. '63,
Mills, Jesse B., e. April 1st, '63.
Moye, James C., e. November 20th, '63.
McCotter, Robert B., e. May 20th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63.
Oxley, C. C., e. January 15th, '63.
Philllps.Thomas, e. November Ist, '63; tr. to Co. E, 67th Reg't.
Peyton, Oliver, e. January 15th, '63.
Pusser, Joshua, e. April 15th, '63.
Parramore, W. B., e. April 15th, '63: pr. nearr Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25 th. '63.
Page, Bartholomew. e. June 15th, '63.
Quinn. George W., e. January 20th, '63.
Quinn, B. W., e, May 11th, '63; tr.
Smith, Abner, e. January 1st, '63
Smith, D. C., e. January 1st, '63; pr, near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63.
Simmons, John A., e. January 15th, '63; pr, near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63.
Sloan, James R.. e, January 28th, '63.
Skeans, Jesse S.. e. January 20th, '63; pr, near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63.
Smith, Lewis W., e. February 1st, '63.
Smith, Robert, e. February 1st, '63.
Smith, Alfred, e. January 1st, '63.
Sutton, Jarnes R., e. April 14th, '63; pr. Nov. 25th, '63.
Stokes, Samuel, e. January 24th, '63.
Stokes, Thomas W.
Stokes, Edward, e.. November 1st, '63.
Tripp, Thomas, e. January 15th, '63.
Wingate, Henry. e. January. 1st, '63.
Wilson, Joseph, e. November 1st, '63.
Wilson, James, e. November 1st '63.
Williams, Joel, e. April 1st, '63.
Witherington, Alfred, e. June lst, 'G3.
Wilson, Robert W.
Williams, Thomas, e. January 1st, '63.

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