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Can you identify these Veterans? These pictures need identifying, if anyone can help please email me..
If you have pictures of a Veteran from the Civil War that you're eager to identify, you may send to me, Diane Siniard. I will add them in this section.
This photo was submitted by Samuel K Hines.
Can you identify which Samuel H Hines this is? We are trying to figure out exactly which one this is. Several years ago an older gentleman from Florida called me and then sent to me a picture of a Samuel H Hines which was taken in Richmond at Anderson photography, I believe his wife had died and he was going through her things The picture was apparently taken in the 1800s and even has a date but I cannot make out the actual year. I know that I am descended from a Samuel Hines but don't think it was Samuel H Hines. (My father indicated to me that there were twenty three different sets of Hines in North Carolina which had emigrated from Ireland to NC.) Since I may not be related to this Samuel, I would like to get this into the hands of a Hines who is.
This photo was submitted by David Wright Sure would like to identify this family. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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